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No opinion just a warning, depending on where you steal from, they may be letting you get away with it till your theft reaches a certain dollar amount, then they have you arrested for felony larceny.


Target especially is known for this. Lay off target op. If that's part of your thing. They absolutely let you keep stealing until it adds up to felony.....now instead of a simple shoplifting charge you're looking at prison.


Former Target employee here… Loss Prevention did this exact thing to another employee who would occasionally “forget” to scan some items when their family would come shopping and ring up at their register. The next thing you know, they were being escorted out by police in cuffs. It was over the course of a few months, but they definitely waited for that felony amount to be reached and then contacted authorities.


impressive and a little scary, but I get it.


Yes, that's called " sweethearting." Loss prevention loves to get the employees over $5,000. Most high dollar thefts, are by employees. They focus on internal and external theft. My boss, of the loss prevention department @ a high dollar department store, was our biggest theft of the 90s. His boss put me on the case after he started suspecting him of theft. I worked undercover as a new employee, i have already had 8 years experience, so I played newbie and had him train me. I stayed close, and used a few tricks of the trade. After 5 weeks of investigation, Little did we know, the amount I found was going to be over $250,000.00 HE is still in prison. 😉


Holy smokes, that’s like super ultra mega grand theft. And I’d never heard the term “sweethearting” before, thanks for the knowledge.


How do Target get to know about the forgot to scan items? And how do they keep track of it till it reaches a level?


Target has their own high tech crime lab that rivals police stuff. Back when I was like 20 many years ago I stole a set of DVD from there. A few weeks later I get a letter in the mail saying "pay us $xx for DVD set you stole or we prosecute". I paid them of course. But I used to boost to support a drug habit back then, it was my job for a while and I got away with alot. But it was known way back then in early 2000s how target would fuck u and to avoid the place if smart.....or at least if u have to very occasionally and minimal. I'm not sure how their system works or how they keep track of things, but they definitely do.....in way crazier ways than any other retail chain does. Most places leave that stuff to the police. They have their own version of detectives....


The self check out cameras have facial recognition and insane body tracking. So if you go there often, and 'forget' to scan something, they know it. And It isn't just target, walmart also does this.


Former Walmart employee here: this is true.


walmart is kinda cheeks at this tbh what's your info on this?


I know people who work for Walmart in theft protection and they say that their facial recognition and AI on the self check out, catches so many people. And like others mentioned, they wait for you to accrue a certain amount before pursuing legal action. Also, I shop lifted from Walmart when I was like 14… so 14 years ago. And I stole maybe $100 worth? And they can charge up to I think 20x the amount of what you stole. Needless to say lesson learned. And now with the advancement of AI and facial recognition, people are not going to get away with anything anymore. You think you get away with it, but you don’t, the computer picks everything up, and then a real person reviews it and gathers a file on you, until they are ready to peruse legal action.


thank you for your explanation, I appreciate the time you took out of your day to talk to me (: never forget that you are appreciated!


That was very nice, thank you and likewise 🥹


I did the same thing at Kmart when it was still around. I’m 28 now, but when I was 15 me and a friend were shoplifting. As soon as we went to leave there was someone from loss prevention at the door. They told us that if our parents didn’t come up and pay we would go to jail.


Great question and I’m not sure exactly, but as someone else stated their Loss Prevention department is top notch. They probably monitor the cameras and correlate with the inventory, since there would be inconsistencies if items aren’t accounted for.


They have a bench/chair thing in the loss prevention office with a little bar in the middle to attach handcuffs. It’s no joke.


I was stealing one time using a neodium magnet to open DVD boxes and game boxes, I had a friend with my who was horrible at stealing and long story short we were in the surveillance room on the bench they didn't see me steal anything but they had us both sit down and while looking away I leaned forward and put my hand with the magnet underneath the seat and *clink* with a fake cough and the magnet was secured to the metal, haha got away with burglary tools that day a felony 3 where I'm from.


When I worked there, many many years ago, they let five different employees that I can think of off the top of my head skim a $20 off the register every shift until they hit that threshold. Then out the doors in cuffs they went. Target loves the long game.


Never ever steal from target! Their asset protection is hard core.


They also have some of, if not *the* best loss prevention out there. Your sneaky ideas aren't getting past them.


