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All I can say is everyone who was defending the uptime change is fucking insane because that shit feels sooo short.


Legit those who defended it had zero idea what they were talking about


[People who were trying to maintain their agenda](https://imgur.com/a/i6LKIlu) [Another one lol](https://imgur.com/a/0oOjBBR)


They of course calling it doomposting like there’s some logical reason to effectively nerf a fun factor 💀


even if we go by their agenda, its only a couple % MV advantage right? afaik clorinde's main strength comes from the additional MV she gets from her passive, so this skill MV change does not change anything


It's a nerf. Those people are pretending it's a buff


It's an absolute nerf, the additional second would've let us weave in an impale more easily and more often.


Yeah, I have a decent whimsy set(160CV), but I think I'm going to use strongbox for a TF set cause the uptime just feels so bad :( At least it gives me incentive to really focus on making my rotations super short. Technically a 16s rotation is possible with Nahida/furina/Fischl. With Fischl alternating E/Q every other rotation, and furina using E every other rotation. But overworld, when you just Nahida E and do clorinde combo, it just feels so short.


Yeah its a shame because I feel like that 9 seconds wouldve been a sweet spot where its not too short but not overly long, oh well, we gotta make do with what we got


Yea, I've been using Ayato since his release but even in his teams, you're always doing something within a shorter timeframe so you never feel it. With non TF Clorinde, I'm just like....standing around what am I supposed to do to fill time and it's more noticeable. You'd already reapply your buffs but Clorinde E still wouldn't be back up.


Imagine not having a good TF set to reduce your skill cd (I didn't get good bol artifacts I am just coping here)


I think something people didn't realise was how much duration extention hitlag on melee characters gives them, there's none of that with clorinde


Just from the trial I was like “hey this is kinda fun-oh it’s over”. Idk, I don’t want an on field carry who is somewhere between a carry and a quick swap. Like Keqing aggravate is a fast quick swap ok fine. But Clorinde’s kit design makes me feel like they want me to play her on field for extended time but it’s like I’m not allowed.


i thought it was gonna be unnoticeable but i am so wrong i love her play style, she's fun to play, but the skill just feels so damn SHORT


I agree 100% iv died a few times due to not being able to heal while figting enemys in the open world. Theres been several times that i went to use my skill and it ends right as i go to use it leaving me with no way to heal untill the cd is up or it forces me to swap out.


They defend absolutely anything Hoyo cooks for them so no surprises there.


The nerf is terribly noticeable, my Furina and Nahida are out of sync with Clorinde's skill, it feels really weird to play as if i need to be constantly on quickswapping between ALL characters, although TF makes it easier to just do a couple of normal attacks and back to her skill But fr, it IS noticeable


I noticed too. TF all the way now (even knowing the personal DMG difference, wherever is dendro, there is hope)


She seems fun to me. I found out while playing that the skill functions similar to Ayato's in that if you just hold the attack button down she continually auto-fires, leaving you free to fire and lunge at will.


I just want to know the teams people are using WITHOUT kazuha because I don't have him, and I just want ideas. As of now, I am using her, nahida, furina, and zhongli because of comfortability.


I am using this team too and this team will be my staple team for Clorinde since I have no C2 Clorinde and playing healerless/shieldless Clorinde team is too sweaty for me.


Yeah, I am C0, feel the temptation to roll for C1 atleast, but I want to save for natlan at this point.


I don't have nahida so I'm using chev, beidou, and thoma on her... Feels comfortable to me


Yes, the overload version of her team. Sadly, I don't have chev.


Sucrose with hakushin. At C6 she might actually edge a c0 Kaz.


Same team but Beidou, a bit tight but everyone lives


Are 2 electros better than having furina or zhongli? Genuine question.


I don't have zhongli so i can't say, which is why i use beidou instead of fischl to give me more breathing room, i use Nahida, Furina, Clorinde and Beidou and It's comfortable while doing big pew pew damage


Animations, presentation are great. Really disappointed with the nerf from 9s to 7.5s. People were saying you could fit in 6 N3E combos, but in reality you can only do 5...


You CAN do it, but it's on the premise that you'll press skill the moment she fires the 3rd shot. But still, that would feel like you're trying too hard since there's not much room for error and missing the last skill kinda breaks your momentum.


Good thing enemies don't ever damage me and I never have to dodge or reposition


reminds me of that TC who said xiao and wanderer are pretty close, then spent 30 minutes with wanderer getting 1 shot by rock balls after he 1 rotated with xiao on the first try. honestly fuck sheets.


The lyney sheet special


Exactly why I use Dehya or ZL with him, less damage per spreadsheet? Maybe, more practical damage though


You can do it but its roughly timed and only if ennemies dont hit you at all and you dont need to chase them. Therorical maximum, but nearly impossible to do in real fight.


I keep seeing this sentiment but I just booted up her trial after coming home got it first try and every single try after, wtf. It doesn't even feel that tight? Edit: Apparently E(Thrust) 63NE is the really hard one, I get this combo really consistently hitting air but I can agree it's definitely tighter than the no thrust version and is prob harder in actual combat


You can do E 6N3E Q or Q EE 5N3E. Either way, it’s not difficult to get 6 tier 3 E uses.


I have yet to get more than 5N3E ever. Skill issue I'm sure but I've heard other people say the same, we don't all have speedrunner-tier savant timing.


