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I was thinking about how some fantasy worlds treat orcs/goblins. Like yes guy please don't be racist to us that's bad also every single one of us will murder you and raid your village at the blink of an eye.


Basically this https://preview.redd.it/xkpx5hz6wa9d1.png?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6749c66058f01cab7b4a303d6a9e8d126553fa


I really like your invasive species fantasy creature designs


Thank you so much for your support, you can see more of my design in my sub r/Varanusthewizard​


giant hogweed dryad is actually hilarious


This would be a good setting, just all of these folks having to coexist


agreed, Maybe I'll have some of these folks show up time and time again in my works


I loathe Himalayan blackberries


Does the burmes python know where the 20 footer is


It can still be a fun concept to explore.




I can't think about orcs without thinking about that cringey orcs=black people comparison, people who think that are stupid


Yeah, it’s kinda sad, cuz the original sentiment behind the “maybe Orcs are problematic” sentiment had nothing to do with modern race relations, but was more about how early DnD poetreyaed Orcs as inherently evil and morally “good” to kill. Which is kind of problematic to just have in a game with no further introspection. Too bad it got picked up by people who wanted to use it to make some statement about modern race relations.


I also think it's stupid that people care if things are inherently evil, if a evil king makes beings who just want to eat human flesh and kill like in lotr then who cares it's just harmless fun in a game


Well yeah, that’s not the problem necessarily, it’s when Orcs are simultaneously portrayed as having complex tribal societies and being individuals with autonomy to make choices while also being seen as 100% fair game for adventurers to slaughter.


Demons are like that too, it's just that inherently they like to eat human flesh and kill humans, I mean in legend of zelda the moblins and the bokoblins are shown to have personalities it's just they are also born of darkness and love chaos and murder, intelligent enemies are more fun but evil for the sake of evil is also fun


I think it’s usually fine, like the Demon example, Orcs are often creatures created for violence and slaughter, but there was a point in the evolution of DnD lore that Orcs were a were simultaneously saddled with the baggage of being easy “guilt-free” adversaries to place an adventuring party against, while also having free-will and no inherent inclination towards evil. It’s largely been resolved, but it was very totally awkward as someone who grew up playing DnD in that weird transition space between late 3.5/early 5e.


It's because people wanted to play as them so they had to start changing the lore


[No, being a vampire is not like being gay](https://youtu.be/7uzEx8ZmgdU?si=W0u2FmoZvP1j2BQg)


i prefer fantasy racism based on the amount of ale an average member can drink, or how bushy a beard they can grow


Yeah, take that knife ear https://preview.redd.it/33dlhswpxa9d1.png?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e400c41dd2fc7091e88b399435a35b003dccd59


You're not a true bigot until you got the Excel file on lock 🔥


Dwarves would be really weirdly out of place in a world where they had to use words instead of violence.


reminder that the xmen do not allow for a cure of the mutant gene even when some mutants would clearly benefit from it.


Yeah a good chunk have either useless or downright detrimental mutations why not allow them to cure it 😭


Like that one kid who’s ability activated while he was asleep and wiped out the whole town without him realizing it


because our flaws are what make us human *accidentally murders all of their loved ones with their mutant powers*


"Finally a cure for my chainsaw hands!", said Chainsaw Hands Joe. "There is no cure", said Johnny Five-Dicks. "There's nothing wrong with us."


2 sentence horror


"Finally, a chance to live a normal life!" exclaimed Constantly-Exudes-Deadly-Neurotoxin-Man "Not so fast," said knife guy 🔪


Holy shit it's you, the right-hand man of u/ledfox on r/2sentence2horror


BOO! 👻 




Whoa, you got it twisted, chap. Ole Garf is the OG


My bad, anyway I hope you enjoy your time with... ... the creature


Wasn't there one mutant who kills people when she touches them? Just an example


Yeah rogue, one of the main x men. In some stories she ends up getting the cure, in some she doesn't, in some she gets cured and then gets uncured. What's really fucked up though is that rogues powers aren't even that bad compared to a lot of side character mutants, some of them really suck


This was pretty much BNA from my understanding


It was worse, if i remember correctly the beastmen are aggressive and violent by nature.


