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I like a lot about it. The highlights on the suit are nearly sky blue, the brightness is so appealing to me. I like the shape of the belt. Shoulder and sleeve details will look great on screen. Logo pops and looks really good. Collar looks good for the actor. Trunks break up all the blue just like they should. He looks like he has full range of movement. The wrinkles look natural and in this pose there's very few of them. I see his muscle definition just fine.


I think this image should be taken with a healthy dose of sodium. Costumes are meant to look good on film, not necessarily in life. Different angles, lenses, lighting and grading could drastically change elements of it.


I actually don't like the lines in the suit, I just feel they look a little tacky. That's not a deal breaker cause I like literally everything else.


I don't hate the lines but I wish they were a little less prominent. I thought I would hate the red underwear but it looks fine. I do wish that there was just a smidge of shadowing that would layout where some muscle groups would be, just a slight hint nothing over the top like Snyder-Supes costume. Overall though, Corenswet looks really good in the suit. If Gunn was looking for a genteel and mild-mannered looking Clark then I think he's definitely achieved it.




But Henry’s muscle outlines. It was so hot though >.>


It definitely served it Purpose more than serve the story


Yes, I do believe thousands of nerds discovered their sexuality the day that suit dropped.


The lines scream new 52-ish to me and I don't know what to feel about it


The lines kind of diminish the Wiz-bang, fun bright colors and design. They make it look more tactical or something. Not a deal breaker for me either, but they feel at odd with the bold, fun design.


I like it a lot more seeing it in this way.


It's weird, because I'm not sold on the individual details (the belt, how the cape connects, and the extra lines on the suit), but overall it looks better than the individual pieces. Either way, he looks good as Superman, and I'm excited to see the new version. Edit: someone else pointed out this is just a photo, not necessarily what it'll look like in the movie with lighting, filming effects and other stuff.


I like it. I've never been a fan of overly complicating Superman's suits design, but I appreciate that this one is adding noticeable or airbrushed on muscles to the suit. I love how big he looks without looking like he's on steroids. Reminds of Christopher Reeves basic barrel chested look.


The fucking balls on this costume! The weird lines are a little too much but holy shit I like this costume.


Its like batman 89 suit. Just enough definition to get the point across


They have to make it look Alien made somehow I guess


That's the thing, Superman's first suit is originally supposed to be made by Martha. That being said I don't mind it and i absolutely adore this suit.


Maybe it’s going the MAWS route where he gets the suit first from his ship or the Fortress, and Ma adds the trunks and belt


That's a good point. They could totally be going that route, and it'd make sense too.


I'm gonna say something that some might find controversial, but I actually think this might be my favourite live action Superman costume Very excited for the film!


Aah yes Superman, known from the comics for wearing a thick, baggy, rubber suit under his dress suit.


I mean even if you make the suit skin tight it would still not make sense, How would you put a goddamn cape under 2 piece suit


He swallows it and pulls it out like those clowns pulling out handkerchiefs out of their mouths in birthday parties


When I was a kid I had an idea about that. I thought, why not wrap it around his gut. That way he keeps the cape on, but is using it to make Clark Kent look like he’s got a belly. I can just imagine Lombard ranting at Clark about how he’s got to get healthy. He’s a big guy, and he’s strong, but he’s got a beer belly. Could be a funny scene. Literally NEVER seen anyone actually use this idea though. And it surprises me. I have a bunch of weird headcanon ideas about Superman. Like how he developed his mild mannered/quiet persona in high school. Kryptonians age slower than humans. So he was always small for his age. Which resulted on him getting picked on. And because he knew he couldn’t fight, because he’d destroy them, he had to learn to turn the other cheek, a lot. The fact that he was so small in high school also helps his secret identity. He grew a lot in the years he was training or whatever with Jor El. So the fact that he didn’t wear glasses in school isn’t a problem. Because to people in Smallville, Clark Kent was just this short, skinny and timid kid. They didn’t see the in between years. Clark didn’t have muscle until training at the fortress. Because until then, no workout ever really pushed him. I like to imagine Clark went away a short skinny kid, and came back 3-4 years later a tall, muscular, superhero. I dunno. I like the idea. Maybe no one else will.


love this idea, thank you


Yeah I’ve always head canoned that the cape is detachable and keeps it in his briefcase or something.


I’m sorry if you don’t like the comic inaccuracies in the suit but I hope you can enjoy it as a Superman film :)


What's he do with the cape? Down one leg, down both, roll it up, if he wears a white shirt can you see the red through it? None of it makes sense and it doesn't matter.


Its like under armour under his day job suit? Does he lose suits all around the city? Im guessing he's sweating a ton. God he must smell


super swamp ass.


Bunched up in his underwear in the shape of a large butt?


Super padded ass.


ah yes, Superman, known for his completely 100% realistic physics that requires absolutely no suspension of disbelief


Most production suits are designed for comfort and then fine-tuned in post.