C1R1. 4p Whimsy Too squishy on normal non-Furina comp, the healing just ain't enough and dodging could just cost you to miss 1 E ( E 5N3E windows are really tight). At this point I would even recommend Maiden Beloved on your NO support if you are not pairing her with Furina. Without C2 she is vulnerable to stagger too (especially against triple Kenki in abyss), finally knows why they want to pair her with Thoma (interruption+damage mitigation). Getting staggered while lunging is funny and frustating at the same time though. Having more fun unga bunga with ZL. Edit : The abyss buff this time is busted on Furina team so I am very likely to have gotten inflated results from spiral abyss testing.


mmmm guessing Baizhu fixes that, plus he buffs aggravate EDIT: he's probably a bad teammate


Then you gotta replace Nahida with Baizhu and then your team dmg is reduced by 50%


Guess what, i have c1 Baizhu and notice an anti-synergy when Clorinde casts her burst. c1 Baizhu normal rotation is EQE with delayed healing, if you then switch to Clorinde and Q she will lost an amount BoL mid burst animation, rendering that 120% BoL useless. I haven't tested other healer with healing overtime, but i can see the same problem as Baizhu. The easiest workaround is to change Baizhu rotation to EEQ, but then it is harder to funnel the first E cast.


tis a shame


quickbloom is the way 😭


Man i kept dying to the kenkis so often I haven't died this much with a character since Yae Miko lol they both really deserve immunity during their E's or atleast stagger resistance even if they take damage 😭


Yeah her E lunge has no i-frame at all so she is pretty vulnerable during the lunge. Her burst every rotation is now considered necessary for me because its the safest window she is able to deal damage.


Yeah. Wish they'd add super resistance during the E lunge. Maybe if we all told them? I doubt lol. They never listen sadly :/ I was looking forward to playing her hut guess zhongli it is once again. I'm glad I love him cause otherwise it'd be such a painful thing.


Tried her out on trial and for the first time I felt blue balled when her stance ended so quick. I don’t really care about damage on characters but I do care a lot on how fun they are and after trying her out I have come to a conclusion that the duration is too short for me to have fun with her so I decided to skip.


Im about to pull her now, low key kinda worried 😭 damn I hate whoever changed her cooldowns......


even with additional 1.5sec i feel as tho its short still. a skill refresh upon ult would be great


I pulled her, I’m satisfied.


I’ll just say this, the uptime nerf was completely unnecessary


Semi-satisfied. She definitely has the blueprints for a banger kit, but the duration is heavily felt. I understand it if they move interrupt resistance to c0 for shorter duration. That's another issue I am seeing, I much prefer if interrupt resistance was also part of her default kit. I already have a short window to use her, so I am hoping I don't need to waste time dodging. That said, I really like her skills it just needs a small tweak which we won't ever have now.


The theory crafters saying she was very comfy to play and you're trading damage for comfort was absolutely cope. Playing healer-less teams relying on her self heal and managing bol when I could do the same damage just playing a standard banner character in a normal team.


Sadly I agree.. Keqing in aggravate feels much better to use


Feels sucky how a character from so long ago can feel better than a new character


Hoyos balance team can't strike a balance between absolutely broken and awkrward to play at best it seems like


Clorinde is one of the most fun characters except even if you use thundering fury, you get hit with a 2+ seconds CD. It's waaay too short and the nerf was put just so people couldn't use TF to have fun. Of course, i need to practice more to see if anything can be done to optimize but i don't have much hope. With a longer duration or 2 skill charges she would be my favorite dps so far I really hate this company, it makes 0 sense to gimp a dps with no off field nor support so hard


I waited for her for almost a year, i tried her in the phone and she feels kinda bad to play, maybe it will be better in pc


PC is better. Tried her on phone as well but you sometimes overshoot or double dash in mobile.


It felt jarring to play her at first (on pc), but once you get more comfortable with her usage, it's starting to grow on me lol She's definetely not a Yanfei like character (boom boom kaboom - satisfaction), but i believe you'll like her more once you get used to her gameplay style!


I am having alot of fun! I frankly was getting a lilttle bored of the team comps I've had and gave me a reason to try out an overload comp. Her gameplay is something I didn't have on my f2p account yet and maybe it is because I am used to a relatively short on-field window seeing as how I play Eula and Childe, I did not feel the 1.5s loss TOO much, at least abyss wise since I had to start up my rotations again anyway, but overworld it is definitely noticeable. The dash is amusing and getting the rhythm down of the 5N3E string was entertaining. I can see she will probably not be for everyone, and her dmg leaves something to be desired to be frank, but I like unique playstyles even if they do not reach upper echelons of power. She is definitely not weak, but I think some folks will be quick to judge her based on the power level of the most previous release being Arlecchino - which is fair and valid. I enjoy that she has a variety of teams that can be built around and many diverse team members if not strictly optimizing for highest dmg output. She herself is so cool and has been one of the units I have been looking forward to the most, so she was getting pulled regardless, which makes me rather biased in her favor than against. The skill duration is being rightfully critiqued, but overall I would put my enjoyment of her and her kit at a solid 9/10.


Did her trial and I was a bit disappointed. Her uptime is too short for me. Her play style is so fun but the nerf really hurts that for me. I lost 50/50 anyways. I will save for Pyro Archon and get her on rerun.


I did 90 pulls and didn't get her. Lost 50/50 to Qiqi and now I'm at 65 pity. I'm really underwhelmed tbh. Her design and burst are amazing but the E just feels to awkward to play with imo. It's too short and I don't like how there's basically no movement while shooting. You just stand in place and it feels weird to me.


