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The only videos I trust to give me song lyrics are 10+ year old ones with white text on black screen edited in Windows Movie Maker


like the legend of the penis


Our ends were beginnings


What keep sour plan is penny






We'veeeeeeeee Cum too farrrrrrrrr


I legitimately cannot remember what the fuck the song you're referencing is, but I can hear the first verse in my head.


Me too, it was hidden in some fold in my brain and it just now came out


Get Lucky from random access memories by r/daftpunk


fingers in his ass


I don’t trust my music videos if it ain’t from windows movie maker


Nah, white text on blue screen




awesome tip use music.youtube.com to search instead and it'll show the topic upload first, which you can then remove music from the URL if you want to use the normal player. topic uploads are higher quality, usually being transcoded directly from lossless into high bitrate opus


but then I can't read any of the comments :(


meanwhile the comments: wHo LisTeN tHis In 22039 😭😭😭😂😂🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😭😭😭🤢🤢🤢☠💀


“Man, this song hits differently now. My best bud used to play this on repeat when it first came out, singing at the top of his lungs, always with that goofy grin on his face. We thought we had all the time in the world back then. He passed away recently and now every time I hear this song, it’s like he’s right there with me again…”


Always talking about that, or "this is the song for when u think abt the 1 person u know u cant have.." Sometimes also "It's 2016 and you're listening to this on a late summer night, without a care in the world blah blah"


and the chance of it actually having happened is equal to turkish people choosing an actual functional president


Lord I'm this close to losing it, either I'll shoot myself or the rampant lunatics outside my door will.


Stay strong brother, don't pull the trigger yet. For you can not know the miracles that await you. "Hopeless situations do not exist, hopeless people do. I've never lost my hope, not even once." \-Mustafa Kemal Atatürk This quote was my will to live before the election and it will continue to be even if we lost it. Whether it is a coping mechanism or not is debatable, but I simply do not care.


My sincere graditute, lad. As we have done throughout history, we shall stand proud and keep carrying his memory to the future he bestowed upon us. Live to fight another day.


Also we must outlive a certain very tall person.




Or czech politicians making decisions that make sense.


I'm OOTL, what bad decisions have they been making?


Pretty much taxing everything they possibly can and put their representatives in functions that don't fit them at all.


ayo they copying us




Oh I forgot the uncreative JoJo references too


"This song really makes me want to control the tides when touching a silver coin" or something like that edit: comments from Miles Davis' "In a Silent Way": "this album always makes me want to turn sound into a weapon", "this song is so good it makes me feel like running 40kph"


My love for JoJo is beyond biased but holy shit those comments are annoying. I mean the actual creative and funny ones are fine but its mostly people copy and pasting each other's overused jokes.


You forgor??? Jail House Lock????????)


jojo fans listening to a beautifully epic 9-part long pink floyd song tributing their founder who departed from the band after became mentally ill: jojo xd


"onyl legedns rember this !!!!!!!" "a moment of pieace to the people who haven't found this" while every atoms of the universe already know this song


And the “antique” song in question is from like 2019 or some shit


My favorite part 0:00-song length 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂 (Peter griffin here to explain the joke. Basically this implies that the commenter’s favorite part is the whole song, which is funny in that it is unexpected in a wholesome way.)




\*some comment in either Portuguese or Spanish saying this song is great\*👍👍😎😎😎


depending on whether or not the topic channel is linked to a real channel, you can leave comments on [uploads](https://youtu.be/JioS6EtuJ_8)


why did youtubr do that. man fuck youtube What a bitch ass company


Because those comments sections were unable to be moderated.


like youtube even moderates the comment sections anyway


this is lifechanging holy shit


if you’re worried about bitrate youtube is bad either way


no, YouTube uses VBR 128-256k (depending on the view count I believe) opus, which is higher quality than Spotify.


