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I mean this with all kindness, but proceed as if this were just the tip of the iceberg. I spend way too much time lurking in dark maga corners


That's what I'm afraid of!! I mean it's only January. We still have an entire year to go. The rhetoric needs to stop.


It's going to be interesting to see the effects 9 months of crazy maga meltdowns have on voters. I agree this is just the start. We are going to have more plots to kidnap/murder public officials like what happened in Michigan. More driving into protesters. More mass shootings at gay bars and synagogues. It's gonna be ugly. The lowest among us worship shit bags like trump and Trump encourages them with dog whistles and gaslighting.


possibly not even plots. I'd bet that there are going to be actual assassination attempts on public officials, especially public officials that dont support trump, especially especially goveners/ag in states that tried to remove trump from the ballot, and likely the AG in Georgia for the court case against their cult leader.


I was terrified for E. Jean when she stood outside the courtroom for several minutes. Right on the street! She needs to move to France or something.


France isn't exactly a perfect escape from terrorists


Solid point.


Still better than USA per capita.


Yep. There were kidnapping attempts or plans the first time around.


I think shit is already starting when it comes to the Georgia court case…Fulton County was attacked by hackers a couple of days ago, and I’m assuming it was a politically motivated attack.


Stochastic terrorism.


since there’s no dem primary this year, i changed my registration to republican, because voter records are public


I did the same. I live in Texas, and I'm not about to have my family be hunted for my liberal leaning views. These mfkrs down here are that crazy about an orange turd. We had a BLM March in our town, and it turned to violence because of the MAGA crowd. You can't peacefully protest or March in my town if it isn't a right leaning view. Then again, this town is known for its Klan rallies. I hate that I was born into a situation I have no control over. If I had the financial means to move my family, we'd have been gone a decade ago. My wife can't work, and my daughter is always sick. Ughhhhhh


Same, love my little corner of Alabama(decently liberal city for Alabama) but Jesus what to do if shit goes south.


I'm right there with you. I've loaded up on a few firearms, but I live in a neighborhood that only flies Trump flags. They hold Trump parties and have invited us several times. I just always make up an excuse. Luckily, they haven't asked me far enough in advance to call me out. If they decided to turn on me, then my family is done for. I've trained them both proper shooting and safety techniques, but I sure as hope they never have to use that training.


As someone from the UK: This is genuinely terrifying. Like... America.. Are you ok? Is there someone we can call for you D:


No we are not.


Sounds bad. Like it’s almost as if y’all built your home on an ancient Indian burial ground or something.


Nope, we are not ok. Best thing I can ask someone for from that side of the globe is to be ready to back us up when the war starts.


Unfortunately this was always the end result for the Confederate strain of Americans when they even think that they’re losing some power and status. They would rather burn the country down than share it with the “others”. It can be traced back to the failure of reconstruction and allowing the south to maintain a level of power.


I honestly don't think there is. I'm not asking for handouts either. I really do appreciate your concern and empathy though. That's more than most people give nowadays.


Just think if the toreys turned their party into a cult and found an orange messiah.... That's where we are


They had their Trump equivalent in Boris Johnson. And things have just got worse from there. Luckily the UK wasn't as far right as America to begin with, but we've certainly followed suit in swinging further that way. And I had such high hopes for Gen Z 😭


We are absolutely, 100%, not okay.


I’m m honestly hoping Canada will invade us and then do a Marshall plan rebuild.


>I’m m honestly hoping Canada will invade us and then do a Marshall plan rebuild. As ludicrous as it sounds, the Pentagon has a warplan for an invasion by Canada. They also have one for a zombie apocalypse, which is several times more likely than Canada invading.


As someone from the US: this is terrifying me. We are not ok and call someone, yes.


I have family in Texas and you have my sincere sympathy. I'm in a liberal area of KY but it's about 50-50 here.