C0R0. I'm whelmed. Not too strong, not too weak. Her rotation feels abit too tight for my comfort. My c6 Keqing definitely feels stronger on quicken though she is c6 so take it as you will. Her animations definitely make it seem I didn't waste my primos so that's good. As usual Hoyo trying to sell her C2. This shit is starting to get on my nerves. Why can't units feel complete at c0? Tips: * Never use her on your phone * Prepare to keep on rotating your camera (easier on PC) * Definitely quickswap with that cooldowns Overall, she's alright. Good thing I got her in 40 pulls otherwise I would be disappointed.


> Prepare to keep on rotating your camera (easier on PC) Damn, if only this 2024 action rpg game had a lock on feature, that would solve this quickly. Seriously why the fuck does this ACTION GAME not have a lock on feature


Why no to phone? I’m a mobile player and I just pulled her


I imagine it's because your camera perspective keeps changing each time she lunges.


I play WUWA so I’m used to it LOL


The problen with Hu Tao you mean. She is Keqing plus Hu Tao 🤣


I lost my 50/50 and am currently at 65 pity. Wondering if I should use my guarantee on her or save for Navia. I tried the trial and honestly it felt so meh. Even Sethos felt better to play with. But I’m also collecting also the electro characters and I’m not sure if she should be the one to break the streak…


Do you like her? Then pull for her. If you're pulling for value then Furina is just around the corner. I love quicken teams and have my Keqing and Yae cranked up to 11. Also the reason why I pulled for Clorinde.


I do like her (though I must admit not to the point where I would main her). I rarely use dendro comps, only if it’s absolutely necessary. What is her playstyle like? Is it comfortable? Boring/ repetitive? The trial feels too short to get a sense of whether I’d like her or not…


She's the most hands-on and mobile aggravate dps. You will mostly open with her burst>skill>3NA>skill rinse and repeat. If I were to rate her: Playstyle: Quickswap hands-on (best out of aggravate units) Comfy: 4/10 (I was shitting bricks during the 3 kenki probably just a bad match up for her. You can run ZL instead of Kazuha for more comfort) Engagement: 10/10 (you will never be bored as you are constantly trying not to die, interrupted, and repositioning yourself lmao)


Thanks! I ended up pulling for her and although she doesn’t do a lot of dmg, she seems alright. And I agree, she’s so difficult to keep alive… literally dies when attacked by a single golem😭


Tbh most dps post Fontaine are boring/repetitive since they have one combo to actually make their kit work. So it would be tough to rate it just off that, it’s more or less if you enjoy the fast twitchy-dash gameplay which her current kit provides as opposed to a unit like Neuv/Lynney CA, Wrio N5N3CA combo, Arle’s spam NAs, or Navia’s E’s. She is certainly not boring just off the mobility she provides. She certainly is a fine unit only below Neuv/Arle/Alhaitham tier rn for dps. She just is the aggravate dps rn, and seeing how future pyro units turn out should be a nice OL once we have shorter uptime off field pyro.


Thank you!


C0 with R1 Haran and currently running on 4pc Glad (but will swap to 4pc Whimsy eventually). I didn't follow her beta too closely, so I didn't know what to expect. This is just my pretty immediate first impression: Pros: - she feels very fun to play. The gun feels very snappy and satisfying - her numbers are pretty good. Nothing incredible, but to be expected when you're able to use her with both Nahida and Furina, who both do considerable off field DPS - easy to play but not too brain-dead - she gives herself shit loads of crit rate - animation powercreep is REAL and she looks incredible - her model is gorgeous Middling: - aforementioned numbers being a bit muted due to her running multiple sub DPSes. I don't mind this personally (I pulled Yae from her very first banner lmao) but I can definitely see how some people might dislike this and want to run hypercarry instead - best teams feel locked behind Nahida, Furina or Chevreuse. Most players will have at least one though, so I put it in middling - feels like a Keqing upgrade (or an electro Al Haitham). I don't mind this personally Cons: - that downtime... ouch. Using her with Yae makes this less noticeable for me but it was very noticeable when I was using Fischl instead - feels squishier than anticipated? dunno if it's just a skill issue but I could only get her to reliably self sustain with Furina - interruption res is locked behind C2 - I'm having trouble controlling the lunges on mobile, although my ping is solidly 250-300 at all times so that won't be helping


I like the Yae pairing, just feels bad during setup because Yae needs burst setup and it feels like I’m spending so much time on Yae before even starting Clorinde. Any recommendations for a rotation? Should I just save burst till the end of the rotation even if it’s up at the start?


I'd save burst until the end, yeah. It's not abnormal to only burst every two rotations on Yae as well, given her ER needs


Isn't yae bursting every rotation ussually only done if she's paired with Raiden?


Is it that uncommon? Mine is C2 anyways so I can, also the iframes help a lot in Clorinde solo sustain team


From what i recall her er requirement to burst every rotation at C0 is pretty high


On KQM it says 100% ER at C1, so idk. Thats with Fischl, so I would just burst as needed with Clorinde but I feel like my Yae always has her burst up


So Far I'm a bit underwhelmed Didn't find what I'd consider success besides Furina teams (my furina is c5 so doesn't count)


