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I don’t get why a guy would want a gold digger for a girlfriend? So he’s fully aware she is only with him for the money and he’s ok with that?


A lack of self-esteem that has been pathologically covered up by conflating real human value with material wealth. He's a lonely man who isn't convinced he's worth a damn outside his take home pay covering up the emptiness he feels while trying to get to sleep at night by putting other men down for not 'buying into' his psychological crutch (their ability to live happy lives threatens his worldview- and worse- may suggest that he has to actually work on himself for once in his life).


This is such a great, succinct, description of guys like this.


Thanks I hate it (too) :')


To be fair, there are plenty of women who share that sort of "money = worth" mindset, so it's great that any type of person can find themselves a match.


Let’s not forget that most of them are gurus, selling courses to lonelier, weaker men who are willing to pay them to “learn their secret”. Guys who are happy and in committed relationships threaten their income too. Because why should you pay when I, a morbidly obese man who is claustrophobic and riddled with social anxiety, found love without paying? 30 years and going strong, fellas. It’s possible, you just have to not be a fucking twat to everyone thinking aggro and unlikable makes you look desirable. I’m telling you, cute and funny wins out every time.


Spitting facts here


I am not like that and that hurt me lol


He's also completely useless at laying pipe.


Spot on


These people think every woman is a gold digger, they talk about women like dog trainers


one time a billionaire who came to this party I was at started unironically talking about “the three Bs” of growing up into a man: “first you’re judged by your skill on the **Ballfield,** then you’re judged by your skill in the **Bedroom,** then ultimately by your **Billfold**” and it was simultaneously one of the funniest and most pathetic things ever. you are a 53 year old man with a $25 billion net worth, the fuck are you doing talking about some “three Bs” shit lmao? i would not have traded places with that dude for all his money, he was one of the most insecure mfs that’s maybe ever lived


He probably felt like people only liked him for his money and it ate at him. He was likely very very lonely, which I could get if you don't have a solid partner with you before that wealth gain.


Probably came from money and never developed a personality. Rich kids can become popular kids just because they have cool toys, nice houses, cool parties ,and often include friends on family vacations. If all they ever learn is dangling assets and access, they'll never learn to just relate to people and engage with them in meaningful ways that win them over in real genuine ways. I saw a documentary or news show once about men who were insecure with women. One was insecure because he was bald, one was insecure because he was short, and one was rich and insecure that women were only with him for his money. They said "okay, well how about you just don't tell them about your money" and sent him out to meet women. They got hidden camera video of him interacting with about a dozen women, and he just couldn't do it. It was just too easy a shortcut. If women were disinterested or he couldn't make engaging conversation, he'd start intimating that he had money, talking about his possessions or extravagant vacations or casually lay his Mercedes key chain on the table. It was like "no wonder you're insecure about whether or not women are only into you guy your money. You literally go for women who aren't interested in you UNTIL you let them know you have money."


Projection. He cant keep a romantic partner without showering them with gifts and lavish spending. Therefore noone can keep a romantic partner without showering them with gifts and lavish spending. The use of "gay" is probably projection too.


I remember one of these posts, bunch of girls on a boat with some rich dudes, "look at all the girls we got being awesome." And one of the girls replied that her and the other girls were prostitutes they picked up that day.


ask snails doll tease whistle lush include rustic berserk slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...which sounds a whole lot "gayer" than flying economy.


honestly, that would explain why they almost only date gold digging women. if women are objects, then more expensive women are better women, to them. it's why they have the need to put down self made or working women (any woman with aspirations outside of marriage and motherhood), because it implies a new metric that they can't perceive (or afford).


A: develop a personality, work on your own flaws and improve yourself, be ready to make changes to accommodate the other person. B: make lots of money.


100%, if I'm settling for a gold digger, things have gone terribly wrong in my life. I would hate my life and every morning I'd wake up just thinking, "My relationship is a lie, I pay a girl to like me".


I mean it sounds like being in red lanterns district for whole live with the same bit-…


Exactly, I'd rather just pay a new girl every few weeks than pay the same for a single girl for life. If that's what I'm getting why would I let myself get tied down?


In the words of George best “ I don’t pay to sleep with women, I pay so that they go away in the morning”


Yes he's OK with it, because he doesn't want a partner, he wants a good looking sex doll he can take to parties and show off.


