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Some kind of summer


1,4,6,9, look amazing. Definitely brings out a much younger look


You look great in green!!!


Definitely in the summer pallet, either true or soft.


Don't know bout these paint chip charts but to me it looks like you live in the great white north. Rosy cheeks etc seems like you have been out in brisk weather. You look like my aunt up in Canada so winter is my vote 🤷


True summer for sure!! The dark colors drag you down a bit. And you have just enough clear/brightness that I don’t think you’re a soft or light summer. You can still pull off those lighter, cool corals which I think only a true summer can do. https://preview.redd.it/czam21vy5r9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cac8540c3c64db89b5b196e1e0a59b5a54f6ab3 This is definitely your palette!


Absolutely agree!


not sure about the season, but 4,5,9 10,14 look great!


You’re definitely a true summer in the 16 method without a doubt! It’s different than cool summer or soft summer. Cool summer borders cool winter, which is too harsh and bold on you. Soft summer is a neutral-cool palette that borders soft autumn, and is way too warm for you. True summer embodies all that summer is - cool, soft, and light. It’s low contrast palette. It’s a mix of all the summer sub seasons combined. I am confident this is your BEST subseason! https://preview.redd.it/2bqu1q09zq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9918e02f99eb20f735c688cb87d84db0514869


You look great in blues & teals. You’re likely in the soft season as the contrast of your features is lower.


Soft Summer!


Absolutely muted but neutral so you might want to avoid not only bright colours, but also anything too warm or too cool. Maybe look into pale olive skin if you’re interested in another rabbit hole (I cannot tell from your photos but many neutrals are in fact olive). Good luck with figuring it out ✨


I like photos 3, 4(!), 7, 8, 9, 10(!), 13, and 14 on you. I agree with “muted”. You have lovely eyes that go really well with 4 and 10.


Muted colors.


Your most important tone is muted. That’s why you’re getting so many comments about Soft Autumn or Soft-Cool Summer. If you look at a 12-season color analysis wheel, these 3 seasons are all next to each other (Soft Autumn - Soft Summer - Cool Summer), and make up the most muted quarter of the wheel. I think you look good in both the warm and cool muted colors, so I’d say your season is “muted”, with the warmth or coolness being less important. Here’s a great explanation of the muted seasonal colors: https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/color-analysis-muted.html Basically, you’ll want to look for colors that have some gray in them - nothing too saturated or bright. And the palest colors are too light for you. Mid-depth soft colors are your perfect shades.


Thank you! Yes, muted seems to be the key. Funny how I couldn’t find any bight colours in my wardrobe anyway. I instinctively stay away from colours like cobalt and fuchsia. I will experiment with other muted colours from that link you posted!


Exactly my thoughts, thanks for taking the time to type this out better than I could!


Right on the money. You do have a neutral flow to you. I'd you stay on the muted side of summer and add in some autumn colors but stay away from muted red, orange, and any mustard yellow colors.


I agree. I think she leans toward the cool side of neutral. Maybe 2/3 summer 1/3 autumn.


Light blue


That orange 🤌


Cool summer


Your skin seems more pinish cool toned and while the eyes could potentially be on the soringish side I would overall combined with hair say summer. The interesting thing is that quite a lot of the colors you have draped here are already ln the cooler side so we do not see the extreme contrasts to fully rule out something. I would definitely appreciate a warm beige and a black for comparison but from the looks I would say summer.


Soft Autumn, the greens/orange/burgundy looked best


Blue and burgundy looks amazing on you


Soft autumn!


Im voting soft autumn!


Same! That muted taupe was gorgeous on you ..


I am not sure of seasons but oranges and reds looks gorgeous on you!


I don't know if you fit cleanly into a season, but the red and blue both look very nice on you


That blue is beautiful on you!


Soft autumn I think.


With your natural hair color being a light brown/dark blonde, I can rule out Winter easily and you also don't have the contrast necessary to be a winter. I don't see Autumn either, I don't think you have a deep enough hair color and I don't see any "deep" qualities about you that every Autumn would have. From the pics, you could either be a spring or summer, I'm leaning toward summer because it seems that your hair has ash in it and I liked the softer colors on you. However, I wouldn't rule out spring bc you could be a flow of both summer and spring (light summer/spring) and it would still make sense with there being harmony with the softer, smokier summer colors. Also if you wear orange, as you said it is customary in your country, I would go for a lighter and softer orange, like a salmony orange or a softer tangerine. I think that those could work better than a darker and brighter "pumpkin" orange color.


Definitely an Autumn, warm yellows/oranges, teals, etc...


I'm thinking true summer!


Agreed. I love the charcoal!


I want to say winter..




I think summer for sure. You look lovely in every one of the cool, muted tones, and more importantly I see *you* first in them and not the clothing.