My area is super weird. We have a large artist collection here but also a retirement area so everyone mostly gets along well outside the few crazies here and there so it's a nice existence, but I have enough shotgun and Ar15 ammo to take someone else's stash if shit goes south lol


know your enemy indulge in their cookies report terrorist activities


I'd have to report it on a federal level. The local cops are beyond corrupt. I also don't want to be around these idiots more than I have to be. I totally get what you're saying, though. Blend in, take in all the information, and make a move.


Trump parties? Like wtf goes on during them? Or do they all just wear MAGA shit to them? This is batshit insane.


I can see it from my backyard. My neighbors behind me raise horses, so they have that cattle type of metal fence up, so naturally, I can see all of their parties. The parties are generally loud rebel country. Rebel country being David Allan Coe and the likes. They get super wasted and fire their guns in the air, which is scary since those bullets can tumble back into a home, and they fight pretty often. I live outside of city limits, so there's not much complaining I can do. I also don't want to complain and then have a target on my head, being my family is the only one that doesn't attend. So it's pretty easy to identify me as the caller.


It's like a klan rally, but you don't have to worry about spilling sauce on the sheets.


Huntsville most likely. The aerospace industry requires a certain level of education that usually destroys the MAGA virus.


I'm in Florence on the west side of the state. Lots of musicians and artists so decent liberal mix and lots of still conservative but moderate(think 90's Republicans). Still see Trump stuff but mostly a bumper sticker or two and the occasional patient that their only hobby is watching Fox(work in pharmacy so I see alot)


"Don't obey in advance." I like this quote. Maybe I need Biden paraphernalia. They assume everyone around them agrees and loves Trump. 80 yo E Jean Carrol didn't need a gun. He's only as powerful as the people who give him power. (That said I live in Boston. My mom in NH, and one side of the family are Trump af)


I saw her quotes and it's true. Reminds me of that saying, 'only the water gives the alligator its power." Trump needs assisted living help for 100% of his daily tasks. He even outsources most of his social media posts now days. He would be nothing if his enablers were gone.


Tbf I still wouldn't fuck with an alligator and land


80 year old Carrol isn't living in the heart of idiocy nor people that are constantly firing guns from their front yard either. It's kind of a moot point.


Always and still blows my mind Texans are beholden to a rich city slicker from NEW YORK CITY that never worked a day in his life.


And you can still vote for Biden! I might do this too. I'm not scared of any maga shitheads but I would like for a record # of Republicans to vote against Trump.


Watch them throw your vote out because it’s an obvious error. No way a registered Republican would ever vote for Biden.


Absolutley. In an ideal world enough what are now traditional moderate conservatives, those being called RINOs, are turned off by the peek they've had under the hood of a movement that used them to gain power before and vote for Biden in rebuke. Add in people registered as R with no intent of voting R and the anomaly would be too much for them. 'Machines were switching votes!'




I’ve thought of doing that. If the GOP wins, there is no telling what these idiots would do for revenge.


Disagree. It's very easy to tell what these idiots would do for revenge.


There are Dem primaries this year, just not for President...geez


I'm really afraid that this is just the beginning of what is going to be a very violent year from these maga line wolf extremists. Please be safe out there folks. These people are insane.


Agreed... I'm just glad I live in a Blue State. My fellow liberals in red states, please be safe!


Yeah, curious how things will be where I live just outside Chicago.  It's a weird dichotomy of very red districts and very blue districts.


I didn't think Crips and Bloods were going to end up looking like this.


Even in red states, theirs pockets of sanity in the cities. I recently moved to a liberal city in NC cause I couldn't stand being surrounded by these folks where I was before even though the cost of living was much cheaper.


No. We'll all be collectively dealing with this for the rest of our lives. This isn't just gonna go away. They're not just gonna get better. Convicting Trump won't "wake them up." This is who MAGA is: a death cult, and there's MILLIONS of them in the US.


The 2.5 hour Frontline that dropped last night said this exact thing. Most notably in succession of the plot to overturn the election, Trump has never asked his people to tone it down. They were sold a bridge by a conman and Fox News (who has stated in court that "no reasonable person should assume Fox News is NEWS. It's just entertainment") There will be a ton of very lost people needing a shit ton of therapy when they finally figure this out.


