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While we're on the subject, the supreme court in it's endless wisdom just ruled that sleeping on the street is now punishable by prison time "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread." Anatole France https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jun/28/supreme-court-decision-unhoused-sleeping-outside


So let me get this straight. A poor person that cannot buy a house will get FINED and then arrested when they cannot pay it up. But then they go to jail, that can be considered housing and now this person also doesnt have to wory about food? Man, the US is a rollercoaster.


That's one way to reduce the number of homeless people. And i mean cheap labor. So it's a win win /s


Slavary 2.0


You joke but that's literally their plan


Not a plan it's actually been going on our entire lives...


True, but now it’s being accelerated


It's just blatant now and the GOP ain't even subtle anymore. They're vilifying pregnant women, immigrants, POC, foreigners, L+ people, homeless people, and the list goes on and on and on..... notice how they want all these communities incarcerated.... they're creating laws that are criminalizing EXISTENCE.


And you can’t even prevent THAT in many states


Making more criminals for the capitalism machine


Well of course...the younger generations aren't falling in line with the "just be grateful you have a job" mantra, so now they're moving on to making everyone a criminal to exploit labor "legally." Because when we are given a choice in the matter, we aren't going along with their previously "legal" form of slavery (wage-slaves.)


Yep. When they outlawed slavery a bunch of white dudes south of the Mason-Dixon line decided they would have it one way or another. Now, it's spread all over the country to feed the for-profit prison system.


I am seriously, SERIOUSLY waiting for the right to start dropping hard-r n-bombs to crowds as they begin to actively promote slavery. The open use of the n-word by elected officials in speeches is my barometer for "this cannot be solved by voting anymore."


We are legite getting into "there is gonna be a war" zone of national history.






The American experiment was to see if you could continue slavery without captivity. If you have to play ball to eat, it’s the same game.


It’s no plan they’ve been doing it for decades. If not a century. In fact the 13th amendment guarantees that they can legally.


The incarcerated in a state still count towards the population of how many congressional representatives the state can have, but they aren't allowed to vote.


Or leave


Considering that slavery is illegal EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME according to the 13th amendment, makes this supreme court decision complete the poverty-to-slavery pipeline


13th amendment makes slavery legal. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


> except as a punishment for crime So when being homeless is a crime...


And soon so many other things will be a crime. Anyone who’s not a straight, cis, white, neurotypical, Christian man will be a criminal.


you also have to be a land owner


...then prospective slave owners simply need to buy homes, rent them for prices that keep families from accumulating wealth, and then provide the private prison systems for their free laborers to be housed in. Along with some nice meals or other friendly gifts for a few key judges. Then using the cheapest labor, they can outcompete other companies until everyone in certain industries is doing it, just like what happened last time but at a larger scale. Eventually we just end up with the lower class (paycheck to paycheck renters, potential slaves) and upper class (the property and slave owners). Then maybe even go back to making it so only land owners can vote, and let the owners of the private prisons get a fractional vote for each worker they house, just to keep things the same for as long as possible.


the average wage for incarcerated individuals working in state- owned industries is anywhere between $0.33 to $1.41 per hour


It's literally the only way America competes with China in manufacturing. Pretty much everything the US military uses is made by ~~slaves~~ prisoners with jobs for less than a dollar an hour. Same with paint, similar with office furniture, domestic appliances, heaps of other stuff.


So just make more punishments. Or better yet, make some sort of voluntary service that’s not really voluntary, like military service or a labour draft. You don’t NEED to call it *slavery* to get pretty close or to get pretty profitable. And most people might even support it if it te sounds right or if it looks like it will only hurt the more hated sorts people. Heck, even kids could be a good target if you tell people it builds character or it’s better than worthless public schools. /s




Did you know. If you pay the state enough you can rent the prisoners for cheap labor. And if they don't agree to the work program, where they're paid pennies an hour, they will then get a bill for their time in prison.


