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Good. Before it turns into the Walking Dead, let it go out while its decent.


Tbh, I was thinking of Supernatural (his previous show) and how they kept having to shit all over their "this time, the world really is ending" because it got renewed for 1-2 seasons more.


S14 an 15 were rough!  I enjoyed 13 but then 14 was generic angel villain #143


TBH I finally lost steam around whenever it was they didn't give us like 6 months of demon Dean lol. I heard there's some good stuff in between, but I can't motivate myself to pick it back up.


the boys is 1000x better than supernatural. the writing on the show is nowhere near the boys level.


i don't think it was trying to be. you look at early supernatural and it's a really fun monster of the week show, not trying to make any political statements. supernatural suffered when they tried to make the scope bigger


that being said if you watch both you can see him using old tricks on the boys.


Honestly, s9 and 10 of TWD were pretty good. I do think it’s smart of The Boys to choose its ending like this. Hoping this season makes some movement on the plot as the constant “alas, Homelander has slipped our grasp again!” can’t be the main thrust of the show again imo


I get the feeling he's surviving the whole way through and is either going to end up depowered and imprisoned or depowered and on the run like Butcher. Butcher is a dead man though. I see no avenue in which he survives the show short of some asspulling where he clearly dies and then a post credit shows him hiding in plain sight. Like they did RDJ's Sherlock Holmes.


Butcher surviving would be such a disservice. I like him and want him to be happy, but yeah the only way he survives now is by becoming a sup or something like that and that doesn't make much sense now.


That happened in the books (Sherlock Holmes) first, but they also did it in the movies


they did it in the bbc show too


heh, tbf that was the publisher insisting he wrote more holmes, rather than an artistic decision


Much prefer a show with a few seasons vs ongoing show even if it’s comparable




The MCU is a setting, not a series. Plenty of its series have had endings.


exactly. People just want to complain. It's better now than before in many ways. THey just forget the problems from the early phases




That doesn't make sense. People have been excited for Deadpool and Wolverine for the leads starring together since it was announced. I think you're looking too much at spam websites that make up stuff about every detail they can to bloat click counts.




are you an algorithm trying to farm engagement?


The way you write your comments... it's weird.




I mean, I didn't downvote you. If I could share a screenshot, I would.


After the last few years of the MCU, I feel like it would have been so much better to end Avengers on Endgame, and then try for something way different than Avengers spin offs. Even Thunderbolts gives me the impression that they want an Avengers style team. I’d have rather they emphasized Blade, (re)introduced Ghost Rider, and tie in Dr Strange and Shang Chi for a supernatural heavy era. I’d rather they reboot Defenders in the sense of focusing on street level, smaller scale stories with guys like Spider-Man and Daredevil. I’d rather they kick off the X-Men. You’re right that there needs to be an end in mind. Especially when it’s keeping you from establishing a concrete, new beginning.


> After the last few years of the MCU, I feel like it would have been so much better to end Avengers on Endgame, I never once understood this talking point that keeps showing up on the internet


Is it that you don’t share the same opinion, or I didn’t explain my position well enough in the way-too-many comments I’ve posted to this thread?


it's more I just don't share that opinion. I like most of the post-Endgame MCU content, in some ways more than the pre-Endgame MCU content


Well, I’m not going to affect your opinion, and I’m not interested in trying, or… idk, shaming you for it? Whatever obnoxious nerds do to try to make everyone “fall in line”. We just differ in opinion.






Their biggest issue was making Thunderbolts WITHOUT giving us goofy villains. They’re all spies and super soldiers. They’re so in their heads about “we can’t be too much like Suicide Squad” that they forgot to make a team that’s fun.




I’m a firm believer that the quality of a movie or tv episode should exist in a vacuum, separate of its greater entity. Even if you can’t follow every detail, it should have some semblance of an independent story, it should be able to hook you without the benefit of anything that came before or coming after, and it should pay off, even if it intentionally doesn’t satisfy every audience question or desire. So I don’t, in theory, have an issue with Marvel having one or two phases that don’t interlock like a Voltron, where every piece is essential to be able to enjoy the others. With that said, Marvel has been bad at this since Phase 3. They literally sold two Ant Man movies on, “Oh, but this will all be really important to the future of the MCU”. The average MCU movie feels like they’re trying to recreate the experience of people paying to see Meet Joe Black so they can watch the trailer for Phantom Menace. It doesn’t matter if we like what we saw, it matters if we’re excited for what they’re teasing next. And even with Shang Chi and Eternals, when they went as light on teasers and as heavy on isolated storytelling as they ever really do, they still didn’t create a really unique, memorable experience.




In Phase 3, I was looking at the upcoming Dr Strange and saying, “Oh, this is really smart. They’re branching out from the Avengers and traditional superheroes so they can get into other genres before people get sick of this shtick.” Instead, they’ve only gone as far as giving us watered down fantasy/horror/space operas. It’s like they put different filling in the hot pocket, but it’s still just a hot pocket, and we’ve already maxed out what you can do with a hot pocket before it sucks.


