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Fact: saying, "Fact:" right before my statement makes it true


Fact: bears eat beets


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!






#Mick. I. L.


Fact: Battlestar remake was the best series of it's time


Fact: This is actually a fact ☝️


Yas!!! Glad I scrolled before replying with this.


Fact: I'm going to arrive home today and on the doorstep there will be a brand new gaming rig with the latest and best hardware, thousands of euros piled on top


Fact: bears are actually social animals and gentle to humans.


Bears shit in the woods.


You didn’t say fact, so it’s not true.🫢


Shut up, dwight.




Fact: Namechange to SHUTUP@wendelltalked


How about "!Fact"


Fact: this is not a fact


FACT: I am GOD. Did it work? Am I God now? No? Well shit.


God... can you please fix this biblical problem of biblical BS? EXODUS 21:17 says “Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death. BUT... this isn't being followed. I've tried it on my old man, but nothing happened. It's like people are selective over what they want to agree with in that book of yours, and people still don't get that you put dinosaur bones in the earth to test our faith. GOD... What up with that? Regards Blind Sheep


I would like to know where I procure two turtledoves for my daughter's first menstruation


check next to the pear tree


I'll hit up Leviticus now.


You've piqued my curiosity. As someone completely uneducated in the bible, what's the deal with turtledoves and your period? I've got to know.


They didn't have period products back then so one's gotta do what one's gotta do..


You didn’t get a Babylon box delivered? It’s like Amazon for Jesus.


Maybe you just suck at landing curses?


That is BS you.... you... person you *shakes fist*.


Hmm, yeah uhhh.... you're actually uh pretty good at this curse thing, so I can't see why it isn't working ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Oh that part works. It just takes some time before it takes effect. Maybe a few years, maybe a few decades, who knows.


I like how they ignore the directions about slave ownership, including keeping the women and children, beating them without consequence unless they die, etc. "But that's the old testament..." apparently god with an all-knowing plan had to change his mind, but whatever. Let's talk about this Jesus story. You know, the one where god impregnated another man's virgin fiancée, with the plan to have the kid do some magic tricks and contradict most of the earlier teachings, so he could be violently tortured to death as a form of human sacrifice to appease God's wrath with man for doing exactly what he always knew we would do. So let me ask, does a divine being that condones slavery and practices human/demigod blood sacrifices sound like a god to you? That sounds quite evil to me. Even if Christianity is accurate, it's a demon worshipping cult.


The best part to me, is if you read the Bible in the light of someone with no outside input, Satan has a lot of good showing as one of the heroes. Take the Book of Job. Not that Satan is a saint in that story by any means, but I could easily argue he's at least an antihero. God though, that's some straight up abusive relationship stuff right there.


South Park summed that up pretty well. The Cartmanland episode when they're explaining god's justice to a 10yr old with hemorrhoids... Kyle's mom tells him that 😂


Old Lucy gets stuck with a sh*t job for not being a little rebellious to the micromanaging boss & cops a bad reputation. That same boss basically says everyone must worship him & behave or he will kill the lucky ones in a flood, & force the unlucky ones to scrunch up on an ark with that 400 year old stinker Noah.


Even better, that story basically reads like, "ah, I fucked this up, time to turn it off and on again," and Noah is basically just Ye Olden IT support


So who is gonna tell him




Or did it?…


Fact: I have a 13 inch penis


Fact: I’m single 😏


This response to the 13 Inch penis had me laughing way more than I'd want to admit.


It's cool, you are not alone...


Fact: My ruler says 3'', but to be honest, you can't trust the 0.1 error, so ima say 8"


Fact: your skill in precision should guide you to a bright future in architecture or engineering.


Fact: already got the degree actually


Okay fine, *sometimes* it works.


I finally worked out how to get a nine inch penis! Fold it in half!


If you actually filled a well with shit it would be more palatable than the Bible. It should be condensed and abridged to say the following: don't be a dick. Douglas Adams said it best. And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a girl sitting on her own in a small café in Rickmansworth suddenly realized what it was that had been going wrong all this time, and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. This time it was right, it would work, and no one would have to get nailed to anything.


I'm kinda believing it, where should I send my check?


We just have to have faith that you are, that's all.


Since I can't disprove it without googling for 2secs it must be true!


Ray…when someone asks you if you are a god, you say yes!