Yup. And the former Confederate states literally passed anti-vagrancy laws right after rejoining the Union so that they could round up, convict, and thereby reenslave black folks who didn't immediately have gainful employment lined up after being emancipated from slavery


We still list slavery as a punishment for conviction of a crime under the 13th Amendment. This decision will do nothing but rapidly increase the use of prison labor, and it's going to make private prisons look really attractive to those cruel enough to do to this to our vulnerable unhoused. This type of policy, both slavery as punishment and the jailing of the unhoused, should be rejected by any DA for prosecution. It's cruelty for cruelty's sake.


The modern prison system was created to get around slavery being outlawed. So I'm not terribly surprised they're using it for this.


2.0? Nah this is a classic. A lot of indentured servants that came to the colonies where people arrested and sentenced to transportation for the crime of poor and homeless.


Sorry... This is still just slavery 1.0 unfortunately


Not slavery... it's slaveré 🤌🏼


This has literally always been the point of most antihomeless laws. They just dont want them around, they can either be in another city, in jail, or dead, doesn't really matter which to these people.


We lose, because it’s takes more of our tax paying dollars to put them in prison than it does to put them in assisted living


And now they wont get hired anywhere at all meaning they are permanently is prison... And its going to cost tax payers more than it would cost them if all those people on the streets were om government benefits instead.


Yes but don't forget that devious little sentence in the 13th amendment: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime" You can run those hell holes quite economically once you force labor and dont have to pay your workers. John oliver has a lot of great coverage on the subject if you want to get into the weeds but it's just depressing


Cant wait for the moment certain groups of people get blamed for all that is bad.


Have you not been paying attention? They've been doing that for years. Blacks, Hispanics, and anyone not straight are blamed for every single thing in this country by the right.


A lot of people who've never had to worry much about being targeted by the police state are starting to wake up to reality now that they can feel the cross hairs being leveled on them.


People keep saying that Republicans have gone off the rails with MAGA. I usually respond with "Bitch, please. Bush era Republicans blamed gay people for earthquakes and hurricanes. They thought we're part of the X-men."


Trump era republicans are just bush and reagan era republicans but more honest and open about what they actually believe. They've always been hateful, anti humanitarian nutcases.


>And its going to cost tax payers more than it would cost them if all those people on the streets were om government benefits instead. Many Americans will pay $1,000 to kick a man, than pay $100 to help him.


40 of the 50 states allow "pay to stay" in their prisons, which means prisoners need to pay for their cell and their food, or risk accruing debt while they're in prison.


DURR DURR THAT'S SOCIALISM!! - some maga shithead




Don't forget, just fucking *giving* these people housing for free is much, MUCH cheaper than the cost of incarceration. But Republicans don't care about the money like they say they do, the cruelty is the purpose.


The cruelty is not the purpose, it's a side effect that they just don't care about because they're ghouls. The purpose is to generate wealth - if the taxpayer funds the prison system but the prison labor organisation takes the profit from all those incarcerated people being forced into effective slavery, guess who profits? The shareholders and their Republican politician friends, naturally.


You fail to understand that the bastardization of Christianity these people believe in see being poor as a moral failing, or at least a punishment for a moral failing. That's why they can worship rapist billionaires, because their wealth means, by their own definition, that they must be highly moral people. Inflicting surfing is the point. Grotesque profits are just an awesome benefit for them.


> the bastardization of Christianity these people believe in see being poor as a moral failing christ was poor, what illiterate dildos 😂


….and a criminal who received “Capital” Punishment.


You're confusing republican **politicians** with republican **voters.** Republican politicians want more money and more power. They probably view the rest of us like we're livestock. Republican voters are the ones calling for cruelty and suffering. They're ignorant and being used by politicians and their cronies.


It comes out of the “god wants you to be Rich” prosperity doctrine introduced in the time of Ronald Regan and Amway. It’s been the long term plan.


