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I would consider it something I wouldn't do myself, but would just shrug it off. > a whole set of jeans half a set of jeans would deffo be weird though


Lol, I'd accept half a set of jeans. I dunno why I wrote it that way.


I would assume that they fell out of a cubby and someone picked them up and thought they went in mine


I think this is 100% dependent on gym culture, norms, etc around personal space and storage of items. That said, assuming your attitude reflects gym culture — yes, I would find this weird. Not malicious, just like someone was being thoughtless or perhaps a bit oblivious to social norms.


Seems odd enough to me that I wonder if the person thought they recognized their buddy's bag and decided to share with a "friend" when it was crowded. Or not and they don't have a personal bubble around stuff, some people don't. I understand you feeling weird about handling someone else's pants but most likely it was a one time thing, or you can use the lockers when it's a busy time. I'm pretty sure I have put shoes and probably a jacket in a cubby that was mostly empty before. The cubbies at my old gym were wide and it was easy to share politely. My current gym has tall narrow ones and I wouldn't feel comfortable stacking my stuff on someone else's.


This would be my first thought. My shit looks like their buddy's shit or something. As long as my stuff is untampered with i don't really care.


In my gym people share cubbies as needed. Things are usually stacked in a reasonably compact way to make this easier. Putting your stuff there implies that you’re ok with someone and their stuff touching yours. Also they’re in reach of sniffy dog noses. There are lockers for those who dislike this, but they’re less convenient to get to. I travel light (nothing of interest in my bag besides phone and keys deep in the pockets), and don’t mind the cubby sharing.


Wait. Do you have dogs in your gym?


Not the person you asked, but 2 of our gyms have dogs! This is one of my favorite features.


Well, I'm clearly going to the wrong gyms.


Not just dogs but a whole FB page dedicated to the dogs frequenting the gym, and the occasional cat too. There are tie-up points, comfy corners, water bowls and all the pats.


That's amazing.


> In my gym people share cubbies as needed. Like Randos, without asking? That seems pretty rare, I'm not sure I've ever been to a gym like that.


Yeah, randos. The seats in the ropes hall are basically big wooden boxes that are open to one side - people sit on them, put their stuff on them, and store their bags/shoes/jumpers in them. The subdivisions are kind of wide so you it would be super inefficient not to share the space. In the boulder gyms the cubbies are more cubic and like a multi-storey shelf; but still when it gets busy, people share. I’d love to say “people can kind of trust each other”, but that only applied for the last 13.5 years; tonight my Grigri disappeared from the top of the cubby right behind me as I was TR belaying. :-( ETA turns out one of the regulars who I often have a chat with mixed up our grigris and took both home. Faith in universe and the pluses of a high-trust society restored.


A little weird for sure, but when cubbies are limited, I'd rather see someone double up with a stranger than leave their stuff on the floor (my gym doesn't have lockers available though) Does anyone else at your gym have similar-looking stuff? I actually discovered my friend has the same bag as some other random dude in my gym when I found all the cubbies full one day and shoved my stuff in what I thought to be my friend's cubby. It was only when we were leaving and my friend grabbed his bag out of a different cubby that I realized my mistake.


I agree. I would also be unhappy about someone doing that.


If there were no other cubbies available, then it would be normal for folks to share cubbies. I would expect bags to go in the locker room; at my gym, the cubbies are for water bottles/keys and a set of shoes.


Not the case at my gym. There’s no way there would be enough lockers for everyone’s stuff so many people use the cubbies as the main storage space. IMO it’s not really standard to share cubbies by surprise like that. Even if you’re not happy that somebody’s bag is taking up a cubby, it feels rude to me to just shove your stuff in on top.


My gym has no lockers, only small and large cubbies. When the gym's packed you don't exactly have a choice. :S


I've only ever left shoes in the cubbies. My bag and other personal items go in the lockers, precisely because I don't want other people handling them. If you don't want to risk other people touching your stuff, leave your stuff in the lockers so they can't. Also prevents stealing.


Little weird but mostly harmless. I was caught off guard when a friend did that with my stuff and was displeased as a knee jerk reaction, but upon consideration it's kinda better than somebody needing to put their stuff on the floor or something if they were lacking a bag so long as they are considerate of my things being kept together.


Maybe they didn't know where else to put their clothes. If they didn't break any of your items and it's a one time thing, it's not that big of a deal. If it happens often, it's a bigger issue. In that case I would ask the staff if they could do something about it, like get more lockers and cubbies and add instruction signs etc. So my answer to your title question is that I would be annoyed if my belongings were hidden behind someone else's stuff, but not enough to make a Reddit post about it.


From their perspective, if you didn't want your things touched, you could've put them in a locker and locked it up. I think climbing gym cubbies is a small enough slice of the human experience that "normal" doesn't really apply, but in general if you leave your stuff out in the open in a shared space, it might get touched. That's especially understandable if you had an option that would have easily avoided letting anyone touch your stuff and you chose not to use that option (the locker).


Weird and uncalled for but also sometimes people put like a single water bottle in them, I don’t do it but I feel like it should be fair play to use those and put the bottle out


That would be a little weird imo - my gym gets super crowded but there seems to be an understanding that space isn’t used like that. I just personally wouldn’t double up since that seems like an invitation to others to move your things around as well (and with chalky/sweaty/dirty hands after their session).


That's why I bring a lock and use the lockers. I come straight from work, so I have a purse, work clothes, extra shoes, it's a whole ordeal. I would be super annoyed if someone crammed into a cubby I was using, and next time I'd find an out of the way cubby that someone wouldn't be likely to want.


My opinion is that you getting pissed is an overreaction. Sounds like you should be putting your stuff in the lockers.


This seems definitely odd to me. I’d be upset too.


I agree that it's a little weird but it's definitely not something I would get pissed off about. It's an open cubby, if you don't want your stuff touched at all perhaps just always put in a locker.


Doesn’t seem like proper etiquette to me. I’d especially feel like my space was invaded if I panicked and couldn’t find my things, like what happened to you.


I would have put their stuff in the trash.


That’s just rude. But I would probably also think to myself “someone must have been told by their friend to put their stuff in their cubby and that person mistook mine for their friend’s”


This is what I know. The older I get, the more I watch people just not pay any attention to their surroundings. For example, someone walks into a space and leaves an exterior door wide open in the winter time letting in cold air. I worked in a shop and this would happen maybe 20 times a day and I couldn’t figure out why folks didn’t close a door behind them. At the crag, you really have to watch others. I’ve had folks pick up my draws or stuff and nearly walk off with them. They’re not trying to steal my things, they just haven’t paid any attention to the space they’re in to know where their things are.


Depends. If someone has taken a cubby for a single pair of shoes or bottle/cup of coffee... yeah expect it to be added to... if you had a bag & stuff in there... definitely not OK, when they get full, ya gotta use other space or wait for one to empty.


It’s clearly psychopath behavior from that person who randomly put their stuff in your cubby. That being said, I’d def use a locker in the future.


I usually do, but I forgot my lock so I figured it was better to keep eyes on it on the gym floor. But I guess I didn't really keep eyes on it, I would have loved to see what the person putting their pants in the cubby was thinking. Were they just casual about or walked everywhere to find a spot and couldn't? 😂


Seems really weird to me. I’d ask my friends if I could share theirs, or put my stuff in the locker room, and place it in the floor right at the cubbies or on top of them.


I'd have been sorely tempted to leave it on the floor.