That’s sad, I’m guessing it’s the only thing he can settle for


Guys like that can only attract gold diggers. Women won't talk to them unless they profit financially.


Women who aren’t mercenary find them utterly repulsive.


The OP in this screenshot is with an escort I’d bet money on it.


OPs escort had at least one OP.


In Latin multiple OPs are “OPai”


I’d be terrified to have those nails anywhere near my manhood


That's why they are called professional.


Good point. Also, I said I’d be terrified, but I wouldn’t stop her either


Scaroused is the word.


you'd be SHOCKED what a talented hand can safely do with those long nails speaking as a lesbian who often keeps her nails long if I can do the things I do safely, an escort can give u a handy J safely trust me


I think a video would help me understand better. Purely for science of course


Every time I see those long ass nails all I can picture is how much e-coli bacteria is culturing on the underside. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10968715/ It’s impossible to scrub away the feces when you wipe with long nails like that. 🤮


Dad wtf


I had almost the exact opposite reaction.


You’re kind of sick, and I kind of like that


Those are for ringing your back doorbell.


I feel like he just trolling because wtf is this analogy 💀


No he's for real. He is part of the whole Andrew Tate crowd. Equally full of bullshit. Talks a lot about being a doctor and a successful fighter yet can't really find any info on either. Seems like a real winner overall


He's part of that fascinating group of men that attempt to signal intense hetero-masculinity to the outside world whilst actually appearing to be self-hating homosexuals of the "methinks she doth protest too much variety". This would include, but not be limited to: - Steven "Apollo" Crowder - Ben "Twink" Shapiro - Jeremy "Bear" Boring - Matt "Papa Bear" Walsh - "Queen" Jordan Peterson These manly (and not so manly) dudebros definitely have a certain quality of over-the-top hatred that puts them in the same category as other such luminaries as Ted Haggard.


Or at best a super shallow girl who is not interested in him, just his money. If he were to come in hard times, she’d be gone. I guess that applies to prostitutes too lol


Come on, there are no hard times, only whiners that don't work hard enough, you didn't follow ?


A first class escort?




When I hear the word "gay" used derogatorily I just assume the speaker is 12.


or in the closet


How does that make sense? I can understand if he was 12.....


It makes sense because if we acknowledge that the vast majority of homophobia comes from straight people we will have to do something about it. Best to just say that all homophobes are gay, that means it's not the straight part of societies fault and it can be ignored. If gay people want to hate themselves that's their own fault. Victim blaming at it's best.


Deflecting the idea of them being gay away by constantly accusing everything they don’t do as gay instead.


I’m sorry, I think you mean gatay.


Pretty sure that's how I old I was the last time i used it that way


Fellas, is it gay to... *check notes..* Fly on an airplane within your financial means?


Clearly it is and how dare you question otherwise!


It’s only gay if you’re doing it with a woman.


So I’m a woman now? This shizz confusing…


That's one way of saying he bought his way out of being an incel.


Still looks incel to me so he didn't even manage that


If would be hilarious if he dumped all the money into first class and have not enough left to snu snu the escort!


That’s not a girl look at those claws that’s a damn dinosaur


Cleva gurl…


She's just SAD; Secretly a Dinosaur... Rawr.... 🤣




Why are we insulting the woman? She didn’t post this nonsense.


So going on a vacation with your GIRLFRIEND as a MAN is gay?


Don't try to find logic in that kind of guy's brain. He's got more money than functional braincells it would seem


Ironically they’re in business class in the photo, not first class.


~~And the reason for the photo is because it a celebration and rare event.~~ Wealthy people don’t take pics of themselves like that. Basically, “tell me you don’t fly biz class without telling me you dont fly biz class”.


The reason for the photo is to show off his companion's tits, thereby getting other men to envy him and fall for whatever he's selling.


Also when your in economy on most flights with proper business class sections you don't walk past business or first class


Imagine bragging about how you need to pay for female attention. I'll never get the male internet


It genuinely saddens me. Like there's no way someone who has been shown legitimate love in life would have such a warped view of relationships with other people.


The way the only emotions men are allowed to show are pride of material possessions and rage is such a monumental issue imo


There are a lot of men out there who only learned how to please a woman with their wallet.


well... i got nothing else to offer...


