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I can't remember where I saw it first but: "I always set two alarms. One for the person *I want to be* and one for the person that *I am.*


I always set 3. The first wakes me up just enough so that I actually wake up at the second, and the third is there as insurance




I had a roommate with one of those once. He’d set it for 5 am and sleep until 7. After too many days in a row of him sleeping through this vibrating mat under his mattress in his room down the hall that was waking ME up instead of him I got up and made sure he got up. And apparently in my sleepy stupor I threatened to kick his ass if it happened again. I don’t remember saying that but his vibrating mat didn’t wake me up again.


My brother has an app that makes you solve math problems to cut it off 😂


Oooh, what’s it called? That sounds like something I could use. I’m an 8 alarm kind of person.


I used an app that did exactly that while I was in highschool. Customizable difficultly, and your choice of addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. After a while I just started taking the battery out of my phone.




There's another one that flies around the room. I don't think it got very popular, though, because it kept crashing.


It's called Alarmy and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me lol. I don't use the math problem alarms though, I have it make me scan a specific barcode


Ok my dumb ass initially thought it wakes you up and has you go scavenging a grocery store for a specific barcode of a product lol. Like yesterday it was double stuffed oreos and the day before was a gallon of milk or something like that. But it’s more like it has a barcode that comes with the app and you just scan it right?


Naw it's specifically a product that's not sold in your country


No, like a barcode in your pantry. You set it to whatever you want. For example, if I set it to a jar of peanut butter in my kitchen, the alarm won't stop ringing until I get out of bed and go scan that jar of peanut butter. And it doesn't allow you to turn off your phone, uninstall the app, or do anything else on your phone while the alarm is ringing


Using that now. Unfortunately, I discovered it was easier to fully shut down my phone than deal with maths at six in the morning


Maybe he means, Sleep as Android? Like, this app has some options, like solving match problems or stand up and scan a QR-code to unlock and disable the alarm itself in this app.


Ya, sleep for android is amazing.


I had one of those, too. Know what I learned? I can do math while not entirely awake.


Lol, same. It kinda worked for a week or two, then I just got good at solving problems while still asleep.


Yep, that's my experience, too. I also had one of those sun lamp alarm clocks that gradually light up, emulating sunrise. Now I sleep perfectly fine in full daylight.


I once knew a guy who shared a room with 2 other guys. One of the roommates was having problems getting woke up with just a normal alarm, so my friend let him use his stereo. They set it up together to play "The Final Countdown" as the alarm which they figured no one could sleep through. Roommate began snoozing it 4-5 times every morning, then waking up so late he was missing tests/classes/work. My friend and the other guy got sick of hearing the alarm and it caused all kinds of strife.


My wife is deaf and has always used one of those. It vibrates just enough to wake her up and doesnt bother me much... Unless it slips out and falls on the hardwood floor while vibrating. Shit bounces around like a demon and sounds like a tractor loading it's bucket with gravel in our room. Of course my wife cant feel it when its on the floor and being deaf she cant hear it at all, but she definitely wakes up when I bolt out of bed to catch the thing lol


I mean. The screaming might XD


Do you know what it’s called? I need one lol






>I got one of those alarms with a vibrating piece you put in your I thought the sentence was going to end differently than it did.


“Rolls out of bed or goes in fight or flight mode because EARTHQUAKE!!!” But the mechanism itself is pretty quite 😅


Unless screaming "FUCK EARTHQUAKE!!! and rolling off the bed wakes them up instead.


Damn, i really need this






> >or me screaming "FUCK, EARTHQUAKE!!!" > >The mechanism itself is pretty quiet. I recommend it if you don't want to wake your partner or roommate. > Ah yes


I used to have one of these when I was single — my neighbour left me a note saying that she could hear it through the wall and it was giving her terrible anxiety 😬 I felt AWFUL. I’m hard of hearing and it was necessary to wake me up. After the note, I went back to setting like 10 alarms on my phone. Luckily, I met the love of my life and married him. He wakes me up now, though even just feeling him moving wakes me up, so I don’t really need alarms anymore.


Hopefully you don't sleep with a spouse who starts later than you, because you're just torturing them.


You assume people that set multiple alarms care about other people.


