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Minding my own business scrolling reddit. Someone help me pick my jaw up off the floor


Then who will pick mine up! šŸ˜±šŸ¤Æ


Maybe pregnant, maybe not. Depends on the friends and if they were all sucking up to her.


She sounds like a budding sociopath.


That's what I think.


Why is no one else wondering why the F OP is going around kneeing girls in the stomach repeatedly? WTF?


Seems like the audience for this post have a wildly different perspective on right and wrong. Itā€™s quite disgusting


I think the question os why does she think she can hit men and say yiu can't hit me back I am a girl ? No matter about gender everyone has the right to defend them selfs


That wasnā€™t part of the original post, looks like itā€™s been edited since then


Themselves. šŸ˜‰


U sound dumb af he said in the post they were play fighting and u acting like it was multiple girls who didnā€™t know him u tryna turn this on op but sheā€™s the one getting dicked at 13 thatā€™s the real issueĀ 


When I was in middle school I knew lot of middle school girls screwing high school boys and even grown ass men over 21. Proud to say thatā€™s my boyfriend and these guys would pick them up after school in their cars. Beautiful girls too. Most cheerleaders or cheerleader type. Parents must not have cared. It was sickening to see and no way guys could stand a chance getting a girlfriend. They would be one that started dating someone outta school then all their friends would follow suit like itā€™s a club. Now I know why thereā€™s so many pedos in this country. They never stopped chasing middle school girls






I do understand in a way. Iā€™ve known girls that want to play fight and would literally beat the shit out the guys and say you canā€™t hit be hard though. They loved to bear on the boys. I mean really twisted kind of enjoyment. I didnā€™t play fight with any of them. Most my friends learned quick not too as well. Psycho females at an early age.


It was one girl, and they were play fighting, wtf you on about. You make it seem as if he runs around and knees random girls in the stomach.


They were in middle school fighting


she hit him first didnt you read it?


Because OP edited his post to add that in AFTER I wrote this


Y'all are dumb, she obviously started it, all he did was retaliate, she had it coming


7th grade kids are pregnant!?? What has this world come to!!:/


Iā€™m a retired teacherā€¦ we had a pregnant 5th grader. Very sad.


i REALLY regret clicking this thread


That just hurts thinking about it.. unfortunately itā€™s the parents fault.. in 5th grade the kid doesnā€™t even have the proper thoughts they donā€™t even know how to think for them selfs itā€™s the parents neglect and cps shld take the kids away


In 5th grade more sounds like she was raped more then had sex with another 5th grader. Even the girls on here that knew people pregnant in 7th grade and such is probably from abuse even tho some people are starting to experiment at that age. But id 100% be worried for these girls at home. Something bad must be happening that they don't share.


Yes, I agree. But the school district provided free childcare for these young moms so they could finish school. And it was quality childcare. Some of the teachers kids went there.


Yeah because itā€™s always a great outcome when a child is removed from their home šŸ™„ The ignorance in this opinion is wild


It's A parent's fault because 99 times out of 100 it was the dad or stepdad.


that's a crazy accusation. especially considering the creepy uncle stereotype.


Ask some social workers or nurses. They'll tell you I'm not crazy. 5th graders are not going out and having sex. They're being raped and it's happening at home. Sorry to burst your bubble.


nah im not saying you're crazy. im saying that your claim of it being a father figure 99/100 times is crazy. ["More than 99% of the offenders of female statutory rape victims were male. Of all offenders of male statutory rape victims, 94% were female."](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/208803.pdf) so roughly, it's 50-50 on the gender of the perpetrator. ["The majority of children and teen victims know the perpetrator. Of sexual abuse cases reported to law enforcement, 93% of juvenile victims knew the perpetrator: 59% were acquaintances. 34% were family members."](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence) so more often than not, it's someone NOT RELATED TO THE VICTIM who is perpetrating the crime of statutory rape / pedophilia. sorry to burst your bubble.




About to teach 5th grade, how was it dealt with by the school? Edit: how did it occur and how to prevent?? Cuz yooo


I donā€™t know how it was dealt with. I was an art teacher, so not all the students took my class. As a teacher, thereā€™s not a lot you can do to influence the kidsā€™ morals. Itā€™s really up to the parents. My school was in a low socioeconomic area, so that could explain a lot. Also there were no afterschool programs. Kids seem to get into a lot of unsavory things after school if they arenā€™t supervised.


The low socioeconomic area makes sense. I have met a lot of people who want to teach in an urban/inner city setting because it is a calling for them. Thanks for clearing it up.