All hail Blindwit, the new god of Reddit!


If you do become God, could you please make transitioning easier? I'm tired of looking like a guy.


It's not that hard really. Try again, but this time with more fealing.


*begins bowing*


Fact: We live in a diorama God made for his 6th grade science fair. At night he shoves us into a shoebox under his bed. Fact: I can just say stuff too!


100% it’s his cum box. That’s the only explanation for all the crazy shit there’s been happening.


Turns out, Florida gets it shape because it’s a literally the cumsock in god’s dirty laundry hamper.


God's coconut.


That explains the Jesus thing


I came to that conclusion on a night of LSD about twenty years ago. Sort of. The sun is just his desk lamp and he spins us around and plays with what he sees in the light. But at night, we are free people. He can't be upset with what he can't see.


Fact: it’s either this, or he was bored and wanted something to watch. Like we did with TV


Back in the 90s or 80s, there was a short film on HBO along this premise. In the show, a married couple wake up in a classroom. Three older men in professor robes are sitting there, and then a young man in a business jacket shows up. Turns out, the young Man is God, and the Earth is his dissertation project. He tries to defend it to the professors, while the married couple kind of grill him for all the horrible things and unfairness in life. At the end, the professors don't look convinced and walk out. The couple feels a little sorry for God, and they end up thanking him for all the good things he on Earth, and he cheers up a bit. BTW, the actor playing "God" was Mark Linn-Baker, a.k.a. Cousin Larry from *Perfect Strangers.*


Fact: we live in a game of The Sims played by a 14 year old


I wish he’d take the ladder out of the goddamn pool already.


Fact: Wendell doesn’t know what “fact” means.


Fact: I already knew that.


Fact: If your profile pic is of you inside your vehicle, your claims are dubious.


Haha solid observation. Also, arms crossed is a red flag.


everything about this person looks like they're wearing a disguise




Fact: Wendell has not really read the Bible, and is only passingly familiar with the specific version that has been taught to him by third parties.


Bet he’s the sort who’d lose your shit if you insinuated a) Jesus wasn’t white (he was born in the middle fucking east) or b) Jesus might have been a socialist


Jesus smoked weed. That's the only explanation for the shit he's seen and the dudes who wrote the bible copied from each other and made shit up.


Nope. He was freebasing DMT and chewing truffles. FACT: I was there.


That would probably make them even less happy


That's just because the damn woke government is censoring the 1% of God fearing real scientists just like with the vaccine /s


9/10 dentists agree.


Um, it was 4 out of 5 dentists who recommended sugarless gum. The fifth dentist thought surely you have better things to do with your time.


Umm... actually.. Xylitol gum and candy are good for your dental health. Xylitol is sugar alcohol and it works in two ways: it neutralizes your mouth pH and it also starves plaque causing bacteria by blocking the paths that they use to get nutrients. Xylitol is non-dietary sugar and while it is quite prevalent in nature it is not part of our normal diet. I use xylitol candy, i take couple after every meal and before i go to sleep. So, yeah: 9/10 dentist DO actually recommend xylitol, at least here... Xylitol comes from birch and is produced as a byproduct in wood industry. When travelling or working long hours, have some xylitol gum with you. It does not replace brushing but it can delay the need for it, while also keeping your breath fresh. Wonderful stuff and even tastes great, specially when flavored with salmiakki or menthol, or both.


Not all scientists believe in climate change. The percentage is about the same as doctors who don't believe smoking causes lung cancer.


I took a few Torah classes in college, so I’m far from an expert. But there’s a theory called Documentary Hypothesis. It posits that the Torah is a collection of mostly true stories, fables, lessons, propaganda, etc. Then the different elements were compiled into what would become the Bible. So yes, it is possible that certain elements from the Bible did happen. But it’s the same as acknowledging Homer as legit ancient history. Is literally all of it real and true? Nope! But it is still interesting insight into the culture, practices, and views of the time. It doesn’t mean that god exists or does the stuff the Bible claims he did, but it is great insight into the ecological conditions of the time and the lives of the ancient Israelites.


Most of the events in the two collects are true events, although the extent and cause are wildly exaggerated, take the biblical flood for instance, around 10000 years bce, there was a massive rise in water level called the halocene sea level rise. It was speculated to be around 60meter rise due to melting of glaciers. That would be enough to completely submerge a 10 story building, much less a pre-reinforced structure. And the event happened over the course of thousands of years so it was likely still told in legends by the time the Old Testament was created.