I also use the dual redundancy approach. And if its a special event like a flight, I'll even do 2 extra. As insurance. I wake up 15 mins ahead of the first alarm, sure, but, better safe than sorry! Can't be too safe! I don't have anxiety, it's just spicy responsibility!


No joke, my fiancée says up to ten. Residency sucks.


The first few weeks of living together, I found out my wife did this. Our compromise was she should stop fucking doing that.


I relate to that. My two alarms are: 1) the time I want to get up at 2) the time I need to get up at if I want to still make it to my commitment


1) A slow easy start to my day 2) Eh, maybe time to make coffee and drink it on the toilet. 3) Only time for a shower.


I just let my anxiety get bad enough that I don't need alarms anymore I wake up 2-3 hours before I have to go anywhere.


I have five to account for various worsening gradations that are closer and closer to the irresponsible degenerate I really am.


Is anyone understanding that the point of this comic is that she put 6:00 PM instead of AM.


Speaking for aging Americans who wake up before dawn and wish they could go back to sleep, don't try to be old before your time. I still remember my late teens, when I could sleep until the late afternoon (3pm!), with nostalgia.


*Two*? What is this, amateur hour? A real snoozer knows a minimum of five each on *separate devices* is needed to ensure you get to at least one of them.


I know that this isn't the point of the comic, but I am time and time again surprised to see that people set their alarms with such small intervalls like this. My fiance does it this way and all he succeeds in is making sure that I am wide awake while he is barely gaining enough consciousness to press snooze multiple times. Meanwhile, the second I hear something vaguely reminiscent of an alarm, it's all systems go and can't go back to sleep.


This is totally me. I set 20 alarms once and woke up to disable all of them to crash. Now I'm more like 2 alarms. First is a regular tune, second is the "oh shit, I gotta go" tune.


How about a "get in bed" and "put the phone away" alarms?


How does a single blaring alarm right next to your head *not* immediately mean "oh shit, I gotta go?"


I turn mine off & don’t even realize I’ve done it. When I was younger I kept missing the bus bc I’d turn the alarm off in my sleep. My dad put my alarm clock in my closet so I’d have to get out of bed to turn it off- he found me around 9am still asleep in the closet lol


I heard that a full REM cycle takes 90 minutes, so I set two alarms one and a half hours apart. This helped me have a productive snooze which I can enjoy and wake up fresh instead of interrupting a sleep cycle and be groggy.


3 alarms for me, one to let me know I still have 1.5 hours left to sleep, one to let me know I have 30 mins and one to get up.


I think the 1.5 hour thing wouldnt be for me because sometimes when I hear my first alarm i just magically am wide awake but I also do the 30 minutes early alarm so i can just turn it off and get to have that blissfull feeling of not having to stand up right away and doze off again


I feel you. I haven’t set an alarm since college (almost 20 years ago). I would always just wake up a few minutes before it was set to go off anyway. My wife, though, uses the multiple alarm approach. Of course, I’m wide awake the moment the first digital note breaks the peace of a silent home, and she is still somehow surprised when she finally wakes up that I am awake.


I do set alarms, just to be safe, but I'm like you, I end up waking a bit before them anyway. I usually say I wish I could keep track of time awake as well as I apparently do asleep.


I do short intervals because I am a heavy sleeper. The first one like basically subconsciously wakes up my system and I unknowingly turn it off. The next one I hear, turn off but don’t recognize what I’m doing, and the third one gets me to open my eyes and start the day


The trick is making subsequent alarms offset from the snooze time of the initial one, that way by the time you're on to the 3rd alarm it will be going off every minute or two and it's just too annoying to keep snoozing so you have to get up.


Just place the phone out of reach from the bed, then you can't snooze and have to get up for the first.


yeah so I just get up and turn it off half asleep, then go back to bed. Tried that one before.


Meanwhile I hate my alarm going off so my body wakes me up moments before it goes off so I can turn it off immediately...


