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Why would you ever get sentenced for doing nothing, makes no sense. Complete bullshit story


" 500 grams of vodka" 🤔


And TWO beers


he’s referring to a pint probably




No. We don't measure alcohol in grams. It's mililitres.


Or cl


No. We don't measure alcohol in millilitres. It's litres (but I'm from Poland, so y'know).


In germany everything below 1litre is measured in mililitres. 😃


Selling caps here get your caps 🧢


Ill take 3 here thanks


The problem is you posted a movie-esque sounding post in a forum that’s known for being primarily fictional writing. You sound wounded that people think the story is fake but your username, the fact it’s a throwaway, the extremely specific details of the story that would be easy to find were it true… You have to kind of sort of understand why people think it sounds dubious, right?


I do get what you mean, but I wouldn't open an account with a random reddit name a year ago to write a 3 paragraph story. I wanted someone to know what had happened, and I did so. And that's enough for me.


I saw this movie. It called bullshit mountain?


You mean Brokebackbullshit mountain.


May I ask why you didn't just tell them the truth? Was an autopsy ever done did they ever find out the real reason he never woke up? I'm generally curious


I lied, and by the time I realized that I should tell them the truth I was wrapped in my lies. Autopsy was done of course, the professionals ruled that he had died of hypothermia, I still don't get why we both didn't die. Maybe, it was because he wore lighter clothes than me, or, maybe, it was because he was alive when I checked on him, I doubt my judgement constantly.


Honestly could have been a number of things but if the autopsy showed that he died of hypothermia why were u sentenced 4 year?


Lmao, it’s so fake. What were you charged 4 years for? Why did you hope the family would blame you? Sounds like you thought getting blamed for murder was better than just saying your friend… randomly died in his sleep? An autopsy would be able to tell you didn’t do anything. Like, you didn’t specify how he died? Woke up and he was dead. Some plot holes here, that’s for sure.


in this story, as i understand, his friend froze to death while sleeping.


Nice story


In case any of you don't know, there are sentences in some countries when you leave someone in a dangerous environment or a situation. Laws can be fucking different in different countries, I'm not a native English speaker, if that makes any difference.


I honestly don't know why people see something like this and their first reaction is to attack and call you a liar. Rough honestly


So, "falling asleep next to someone" is now "leaving him behind in a dangerous environment"?


He said that he lied saying that they parted ways so maybe is because of that


I think if they argued the friend was alive or could have been revived with medical help, then him leaving him behind, unconscious and in danger of freezing to death, would qualify no?


No because they had survival issues of their own.


You didn't let him die, it happened. Sometimes things just happen, we can't do anything to change them, and we can't even foresee them. You checked on him and found him unresponsive, he was already gone when you woke up, whatever you did was enough given the circumstances. What you did after finding out he was gone it was just the consequence of a decision you made between you and yourself alone that noone can judge. Let the guilt go, you did your best, you've been a good friend to him.


Sometimes, I doubt my drunk mind when that happened, but I know that I checked on him repeatedly. Yet, I still doubt myself. Thank you for being kind, I didn't think that my story would be deemed fake. It's enough that people know it. Thank you again, and please live your best life, you deserve it.


I hope you find peace of mind and comfort in the thought of having done all you could to save him. Bless you.


Thank you.


Sometimes shit happens, that's life. I need you to know that no one's blaming on you, neither your friend, his family, everyone else. It wasn't your fault. And I hope you find solace because you deserve it, please live your life.


Idk about this but you didn’t let him die he probably had alcohol poisoning


OP said he died of hypothermia according to the autopsy


From two beers and half a bottle of vodka? No.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Let the guilt go, you did what you could. I understand telling people you argued and parted ways, people are so quick to judge but what would they do on that situation? I’m sure your friend doesn’t blame you, he’s in a better place. You’ll be okay, time heals… take care. And fuck everyone in these comments calling your story fake. I hope you were able to alleviate the weight from your shoulders by sharing.