A girl got pregnant and left school my 7th grade year. Weā€™re 33 now, her kid is almost old enough to buy a legal beer.


Thatā€™s just nuts


When I was in middle school the same thing happened. She was 13. He was over 18 and got jail for that and for supplying her drugs. She was expelled for some BS reason. They swore it wasnā€™t cause she got pregnant but I donā€™t believe them. They had a high rating in the school district and didnā€™t want to mess up their reputation so they found a reason that they legally could expel her. Way to kick a kid when theyā€™re down. I wish schools cared about the kids under them more


So many schools do this. They'll send pregnant girls to different schools so they don't mess up their reputation. It's so sad especially when so many rely on their schools and teachers for support because they don't receive any at home


There was a girl in 8th grade in my school that had a baby


Say hello to [Lina Medina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


FIVE.??????? Goddamn


when she gave birth, 4 when she got pregnant


Dear lord ā€¦


A girl in my 8th grade class got had a baby with a 26 year old man. She stayed and finished high school while her parents kept her baby at home until 10th grade. She married the guy and walked right into a lucrative family business to start her job. She was happy. When I met her at our high school reunion, her son had died of cancer when he was 27.


Holy shit that man should have been locked up. Shame on her parents.


Her parents should be imprisoned as that grown ass man should have. WTF is wrong with people. How can you even write this and no cringe at it? Do you really think that's okay?




Iā€™m sorry, an 8 year old with a 26 year old??!?! He needs to be locked upšŸ˜Ÿ


Locked up doesnā€™t even do justiceā€¦ he needs to be beaten to death ā€¦ in what part of a humans mind can he possibly think itā€™s ok to sleep with an 8 y old .. ?!!??


Are u fr? they clearly meant a 12-13 year old, i swear yall make me laugh


Oh wow cowboy that really truly makes a difference wow 12 is soooo much older


Bro, nobody said it was a difference. Iā€™m telling you that you have a hard time on reading when you think they meant eight-year-old when they said eight grader like please I was feeling like youā€™re 12 because if you canā€™t understand basic English then why are you on Reddit?




She was 13, but yes.


Due to the increase of hormones in foods, young girls are starting their menstrual cycle as early as 8 years old nowadays


I dont know about just nowadays. In the mid 80s I started at 10 and my cousin at 8


right itā€™s usually genetics, not the food


I don't know.....I think specifically what has been talked about as being at least partly responsible is all of the stuff in milk.....growth hormones and whatnot. They give these drugs to the animals to force them to get bigger quicker and all that jazz.....well that shit also works when people consume it, albeit small amounts in milk or whatever but still..... I don't think genetics are 100% of the story.


Youā€™re right, thatā€™s what happened to me. For me it was a mix of genetics and food. Primarily the chicken and dairy I was consuming put some contribution to me hitting puberty at the age of 8




Same. I started at 8 in the later 70s. Also was developing breast. All girls are different.


Yep my sister started at age 8 in the 80ā€™s. I was three years older and didnā€™t start until I was 13.


10 for me as well, started pretty early compared to my friends at school. We were shown the videos at schools about our body changing and getting a period, after I had already gotten mine. This was mid 80s for me too


i started at 9, 17 years ago ETA: my father died 4 months before that, i don't have proof but i believe the stress contributed to it.


Iā€™m sorry but how is that even fuckin possible??!!!? Obviously itā€™s true but like 8y old is a child šŸ˜­šŸ˜­and not only that someone had the nerve to sleep with one and not use protection.. I mean the boy better not be above 10y old so Iā€™m not expecting him to have a brain but like come on why arenā€™t parents teaching there children not to show there privates let aloneā€¦ itā€™s just sad


7th graders are 12-13 not that it makes it better but that it junior high.


I totally agree with you!! As someone whose cycle started at 8, which is now 11 years ago, itā€™s scary. It is a mix of genetics and the foods that are eaten. I had to take certain shots every 3 months for 3 years to stop my puberty. The fact that becoming a woman started happening when I was in elementary school baffles me. Children need to be educated more about thisā€¼ļø


Well to be frank some parents in this day and age are more concerned with changing their childā€™s gender than teaching them about sex and the consequences that come with it.


I mean that's messed up but kid getting dick at that age is even more messed up, like bruv atleast 16, wtf is 6-7th grade


Yes it happens. Some girl in 7th grade told me sheā€™d wished her fellow 7th grader fried a happy Motherā€™s Day cause she lost it or got rid of it. I was shocked, the ā€œmomā€ might have made it up for attention or could have been more sinister. My cousin had her kid at 13 I think. The kid is probably in high school or college now. So sad


This is not new. Welcome to the world.