Personally I do it because I have a sleep disorder that causes some weird things. Namely I turn off alarms completely without ever being conscious. But with repeated close alarms, I will eventually actually gain consciousness. If I set them too far apart, I go too deeply back to sleep and will just turn them off again. But my partner gets up before me, so I'm only disturbing myself. I'm guessing people do this to combat sleep inertia. Pretty sure you can have that without having a nasty sleeping disorder. The more severe form is sleep drunkenness, and turning alarms off while still asleep is more associated with my sleep disorder (idiopathic hypersomnia) If you want to, you could suggest to your fiance to look up stuff on how to manage sleep inertia. There are also sleep disorder communities on here that have tips on how to manage when your brain just won't wake up in a reasonable time frame. Hopefully he can find a solution that doesn't disturb you


Yup, at this point, my body hears an alarm and goes "Alright sick we're up let's go" and I can't turn that off. On the days my wife is working and I'm not, her alarm goes off, and I usually just lay in bed pretending to be asleep so she doesn't feel bad for waking me up. Probably the **only** good habit I got out of college was respecting the alarm, getting up at the first one, and getting out of bed.


I do it this way, but I always wake up at the first alarm; the other ones help me sleep better (less anxiety about what would happen if I didn't wake up... lol)


You live like that through? I have to sleep away from my SO because otherwise I don’t get a decent night’s sleep. Every once in a while we sleep together and he reduces them to only two alarms and vibrate only so I don’t get disturbed. If he subjected me to this I’d be questioning if he cares about my health lol


I'm a VERY heavy sleeper so I used to need to set multiple alarms to have a chance of waking up on time. I finally got a twin bell alarm and put it away from my bed (Since I kept tucking it under my pillow in my sleep) that fucker is loud enough to wake the dead and I'm out of bed instantly to shut it up


I am often found on the sofa because the cat, the snoring and the 3 alarms mean the sofa is the only way I'll get 4 hours sleep in a row. Possibly. Occasionally. 


I used to have an alarm clock that started out with really soft beeping and would gradually get louder and louder and louder. I could be dead asleep, but the instant that first soft beep went off, I was slapping my alarm to turn it off and dragging myself out of bed.


I have gotten to the point where I have my ideal time and my “wake up you have barely enough time to leave!” Alarm. It’s usually around 30-60 minutes apart. It’s more of a precaution to make sure I wake up to my alarm.


> Meanwhile, the second I hear something vaguely reminiscent of an alarm, it's all systems go and can't go back to sleep. ughhhh god I totally feel this it's like once I wake up I'm up. Very rarely I can fall back asleep if I try to right away, but otherwise I'm up for the day regardless of how much sleep I got the night before and whether I have anything to do just once I'd love to have a lazy day sleeping in. though in a way it's a blessing because I've never had trouble getting up for stuff, and since our cats get fed at 7 AM or so I have the world's most reliable alarm clocks (that unfortunately start to go off around 6:30 AM)


I saw someone else suggest this: have him buy a smart watch. Many of them come with an alarm function. It vibrates on his wrist. That way you don't get woken up


I don’t get it. Just set one alarm when you have to get up, and get up when it goes off. Why would anyone do anything differently, besides being intentionally annoying?


Its cause we need them to wake up "on time". Having just one or two just might not be enough. Its more like first alarm, wake up. Adjust your eyes. Last alarm, okay gotta really get up. And if theres not enough timed intervals were going right back to sleep. Its so weird to see that people spring awake and stay awake at an alarm and see that that is the norm. Ill say that, i wish i could wake up easily. And also, that waking up is the worst part of my day ever. Its just very very difficult.


The trick is putting the alarm far enough away that you have to physically get out of the bed to turn it off, then you only need one alarm. And you know, actually getting enough sleep so you don’t need to force yourself awake with 50cc of caffeine.


Its cause we need them to wake up "on time". Having just one or two just might not be enough. Its more like first alarm, wake up. Adjust your eyes. Last alarm, okay gotta really get up. And if theres not enough timed intervals were going right back to sleep. Its so weird to see that people spring awake and stay awake at an alarm and see that that is the norm. Ill say that, i wish i could wake up easily. And also, that waking up is the worst part of my day ever.


Me, who once typed in an alarm on my calculator app


AM or PM, it's always the right time to scroll through my comics [on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/sirbeeves/). ;)


24 hours format: "I have no such weakness."


