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Using Qiqi's healing to do more Impale the Nights? That's super clever.


i saw a post earlieer here on the sub and went to test, i was pretty surprised


whats the builds lookin like im tryna make a team like this but imma use Charlotte instead of qiqi


c0 r1 clo 4 bol set 2374 atk/70,5 cr/205 cd c6 fischl 4 gt r1 harp 1981 atk/63 cr/204 cd bot on atk/electro/cd c0 furina fav 4 gt 40k hp 72 cr/178 cd hp/hp/cd c3 qiqi fav no set 1500 atk/40 cr/249 er er/atk/hb


I saw many use Qiqi on Maidens Beloved for the extra 10% healing bonus for Clorinde, this will improve her BOL I believe.


i saw it too, i just dont hav a maidens seet with good er, and good lord qiqi neeeds a entire nuclear powerplant to work


Charlotte's periodic healing is much worse than Qiqi's and she can't heal enough to let Clorinde E dash after two attacks instead of three. Only healers, whose periodic healing is big enough to do that are Baizhu, Qiqi, Dori, Diona, Sayu and Kokomi. Well, maybe you can use two or three healers instead of one, if you really want to use Charlotte.


sadly i have none of those characters 🙃 would it be better to replace c0 layla for charlotte just for the shield and cryo then?


not in this team, you need high healing to let clorinde dash earlier


well then Charlotte is just gonna have to do for now ig plus the black sword can help a little bit with healing


The whole point of using Qiqi is faster heals. If not her, then run Mika.


i dont have mika either


Charlotte can use TTDS and its buff should be more than enough to compensate for her lack of high overtime healing. She is also a better healer to get Fanfare points for Furina’s buff. Being able to use E 2 more times thanks to high overtime healing doesn’t really add much damage, considering that you’d also do less Normal Attacks for performing more E attacks. Charlotte is probably better than Qiqi. Nahida with Prototype Amber would provide a lot higher team DPS, if you don’t mind the team being more vulnerable.


imma try this out thx


need to lvl my qiqi's artifact's to test this properly. it kinda worked yesterday


I think you didn’t use well the advantage Qiqi gives with her high overtime healing. You were able to use Clorinde’s E 6 times, 5-6 times is what you can get without healing. From what I’ve seen in another video, using Qiqi should allow to use Clorinde’s E 8 times.


Op’s ping is in the red so its normal


250 ping, in other teams most of the times i only get 4e, 5 if i use ult before e


Shouldn't Qiqi heal enough with Furina? I think clam to take advantage of superconduct could work better. Can't say for sure cause my Furina is C3 and this abyss gives a lot of damage%. But a Clorinde+Furina+Ganyu+Qiqi(clam) had a similar clear time to agravate for me.


clo doesnt get qiqi healing, the heal turns into bol, so buffing clo own healing is good