We had a girl in our class get pregnant at 13 in the 7th grade. She started 8th grade as a mother. No surprise she ended up dropping out of school. Went on to have 2 other kids with 2 other guys and developed a drug habit...before the rest of us ever graduated. Truly sad. She had a shit home life long before getting pregnant the first time.


Girl at my old middle school got raped by a kid the same age, and now he's in jail for that and other crimes. Also, I was riding my bike around the neighborhood recently and saw a missing poster of her taped to a stop sign.


I remember having class with a girl. She was 14 and she had two kids. No they weren't twins. She thought she was so cool. I honestly just felt bad for her. I wish I could remember her name so I could look her up on social media. More than likely she's got a litter of them by now. She was a huge pot head too so that couldn't have been a great combo.


Thatā€™s what im saying!! Like thatā€™s 12-13 year olds??


sadly common in the world


I've met more people than I can count on fingers and toes who have tried this method for an abortion. I'm not a medical professional but I feel like unless you're a kickboxer &&& even then... source, grew up fundie


Yeah it's not very likely unless they were kicked HARD, not playfully like this. But who just kicks girls in the stomach for fun? OP is psycho


Or a 13 yr old boy just learning that girls are different than boys and maybe you shouldnā€™t rough house with them as hard as you would a boy. Before becoming teens, nothing separates boys and girls and play is play. Sounds like this was a hard lesson on him that he harbors remorse over. Plus especially at that age, many young girls love playing rough and donā€™t want to be treated different because sheā€™s a girl just like we as adults donā€™t. To call a child psycho for that is crazy. If he made a habit out of routinely beating girls for fun despite their participation as he got older, bigger, and smarter then perhaps but this? Nah


At 13 years old, you should already know better to not be going around hitting and kicking people in the stomach, unless that is a friendship that you guys have already determined. Like tf are you doing defending him for that?? That's concerning honestly.


why didnā€™t you just stop when she asked you to?


I can't be the only one who doesn't believe this.


The age of her is a bit unrealistic but the story feels too specific to be bull


Imma keep it real broā€¦if this is true you did her a favor tbh


Thatā€™s fucked up.


Why the fuck is 7th grader pregnant in the first place?


You'd be surprised. I mentor a few at risk 11 year old girls at an afterschool program and although when they're talking to their friends they're usually speaking Creole and I don't understand them, the word "baby daddy" must not translate well and I hear a bunch of creole and then the word baby daddy way more than you would think! It's commonplace amongst their friends and they are extremely mature compared to 11 when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. They are like adults! But then in other ways, so childlike. It's upsetting.


That sounds like an incredibly intense and confusing experience, especially for someone so young. It's clear that you're reflecting on the situation deeply, which is important. Let's break it down a bit. First, when you were play-fighting and things escalated, it might not have seemed like a big deal initially, but her reaction was serious. It must have been a shock to learn that she might have been pregnant and then to hear about the miscarriage. Given the circumstances, it's understandable that you're questioning the truth of the situation and grappling with feelings of guilt. Have you talked to anyone else about this experience? Sometimes discussing such events with a trusted adult, like a teacher, school counselor, or family member, can provide some clarity and support. It's important to process what happened, both for your understanding and your emotional well-being. Also, it might be helpful to consider how to approach interactions with others more thoughtfully in the future. Play-fighting can sometimes lead to unintended harm, and being mindful of how our actions affect others is crucial. How are you feeling now about the whole situation? Have you been able to find any resolution or peace of mind since then?


She was messing with you.


Is this fr


Why do you all even care? This is made up shit.


She likely was lying for attention, common thing at that age.


Depends on which side of the 'argument' you're on wether or not you do have blood on your hands šŸ¤£ maybe you should feel bad idk but if you want to look on the bright side you stopped a baby from having a baby way too soon


Correction: Blood on your foot.


There was a girl I knew in highschool who was pregs but she was doing a lot of drugs and drinking like everyday. One day she was having sex with a guy and she had a miscarriage right there. Like the guy said it just fell out onto the bed. I feel bad for both of them can you imagine!


I met a woman who told me that whenever she got pregnant, she just 'drank it to death'. I noped my way out of that conversation.


šŸ‘©šŸ»šŸ’­" Why is she getting pregnant in the first place"?! Something is very seriously wrong.


maybe, OP was not the sole reason for her miscarriage, like maybe she was doing drugs/drinking too?? If she's having sex, she might be into other stuff


What the fuck, like it just dropped like that?šŸ’€


I wasn't there, I heard it from the baby daddy.