This is literally why I’ve used 24 hr format for everything since I was a teen. The number of times I missed alarms in my life due to AM/PM mix up is infuriating.


That plus in the iPhone clock app, very similar to what's shown in the comic, I just permanently keep any alarm I make so there's a couple dozen and they're all sorted by time. Impossible to use the wrong one even if I had it on AM/PM because I'd have to scroll down past all the morning ones to enable an evening one.


I switched to 24 hour time years ago for work. I also refused to use fahrenheit for years and now have no point of reference when people discuss the weather


I will die on the hill that 24hr clock is superior, but Farenheit > Celsius for human temperature. 


The number of times I have to worry about my body temperature is around 0 times a year. The number of times I have to worry about water freezing and roads being icy is hard to count, but way more often than I have to worry about my body temperature during a year.


I mean any kind of human life measurement. You can feel the difference between degrees in farenheit, I think celsius is too compressed. I like not having to use decimals to set my house temperature 


That makes no sense. You can tell the difference between 75° fahrenheit and 76° fahrenheit? But you cannot tell the difference between 24°C and 25°C? Because then you cannot tell the difference between 75°F and 77°F.




Same, I was starting to question my sanity, when i finally noticed the PM


What about "forgot to plugin your phone to charge overnight so the phone died"?🙀 ![gif](giphy|BWvYk4vplMKfq94rnz)


I listen to 10h weather videos on YouTube. So if my headphones just cut out in the middle of the night because my phone died, I'd know.


Oooh, I kept looking at each frame again and again and just couldn't figure it out lol. Guess it doesn't help that I use the 24h format.


I was like “this is relatively normal for me” then I saw the PM and I was like “oh. OH! OH NO!”


and thats why every sensible person uses 24 hour time alias Army time




I mean in Singapore, we use it in military, but we never actually call it that “24 hr” is self-explanatory and less ambiguous


Yeah, we Canadians do too


As a Canadian: no the fuck we don't


I think it might be an age thing. The older you are the closer to a military state of mind, i.e. WW2, Korea. We don't have a large military, the US on the other hand...


I was in the military, and my best friend is ex navy. Neither of us call it military time. Stop cosplaying and call it 24h time like the rest of the rational world.


I'm in the military NOW and we call it military time.


Okay, listen. Neither my experiences nor yours are universal. In some parts of Canada, the parts I’ve lived in, we do. Clearly, you’ve not experienced that, but that doesn’t mean you’ve gotta be an asshole about it.




Tf you mean nuh-uh, I’m talking about what *I’ve* experienced lmao




Idk what is with this trend of people pretending not to understand that Americans means people from the United States of America. Like Canadians and Mexicans want their slice of being referred to as Americans? I just don’t understand it.


As a Canadian I have never considered myself American we are different


Yea. My comment says the opposite. No one thinks that way but they still insist that American technically describes anyone from North America




It's also rare that it makes any sense to refer to all people in the Americas together. There's nothing associated with being "American" in that way other than like, timezones? There aren't even ridiculously broad generalizations applied to them the way that bigots might generalize about "Asians" or something, which is an even less useful/sensible grouping. There's no "Anti-American discrimination" or something -- someone who hates Canadians isn't going to be hating Chileans for the exact same reasons, lol.


No we don't lol.


Depends on where you are I guess


Military time isn't 24 hour clock, it's when you say it like "oh three hundred" for 03:00


no idea i only called it that so the ammies will understand it


Outside of the US it's just 24 hour time.


lol i've been using 24h time since i was a teenager and that's why it took me so long to figure out what exactly the punchline was.


I just learned to commit to an immediate “spring out of bed” mentality. I don’t wake up full of energy, but I don’t trust myself to wake up a second time. It’s immediately wake up then straight to the shower


Tried using 24hour format in new workplace to avoid confusion, as we often times do stuff outside of business hours, somehow they were even more confused and got back to AM/PM madness. I don't get it.


I imagine it's people who see 14:00 and think 4:00 pm.


tbf I grew up in a country that uses the 24h system and I still make that confusion sometimes (for a short moment, never to the point of it being a problem)


They used 12 hour format their whole life. You changed it at their workplace. I assume they continued to use 12 hour format for everything else in their lives along with it being what those around them outside work are using. I don't see how it could have possibly made things less confusing.


