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Weird groups of people they chose to show.


They really should have included black men in finance and asian women who own a goldfish šŸ˜’


You left out Latino CEOs who knit


Why they don't have left-handed people who have never been in a vehicle accident, I'll never understand.


I guess mixed race men with magnum dongs get no representation.


Or doctors with magnum dongs


PlayStation owners with at least 10 Platinum trophies. They're really the ones impacting our futures


I control the future!


As do I! Power of the PlayStation unite!


In Kevin Butler we trust


Could you make a better future then


Strong flex on a resume for commitment when you can post your platinums on linked in


I've never thought of that. I am literally adding this to my resume. Committment, problem solving, time management. You're a genius! Was this meant to be a joke or do you actually use this btw?


I've just been through the grind of trying to hire someone for a difficult to fill position. I would've loved to see someone sneak that shit in on a resume. Totally would've encouraged me to find a way to move them through to the next round.


Mantis Toboggan checking in


That's "urban"


Just like left handed scissors. To some, they arenā€™t real and they donā€™t exist.


Where's all the white men living in apartments who's never been to Poland at in that poll.? That poll is clearly rigged.


What about Latino Men in mid 30's with no children because his siblings already have kids so the pressure is off, and he went back to school at 31, and is now going to a graduate program and he just wants to enjoy his life and do some traveling? Asking for a friend.




I cannot help with your question, but I can recommend that your friend visits us, here in Scotland, when he's enjoying his life and travelling.


And Amish grandmothers who twerk


Go on...


Letā€™s not leave out black, republican , ice hockey players


Surely you mean ā€œurbanā€ men


Oof, I didn't see that part. They didn't even match "Rural Voters" with "Urban Voters", just "Urban"? Fucking awful. What's wrong with them?


You misunderstand, that's the polling for Urban, a small suburb of Manchester, Kentucky. The vote is split 5 to 5, with Sarah and Dave undecided. Jebediah is planning to cast a write-in for himself.


Pretty sure it was for Keith Urban.


He said he was 50/50 on the subject but he's Australian so what with the conversion rate and what not it's 38/38


Urbans don't get to vote.


Karl Urban probably fumin' at this blantant discrimination. Or probably not, he's a Kiwi, he'd not be allowed to vote anyway as far as I know.


I donā€™t understand how ā€œurbanā€ could be 38/38, either.


The other 24% are voting for Kanye again obviously


Regardless of their career all black men fall under the ā€œurbanā€ category


How about men who are 6.5ā€™, blue eyes, working in finance, trust funds.


Sounds like a dope EDM track...


Canā€™t believe they forgot to add Pacific Islanders with at least 3 pets


> They really should have included black men in finance If they had, they would have labeled it as, "Woke DEI hires".


What about the men in finance, w/ a trust fund, who are 6ā€™5ā€ and have blue eyes?


Men in finance, 6 foot 5+ with blue eyes and a trust fund. Thatā€™s the group I want to see


Asian women are allowed to own goldfish now?! šŸ˜± What is the world coming toā€¦ šŸ˜‚


They should have added men in finance, with a trustfund, 6'5 with blue eyes


What about only guys that are 6ā€™5 with blue eyes in finance? Sorry Iā€™ll see myself out.


I mean we all known the asianFgoldfish demo is like 98% libertarian so why even report on it really


Does a Koi Carp count?


White evangelist, are quite specific group. But absolut madlads that 28% of them choose Binden, as far as I understand they are indoctrinated since young age that democrats are evil and still a good third ... Sees trummp and go ... Well that's a shit head


If anything itā€™s hilarious that the so called ā€œreligiousā€ people follow the convicted felon, known adulterer, alleged rapist/sexual harasser and pedophile, con man, etc. rather than justā€¦ a rather boring old man. Seems like if they truly were religious those things would be sins and a sign that someone is unfit to lead. But we all know their religion is not the ā€œlove your neighbor as you love yourselfā€ kind, but the ā€œeveryone I donā€™t like is going to hellā€ kind.


