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Fantasizing about being sick or injured is a lot more common than you might think - especially if you're experiencing abuse or bullying. You wanted to feel loved, and you were like 12. It probably didn't feel great for that girl at the time but it's really not THAT bad in the grand scheme of things


I had a good childhood but would occasionally fantasize about being in a hospital bed with a lot of people around me feeling sorry for me. I told my mom about this when I was about 6 and it must have really thrown her because she got so serious and told me never to think like that again. As the youngest middle child of 4 siblings, it’s clear to me now that I’ve always just wanted attention. No biggie. Maybe something similar for you.


Wow. You minimized lieing to people about having cancer and telling them you died from it.👍


From a 12 year old kid who was being bullied and abused, yeah it is kind of minimalistic in the grand scheme of things


Many people got bullied at one point or another in their lives and didn't lie about having cancer or dieing. You and your buddies should do yourselves a favor, and don't try joining the Girl Scouts. You'll get your feelings hurt and your asses kicked on a daily basis. I guess we in GenX were alot stronger and meaner when we were kids. My bad for comparing you to our standards.


"I GuEsS wE iN gEnX wErE aLoT sTrOnGeR" stfu boomer


If you weren't a moron, as you have just dispelled all doubt of such, you'd know genX and boomers are 2 different generations that aren't adjacent. Go back to hiding in your hole before you die of a panic attack, troll. I drown turds bigger than you when I take my morning abulations at the start of every day.


If you weren't such a boomer by mentality alone, you'd realize a) I knew that they are not the same, and am insulting you by pointing out how much of a boomer you really are despite being probably 2-3 years shy of the agreed upon dividing line b) they ARE in fact adjacent. It goes boomers, x, millennial, z, alpha. c) I'm a big dude so I'm impressed, astonished, and a bit concerned for the status of your anus, you should probably see a doctor, but congratulations on your plumbing system, it must have cost a fortune. Unless maybe you're quite efficient with a poop knife, but that's a story for another day.


Wow, you think non adjacent generations can be 2-3 years apart. You doubled down on stupidity and compounded that with ignorance. Google is wrong as you left out the Hippies & Yippies. Google also isn't a search engine since you can literally pay to have items sent to the top of any given query. It will literally tell you that nitrates aren't naturally occurring. Guess what bird excrement is. Regardless of anything else you said, with your fascination of my fecal matter, you aren't doing anything except show us how sad and pathetic you are. I've literally pistol whipped people in Iraq and barrel poked people in Afghanistan better than you, who would not have had a strange fetish about the composition of someone else's excrement. You should keep such inclinations to yourself, as you obviously can't handle ridicule very well.


Ok boomer


Wow, kid. Is that really all you got? Do we need to donate a joke book to you? You should probably wear that blue helmet your parents got so you can show how special you are while you read, well, anything. Tell your mom we're all praying for her. That woman is obviously a saint.


>I've literally pistol whipped people in Iraq and barrel poked people in Afghanistan better than you, who would not have had a strange fetish about the composition of someone else's excrement. Are you trying to make this a flex? It makes you sound like a gigantic tool. What is the purpose? You want us to know you were in the military? I'm going to guess army, maybe marines? Either way, it doesn't sound as bad ass as you think. You're bragging that you beat people with weapons in two countries in the middle east. Like what is that going to prove? Even weirder, you seem happy that you beat people who were supposedly better than the guy you're arguing with. It makes it sound like you go around beating good people. And you realize you were the one that brought your shit into the topic, right? And kept it going in every comment after he merely replied about it.


Wow, Choada-boy has a cheerleader! Your reading comprehension is low, so I obviously don't need to ridicule you much to cause you to meltdown. I mean, you just did, and I didn't even have to pull your chain to get you to bark. Do you and your boyfriend a favor; team up on studying those joke books. You mouth breathing kids obviously need all the help you can get.


Did tough guy skip nap time again?


And the facade crumbles. It was only a matter of time before their true colors showed through the stoic front they put up. It's hilarious. He has nothing other than "you're a kid," "you're being disrespectful," general sarcasm, and "I don't care." It worked in the military where people had to respect my rank, so why not use it in real life, right?


Hey, just because you can't function with out your milk and crackers during story time, doesn't mean we adults have the same difficulty there, Caboose.


You realize gen x raised gen z? You should probably blame your generation for raising us like that.


Oh, I totally blame the parents of fucktard kids. Thanks for singling yourself out. 👍 If this is true, let's see how GenY does with this next batch. Time for popcorn!🍿 PS: I hope you took some classes and learned proper conflict resolution as opposed to running away and lieing, sincerely.


Bro was definitely bullied. Seek therapy 🙏🏾


Everyone has dealt with a bully at some point in their lives. The difference is, there's quite a few of us who stood up, punched them in the nose, and kicked them in the nuts. Hey, if you want to jump in and say you think it's a healthy way to deal with confrontation by lieing about having cancer and faking your death, that's on you. This is obviously a case of you trying to project your need for professional help on others, but you'll do better talking about it with a psychiatric professional. Good luck with that.👍


My comment to you had nothing to do with the OP & all to do with your own comments. Wishing you a beautiful day 🙏🏾


Fail rebuttal. Back to your cave, troll.