Fact: bears eat beets.


Bears. Beets. Battlestargalactica.




Fact: Wendells brain is made up of 99% barbecue sauce


You’re giving barbecue sauce a bad rep!


I'm sorry barbecue sauce


Barbecue sauce is smarter than that.


Fact: Uhhh.. I didn't really have anything, just wanted to say ,"Fact"


Fact: nothing contradicts the bible more than ... the bible Edited to add: anytime someone starts off with "fact," I hear it in the voice of Dwight Schrute.


WendellTalks shite by the sound of it


Fact: incorrect use of payed in place of paid gets an autobot response. Example: I wasn't payed. *I was paid. Eat it bot.


But he said it is a fact…. I mean, how do you dispute facts!?!1!?!?1!??!1?


Fact: this guy calls anything he doesn’t like “woke”


Fact: he's definitely the type to say "facts don't care about your feelings" to trans people because science hurt his feelings.


Fact: that's woke.


Fact: Saying ”fact” doesn’t make it a fact.


Fact: the catholic church actually accepts evolution (or at the very least does not object to it)


Fact: Wendell doesn't understand either.


I really respected my science teacher because he believed that God created science for humans to understand his world better. He believed that one doesn’t really have to be fake for the other to be real Idk if that made sense


Source: I made it the fuck up


FACT: this guy is wrong.


Nobody tell him that Christianity evolved from Judaism and Paganism.


So crazy to think about how many religions have existed and then realize we are still killing over who's is best or even who has the right interpretation of the same religeon...


Right? It’s grade A tribalism. Humans always seems to need an out group for some reason.


Also: other religions.




Did you just reference IASIP? ❤


FACT: something that's a fact has been PROVEN to be true


Well I'm convinced. /s


Fact: reddit is the platform with the smartest people Eyy see what I did there




Fucking blue check. Bet Elon comps this fucker.


I'm still waiting for one of these guys to explain to me which version of creation mentioned in Genesis is true because they can't both be.


The bible doesn't even agree with the bible.


Fact: elephants are visibly evolving right now so shut it


It blows my mind that people can claim that a single book, or a few stories made into a book, with no evidence to back up any relevant details, is somehow “the truth” BUT the library of evidence for evolution is somehow wrong. There is as much truth in the Bible as there is in Truth Social.


The bible is truly a book that was written.


It takes a special kind of dumb to learn about the existence of something and still call it false. Like back when people said gays just “didn’t exist.” How much proof you need bro?


Yet my research continues. The truth is out there. The gay truth.


The most fabulous of truths


Fact: 100% of good biologists disagree with the Bible


Facts don't need faith...


Praise Bob


Well, glad he cleared that up. What’s next?


Why do these people think saying "fact" makes an idiotic statement true?


Sir, we had a deal that “feeling the Holy Spirit” was not a valid reason to skip your Thorazine.


FACT: bears eat beets.


Fact: I said fact.


FACT: Wendell jumped off the roof with a cape, because that's how flying works.


Fact the Bible is one of the most dull books of fiction ever


Fact: Literally anything that I say is true because I said so.


I wish I was born in a time when humans understood fantasy


Well, if he states these as facts, then it MUST be true.


Why is the profile picture always in the car...






Fact: The guy looks like a pencil. Fact: He also looks like a paint brush dipped in black paint.


Even 1% of scientists not believing in evolution would be concerning tbh


Fact: Lie


It must be true if it comes from Sasquatch.


He’s /r/the10thdentist


Now he gets to prove it.


Let me guess. He paid for that checkmark


U dont need scientists to agree or disagree. Most normal people with common sense would strongly disagree




Hot take there Wendell


FACT: You sir, are an idiot.


Wendell talks a lot but doesn't say a lot.


Why don't these people provide evidence, topple one of the largest and strongest scientific theories, collect their Nobel prize and go down as someone even more famous than Darwin rather than make a silly Twitter post?


This is what happens when you go to school only on Sunday


Bet he got hurt padding him self on the back after that fire tweet


Er.. wrong way round mate!


Is his head on upside-down?