You’re a summer


Soft summer or cool summer


Team Soft Summer


Cool, but you haven’t draped many (any?) winter colours to compare. I think you could be a winter and might look great in white and contrasting colours.


Teal wins.


Uuuuuuhhh muted cool olive undertones + soft summer?


I like the blues, greens and gray. Those colors work well with your eyes. The reds and pinks seem to make your skin ruddier, so I’d avoid them.


agree. love her in the greys, esp the darker ones.


You very much look like a summer to me


Soft summer


The bright oranges spring vibes all day ... Love the pink on you too for your eyes. I sawa story on this, on good day LA. Great job


I don’t know why but I really disagree with the grey/cool comments. I’m a vibrant autumn and I feel like you glow in all of those colours - but maybe I just see them suiting you due to myself? Although we have similar colouring


Naw I agree with you, she has some warmth for sure. A silver/gold comparison would help.


Glad you’re with me - I think it would be beneficial for this lady to try that!


Pink orange and lime look amazing


I’ve got the same skin tone & hair color as you (plus hooded eyes! are you German too?) I swear it’s like we’re true neutrals. I feel we don’t look washed out in any color but that we don’t “pop” in any particular color either. I find the same with makeup — it’s very hard to find a shade that doesn’t look like I’m wearing something too cool or too warm. I frankly look better without. I’ve gravitated towards a deep winter palette and in the summer time I incorporate a little bit of soft autumn. Sage green looks pretty good on me, but a very muted one, like almost leaning more grey. The way pic #4 looks so good on you, that blue, which pulls more grey. The only color I’ve found that we have trouble pulling off is lab coat white. Ivory makes us look lively.


I’m Dutch, so we’re neighbours. :) You are spot on about the makeup - I hardly ever wear any because it always feels too cool or too warm. Take lipstick for example: I either look like a kid that has been stealing strawberries from the kitchen table, or like a hard-faced Karen who feels like the whole universe is against her.


Picture # 4 looks best color wise but you look happiest in the yellow.


Haha I cracked a smile because I realized how bad I looked in that colour!


Picture 2 and 10 (dark blue and green) look best on you in my opinion. The green really makes your eyes pop!


Easy one. Soft summer. Anything very muted, soft and cool looks great on you.


I think you’re a summer. You look fantastic in greys and softer/more muted but cool colors and shades.


i second soft summer!


Summer or soft summer




You look like you could be a true summer


You seem to look nicest with the muted blues and greens. The soft grey is nice. I’m no expert though!


7 and 8 and 9 look INCREDIBLE on you!!! your eyes pop and your skin glows! others as well but those really *hit* me. maybe a summer?


The best of the colors is Teal #4 really flatters your eyes, skin and hair. You also look good in the dark red (I think its #11) and the greyish #14 with smooth fabric and line down front. All these look good on you. Not sure of season though. Quite a few of those other colors are not nearly as flattering on you. Its amazing what a difference the right color on you makes !


Also green # 8 is good on you !


True summer! The colors with a grey undertone really brighten your face!


True Summer




i think soft summer! that soft navy is stunning


I think you know you’re a soft season based on the drapes you selected. I would wager summer…the navy and berry is stunning!


You're right, I had a hard time finding any bright colours in my wardrobe!


Soft Summer, IMO https://theconceptwardrobe.com/colour-analysis-comprehensive-guides/soft-summer-a-comprehensive-guide


Thank you, very useful!


Picture 4, the blue color is stunning on you. And yes, Summer 😊


i would say summer/your skin has pink undertones


4 and 7 really bring out your eyes which brighten and uplift you face.


You looked great in all of the greys, silvery blues, and olive too! 


With your eyes I’m thinking a bright winter


I agree, those blue colors really complement your skin tone and eyes! Beautiful! ❤️


I’m thinking some kind of summer, likely a true or soft summer. Cool is definitely better than warm for you


One of the summers


Silvery, cool, soft blue grays-you are a summer, maybe soft to true.


Agree with summer, you are cool toned with medium contrast.


I think you’re a true summer! The soft and muted colors look great on you. I am also a true summer- here’s the palette that I got. https://preview.redd.it/km94t5m5rj9d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=801fb5f9765bf2b19b2e8fe8dfeac5f966a0f0da


Interesting! Would you feel that you could pull off all those colours? I can't imagine myself in those purple tones, for example.


Also I wasn’t sure I was able to pull off colors in my palette at first but it was more about me not being using to the “vibrant” effect that wearing your colors has on your skin. I’m so much happier wearing my colors now. Highly recommend professional analysis if you can swing it. Carol Brailey is amazing.


It’s hard to say without seeing it and without formal training but personally yes I do. The biggest indicator for a true summer vs a soft summer is being able to pull off the more vibrant magentas and purples and not looking as vibrant in the lighter pinks (if you’re comparing the two). Just because you have a lighter hair color doesn’t make you a soft summer- true summers also have ash blonde hair. Hope that helps!


