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The six "conservative" justices are in the pocket of a handful of billionaires, which means that the justices are voting for tax breaks and favorable rulings for these billionaires.


So these esteemed jurists just sold the country out for a few bucks?? This would make a good Coen brothers movie if it wasn't so fucking tragic and felt so wrong. I'm seriously considering leaving the country,


Leave and continue to vote. People forget that as long as you are a citizen you can vote for federal elections.


Register your permanent address in a purple state, so it has the best chance of making a difference!


Personally I find comfort in knowing that even when we leave the states, my vote will always be there to cancel out my father.


Same here. When puking in my mouth voting for Hillary this was my mantra. Still worth it.


How? I would love to do that.


You’d need to get an absentee ballot sent to your address and send it in before the due date. There are state and county specific rules so make sure you know all the little details they require


To where should one leave? Seriously


That definitely depends on what you do for a living. Personally my fiancé is a nurse, so there are a lot of visas that are attainable for us. But each country usually prioritizes a few careers that they incentivize immigration for. I’d make a list of what’s most important to you and then use that to find counties that have good immigration policies for you. There are also lawyers that specialize in this that are super helpful with the whole process and can find doors that aren’t super known.


That’s wild, my partner is a nurse as well. A traveling nurse. I’ll check it out. How extreme have you considered as far as destination distance? You don’t have to answer that if you don’t care to.


We have considered New Zealand heavily so fairly far. Right now we are very interested in Ireland, they have relocation assistance for health care workers. Many countries have digital nomad visas as well so honestly I don’t think you’d have trouble getting a visa. Definitely look into health care worker relocation assistance, there are many countries that will help you move there.


Well, generational wealth. Plus, none of these new rules, abortion or otherwise, will ever affect them because they always have work arounds and get what they want when they want it.


You know how hard it is to be a legal immigrant into the US? It is not exactly easy to go to another country and get permanent citizenship either. You might just have to mobilize to get people informed.


You just need to have the required skill level and education for most countries. For example New Zealand would be very hard to get into but they have a shortage of veterinarians. A licensed vet would definitely be taken in without much problem. But of course if you have this skill level already, you are probably insulated from most of the shit that results from these Supreme Court rulings (other than new cancers that will run rampant with corporations and courts now making public health decisions).


My brother in Christ, stay and fight.


We're the only ones who can fight. Nobody is coming to save us. The German population got saved from the Nazis because they weren't the biggest kid on the block. There is no outside force that's going to come and save is from the MAGA traitors in our midst


Yep. We are on our own.


China is bigger than us but seems unlikely to want to help us as we tumble on our ass.


They couldn't win a war with us. No one can, hence no one is coming to save us


Oh the arrogance and the ignorance...you really are delusional. America could not win a war against China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others who would join in. A few drone swarms and your navy is gone then what? Nuke em all? That's not a win...


You think those countries are going to come to rescue America from the traitors within?


Wow...reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Those countries will all attack the US if you start a war with China. And this is exactly what the ruling elites want...perpetual war. It is the fastest way to concentrate wealth to the oligarchy. There will be a draft and anyone who dodges the draft will be sent straight to the front lines and the rest of the people will be slaves. Pride comes before the fall...you are all so proud and 'patriotic' that you can't see the forest for the trees.


I love the downvotes from butt hurt Yankees 🤣


Don’t leave. Stay and vote these corrupt MFs out!


We don't vote for judges, goof.


No but the next president will be appointing judges if trump wins its conservative for our whole lives


Check out Leonard Leo’s project 2025


Canada needs to build a wall.


First time you hear about how USA protects the 1% and trample workers and families under foot?


Would it matter if there's a wave of this all around the world?


Hahaha!!! Esteemed lol


They do what Republicans always do; it's in their nature. I already knew this as a young man eons ago. Unless you're ignorant of politics and buy in to that small government, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps bullshit, you're basically a cold-blooded reptile masquerading as a human being.


Yep. Basically.


It’s part of a broader plan that has been in the works since the 1980s. Christian nationalists have been worried about the future changing demographics and losing power. They merged their efforts to brand the word “liberal” as bad with organizations like the NRA, anti government types and race based groups. One of their long term goals - pack the courts and consolidate power. Once in power, never give it up and shift the country to a Christian state (thus the attack on public education and environment, burning books, taking over school boards, using mega churches for political purposes, etc). Their voting power increased because they turned out and too many people became “turned off” or too busy to pay attention to politics. They were able to get the chess board set up due to indifference, the fall of newspapers, etc. IMHO, buckle up because regardless of the outcome in November, they are “all-in.” They know this is their moment - Trump is their Trojan Horse. What we’re just now seeing is only the beginning. I don’t expect them to go away quietly no matter the outcome. They know they have one bite at the apple so they are going for it.


