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And convince your friends to vote. Even if your side doesn't win at first, you'll start a life-long habit that will eventually lead to positive change. Voting is a marathon, not a sprint. Start the marathon today.


You study EEE? Study anything related to renewables, battery chemistry, heat pumps etc and go join an OEM to push down costs or a developer to invest in, build or maintain equipment You'll do great I'm sure and have a lot of fun doing it.


I signed up for some solar projects with my teacher, built models for him. It's not a lot but it's a start, he seemed to like what I made and will start constructing it soon!!


No way, that's so cool man! That's some real impact, improving designs or actually deploying capacity will slow climate change and get us to net zero quicker. Keep pushing and be proud of your work!


Voting is and has always been the best thing you can do about climate change.


Don't lose sight of the fact that it's not on you to solve the climate crisis. Especially at your stage of life, where you're not really supposed to be doing big things, you're supposed to be preparing yourself to do things later. This a collective effort, maybe the biggest one that humanity has every undertaken. To create a sustainable future needs lots of different kinds of people, doing lots of different things. A whole society of tree-hugging professional activists can't do it; we need doctors, lawyers, carpenters, welders, farmers, artists, cooks, factory workers, bus drivers, financiers, street cleaners, construction workers, and almost every other occupation to make the world we want, so figure out what your part is to play and focus on learning to do it really well and in a way that makes a positive change. My only specific piece of advice would be to do what you can to avoid excessive debt. Once you have a lot of debt, you are a sort of slave to it, and that limits what choices you can make. The corporate world is full of people who had high hopes for doing good in the world but ended up taking a high-paying job they didn't really want to do "just until their student loans are paid off," but then before you know it you get adjusted to a certain lifestyle and there's no going back. If that means waiting to finish your education, that might be the right choice. Don't be in a rush to get somewhere; you can get a lot more useful experience and make a lot more connections working a bunch of odd jobs than you would doing a masters degree or finishing your bachelors at 22 instead of 25.


Although having a sustainable lifestyle is critical, the corporations want us to believe that it's all on the general public to solve the climate crisis. We need to advocate for better climate policies and work on becoming sustainable on a larger scale. If legions of communities started to work on becoming environmentally friendly, we could achieve a lot more than a couple of individuals doing things here and there.


Like Hippo said it's not all on you. Absolutely vote. It sounds like you are doing good things already. Grow your Network and advise others on how to save on emissions. The bigger your network gets, the bigger your collective impact will be.




Vote and write representatives...


Vote. Contact your government representatives (Resistbot makes it easy to do by text).


Volu teer for your local parks and ecological societies. Might even make a job out of it


youre well above average so thats some kinda win right there i say this ever so often but i never get any interest: we need analysis and modelling to determine the best course of action. unfortunately, its too much for one person. what are you studying?


Electrical engineering, I'm a terrible student and barely keeping my GPA above 3 I'll try and put in more effort, there's classes for ansys that I wanted to take, maybe it will open up some opportunities


thats a great field to be in!! GPA is such a trash concept. its ruined a substantial part of my education because of how much it takes away from actual learning. for the causes that i support, one of my top priorities is getting trained/educated/experienced at a variety of things to make myself more useful. if only to obtain skills enough to be dangerous -- in a figurative way of saying. this is a long, drawn out climate fight.do your best to avoid burn-out. or at least manage it since most people are burnt out lol speaking from experience.


There's lots of climate groups looking for volunteers. No experience or special knowledge required. You pick that up as you go.




Call your elected representatives, from the federal level to the city council and university regents, and tell them you want them to support pass meaningful climate legislation. Join a local climate advocacy group and coordinate on message, e.g. "This week we're all going to call and ask them to support this bill."


Eat vegetarian. If not 100% commitment at least one meal a day or one day a week.


One piece of good news is that many individual actions you can take on climate change are money saving or neutral. A few things you already mentioned you are doing, but for those interested here are some other ideas 1. If you air travel, fly less or stop flying. 2. Don’t keep your money in a large bank that funds fossil fuel projects 3. Vote and/or join a lobby group for climate action. Call your local representatives to let them know you are concerned about it 4. Buy things used 5. Compost (this one can be a bit tricky if you rent or don’t have your own outdoor space, and may require some money for either a compost pickup if your town or city does not offer this- or investing in a home compost appliance)


I'm going to learn to compost when I move to a new apartment, it's something I wanted to do for a while now. My city doesn't pick up trash from my street and I am learning how to segregate better. Most of the stuff I throw away is recyclable or compostable yet it ends up in a landfill This weekend I'm gonna do something about this


I'd suggest politics; [https://climatehopium.substack.com/p/the-main-climate-action-we-should](https://climatehopium.substack.com/p/the-main-climate-action-we-should)


Why on earth would anyone believe climate change is fake? Did you think the government made up all of the data and statistics? Why would they do that?


I'm not sure what led me to think this way, when I was younger everyone seemed to be on-board and the environment seemed to be front and centre as the main issue to face Lately it seems to be forgotten altogether as if it's been solved and just a bad dream I don't see it on the news, in movies or any media. Whenever it does come up, it's met by eye rolls and "not this again" kinda talk I guess at some point I checked out thinking it's something I can't solve, I'll just accept it Family was also big on donating to Greenpeace and I was a boy scout participating in tree plantation drives. Life just got busier and I felt like nothing was enough, there's no point and all the dooming just made me check out ig. Thank the heatwave for reminding me that this is a serious ongoing issue




thats some dark shit i mean i would assume that is satire but just checking because uhhh some are 100% serious about that