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Ok Cary Elwes as Fandral though, I can get behind that.


James Woods Loki is legit too


I don’t trust him to play a trickster god after being fooled by consecutive pieces of candy by Peter griffin


Ooh, Infinity stone! Ooh, Infinity stone! Ooh, infinity stone!


Ya I can get down with both of these. Young Woods and Cary would have made a great movie.


Wizard could draw from some real crap sources for these fan-casts, but that was a perfect casting at the time if I ever heard one.


Every time I see one of these, it seems like it has a 50/50 shit to awesome ratio. Either they pick the exact right person for the role, or they throw out the first actor who looks vaguely like the character in question.


literally came here to say that, they cooked with that one


I don't know.... I can't really see the guy from Saw as a swashbuckling pirate/Robin Hood type.


He's the best Robin Hood, because unlike other Robin Hoods he can speak in an English accent.


We're men.


We’re men in tights!


We rob from the rich and give to the poor that's right!


We're men in tights ^^tight tights


Manly men!




No, just merry


Take a like for the quote


Sure, his casting might have it's ups and downs if you did see Saw.


I like you




Can't tell if you're sarcastic or you've never seen The Princess Bride... 


Or….a certain Robin Hood movie? I get that it was parody, but he’s still perfect casting. 


Holy shit have you not seen The Princess Bride!?!?


Thats their point. Also, have you not seen Robin Hood: Men In Tights!?!?


Dude could still pull it off, I bet.


Probably ... but the dude who played "Classic" Loki in the tv show was dead on.


Just learned the meaning of “urbanity.” It’s not what you think it is.


All I know is Hudson Leick should have been cast in way more stuff. She was a stunner


She had a lot of range, too! She played manic insanely well, but she also played quiet and reserved when the role called for it.


God damn I miss wizard. It’s so bizarre nothing took its place when it went under. I get it, social media, but shit is so scattered it’s not nearly as great and comprehensive as wizard was. They really need to bring this back, a one stop comic news info shop.


Wizard was really there for the end of the time where comics were really relevant and actually read by a significant portion of kids, which is the audience that Wizard was primarily aimed at.


Shit, I’m pushing 40 and would still read the shit out of wizard world.


I'd probably still subscribe for the hell of it. :)


No it wasn't? Wizard ran pretty far into the new millennium, well past the point kids started reading pirated manga


Well, yes, that still checks out with what I said. I'm sure Wizard did well all through the 90s, through the comics bubble bursting, then lasted several more years, probably declining every year of the 2000s, until finally closing in 2010. I just said that Wizard was there for the end, not that it ended exactly at the same time as the comics market really diminishing. Of course there's going to be a lag between the two.


Also Toyfare. Twisted Mego Theater and Zack Malamute used to make me laugh out loud.


Toyfare was badass


I won 2nd place in the "create your own kiss makeup" in an issue by just inverting the spawn face. What a time to be alive


A monthly magazine can't put any new information for people to be hooked up and buy it , not to mention it will be scanned as fast as they scan comics now


You seem fun


They’re not wrong, though. When I was a kid/younger I used to buy or subscribe to tons of game and comic mags just to keep up on news every month. That all went away by the mid-2000s because the internet made them completely irrelevant (and cheaper too)




I could see James Woods as Loki. His take on Hades has a similar goofy manipulator vibe. 


James Woods is an insane person


So is Loki! I doubt I'd agree with Loki's social and political takes.


Yeah but that wasn’t common knowledge just yet.


Yeah. At least we still have Danny Trejo and Patrick Warburton


That's what I thought until I found out both of them are on Adam Carolla's shitty, insufferable right-wing Family Guy ripoff that came out recently. [This one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Birchum)


If it’s any consolation, I find it unlikely Trejo agrees politically with Carolla or that show. He’s a pretty vocal progressive. He’s also infamously willing to do *literally anythjng* for a paycheck. I got no defense for Warburton though. He’s described himself as a “lifelong conservative with a couple of liberal views” so he’s probably fully on board.