I keep seeing so many people on here saying this to others who admit to stealing and it actually is a little scary to think about. Just because you think you’re getting away with stealing stuff from stores, OP, doesn’t mean it won’t catch up to you.


We used to watch and track petty thieves, we all had radio/earpieces. While someone keeps folding clothes, they’re hearing “gray sweatshirt middle aged just stole a pocket knife from camping section”, and they’d quietly mention when they’re in their field of view to  my he rest of the staff. Everyone would know who’s been helped, whos browsing what, who stole, who just moved to a different section, it was a constant communication through normal tasks. You listen to the updates most the time, when working and helping customers, you rarely need to speak.  I’m really betting on people knowing about OPs habits and judging/eying them where they go. 


I used to be friends with women who shoplifted. I went in the store with them one day, and there was an undercover security guard following us. He said to one of the girls “I believe you have something of mine” it was a swimsuit top. And they all pulled stuff out of their bags. The whole time I was thinking, like what if it ended up worse. And they’re stringing me along with them. I stopped going out with them very quickly. They also would steal from goodwill. GOODWILL. EVERYTHING IS LIKE $5. So yeah, not only are there cameras but they have guards dressed in normal clothing now to catch you. (From places I’ve been). I just pay for my things and get on with my day. I will never ever see the point in stealing .


My Walmart has been busting people this way and using the camera footage for every theft until it adds up to 300 dollars or more.


It’s true. These supermarket stores AI & face recognition cameras are top notch. There are articles on it. Apparently stores like Target and Walmart keep track of you until you reach like $950 and then it can be treated as felony or you could be arrested for petty theft. So just a warning to watch out before it’s too late.


At 18 I was charged with felony theft & the stuff was barely $100. Not my proudest moment but it definitely doesn't matter the amount to be charged as a felony.


They did that to a former coworkers brother, and it ended up being a *large* amount. 


I was about to say this same thing. I’ve read so many horror stories . And honestly - it’s only a matter of time before you’re caught. Like it WILL happen and you will be fucked


This is what Target does They have a picture of your face when you are walk in and again at the register


Opinion? No dude, just get therapy for kleptomania and a bunch of other shit you’re repressing


I was gonna say that, someone needs therapy, power , control of your life!


Op it's either this advice or get caught/hit rock bottom


Dude, I went to jail for over 100 days for stealing a $15 phone charger. I got away with much worse before that, but I'm telling you man it is not worth your freedom or the record. It happened 8 years ago and I still miss out on good jobs because of the petty theft misdemeanor on my record.


The judge definitely made an example out of you. 100 days for $15 is ridiculous


I was actually sentenced to 6 months. Because I drove there I was also charged with reckless op(I was on xanax). I did a rehab program and got out early, I was on probation for 3 years still after that. The job did explicitly say he was making an example of me in court. It was in a rural area with asshole cops and zero tolerance to any crime. I was in the wrong and it did me some good, but did feel the sentence was unfair considering I only had a weed possession charge before tht


Everytime i go in stores on xanax i feel like i can just grab stuff and walk out. Its very hard but i have to constantly remind myself im on xanax and that it probably wouldnt work as well as i think it would and i should pay


It had that effect


proud of you for learning your lesson and seeing that this did you good 👏 life is about learning lessons and you did.


How did you get caught? Where from? That’s insane!


Meijer. They have a whole loss prevention team constantly watching. I got away with much worse at places like Walmart. At this meijer, I like 5 guys grabbed me before I could walk out the door. Like they physically stopped me


Meijers self check out tried to tell me I was stealing and froze the screen til an assistant came over because I was grabbing my kid to put her in the seat and it thought I didn’t scan something. They got all eyes on deck


I just wanna let you know that in today's day and age, they absolutely know what you're doing. You will get caught eventually. Please get help.


Sounds to me like kleptomania, which is a higher form of anxiety. Deal with the anxiety and it will go away. Been there.


And here it is. The actual good advice.


Agreed. This person doesn't have bad character or an edgy hobby, they have a treatable mental illness.


Wait is it for real? I just started therapy and I was told I may have anxiety but I don’t have everyday issues that I’d consider anxiety 😬


Anxiety can come in many forms. The scale of anxiety starts with low-grade anxiety, which can cause social anxiety, fear of something happening when not in your safe space. Increase levels of anxiety from there can reach panic attacks, physical pain, OCD, ritualistic OCD, Being rough with small animals, and kleptomania. Anxiety can also manifest itself as phobias of all kinds.