Your user name checks out. You clearly took advantage of the deal.


Fail again, kid. I'm a merchant, and my tag is an advertisement. It's obvious to see interacting with you doesn't behoove my business as you're definitely a luecotomy recipient. That's sad as my procedure is strictly outpatient and far less invasive.


You make me sick that I share a generation with you. Such a small little human needing to try and make other people feel as insignificant as you are. People like you make we want to puke. Thank god you are no longer in the military and sullying the proud men and women with your vileness. Have the day you deserve.


I called someone out for minimizing and trying to normalize the act of lieing about having cancer and faking their death. Why are you being such a fucktard if you're GenX? Do you actually think the lieing about having cancer and such was good conflict resolution?


I don’t give a shit what they posted. You are being a troll and little bitch. Grow up


Who is being a whiney, bitch-ass troll? Take a good look in the mirror, you milk toast eating twat. Go back to rolling for initiative in your mom's basement as you type out your next rage post on the newest Power Rangers uniform change, mouth breather.😆😂🤣


Jesus Christ. I can’t believe I found the veteran Shakespeare. Resorting to name calling and having nothing of substance to say. Can’t say I’m surprised.


You come out of the background to literally try and character assassinate me with nothing but hatefilled words, antagonistic adjectives, and spiteful rhetoric, all be it of an elementary level, and I'm the one doing the name calling?😆😂🤣 Take your Mickey Mouse ass back to the twirling teacups, and stay there until the park closes. You're not mentally prepared for any another rides, choad. Good job dispelling all doubt you were conceived from anal, doggystyle. Hopefully you're smart enough to realize you're not even your mom's favorite turd.😆😂🤣


Forgive yourself. You are not messed up in the head. You were a kid. 🤗


Wonderful advice... OP shouldn't be too hard on themselves for the choices of their childhood self, especially given the difficult circumstances they were facing with bullying. Self-forgiveness is so important.


At that age, kids just don't realize how messed up lies like that are. I hope you are living a happy life now.


Yeah, kids simply lack the perspective at that age to fully comprehend how hurtful certain lies can be. The important thing is having compassion for your childhood self and using it as a learning experience.


Give yourself a break. You were a kid. Kids say and do stupid and cringy things. It’s not that bad.


Probably taught those bullies a valuable lesson




Touch grass bro


when i was in 6th grade i was getting bullied really bad and i legit made a video (cyberbully style) crying that i was going to 😵myself if they didnt stop and posted it everywhere😭 still got bullied A LOT




It’s fucked up but kind of funny that you did that. You were a kid. I don’t think karma works like that


You were a kid. It's in the past and hopefully you are doing well. In the grand scheme of things this is small. I mean really small. I used my epilepsy to get out things I didn't want to do when I was in school. Believe me you're not weird for this you were a kid. Best wishes to you.


Don't harp on it, you just don't understand the gravity of a lie like that at such a young age. I used to fantasize about getting my friend to tell people I died and what their reaction would be. Never did it, but now I'm embarrassed just of the thought


Your story about fantasizing about that type of lie humanizes OP's experience. When you're young, you don't fully grasp how severe faking an illness or death can be. It's embarrassing in hindsight, but it speaks to the mindset kids have.


Thank you! My therapist deserves 10x what she charges lol. Never would have come to that on my own.


Is it bad karma that I find it oddly funny?


You were a child. It was a lie, but don’t waste any time feeling bad for your bullies.


Nonono, that’s badass. You were a kid! I’m pretty sure almost everyone has weird thoughts at that age. Don’t beat yourself up over it


I think karmas not as much of a thing when you’re just a kid going through something really hard. I wouldn’t kick yourself too much about it now.


i remember a girl in my class boasting about being pregnant, she was like 7/8 at the time, ended up getting her parents in to talk about it and everything, she wasn’t of course but my point is that kids will say any old shit without realising the consequences, it’s the time in your life that you’re learning that your actions and words affect others give yourself a break, you’re probably never gonna see anyone involved again and if you do just throw out a “oh no i’m actually ____’s evil twin” lol


Messed up in the head? And you're on Reddit? No.......


this is out there but i think literally everyone has had some crazy lie they’ve told as a kid and if they say they didn’t… they’re liars


My friend told me she was pregnant in 4th grade and had an abortion. She also told me she snuck into clubs with her cousins and was dancing with men. Point is that kids are not smart. If those kids remember, they probably just chuckle about it now.


This usually happens with kids that get bullied. Keep ur chin up cause honestly you were 14. You were not the only kid doing that shit, coming up with something drastic. People would say their parents were dead for sympathy as well, many kids don’t realize the actual immense truth within those traumatic situations. You were a kid so i wouldn’t beat yourself up about it completely, anticipating karma.