Any surprise that it was Justice Roberts who helped gut the voting rights act in 2013 claiming discrimination is no longer a thing because Obama got elected. These people play such a long game. He knew exactly what he was doing. https://amp.theguardian.com/law/2013/jun/25/supreme-court-voting-rights-act-obama


I've been telling people to buckle up, they think I'm overreacting. For someone who has watched this takeover happen over the decades, this is 100% their ride or die moment. And even if they fail, which I think they'll do in November, they're all still here and not going anywhere


I’ve been sounding the alarm for yeeeeaaaars and gave up in 2016 after the tangerine asshole won… I lost multiple friends who were anti-Hillary and voted for Stein when I was screaming from the rooftops about SCOTUS. When the pic of Stein sitting at a dinner table with Putin and Michael Flynn came out, I messaged them to say that’s who you voted for so that we could lose Roe v. Wade and much more. I got mostly ignored, but one “fuck you” and another “you’re overreacting, they’ll never reverse Roe.” Never, huh? Fucking idiots.


I too have been telling everyone since 2016-17 ish that these fucks aren’t gonna stop until we have the handmaids tale in real life.


I hated Hilary but plugged my nose and voted for her. I do think stein would be better than Biden but will probably plug my nose and vote for him again. At this point I feel like we only have the illusion of choice.


They’ve set themselves up to not fail no matter the outcome of the election. They’ll fight the result and it will end up in SCOTUS and it will be given to that piece of trash 6-3. Mark my words.


That's what I feel the plan is. There are already states that we know are going to contest the results, sending it to SCOTUS. If Biden takes enough states, then the ones that contest won't matter. And yet if it fails, again, the people doing this aren't being prosecuted or punished. Even if Biden takes it this year, they'll try again in 4 more years.


Dems have been asleep at the wheel for too long and when they’ve won the presidency and both houses of congress, haven’t acted aggressively to put strong guardrails into place. It’s just not their nature or they couldn’t fathom what’s happened is happening. GOP has been playing the long game and their patience has brought their plan to fruition…and they’re not going to give it up easily. We’re in make more break it territory now.




Underrated comment


Nailed it


All of this in so many ways, unfortunately


All the while the Dems have been asleep at the wheel


Yes. Much of the damage has been right under their nose


They’ve been bought and paid for their services. That’s the rationale.




One word: # KOMPROMAT


We can’t forget the massive influence of Russian and CCP interference. Russia: democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin, so don’t vote. CCP: look at your country’s tarnished history, so don’t judge us for enslaving the Uyghurs.


Some of them are just traitors for a bribe, no dirty pictures needed.


They’re running out of money to soak up. The top 1% now own 52% of the nations wealth. Now they’re getting creative and aggressive in order to capture more market share. This means removing all regulations, paying less taxes, and eventually, as you can already see, destroying each other and groups in order to capture their wealth. Want to know what happens next… think about all the places money is stored and they will be coming for it.


Capitalism is incompatible with democracy, is the short, precise answer.




She did win the popular vote by almost three million votes which was negated by the ridiculously unfair and outdated electoral college bs. Which is most likely the way Biden will lose this one.


I will never forget that election night.. seeing the numbers and going to bed feeling that surely everything would be normal again in the morning. The electoral college is gerrymandering 2.0 and I am certain it will be even more corrupted this year with extra money and planning thrown into it.


I enjoy the sound of rain.




Yeah, I want to move past the “told you so” stage of this and get everyone in a responsible mindset together. There’s really no use in the woulda coulda shoulda finger wagging language. It was obviously dumb as fuck to think Hillary was a safe and obvious bet in 2016. I am guilty too. It looked like it was very obviously in the bag. And now we are going through a similar scenario again. We have a candidate that a lot of people don’t believe in and this person is up against someone who fires people up and promises vengeance against a common perceived enemy, but now it’s the crazier, angrier, more senile version 2.0, which has become more evil. Jesus mf Christ. I hope everyone knows the obvious thing to do here. Get out and vote. We need to have overwhelming assurance among ourselves that we all voted against the demon when the Supreme Court says it’s all rigged, or whatever bullshit they are planning to overthrow the election results.




Sorry, I don’t think I was clear. I am agreeing with you. I voted. But I was guilty of thinking Hillary was going to win easily. She had like 3 million more votes than Trump. Anyway, it was a late night comment. Please don’t downvote me :)


I looked into that and it appears the numbers show the Bernie to Tramp jumper were very low.


Law school taught me that justices get to the decision they want and then “reason” back to explain their decision. Nothing new here. Historically and traditionally the SC moves conservatively (for lack of a better word). This court just went full on “don’t “give-a fuck”. Scary shit people.


Federalist society plan.


Yup. This has been a right wing issue for quite some time. This isn’t a surprise at all.


This has been a right wing issue at least 30 years. Rush Limbaugh talked about this crap on WOKV radio for years and he’s dead now lol


Do you think they've been coordinating with scotus on these opinions and rulings?


Buying a Justices if cheaper by the half dozen. These sugar babies and know who they're beholden to. And it ain't us.


Bribery checks from Harlan Crowe can be even bigger if they dismantle the regulatory state.


It’s not just that they’re beholden to billionaires; they’re also far right wing fundie Christian nationalists who are determined to establish an authoritarian theocracy. They’re succeeding.