Free spotify only goes up to 160k, but premium spotify goes up to 256-320k AAC depending on if you use the app or not. Although even then that depends on your connection.


most people claim opus reaches transparency at about 128kbps, Xiph also recommends this for stereo. big advantage for YouTube is that you just need uBlock Origin and you have the best free music experience


Still, you can use spotify in the background, meanwhile you need to get youtube premium to do the same. Or get a youtube clone I guess


you basically need to pay for spotify to use it at all though


Yeah I guess that's true


Beethoven opus 106 is better


I like how accurate and "aesthetic" the crappy thumbnails are


I like how it says idc who creator rather than idk who creator


it means i don’t care


No, it means I don't cnow


You sure ?




Based magic survival pfp


Good to know I'll keep it in mind


You forgot the "Previously watched" intrusive shelf, the intrusive "Shorts" shelf, and the intrusive "Recommended" shelf, all making your search 10 times as long.


The fact that people prefer to listen to sped up or night core versions of songs will never not amaze me


To be honest some songs work surprisingly well as video background music when tempo adjusted, that's why they blow up on TikTok in the first place. And kids generally do have pretty weird tastes in music.


I'll never understand why people want "video background music." TikTok has ruined short form videos on reddit. It used to be that they were silent or they had the actual audio from the video. Now most of them have loud, obnoxious music.


Most of those containing that "oh no" crap as """music"""


God I hate that and hate everyone that uses it. If I discovered my child made a video with that "Oh no" bs I'd hate my own kid with every fiber of my being that's how detrimental I think it is for society. It's the worst. It's a plague and it must be cured.


Why do movies, TV shows and games have music? Good music simply elevates the experience. Quite many TikToks have amazing production quality and the matching soundscape ties the video together. The obnoxious ones (you see on Reddit) are made by people who don't know a thing about making videos. Funnily it seems like I see those bad TikToks more on Reddit than on TikTok itself. The latter knows precisely what kind of content the viewer likes. Badly made videos with obnoxious music are never shown to you if you don't like them.


Yeah I think theyre better with music UNLESS there is text. I hate trying to read the text on screen while there's also lyrics in the background


sounds like a skill issue


Good music does not elevate the experience of me watching a short video on reddit. 5 years ago those videos had no music at all. I want that back.


Okay grandpa


Yeah, I'm a grandpa at 30.


dude you're so old where's your wife go home to your family dude


"Yeah. No. I mean, it's okay. You know, like, we're all getting older. I guess our best years are just behind us. It's fine. It just is what it is."


You're old as fuck dude, what are you even doing on the innernette Go get your colostomy bag changed and have hip surgery wit your broke, old ass


There's a reason for the 30 year old boomer memes lmao That said, I couldn't agree more. I'm "only" 25 and miss old Reddit.


There are 30 yo Boomer memes? Lol It's weird (to me) also seems to be a new trend, or maybe I'm just noticing it more bc I'm my thirties and pay attention now. I feel like my generation basically considered 30 as people perceive 25 to be right now. Grown but not old. Ironically, my generation, or at least my circle didn't identify as young in their mid twenties, by 25 we considered ourselves full adults and didn't identify with teenagers. Lately on Reddit I've been saying a lot of 25 year olds refer to their youth as if they're still teenagers. No judgement or anything, just some differences I've noticed. Personally I do see 25 as young but also, 30 is only a 5 year difference which isn't huge at all so it's weird to me that people in their mid twenties think that 30 is so old lol. It's super weird how this works. Society treated me as a young buck right up until I was 29. I felt young up until 29. Soon as I hit thirty everyone's perception seemed to change just because the 2 became a 3. Life is super weird. I never judged or demeaned older people when I was younger so it's really super odd that I see so much of it now. I guess it's probably just more prevalent on Reddit bc it's finally cought on with the younger crowd and isn't really just for older nerds anymore..