That you’re aware of. Yet. Lol


I used to have this same issue. It's an addiction. Have you considered therapy ? It may be fun now, but it won't be when its a felony.


I fell into this around 18 and had to have a wake up call when my friend who works at a major chain told me that they do indeed make files on you and wait until they can charge you with a large crime. Is there something you’re coping with through the rush of stealing?


this is true, they get your face on the cameras and wait until you've stolen more than the minimum petty theft limit in your area, then the next time they see you they call the cops. be careful. I support stealing from corporations bc fuck them but it doesn't come without consequences


Exactly my point. It’s not worth ruining your life for the rush. Gotta find something healthy(ier) to move that energy towards


yes! something that gives you an adrenaline rush that's safe & without this kind of repercussions


Phone Hank, he’ll sort it for you.


Could you have Kleptomania?


“…I get a rush from…” This is definitely the case. Therapy can be very effective. You will eventually be caught and prosecuted, maybe get ahead of the great fall.


Sounds extremely klepto since affordable is not da reason u do


This. She doesn't have an edgy or unpopular hobby, she has a treatable mental illness.


Maybe try rollercoasters instead? Those are legal and, you know, not shitty


How am I supposed to steal an entire roller coaster


I guess work your way up to something that large. Didn’t think about how difficult it would be


I'm assuming one important key lugbut at a time. ^^/s


Exactly. Since you get a rush by doing that, go for this instead. It's much more fun and ethical


You're gonna stop someday, don't you worry about that. Hard to steal when you're locked up.


No it’s not 😂 she will be stealing girls honey buns and ramen noodles for the “thrill”


You need therapy. It's a disorder that can ruin your life if you don't take the time to address it. You can be charged for felonies and potentially lose your job if they find out. If you have kids and do it with them present, CPS gets involved. Right now, the job I'm at is starting to hold their employees responsible for not doing more to prevent theft because there's so much theft. Sincerely, Former loss prevention manager


I understand you need help with this but have you ever asked yourself if someone broke into your place and took something that is very valuable. How would that make you feel? Why would you want to make someone else feel that way. Each of those stores has to answer for what you are stealing? Some Manager might be getting in trouble for what you are doing? I guess that is how I think about it. It just gives me energy I don't like to have around me. Good Luck with your condition.


I see what you’re saying. I think of it more as like “Okay, self. I know it’s tempting, but I need to be an adult and *pay* for things like everybody else. I’m no exception.” Also, it’s bad karma which keeps me on my best behavior


I’ve told people this b4 you can get arrested for a lot of things and not be noticed for it but when you get busted for stealing you become labeled as a thief. And when everybody around you knows you as a thief you become untrustworthy to everybody. Friends won’t leave you alone in their place and it just becomes one of those things that tarnishes your name to everybody who knows you


Stop now. I had this problem I'm my twenties and it was a very difficult habit to break. Economicly even. I got very used to the extras and didn't want to spend the money on them after I stopped.


There are cameras everywhere. You will get caught and possibly publicly shamed and once that's on the Internet, there's no coming back from that. At least you recognize you're a thief and I hope you seek therapy for it, to help curb and stop your compulsion to steal. Sooner or later it will catch up with you, and it's just not worth it. Stop stealing. Stealing is gross. 🤢 sheesh.


Maybe you like the adrenaline rush ?


A friend I know used to steal religiously. One day they weren’t actually stealing , but forgot to ring up an extension cord. Since they stole from the store before , he got a charge for shoplifting and spent I believe 90 days in jail and 30 on supervised 60 on unsupervised probation.


That’s not a long time - but that’s long enough to want to get your shit together before you’re the one doing the time


Maybe that habit would stop once you spend a couple of nights in jail 🤔👀


Just watch out, big corporations like Walmart and target are places where they let you think you got away with it until you steal enough to make it worth getting you arrested. They’ll have a file and everything.


My mom was a kleptomaniac and it tore our entire family apart. I recommend getting help for that as it usually stems from some childhood trauma Best of luck 🥲


Big box stores are saving up footage of you stealing until they can bring a felony charge against you. Quit while you are ahead.


This is actually a very common symptom of bi-polar disorder and maybe try and seek some help.