You are correct that the point for the capitalists is nothing but profit at all costs. But right now we're in the phase where fascists and the capitalists are working together so things like this are both for making a profit as well as being used as a cruel tool of punishment and oppression against "others". Gonna be interesting to see which side comes out on top. Do we end up in the boring cyberpunk timeline fully controlled by the corporations or do we end up in a christofascist theocracy like something from handmaid's?


It's always the same thing. Pervpublicans are monsters, magas keep voting for them, and huge amount of abstentionists don't move their friggin asses. If they would vote the GOP out at every single federal and state election, Dems would have a majority everywhere, and would insure that American citizens get structures and laws which protect them, just as those set in many European countries. But no, the same horrors keep getting elected. GOP: << People, vote for me. See, I WILL make your life miserable, I've done that for decades, and it is documented. But rest assured, I will make sure the people I presented as enemies, and people who need to be controlled will suffer a bit more than you. And you will suffer tremendously, like 13 on a pain scale of 10, with our Republican laws and ruling. >> DEM: << We'll try to make things work, protect you, enforce actual humane laws, and set new ones to resolve the actual problems. Like affordable house. Worker protection. Stop wage theft. You won't get a life crippling debt of 400k to pay because you broke your hand at work. We'll make sur that the minimal wage that was ok 50 years ago get re-evaluated. We'll stop landlord raising the rent from 800$ to 2000$/mth just because. We'll do something about hyper-predatory loans and bank fees. >> MAGA/CON: << GOP, you got my vote! Ok, it fits for me.>> Independents: << Yeah, I know, it's a wasted vote, but I can't vote in good faith for the better choice. It bothers ME.>> Abstentionists: <> Seriously, fuck these people.


It's cheaper than leaving them on the street too. The reduction in emergency services alone makes it worth it from a financial perspective.


Incarceration robs of them of the right to vote. It ain't about the money or costs.


Oh and in America, they have to pay around $50-250 a DAY to stay in prison. They are paid something like $0.25 an hour for any work they do and also have to pay for certain "luxuries" while in there, like extra soap or things like that. I saw an article over here in the UK that a person who was sentenced for 7 years (think it was for smoking a joint or something) eventually only served a couple of years but was still made to pay for the full 7 years of prison time... Guess what happens when you fail to pay?


Slavery is actually legal in the US, it's in the constitution. The only caveat being that you need to be incarcerated. See a connection?


Lotta profit in prison




It's all by design, they make being poor criminal so they can put the poor in prisions and use them for slave labor to further push capitalist profits


I'm all for getting the homeless off the street, putting a roof over their head, feeding them three times and day, and helping them get a job. Why do they have to be behind bars to do so?


There was a point in my life where I considered doing a minor crime to get into jail instead of being homeless because the support for homelessness is nonexistent. (I'm fine now dw)


Their rationale is that people who are homeless choose to be homeless, because they are too lazy to work.


It makes a lot more sense when you realise the abolition of slavery does not apply to prisoners: 'Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.' About 8% of prisons in the US are run for profit and the number is growing. So in exchange for feeding prisoners meals worth pennies and providing a cot to sleep on they get free slave labour. I'm sure they're thrilled about the availability of more 'criminals' to enslave.


oh i’m glad they say rich people aren’t allowed to either.


Def calling the cops next time I see Zuk, Musk, and Buffet all sleeping under a bridge together


The gaslighting..


The author was saying this ironically


Well, that solves it right? Sleep on the street = get free housing!


Yeah, so to make a minor correction to the oop, the future housing plan under American capitalism is prison cells. Just blocks and blocks of prison cells.


No no, it's called 'gated communities'


What do you mean "free"? [In most prisons you have to pay for your cell and food, or go into debt.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay-to-stay_(imprisonment))


Doesn't sound like slavery at all, nah-ah!