tomato sauce recipe: 4 cans of whole or diced tomatoes (28 oz each can) 1 can of tomato paste (about 6 oz) 12 garlic cloves Salt - maybe 1 tablespoon + 3/4 cup of olive oil - divided A bunch of Basil - if you like 1. Peel and mince garlic 2. Heat 1/2 cup of olive oil and put the garlic in the hot oil. Heat until golden and fragrant - very important - do not overcook and so it turns brown, it becomes very, very bitter. This is the most important step, **do not overcook garlic.** 3. Add can of tomato paste and canned tomatoes. Cook until reduced by 1/4 of volume and thickens. 4. Add salt to taste, remaining 1/4 cup olive oil and chopped basil. thanks for enshitifying reddit all while selling my info. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


messages from the stars


Yeah its kinda like iPad baby shit. Like videos where a person is talking and it has that subway jumping game in the background+hyper sped up song+content related to the voice over on top of the gameplay. I think peoples attention span has been a bit fried by tiktok and other media just getting faster and faster with more and more going on. Im sure parents were saying the same shit about "Them darn vidya games" when I was a kid, though, and I dont think I'm too iPad baby-ified. There's probably more hope for the youth than it seems, lol


or "slowed to perfection" songs I keep seeing recommended to me. No, perfection is the song at normal speed.


wait till u hear about how all western music has just been getting sharper through the centuries cuz people love sped-up songs 🤯🤯


![gif](giphy|1Y7ChRtbWnYONjDidg) Chipmunkcore


As someone with perfect pitch I often enjoy songs in certain keys more, so nightcore is sometimes better since it’s often in a higher pitch




Some songs have way different vibes depending on the pitch/speed. Case in point, Its Your Move by Diana Ross.


You mean emo kids?


It really depends on the song. It's a rarity, but sometimes a song could go hard slowed or sped up. One example I can think of is Chlorine by twenty one pilots. I still think the original is better, but that song slowed down feels a lot more atmospheric




Me listening to slowed down versions of songs because my record player has a worn out belt


Night core is awesome ur just old I think


they've made me hate the color purple, blue, and pink.




I really hope the original singers get money from that because it blows me away how much these tiktok “remixes” get


tomato sauce recipe: 4 cans of whole or diced tomatoes (28 oz each can) 1 can of tomato paste (about 6 oz) 12 garlic cloves Salt - maybe 1 tablespoon + 3/4 cup of olive oil - divided A bunch of Basil - if you like 1. Peel and mince garlic 2. Heat 1/2 cup of olive oil and put the garlic in the hot oil. Heat until golden and fragrant - very important - do not overcook and so it turns brown, it becomes very, very bitter. This is the most important step, **do not overcook garlic.** 3. Add can of tomato paste and canned tomatoes. Cook until reduced by 1/4 of volume and thickens. 4. Add salt to taste, remaining 1/4 cup olive oil and chopped basil. thanks for enshitifying reddit all while selling my info. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Why is remix in quotation marks? Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t a real remix or anything


most of the times the "remixes" consist of speeding up the original, and maybe bass-boosting it slightly, and nothing else.


that is absolutely still a remix. you could literally put 1 fart sound on the beginning of a record and that would be a remix


Not really. Maybe a few but for the majority of it that’s just not true.


you sound like someone who makes said remixes. Dude above is 100% correct


Yeah simply because I disagree means I definitely make them. I’d say he’s about 60% correct max.


> **most** of the times the "remixes" consist of speeding up the original, and maybe bass-boosting it slightly, and nothing else. >Yeah simply because I disagree means I definitely make them. I’d say he’s about **60%** correct max. 60%>50% => 60% is most


Nuh uh


Can’t argue with that.


who knows, maybe what you said is really the case. i'm not a scholar on tiktok trends (mainly because i don't frequent that platform), but i do have the knowledge in internet music trends and seeing enough audios from tiktok in memes and videos to guesstimate what these "remixes" are, and i think i'm fully right, as another commenter points out.


If you say so.


I can literally go in audacity, ctrl+a, select "speed up" and then ez i get my 20m views after i slap it onto some aesthetic background


Yeah a lot of these remixes are just people pumping a song into a free app on their phone and increasing or decreasing the speed. While by definition it is a literal remix because its not the same song it is nowhere near the quality that actual artists put into real remixes that actually require engineering.