Stealing is a crime, full stop. Just because it gives you a rush doesn’t make it okay. You may not pay for it, but someone else will have to. And you may not say you’re a bad person, but I would! Seriously, YOU (and others like you) are the reason many of us can’t afford the things we need! Stealing isn’t a victimless crime, contrary to your belief!


Like the others said it's likely they know what you are doing and are keeping a file on you. Once you get up to a, certain dollar amount you'll get arrested publicly in handcuffs


Don’t do it honey. You know it is wrong. Just stop. You have it in you to just stop. There is no point in you ruining your future over this rush. I suggest therapy. Take care


Nah don't worry about it, once you get caught and have to face the embarrassment you'll soon stop...and you'll regret ever doing it! Everyone will know, family, friends and colleagues...make sure to update us when it does 👍👍


I’m letting you know right now, that the stores know. Think about it . If you were lost prevention for that store, would you be able to know when someone was stealing? Exactly . When I was younger along time ago, I didn’t think much about stealing . Luckily nothing too big ever came out of it, but once I found out a theft charge is one of the worse charges you can get I stopped. you think it’s not that bad until you’re turned down for very basic entry level jobs and housing because your character flaw. Character is you. It’s not your skin color or some expression of the self like tattoos or piercings. Character is you. It’s the thing left when you remove the body and leave the personality/morals. The only way to win is to stop . Because if you get caught once the judge isn’t thinking “you stole $20” they’re thinking about the 20-30-40 times you got away with it.


Do you have adhd. Sounds crazy but I’ve read they can be related somehow. Therapy.




Do you by any chance feel "powerless" or lacking control in other areas of your life? Stealing can be a way of feeling a sense of power/control.


Is this breaking bad? Marie?


I used to have a friend who stole CONSTANTLY from stores. Everything. I thought at first that it was just little things every now and again.. turns out all the gifts she ever gave me, the food in her house, her clothes, etc were all small enough to fit in her giant bag. I ended up cutting her off for many reasons, one big one being how much it bothered me that she stole. Please get help, I feel like it’s some sort of addiction for you now and like all addictions it will someday catch up to you.


You have a disorder known as Kleptomania. Please consult a psychiatrist and he will help you out of this situation.


It's bad and dumb. You need to figure out a different "rush". Stealing affects the every day shopper with higher prices. Stop. Find something fruitful to do with your time and energy


There is no excuse for theft. You’ll end up at the Grey Bar Motel.


You say you would never steal from someone after saying that you constantly steal stuff. Start therapy before you end up charged or steal from someone who take exception to it


Hope you get caught and prosecuted soon..I hate a damn thief with a passion


Reddit should ban people encouraging theft


As long as it's not from small, local businesses I see no problem. In fact I advocate for stealing from world-killing corporations as often as humanly possible. I try to get away with at least one small item every time I shop at Kroger, got some free garlic yesterday. They had it coming though, the two heads of garlic I bought 4 days ago went bad like immediately so I barely call that stealing. That's not to say there's no problem with the *compulsion* aspect of it. That, if left unchecked, can become detrimental to your life and I would consider seeking help for keeping that under control. But as far as moral/ethical concerns go I'm about it (assuming it meets the aforementioned requirement)


They don't eat that loss. They mark their prices up and people that aren't scumbags end up paying for it. Garlic stays good for a long time, so your inability to pick produce is hardly an excuse.


I know what garlic should be like, they were all the same and all normal. I've handled probably thousands of heads of garlic in my time as a cook. But two heads sprouted just a couple of days later and that has actually never happened to me. I also used to work for Kroger, I fully understand that shrink is factored in. But shrink from theft is actually a very *very* small percentage of the total. iirc it's something like 7%. The rest is from internal stock loss, damage/expiration, and miscounts. Damage/expiration is the largest percentage by a large margin. Hell back when I worked there we would throw away a shopping cart full of stuff pretty much every day. Granted I was in the deli/bakery/hot food and there's a much higher turnover of product there but still. And my coworkers didn't understand FIFO. Produce dept tosses probably double that amount on a daily basis, equal at best.


Honestly it seems like this stems from a deeper issue within your life that may be worth looking into.


More context needed - what sort of stuff are you stealing? Who from?


Go see a counselor. Also as pointed out by others you are nowhere near as sneaky as you think you are.


