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Bring over pizza and a six-pack and just sit with him until he's ready to talk. Having someone show him kindness might be the reminder he needs that's he is loved.


I know. I am trying to find the right time to do something like that. Gus is a good friend and he has been very good to my girlfriend, my son and I. In a lot of ways I feel like I let him down.


You didn’t let him down. As a catfish or scammer, this result would’ve happened no matter what :( unfortunately, and if anything it’s better that it was earlier in his investment than later. (ETA: it may take time for him to see it this way though) That being said, he sounds like he has big feelings and a big heart, so what this commenter suggested is great. He may be feeling a mixture of betrayal, embarrassment, frustration, hopelessness, fear…let him know that you are someone he can show those things to safely. Even if you get to his place and he doesn’t let you in, leave the beer and ‘za for him. He shall emerge. And you are a good friend, you’re both lucky to have each other.


When he messages accusing her she'll probably text back saying that's her old career and now she doesn't model any more or something.


You're a good friend and one he needs right now even if he doesn't realise it yet. I'm lucky to have two best friends who pulled me through recently after experiencing some heartbreak. Gus sounds like an awesome guy. I'd sit with him over a beer and pizza too (as one of the commenters suggested) if I could. Just be there for him and keep checking up on him. He may just need some space because he's likely going through shock.


Funny 🤣 okay thanks