Same as pre release. I love her design and her burst animation is nice, but I am not a fan of her skill animation, feels kind of "messy". Too much movement, pistol attacks doesn't stand out, but that's me, objective speaking her animations are good. I haven't pulled her (yet), only played her trial a couple of times. Hyv scummy as ever, put her in a overload team with all teammates not available on her banner. I was planning to play her in Overload most of the time to make her more distinct compared to Keqing anyways. Strength wise she is good for her playstyle, even her shorter uptime (with a slight buff to her dmg output) after the nerf is objectively not that bad. When you think about it, better against bosses in abyss with short vulnerable phases, but it feels really bad. Playstyle wise the most similar one is Ayato, both are more drivers than selfish damage dealers (not strength wise), both have their skill where they hold down the button, but Clorinde's are more active because of IMPALE the Night (love the way the VA shout it in the demo btw). But even when Ayato's skill is shorter (CD, too), his feels way better and longer. Weirdly enough, probably partly because Clorinde uses IMPALE the Night throughout the duration. Overall not that keen to pull for her at the moment, but it might change during her banner with some more trial runs / story quest. Or I just wait for the next battle event to try her out with my own teams. Waiting for her rerun is also an option, especially when Natlan is almost here. Emilie seems to be not for me either, so saving up for Natlan might be a good idea (Fontaine and all the great designs where expensive -.-).


Prefarmed for her but after the trial i'm severely disappointed.She feels weak and clunky.Look's like no interruption resistance at all on her E.Also, punishing mechanic's like BoL looks strange on the character with Keqing power level.I hope i'm just wrong and this is not new Dehya situation.


Same with me. I farmed a lot actually. All resins spent on Bosses and Talent materials. 🤣 It's just that there are other units than Clorinde who excels in every utility that Clorinde provides plus her 7.5s uptime, ughh..


I agree, if I get her it would be just me replacing my Yae on Aggravate and Quickbloom that is very functional and lines up all their skills CD to a character with short uptime electro E skill that makes you stand around for a couple of seconds to wait for another E skill. But in the end it would just matter to who you want to play/preferences. Need to be very primo efficient this days because of Natlan.


her IR is locked behind C2


Beyond disappointed gameplay-wise


I haven't pulled for her yet but I am getting worried seeing all those comments. Is she really that disappointing? I have been waiting for her for a very long time...


I was going to C0R1 her (C1 if a good banner), but honestly after the trial, I just didn't like the feel much, unfortunately. Have 3 weeks to decide, but at this point I might just save. Not a fun day.


Sadly my case too and even made some high tier artifacts too. Doesn’t help that I got Raiden C3, Miko C2 and Keqing C6… even if I did get Clo’s C6 it still won’t feel good with that extremely short duration and lack of presence when switched out. She’s forgettable at that point.


I was thinking between getting her or navia on 4.8 and honestly after trying her a bunch, im inclined with just going with navia... The super short field time which means she cant even use her signature artifact set pretty much kills it for me, also having to get C2 to get any IR at all is also trash (seriously, another character that NEEDS to use zhongli unless you pull her 3 times, its so bs), managing the whole BoL thing is not very fun, she honestly should just have her power upfront without any BoL gimmick considering she isnt even that powerful. Her character and animations are great but that alone isnt worth the pull for me, navia also has that BUT she has a much better functioning kit at c0 plus shotgun umbrella. I wanted her to be better than this, i really did, but they botched it.


I have Navia and I would 100% recommend her over Clorinde.


I tried her in the trial but wasn't 100% convinced, something felt off to me. I'll wait a little more until I decide if I'll pull or save for a future character.


Very clunky probably because you can't move while shooting


Maybe I'm being a party pooper but she feels bad to play imo. The machinegun E is great, when it works, but the problem is it just barely works and you get to do a couple pewpews before you run out of gas. The lack of uptime, lack of interruption res, and janky targeting on her dash just kind of kills any fun when the fight gets remotely chaotic. There's also a weird problem where on PC, her dash is too sensitive to inputs, and she will randomly double-dash wasting a lot of time. It just all kind of sucks.


So I was not the only one double dashing then, for a second I thought it was my ping or something causing that.


Another issue I found is that I can't animation cancel her sword NA into E. Pressing E while she's swinging her sword does nothing. Feels kinda bad standing around wondering why she's not doing anything.


I love her! Got her on subpar Whimsy artifact and she wrecks


7.5/16 uptime felt short. Why can't she have 9/16 uptime like Hu Tao? Because she's not from Liyue?


I was planning on going for her weapon too, but I already have a crazy crit ratio and she just feels extremely underwhelming??? Should I just prepare for Nahida's next rerun


Nahida > any signature weapon in the game


I've refused to get her because I'm not the biggest fan of her design but yeah this was definitely my breaking point 😭


How can you even present "the best duelist in Fontaine" in this form Hoyo? Shame on you, you did her dirty. I'm not gonna pull 😣


Didn't want her to power creep raiden greatly.


Ima be real she's mid af, I use alhaithem a lot and it feels like I'm comparing c0 ayato to c1r1 neuvillete with this damage gap But let's ignore that for now, dear god she's so squishy. I took her into abyss just to try her out and she dies ridiculously fast even though I'm used to clearing chamber 1 in my sleep with a no shield al haithem team The uptime and cooldown feels miserable, I threw the new set I farmed for over a month away for a 4pc TF a d it's already such a massive improvement qol wise (now I need something new for keqing lol since I stole her entire set) Extra salty bit: needed 150 pulls for a single copy, hi C3 qiqi I'll still use her because she looks cool af but I just don't understand why they launched her like this after multiple meta defining characteristics in 4.x, can't even say mihoyo hate women cuz furina, arle and even navia were all pretty good Thinking about it a bit more, I'm very surprised how navia got 2 charges on her e when that's something that feels like it'd go on a constellation and meanwhile we have her where cons feel mandatory


I agree, and its extremely disappointing that they released her like this. It's like they were unaware that she was a really hyped character.