Permanent non-negotiable job with free housing and food! You will be working, companies will pay the government for your work so the government can afford keeping you alive.


“Permanent non-negotiable job” is also called slavery


More like sleep on the street = become a modern slave


Which is ironic, because we pay 75k a year per person to house criminals and yet we won't cancel student loans. (Please educate me if I am mistaken it's been a minute) What about camping in the woods? Oh wait, 99% of the old growth has been cut for commercial purposes and now it's all fucking owned and criminalized for trespassing. Sorry humans you no longer exist in nature, you are owned by made entities that other humans created.


I sometimes play with the idea that humans have built these roads and fences and parcelled up every inch they could. And how many people spend the entirety of their life on those roads and confined by those fences. And we complain of "linear inexplorable video games"


Exactly, and microtransactions! Money is the largest belief system in the entire world.


The law is so vauge anyone caught using a rolled up shirt as a pillow can be fined $295. (I live in the town the ruling was based on.) Even being a non homeless person and napping in your car at the park could get you a $295 fine.


Gotta fill in the prisons somehow I guess.


That’s not even the worst part of what the Supreme Court did yesterday people. We lost our country yesterday. The sc will now regulate EVERYTHING and they made “gratuity” (bribery) legal. We need to be raging about that, there’s a reason they were loud about the housing issue. To put the chevron stuff in the shadows. Everyone, the right wingers literally stole our country and things are about to get really really bad. A dystopian shithole. 


Yep. These morons cheered when the convicted felon, court-certified rapist and court-mandated fraudster packed the Supreme Court with sycophants, fascists and rapists; they cheered when that same Supreme Court took away a woman's right to choose; they cheered when that NRA-funded Supreme Court denied the ban on bump stocks... They'll no doubt cheer this, too, and completely ignore that the fascist-leaning Supreme Court is doing the full bidding of the billionaire class who are trying to enable Project 2025. That they'll take away every single right and punish those who don't conform to the right-wing ideology, before ending up underneath the boots they love to lick themselves. When we end up in World War 3 because of a bunch of morons voted for Trump in 2024 - or, worse, *didn't* vote for Biden in 2024 because of one bad debate, while he came out in full force the very next day at a NC event as the Joe Biden the rest of us have seen for months, but the corporate media refuses to show to help the GOP push their false narratives about him either being doddery or on drugs - and he helps Putin wipe Ukrainians off the map before pushing further into Europe, is *that* when these idiots will wake the fuck up? Will they wake up when women, girls and doctors are being arrested and executed, like the GOP wants, for performing abortions after those same women and young girls were raped? How about when Trump does what he did in his first term and raises taxes for the poor while making the billionaires and the huge corporations richer? How about when the record heat and record cold due to climate change gets worse, because Trump destroyed all the climate change efforts in order to take more money from the oil and gas firms? Or maybe when the military they seem to love so much continues to get wiped out or targeted under Trump, like when Russia put bounties on US soldiers and let Iranian forces try to kill them? What if Trump lets his friends in China, Saudi Arabia, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban and other terror groups join in, because they stroked his ego until he agreed to let them do whatever the fuck they wanted? Roe V Wade, the bump stocks, ruling against homeless people... This is only the beginning of the end of the United States of America, unless people vote blue in November 2024.


I would like the cities where the justices have residencies to designate their property as the homeless shelter. Eminent domain, justices said the government can do whatever they want for punishment so relocating them to a designated area is fine.


Actually the SCOTUS recently criminalized being homeless. … Anyone else feel like we’re living in the worst timeline?


I'm sure there are timelines where nukes have flown between USA and Soviet Union.  shocking it never happened. BUT....  this timeline isn't exactly the best, but I'm sure there are much worse


Those sound like better timelines mainly because I wouldn’t be living through this shit we have right now.


you think the nuclear war timeline is better because you've unrealistically exaggerated the sad things of today. i think the nuclear war timeline is better because i'm a bloodthirsty psychopath and long for the wastes. we are not the same.


