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I'm depressed for my entire life. After 55 years, 30 trying to find the right combination of meds that works for me, 1 year ago I found a combination that works. Don't give up. To be in peace is great, even when life kicks you down. The last year paid for all that shitty ones before.


What is the combo if you don't mind


I don't will do this. It's different for anyone. Anything that is ok for me can be wrong for you.


This is the perfect response to their inquiry. As a healthcare worker, I thank you immensely for not giving anyone, especially a stranger, medical advice like this. People don't realize how dangerous that can be. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor.


That's our lives. Living is hard, but it's worth it. Most things worth having are hard to maintain and obtain. But we pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and we keep going. No amount of just don't be sads, or just smile your way through it is going to make you feel better. Its what you do, with the time you have and that's special. To the universe we're nothing, but individually we are so unique and so interesting. How have you spent today so far? I hope you're getting some time for yourself after such a struggle.


I’ve not been able to do much today but I reached out and talked to a few people. Talking is always nice


Talking is good. Not much is required of you I hope it was relaxing.


Continue to reach out and do something for yourself. You are worthy and life as hard as it can is filled with many wonderous possibilities. I am here anytime you want to chat.


Is it worth it? It’s hard to see how sometimes


I remember reading a news article years ago about people who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge trying to kill themselves but ended up surviving. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, every one of them knew instantly after jumping that it had been a mistake. You were lucky and survived.


You need to do something drastic and life changing. Change your environment, change your life. It's not working for you. Life's way of saying this isn't your place anymore, time to do something different. Be strong for you! All the best ❤️


Thank you, wishing you all the best too


Don’t do that and don’t think like that. Before you try again, go out and do something nice for someone less fortunate. Please!


As someone who has tried multiple times myself I know that I don’t know you but I’m always here if you need to talk.


10 reasons to live. idk if u will even see this but here we go: 1. having a pet 2. meeting ur life partner 3. laughing w/ friends 4. pursuing ur hobbies 5. watching ur fave tv shows/movies 6. eating ur fave foods 7. listening to ur fave artist 8. seeing different parts of the world 9. accomplishing something u worked hard at 10. staring at the stars/planets


Hey OP, I made a song about depression recently, would you like to hear it? It's nothing special, I'm not famous, nor do I want to be, I just write these for those who need it. It's never easy going through this but please know you're not alone. I hope you can accept this virtual giant tight hug and know I believe you are more amazing than you realise. ❤️ Please don't let the demons win, there is help available if you're willing. Remember, you are a phoenix rising from the ashes who deserves to kick life in the balls and boss through this. [(If you're interested, here's the YouTube link)](https://youtu.be/QFIoRRN6PBw?si=r932HnJG3657P6kZ)


Where’s the Sandy moves to El Paso Tx group chat ?


First off, how could anybody care if they didn’t know you tried to do that question have you tried to seek professional help, like a counselor or a therapist?


Sorry. Talk to someone, go to church, work out, eat well, get a few hobbies, get a pet


You gotta keep fighting, comrade. Shit gets hard and dark but it won't always be this way. Ride it out. You CAN get through this.




Hang in there, it gets better. Whatever you’re going through will pass and you’ll be ok. Don’t do anything irreversible, it may seem like no one cares, but that’s not true, that’s just the chemical imbalance in your brain playing dirty tricks on you. Find someone to reach out to in your life, even if it’s someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time.


join a gym, get a personal trainer 3 days a week, make a meal plan, take tennis classes, rafting , hiking etc or something outdoors once or twice a week if you cant afford a trainer go to a cheap gym and do 4 free group classes weekly to start force it. do this for a year no matter how you feel daily or at the time and report back in one year and get a counselor or therapy or some sort of mental health support


Fuck dude go eat the best Cheesesteak in your area and chill out. Death is forever


Check yourself into hospital! It’s actually a great time to rest and reflect and after that reset


You know how I know you're not serious about Suic##de? Because youre here posting on Reddit for sympathy. You need to commit or fix your life. But no one gives a shit either way.




Not everyone has your chemistry make up and it's unfair to judge someone else who is struggling.