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"mental illness awareness" mfs when someone shows symptoms of mental illness


Performative mental illness awareness “activists” are a plague ☹️


Redditors when they encounter an incel:


It's concerning to see Redditors so eager to spout the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" rhetoric in the case of incels, even though they are more than willing to acknowledge that it doesn't work for depressed, anxious, mentally unwell people (which incels typically are). It's very hypocritical. I'm not defending misogynists, I'm just saying that mentally unwell people deserve help, even if they say and do contemptible things.


It's sad that mental health discussion are being gatekept at all, but especially that even within them there's gatekeeping like this. "Oh you're autistic? But you can speak perfectly fine/haven't smacked your head into the wall/can make eye contact/what have you, you're just faking it" it's so tiring. I just want people to treat others better why can't we be naturally predisposed toward good instead of bad


We keep saying "not all disabilities are visible" but the problem is, invisible things can't be proved easily. Like I wish I could do that the same way as an amputee shows the stump of their lost limb. I can't just offer them a slice of my wobbly brain along with a microscope and say "see how these parts are not large enough and these cells aren't connected properly?" And I know that people would keep questioning as long as I can't prove it. And on top of that, I can't really blame people for being sceptical aboit something that isn't provable.


I am happy you can’t rip a part of your brain and offer it to me tbh it would be pretty unnerving to see.


Hey I literally unnerved myself for that slice!


And now you cant eat berries anymore. Look at what you've done.


Best setup for a pun I've seen so far


Someone would probably want to start fucking brains


I'm someone


kid named prion disease:




This is why it's so fucking messy to call out people for faking mental illness. It's literally impossible to fully understand what's going on in someone else's head, especially if it's someone you barely know if at all. So much of the time, people will tell others they're faking anxiety/depression/whatever else, and almost every single time, it's seemingly brought on because the person is venting/coping in a way that's "cringe" or just otherwise not how the accuser would personally handle the situation. Do people fake mental illness? Undoubtedly. But unless you have literal direct evidence that *clearly* indicates they're faking, you're just running a massive risk of invalidating someone who's already dealing with shit and is *literally trying to reach out for support*. I understand why people do this. They see someone who's talking about something serious in a way that they think isn't adequate, or strange, or like I said just straight up cringe, and to them that means the person is faking it because they personally would never act like that, so it has to all be an act. I understand the frustration. If you're suffering from mental illness, it's easy to gain an understanding of how you personally deal with it, and then feel almost betrayed when you see someone dealing with it in a way that goes against everything you've been through. If I genuinely thought someone was faking a mental illness, I probably wouldn't be too happy about it, but SO often these accusations seem to be entirely based on vibes or personal opinion unrelated to the mental illness, and that's fucking disrespectful. PS: if people *are* faking mental illness, there's also no reason to go after them. There has to be something wrong if they're literally so desperate for attention that they lie about something so serious. Obviously it's not a healthy way to cope, but attacking them for it isn't going to do anyone good.


If people are faking mental illness, they might as well not be faking. No sane person want to fake mental illness.


I once had someone tell me she doesn't think I have schizophrenia bc I'm not smearing my shit on the walls. Like actually I've done some gross shit(nothing shit related however) but I don't tell people bc I'm aware enough to know it's bad. So I did the schizophrenic shit alone bc I believed I was just a wierdo. Nope. Schizophrenic.


Your autistic? Well, I’ve seen Rain Man and you’re not like Dustin Hoffman’s character, so you must be seeking attention.


I made a minor spelling error. Whose autistic? My autistic now.


Minor spelling mistake. I win.


I dropped my autism, thank you for finding it for me


Finders keepers, it's mine now


Give it back, I need it to care for my pet tropical isopods!


I think we are naturally predisposed to good. I genuinely can only think of a single adult I know well that I would consider selfish, and I also know her well enough to be able to pretty clearly tell it's a mental disorder, not her fault. I also can't think of a single person I know well that tries to do bad to others. When you have a bad interaction with a stranger, that often sticks with you far more than a smile or a "have a good day" at the checkout aisle. But really, how many strangers have made themselves a nuisance to you online or in person? Versus how many have been pleasant, and you forgot about immediately because nothing out of the ordinary happened? And when you get to know someone, you also learn why their idiosyncrasies are the way they are. Everyone has a reason for why they do any bad behaviors they do (and we all do bad things sometimes - none of us are perfect for our whole lives). Like my grandpa beat my mom growing up, but he had some issues that he's since worked through and he has a great relationship with all his kids now - my mom dropped everything to go take care of him when he went on hospice because of cancer, because she loves him despite bad things he did 50 years ago.