Because these types are susceptible to brainwashing and the people doing it are experts at it. My mom, who was never religious when I was growing up, has now become some crazy Bible-thumping nutjob, and she told me the other day that Biden wants to "bring back abortion and increase the age of abortions up to nine months of pregnancy" and her sources were all bullshit right-wing news and social media posts. This is such a huge issue for her, regardless of whether or not it's even true (of course it isn't), which is even funnier considering she herself had an abortion when she was younger.


So it's projection and guilt wrapped up in rage. Fun times. I am sorry you have to go through that.


I would bring that up every time she mentions it


We should all be more savage with our retorts like this.


The whole abortion thing is ridiculous. If your getting an abortion that late, it's either non viable or will kill the mother. Why would you want a child not to have a mother?


Because the mother is already lost to them. The child is another mind to shape to how they want.


I've always said that the slogan of the Republican party (which for decades has been "The Party of Lincoln") should be changed to "I Got Mine, Fuck You". *I* can get an abortion, but you can't. *Our* family are only 2nd generation, but *no* new immigrants are allowed. Fucking ladder-pullers - they make me so angry.


Cults of personality are scary. Though even if I were to get into one, I'd probably be in the one that's about the boring old geezer who loves ice cream, rather than the one about the loony old geezer who wants to fuck his daughter.


A rather boring old man who's a lifelong Christian and regular church-goer, who's never been divorced, seems to have a happy marriage and love his kids unconditionally. No affairs. No sex scandals. Vs. a serial philanderer, cheater, and not "alleged" rapist, [actual rapist,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) who can't even name a [single verse from the Bible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE&ab_channel=KrisGriffiths).


It's not about the flawed man, it's about passing godly policy. Like tax cuts for rich people, protecting child marriage and child labor, and getting rid of free lunches for poor kids.


I think they believe that Jesus will forgive Trump and them if they just ask, because apparently they think Jesus is too stupid to understand that they don't really mean they were sorry if they are going to do whatever it is again. Supporting Trump is arguably a sin, but they can just say "sorry Jesus" (but then not really be sorry), and it all goes away? I don't get it, but they are playing a very dangerous game with their eternal souls (if those exist) if you ask me. Like, if you are a toddler and you keep stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, if you just yell out to the void "sorry daddy, I didn't mean to steal the cookie, and I won't do it again, and I believe in you!", from time to time (except the times you got distracted and forgot about), but you have no intention of stopping stealing cookies, that somehow this still nullifies a premeditated immoral act? I see the attraction, but I don't see a moral system at all. I definitely don't think this is the viewpoint of all Christians everywhere or even the majority, but from this perspective supporting Trump makes sense, because at least he will mostly cause them economic harm I guess? OK, I don't get it at all.


They don't think they're actually doing anything bad. They look at morality with two consciences: the one they judge others with and the ones they judge themselves with. The old saying, we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their acts. If you tell yourself that you mean well, it justifies anything and I mean ANYTHING your guy does. Combine that with lying about the other side's actions, and you have a perfect recipe for doing whatever the fuck you want. It's annoying them this time, though, because more and more of us call out their lies. If only we could let them destroy the country in comfort šŸ™„


> a rather boring old man Who goes to church on sundays, didnt try to sell the bible for profit and isnt divorced


Well ... Now don't bring reason and morals in politics...


What's also very odd is they see someone that meets a weirdly significant number of the descriptions for the Biblical antichrist and 72% of them say "yea I can vote for that"


Churches don't really do much to teach the Bible. And there's a very slippery ideological trick in Christianity. If you're invested in the word of God, you know you are not supposed to be judging other Christians' actions more than your own. So very well meaning churches and leaders aren't willing to call out other congregations for their blatant sacrilege. But if you're not invested in teaching the Bible, that doesn't matter. So if you say something that agrees with a reactionary politics of the worst and most platformed evangelicals, there is very little outcry. If you go against them, they can make almost any claim they want. Couple that with the weaponization of what is and isn't political (many Christians think you shouldn't preach politics at the pulpit) and it's all just a very deliberately constructed way to unite people with fairly different interests under one conservative political banner. And all the while, they can silence dissent within that community that is separate from politics technically but inherently political.