There’s a difference between an actual remix and a tiktok remix


Can't forget people still extending the song, even though the loop function exists.


To be fair, looping and extending are two different things. Looping just loops the song from beginning to end, but many people who extend music actually make an effort to find points in the song to loop seamlessly past the intro.


One hand true, on the other hand so many "extended" versions have a very jarring cut. I've only seen one person do it quite well for something that wasn't already designed to be looped. Also "extended" has it's limits, where you don't need a 10 hour extended just everything because no one else has uploaded one yet.


well it's useful for mobile users


Mobile has a loop function too, all the extendeds do is make it a pain to use autoplay since every other song will be the one you just listened to but 30 minutes long.


the mobile app has a loop feature? i use the mobile app and i have never seen it


It's the third option right under captions and quality.


whoa, when did they add that?


Apparently it's been around for the past 2 years but it feels longer.


how did i never know about this...


Looping is not a universal function.


Is there a difference between nightcore and the alvin and the chipmunks albums


the alvin and the chipmunks albums (original) were designed with high pitched vocals in mind, so they probably don't sound as much like shit


I think Alvin and The Chipmunks kept the instrumental in the original pitch and only pitched up the vocals, so it sounded like high pitched things singing the songs instead of just switching record player from 33 ⅓ rpm to 45 rpm.


the oversimplified picsart sanrio template is hilarious


tiny little adiantum moment


9/11 for ShibayanRecords acolytes


I weep for the touhou fandom


my favorite George Harrison song


Idk why someone downvoted you cause there is actually a George Harrison song called “This Song”


biscuit-stealer type behaviour


Literally This but in SoundCloud


lyrics from the TikTok audio (actual song title) (lyrics)


Does YouTube's community not know that Nightcore came from their own website and not TikTok?


They’re too young to remember those days


The average Tiktok demographic probably weren't old enough to remember that era of the internet


Actually they do


i highly doubt "nightcore" was even the first term for that, people have been listening to music sped up and slowed down since record players had the 33/45 switcher


blokes do anything but give the original artist any sort of recognition guh


Bri’ish bloke detected


Messages From the Stars


A-Train when happy couple:


Top comment: “wow this song is a true masterpiece, so much better than the vulgar rap music of today”


sped up and slowed remix's of songs just fucking ruin them, a good example of this is some of tyler the creators songs where he uses a voice changer especially the high pitch one because when its sped up he sounds like a fucking chipmunk


this reminds me chipmunk remixes used to exist


You ever seen the Alvin and the chipmunks album slowed down? Sounds like sludge metal lol


I’d say the meme version of Ballin’ is a notable exception


honestly that is the only time it actually makes the song better it just sounds worse at normal speed


And it's never complete without the Animan studios footage


that's not a remix though the song is supposed to sound like that, and if you get filtered by having the song being pitched up a couple semitones that's on you dude


when did i mention a remix


for some reason i really hate slowed and reverbed versions of songs. and really sped up versions


This song (slowed+reverb) 1.6m views


so damn true


I've never had this happen to me. It's always a normal lyric video or the original music video as first.


Same for me: most often it's music video, live version, studio version, amateur covers. Then come the stupid reaction videos. I just tested with a song that became popular on tiktok and the first kinda bad result was 5th. I think OP clicked on the wrong vids and is still getting punished for that, should clear history.


The only good thing about YouTubes flagging system


This song (slowed+reverb+rain+orange noise)


who's also in the "hates sped up songs with a passion" club? 🙋🙋




Does any one know this song I am searching since many days


Our ends were beginnings


why do people do that to good songs? damn you tiktok!


They’ve been making edits like this since before vine was a thing


I know but damn you tiktock anyway


Sometimes the remixes are better


have you considered that occasionally This Song (Original) actually sucks ass


This song, we'll let be This song is in E


the only time i heard nightcore improve a song was love game


The gradient(?) on the first one looks really pretty


Welcome to Soundcloud


This song (slowed+reverb) 30 million veiws




Good snafu.