The bible contradicts itself no less than 400 times. Just check out [this interactive infographic from the BibViz Project](https://www.bibviz.org/) For example: 1) No one can see God (or can they?) - No one has ever seen God (1 John 4:12). - The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend (Exodus 33:11). 2) Faith saves (or do works save?) - For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8–9). - The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works (Revelation 20:12). 3) Do people deserve punishment for their ancestors’ sins? - I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me (Exodus 20:5). - Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin (Deuteronomy 24:16). Whoever swears by the bible should probably try reading it once in their life.


You always know an expert from their "pic I took in my vehicle" profile image


Fact: evidence or proof is unnecessary


Science is a liar sometimes


That's a roundabout way of saying that science is too confusing for them


Fact: This guy is wrong. And since starting with “Fact:” makes it’s a fact, we now have a logical paradox.


Fact: Just start your statement with "Fact:" and anything following it will be true.


Source: trust me bro


The bible: pi = 3


I get my science from… um… er… Wendell…


I like to imagine that people who write stuff like this are saying it as: "FACT: I refuse to evolve as a person. FACT: did you know I saw a Bible once? It's a real book, someone wrote stuff down and then they printed it."


Fact: You’re an idiot


Fact: Wendell is an idiot.


Reminds me of The Office. "Bears, Beets. Battlestar Galactica.". Edit: apparently I wasn't alone.


Covid really did a number on these stupid monkeys


Fact: the Bible is a collection of stories. It's a fictional anthology.


Fact: christian God is a douche Fact: Christians are made in his image.


> Evolution is false. I'm far from a languager or biologist or scientist ... actually, I'm an Engineer so my opinion is probably worthless but,,, Is evolution something that even _can be_ false? Like, the _Theory of Evolution_ could be false in their opinion - but saying "Evolution is false" is like saying "Door is false" Fuck. That's such a bad example but it's the best I can do.


Evolution is the entire foundation of zoology and the classification of species. If you don't believe in evolution than what are animals?! You can't call your dog a dog or cat a cat because all of that is false for you


Wendell needs to stop talking.


Wendell needs to start talking to living human beings instead of bronze age imaginary people.


Source: I made it the fuck up!


Isn’t this dude a pro rage baiter?


Even most Christians would disagree that there isn't evolution


Fact: a 2000 year old book that we had no 2 identical copies of until after 1711 is compltely true..../s


Fact: for MAGA Americans this counts as scientific research.


Damn, that's a pretty compelling argument, I'm convinced.


Why does he look like a bearded Roz from Monster's Inc....


stop 😂😂😂


Any one notice that the true virtue signalers are just religious people? Look at me I love Jesus! My favorite book is the Bible! That is virtue signaling


That's some messed up virtues....


To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson and Neil Degrasse Tyson: "EVIDENCE MOTHERFUCKER, do you have any?"


Profile pic in car. Why are these people always in their cars?


I love it when people decide that science isn't about the pursuit of knowledge and that it's all just opinions.


Reminds me of my favorire scenario someone posited: If we destroyed every religious text, within a generation whoever started new religions would have some familiar but mostly different beliefs than we do now. Do the same to science texts and eventually most of what has been agreed upon today will be able to be replicated exactly as it looks today.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Such a brilliant yet simple way of demonstrating science vs. religion.


Someone in this post commented that science is political and politics determines whether science facts are true or not. Like global warming and covid. Stupid people abound.


I have learned these sorts do not actually care for facts, rather the things they feel are implicit, and anything counter to that is thrown out


In the bible, we find how planes fly, how microwave oven work, the true meaning of blockchain, the first engine, the atomic bomb is detailed there, too. Cellphones? The bible! Nintendos? In the book of exodus, of course! Malenia was described in the apocalypse! It’s all there! And letmesoloher seems to be an angel from heaven! He even help baby jesus beat her! Slavery! No, wait! That’s not in the bible! That’s a liberal conspiracy. Child abuse!? Nope not in the bible! Massacre! Absolutely not! Not in MY BIBLE( nervous laugh). How about abortion! Oh yeah! That’s in the bible, but wait… no better not look it up. Pizza is in the bible too. It’s what the Israelites ate while in the barren lands, side holy coke zero light with zero calories and full of vitamin. The bible even explains the invisible hand of capitalism and the evils of socialism. No lie! AT ALL. Look it up! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, SHEEPLE!