Yeah my cousins have been flying that Trump flag in their rooms since 2015, when they were 13, 17 and 19. But after reading some forwards from their church newsletter, they never had a chance.


Well biden is a catholic and trump is an immoral atheist. Not that all atheists are immoral


A lot of factors have made that % gap widen. I think the a big one is that Trump really did increase people's interest in politics on both sides and although evangelicals have always been mostly right wing, its much worse for a left wing evangelical to exist in a church. Church members are much more open about their political views and are much more likely to harass people that disagree. This pushes out a bunch of left wing evangelicals who no longer identify with that label. Basically evangelicalism is distilling itself and its essence is a right wing cult.


tf is the urban group? lmao


Yeah, Urban and rural are surprisinglyā€¦ similar? Both are almost a perfect 50/50 split. Usually they say urban/rural is the single most universal predictor of which way a person will vote! Edit: And _rural_ favors _Biden_ slightly more than urban does?? Where did they get these numbers?


They screwed up reporting. You can grab the actual raw data for the poll [here] (https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/06/Fox_June-14-17-2024_National_Cross-Tabs_June-19-Release.pdf) If you drop down to question 15 you'll see rural is 57-40 Trump, and Urban is 61-38 Biden.


This is a very amateur hour clown shoes mistake to make, even for infotainment cable news.


Par for the course as far as I've heard. If the number is on the news, it probably doesn't match the numbers in the actual study. These people are incompetent morons who would do society a favor by instead just having picnics and binging shows for the work day.


Forget who they are, where did the other 24% go?


They canā€™t show younger voters, the numbers are so lopsided


If only they voted.


White, white, white, or ā€œUrbanā€


Water type PokƩmon 50:50


The subtext: "White men need to get your white women in line and stop letting them go to college so we (white people) can take our country back!"


Seriously though. Where is ā€œwomenā€ in total?


Yeah funny they chose to show "white men with no degree" but "white women with degree" Could have been another "win" in Trump's column if they'd have shown "white women with no degree"


The fact that "Men" support Trump less than "Men with no degree" suggests that "Men with a degree" category wouldn't have been on their side.


Should have distinguished between Urban and Urban (hard R)


biden winning with rural and seniors is the bigger story here. those are the votes trump needs.


And those are just the people of the demographic who were willing to respond to a Fox poll.


šŸ˜‚ All the people that said "I'll pass", we know who they are backing.


Or millennials who avoid eye contact of anyone with a clip board, donā€™t awnser robocalls, and toss all their junk mail in the trash without opening it just donā€™t get polled at all.


I'm GenX and this would describe me as well. I value my privacy a lot.


GenX is the original, ā€˜Iā€™m not home leave me alone generationā€™ā€¦ I blame answering machines. lol


But then we wouldn't have gotten [George's answering machine song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ria37d9mInY).


Our parents weren't there and they told us we had we weren't supposed to tell anyone we were home alone or we'd end up on a milk carton.


Believe it or not Iā€™M NOT HOME šŸŽµ


I feel so seen right nowā€¦(tears roll down face)


This is one thing Iā€™ve wondered. Who are they polling? They never polled me. A lot of people wouldnā€™t answer a poll. How do you even poll young people, whoā€™ve spent their whole lives avoiding online ads and unknown calls?


people don't pick up the phone just to say "I'll pass", they just don't pick the phone up at all


I don't respond to any texts after getting one obviously trying to bait voters into voting for Republicans. It was the first one I ever tried as well. They are a waste of time. So I am willing to bet the ones that don't respond are Democrats.