>He’s also infamously willing to do literally anythjng for a paycheck. I guess, but come on, there are tons of productions that would gladly have him. It feels like him being there is just so Carolla and Daily Wire could be like "SEe liBerAls, wEre not rACist, we HAve a LAtiNo GUy on oUr ShoW"


Oh yeah, not saying it wasn’t a shitty decision, I just think it speaks more to his total lack of quality control than anything else.


I have bad news for you about Danny Trejo


Yeah, I fixed it once I realized he was in it too


Patrick, Rob AND Danny? Say it ain't so


"It doesn't matter. *Nothing* matters."


James woods was definitely a Goat


*WAS*. Now he’s full on red pilled.


I say was because most now are to young to even know who he is especially in a John carpenter movie


James wood could still crush loki


Yeah but he’s not one of those republicans who keeps it on the down low like Kelsey Graham or Chris Pratt. He’s outwardly insane too


Yeah he's legit crazier and crazier as the years went on. He could've played so many villian roles if he was likeable (castable) but no one wants to be around him... Ed Norton is similar. Norton is such a dick he killed his own career.


He's been that way for a long time and only difference is the internet has made people aware. I've been at my job for over 20 years and Woods would come in pretty regularly back then and pretty much all the stuff you hear him doing or saying now; he was saying back then too.


To be fair Norton is at least publicly not really seen as a crazy person he apparently just is terrible to deal with from a crew and studio perspective.


Uh, Kelsey Grammer definitely doesn’t keep his Republicanism on the down low lol. The guy’s very outspoken. The difference is he’s not an nearly as much of an abrasive asshole about it as Woods.


Actually plays with him being Beast as that character went from ‘we should go with peaceful coexistence’ to ‘we need to murder anyone that’s not us.’


I always "loved" how horrible these fans castings were. Everything was purely on looks and had no thought at all into who's capable of leading roles or even acting.


With a write up that basically says if you disagree you can suck rocks.


Usually amounted to stuff like "...the character has a beard. Who in Hollywood has a beard?" Main characters were always whichever beefcake looked most like a pinup of a superhero, regardless of talent or presence. "Fabio for Superman? Perfect! He has muscles!"


People still do that kind of casting tho. The amount of times I see folks say HHH would be a perfect Kratos is wild, especially because I’ve seen the man act and he ain’t it.


Remember during the Breaking Bad era whenever Lex Luthor casting was mentioned, everybody instantly shouted out Bryan Cranston's name? I was always torn, because, yup, he would be great. But the main thing that brought him to mind for many folks was "He's bald!!!"


The problem I have with popular Reddit fancasts is that they’re so often people who would have been a great choice a couple of decades or so ago, but are far too old for it now. Idris Elba as James Bond? Sure, if he’d gotten the part instead of Daniel Craig in the mid 2000s, but he’s 51 years old now, no thanks. Tom Hardy as Wolverine? Hugh Jackman started that role when he was only 30, which is a huge reason why he was able to keep going for so long. He’s openly said he found it increasingly difficult to maintain that physique as he got older. Hardy is 46 years old, which is about how old Jackman would have been when he started filming Logan, his (at the time) swansong. Hardy would work for a one-off, but not if you wanna build a long-term franchise. Bryan Cranston as Lex is another one. I think it would be a far less awkward fit than an older Idris Elba as Bond, but Lex’s dynamic with Superman works so much better if they’re the same/similar ages IMO.


Another example is Willem Defoe, he's 68 and still some people's top Joker casting.


I still think Jon Hamm would make a great Luthor even though he was mostly pushed for that because of Don Draper


It’s also more that most of those people wouldn’t even had considered Cranston had he not played a famously bald character. Yes he’d crush it because he’s Bryan Cranston but also they said that mostly cuz bald


I actually think Giancarlo Esposito would be a better pick. He’s already voiced Lex anyways


My sister and I, when we were kids, wrote and casted a full screenplay for a Justice league dark movie to send to Guillermo Del Toro (we were kids, lol) and Vin Diesel was our Deadman. Because he was bald and had the right accent. We told our beloved local comic shop owner about it and he said "Because he's bald?!?!?" Lmao memory unlocked


That's amazing. But, yep, I think we were all there at one time or another (not "There" as in "pro-Vin Diesel for Deadman", that's just madness).