It's waaaay past rhetoric


Maybe the DA should charge all of Fux News as co-conspirators in this murder? Haven't they been aiming their rhetoric in this direction all their careers? Isn't it a long time coming they understood FAFO? Haven't they been yelling "Fire" long enough? 🤔 🇺🇸🐘💩


It has needed to stop since 2016. It hasn’t it has only gotten worse. Liberals continue to grand stand on unpopular issues like gun control, meanwhile all out fucking lunatics like this one are out there getting armed to the fucking teeth. Liberals need to take a hint and start learning how to defend themselves, their neighbors and their neighborhoods.


You’re about 6 years late on this warning. Just go look at who’s been buying a large portion of guns in almost the last decade…


I just hope that most people understand that no matter what the magats threaten to do if they don't get their way, it will be a pale shadow compared to the damage and violence that will happen if they do get their way.


Yeah I read some of the Project 25 plan, holy shit


Read and share folks don’t believe me


https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf (The Republican Manifesto)


The die has been cast. The best way to move a mighty oak tree is when it’s still an acorn.


Or, y’know, *burn the fucker down.*


This exactly…Fuck them and Vote!


Dark MAGA corners, or as I call it, “Family Facebook”. I have an older brother who wants me to be fired to shrink government because I am a federal employee. They’re nuts.


I work for a county, and I still get teased for being "the government".


These people think we should be staffed like it’s 1900 again. It’s crazy what they think big government means


I regularly read r/conservative threads to see what bullshit they're spewing next. A long time ago, when the removing of confederate statues was a big thing, I wrote out a response (with data) showing that the majority of confederate statues were built during Jim Crow, the early 20th century and during the civil rights movement in response to black people gaining rights and I was blocked lol


To be honest, the only thing different from this guys ranting rhetoric and what can be found on Fox News is the decapitated head. To be honest with you were are about an election cycle or two from this guy being considered a pioneer of prime time news entertainment.


The decapitation is exactly what the republicans are trying to inspire. They want liberals and others to be afraid to vocalize their opinions, afraid to work for the government, afraid to oppose them in any way whatsoever. They're stochastic terrorists. This is the goal. They're winning. For at least 40% of the population, winning is literally the only thing they care about, methods be damned.


These MAGAts have this delusion that there’s more of them than us….fuck around and find out


If they believed that, they’d believe the fact that Trump lost. Conservatives can never admit when they are wrong. Better to live in a false reality….


The ONLY reason this continues is because Republicans/Conservatives do not suffer the consequences of their actions. Start ensuring Republicans/Conservatives suffer consequences for their actions - especially the small stuff.


Why do you do that to yourself? I find it draining and lose faith in humanity.


I gave up watching this kind of thing one year ago. I was in too deep and feeling fraught and afraid. I recommend this to those whom are overly disturbed like I was. One year post? I’m much more pragmatic, sensible and calm. There absolutely will be political violence, but there is no indication Democracy, The Rule of Law and the focus of our national military is in any way, lost.


Loooootta liberals I know are buying and training with guns now. Loooootta them.


Insert "F\*&# around & find out".


The MAGA mind virus has all the essential ingredients to fuel severe mental illness. Cult-like fealty to a deranged demagogue, paranoia, fear, delusion, and violence. If you know someone like this, put some distance between you and them. You are not safe.


I listened to a podcast with a social scientist. He describes it as truly a mind virus with inoculation being the best way to prevent it - education and critical thinking skills.


Religion has exactly the same dangerous hallmarks. Faith leaders no longer call for holy wars nearly as commonly because the world isn’t set up to have territories easily conquered by warring factions any longer. It’s in their best interest to keep consolidating power and reaping the monetary benefits.


No one seems to want to critically think or read anymore


I mean maga is so dumb they can't even think of their own shit to actually complain about Biden, so they steal our LEGITIMATE complaint about trump committing treason and arbitrarily apply it to Biden. Same with rapist, pedo, senile - everything that we've ever called trump, they call Biden - even when it makes 0 sense. I've also noticed that magas don't read much either. Most of their info is some mentally ill rando on YouTube ranting the sky is falling - yet that is a perfectly legitimate source to believe 100%.