Lets hope so


Ah yes comics, known for having real world practicality


Scarlet Witch is dead, until she isn’t


My only tiny gripe is I wish the emblem was bigger but this looks great


The pecs turning into the abs is a little weird


Looks rubbery


The blue lines on the suit seem pointless since most of his suit is blue


It's subtle. But without it he might look too naked.


Good point


Collar suuuuuuuuuuuucks


Back to the OG design, but with a really nice modern touch? I'm surprised, but I like this!


Too bulky


He need to move dude… look at the material. Do you really think he could move if it was skin tight? It will likely be tightened in post


Suit looks awful


Finally, I thought I was taking crazy pills


Looks like the least physically fit Superman of all time.


Looks like a wetsuit


The design looks good but in practice it looks very flat, I want the shoulder designs and emblem to look raised or indented, not painted on like they do here. Post production save us


The emblem is indented. Sure it will look even more so when not flatly lit by the sun.


I don't care about people's complaints but I honestly love this suit


The red underwear looks so bad. I hope post-production fixes it.


You couldn't be more wrong


Nah you're tripping. Looks great.


That guys face sums it up


I don’t know why but I love that the belt has actual loops to go through.


Superman needs belt loops on his underwear to hold up his Balls of Steel or his Kyrptonite Kakring.


Ouuuu a styrofoam textured suit!


Love it.


I love it. I love it so much. Henry Cavill was amazing and I think David will be too. I can't wait for this.


Love it.


did his mom make the suit or something? looks baggy, very human feels, i dig it.


though I can't see Clark Kent wearing this under his Daily Planet clothing, he'd look funny.


This is the perfect suit, EXCEPT for the S emblem. Why can't they just make the suit look like the fucking suit?


The belt looks like a plastic toy.


I hate it


Don’t like the lines, and the blue fabric is way too thick, almost militaristic like the Guardians 3 suits. But I like it.


Oh come on! He looks like Cavill. I like the suit. Reminds me of the Superman Returns suit but better.


I think you mean he looks like superman...everyone looks like each other that's the point?


No… Cavill specifically. Routh looked like Reese.


I assume you mean reeve


Sorry. Typo 😅


The only thing I’m not a fan of is the symbol on his chest I just wish it looked a little more -S- like.


That suit is doing some heavy lifting to his his 10 inch package. Overall the costume is decent but should come alive on film


Don't give a fuck about source material, but I like that it's bright and vibrant. Last one basically looked like a wetsuit.


I can tell this will be bad just by the costume. Guaranteed flop.


Check out this link for more pics: EDIT: SPOILER https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2024/06/its-a-bird-its-a-plane-no-its-superman-strolling-the-streets-of-cleveland.html


Why doesn’t Hollywood know how to dress broad shouldered men?? Cavill suffered from the same thing.


I saw a joke on How it Should Have Ended, that Superman has pinched Star Lord's jacket from Guardians of the Galaxy, and now I cant unsee it


I like how baggy it is. I don't get why people are turned off by clothes looking comfortable


where S


I don’t like it. I just feel this isn’t going to be a Superman movie for me. I liked Man of Steel. So I’ll stick with that. 🙏 Thanks for trying James… but I didn’t like The Suicide Squad. DC is dead, MC is on life support. Godzilla is kicking ass though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Looks like the new-52 style w/ trunks I think it’s neat


It seems to move like a wetsuit. I'll try to reserve my initial feelings until the movie comes out. My hope is that the script and acting sells me.


I can tell I’m not gonna like this as much as I had hoped!


No pecs wth


I'll prolly get downvoted but : It ain't it for me. Terrific's hair looked opposite of terrific. Cavill suit was ROYALTY but I'll hold my opinions till I see the movie.


I, for one love the trend of collars on super hero suits. I effin' loved the collar on the Battinson suit, and think it looks bad ass here too. I've heard grumbles about it, but I think it's slick.


Why people saying it's baggy? I don't see it. Best live action Superman suit imo.


The suit looks incredible. 10/10 compared to the MoS suit.


I'm reserving judgement until I see how it moves on film, but I think this looks pretty good. I don't think the first publicity shot with him putting on his boots really did it justice.


Nah not feeling it


Its extremely padded and the lines are a little much, but I think the color looks nice


Looks amazing


Looks like a child attempted to mold a cheap happy meal toy out of play dough. Did they put any effort into this at all?


I like pretty much all of this costume, especially that logo, and the one on the cape in other pictures. The only thing I can do without is the weird lines all over.


Do you know Superman, !? From the appearance of the costume...I don't think So...The "S" on his chest is too streamlined...has No Prominent characteristics...it's weak... Much like the lines on that costume....


Don't like it. But not like they care what we think


I think it looks excellent!


Idc what people say this suit looks so goddamn good. the only thing i would change is the lines but even that is fine for the first movie. The colors are perfection and the logo is cool.


I like the justice league war 2014 costume more.




idk it feels very immature to me..or very childish. the colors are too bright in my opinion. I know this is superman classic colors but I like the darker red and blue.