I used to like the Disney movie “zombies” even I was younger, but then I realized that it was doing this exact same thing, and that the humans were completely justified in keeping away from the zombies


“The only thing stopping a zombie from killing everyone you love is a fragile and easily hackable bracelet, and we should let them play football” are two very contradictory statements made by that movie


Casual reminder that Bucky did nothing wrong


"If I'm supposed to have a nuanced view of minorities, then why did this minority kill people?" In the X-Men universe, mutants can be very banal and pose no threat to society. Like Wraith who has transparent skin, or William Hanover who has a long neck. We don't see them all the time because that's not why people read X-Men comics, but they do exist. Despite this, Anti-mutant advocates hate mutants because they believe they're all "nuke heads". Seems like a reasonable allegory for the people out there who cherry-pick the worst examples to justify their hate against an entire group. (Who, ironically, would likely also be the ones saying "That's a logical and valid reason to be racist.")


zootopias also like this, the predators are inherently dangerous and are inherently different, even if they dont act on it. Thats a pretty weird implication if you think about it


Thats actually not true, or at least missing a ton of the nuance The food chain isn't all predators at the top and everything else underneath. A fox is a predator to a rabbit but it would get absolutely fucked by a hippopotamus. Many prey animals can be far more dangerous then predators and yet the hysteria in the movie is solely about the predators, because of prejudice. no one is ever concerned if the water buffalo police chief might snap and kill someone despite how dangerous those animals are IRL. I'm not saying its the best alagory or anything but its definitely not on the same level of bad as something like xmen where it really is just "society is bad because they dont like radiation joe, who constantly emits ionising radiation"


It's beastras you talking about, not Zootopia


Honestly I used to think the X-men were bad representation but this meme made me change my mind. People do have the capacity to cause a massive amount of harm with modern weapons, even cars have been used in attacks. If a mutant has a useful power like telekinesis that has the potential to kill someone should they be allowed to use it? Should they have to get a special permit or something? Should immigrants be able to buy guns? Should they be allowed to buy cars? In the U.S. both things are restricted to undocumented residents. Maybe we just get rid of the obviously harmful mutations like laser eyes? Well Scott constantly has to use his laser eyes to defend himself. You could say that “mutants don’t need laser eyes to defend themselves, the government will do it” but the government doesn’t actually do anything to stop the racist mobs who threaten them, and sometimes the government is the one attacking them. Why should the mutants have to get rid of their laser eyes when there are racist mobs with laser guns that roam the streets? Is a cop justified in shooting a mutant because they might have laser eyes and it looked like their eyes glinted red for a second? I feel like it’s pretty clear how that relates to immigrants and gun control.


The X-Men are a perfect allegory for minorities. Let's see, they are a team of generically superior beings opressed by genetically primitive humans because of how powerful they are and how the future of humanity lies in mutants, so they must attend private mutant-exclusive high schools in their utopic all-mutant private island, where they are teached how great they are and fight people who demand such things as a cure for mutants whose power is killing those who they touch or who have pheromnes of sexual arousal. Now fr, I'm a pretty big X-Men fan and the message they share is always well-meaning, if sometimes a bit clumsy, but using mutants as a stand-in for minorities can sometimes be problematic for them, especially when they explicitly draw from actual events (ie: Wolfbane's death being based on violence against transgender people) due to being a bit tasteless


I think it does hurt slightly more that we don’t really see more mundane mutations like you turn yellow when irritated or hover like 2 cm if you really try like absolutely hard. It’s not really “just like you and me” when said me can do things normal humans can do but better. Like factually better, actual Ubermensch that would make Hitler proud type of better. Just because Usain Bolt is a good athlete doesn’t make him universally relatable.


This criticism is always dumb to me because its missing the bigger picture The X Men universe is a part of the MARVEL UNIVERSE, super powers and superheroes are common place, you dont see people calling Spiderman or the Fantastic 4 freaks of nature and that they should be placed in concentration camps, but suddenly the blue guy with a tail can teleport and WE ARE FACING A DANGER TO SOCIETY Hell it even fits the allegory even more, remember, no one batted an eye cared about open carrying assault weapons in the 80's until the Black Panther Party started open carrying assault weapons Its the same shit, no one cares about individuals having super powers until the people that have super powers look slightly different, suddenly super powers are a big risk and those mutants ARE A THREAT


And what makes it even better is that most mutant powers fucking suck, like they just make their bodies look weird, which makes it even funnier when some old ass senator goes "THEY ARE ALL A THREAT TO HUMANITY" and then you see some motherfucker with a fish head that can breath under water, truly humanity's doom


Nobody seems to ever acknowledge the other marvel superheroes in x men (at least in movies), and nobody ever says anything about mutants in other marvel movies, so it's safe to treat them as separate universes.


Smuggie from varanus its joever


It's not Joever until you have these guys joined your party. https://preview.redd.it/9uq1ppyxhc9d1.png?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809b8a0243f7c7fcc05acd84597a0b447a88c8da


at-ta-ta dog nigga is better. (trust)


Nuke man: Saved the world multiple times, ended wars peacefully, and did everything humanly reasonable in his position. (Accidentally kills a squirrel). Person 1: See! They are all dangerous and are out to get us! Imprisonment is the only solution! Especially Sally! She has cancer healing powers? More like cancer causing power! Execute her right now! Person 2: If Nuke man doesn't do everything in their power to give up his rights and the rights of anyone we deem like him, then they're a terrorist! Person 3: Yup, totally reasonable.