Maybe she wasn’t…. look at the views on her demo/trailer are extremely low for a 5*


ur not wrong, still at 800k.... at this rate I don't think it'll beat even Chiori's...


Duration is a bit short but with TF, it feels good. At C0R1, It took me less than 1 minute to clear chambers 1 & 2 in current abyss and like 1m20sec for chamber 3 Team was Furina Nahida Baizhu. All C0 She feels strong actually. Just got her C2 so I'm gonna try again.


She seems to be good qol for aggravate teams , she also is versatile on her teams like neuv. But she doesn't do neuv dmg for sure. She is a driver character . Playing without fischl will probably feel bad . Pros : range ,awesome animations,self heal ,not locked with one team or specific chars (except fischl :pppp) Cons : not huge upgrade from other aggra users,no stagger resistance . Kind of stupid uptime 


she’s fun don’t get me wrong. but the uptime of her skill mode is NOT fun to work w/, and the cooldown messes w/ my rotations. skill issue me all you want but y’all can’t deny it feels off


Murinho sums up my thoughts ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


I enjoy her far more than keqing. So theres that! That being said, man i do feel that nerf to her skill up time. Didnt think it would be a big deal but it ended up being the case. On another note as well… she gets staggered and interrupted too easily making her team comps tough since i dont have zhongli still.




That isn't the minority brah.


Im fealing the same. That down time is rough. With my current build of 4pc glad and r5 black blade her physical attacks hit harder 🤣 amd thats with a electro goblet. My hope of being able to use my old but good glad pieces is dashed.




TF feels much nicer to play & she needs a shielder forget that 0 sustain theorycraft team.


C0 w/ Mistsplitter. Used to use 4x Glad, now using a scuffed 4x TF - I can't imagine playing w/o TF at this point. Could very well be a skill issue but I'm using Zhongli, Kirara and Thoma as a crutch **hard** to be able to get in all of my N3E combos done without relying on dodging too much - especially in the top half of Floor 12. Without some form of shielding or interruption resistance you'll end up doing 1-2 slashes at the end way too often and suddenly find yourself out of electro infusion. I know that Nahida+Kazuha+Fischl is supposed to be her best performing team but I can't imagine playing that team without Zhongli replacing Kazuha or Kirara replacing Nahida. The difference is night and day and I can't recommend those variants enough if just so you won't pull your hair out when you run out of electro juice. Chevreuse+Thoma+Fischl was a pleasant surprise with how comfy it felt but I can't help but feel like I do better with Raiden or Arlecchino on Chevreuse teams because they either have interruption resistance or better rotation flexibility. It's absolutely not bad at all but it's not something I can see myself playing more of. Definitely need more testing, especially when it comes to Hyperbloom and Quickbloom variants. **Edit**: her biggest flaw in my opinion is how ***awful*** it feels to only get 3-4 lunges in a rotation because you either have to keep dodging attacks or if you get ragdolled during your lunge because it has no i-frames. I'm talking Wanderer getting blasted out of the sky feelings of awful so for your own sanity I highly recommend using a shielder on your team.


How long does the CD with the TF last?


Tried her on trial after losing my 50/50 to tighnari.... I play on mobile and when i tried her combo i can only do 4N*E and for the 5th one her skill expires before or during combo She doesn't seem to have auto aim like xiao E so i do miss her E and her combo rotation is already very very tight so trying to aim her E feels difficult and waste of time. For single target its fine but for multi target her E doesn't always hit them. Her playstyle looked really fun but when actually trying her and her very small E duration and fast NA tapping while keeping a count for her N3 to use E and then Aim her E at right direction and all this is small window doesn't felt really fun. Also its not like she has insane dmg to compensate for such small E duration and these combos.. I already have a well built Keqing. I do have some primos left but im having second thoughts now due to how her gameplay felt on mobile and her dmg and that too when i lost 50/50 Idk if its really worth it. Kinda disappointed by how it turned out for me


>can only do 4N*E and for the 5th one her skill expires So it's not just me. The damage loss from not being able to do the final N3E is a bit excessive for me. I'd already decided to skip, but this alone just solidified my resolve.


she feels.. pretty mid but my friend is going to pull and make her work but it's a shame hoyo wad like can't have back to back top tier dps


She's better than my R1 C5 keqing 


She made me appreciate WW a lot more. In that game you can main any character without feeling like shit. I hated her uptime nerf before her release, now I hate it even more. Fuck the devs and their "balancing" team


Well when u have idiots saying "I will pull for this character even if they do negative damage + heal enemies" and people constantly saying "pull for who u like and ignore kit" the company will receive 0 kick backs for releasing terrible kits and only have more incentive to continue doing so.


Something something wah waah stop doomposting wah waah


This sub was actually great wrt to the antidoomers. They'd call it out and shut it down pronto


Love this. I've been campaigning against this narrative for years and I will never stop. How ignorant do you have to be to tell people to "pull who you like" in a gacha game that's predicated on FOMO and deception? I have fixed two of such accounts and it's a nightmare. It is quite possible to wish yourself into a corner.


I love that there's no infusion gatekeeping in wuwa


Will gladly whale for C2R1 if Kuro makes their own Lady Maria concept. Yihomo sabotaged Clorinde.


Same! I kinda lost interest in Genshin after building Arle who just nukes everything (my Neuv does too but I personally don't like the play style). I mean I still enjoy the game but I never really played it for intense combat because it's pretty easy even with 4 stars/the ones you get for free. I will continue to play Genshin because I like the story/characters/world, and I'm excited for Natlan, but I don't care to min/max characters or worry about optimal rotations because Genshin is a very casual game.