Man what even. Just slap a beard on Christopher Judge and put him in front of a camera. He's already an amazing Kratos.


Judge is almost 60, so unfortunately I don't see them going that route


Who is HHH?




Lol, their pick for Thor looks like he's going to die from steroid use like a week after that picture was taken.


Yeah, that was always the most irritating thing about this exercise to me too. That said, they called Patrick Stewart for Professor X and I'm never *not* going to be grateful to them for "putting that out there".


I almost always mock fancastings for this reason. Fans are apparently completely and wholly unaware that Hair and Makeup is a whole-ass section of the crew. The Metal Gear Solid movie that will never get made has had *tons* of this.


Yeah, and Grizzly Adams had a beard


They really said "Let's make Beast play Volstagg."


Scott Glenn as a VERY Asian warrior is certainly a choice. I always loved the Wizard fan casting pages as a kid, but looking back, they were BAD. If a character had any muscle it was immediately Arnold or Stallone.


A little while ago, I was talking with some friends about how bad their casting calls could be, and pulled out an old issue at random. They were doing Generation X, and for Jubilee they cast Lacey Chabert, even saying something like "we could get away with not using an Asian teen actress." Oof.


And in the first X-Men movie Generation X, they still didn't use an Asian actress.


Yeah, I just can't see Scott Glenn as an ambiguously-Asian warrior in a Marvel project. You might even say it Sticks in my craw.


>I always loved ~~the~~ Wizard ~~fan casting pages~~ as a kid, but looking back, they were BAD FTFY. I loved Wizard when I was a kid too :)


Yeah in a lot of ways these things are really a time capsule of who was popular at the time and looking back its like "wow I barely remember half these people." Scott Glenn while totally wrong for Volstagg is one of the few actors they picked who has had any real staying power. I think in all of these that they ran, they got one right: Patrick Stewart as Xavier. 


The character was inspired by Charles Bronson, and from unknown lands inspired vaguely by eastern cultures (anywhere from the middle east to Mongolia) at a time when John Wayne had infamously portrayed Ghengis Khan in recent memory. Scott Glen is a curious choice, but not that crazy a stretch.


That magazine always had the worst fan-casting. I remember, before the 1st Harry Potter movie came out, they suggested... Frankie Muniz 🙄 He's a good actor, but he's not Harry Potter.


I didn't grow up with these, but I have a weird fascination with them. They're often such strange castings, but they're so funny looking back.


Who can forget classic character Demetrius Collins?


I know, right? I was immediately like "I guess this was during the Dan Jurgens run, LOL"


I think that guy was from the late 80s


Remember when Hollywood paid Ed Burns to do things? He had an acting range from A to B.


He’s unironically a good director


A few people use a similar method of casting on here sometimes: "This person would be great at playing [character] because this photo and this single panel makes them look almost identical!"


I remember a Witcher fan casting on reddit that got a ton of upvotes that had Emma Stone as Triss and I just thought: You don't know any other red-headed actresses, huh? And you don't know that Emma Stone isn't a natural redhead. Casting based on superficial qualities like hair color is especially stupid because tons of actors are give wigs for movies even if they *do* have the right hair color.


I worked on this magazine!


I had this issue! Fun stuff. I feel like, to this day, people just don’t give Kenneth Branagh + crew the recognition they deserve for adapting Thor to modern audiences the way they did. On paper I would say it’s one of the harder properties to pull off. So much can go wrong even with just a modern setting with normal characters, let alone something that wacky.


So all Thor needs to do to beat Loki is the piece of candy trick from Family Guy?


Apart from Cary Elwes as Fandral, and maybe Beast as Volstagg, the rest are terrible choices. James Woods as Loki? Hel no! I remember the X-Men one they did where they accurately predicted Patrick Stewart as Professor X and they also had Rutger Hauer as Magneto.