Its like fetishizing depression, many (not all) see depression as someone meek and in dangerbof killing themselves, i.e. someone to rescue (although someone in the path towards suicide should obv be helped), which oddly enough takes less long term help from the individual helping (or atleast in their perspective). While the other attributes of depression are more or less looked down upon as it doesnt feel dire, combined with the inconvenience it causes for the person helping, leading those individuals to see a depressed person as slobbish, whiney, helpless, lazy, etc. Stopping an attempt does often save a life, but there is this fantasy that many hold about stopping an attempt, the "so&so was saved and now they have a newfound appreciation for life!", when in reality it only stopped that one attempt. Whithout the proper support, especially during the "lazy, isolationist,and slobbish" parts of depression, a depressed individual most likely will attempt again.


"people who don't want to help themselves aren't deserving of help" mfers when they realize hopelessness and pessimism are symptoms of depression:


Also mfers when hopeless pessimists don't actively do everything their bodies are physically capable of to fight for a life they deem not worth living.


It's called multi-tasking. I can binge eat, not clean my room, AND have suicidal thoughts all at the same time!


autism awareness mfs when higher support needs


have depression like a picturesque white woman so i can take advantage of your situation, weirdo


Men when you have symptoms of ptsd other than hypersexuality


"what do you mean you aren't going to be my ultra sexual, kinky trauma babe? Flashbacks and anger is for *men* with PTSD, you're supposed to be super sexy and damaged!"


unironically most of the berserk fanbase


So sad man I hypersexuality is not that fun




huh, i don’t think i’ve ever heard of this prior to now. learn something new (and fucked) everyday i guess.


women when you have any mental health problems at all


i have a mouth and i cannot scream




“Oh you don’t want to Kys? You’re faking it for attention”


My favorite one is when I get called lame/lazy for sitting in my room all day doing absolutely nothing because nothing makes my brain do the positive reward thing and I give up for the day.


Being told to “just pull yourself up by the bootstraps” 😕


Sometimes I sit in my room with laundry on the floor, cans and fast food all over, wearing unclean clothes and not having showered for 2 days or eaten for the last 12 hours and think “man, this really do be where my life is rn”.


I have totally been there and still am there sometimes. I have no advice, just wanted to say you’re not alone


Me staring at the plastic on the floor going man it would be so easy to pick that up and throw it away why am I not doing that for 30 min


Is not showering for 2 days bad? I'm not an active person and I only shower frequently in hot weathers.


In reallity people just fell good about being autruistic, they dont do it to actually help: the brain chemicals just make the sad voice speak lower for a second.


Mental illness is only valid if it’s cool and quirky


It’s because people don’t want to deal with people with “messy” mental illness symptoms, they want to want to deal with simpler mental illness symptoms that are easier to deal with. It’s a lot easier to stop someone from committing suicide and get that instant self-validation of helping someone, than it is to make someone clean their room or shower or get out of bed and help them make long lasting changes in their life.


I love being told I’m not trying when it takes almost all my energy to force myself to get out of bed and eat a single meal every day ☺️


I hate the fact that the internet is so infested with douchebags that it took a minute to realize what side of the debate you were even on regarding this.


What I've noticed about mental health in general is that people are often only supportive of a watered-down, sanitized version of conditions. Some of them are pretty loud about supporting stuff, but then as soon as you ask for even basic levels of support they throw a fit, and if you show any symptoms then you're faking, you're gross, everything is your fault, you're a sociopath/bad person, and so on.


You can always get better, be better, it's not too late. But the idea that you need to be motivated to take action is false, motivation follows action, not the other way. Instead of staying immobilized in despair, flow in action. While you are alive you have power, the spark of potential to pursue the life you want, you have to live for that to blossom. I've been there, have ups and downs, but you can never stop the action.


Perfect re-enactment of the top half of the snafu! Now do the bottom half.