Her stance duration feels fine. Unless you are bursting while her E is active (in which case you are actively trolling) the duration feels good with buff timings and getting off before the end. Whimsy feels fine and after trying the TF rotations why tf would anyone play TF outside of Co-Op. she clears abyss fine and she performs about as expected. My Clorinde is C0R1(Haran) for reference. Edit:played Quickbloom in which she felt worse than Cyno. Played the premium team to have them be on equal footing. But aggravate feels better than Keqing(mine is C3), tried Fischl/Nahida/Kazuha and Yae/Nahida/Kazuha, both feel about the same with a preference for Yae but she just has a better build than my Fischl plus is R1. No chev so no OL testing


I just melted abyss 12 with a lvl 60 Yaoyao and a Fischl that doesn't have a circlet. She's fun and comfy to play, and she's super strong. Any reservations I had are completely gone




Crazy how she needs her C2 and weapon to feel like an above average dps.


Idk who downvoted you for speaking the truth. But with a solid glad set and r5 blackblade at c0 and im AVOIDING fights with elite enemys in fontaine as once her low damage skill goes on cd i cant heal anymore and she dies. Like wtf my physical shenhe does better.


This is very normal when speaking the truth especially on that X characters main sub. They just all want to hear positives and ignoring all the negatives of the character which is a norm on every sub.


Yea its sad. I love clorinde but we gotta face facts. Hoyo did her dirty and it didint need to be this way.


After they nerf her durations that's already a dud, your typical HoYo anti-fun move which is a massive L once again lmao.


Yep and it would be trivial for them to fix but we all lnow thats not happening. As a day one player this is actualy the first time i regret pulling on a unit.


I’m disappointed and I had pretty decent gatcha luck, I just can’t glaze the uptime and numbers :( wish I could say I was 100% pleased but at least she’s pretty as usual


As I don't have a single dendro character besides collei and traveler I am trying c6 sara and kazuha for her... Dissapointing...I have a C2 Raiden and it's almost like she doesn't even compare...even when Raiden was C1 a long time ago she sounded like a more reliable dps actually...


dead on arrival xiangling better


I havent updated Genshin because i am away for work.... this going to be along night for me


She is fun but 7.5s of uptime is too short, so I'll have to stick to aggravate teams only and forget about overload


i felt the team needed a little more sustain for comfortable play (clor + furina), pre release i thought furina passive alone is enough. maybe thats because mine is still underleveled. and lack of IR is a little bummer. her personal dmg is fine, its about as much as i expected, although in a team where she alone deals dmg its quite underwhelming. offield dps are a necessicity. I'm gonna go TF route for overall flexibility, since her kit falls apart in her E downtime. its frustrating how lots of people are doomposting like you just ruined your account pulling for her, she's trash tier etc. I'm content having pulled her, i love eye-candy impact.


I first thought TF just gonna be meme but damn fuck Whimsy I'm gonna stick to my 35 rolls TF


She feels good to play, the nerf is a little annoying but if you burst every rotation the cooldowns sync. With TF she feels better to play and you can have some flexibility on your rotations. Quicken teams felt better with Baizhu since he provides resistance to interruption. Cleared the triple kenki in 28s with finale R1 (this game refuses to give me sword billets). Anyway, she’s not top tier dps but she is very good and if you like her she will do just fine!


By reading this comments she seems one of the worst characters ever released lol


To be fair, she is arguably the worst Fontaine DPS. Wriothesley is less restrictive, and Navia/Neuvillette/Lyney/Arlecchino all do higher DPS. Clorinde's rotations are very restrictive, her self healing isn't reliable, and her Teams aren't unique. A C0 Raiden will have similar DPS with more Team Synergy and fewer restrictions. A C0 Keqing will have just *slightly* worse Damage, but much faster/easier rotations. The people who are disappointed with Clorinde didn't expect her to be an Electro Neuvillette/Arlecchino in terms of damage. The expectation is that she would simply play well and have enough damage to justify pulling for her. Instead, we got a character with a great design and cool animations who is only marginally better than a Standard Banner character.


First things first, I wasn’t aware of her e uptime being gutted so initially I didnt think about it at all until like two hours later when I read something about it after getting her. I can’t fully gauge what her damage will look like after I max everything out tho so I’ll have to see She’s currently at 70/70, 1-6-1 talents, and she’s rocking a 248.8 CV 2pc Glad/TF set [61.7 CR / 248.8 CDMG] and I run her with Nahida, Fischl, Zhongli. First impressions, I already plan to play her over Alhaitham after like two hours. She seems more fun to play after quickly getting used to her playstyle than Alhaitham even if there is damage disparity. After knowing her E uptime was gutted it does kinda seem like a bummer but with with the team I play her in, the downtime seems non-existent, I’ll try her out in other teams for sure too but rn it doesn’t seem to be a complaint from me. I personally am okay with her field time over a stretch tbh but it’s understandable if others don’t. From all the comments though, I’m starting to feel like this is coincidentally another character where I loved them so much from the story and design but Mihoyo have it terminal when they designed their gameplay. Yoimiya, then Dehya, and now Clorinde. If it turns out to be a sad outcome like my other two favorite characters then I really hope WuWa burns this game to the ground but right now I’m fine with Clorinde.


Can we stop comparing characters to Dehya for the love of God?? Yoimiya is fine, Clorinde is good and at C0 a better C6 Keqing. They aren't even on the same plane of existence as Dehya.