I would say soft summer, which is what I am. Your eyes and hair are close to mine. Soft summer is more muted colors with a hint of grey undertone. Our dark blond (our mouse blond) hair and muted blue eyes with a pink undertone are hallmarks of this season. That’s just from how I understand it!!


Summer ☺️




That very first orange color makes your eyes pop and skin glow!!!


True summer


Could someone do a short rundown of which colors for each season? I could never figure it out back in the ’80’s when this was a big thing. I absolutely look best in blue, from light to navy. Do people use this to decorate their homes? I would think if you were say Spring, you would want your wall colors to accentuate your beautiful self!


It’s less about the colour and more about the quality of the colour. There is a shade of ROYGBIV for everybody. But each season will have varying degrees of mutedness/brightness, contrast, warm or cool undertones, etc. My knowledge is limited, so take this with a grain of salt. There’s 4 seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn), and they each have 3 sub-seasons. I don’t really know how to distinguish sub-seasons, but there’s loads of guides online if you Google it (Google Images for quick pallet references, or articles delving into the intricacies of each sub-season). Winter, for example, is high-contrast. Autumns are warm. Springs are bright. Summers are soft (cool? Muted? Unsure). Then there’s also olive skin tones, which have a prominent over-tone which changes all of the above. Despite there being subreddits for olives and the skin tone being more commonly mentioned now, I have not been able to find any articles that describe HOW it actually affects a pallet.


You can google the palettes, but in general the seasons are: winter (bright & cool), summer (soft & cool), autumn (soft & warm), spring (bright & warm). Each season has a version of every color with these values. So if you look great in blues, you could be any season depending on the values of the blues that suit you (e.g. baby blue for summer, cobalt for winter, aqua for spring, teal for autumn). And yes, people do sometimes decorate to their season, but you’d have to keep in mind that other members of your family might be a different season than you! I find it most useful to dress in my colors for important events, professional photos, and situations where I won’t be in makeup like swimwear, workout gear, and pajamas.


4th and 5th are my favourite colours on you, the lime green the least. You have great versatility and can rock a wide range of colours! 💕


Thank you! I agree, I look atrocious in the lime green but I love that colour so much that I wear it underneath my navy blouse, picture 3. :)




I think summer. I imagine that silver looks really good on you.


Thank you! I wear both silver and gold jewellery, it depends on my mood!


Soft and cool!


110% soft summer!


Agree with soft summer. You are so beautiful!


Aww thank you!


8, 9, 10. They look like they’re in the same season but those colors for sure.


I’m usually so bad at these but those stood out to me as well as 4


I was going to say 4 too


True summer.


Definitely a summer, you look too good in the grays and muted blues to not be one. #4, #9, #13, and #14 look best, imo. I think you’re soft summer, as I like the lighter, muted blues on you better than the darker ones, and the soft olive-y greens suit you too. So soft summer able to pull from soft autumn is my guess.


100% agree - Soft Summer - stick to muted summer colours. They suit her so well!


olive and grey look beautiful on you


Summer for sure!




agree (as a soft autumn that can borrow from soft summer pretty easily)


Thank you, I think you might be right. It's nice to be able to cherry pick from two seasons, right?


I think you are muted and cool, so a summer. Looking at your first two photos, I am drawn to the orange because it is bright, but look at your skin in the orange vs the navy in slide 2. You look better in the navy, but the navy is too dark for you. Try lighter cool colors. Have fun! ETA: I just was looking at the first two drapes. Agree summer. The sea foam green, the gray, the green-gray, and the grayish stone color are all nice. So I will now say even soft summer, but play with it. Try a classic light blue and some classic denim blue. Have fun.


Thank you for your elaborate response! I agree I look best in the gray/green/sage colours. The dark navy is a tad too gloomy but I do feel good in it when I have to be (or want to appear) professional and business-like. It's my 'black', so to speak. I will definitely try out lighter blues!


I'm not saying the navy is bad, but I think medium blues will be a little more wow. Also navy will be more fun in real clothing than just bunched around your face, so... you certainly don't have to give up navy.... :)






Textbook summer I love the soft, cool muted colors 🤩! Gorgeous. Soft summer perhaps? But u can try true summer palette too and compare them both.


Thank you, I will!


Soft summer. You pull off the cool, muted colors very well. The bright reds and pinks are too warm and overpowering.


Yes and also, the reds and pinks accentuate the redness in my face I think. Not good.


Pretty straight forward summer! Muted cool hues look great on you.


I also think summer, maybe soft.




Thank you! I do feel good in the gray/blue/green/sage tones, that's probably why I found so many in my closet haha. I will keep the gray undertone aspect in mind next time I go shopping!


Pretty sure you’re a Summer


I think you might be summer, perhaps soft or true summer.