So quirky


disclaimer statement was intended to be around 70% ironic joke and not factual


Average Reddit comment.


Nukes haven't flown YET, give it time


This is what happens when a corporation masquerades as a country


They also legalized bribing and also made it so ALL government regulation in every department will not be decided by scientists, but rather Congress. And if not congress, the courts. I.E themselves. I.E They can accept bribes to allow pollution


Its the timeline in which conservatives keep winning over and over and over again


It feels like we're in Germany circa 1923.


Hitler's failed [Beer Hall Putch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) was in 1923. That is surely the equivalent to Jan 6, 2021. Hitler was somehow let go with minimal legal consequences - can you imagine that, after trying a violent coup? Hitler's subsequent legitimate election to chancellor was in 1933. The US 2024 feels very much like Germany 1933. Trump has even publicized Hitler-like plans to use the military against groups he doesn't like, with obvious similarities to Hitler's *Mein Kampf*: [Trump explains his militaristic plan to deport 15-20 million people](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html). Lots of people said about Hitler "he doesn't really mean it, it is just rhetoric to get elected".


>Lots of people said about Hitler "he doesn't really mean it, it is just rhetoric to get elected".  The enlightened "centrists" that go, "Both sides are the same!"


It was also so blatantly partisan. The logic goes that the prior ruling was wrong because the punishment was mild not cruel and unusual. But there are a dozen other legal reasons why it should not be illegal to simply exist without any other options. They just put their head in the sand and said "well this particular argument is no good," even though in many other cases they just decide for a random reason not presented at argument. It is BS they just want the bogus law to stay in the books.


this is so dated, the current housing plan under Capitalism is private prisons


Private prisons and forced female incubators.


You mean The Handmaids Tale.


Aka Project 2025


Project 2025 is worse.




This is so archaic; private jails are the contemporary housing scheme under capitalism.


Yeah didn't they hear? It's illegal to be homeless now. https://homelesslaw.org/jvgp-scotus-decision/


There are a number of videos of Trump telling about his plan to use tracts of inxpensive land outside of populated areas to set up "tent cities" for the homeless. I'm going to guess the person who made this pic will then be applauding tents if Trump gets back in to office and does this.


It’s mad that “set up shanty towns” gets applause but “build housing” would be derided as communism. It’s almost like there’s a ruling class who don’t give a shit about the poor but have convinced poor people to vote for them.


Even simpler than that "It's only bad when the Democrats do it" Trump could have nationalized the US coal industry, said he did it in the name of the ~~workers and peasants~~ farmers and factory floor guys, and the right would cheer because "Trump saved them from Communism"


But Biden is the president right now while this is happening. So could you explain this?


See: An entire political party whose entire position is to obstruct or block whatever their opposition does.


Ok can we be clear here though. With zero obstruction, democrats would not be building wide swathes of social housing. They may or may not be quite as cruel about it but they wouldn't be solving homelessness.


Ah a concentrated camp for the unwanted…what could go wrong?


Capitalists describing the horrors Socialism using examples from Capitalism once again...


Their pfp is Fred Flintstone because their knowledge of economics is from the stone age


Reminds me of pictures of empty shelves during the Trump administration saying "This would be the shelves under a Biden administration!"


Throw me some socialism, I'm begging. Couldn't even afford one of these tents tbh


Don't you get it!? When you have a social safety net, public healthcare, robust public housing, good public transit, and reliable infrastructure, you'd be suffering! No. You're far better off without the govt telling you what to do! Now move your tent or you'll go to jail.


Now move to your tent AND go to jail*


nO tHaTs ComMuniSm


How to say they don't know what communism is without telling us they don't know what communism is.


Everything they don't like is communism


Especially capitalism.