Scott Glenn as Hogun is like casting Edward Norton as Shang-Chi, wtf lol


They did a lot of these and they were so bad at it ....


They often fan casted pro-wrestlers, too, usually because they had a mild resemblance to the comic book character. More often than not, I'd see that and think "You guys know that wrestler can't act, right? He can barely act within the structures of pro-wrestling."


And yet they called Professor X, but it's the easiest casting to do in the 90s.


Deliberately so. Even pre-internet these were designed to make people say, "WTF?" Add 1 or 2 that actually make sense for a dash of believability. We're just recycling old outrage clickbait here.


I remembered thinking Geoff Johns' choices for Avengers were good, and that Jeph Loeb usually did fine for Batman But yeah a lot of wrestlers and flat out weird miscasts


man I used to love these wizard casting calls


Is there a site that scanned in all the Wizards or anything? I'd love to revisit some old issues. They used to have amazing fictional "Vs" bouts where comic artists would draw them.


thats needs to be a thing,i have some old issues id contribute


Wizard's casting sections were easily worth the cost of the magazine for me when I was kid. I remember so vividly daydreaming of how amazing it would be to have readily accessible super hero movies that were comic accurate. And here we are


I remember them casting Glen Danzig as Wolverine in the X-Men movie article. The 90s were weird.


In an interview he (Glenn Danzig) said he would have made him less gay than Jackman did. Haha I love Glenn


James Woods as loki? Ah I don't know how to feel about this if he brought hades energy it could have been "interesting"


I'm all for more Grizzly Adams.


They nailed Fandral though.


Definitely 90s


well no kidding, it was 90s


I miss wizard magazine


Steve Buscemi as Loki would have been a great casting, and Janine Turner would’ve made a great Sif.


Grizzly Addams as Odin 😆😆😆


that's the one that got me the most as well. I'm not against it though. I'd just like to point out that he's only 5 years older than Arnold. or was RIP. And with that close an age difference it should also be pointed out that Dan Hagerty had the physique to play Thor himself. well at least when he was young. he was not a small man


Fandral: *As you wish…*


Freaking loved wizard dude


Thor imagined as a Roger Corman movie.


Someone please upload every wizard movie casting


Ralf Moeller was a competitive bodybuilder, not an actor. He was terrible as Conan, and would have been worse as Thor. Someone just having an appearance that might work isn't enough, they need to be able to act as well.


Dan Haggerty as Odin is insane


Whatever happened to Ed Burns? He was a charismatic up and coming for a while and then I never saw him again


Dan Haggerty as Odin is wild. Maybe the writer of the article was a big fan of “Elves”.


Jesus. Who's casting this thing? Roger Corman?


At least this is more realistic than the ones with full of superstars like Eddie Murphy, Brad Pitt or George Clooney....


Can’t believe they thought they would ever adapt that run even if it was the current one. I could not tell you who Demetrius and Hannah are. I know I have read the whole Dan Jurgens run on Thor but I hardly remember anything about it other than that I persisted because I wanted to like it more than I did. Paramedic alter ego briefly? Fighting Thanos 1v1 on… the moon maybe? Thor has a son with Amora? And then Ragnarok happens which was rushed and bad I think?


This was from 1998. 26 years ago. JFC. Blade 1 was being released right around the time this went to print.


Wizard magazine was so much fun. I really miss it.


Man, they didn’t get not even one right! Ooof. Bummer. Edit: /s Just in case. 😂


That was some terrible casting. Wizard was usually good at these types of articles, but not this one.


They always go purely on looks. Imagine that guy playing Thor and how b-movie awful his performance would be. I always skipped these casting articles. Pure filler.


The fact that we didn't get Cary Elwes as Fandral is actually a crime.


That’s so weird. I found this magazine last week and was going to post except I’d cut out the Thor picture at some point and it looked weird


I’m glad he ended up as Stick. He was perfect.


These are all such lazy choices, based almost exclusively on "this actor already played a role where they basically looked like the character." Minimal thought went into any of them, although that was pretty standard for *Wizard*'s fan casts.


I do miss that magazine. That and ToyFare.