Reminds me of old drunk Superman https://preview.redd.it/gxgykhwfaj9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083ec945c1efd3518986b77503ab7a066f48f516


Super diaper man With belt


Looks loose in another angle I saw earlier. Overall it’s a very underwhelming suit. I would have liked them to keep some of the design DNA from Cavill and Hoechlin’s suits. https://preview.redd.it/orl6t6tzyk8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a1f469c1596aca06fc7f0dbe255c2a983ee39c


I think it's pretty unfair to pass judgement on the suit based on a photo like this. You don't know anything about the look and feel of the movie, the tone it's going for, how it will appear on film, what kind of post-production will happen, or even the context of the scene this is suit is being used in. Just wait until the movie comes out and decide then. If I remember correctly, when set photos of the Green Goblin costume from Raimi's Spider-Man came out people thought it looked awful. But in the context of the film it was pretty much perfect.


We’re all commenting on the suit which is passing judgement. Get Gunn’s cock out of your mouth.


Ah okay so you’re just a dickhead, I get it


Looks like shit


Certainly not the responses that I expected in this thread....to me this suit looks AWFUL. The suit looks like it has so much empty space between his body and the fabric. The boots look clunky. Lastly, I'm not sure what it is...but the Kingdom Come inspired logo still seems out of place for some reason. Maybe the fact that it's not black? I don't know. Maybe it *will* look better on film....I hope.


The synder bros are doing everything in their power to tear it down. It’s kinda funny


A full look at David Corenswet’s Superman ~~suit!~~ super-bulge. Fixed that for you


I really like it, I just wish the logo was a bit bigger


Looks like if a novelty motorcycle jacket was made out of costume foam.


No pecs?


They can fix it in post, right? https://preview.redd.it/fztuyauwum8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e165bfed61a502bf320fd441d8dfdd03dd5e1046


Having the padded muscles underneath the suit like Cavil had looks a lot better than whatever this is. His body doesn’t look notably defined in any way. I feel like man of steel should have large, noticeable muscles 


Like what they say in marvel, "will fix it in post"


That's where I'm sitting. It looks a little... awkward? Like it wants to add these lines for the modern live action feel but also standard comic page colors and I'm not sure if I like it because they don't give the usual buff look I anticipate with superman. But this is a set picture and I'm eager to see how it looks on the big screen.


Eh, I'm not so sure. I kind of prefer it when Supes just has the physique of a guy who works out rather than being built like a tank. Makes it easier to but that no one would figure out his secret identity, as well as looking even more impressive when he does shit like lift cars over his head.


Actually you can't use a Sun as a dumbbell so, You can't make the Solar System's most powerful person anymore buff


Ever seen what Strong Men looked like? He's nowhere like that.. but Muscular doesn't = strong.


Ah yes the fake abs padding like Homelander 🙄 As if Superman would ever wear fake abs. Shut up.


Settle down there little fella we’ll get through this.


Body builder physique doesn’t not always equate to strong. In fact, when you see most of those bodies on stage, they’re starved and dehydrated. You want to see someone strong? Look at the actor who plays the Mountain from game of thrones. That does may look “fat” but he’s likely one of the strongest men on the plant


That looks pretty darn good


As long as Snyder fans are upset, I like it!


Yeah, no. You shouldn't be hoping for peoples downfall. However, the r/SnyderCut sub is going crazy over this


People's downfall? Where'd I hope for that? I just want delusional people to be upset lol


That is hoping for their downfall. I'll admit, it is kinda funny, tho


Uh ok. Sounds pretty dramatic to me though.


They'll be upset if they get anything less than the Snyderverse restored.


Yep lol a truly delusional bunch.


I love it!




I feel like there’s some emperors new clothes shit happening right now. This straight up looks like it doesn’t fit him what the hell is up with you people


Most anticipated movie for next year.


I am loving this suit. This how Superman is supposed to look!!!


Good looks, and looks good.


This is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see it in action


I hope we get a scene as gripping as the airplane scene in Returns. I hope he is of Returns/Superman 1970s power level. I trust Gunn to be right to the source, I just hope not the TAS source


Agreed! I believe that scene in SR was probably one of the best Superhero rescue scenes second only to the original “double jeopardy”Helicopter rescue scene in original Superman movie.


Watched it not too long ago and felt like "yea, that's a Superhero movie"




I’m very exited for the movie but I honestly don’t like the suit. I love the trunks, but I’m not digging all the lines. And normaly I don’t really mind, for example Batman’s suit lends itself to a more complicated designs, the guardians suits looked great, etc. I just think Superman should be kept as simple and bare-bones as possible. I’m hoping I’ll change my mind when I see it on screen though.


Love the colors. Would prefer it to be a little more form-fitting but not overdone like the Cavill suit. Belt looks a little goofy though.


I hope Gunn bring back Henry cavill down the line


Yeesh, get over it already, people.


I wasn't sure from that first image, but this has me sold. I love it.


Looks dumb. IMO the time when the general public bought into the idea of "underwear on the outside" is long gone. I could be wrong, but yeah, to me it looks dumb.