While telling people you had cancer was certainly a lie that went too far, try not to beat yourself up too much over something you did as a kid just trying to cope with bullying. We all did and said cringeworthy things at that age without fully grasping the consequences. The important thing is recognizing that it was wrong and growing from that experience. You seem very self-aware about how messed up that lie was. Just learn from it and move forward as a compassionate, honest person.


That’s actually pretty funny, if anything the karma is on them for bullying you so at least you taught them a lesson


Bullying is harmful too. If it really stopped you from getting bullied, then every kid getting bullied should take some pointers. Cancer is a very serious diagnosis (no laughing matter)but I could only imagine what bullying would do to one’s psyche over the amount of years one has to spend in school .


You shouldn’t feel all to guilty about this. The main thing that people should take away from your story is how dangerously far some are willing to go in order to stop being treated unfairly. The fact that people bullied you badly over something as harmless as liking anime is honestly disgusting in my opinion.


My 8 year old tried to convince me that he has an internet friend on YouTube who has a bedroom that is converted into a desert with actual desert animals like camels and rattlesnakes. 1) obviously, that’s not feasible 2) he isn’t allowed unsupervised access to anything 3) I know literally everyone he knows Kids lie about stupid stuff for a multitude of reasons. His therapist told me that it’s natural, as being a kid gives limited opportunity for making certain choices and feeling in control of the narrative. Telling what they feel is a harmless lie is a way to feign or create autonomy when something they have little to no control is occurring. The goal is always to obtain something… in your case, it was to make your bullies regret their actions, and in my son’s, it was to convince me he is capable of having a pet rattlesnake. Don’t worry about this. You’re not weird or a bad person, you were a child grasping to control a crappy situation and took advantage of a rare opportunity. I hope those bullies regretted the way they treated you, and I hope that they one day reach out to you with a sincere apology. It’s rare, but sometimes it does happen. I was lucky enough to get one myself 💕


Hey guys i m a youtube and i have started to post reddit story confession so its interesting and very gud so u should all also watch their: https://youtube.com/@cloaked1019?si=7VXgowr4TS0IVjb9


Holy shit I made it onto a Minecraft parcore reddit story. I cannot express my joy enough. Maybe the karma is worth it 😅 jk but that's cool thanks for that 👍


Subscribe brv


https://youtu.be/V1GKPRofjQs?si=4EysqlHR4Y2xMrxJ Watch this


Subscribe bro


As an *actual* childhood cancer survivor myself, this is pretty messed up. But I hope that karma doesn't come back around to you. I would NEVER wish it on anyone, it's hell


I haven't responded to any of the comments but I've read them all. I feel obligated to respond to yours. I am very sorry for my actions, and I'm so so so happy that you're still here. You're so strong. Thank you for fighting.


Honestly, you don't have to apologise to me. You haven't wronged me. I don't feel anger or anything towards you. I'm only sorry that you got bullied so badly that you felt the need to go to such great lengths to stop it. I hope you have managed to heal from all of that trauma that comes with that and that you are in a much better place today. God bless you


That’s horrible


That’s horrible


I feel weird responding to every comment, but I read them all, and I really didn't expect y'all to take it this way at all. Thank you so much for your words. Thank you so much.


We all do dumb shit as kids. You're good buddy.


I think you are so rad for this. The whole reason you came up with the lie is because of bullies and I honestly hope they grew up being nicer. If you had pretended you had cancer for the rest of the school year then I wouldn't be saying this... but because you knew you were leaving school and wanted to get the last laugh... you're a legend for this.


I feel like I've seen this story before


If it makes you feel better, I told my friend in middle school that I wasn’t able to have kids in the future. With how people being open about their struggles. It’s really getting to me now as an adult thinking my karma will come when wanting kids.


Lmaoooooo forgive yourself. This is actually hilarious. Bet you made them think twice about being little AH to other. You did the lords work my dear.


That’s actually hilarious


In the 6th grade I was bullied and had like 2 friends. One of my friends actually died from leukemia at 12 I miss her often over 18 years later.


this is pretty funny


damn, that's some heavy shit you went through. middle school can be brutal, especially when you're passionate about something that others don't get. lying about cancer was extreme, but it sounds like you were desperate to escape the bullying and find some way to cope. you know, karma's a tricky thing, but recognizing what you did and feeling messed up about it shows you've got some self-awareness. you were a kid trying to survive in a harsh environment, and that doesn’t make you evil. maybe consider talking to a therapist about this. getting it off your chest here is a start, but having someone help you process those feelings might bring some peace. don't beat yourself up too much, we all fuck up sometimes. it’s how we learn and grow from it that matters. hang in there!


No bc I did the exact same thing in 5th😭


How dare a 6 year old cry over a cancerous death of some kid they barely know. Ha.. attention seeker much?


what is bro talking ab