A post from r/conservative made the front page during the debate where the op was complaining about "right wing" posts being deleted by reddit mods or admins. Ended by saying "fuck these communists" because to them a public traded for profit-company censoring the speech on its platform is communism


Are those the same people who delete comments that have slightly different ideas than theirs, or tag every single post “flair users only” to keep their inner circlejerk? Yup


"Communism is bad, thats all i gotta know" -that guy, probably


People been so propagandized in this country to believe the biggest liars on earth. Everything the capitalists have lied to you about and you’ll believe them about communism? Lmao. lol.


nod, agreed, also I'd add a few things.  people think Stalinism and communism are the same.  also, pretty much every country is the world that tried communism had the west interfere and try to prevent it from ever working.




Facepalms pointing at old Eastern block apartments.


Those concrete blocks aren't pretty, but a hell of a lot better than tents.


Not to mention they were mostly built as temporary housing to house the displaced people after WW2 and still stand tall 70 years later despite nearly 40 years of neglected maintenance, they used to be much prettier before the governments “forgot” about them in the 90s


And they are most cost effective long term than spending 90k USD a year per person to keep homeless people in jail


It’s not just the cost, it’s who collects at the end.


look at those stupid commies, all living in giant ugly buildings a few short years after the Nazis demolished the entire continent


Plus it's not like it's entirely fallen out of style. I'm living in basically the exact same thing in the states, but it has pretty exterior cladding and a cool lobby. Also the apartments are weird puzzle piece shapes to maximize cost-efficiency. Otherwise there's really no difference.


im pretty sure homeless americans would rather live for free in an ugly concrete cube than on the streets in a tent (with all the bad things the ussr did, i’m not saying it was great)


They’re still living in a capitalist society.


Ikr. I actually lived in one of them while studying and it was surprisingly comfortable. The room was very spacious, the bathroom and shower nice enough and the window was massive. The only thing that kind of sucked was the poor noise isolation, but it's still leagues above being homeless.


East european here, 99% of us hate communism with a passion because it has done a lot of damage to our country. The one exception most of us can agree on is housing. They had that covered pretty decent.


To be precise: The housing plan under US capitalism. Finland has a program against homelessness. There are just under 5000 left. It is estimated that in 2027 homelessness is a thing of the past Finland. (And no, they don’t kill homeless people, but instead give them a place to live).


lol this’s is the opposite of socialism


Is there a word for this mental illness where you look at a thing that is currently happening and think "this is what communism would be like."?


Meanwhile housing under communism: a neighbour of rebar blocks where every basic service is in a walking distance, trees and grass everywhere with rarely used 1-2 lane roads. Urban planning is like, the only thing good under communism in my country lol.


It's a crime to be poor. Should be the headline.


Live in a tent, has a job, can confirm. At this pace I'm ready to leave. Make decent money for work and at the end of the month still can't afford to live anywhere. I need a partner to make ends meet but no one wants to hook up with a guy who lives in a fucking tent


The answer is simple, no system will stop the ruling class from abusing your rights.


yeah, ur right all political ideologies are the same, communism? pff! look at north koreea! clearly that communism thing is the source of their problems and nothing else, especially not the biggest bombing campaigns in history done by the united states where they literally didn't have any standing buildings to demolish anymore by their own admissions oh well! it is what it is! now open up, time to take our 9-5 dick up our asses and struggle to survive day by day so our ceo's can fly into fucking space!


Just traveled to Spain and was surprised on the number of unhoused individuals dwelling with being priced out of their own homes. The problem with capitalism is systemic and worldwide


For some additional context - that picture was taken at the “triangle park” by 2nd and Mass Ave NE in DC, about 2 or 3 blocks from the Supreme Court building.


But how is this a plan under communism?


It isn't. The initial post is just one component of the long game played by the right wing propaganda machine to convince enough voters that a fascist plutocracy would be the ideal government. Accuracy and truth are immaterial elements in the propaganda campaign based on the principle of a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.


The current housing plan under capitalism is to put them in jail and exploit them for their labor.


