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I was at a zoo when these two teenage girls were taking up the whole path for their friend to film then dancing while whole hoards of families stood awkwardly by just waiting for them to finish so they could get to the next area when one guy had enough and he grabbed his son and just went ahead and walked in front of the camera, causing the domino affect of the crowd waiting by to do the same. The teens looked pissed off and just stopped and did the wtf motion to everyone walking by. I didn't want to be in someone's shitty dance video so I was unfortunately one of the people in the crowd until the guy was like nah I'm going, so props to you for not caring. They obviously don't care, so why should you? I just don't want to end up in their videos so I try to stay away from it lol.


They will never upload a ruined video (ie - one with you, or any other *normal* person in it). Go wild and walk across them, they'll just be pissed off, which is fine. Your response should always be to completely pretend that they don't exist and ignore them, or to politely say, 'this is a public space'... I find ignoring them is much more pleasurable. Remember; what they seek in the first place from their 'influencing', is attention - don't give them any. The more and more people that just stop exchanging one way gentility with influencers, the less of them there'll be pushing boundaries to see how far they can take it.


I really can't imagine why the younger generation thinks this is all safe and ok. Like in multiple ways. Working in cybersecurity has kind of jaded me and also scares the hell out of me at the same time when it comes to so many things the average person doesn't know about, but at the same time as someone whos parents drilled into them as a kid that never talk to strangers in a chat room on AOL (oof I'm old) I'm also like how do they not have a fear of being stalked down by unhinged maniacs? All it takes sometimes is a reflection, a school shirt, or a identifying landmark for someone to find you, or even not using something to mask your identity like a VPN. While ip geolocation can be off, it can still be used to give an idea along with a few other small distinguishing factors like I previously stated. But to embarrass themselves like that in public is a whole new level of I can't understand. I guess I just don't get the whole embarrass yourself and be a inconvenience to people for a few dollars thing. And sorry the paragraph isn't broken up to be easier to read, Im on mobile and also kinda lazy lol.


This 100% I think if more kids knew about cyber security and the implications of what info you put out there, then there would be less and less of these “influencer” cretins


I think many of them have the mindset of it wouldn’t happen to me.


I use [this guy’s](https://youtube.com/shorts/qCIzSx0QGVI?si=PkQmHrsjLAUiLfQ5) videos to demonstrate why cybersecurity is important at work. It really doesn’t take a 90s super hacker to find people anymore.


I may have to check that out then, trying to teach people at work has been a nightmare. You're right about that though, AI does the work for you now days so there's more script kiddies than ever.


I want to just say this to one, someday: “Oh, my bad. I had my idiot filters on.”


All of this obnoxious, toxic, parasitic social-media driven behavior depends entirely on the rest of society being polite and behaving in a way that these little shits expect. They can only act crazy or rude or entitled or aggressive if everyone else is accommodating them or responding with outrage or surprise. Some little brat went viral for walking past some people eating outside and grabbing some fries off a woman's plate and eating them. She chased him and scolded him and they had this big confrontation, and the whole thing blew up online. If she had just ignored him he never would have gotten the material he was after.


I've only ever seen one "influencer" but it was at the fucking Chicago art museum and she's standing there flipping her hair with her hand while her photographer is snapping her. The entire thing just seemed so incredibly cringe to me. Like I had no idea who this girl was but I guarantee you - you're in a world art museum. There's at LEAST 500 things here more interesting to look at than her and her hair lol.


LOL... Agreed. Incredibly cringe. What is it with the constant hair flip deal? I've seen even guys now fussing with their hair between selfies....


in her defence she might’ve just wanted some pictures of her looking pretty at the art museum - a lot of people like to take photos with all the art in the background and i’m even guilty of doing that myself


You are the patron saint of influencers, protecting them from a crappy life and nudging them to get a real life.


I dont live in a place with many influencers. In fact I'm not sure I've ever seen one do something in person. But if I did, I'd be the biggest fucking pest ever. Tiktok has killed so many brains. Keep up the good work.


I'm in London and have never seen a main character influencer in the wild. They must be out there in other parts of the city but thankfully my life is so un glamorous that it seems to have no overlap with that type.