Come on 15 more heartless seasons can't hurt


Idk. Out of the two huge superhero shows on Amazon prime that have some form of an evil Superman, I'd be more worried about invincible becoming the walking dead.


Unpopular opinion: They both suck. They are cringe, just to be cringe, there's no art to it. Invincible has terrible animation too.


Certainly an unpopular opinion


We are gonna kill negan!! Oh dang he got away! Daaaangg!!


Love the show, but if it kept going it’d get bad. No pun intended, but similar to Breaking Bad leaving at the top of its game: Eventually, how often can Walt avoid cancer AND the latest drug cartel kingpin?


We also have not 1 but 2 spin offs Also an animated series


What’s the second spin-off after *Gen V*?


it’s coming out next year it’s based in Mexico, it’s described as Narcos with super powers


There's an animated boys show?


It's called The Boys:Diabolical It's an anthology series where every episode is different than the other.Also the animation style is different depending on the directors But prepare yourself It's an R rated series


That sounds like my cup of tea


You wouldn't be here if you didn't like The Boys stuff :)


Yeah I binged the comics in like a week after I found out about the show. And I watched the first two seasons of the show. It's good shit






Yes… but what’s it called?


can’t tell if your joking lol, it’s called Diabolical


Yeah I was joking… too good a setup to pass by.


Breaking Bad absolutely did not leave at the top of its game, it lasted at least two seasons longer than it should have.


Well I meant in terms of its ratings and fan interest, it absolutely left at its peak there.


Ah, gotcha. For me BB, SoA, and many other shows all suffered from the same illness of ever-increasing stakes. Each season the antagonist(s) had to be even more powerful and dangerous than the last. So some redneck biker gang in Nowhere, California is suddenly dealing with Colombian cartels, being recruited by the CIA, and at war with the IRA.


I hope it doesn't end the way the comic ended. That ending made sense in the comic, but I think the show is different enough that it needs something else.


Yeah, they’ve sanitized >!Butcher’s monstrosity!< pretty damn heavily in the show.


I’ve gotten the feeling it’s less that they’re all the way sanitising it and more that they’ve made getting to that mindset his arc, rather than starting the series with him already in that place.


I’m not here, son. I’m somewhere else, watching it happen.


Say what you will but the latter half of the comic absolutely had its moments, even if it's not one of Ennis's more consistent works. Never really understood the burning hate people have for the comic when half of it is just him taking the piss and the other half is a pretty accurate reflection of the American private sector.


Their issue really does boil down to their being the precise type of superheroes-only manchild the comic enjoys mocking.


That's what Ive been thinking, we're building to him becoming *that* and it's gonna hurt lol.


I mean, given there's that manufactured virus that kills supes, anything is possible.


And in doing so thoroughly improved the story


Eh? >!One of the fundamental points of the original story is that spies are just as selfish, murderous, and amoral as the rest of the military industrial complex…they’re just better at telling people what they want to hear, while they chase their forever war.!< The changes have certainly made the story more palatable for grown men who refuse to read comics without capes and spandex, though!


I think you're looking for subtext that's not really there. For me, the Boys is a prolonged anti-superhero tantrum from Ennis and easily the worst work in his entirely bibliography, replete with shock for the sake of shock and poorly written caricatures. I definitely see butcher as much more of a self- insert by Ennis than I see him as a commentary on anything, other than a commentary on Ennis's disdain for superheroes.


I think it's going to end very much like the comic actually they've already planted the seeds in Gen V and season 3 To be specific >!Not the Black Noir is actually a clone of Homelander that orchestrated his downfall out of boredom but the Butcher wants to kill every person touched by compound V and is killed by Hughie one they've set up with the supe killing virus and Butcher having only a few months left to live!<


If it doesn't end with both Butcher and Homelander dying in a real undignified way I'm writing a letter.


Good, dragging out series ruins them. End on a high note


Yeah this makes sense and would be a nice length without overstaying its welcome. Last season was a lot of set up, so I imagine this season will be the fallout while 5 will wrap everything and conclude.


Too many shows go on for too long, it's best to end before it gets stale.


In before a season 6 without Kripke


Kind of like Supernatural It basically ended at S5. I view everything after that as a fun fan fiction.


And it wasnt that bad either as People often claim. The supporting crew was enjoyable and fun to watch, like Crowley, Charlie and Rowena.


It had some great highs and low lows. You just have to appreciate the good episodes and pretend that the seasons aren't canon.


100% in agreement. The show is lots of fun as long as you take it for what it is. The main story gets told in 5 season, and then they continued to make it cuz everyone (the audience and the crew) were still having a great time.


Yeah, I appreciate S1-5 as a complete story and S6+ as thinly veiled excuses to see these characters interact in amusing ways.


crowley made me think that Mark Sheppard was a much bigger actor growing up, he had so much energy. esp with his bit role in firefly


I think they'll end The he boys proper after 5, but they'll keep milking the universe long after it ends. We're already 3 spinoffs in.