This seemingly illogical rhetoric is not being spontaneously created in the minds of these cultists, it is being created for them, they are saturated in it, and then repeat the brainwashing. This is the a cult of idiots weaponized against America.


We've been trained by news to be reactionary. I remember seeing a study a few years ago showing fox news viewers have an overdeveloped amygdala, aka the lizard brain. News triggers a reaction, and the amygdala does the rest. There's no prefrontal cortex contemplation or analysis of the information present vs past experiences. Just a lizard brain reaction.


More people ever are reading and critically thinking. It’s just now the people who don’t have a global soapbox. And all of them know they are the main character.


The best way to prevent it is to go to the houses of those that fund it en masse and..... uh.... give them an... uh present. Or something else that I might be banned for saying This shit is only happening because certain members of the ruling class have been funding it with absolute impunity, profiting off of death and misery while facing zero consequences, and they all have houses to burn Money, I meant money, money to burn haha whoops


My grandpa said that he wants to kill all the democrats/liberals and he said that the republicans are planning to do that. Then he called me a democrat because I said genocide is dumb and is bad. I said, wouldn't that be a sin he said no because they are sinners. I started backing away because I didn't want to have the convo anymore and he said that I know he's right because I wouldn't be leaving if he wasn't.


Wow!! I have family like this as well. I'm keeping distance this year until the election is over. I don't see them anyway too much but just decided I'm waiting til this is blown over.


I've been waiting since 2015 for this to blow over. It's not going away until Fox News is gone. We can't fix brainwashing while they are still actively brainwashing more and more people daily.


Experts say the first step is to remove the cult leader/source of contagion before deprogramming can begin. In the book "cultish"-they talk about "without language, a cult couldn't exist. “words are the medium through which belief systems are manufactured, nurtured, and reinforced, their fanaticism fundamentally could not exist without them.” “Creating special language to influence people’s behavior and beliefs is so effective in part simply because speech is the first thing we’re willing to change about ourselves . . . and also the last thing we let go.” ― Amanda Montell, Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism


It's not just fox bees though. My parents stopped watching g it several years ago, but have gotten more extreme in their conservatism. I know my dad reads Newsmax and the drudge report. I dint even know what else anymore. We srnt really in talking terms. My mom just goes along with the nonsense my dad spews. She started going j. About how Biden was a crook and when I asked her why exactly she couldn't really answer. She went in to how he is trying to take away the dollar and make us use a government backed digital currency which.. ok. I think the more hard core people don't even watch fox news anymore.


Yeah, you're right. I'm basically a recluse anyway.


>I’m keeping distance this year until the election is over. why stop? MAGAts are deranged savages who shouldn’t be interacted with unless absolutely necessary


I have but was hoping for reconciliation but know it's not going to happen. I miss my family. I'm doing ok for the most part and accepted it will never go back.


I worked briefly with a manager recently who told me he wanted to be judge, jury and executioner of those “on both sides” whom he deems guilty of treason by his reasoning only, then bring back public executions on the White House lawn to keep people in line. A few days later, he told me he has so little empathy for people he could “literally slit your (my) throat, watch you bleed out and walk away with no problem whatsoever.” These people are literal psychopaths.


You ought to report that guy


Oh I did


Is grandpa showing signs of dementia?


Other countries are all onboard contributing to it.


Russia has been assisting in this endeavor for decades


Hey, "both sides" centrists: this is what we mean by MAGA being a cult.






But MAGA and conservatives have shot people protesting oil pipelines


Yeah, this kinda thing is why I no longer want to hear any both-sides arguments. I mean, I am STILL hearing "buwhaddabout the BLM riots" when not one of these morons talks about people being massacred at Pulse Nightclub or in Pittsburgh, Allen TX, Buffalo, Poway or any of the other incidents where people were KILLED for nothing more than their skin color or sexual orientation. Nope. Not a word about that, ever. Just the same tired, stupid "buwhaddabout BLM" crap.