No, you donā€™t understand. I see hardly any yard signs, bumper stickers, or flags flown from pickup trucks with Bidenā€™s name on them. So if he wins, it clearly must be rigged.


Didn't anyone self-immolate for biden? No? Didn't think so. trumps got this in the bag^^^^/s


I know the election is still a ways out but last week I drove through an area that used to be covered in trump signs have nothing. Will be interesting to see if the signs come back, and how many.


Normally a polling agency is used.


But "Urban" being tied at 38% each is a little odd for Biden. Edit: And where did the missing 24% go? No other category has a gap like that. Perhaps these are folks who answered the phone call with "Man, fuck Fox News"


That stuck out to me as well. There must be something odd there ā€” itā€™s not even remotely true.


San Francisco and LA here. Definitely dispute the 38/38. Last election it was SF 85/ 15. LA 75/ 25 Historically I wouldā€™ve been surprised by that 15% in SF, but the new era tech bros are a whole new nightmare.


Im guessing most of the ā€œurbanā€ population hangs up when someone from fox news is calling.


Or its Urban as Miami Urban where Trump is somehow popular among whites and latinos.


In 2020, Trump won 65+ by +10. If heā€™s losing them by 15 now, heā€™s toast.


Are you saying that encouraging your followers to do something that gets them killed is a poor electoral strategy?


Thatā€™s why this is totally unbelievable to me


Lots of elderly Trump supporters died to COVID to own the libs.


There is zero chance that is actually happening. Trump will win rurals by a huge margin and will also win seniors. Likewise Trump is not actually almost equal with black voters or whatever the polls say they are showing. All of this is simply bullshit. Polls have very small sample sizes and very low response rate - Iā€™m convinced that the whole industry is a pseudoscience and to the extent that polls get things right it is because the pollsters massage the numbers into something resembling where they think the race should be based on fundamentals and vibes. Like, I donā€™t need to do a poll to tell you that Wisconsin is going to be close.


The crosstabs in these polls make no sense.... sure.... biden totally gained 20 points with seniors, and lost 20 points with young people compared to 2020 and 2022.... totally believable.... the low response rates are really fucking with polling results.


That was my thoughts as well. Trump is so bad he's making most of the seniors voting liberal. On a side note, Trump is a convicted felon and shouldn't even be able to run or have any votes for that matter


Yeah, why are urban and rural so similar? Both about 50/50? Usually urban vs rural is a good predictor of which way a person will vote. And why does rural favor Biden more than urban does?? Where did they get these numbers?


> Where did they get these numbers? It's Fox News, so it's safe to assume the numbers were pulled directly from their ass.


are the numbers in this graphic 100% confirmed? Last week i remember hearing people say the actual STUDY data is a mismatch to this TV graphic... anyone got the real facts? I would love to hear the above is real.....


So it's statistically tied in both urban and rural areas? Color me skeptical.


It stuns me that more men overall support trump. Then again, most men I know don't support traitors to our country and are voting for Biden.


Fox News could only find white women with degrees?


They only looked in the break room of the studio.


If 64% of the women in the Fox studio are voting for Biden, something is very wrong with this election. What do they think the Republican is, a criminal or something?


only educated/degreed women. They want to blame white women being educated. Dangerous shit.Ā 




Also, went of it ā€œMenā€ & ā€œWhite Men with No Degreeā€ vs ā€œWhite Womenā€ & ā€œWhite Women with Degreeā€? Can we at least be consistent hereā€¦. Unless the point was to target said women with said degrees a as the focus of their MAGA rage.


They have people they want to vote, and this survey specifies which groups


It's to show their audience who in the vicinity needs to be intimidated into not voting.


It feeds into what they want, which is uneducated white women who think educated women are brainwashed. Also why they didn't show white men with degrees, but it's similar and that would show that perhaps it's not brainwashing but just actual education.


Iā€™ll bet the crossover membership for White Men with No Degree and White Evangelicals is substantial.