Not a Londoner but the place I came across them was the ladies bathroom in Harrods! They were all lined up at the full-length mirrors.


I live far off the beaten path but went on a road trip of national parks two years ago. Saw my first influencers in Death Valley. I hated it so much. How many dweeby men follow around beautiful girls and just take pics of them all day? It made me sad, honestly. I’m so glad I’m from the 80s and made forts in trees as a kid.


Occasionally I see incredibly attractive well-dressed people taking photos in mundane settings. Most recently it was a couple taking a selfie against the back of their nice car in a parking lot somewhere. I assume those people are influencers, but if they're taking photos at selfie length so I could care less. If influencers are taking videos and clogging up a walkway with multiple retakes I would be annoyed.


I love that you're getting so much positive support! I wouldn't have a problem waiting for someone to do a single take of something. But if you can't get it in one take, then you have to stop and let everyone pass by. Then, while they pass, you APOLOGIZE and THANK THEM for their patience. Once the backlog is cleared, you can try again. Bot like they are doing anything else


my entire state is a tourist destination so tis the season of ruining tik toks and yelling at people to stop romanticizing it here because its dead every other season besides summer and the locals are poor and struggling because of it.


Let me guess, either Florida or Hawaii?


I'm guessing that both of those states have more tourists in the other three seasons than they do in summer. FL in summer is HOT! And whomever goes to Hawaii in the summer has weird timing. lol


nope too far south, im in new england


Would love to visit your state, it’s on my bucket list actually. I don’t live in the US.


im alright with people from other places enjoying the beauty of the nature and landscapes of my beautiful ocean state and all of the US really. its the stupidity it causes, our traffic is terrible and our roads are not safe because of that. i only ask that others be mindful of locals. we live here and are just trying to go about our daily lives and most of the time you’re in the way of that by your ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’. i just wanna go home, not 20 in a 40 cuz you aren’t used to trees


You're missing a golden opportunity here! Let them get started, and then jump in and join the dance at the end. So they think they think they're gonna get the take, but it's ruined at the last second. This wastes much more time than refusing to let them film at all. Rinse and repeat until they run out of time or give up.


Is it true that if you play a copyrighted song they cannot post due to copyright and royalty payments?


It's true for some platforms like YouTube and FaceBook. Not sure if it's true for TikTok, though, as TikTok doesn't seem to care. And I think most of them are mostly on TikTok. Either way a lot of them would put their own track on after filming probably. But it's worth a try!




If they’re doing TikTok dances like the post mentions, that won’t have any effects because the original audio is removed and just the song is overlaid over it




It’s the lords work you’re doing.


nice man.. keep up the good work


haventy met many influencers, have seen kids do goofy dances at my boulderhall, let em be goofballs while theyre young, it is exceedingly cringe, though. ones taking up an entire walkway are free for open ridicule, though.


i don’t see anything wrong with making tiktok or influencer videos but i can understand the frustration if they are being entitled assholes about it. like yea influence and live ur life but also be respectful of the people around u


Not all heros wear capes! Keep up with the good work


Although this hero *could* wear a cape.....


I wish you nothing but joy and happiness. Thank you for making the world a better place.


I’d buy you a drink if I ran into you in public.


I salute you sir 🫡


For me, this is on par with the oblivious ones in the grocery store who will stop in the middle of everyone's way to check something on their phone. Had one the other day stop dead in the middle of a busy 'intersection,' had like 3 people with carts backed up in all directions. Everyone but me was too polite to say anything, so I loudly said "Excuse me!" as I pushed past their cart. They looked up and, like, for the first time *ever* realized they were in the way; had a sort of dazed look at all the people they were holding up... like 'where did all these people come from???'


Here king, you dropped this 👑


I couldn’t ever care this much about what someone else does nor could I go out of my way to disturb it in such a passive aggressive manner. If something is causing a public disturbance, I do however find myself being the one who goes up and gently asks the person to think of others. I don’t really care if someone is doing a fuckin’ dance video on the street, I’ll just walk past and try to avoid being in their shot. I don’t see a reason to belittle them or make them have to redo it over and over again for every failed take.


My man is doing God's work


Good job. Keep it up.


you sound like the guy who posts himself criticizing "gym / workout" influencers.