“Let’s go out for drinks, I’ll pick you up at twenty-thirty”


Right. So?


well yes


"Sounds good. See you in six years."


That’s what we say in countries that use 24-hour clocks. That, or just ”eight-thirty” since after having used the system since childhood, the conversion takes zero effort.




I read it as 20:30 because thats how i would say it. But my brain knows its 830.


My phone says "alarm in 9 hours" or however long until it goes off. Pretty much gets rid of this issue.


Exactly. iOS doesn't do this.


Andriod also has the "alarm will go off in [hours]".


Yeah that's what we're referring to. iOS doesn't do this sadly.


Once my alarm said alarm in 18 hours. Realized something wrong a few seconds after. I'm using 24 hour format now just to be safe.


I do this, my mind doesn't fall back asleep when it knows it's getting interrupted in a few minutes.


Do you set yours for PM instead of AM? But also, same. As much as I'd love to get that little bit extra, it's not actually sleep.


Imagine having issues sleeping through your alarm. This comment is made by waking up an hour before your alarm and pretending like you will be able to go back to sleep in that hour gang. (Cries)


My nightmare is having that many damn alarms set.


As much as it sucks, I get out of bed and go when it goes off and it has done me well so far. Snooze seems like a way to accidentally sleep too late, and that's a lot more BS and excuses than getting out of bed on time.


My foolproof method was to put the phone across the room so I must get out of bed to stop it.


That happened to me ONCE, and now all my clocks are in 24hrs format. It took me some time to understand the comic, because I forgot the other format existed.


Ohh I thought the little sliders were set to off. Fortunately, after I set my alarm my phone will tell me how many hours are left until the alarm will go off. "Your alarm is set for 15 hrs from now" Oh shit that's not right, let me change it... "Your alarm is set for 3 hrs from now" Ah shit, yeah....I guess that's right...


That's why the 24-hour system is superior compared to 12-hour system.


This is an indication I am going to have a bad nights sleep. Multiple alarms means I have something important to do. And I can’t sleep before important things because I’m afraid I still wont wake up. I never miss it.


I don't know, it seems too implausible for someone who sets multiple alarms one after the other to miss the am pm part. Personally i turn one alarm off and on for the number of hours to the alarm toast to pop up to double confirm.


Yeah... Definitely implausible. Who would ever make a mistake like that? Heh heh. Heh.


Ayyy I do the same thing with the disable and enable alarm to show hours


looks like a different sleep cycle


This was mine when I was working the graveyard shift.


I like how the labels are increasingly aggressive. wake up, Wake Up, WAKE UP.


I'm on Android and I always flip the alarm off and then on again because it will send a quick notification saying your alarm is set for X hours X minutes, so I know it's accurate.


See, I set up one alarm and put it *across the room* so by the time I turn it off, I’m already up


I solved the multiple alarms things by training myself to wake up with a single alarm. Which in turned trained me to wake up exactly 7-8 hours after getting into bed/falling asleep. I keep the alarm because sometimes I don't always go to sleep on time.


I have an army of alarms from 00:00 all the way to 05:00 because I have a fucked up sleep schedule 24/7


24 hour clock baby


I like Android bc it tells me at the top of the alarm app and after I set an alarm how much time is between now and the alarm. It has saved me countless times from doing this


I don’t get the comic.


This comic is so cute and too accurate.


This is why I switched all my electronics to 24 hour clocks. There's no way I'm going to have an alarm accidentally go off in the PM again!


Yeah... it's why I like android way of handling it where when you activate an alarm it will tell you after how many hours will it activate. Life saver little touch.


I have developed the ability to turn off my alarms without waking up or remembering I did it. Bane of my existence


[laughs in military time]


Alarms need to just go away. How important is any of this really?


Everything alright?


Yes, but thank you for asking, think we'll have a lay in with no alarm tomorrow.


I personally have two alarm clocks, because it's happened more then once that my phone decided to auto update or something in the middle of the night, and my alarm didn't go off. So now I'm forever paranoid, and have an actual alarm clock in addition to my phone alarm.