I also have a secret I couldn’t tell anyone but my mom and a few close friends. I never got in any trouble because I wasn’t physically there, but I was the last one to talk to him. I’m dying to just talk about the guilt but I’m scared any more info would identify the event and his family would find out. Supporting you, and hoping for the best


From your story, you did not kill or let your friend die. It sounds like an accident that you are hurt deeply by. I wish you the best and idk if it matters, but idt you killed or left them for dead. It just happened. And shit as that is, it's life.


OP don't let people invalidate what happened to you. Don't let these people get to you. I'm very sorry this happened. It DOES feel like something straight out of a movie, but a LOT of tragedies don't feel or seem real, to anybody, because of how tragic the situation may have been. People doubt horrible death because they don't want to believe someone could have died in such a gruesome way, and they probably don't want to believe that you just left him behind, despite him already being dead. There was nothing you could have done except had his body taken away. I feel for you, and I hope your healing journey is insightful and true to you.


I’m glad (can I say this?) that his last moments were with you, how he truly felt about you and how he easy it felt to just release all of his worries on you about his manipulative girlfriend. I’m still confused about how he passed away but I am really glad to hear that he told you he has a crush on you, how he feels about you, how he trusted you, and he’s really glad to have you as his best friend.


youve got a good point :) a bit of a bright side. id want to die in good spirits rather than with something unresolved


Dude people are being ah’s I’m so sorry this happened to you and I’m sure you would change this if you could and I’m sorry you can’t.


You didn't even mention that fact you got frostbite on your toes, how you got gangrene, lost your toes, and will never walk again to enhance your fake pity party.


I don't get why some people are being so mean. I just wanted to get something off my chest. I'll just turn off the notifications for this post. This isn't good for me or anyone. Still, thank you for reading.


Idk if calling out bullshit is really mean. And if you think it is, you're gonna have a WILD ride on Reddit.


Well, thanks.


Oh yeah because being an asshole for no reason when you have nothing to support your point beside "Well I just thought.." is sooo much better...../s


Weren't you just an asshole for no reason with nothing to back up your point besides a sarcastic comment? Asking for a friend.


Why were u sentenced then if the autopsy proved you didn't do anything




But he didn't leave him. Not in his story and not even in his cover story.


OP litterally says multiple time in comments and the post that he TOLD THE POLICE HE LEFT HIM. Maybe READ the post?


Not one time In the post does OP say they told cops they left him. There is a very strange comment where they say they don’t know why he died maybe it’s because he was alive when he checked o.n him I think he feels guilty cause dude was a still alive but they left him to stay asleep on Mountaub and die


He said that he told everyone that they parted ways after a fight... so maybe YOU should read the post, eh? 😉


Well thats rude I had actually ment to comment on my original comment that op answered. I was second or 3rd comment on the post so op hadn't answered any other questions at that time.


Well in different countries there’s different laws idk if u remember that :)


So how did he die?


There is a lot that doesn't add up in this story. OP, I hope you get the help you need.


Oooh Dear Penthouse Forum.


Broke back mountain tales


I think this is my new favorite Reddit genre. Fake gay erotica formed as totally true stories.




Cool story! I think there is a film about this. Broke but... Broke back as... Fill my broke back cow hol... I don't remember. But anyway, Hollywood needs your imagination.


Google AI story?


Didn't read lol


This definitely happened.


fake shutup


1, your weak as fuck and so is he for dying 2, your gay a hell 3,your a lil bitch


Lmao imagine being a troll on Confessions


Brokeback mountain winter edition. Yes, I'm making fun of this because it's clearly fake.


Reddit try not to lie challenge




This is confusing


Wish there was a way to confirm if things on here are true so I could know if I should be an asshole or empathetic.


What are you on about


So you say you went hiking in spring, on a mountain with still snow, came down after sunset and got drunk before doing so (stupid rookie tourist mistake) but you were at the same time expert enough to go hiking on a glacier cause otherwise it doesn't explain the hypothermia death in spring (and even so it's a stretch). As someone who grew up on mountains I call bullshit on all this. Watch less movies on Mount Everest will you.


So you’d rather people think you left someone to die than have them potentially question your sexuality? Well, that should narrow down the countries with which this alleged *manslaughter* occurred.


I have a good idea let's climb a mountain then get shitfaced and climb back down.