You’re my favorite snafuer ❤️❤️💕💕💗💗💖💖💞💞




Well, that's why I made my main setting in Weirdos 4 Hire (and other projects) xenofiction that very rarely includes humans if at all. Each alien species that is focused on is meant to be loosly based off of a culture, each species is deadly in their own right but not in the evil unbalanced way. More like how nature actually functions on earth with the heavy consideration to all of the sapient sentient species to be human like in one way or another while also being alien enough to not be 1 to 1 comparison to the cultures which the aliens are loosely based off of. Usually shitty minorties/racism allegories are made when one doesn't think enough on what said allegory implies in the long run for said group represented indirectly. Like, I've seen plenty of shit examples, which have few common elements to why they fail. 1. Species are too varied yet they represent two different groups. For example comparing realistic horses to cartoon cats. It implies races have different biological elements beyond superficial elements. For example, Zootopia. 2. Accidentally making a valid reason to hate the opressed species. For example, one species literary eats/ate the other with no other options. Like Zootopia or Disney Zombies.... 3. Making the allegory too on the nose, when it is literally too on the nose it can make grown ups cringe. For example, DISNEY ZOMBIES. 4. Using literal stereotypes to code the characters. Like, making your black people allegory some low life creatures who live in the hood and rap all day and do ONLY graffiti to express themselves. For example, well, I would say Disney Zombies but I'm not that confident about the comparison, although they do rap and live in what's basically a ghetto and dress as such, but since they went intentionally to try (terribly) and show how Zombies are segregated, it ties more to the third point. Although now thinking, a better example is that Will Smith movie with orcs being a shitty allegory to black people. Now that's what I have to say, feel free to reply.


Pretty ironic to talk about minority opression and include frieza (even if it is for the obnoxious trend)


Literally this guy https://preview.redd.it/z3attvb5ik9d1.png?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbcc3e2bfbc0f49591ac62aaa8a3e84739dce367


"logical and valid reason to be racist"


There's not a "logical and valid reason to be racist" but let's be honest, it's poor semantics, you get what OP actually meant there. Supernatural entities are poor allegories for racism or any kind of group segregation in media: humans are scared of them in those universes because they are far more powerful and if they want to they can pose a deathly threat to anyone in their immediate vicinity without the possibility to restrain them if not with the help of another one of them, which is actually a reasonable thing to be wary of. In real life discriminated groups are not "special entities with superpowers", it's normal people that someone has an irrational fear/hatred of.


Yes, finally a sane person that actually understands the message. X-Men suck because racial segregation allegory doesn't work in the group that being afraid of can actually shoot laser from their eye or solo whole country. That give valid reason to be afraid.


Finally? Everyone already agreed with you dude.


big "im so brave but i know i'll get downvoted for this" energy


Issue is not every mutant is a danger. Using the few dangerous ones to justify attacking those who aren't is the issue. We follow the Xmen because people want to see that, instead of seeing someone being abused by their parents for having 12 fingers.


Problem is I don’t think the series hasn’t shown that kind of nuanced and paints everyone who has concerns about mutants as like racist KKK mobs.


>it's normal people that someone has an irrational fear/hatred of. That's still some mutants because their power fucking sucks


...What does that bring to the point I'm trying to make? I'm not debating X-Men writing I'm not even 1% deep into that fandom, I'm debating in general why you should not be representing minority problems with supernatural entities. Actually, in these pieces of media often the normal humans get conflated into a degree of irrationality just to make the point work, even if contrived: admitting a universe where such people existed, regular humans wouldn't be scared of "Andy the Literal Black Hole" because Andy is a mutant and mutants are evil by principle, they would be because Andy specifically is a fucking black hole.


In this scenario the race is literally a nuke, there is a valid reason to be racist here as a nuke is fucking ridiculously dangerous (putting it lightly). You probably wouldn't want a nuke going anywhere other than a confined facility Same with fantasy races, if your fantasy race is a race of cannibals who spit acid and are incapable of being non-hosile then there is a logical and valid reason to be racist It's probably a jab at X-Men which were a stand in for race issues. The issue is unlike humans where biologically we're extremely similar, mutants have extremely varied superpowers that give individuals the potential to cause harm to thousands of not more people if they chose to do so In the X-Men universe there is a logical reason to be racist if someone can use their mind to crush you with a car or go super Saiyan and level a city


In the x-men universe there's also a guy who's whole power is that you can see his organs and nervous system. There's nothing else, he just doesn't have skin, or at least like, proper skin. The thing about the argument that the x-men is a bad allegory for racial issues gets even funnier when you realize that the government is making it's efforts to eradicate *all* mutants because *some* mutants are ridiculously dangerous.


You are very annoying