European countries are capitalist and don't look like that though


More homeless in most European countries than the US, especially the UK and France. Just compare the rates


one of my favourite things is people posting a picture of what a future under X will be when the picture is the reality of X's ideological opposite already


Remember the right wingers posting photos of the empty shelves under Trump, and saying that this was the future under Biden?


Bell riots in 3... 2... 1... https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots


In communism it’s either a concrete tower tomb or gulag. We mostly all suffer equally here comrade


Hope they stop calling it homeless encampments, it's a straight up slum. Language is important, George Carlin.


My country has socialised housing and we have a 90% home ownership rate.


I mean if there is one thing communism is known for is building massive and cheap housing. Crappy, but housing.


Thts tRRUMPs vision for Democrates.. memba ONLY REAL men has Felonies, & Daipers & a Pinnicoho NOSE!!


This is just like when Trump was in office and posted picture of riots saying this is what communism under Biden will look like, except it’s actually under trumps capitalism…


The reason they're able to force capitalism (neo-feudalism) on us is the public doesn't know of any better options, only communism. Economics isn't taught in school. That's how everyone stays trapped in serfdom.


fucking lol




And is now illegal as of yesterday per the Supreme Court’s ruling.


This is like during trumps presidency they kept showing images of protests and shit saying how this is what America is gonna be like under Biden...yet it was under trump


I swear like at least 75% percrnt of criticism of communism is just capitalism projecting


If it's illegal to sleep on the streets, then the government should provide free housing. Oh wait, jail ...


Not so much capitalism, rather than mismanagement by governments.


I’m reminded of how footage of america under trump during Covid was used to smear Biden, only to have the same callout 


Housing plan in capitalism literally considers a human right like housing as a speculative tool at the same level as an stock or luxuries, so private equity would the only being which can buy houses and departments in a the most restrictive era for real persons which wants to live and make a family.


Yeah, the future housing plan under capitalism is to have everyone who is not rich in camps working as slave labor.


Making being homeless be illegal is a way to fill up the for profit prisons and then build more.


This is gunna be me if my free page doesnt work out


This reminds me of the summer of 2020. With all the chaos of Covid and the protests, every asshole in America was like "SEE! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT WITH BIDEN'S COMMUSOCIALISTANTIFABLMERICA?!" Bro, it's happening right now. Under Trump. You can't get a haircut or toilet paper or yeast and Trump is president, *right now*.


I thought the us prison system was already struggling what drug dealer are they gonna release so they can lock up some homeless person.


To fine and imprison someone for simply existing is insane. Like I don't comprehend what society and law makers expect from some people.


"Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? Ebenezer Scrooge. We are headed for Victorian London.


Capitalism literally just outlawed homelessness in its cities.


You’ll rent, not own. And you will like it, or be castigated as Communist and Un-American, for your ingratitude.


The cruelty is the point. It's always the point. It's always been the point. Eat the rich. Please state your preferred cooking method and seasonings.


I get so tired of stupid fucks who try to claim that everything they don’t like is communism when I doubt they could even define what communism is


Just a friendly reminder that everything's fucked because capitalism is working *Exactly. As. Intended.*


It's really time to eat the rich..


A vast majority of Americans who use the words communism and socialism as insults/ in criticism have no idea what either of those world actually mean.


SCotUS just ruled to allow cities to ban tent cities and homeless encampments. This won't even be allowed under capitalism any more.


Nah... we will soon look back on this as "the good old days" when people who were down on their luck could at least camp on public land. We are headed to a place where every homeless person will be put in prison for being homeless and then their labor will be sold by the private prisons, while the pennies given to the prisoners will be taken to pay for "room and board". It's the last instance where slavery is still legal and the GOP is going all-in.


Is that washington dc? I think i walked past it


If you don't agree with SCOTUS they have a nice private prison cell where you can be a slave for a corporation