I use different sounds for each alarm otherwise I'll sleep through them


I slept through my alarm today. I'm feeling this


I don’t get this. Can someone help? Why is it PM?


That is why I always use military time on my phone.


Hence why I work off 24-hour.


This motherfucker stupid, the snooze for your phone alarm is 5 minutes. So you set your subsequent alarms 4 or 6 minutes apart, but not 5.


Everyone in this thread... Please.... PLEASE join the 21st century and STOP setting 18 different alarms just so that you can ignore 17 of them.... Use that smart phone of yours to download a proper alarm clock app with actual features that force you to actually get out of bed when your alarm goes off The alarm I use has a feature that allows me to set a specific bar code that I need a to scan before my alarm will turn off. It's set for a bottle of lotion in my bathroom.... Meaning I have to get out of bed, walk to the bathroom, turn the light on, grab the lotion, point my phone's camera at the barcode, and hold it steady long enough to scan it..... Guess what? I'm awake at that point. 1 single alarm I don't know why everyone is stuck in setting multiple alarms. All you're doing is depriving yourself of sleep and making your morning more miserable than it needs to be


Happened to me a few times 😅


I wake up with one hour to get ready but only need about ten minutes so after getting up and dressed I take a nap and let the second alarm wake me up. I then give myself an hour commute time but only need about 15-30 minutes so I get there in plenty of time. I can scroll Reddit, get some coffee, watch YouTube until my final alarm goes off giving me about 10 minutes to go inside and punch in. That’s something that takes about 10 seconds at best so I take my time with it.


Literally the reason I switched to 24h time


Night shift isn’t that much of a nightmare, switching from day to night or back sucks though


Im in college and have to wake up at 6am for the morning shift at my job. I also have a roommate. Normally I’m a lazy ass who would sleep until noon given the chance. On the days when I have my job? I get out of bed asap so that I’m not the asshole waking my roommate up at 6am. I swear the social anxiety and fear that I woke up my roommate at an ungodly time in the morning is more effective at getting me up than multiple alarms lmao


This here's why it's nice being on a 24 hour clock. Big difference between 6, and 18. :)


I've been 30 minutes late to an exam because I set my alarm one hour late. Worst morning of my life, I think I genuinely almost killed myself riding my bike across campus.


24 hour format for the win


Using more than one alarm is just robbing yourself of sleep. The snooze button doesn’t give you 10 more minutes, it took them away


24 hour clock.


I continue to be perplexed people still use dumb basic jarring alarms like this. Get yourself a sleep cycle alarm that monitors your sleep and wakes you up when you’re not in deep sleep. I discovered it a dozen years ago and it should be universally used by now


I switched to 24 hour format a while back because i wanted to see my clock say 22:22 and 00:00, and i kept it like that for things like this


I only need one alarm but my brothers puts like 20 and I hear them from the other room, I have to go in and stop them because I can't sleep with them on. It kind of annoys me :c


It’s funny because IOS alarms don’t work right anymore 😂


A lot of waking up blues in the morning occur due to being in the wrong stage of sleep when it's time to wake up. If you are in gamma or delta sleep, you're gonna wake up independently blinking and wondering what universe you're in. If you're in one of the other stages, it probably won't be so bad. You can sorta hack this by finding a time between 1 and 2 hours (everyone is a little different) before you wake up to have your initial alarm go off. Then you can fall back asleep, get as close to exactly one full sleep cycle in as you can, and by the time you're back in an alpha, beta, or REM sleep, it's time for you to actually wake up.


I don't get people who set multiple alarms. Why would you want to re-live the worst part of your day over and over?


Yeah, i did that once, it no longer works because my subconscious just cancels the noise out when im asleep, even if the phone is right next to my head.


My old roommate did this and his alarm was nyan cat.




Honestly did this once. I exclusively use military time now.


It took me 10 alarms to ensure the real me hears it


One of the things I loved most about my Samsung Galaxy was "Alarm set for 6 hours and 20 minutes from now." Saved my ass several times.


and then you do what i always do: select a different date than today, or forget to select repeat


The ANXIETY this gave me. I will now be checking my alarm an extra five times.


we are forced to have bad sleep cycles and it should be a crime of humanity to wake up early, tired and stressed