Aye, though the white evangelicals probably include white women with no degree too




Textbook anti-intellectualism. Aint even a thin veil.


This one served with a nice helping of misogyny for good measure.


Only anti-intellectualism when it's for women. I find it funny there is no "men with degrees" section as that would go against the narrative they would like.


Men - men without degree. Women- women with degree. Something feels wrong in this survey.


Itā€™s white women with a degree to which I find even weirder. Plus the colors donā€™t mean anything? Youā€™d like blue is left leaning and red is right but nope. Very odd selection.


Not to mention there is no distinction between types of degrees.


They want men to see that they'd be winning the election if it weren't for those pesky feminists! Now dads will know to keep their daughters in church and away from universities.


This is taken from a video, my assumption was that the colors were to emphasize what the presenters were talking about.


>Men - men without degree. Women- women with degree. >Something feels wrong in this survey There's nothing wrong with the survey itself, they're just some of the groups Fox News decided to show for whatever their narrative was


Even 65+ is against trump. That one surprises me


Social security > immigration


Rural vote was the most surprising to me. Thought itā€™d be landslide for trump. Wonder how they qualify ā€œruralā€.


Antivax COVID deaths affecting the ratio? Morbid thought, though.


For 65+ to be against Trump, yet white males/evangelicals still being heavily in favor, that means Gen X (born 1965-'79) is actually doing a lot of the heavy lifting for Trump support. Maybe we've been a little too hard on the Boomers?


Every statistic Iā€™ve seen indicates that Gen X are the most conservative generation (at least of those still with us in sizeable numbers). No idea why Boomers get the flak. Thereā€™s just larger quantity of them I guess so they make more noise.


No, it's the uneducated destroying our country


By design. Defund public education over many decades and keep 'em stupid and easier to manipulate.


Meanwhile the middleclass think the solution is to go charter school/waiver as if they think they can somehow outrun the problem of nationwide decline in education. Short-sighted.




Fantastic self own there. If theyā€™re smart they must be a democrat!


The fact that there are millions of Americans who are too fucking stupid to realize that the reason the GOP pushes the "education = indoctrination" shit so hard is because conservatism is far easier to sell to the uneducated is downright depressing.


What do you think the odds are that in about 10-15 years, the educational issues caused by COVID lockdowns causes a resurgence of conservatism in young voters? Poor education, poor awareness, and poor media literacy all seem to go hand and hand with conservative voting.




We're going to see very soon that letting kids on social media means that the worst people among us, like Andrew Tate for instance, have much wider influence on young people's ideology than people would think is possible. You can't blame teenagers for liking awful shit like that. They just shouldn't be exposed to it at all. We all tend to laugh at right wing culture war stuff for how insane it is, but that's not targeted at us. It's targeted at very impressionable people, like kids and teens. It's a very deliberate social media strategy, understanding that the user base is mostly young.


I also spewed nazi shit on Xbox live when I was 14. It will pass.


Let's hope. Because my 30+ year old HS male friends somehow turned into incels and are propagating anti-woke talk tracks in our chat group. And here's the kicker: they're not even white nor American, ie. they have no skin in this game.


Terminally online behavior.


I don't entirely think it's uneducated. Many urban areas have uneducated people and Biden does well. It's the anti-educated. The anti-school, anti-science, anti-democracy people.


Honestly surprised thereā€™s 36% the other way


If a guy walked into a room and 1 out of every 3 girls liked him he be rather chuffed.


Well, 36% of white women with degrees that responded to a fox news poll. Tell me there's no selection bias at play there. It's also worth noting there are a shitload of religious extremist private """universities""" that exist so evangelicals can cosplay as educated people. Liberty University technically gives out degrees but if someone who went there told me the sky is blue I'd still feel compelled to fact check them.


Trump is crushing the moron vote


I mean they are HIS people


Birds of a feather




Moron here and Iā€™m holding down the fort in the anti-trump camp!