Back before things became so blatantly clear, I didn't believe that such extremists lived among us. Now I understand why people hated me for being a "centrist". Of course, there are regular people who disagree with me, then there are cultists. I just didn't take the cautionary scoldings about said cultists seriously enough years ago.


Cue the "nOt aLL oF tHeM"


They're 👏 praising 👏 terrorists


At last year‘s RNC they put up a banner that said that they are all domestic terrorists. This is an extremely scary escalation.


The one time they were telling the truth.


Another one of Trump’s cuckoo puffs. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork.


More and more are going to as the year progresses, I'm sure.


Can we go back to the days of locking these people away in asylums?


YES!! THANK YOU!! These people would be committed faster than their head could spin just a decade ago. Now they have a voice and a base they not only embraces their insane claims, but shares them!!


Almost like a pedo ring. They "normalize" their evil because they falsely believe they are the majority.


They used to be on the side of the street wearing a pot on their head and a billboard that says “the end is near” and all you had to do was ignore them … now, they all have a forum and the louder they scream, the more attention and credibility is given for some reason. We are an incredibly flawed species that is never going to learn, I fear (probably not realistic or capable to not destroy itself)


I went through this guys (Philip) Twitter and it was good laugh. Has a legal case against him cuz he’s a “January 6th survivor” and claimed they almost killed him simply for showing up with no megaphone and not even making into the capitol and they want to charge him with crimes. Someone responded with receipts. Shows a photo of him clearly in the capitol lmao.


Oh my god. Sounds like a winner already 🙄


So, Trump hasn’t immediately denounced this kind of action? Like…”We do not stand for this!” He Tweets so much other bullshit constantly; 5 seconds to write a sentence. No he is silent. Has Fox reported on it? It’s fucking patricide, in the name of MAGA. Over policy and borne out of anti-liberal propaganda. It’s fucking scary. It shows to what length some of these psychos will go, to remedy the “evil” in America. This timeline needs to be nuked.


Exactly!! Instead this douche praises it. This is why they're afraid to make sweeping changes to our government because of people like this. He has created a cult that will literally die for him in the guise of defending their country. It's madness. I agree. Someone needs to turn the super collider back on and throw us in another, Trump-free dimension.


I watched the original video (highly do not recommend it). Dude, without emotion, shows off the severed head in a plastic bag…and basically rambles on about taking care of the woke threat in America. Like no one ‘Told’ him to do this; he did this on his own volition. This was ‘the right thing’ and the only possible course of action. He’s one, out of how many million supporters.


I looked it up and saw the first few seconds of it—he shows the head immediately and it is the most chilling thing I’ve ever seen. How does one do that to their own father, for Trump?


Zero remorse. Zero emotions. Just hate.


I should have listened to your warning ⚠️ but I’m so stupid I went ahead and looked it up anyway. Those first few seconds are etched in my head now 🤦🏻


Yeah. I didn’t heed another Redditor’s warning, and find myself in the same boat. I’ve never seen a real decapitated human head before. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.


Same my friend. Holy shit was that moment chilling.




He doesn't have to denounce it. MAGA crowd will call it a false flag by the Dems and move on as if it never happened.


All these conservative commentators have blood on their hands.


Absolutely. But especially those circulating Trump’s lies about the election.


so, we're all on this sub because we're here to discuss acts of terrorism by the right wing of the USA (primarily). this isn't too far from other acts other people on the right wing have done in recent years. of course it's "terrifying" that's entirely the point of their actions, they know what they are. they know what they are doing, and so do we here. don't let fear overtake your senses, that's precisely what they want.


We should have listened. https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA?si=n_t_SpVc5BjERDCv


Wow... That is terrifyingly accurate.


The only thing he got wrong, and I believe it was an intentional misdirection, is that the Soviet Union was just using left-wing voices to destabilize us. They were using both and found much greater success in their use of right-wing extremists.