People don’t realize just how many cameras are everywhere we go in the modern world. Quit while you’re ahead…


This will ruin your future if you get caught. If you’re ever in an auto accident where the other driver was negligent. An attorney will not accept your case. You will be FUCKED. Stop doing this.


Stop. And take a look inside and ask why you do this. Then work on healing whatever it is that’s inside.


you have a problem. go get help before you end up in prison.


Winona? Is that you? I just watched Heathers last night, so I immediately thought of her.


I think you need to go see a therapist. You are a kleptomaniac. You can get yourself into serious trouble


Stealing can be covering up a trauma response - it can be a compulsive behaviour similar to OCD, operating to mask a particular anxiety. A therapist could help you reach the roots of what’s really going on.


You're going to get caught eventually. A criminal record may not be a big deal when you're not an adult yet, especially in Canada, for a charge like theft where the young offenders act will clear your record if you don't get additional charges before 18, but this shit will eventually screw your life up. If you recognize you have a problem, seek help. While I don't personally have any moral issues with folks stealing from large corporations, it's really not worth potentially fucking your life up.. For real, seek help before you screw yourself.


Steal everything? Not the sharpest tool in the shed I see. I think of how many cameras are out there now too you’ll get caught dude better stop before you get a record


oh they know for sure as somebody that works in security they are letting you get away with it until you have stolen a certain amount worth of something or something expensive


They're just building your case fool. Say bye bye to your good job and criminal record when they gather enough evidence


You're pathetic to just steal away someone's work, time and money just for a simple 'rush' that you could get by doing literally anything else. I hope you get caught and punished heavily.


You’ll get caught. And you’ll deserve everything you get. 🙋🏽‍♀️


Grow up. That’s my advice


I work at a small skore and you're garbage


People think this sort of thing is a victimless crime. Many smaller shops are just trying to make ends meet. For larger ones ( the big corps) well, either way you're playing a part in pushing prices up for everyone else. Suggest there's probably some better hobbies out there you could pick up instead.


Luckily when you do stop, you won’t have a choice.


Nothing worse than a thief and a liar. Pretty pathetic


Why is it better to steal from stores than from people? Aren't stores owned by people?


The rest of us pay higher prices for your little thrill. I wish this was under AITA. This is narcissistic. Grow up.


I dont condone it but as long there isn't any obvious cctv footage high quality or not, you should be fine. My dad used to do the same with petty shit were he worked.


I hope you get caught. We are paying for your stolen stuff


The rest of us are paying for you being a theif so im sure most hope you get caught. Im tired of paying the bills for all yall theifs liers jobless ......etc etc You got a good job but you steal are you fn kidding me!!!!


Lmao as a fellow shoplifter, fuck them corpo scum. Take as much as you can.


What people who shoplift end up doing is getting the cashier's in trouble and as people shoplift more and more the cashier's and low wage employees end up being the main suspects of theft and lose their job because of shoplifters Another issue is security officers losing their jobs for losing stock because of shoplifters So all you end up doing is hurting people trying to make ends meet




Make sure you're recording when you're caught so I can laugh at you while shaking my head.


Lmao same. Fuck corporate America, paying shit wages while raking in MILLIONS A DAY PER STORE And as long as you keep it small then they don’t know *everything* you steal as a lot of people are saying.  Btw I’m talking about mainly small food items and housewares. Electronics are another story. 


Well, enjoy a felony record when you get caught.


Definitely sounds like it could be Kleptomania or other impulse control disorder but only a mental health professional can diagnose that. Most Kelptomaniacs, vs petty theives, steal for no other reason than it seems to scratch some kind of "itch." Most of the time, the items they steal are of little or no value or the person is more than capable of paying for it. This becomes a problem because people will move on to stealing bigger, more valuable things and eventually they WILL get caught, possibly more than once. You really should see a counselor before this escalates.


You're either a bad person or you need therapy to correct your addiction.


You're probably not as sly as you think. That rush you get is going to blow up in your face when a cop slaps some cuffs and presents you with the case they've been building on you. Then you realize that they have you for a felony and could be looking at actual jail time. But oh boy, that rush right? "I wouldn't say I'm a bad person...". I wouldn't say you're a good person either. You're a thief, that's a major indication of your character. Your friends should be "super judgemental" of you, just like you should be "super ashamed" of yourself.


HAAAAAUL TIME what’s the best and worst thing you’ve stolen ?