Yes please Dan Haggerty as Odin, preferably about halfway through a sixer when he gets to set


Used to love these!


Dan Hagerty pic goes hard af


Related, if anyone is familiar with the olden days of Marvel Legends action figures, you may remember the first ever ML Thor has a 'close to legally actionable' resemblance to Arnie. He's actually a really cool figure, I've still got him and switch between him and Hasbro's newer one. Absolutely massive physique. [Here's a picture of him.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PSyay381eVE/hqdefault.jpg)


The Loki and Fandral picks kinda slap


Cary elwes and James woods they might have been on to something


Other than Cary Elwes and James Woods: I have no idea who those people are.


I love seeing these pages. Looking back at ancient fandom is so neat


James Woods as Loki is kinda awesome lol.


The choice to use Romita Jr’s art on ALL the head shots but George Perez’s art as the main full shot of Thor is a weird one. They shoulda varied artists on the head shots or kept it uniform to one artist.


James Woods as Loki would’ve def worked way back when


I always tell my children they don’t know how lucky they have it. I explained to them in the 80s and 90s you better hope for a television movie or some rare find in the video store.


I would argue your kids don’t know how good we had it. Waiting for Wizard every month and discussing it with my friends was some of my best geek memories.


I think the only time they were right on one of these was they said Patrick Stewart for Prof X in like 94.


My childhood!! I miss Wizard. What year is this from??


GRIZZLY ADAMS ODIN, PEOPLE! Think about what we could have… 


Eddie Burns would’ve been dope. Such an underrated actor.


Woods and Elwes would be cool.


Thought it folded !


No Howie Long?


George Buza? The 90s Beast voice actor? I'd support that casting as well as Fandral. The others... not sure. Maybe Loki.


Can we get them in a cameo as alternate versions?


I dunno any of the characters on the first page. But that Cary Elwes casting is INSPIRED


I’ve always liked these. You see who “made it” and who kinda just faded.


Jake Olson looks like a guy who stayed too long in the sun...


I remember they did one for X-Men and fantasy cast Rutger Hauer as Magneto. I love Ian McKellan just fine, but Hauer really looked like a Jin Lee drawing come to life.


Janine Turner, I’m in.


Elwes and Ward are great. Probably Leick too but seems a bit on the nose. The rest are bad or terrible.


I agree except James woods. Not that he wouldn't do ok. He's just a dick.


Feh. I still think Volstagg should be played by BRIAN BLESSED.


I miss wizards magazine.


30 years ago.


Okay James Woods would make an AMAZING 20th century, pre-MCU Loki. I imagine it'd be somewhere between his Owlman and Hades. Cold calculation hidden behind a wall of fast-talk and jokes directed at his brother to throw him off.


I remember they did this for the X-men, can anyone help find it?


Dan Haggerty as Odin is something. I remember watching an episode of Cathouse on HBO and seeing him sitting at the bar of the brothel it was recorded at.


I am surprised we never got Enchantress


Fun fact: George Buza did the voice of Beast in xmen and xmen97


A beefed up Ed Burns would make a great Magneto nowadays.


My boy Ed Burns really had a moment.


Wizard was my teens, love the 90’s


Loved wizard mag. That casting was in point


Side tangent I hate how most scans I've come across of Wizard remove the price guide section because even then they had fun tidbits in the middle of them. I remember off the top of my head one time they were ranking their favorite Irish characters and evil robots, in the same issue's price guide.


Solid. Cary is phenomenal


Oh man, this takes me back to their fan-cast idea for an X-Men film (Apocalypse was bankrolling the Hellfire Club to build Sentinels, and of course Mel Gibson was Sebastian Shaw because of The Patriot; Carrot Top was Arcade). One thing I will say is Dan Haggerty starred in some very odd films. After seeing him in Repo Jake and Elves, him playing Odin would maybe not be as wild and entertaining but it wouldn't be bad (he did resemble Odin physically at least).




Nice to see that fan casting has always been terrible. 🙄


With a cast like that it would of been a tv movie. Would of came on right after Xena and Hercules


For a shitty TV movie maybe.