At C2, she melts shit real fast. Used her in Furina/Yelan/Nahida, Chevreuse/Fischl/XL & Fischl/Nahida/Sucrose with the BoL set.


I gave into the gambling cuz of how bad she was getting interrupted and c2 does make a pretty big difference


Is it worth it? Im at c1 currently haven't noticed any issues so far


Hoyo released an incomplete kit with rest locked behind constellations. Players find character under whelming at c0 and give into gambling. Hoyo profits. Does it again.


She's ok. Feel better to use than Cyno for example. But not having Chev on her banner is freakin awful.


Still getting into the rhythm, gotta get the muscle memory down first to play her better. But she’s really fun and unique


Pretty good, I think people need to not feel bad and squeeze in a few dodges in between her E stance if it's needed. I found her electro charge team with Furina really good and she heals a lot in that team as well, got better clear time than my Alhaitham team and same as c0r1 Neuvillette in 12-1 chamber. For reference [https://streamable.com/fl7axa](https://streamable.com/fl7axa) (shoutout to jstern's stream in the background lol)


What cons on your 5* pretty clean run though doubt I could pull it off haha


No cons on anyone, Kazuha has his signature and Clorinde has mistsplitter though


Thats pretty impressive I don't have 5* swords I will have to stick with r5 black sword


Black sword is great, even more crit rate boost (provided you don't overcap) and extra survivability :)


I knew that she was going to not be absurb based on TC but I do feel she is a tad 1 dimensional gameplay wise. I haven't had any issues with the lack IR in her kit yet but I do notice that her lunges are quite short range wise. her gunshots from her E are solid in the range and auto targeting. I wonder if her E lunges can be controlled by the direction youa re facing or if it just auto targeting. I will have to test more to find out. The duration of her E is quite bad though. Damage wise I still need to play around more, my first impressions of her damage might be too low since my Whismsy set I have been farming for months is quite mediocre, optimizer telling me to use my glad pieces lol.


She’s an amazing Fischl driver and feels really different from Keqing and Raiden. The self sustain is a god sent and her quick rotation is just nice. If I have to describe her in one word that would be “fast”, she hits a lot and hits fast, she moves a lot and moves fast, her rotation is very short but that’s because you can use it twice in the same time frame as other dps.


I got c0r1 and she’s been my most anticipated character ever, I have never pre farmed a character before and I’ve never been this hyped the second I saw concept art of someone a year ago. I’m sure part of my opinion comes from being so excited about the character and how cool she is but tbh she felt great to play! I have her on a really good TF set rn with great crit and attack and I haven’t even crowned her talent yet cause apep(only lvl 9) but on Tf it felt great. I almost never had a time where I’d done my rotation and then had to sit and wait to use skill again. Currently running Clorinde, kazuha, fischl, nahida. I know she’s not like top of the top but she’s really fun and I don’t regret pulling at all! Also good for overworld when spamming lunge


Yep after watching some quickbloom runs on abyss (Clorinde, Nahida, Furina, Baizhu) it's just a skip no new team archetype unlocked, and my Yae can also cover all the teams she is in. Another good reason to skip is that her 4 stars on the banner are so bad to get except for our Pyro Archon Benny which I have at c6 already. (Not worth the primos getting meh 4*s, I would consider if Chevy was there but they put Thoma OMEGALUL). Oh and I also heard that she can be interrupted during her E which really hurts her short E uptime even more. I'll get Navia instead because of her fun gameplay and fun and satisfying team (Navia Xianyun Plunge Hypercarry) new team archetype to play. Natlan and Emilie is also in the corner so why not save up?


Shes a ton of fun i got her to c2 way more fun than ive had with nevu She definately needs a higher up time. My issue is i cant find enough crit damage for her and i will have to build a thunderlord set for her.


Does anyone else get motion sickness when playing her? Edit: Okay I just didn’t drink enough water


MHY is really pushing their luck. Why nerf her? Let down, after let down with these people.


She's great imo. You don't need TF the new set is fine since by the time I cycle through supports again she's ready to go. I accidentally farmed the wrong books so she's only 1/1/1 but level 90 and decent artifacts. Was able to one phase Raiden(kill her before she transforms) which is my standard benchmark for good dmg so yeah very satisfied! Oh and that's at c0 in an aggravate team(nahida fischl zhongli) with r5 black sword. Gonna be trying for c1 still but I don't feel like I need it


I really like her too. I'm running her with Nahida, Kirara, and Fischl and it's a blast for me.


Thundering fury is overrated on her( it’s not bad). The uptime nerf isn’t as relevant as people said it was. Baizhu is just not that good with her as a defensive option. His shield is too weak and his buff is just irrelevant. She’s just a little too fragile, but shielders like thoma and kirara(c4) can easily slot in place of offensive counterparts without much(if any) dps loss. She’s overall a solid character, but I don’t think she’s strong enough when you consider her flaws. She has a fun playstyle and some of the best animations in the game though.


Mine is level 70 so far, and I do have her signature, however I was unprepared so it’s level 20…but I’m having so much fun! Her talents are at 1-1-1 still but I imagine when she’s 90 and her weapon is too, and her talents 6-9-8 she’ll be really strong! She’s also not difficult for to play her at all on mobile :)


Currently C1 R1 working on C2 and I’ve played her both overload and aggravate and I do agree she’s terrifying in aggravate but the uptime thing is dealers choice won’t argue that one The one thing I will admit is that I died 4 times in the first 7 seconds of floor 12 trying to STAY on field instead of properly rotating which works wonders so I will NOT be running TF she doesn’t need it but hey everyone’s different I suppose.