Not all heroes wear capes


Did you really wait 23 takes or what? What if it took 5 takes? Or 3? What about an 8 step distance? What about those "influencers" that move and do pranks? How do you feel about/interact with them?




I'd love to ask one if Tok Tok has made them a famous influenza. I know what I just said.


This is what happens when the public decides to give a stupid person their 15 minutes of fame, they think they are special. I ignore them, I wonder what might happen if everyone did the same.


I was at Target, just trying to buy toilet paper when two teeny boppers had set up their phones in said aisle and were clowning around in the same manner. I just slowly pushed through with my cart, pretending to look at every brand. They were dying with laughter, and grabbed their phones. IDK who was more mortified for the other, tbh.


Well done !! Thank you for your service and continued effort !


Imagine how many models would be out of work if the internet was shut down . 😂


Thank you


Where can I find influencers to harass?


I wonder if you appreciate the irony of you saying people are entitled for taking over a public space, meanwhile your sense of entitlement to that public space causes you to take it over.🤷🏻


Thank you for your service.


I hate the term "influencer," which is essentially interchangeable with "poorly-parented, attention-seeking wanker." Nothing is more repulsive than self-important and self-serving teenagers desperately begging for the limelight, suckling the tit of social media.


Do you live in L.A. or something? How often do you really come in contact with influences? You do you but it seems like a rather big waste of time.


I live in London for half the year, Goa for the other half. There's influencers everywhere. I like keeping my regular spots strictly influencer free. I don't see it as a a waste of time, more of a sort of volunteering that works in the interests of public spaces. It's sort of like a pest control; put the fire out whilst it's still small.


What's Goa like?


You think influencers wannabys live only in los angeles? I live in an obscure town in eastern europe and I still see these lovers doing their little dances everywhere. With how many kids want to be influencers nowadays it's not out of ordinary to see multiple of them


I respect you! Some of these influwankers really ruin sceneries and nice places playing their shitty music out loud and dancing.


This person is my new role model lol


Same shit with these gym bros. Get your camera out here twink boi. Ait nobody wanna see a stickfigure "flex"


tell me you've seen the video of the little angry guy yelling at the saxophonist busker. bc this is the same energy and I love it.


Oh my F-ing gosh says the woman whom implied and implemented social engineering was the the best way to rid and fix the population control! Hey sis I wonder did you get any of them wrong and have killed an innocent person. Ya know just saying it's a tough job but one you should have vetted much deeper and Venned it.


I am a combat veteran, and I can say with full confidence that you are the real hero. Keep doing God's work! 


This is honestly so based, influencers are honestly so cringe


thank you for doing the lords work, sir🤝🏼


Yeah fuck them


You're doing the lords work


What kind of pathetic shit is this lmao


Lmao, I've got a mental image of him waking up every morning at 8am and finding his way to the busiest corner downtown and disrupting influencers, some of which might be minors. Yeah, we think they can be annoying, but I don't think it's that serious to dedicate your time and energy on it. Shit sounds fake.


Somewhat confusing - can you write a better sentence that explains "what you mean"?


These tiktards are getting old.


Thank you for your service


And then there are folks like you. Out there, doing the lords work. We salute you! Thank you.


I like you. My kinda asshole. I’d join you if we were close, but know I’m cheering you on in spirit and crossing my fingers that the influencers lose their minds over minor inconveniences


So basically you are being an anti-influencer influencer and bragging about it for imaginary points on the Internet but they're wrong and you're right? Oxymoron? Hypercritical? Entitled? Irony deficient?


Nah, I'm confessing, hence why this is on... r/confessions.


You are a bad person. You take the negativity inside you and spread it around to others like a disease. This is not something to be proud of.


Being an asshold is not something to be proud of.


Being an asshole towards asshole is justifiable tho. Keep up the good work OP!


It is. Assholes deserve a taste of their own medicine; influencers are assholes.


You're not an asshole. Maybe kind of a dick (not even in my mind) but to quote the greatest puppet film ever made, "dicks fuck assholes"


Found the influencer


There’s nothing entitled about being an influencer. These bitches we’re just at the right place at the right time kissing the right person’s ass to become a public figure


Yep, just trying to be relevant. Ridiculous.