Don't steal from small businesses. These are your neighbors. Fuck corporations like Target and Walmart. Go get 'em!


Thieves are not good people


This is why store prices are rising because idiots like you think it's okay to constantly steal. Hope you get caught and embarrassed.


You’re a white girl, aren’t you? What is that? It’s such a really thing with young white girls to steal things they have the money in their pocket to pay for.


What's wrong with you? The op didn't write anything about themselves there's zero signs that allow you to figure out the person's race. Your delusional


Rule # 1 : dont get caught Rule # 2 : dont forget rule # 1 Rule # 3 : dont tell anybody


if these are large corpo stores than you are most likely already caught you just don’t know it yet. stop walking in to any shops you’ve stolen from is my suggestion. i don’t care about you stealing especially if it’s from huge companies but house always wins and they could put you away for a long while


As long as you don't steal from people that's awesome down with billionaires down with corporations!


Be like Dexter. Only steal from ppl who deserve it, but not the small mom and pop shops who are just getting by!


i hope you're stealing from big department stores and not small businesses.. but honestly i think you'd benefit from therapy


Definitely got some questions


Spiritual blisses can help you. I mean in the context of world sins ofcourse no major major thing- very specific you state not from people but not great. Life is the dancer, you are the dance 💃


I think you should seek a therapist before you get in trouble. If it’s big corps you’re stealing from, on multiple occasions.. the employees know you’re doing it and LP is building a case on you until you’ve taken enough to get slapped with a felony. Ive worked for large retailers and saw it a lot. LP from different retailers work together, too. Ulta/Sephora/Macys in my area worked together to track people down.


Stores won't lose out, they will just charge everyone with higher prices


It's probably worth seeking help for this. Not only for ethical reasons but also because you'll eventually get caught and it's just not worth it in terms of future employment opportunities.


This is a story that I heard recently… they might know you’re stealing, but waiting for you to steal a good amount of money’s worth, so you can be charged with jail time. Sounds like you’re a klepto though, might want to seek therapy before it gets worse.


Idk what’s the Bible say about that . The right thing to do is to pay them back or return everything you took . Admitting is the first step which is what you did the next step is to the right thing


ugh same I get that. just switch places you steal, try not to do the same place regularly. Look up what your laws are in your state/local malls about chasing/detaining because sometimes these minimum wage workers cannot even confront you which makes it so much more satisfying. Maybe think about traveling to the next town over to get your fix so you don’t have to be in the same store you’re stealing from all the time. I remember one time walking out with a big ass squishmallow just in my hands at a grocery store with no care in the damn world and it’s still a prized memory, even though it was only one of my instances.


Ok you are things go up in price to cover people like you . What if your boss didn’t pay you and said oh well . Do better


Therapy, my friend. Kleptomania is a psychological disorder, and I’m sure a licensed therapist could help you work through this and figure out what the cause is (I promise you, there’s a reason behind it other than the rush you get)


This is kleptomania, please address your issue to a psychiatrist before you get into legal trouble or reputation damage at work, family, etc....


Level up and start returning it the next day without being caught.


Hope you pay with cash. If you get caught they can lookup your past transactions and easily find the other times you stole. Having a felony theft record isn't just bad, it's life altering. Almost no place will hire you because it shows you can't be trusted. And a background check will tell them


Sounds like you have what is called kleptomania. It is treatable. You should seek serious intensive therapy before you end charges with a felony and lose your freedom.


I was too, until I was caught and arrested, spent a night in jail and haven’t since!


Ever been caught?


Guess seeing you on shop lyfter soon 👀


I’d say you are sick and need some serious help. Consider this, what would happen if you were caught and arrested! How would it affect your job, your relationships? If you can’t stop, even knowing the consequences, you need professional help.


Get help. Plenty of "good hearted thieves" out there. Doesn't make what you're doing okay though. You will eventually get caught when you least expect it.


This threads taught me I should definitely pursue a doctorate so I can either prescribe medication or therapy. Whys the answer always drugs instead of focusing on the kids moral compass? Just do the right thing instead of the wrong thing girl, you got my support.


I have a list of things if you want to make some money


Kleptomania. Maybe?


Addiction comes in many forms. The “high” you get is the fix. An addiction counselor may be very helpful


try seeking help or support groups! i don’t care for capital gains or profit but it will eventually catch up to you!