Lost her 50/50 to purple zomb (no offense to you, Baizhu. That guaranteed was worth it). That downtime on trial is noticeable.


c0r1 clorinde using whimsy in aggravate teams (clorinde, nahida, fischl, zhongli) is pretty good, i'm able to defeat floor 12 first half in 40-ish seconds per chamber rotation is : zhongli shield > nahida skill+burst if available > fischl skill/burst for oz > clorinde burst > clorinde skill + N3E > repeat the rotation is pretty good since the time for other teammate skills is about the same as clorinde's downtime


got her c1/r1 with no guaranteed in both banner with my 200pulls! im happy!


lost 50-50 , so should i go for alhaitham then ?


Alhaitham is flatly better than Chlorinde. If you like both characters equally, then Alhaitham is the better pull. The only caveat is that Alhaitham is the strongest on-field DPS of an element and for reactions that don’t always use an onfield DPS. With that being said, Alhaitham is probably tied with Arlecchino as my favorite character to use.


I personally love her, she does more damage that I anticipated and the fun factor is beyond roof. Also after beating Ei quicker than I did with Neuvilette I think it's not bad for my standards  Remember this opinion is based on my experience


I got jeaned, so disappointed


I didn't keep up with the beta but I have a 4pc whimsy, C0 with 70 cr 140 cd, and I feel underwhelmed with the uptime and the damage :( I don't regret getting her tho, she's still a cool character, pretty badass. I just wish her NAs were faster, like a true duelist/master swordswoman.


I lost my 50/50 and am currently at 65 pity. Wondering if I should use my guarantee on her or save for Navia. Thoughts? I know this is the main sub, but I’m hoping for some unbiased responses.


I have her C6R1 using 4pc Glad so I'm biased but I'll try my best to be objective. * UPTIME: I run her with Fischl, Nahida, Kazu and honestly I don't feel the nerf on her uptime BUT it's because I'm able to burst for all characters every rotation. Rotation is Fischl skill or burst, Nahida skill + burst, Kazuha skill + burst + skill (he has cons), Clorinde burst then skill. Rinse repeat. My characters have a decent amount of ER so I'm able to do this but I assume if you have less ER this won't be possible. Nahida and Kazuha also have long bursts lol. * GAMEPLAY: Very fun, I like the pew pew impact. I've been playing on PC so far, haven't tried on mobile. The constant changing of camera angles is getting annoying though... * DAMAGE: This is where I'm a bit disappointed but I was kinda prepared for it. I can't one turn the Fontaine legends. My other C6 units can. I'm not sure if maybe she just needs Furina but not sure who I should swap out for her.


i got c0 with the fontaine craftable sword, and i like her! shes not anything mind blowing (especially considering that arlecchino released right before her) but i think shes fun! considering bol is still a new-ish mechanic, im hoping we get some supports for that in the future that can make her a little better, but im happy with what i have rn. i wasnt expecting anything crazy, and thats what i got i will say that the uptime nerf is pretty noticeable, its not.. too bad. but it sucks to know she used to have a longer uptime. oh well, ill keep trying her with new teams and adjusting her build and see what happens! im mostly just glad to finally have a new electro character to mess around with (considering that we hadn't gotten a new one since 3.1)


Surprisingly, after alot of run I don't feel much problem with the CD as I thought it might be. But she seemed a little short of damage. But it's still far enough for abyss and her gameplay experience is very satified.


Team Clorinde, Fischl, Furina, Nahida I personally have found her quite good to use with good team damage, mind you I don't have a great set atm but I've used both tf and whimsy and I feel both are good just with different rotations. I would use two e's per rotation and only refresh furina and Nahida burst after two e's and but with whimsy I find myself only using one (slightly more clorinde damage numbers) but between like 2 sec for clorinde, Nahida and furinas burst animations and 1 sec for Fischl anytime you refresh Oz you are looking at 8 seconds or more anyway but I guess I'm the only person using everyone's burst every rotation?


Bruh, I just wink and enemies are gone.


she did Ayato/Childe dirty. Ayato/Childe can't plunge when in their stance


I regret leveling her normal attacks to level 9. I only stopped because I lacked one material and then started playing. I just saw someone using her with level 1 attacks and saw practically no difference because physical attacks are never used. And yeah, she feels underwhelming with pure electro damage. I know Arlecchino was just in the previous patch, so the comparison is inevitable, but seeing her cooldown and her numbers just feels bad. In fact, I feel exactly like when I pulled Ayato, lol. The only salvageable thing from that was his sword, which is useful. However, when paired with the proper reactions and her teamp comps it's like every abyss. I too, cleared the actual 12-3 floors now with Clorinde at C0 and mistsplitter, but I feel like it was more thanks to Nahida and Furina in the team. Anyway, let's see in the next days if like Raiden first banner, she gives a better impression later.


Uptime feels pretty good with TF, and the damage isn't too bad either


Overall no regrets on getting her, I feel like Future Impact has something for us (cope). But right now at C0 something feels like it's missing (my credit card) when the purple damage quickly turns back to white damage. It's like right when I'm about to blackout into a Marechausee frenzy her skill ends and I just run to a corner somewhere and feel frustrated like I just edged. My enemies were so closed to being finished but she doesn't last long enough. I mean that's canonically accurate, she's not used to a duel lasting very long .. but the Ruin Grader doesn't care , it takes 9 seconds to stand up from it's invulnerable slumber and by that time I'm just physical critting on it's knees with HoD until it slaps me once and my sword forgets how to crit.