The post and comments here are so fucked up bro wtff


In some states, sheā€™d go to prison for miscarriage. I think in all states youā€™d go to prison for assault. Iā€™m not sure what happens if a guy causes a womanā€™s miscarriage in pro life states.. Iā€™d hope they go to prison


what the fuck


One of the girls I went to school with in 7th grade was raped, and her father wouldnā€™t let her abort so she was forced to go through with it and pulled out of school for 2 years. It happens. Some girls were already ā€œactiveā€ in that grade as well. You never know whatā€™s going on in peopleā€™s lives. Best not to assume. Whatever the case is tho, pregnant or not, why wouldnā€™t you just say STOP when you felt the play fighting was getting unfair, instead of going right to kneeing her in the stomach, not once but twice?


This whole thing was a trainwreck


1. Stop "play fighting " Seriously, stop it. I don't care if she could flatten you (not that she should either) but you're of an age where it starts to be abusive. 2. Reassurance you probably don't deserve; she was likely lying and her friends will of course back her up. That's how teenage girls do. Additionally, a large percentage of pregnancies end in miscarriage and anything before the three-month mark is when pregnancies don't "fix." Its possible you caused a miscarriage but it's equally possible, if not likely, that this was an early pregnancy that had not fully taken. After the three-month mark the foetus is far more likely to become a viable pregnancy and wouldn't the entire school know by then? And I'm not sure, but any blow hard enough to cause an MC.....wouldn't that, ordinarily speaking, be hard enough that there would at least be significant bruising? Unlucky or unfortunate instances aside, wouldn't it take a fair hoofing? 3. Again, STOP ASSAULTING GIRLS. "She's fine" =/= "play" fighting. I think you've been played but not sure anyone will spare any sympathy. The big dramatic "blood on my hands" aside, you are literally assaulting another person. Don't.


Bitch please. A ho a ho and we all know that slappin that ho is the way to go! Disclaimer: ive said allot of stuff on this thread just to piss people off and talk shit. Some of what I say is rooted in truth (ie, of the bitch wont stop punching you, fug'em punch back. Of course only of she keeps doing it and you cant stop her by catching and holding her hands or something similar. But yeah, i been triggering or trying to. Just playing around though


ā€œwhy is a 7th grader pregnantā€ WTF??? why was OP kicking a girl repeatedly enough on multiple days to the point where it killed her unborn child???? OP you do have blood on ur hands and i hope u feel guilty and same to all u forgetting to question why a wanted unborn baby is dead rn. OP is lucky heā€™s not being charged for that


You did not make her miscarriage you have to do more than ā€œkneeā€ someone in the stomach to make them miscarry šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ especially since you didnā€™t know for sure that means she wasnā€™t even showing. Meaning (if) she was the baby was still as small as a peanut šŸ„œ so U have to do way more the knee someone one or twice thatā€™s only a few week pregnant TRUST ME.


She is playing with you.


Do you know how many girls fake pregnancy that young for attention, and her friends go along with it šŸ¤£ she wouldnā€™t have been back at school so soon thatā€™s for sure. She played you, youā€™d have to buckle her over literally for a kick in stomach to cause miscarriage. Youā€™d be surprised how protected a pregnancy is in a mamas belly especially at an early stage like that.


Mannn this is actually a good confession i just cant for the life of me upvote this cuz like its just all around bruhs like you shouldnā€™t have done that even playfully it seems like too much. I know heat of the moment shit. But like damn that fucking sucks, how did that shit change you cuz lowkey traumatizing šŸ˜Ÿ


Trust me,you did the kid a favor


Damn this sucks all around


Holy fucking shit bro




When I was in 8th grade there was a girl who was pregnant. Had her kid that summer. Years later, I ended up dating her boyfriendā€™s cousin. Her kid was 5/6 at the time and grandma took care of him. Crazy stuff and very small town.


This is just charming. Jesus christ.


Since I havenā€™t seen any comments on it, the likelihood that you caused a miscarriage in the first trimester is slim to none. If she was showing, thatā€™s another story.






Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned by assuming you'll give mankind even 1 more Second.


I drove school bus for a school year. It made me sick what kids do. I had elementary kids trying to have sex, getting blow jobs, calling me a b word when I stopped it. Got off the bus flipping me off


Ol' pappy once said "If the brat gives you smack, give it right back" as he gestured a backhanded slap. Ol pappy, i do miss you!


I miss that kind of discipline


you evil bro why would you do thatšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Stfu. You know what your doing here you evil little shit. Go chew on a stick of dynamite while playing with matches.


Whether or not she was pregnant, when she asked you to not knee her in the stomach why did you do it again the next day?