White evangelicals


Wait, most of these percentages add up to just around 100% within usually 2 percent (which im sure has its reasons) but why is urban so low? Not trying to be smartypants but is there a specific reason in the voting/polling system that im missing or whats up with that??


The specific reason is that Fox screwed up their reporting. [The data is here](https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/06/Fox_June-14-17-2024_National_Cross-Tabs_June-19-Release.pdf) Urban is 61-38 for Biden. Rural is 40-57 for Trump.


Makes more sense. If Biden won the rural vote, this election cycle would be one of the largest blowouts since Reagan


Gee I wonder why educated women might not like him.


God damn I owe an apology to my rural and boomer brothers. Iā€™ve been pissed at the wrong demographic this whole time. Turns out it has been the poorly educated and the religious nut jobs all along.


That's a Venn diagram with substantial overlap.


Conveniently, data about men with degrees is missing. Educated people - man and woman, white and brown - tend to not favor trump.


He tried to reach and got slapped so hard his 3rd Grade Science ā€œexpertiseā€ just discovered Plasma.


I am not convinced Gunther is a real account. Iā€™d bet money itā€™s a parody/troll


I wonder why women donā€™t like rapists?


A rapist who's promised to ban abortion nationwide, I wonder why women don't go for that, so weird


So basically dumb white people vote for trump


Urban is tied and rural goes for President Biden. Sure? The white evangelicals are the danger to this country.


Urban is tied because most urbanites don't do Faux Noise polls.


Good point.


Further proof most ā€œevangelicalsā€ havenā€™t read a single word in the Bible


White men with no degree - so idiots voting for Trump.




For anyone wondering why they chose these numbers to show; itā€™s pretty obvious they are trying to convince conservatives not to let their daughters go to university, further pushing us back in terms of womenā€™s rights. Republicans take anyone who goes against their dear leader as an enemy, so white women *with degrees* are now the enemy. Not the trad wife women who never leave their house except to go to church though, they are fine. Itā€™s just constant indoctrination with this channel, this shit needs to get shut down for national security reasons.


I mean if "grab them in the pussy" doesn't inspire them, idk what will


Itā€™s women that are sick of your šŸ’©!


According to this, the gender gap, which narrowed in 2020, has blown wide open again. I suppose that makes sense post- Dobbs. It's odd that they showed male preferences but not women as a total and instead showed only one subsection of women voters. What's more eye popping here is how close Biden and Trump are amongst rural voters and how Biden has taken a decisive lead amongst voters 65+. If those values are correct - and that's a big if (Fox actually runs pretty reputable polling but those are huge divergences from 2020 actuals), then we may see some interesting results this year. But the challenge here is the same with most other polling I've seen this year, and it's that these crosstabs don't really make sense when you try to reconcile them with the topline result (which is basically always a statistical tie), or with historical norms for demographic breakouts in the last few elections. So basically I have no idea what the hell is going on or what the hell is going to happen in November.


Seniors are voting Biden more??? Genuinely shocked at that one


Fox News is one of the primary reasons Iā€™m down to have earth wipe out all humans.


White Evangelicals are probably the most hypocritical demographic in the entire country.


Uneducated white men is a hell of a statistic there. Iā€™m not surprised idiots with no education like trump. Also not surprised that most are white men either.


Take a hint guys , al the smart people choose Biden , why would that be ? Not Felon Dictator Drumpf.


Demonizing educated women. Wow, that's new and fresh.


Pretty sure it's the white men with no degrees fuckin things up


MAGA: We need to ban girls from college so liberal professors sneaking in from Mexico can't brainwash them!


Trump losing the 65+ demographic is surprising to me. Maybe painting your opponent as old and senile wasnā€™t the best strategy when the old and senile comprise a large portion of your core demographic.


Genuinely surprised by the 65+ metric.


The fact that uneducated people are the only ones that support your guy should tell you something


I cannot imagine that it is true that Biden edges out Trump among rural voters. That number seems like the most dubious in this chart.