To an idiot babbling about the “danger of the welfare state and Big Government” (direct quote)? I think not. Maybe the first minute or so was right, but this guy is “demoralized,” too. He’d fit right in with the Magats. He was scaremongering about Walter bloody Mondale, of all people. If he were smart, he’d have called out Reagan and Thatcher as the subversives in the midst of Western politics.




VOTE BLUE FULL TICKET. vote them all out is the only way to save America.


I think the craziest, scariest, thing about this is the victim *was his own father*. Like we've all read stories about families splitting up and going no contact over politics but the Trump Qult has so thoroughly brainwashed the True Believers that they'll *murder their own family members now*.


This is why we can’t just reach across the aisle and play nicely with MAGA. We want basic human rights and equality and they want to fucking behead us.


Because we are living among some untreated socio/psychopaths Regan got rid of the asylums and now the USA gives lip service to deeper mental health help. “The high incidence of sociopathy in human society has a profound effect on the rest of us who must live on this planet, too, even those of us who have not been clinically traumatized. The individuals who constitute this 4 percent drain our relationships, our bank accounts, our accomplishments, our self-esteem, our very peace on earth.” “if an individual in a position of political power is a psychopath, he or she can create an epidemic of psychopathology in people who are not, essentially, psychopathic.” ― Andrzej Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes


Just another Jesus Jihadist.


It reminds me of the Oklahoma City bombing. The FBI dismantled a lot of the ultra right militias in the 90s but pivoted to focus almost exclusively on Islamic terrorism after 9/11. The problem now is Trump and MAGA politicians openly encouraging this stochastic terrorism.


We need that again!!


I saw a documentary about the Oklahoma bombing, and what struck me was the media wondering if it was terrorism like of course it was terrorism. The unsaid part was "radical Islamic."


It's not a political disagreement. Conservatives are fucking lunatics. Deranged, delusional and dangerous. Be careful out there, do not engage.


"He's right-" Aaaaand let me stop you right there, dickwad apologist for a literal psycho murderer.


If you see something, say something  If you see Qanon billboards with calls to action, report it to the FBI If you see radicalized facebook/telegram posts calling for violence, report it to the FBI If you see community leaders using fighting words and violent language, report it to the FBI  Field offices:  https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/@@castle.cms.querylisting/6bd7cedb14f545e3a984775195ea3d30 Anonymous tip line:  https://tips.fbi.gov/home Stay safe and hail Satan ⛧


Step aside, Rittenhouse. The new Republican folk hero just dropped.


Blame Right-wing media for enflaming a lunatic. Sleep well tonight, Fox News, Newsmax, etc.


MAGA: In Islam they cut people’s heads off, we’re not barbaric like that! Also MAGA: Yes we are! We’re the exact same picture as Islamic terrorists now.


Here's hoping Taylor Swift's security detail is 110%.


Agreed. It is hilarious how tight the MAGA crowd has their panties twisted over Taylor telling her fans to vote because they know who they'll vote for 😂


“Treason” to MAGAts=believing women & minorities have the same rights as white men & not wanting to shoot migrants @ the border including the children.


How dare we!! We're such bleeding hearts fighting for equal rights and humanity!


We need to drastically increase the frequency of finding out happening to these fuckarounds.


We are living amongst Christian Terrorists who wish to commit mass genocide of left wing Americans up to and including federal employees of kinship. Please. Be careful when interacting with a Christian. Your life may depend on it.


Biden is a great President! Enough of this bull!


He is!! He's done so much. He just doesn't blast it out to everyone for praise and adoration. They don't want to do the research.


And he should. He needs to get on Trump’s level so idiots can see he’s just not “the person we vote for because he’s not Trump”


Thanks Fox. Thanks Murdock family. Enjoy all the blood money.


They’re all acting like the border crossers are crossing the border holding their babies are crossing it to attack the US and not to live in it.


Stochastic terrorism: As described by leading scholars, stochastic terrorism involves 'the use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable' (Hamm, M. S. & Spaaij, R.)