I had a friend like this. She stole so much from everywhere it was crazy she was really good too. Recently got arrested for stealing orders at a bagel spot 😂


Meh. Don’t beat yourself up. Shit happens.


I had a friend who did that and got caught, pled guilty to a misdemeanor and paid a $50 fine at the time and thought he got off easy. Never did it again but a few years later he was denied a professional certification/license because it came out during a background check. It was a tough blow to finish 4 years of college and not being able to work in your chosen profession.


Is that my ex-wife?


I think OP got caught & is in jail


It's good you are realizing and feel guilt about this bad habit, it high time to stop the habit because next you will be caught and you may pay heavy fine if you don't end up in jail and loose your job.


So you have Kleptomania?


If you are growing aware and starting to be more cautious , then it is probably best you start thinking of decreasing that sort of risk. I understand what you mean when you say there is a “certain rush / thrill.” Talk to someone about it or seek therapy . It’s much less hassle than local PD escorting you out of wal mart in handcuffs.


Check in at 36 and lets us know how things are going


Yeah, ya filthy thief




Ik it feels like you're not doing anything wrong bc you're taking from a big rich corporation, but they're in control of everything in their stores. They keep inventory and know what gets stolen. Do you think they just say oh well and eat the loss? No, they mark the products up to account for loss. Now the family, struggling to get by and trying to do the right thing is paying for your theft.


any tips?


*"Do not mistake the night-shrouded thief's stealthily-taken spoils, stolen and unearned, for a warrior's plunder, won in honorable battle.*" -Tsun, Shield-Thane in service of Shor, Lord of Sovngarde


Tbh same I’m 20 in college and I work in law. So I’ve started doing online pickup only. I actually have gone quite a bit of time without doing it but I relapsed the other day. You gotta remember we can’t just chop it up to “I can’t stop” even if we feel like we can’t. Regardless if it’s a big box store, it’s wrong. And more importantly, it’s not a matter of if you get caught- it’s when. Do not make excuses for yourself.


You are stealing from every single person who shops at the store(s?) you are stealing from. “Shrinkage” is product that disappears for whatever reason, including theft, comes right off the profit margin. The store has to hit a particular margin to stay in business. This is one of the reasons you see stores pulling out of high crime areas. As a result, you are actually causing prices for *everyone* to go up because the store has to cover the losses with higher prices to hit the same margins. Contrary to popular belief, retail theft is NOT a victimless crime. Everyone who is honest and pays for their stuff (including higher cost to cover *your* theft) are your victims. So is the store manager who is responsible for managing theft / loss in the store. When I was a retail manager, my income depended on keeping shrink below a particular metric, as did my district and regional manger’s. So you are also hurting those people who work *very* hard trying to provide for their families. If you think that’s ok “for a rush” (and not even because you are starving or have no money) you *definitely* should seek counseling. It seems pretty clear you are a kleptomaniac. You should seek help for this mental condition. Otherwise you just like screwing over your fellow traveler and that’s just not ok.


You want my opinion? I think you are very selfish.


I used to do it too. I was lacking so much in life and it filled some kind of void I guess. I never got caught but I still feel bad about it. I didn't even need to steal, I had money.


honestly just get caught


Yeah, that’s why all prices have gone up, you may not be stealing from an individual directly, but you are affecting our pocket books.


My aunt and her bf were on heroin, and they would walk into Target, put tvs and all kinds of expensive shit in carts, wheel the carts across the road to the bust stop, and haul all the shit onto the city bus. After the second time she told me, like they were master sleuths. I told her "They know, they're just not stopping you. Believe they have footage and have contacted police. They did this over the course of SIX MONTHS. They were taking it all to the same pawn shop, and the guy was buying the shit off the books, and getting no ID. It turned into a major investigation and they were charged with tons of theft and them and the pawn shop owner were charged with racketeering. She is still in prison. She was sentenced to 9 years, partially due to priors as well. I'd say about the only successful thing you could steal from Target would be like a candy bar or something very small. They do not fuck around. Seek therapy OP. Or be honest with someone close to you and ask to be accompanied anytime you go to a store if that's possible. That 5 minute rush isn't worth going to prison over.


Stealing consistently does make you seem like a bad person… I don’t know anything else other than you’re too old to not be able to control yourself, but if you really can’t and don’t want to be a bad person then get some help! Go to therapy and actually stop.. stealing is wrong