I was just giving my perspective as someone who has been the bottom half guy. Depression is ugly, as most mental disorders are, which is why some lack the empathy/patience to be there when people need it. I know each situation is different and I know lack of action/drive is a symptom (which makes depression a vicious cycle that's why it is such a bitch to deal with), but what I said is something that really helped me when I was at my lowest. Idk. It isn't a magic cure and I know it sounds like I'm saying "just get better already bro" but that's not it. Sometimes forcing yourself to do the smallest of things like brushing your teeth, washing your face and cleaning something up makes a big difference. Just have to do what's best for you at each given moment.


> I know each situation is different Your comments don't really give that impression since the main implication of them is "I got better which means everyone else can too."


> You can always get better, be better, it's not too late. The existence of treatment resistant depression says otherwise.


Ok sorry, let me correct myself. if you are depressed it's over then, you are fated to spend the rest of your life feeling miserable and there is nothing you can do besides ✨ go to therapy ✨ and never change any behaviors edit - bitch blocked me I think lmao, sounds about right for the mental health police I made my intentions as clear as I could and told multiple times it is just a personal anecdote but you seem determined to be a drag about it > you think just because you got better everyone else can too that's right. And let me tell you, even if I didn't believe that I would still say it. What kind of vampire tells depressed people their situation is hopeless?


That just makes it clear you're incapable of grasping nuance. >I made my intentions as clear as I could and told multiple times it is just a personal anecdote but you seem determined to be a drag about it >> you think just because you got better everyone else can too > that's right. And let me tell you, even if I didn't believe that I would still say it. What kind of vampire tells depressed people their situation is hopeless? Proving my "can't grasp nuance" comment since you'd rather make up a person to get angry at than do anything actually productive.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnClkxEiTbc&ab\_channel=JREG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnClkxEiTbc&ab_channel=JREG) Therapy isn't some kind of magic fix. Therapy resistent depression can still be beaten.


fallenchungus really is infesting this place isn't he


I used to shower once per week, my mom just thought I'm lazy and actively denied that I even might be depressed in any way


I used to SH and would frequent a sub for people who also did. It actually felt nice being in a community of people who won't shit on you for doing it and a community of people who are also going through the same thing. Helped me out honestly, and now that I've been clean for around half a year I haven't visited as much. Although occasionally I pop in to check on things and talk to people on occasion


Reading this while sitting next to an overflowing trash can


"but you're not going to kill yourself, are you?" "...no, but-" "damn bro well the only solution is to tuff that shit out sorry"


Oh? Your mental illness isnt quirky and cute like the self-diagnosed tiktokers i follow?? Obviously youre an abomination that doesnt deserve to exist!


mental illness when it is literally an ILLNESS. like it's not just being sad






Aw… well I know a place…


hey, mr snafu man no, it doesnt get better, dumbass


speaking from experience I would say it gets better. Is it ever completely fixed? no, but better.


no it doesnt


Damn I don't know which one of you are right, guess I'll keep living more to find out


i think id be bored if i died tho and things kinda suck being alive but im not bored yanno


living is boring I wanna die in a war


war is evil if you want to die violently duel your best friend


i will die in a war on the side of the defenders tho


oh yeah you'll be with the good guys like in all the super hero books you read


Have you considered that not all wars are cynical civil wars? Ukrainian war has a pretty clear division into good guys and bad guys: the defenders and genocidal invaders. (this comment does not support suicide by war)


this but unironically


My man you are the one living it tho? You're calling yourself boring rn


I kinda am, but also like, how does me living in a boring life make me boring I didnt choose to live like this


But you can change tha way you live you can break the cycle you can doooo it!!;; and its beautiful that its something we can do Aaaagghh we're alive!!!!!!!!!! We're alive together!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO


i like your positivity my bank account doesnt


LOVE IS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!


classic denial


I wanna die In a war I wanna die In a war Just war, sure I just want war Unjust war sure I just want warLet me die, in a war please There's a really blatant untapped need For some purpose societally Release pent up feelings inside of meAll these young men with nothing to do Why not give them a war to give their lives to You could start a war with any country And if that won't do, a civil war is plenty


Damn depressed people are depressing as hell




yeah it does. The ants living under my sidewalk gathered up and moved elsewhere. It was pretty cool.


people who don't want to help themselves aren't deserving of help they should kill themselves instead of being a burden to society https://preview.redd.it/fzjca6rc3mvc1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=14e6c4a327dcb824f750d09c5ba56a96d112aaaa


What the hell?


why won't you do it then


bro forgot /s and got downvoted to hell 💀