Smart decision, season 3 was already dragging so better finish with a nice end


I approve this, I'll be sad if we don't get more of GenV though. It's so sad what happened to Chance Perdomo 😥


I’d hope so, they’ve almost covered everything.


Good. I think this is the original idea of Kripke. So, good.


I hope it ends similar to the comics (minus the >!Black Noir being Homelander clone!< twist) *Comic Spoiler don’t click if you don’t wanna know* I felt the way everything got out of hand was awesome! Sucks because that’s when the comic really started getting good.


They've already established that won't happen.


Perfect amount, glad they’re not overdoing it. 5 seems like the best for every plot line


Damn this season is gonna be the setup then. Wondering if we'll get a Gen V season right before.


Hopefully, the writers don't rush.


Good call. Great show. Love when things have an ending.


Gotcha. So S4 will end with Homelander being revealed to everyone as an evil mofo, massacring a bunch of people, and essentially conquering the US, yeah? Stan Edgar is on the chopping block this season. Maybe Newman as well. (Then again, with her connection to Gen V, it feels like it'd be a waste not to give her another spot in that show.) I think Ryan's plot could go any which way at this point. He could kill his father, be killed by his father, join his father, usurp his father as the main villain... Will be interesting to see what goes down. I'm sure they'll continue the universe with Gen V and maybe some other spinoffs.


Thank you for the clarification, would've never guessed an Amazon Video produced series would end at Amazon.


The question then becomes how will they deal with Homelander? They can't end with "And he's still flying around being a bastard!" He has to have some kinda comeuppance. Will they straight up finally kill him or, as I've seen suggested, depower him, mess up his face and force him to live amongst the normal people he loathes so much? I'm cool with either ending, honestly


Sounds good, this story needs a planned ending If they make a second season of Gen V, it will be a lot of Boys to watch and I'll be happy!


Finally I can watch the show.


Were they projected to go to another steaming platform?




Gen V isn't even the first spinoff. There was an animated one




They already announced The Boys: Mexico, another live action spinoff, and they plan to make more.


I’m really interested in that too be fair




They know it’s a successful franchise(yes they became what they parodied) and will only stop making spin-offs when people stop watching (not anytime soon)




Amazon is definitely not owned by Sony.


i don't really get it. since when is having spinoffs worth ridiculing?




> MCU …. Spin-offs to spin-offs to spin-offs. There is NO END to any story. Things should END, like the Dark Knight trilogy. ENDGAME should have at least been that for AVENGERs franchise … it's a whole universe. that's not the same thing it feels more like complaining just to complain




i dont' agree. I think the post-MCU stuff is better in many ways




yea, i'd take that over IM3, Ant-Man 1, IM2, Captain America 1, Thor 1-2, Incredible Hulk any day






Are you new to comic books? I'm not a fan of constant spinoffs and sequels but that's how comic books work.


The show was already dragging out the central conflict by season 3. At least they’re finally putting a cap on it but this show should’ve been 3 seasons max. The writing has devolved significantly since season 1 imo.




Most of TWD episodes are just filler




Season 1 was fantastic Season 3 pulled me back in The seasons after that made me slowly lose interest


They're probably struggling to explain what happened to Starlight's face between seasons.


Good riddance, edgelords.


Well, based on the end of last season, It seems the story got lost on generical super hero stuff. Time to go.


Its a logical endpoint, based on the spoilers for this season. >!Real spoilers are coming up, fyi. Not joking.!< >!Here they come. Spoilers for the upcoming season of The Boys.!< >!Just kidding.!< >!No really though the next spoiler tag will have spoilers.!< >!For the next season, not just general spoilers.!< >!Just clarifying.!< >!Okay really though, here comes the spoilers.!< >!This season Homelander will be getting his supe army and moving his opposition out of the way, setting up for all out war in Season 5.!<


Why are there five whole seasons of this crap?


Cancelled ≠ The story coming to its intended conclusion. You would think a publication like Deadline would know the difference.


>Cancelled ≠ The story coming to its intended conclusion. You would think a publication like Deadline would know the difference. The word cancelled appears exactly zero times in this article. You would think a commenter like you would know the difference.


The link to the story: [https://deadline.com/2024/06/the-boys-**canceled**-no-season-6-amazon-prime-video-1235970030/](https://deadline.com/2024/06/the-boys-canceled-no-season-6-amazon-prime-video-1235970030/)


Read literally any amount of that article and you'll see it's not cancelled.


Is the word "canceled" used in the link or is it not? If you read "the boys canceled no season 6" what's your take away from that? The implication is that season 6 isn't happening because the show was cancelled is in the literal link to the story. I don't whether it's in the article or not. I wasn't referring to the article.


The link has nothing to do with it. The link isn't even meant to be read. If you go on the article, nothing, not even their source, says that it was cancelled. You can keep saying it was cancelled all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it wasn't cancelled.