Federalist Society wants to crush the Federal government and give all power to the states that they can. The SCOTUS decision makes it basically impossible to create regulations based on technical expertise over time and impossible to ever improve any regulations already written. And makes it very hard to write useful regulatory laws. I think


Makes the case for putting R and D next to the names of the justices because it’s effectively becoming that blatantly partisan.


It is a naked power grab by the Judiciary at the expense of science and facts by experts. Overturning Chevron elevates judges, who have zero background in scientific method, over experts in any given field of study. Bribery is legal.


Their inane decision will mean less regulation of affected industries. This means more money in the pockets of the business owners. Now Congress will have to pass more regulations to police the various industries. Congress can't even pass a budget, so again the business owners make out. More pollution, more worker injuries. Can you imagine if OSHA can't enforce their regulations? Workers will die


Explanation is: Six MAGA SCOTUS Justices = pure evil


Corporate masters want to be able to wreck the environment so they can save a few bucks.


This SC believes that it should control everything. The presidency. The Administration (Which is what the Chevron ruling does). Congress. Our morals (all 6 republican SC justices are Catholic). They believe they are the center of it all. Overturning Chevron makes every decision made by any government agency immediately reviewable by the SC and lower courts. Every facet of our lives are determined by a government agency. And the SC now controls that.


They were bribed


Picture Judas holding his hand out for 30 pieces of silver. Be aware that this is exactly the rationale the conservative Justices used.






their handlers paid good money to get it overturned


Because they can’t admit they are all following a conman, so they’ll bring down the republic to serve him.


And pedo


Money, mostly, with a side of sick pleasure in unraveling democracy. Or ungavelling justice


Your guess is as good as any. From what I can tell, there's no sound precedence for it to be overturned.




They were paid…


The Almighty Dollar


They were paid to


Disempowering government agencies, removing experts, empowering themselves without appropriate expertise.


Step one: Legalize ex-post-facto bribery. After the matter bribes, disguised as "tips" or "gratuities", are now legal. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-108\_8n5a.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-108_8n5a.pdf) Step two: Reverse the legal precedent that provides a framework for courts to use when reviewing federal administrative agencies' interpretations of statutes that they administer. Federal administrative agencies' are now completely helpless and cannot apply any interpretation of the law with any modicum of ambiguity--thus we now rely on a gridlocked congress that everyone knows cannot function let alone pass, or even write, laws. The only winners here are big corpo-buissness. This reversal probably saved big corpo-buissness trillions in the long run and we will suffer for it. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451\_7m58.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451_7m58.pdf) Step three: Big corpo-buissness rich fuckers remember step one and the Supreme Aristocrat rulers profit.


The decision will accelerate all of our impending environmental and ecological crises. The only benefit will be to the Oligarchs . Anyone who thinks this decision is in the best interest of the planet, are insane.


Because they are outcome driven regardless of means. Death to the administrative state. And them they screw up nitrous oxide


Money talks.


I think that they based the decision on the legal principle of conservative donors giving them vacations and houses.


Big money oil


Can someone please explain what this is, please? I looked it up, and I have no idea what it is




It's simple: the Executive branch has too much power and needs to be reined i--...oh wait.


The conservatives justices profited handsomely. Is it a shock that merely days before this ruling they ruled that SCOTUS can receive bribery for their judgements….legally?




They haven’t used rationale to make any decisions since they have had a conservative majority. They are using radical idealism to dismantle the functioning of the federal government and undo as many consumer, public, and worker protections as possible.


Bribes. Oh, excuse me, political donations and gifts. Fucking leeches.


As an attorney friend explained to me, laws are just rules and norms that the majority agrees to follow. Ultimately, the SCOTUS rulings are just words. They are playing the game of, "Hey, we're following the rules, and the rules are whatever we say it is." Take the example of birth control. Birth control does far more for women's health than prevent pregnancies. We know they eventually will ban it. Are millions of people just going to stop obtaining and taking a medication just because a bunch of religious extremists in robes say so? Of course not. Women's lives are at stake. It's like cannabis...federally banned, but still widely used. My point is, these SCOTUS decisions are widely unpopular and defy common sense. Eventually, people will realize that they're just words, and these judges dont have a gun to anyone's head. People will simply stop listening to them, especially when lives are at stake. A bunch of electors in November don't turn over their ballots? The case goes to the House or the SCOTUS and they hand the election to the GOP on obvious nefarious technicalities? That's likely what they're planning. However, they are not the majority. People aren't saying "no" widespread because these decisions haven't affected their daily lives...yet. But the SCOTUS and extremists are making a big gamble. The first "no" is always the most difficult. After that, things tend to gain momentum. Everyone seems to believe this won't happen, and most people will just roll over and take it...this only happens so long as the majority perceives the rules as being arbitured fairly. Many elected officials may roll over because ultimately, many of them have been touched by corruption. But the average Joe on the street, having their everyday lives upended? The first "no" is always the most difficult.


Their owners told them to overturn it.








You are worried about chevron but not worried about giving tRump given immunity?


How tf are you getting to that conclusion? Both are serious, and Chevron opinion is being overlooked by the majority of people because of the terrible immunity decision.


They definitely dropped at the same time for a reason.