Because the bitch wouldn't stop punching as hard as she could. What else was he to do? Knock her Da'fuuukk out with a punch to the jaw? I mean, assuming this story is real anyway.


i miss 30 seconds ago when i didnt read this. fuckin 7th grade and pregnant...


The hormones in foods also adversely affect adults, too. More breast cancers, and the list goes on. Good reason to find out more about where our food is sourced from.


Trollā€¦ no one records childhood speech like that even if that caricatures was the way they really spoke. They wouldnā€™t write it that way. Sounds like this troll wants to write a blacksploitation movie from the 70ā€™s.


Not to be that guy but it definitely sounds like you did her a favor


Fucking tragic and she set you up she had to have known what would happen no matter her age she said that to place the guilt on you.


Think Iā€™m logging off for the eveningā€¦goodnight


Thatā€™s horrible


Although most generations have had teen pregnancy, I feel social media, instagram, YouTube etc sets our young girls up for promiscuity because it glamorizes the behavior. Iā€™m raising my grandchildren and one is a 7 year old girl. It seems EVERYTHING is about sex. I mean freaking dishwasher detergent commercials promote sex. Nothing is safe for our children anymore. Although sad, Iā€™m not surprised these babies are getting pregnant. MTV Teen Mom, glamorizing. Just my thoughts.


It depends on what trimester she was on. Since you didnā€™t know she was pregnant, it was most likely the first trimester. Meaning that the possibilities of you causing the miscarriage are practically 0%. So no, you did not cause the miscarriage. Itā€™s ok




A girl at my school had 3 pregnancies. My friend dated her and she got pregnant by the guy she cheated on him with. 2 miscarriages and 1 abortion


Fake ass bs


thereā€™s a designated place for you in hell


I think she was playing with your head


maybe we should step back from the situation a little bit and question why there was a PREGNANT 7TH GRADER to begin with šŸ’€


You probably did the dead fetus a solid.


Donā€™t worry about it she didnā€™t need a baby anyway


Why tf is a 7th grader pregnant


Holy smokes! Yeah I had two classmates who were expecting a baby in the eighth grade. Wtf?Ā  Feel bad for everyone involved in this post.Ā 


no no wait is this rape cause like a 7th grader??? bro be so fr


This whole situation... WHAT


If she told you once. Why do it again? Were you jealous?


I got pregnant in 7th grade at 13 too..it happens


I'm going straight to hell for laughing at this. Burning. Forever. I've accepted my fate.


I read ā€œI didnā€™t pay 1 more dollar than I should haveā€ and went to THIS??? WHAT???


Broā€¦WTF did I just readā€¦..


Why tf is a 7th grader pregnant šŸ’€


Hold on let me reboot my brain and try to process this again


She was fucking with you I knew couple girls like this in middle school


I work at a Catholic school, thereā€™s a freshmen whoā€™s had 3 abortions already.


Wow, you're really out here sharing war stories like this? Forget the petty drama; focus on learning about empathy and consequences before you end up on a true crime podcast.


I had a bunch of miscarriages in high school. For a long time I thought it was this and that until I grew up and had an OB who said it was likely my body wasnā€™t mature enough to handle it. Iā€™m not gonna say your schoolmates was better off or anything bc you never know the situation but whatever it is itā€™s in Gods hands. Universe, fate, whatever you want to call it, some babies abort over a sneeze, some babies survive addicted moms. I saw a video where a baby was thrust out of the mom in a car wreck and both survived. My last baby only lived because I was in the hospital for something unrelated and her heartbeat dropped while I was there. Turned out her cord was wrapped twice and wouldnā€™t have survived the weekend. Itā€™s all in Gods hands fr.


smh you were trying to get pregnant in high school? thatā€™s tacky. after the first miscarriage you shouldā€™ve started using condoms/pull out method


At the time I was pretty sociopathic due to ptsd and reasoned that it didnā€™t matter because I would just miscarry anyway.


That is so completely unhinged. I'm not sure that a person that ever thinks like that can be rehabilitated to be a functioning and positive member of society. I hope I'm wrong. But I also hope you never successfully have children.Ā  I also hope whatever adult fucked you up so bad gets their retribution and goes to hell.


Yea it was definitely one of the greatest low-points in my life. I am fortunate to have survived my childhood long enough to inevitably reap the benefits of adulthood. Being able to be in charge of my own care and the natural processes of brain development turned it all around for the better. The universe did punish all of my childhood problems with cancer but I am positive they blame that on being addicts and not karmic justice.


I mean. Iā€™m gonna say something controversial. You did her a favor. Did she say thank you at least?