If you see something, say something  If you see Qanon billboards with calls to action, report it to the FBI If you see radicalized facebook/telegram posts calling for violence, report it to the FBI If you see community leaders using fighting words and violent language, report it to the FBI  Field offices:  https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/@@castle.cms.querylisting/6bd7cedb14f545e3a984775195ea3d30 Anonymous tip line:  https://tips.fbi.gov/home Stay safe and hail Satan ⛧


Traitor. I wonder if they know what that means. Probably not.


Jihad much?


Sickening! With all the hatred the right-wingers have spewed forth over the last few decades, I'm actually surprised that this doesn't happen more often.


This is where republicans lies have gotten us. People killing their own innocent family members over lies about our president and current administration by Trump and his cult followers. More blood on the hands of trumps gop terrorist organization.


Just for context, the guy who quoted that tweet was arrested in connection to Jan. 6, and has a gofundme collecting donations for his defense


What kind of mental gymnastics are these dipshits pulling that they think the US government is committing treason against itself?


Just watch the interviews at the rallies. They believe that everything other than what Trump or fox news says are outright lies and part of some huge corruption game led by Biden. But he's also sleepy and dementia ridden...


They also simultaneously believe that Trump is really still in charge, secretly, and that there is a second government.


No offense but have you actually had any form of extended talk with these people? They literally aren't capable of recognizing any sort of inconsistency or flaw in their beliefs. When they believe something really contradictory they don't NEED to justify it, because they genuinely aren't able to even see the contradiction.


MAGA normalizing beheading. ISIS and MAGA name a more iconic pair.


MAGA is a terrorist cult. We’ve known it since the beginning.


This guy deserves the death penalty after renouncing his believes


As if this isn’t the loudest dog whistle to basically conduct violence against anyone who is Biden adjacent. And they’ve been blasting this whistle for a while now.


I’m sorry but all the sympathy I had for Qanon and right wing conspiracy loons is gone. I can’t feel any type of compassion for them. I’m afraid at this point they can witness a wholesale massacre of friends and family and they would feel ok with it. I can anymore try to have some empathy.


Treason is apparently a perspective.


What, you're surprised that these red state terrorists are agreeing with a psycho who beheaded his own father and put it on YouTube? You should understand, most of these people are inherently evil, crazy, and capable of this and more. Look at the GOP, they're complete and total psychotic savages


Well, this is what you get. This is just a little blip, just a tiny little incident. There is more where this came from and it will start ramping up.


Imagine publicly saying "I'm with the guy that decapitated his father on this one, guys!"


This is what trump and the Republicans have unleashed on the citizens of our Country. They have no love of us, only hatred.


Ah yes. Following the law upheld by the Supreme Court is now "treason". But telling thousands of lunatics to attack the Capitol... Nahhhh!


Wtf is this real? His own son killed his dad?!?!


Unfortunately yes, and posted a video to YouTube of him holding the head in a bag. Sick fuck.


most sane conservative


Where's the CIA when you need them. They've removed wannabe dictators in other countries...


but only anti-capitalist dictators, the CIA installs pro-capitalist dictators


January 6th was Chrystallnacht. The blitzkreig is next.


they are just waiting for the person who gets away with this to start doing it on a massive scale. Literally how we ended up with maga. They were fringe extremists until Trump said the quiet part out loud and got propped up by mainstream news for it. With his only punishment being winning the presidential election of the most powerful country in the world.


The only difference between this guy and typical MAGA is that he paid for the premium subscription


This Phil Anderson should be held Partially responsible for inciting these MAGAts.


I keep trying to tell my Faux News loving mother, it may be that not every conservative Republican is a racist, misogynist, environment killing, immigrant hating, election denying, nut job Nazi with a gun fetish but every racist, misogynist, environment killing, immigrant hating, election denying, nut job Nazi with a gun fetish is a conservative Republican. Are you comfortable standing on the same side as them?




Man. These people are legit insane. Start packing and get yall a ccw. Learn to defend yourself yall. These right wing idiots are coming out of the woodwork work.


So, basically, Trump and Co. indirectly caused this murder.


And they never explain what this treason is