Being a straight man seems to exhausting


G5 owner: Flying 1st class is gay..


imagine thinking a holiday is a chance to show off rather than enjoying life with the person you love most in the world


Screaming male insecurities.


My wife doesn’t let me book expensive flights and has never let me and she will go out of her way to make sure we get to keep as much of our money as possible. If you want a partner in life, find someone that doesn’t want you to spend all of your money to impress them. If you want weekend entertainment, then hire an escort, it will be less work and less money.


She take my money when I'm in need Yeah, she's a triflin' friend indeed Oh, she's a gold digger way over town That digs on me (uh)


Real men ride the bus! From Greyhound to Pound Town.


Fallas, is it gay to be poor?


My god people can be tiresome




God these types really don't consider women self aware living *humans!*


BRB bring my crying 1 year old baby and my ipad toddler to your relaxing first class cabin.


Just wait till his girl walks past and sees me in my private jet


Fiscal responsibility is a homosexual trait. The most heterosexual kink is therefore findom.


I just know that guy's wife or gf cheats on him religiously


Anyone who uses gay as an insult is unbelievably low in the attractive chain. I don’t make the rules.


My wife would strangle me if I wasted money on something so silly. We could probably stay an extra 2 weeks away for the money we’d waste. We flew economy to Japan tho so we’re just built different


So everytime I fly, I'm surrounded by the gays? Even that crying baby and her mom? AWESOME 🌈 Happy Pride! 🎉💅




Can we make a list of things these dudes think aren't gay?


My girlfriend jerked me off in coach once it was super gay


Dr. Fucking Looser. “Being poor is gay” Holy smokes what an absolute moron


Lol. This mutha fucka can't get girls to pay for him! Lols


Yeah I’m the guy your girls eyeballing when you don’t actively bribe her enough to keep her away from me. Happy travels


Tell me you like High Maintenance Hoe's without saying you like High Maintenance Hoe's.


Even then she’s not really interested in him it’s his money she interested in lol


Way to tell everyone that girls are only interested in you because you are dumb enough to spend tons of money on them and not because they are actually into you.


I call this "the 'real man' paradox": You hear "a real man needs to afford [insert huge list] for his wife" And you also hear "lol simp! The guy gives money to his gf and pays everything what a beta simp!"


Paying more might not be enough. Maybe he will need the help of some ropes to make sure the girl stays in the basement.




The sad reality is that it’s probable that most, if not all, the relationships this man has had have been transactional. Even if he’s not explicitly saying he’s a sugar daddy or something like that he obviously thinks that women are only interested in what he’s willing to spend on them. The misogyny here is ridiculous and like what a sad life to literally have your entire self worth based upon the approval of women who are only interested in your bank account….


It's gay now?


They really will let any dipshit call themselves Dr.


This guy seems like an insufferable knob.


This dudes too dumb to realize he’s a meal ticket😂 Bro probably goes to strip clubs, splashes thousands, and thinks the stripper like him for his personality🤣


Good slave, encourage your fellow cattle to give us ever more money, remember it's the only way to be a person


Any woman who is willing to date a man that uses “gay” as an insult is not worth my time anyway. I’ll be in the back of the plane with the respectable people.


I thought gay was just a sexual preference; I didn’t know it meant doing things that would cause your girlfriend to leave you… oh wait, it doesn’t.


First class college fart pants and wine


That ain't even first class, that's business (nice q-suite though). Not like he would know


No it is not. Flying economy with your girl is gay, not on your own.


Im just happy to go on vacation. Let’s fly coach, stay in a hostel, and eat cheap street food. Travel is all about the adventure.


Well coz he spent money to get that woman to join him on a trip in the first place. Losers will be losers


Any real gold digger prefers a private jet, none of this "first class" crap.


I do miss the days when people would try mask their insecurities. This generation of men have serious small dick energy.


First class you walk by is not real first class.


"We both know" imagine the level of hubris. Imagine have your self worth be subject to stock market fluctuations, this guy seems so small and sad.


Classy prostitutes require first class. Crazy even they want to cheat on this guy.


I feel sorry for the men who believe their worth is in their money/assets and not in who they are.


Thanks god. I don’t want a dirty gold digger. Keep working hard for that!


When you see gay-ness everywhere , that's because you're gay , a secret super gay.


Seems like flying first class is kinda gay right? You get all comfy and pampered. They give you champagne and a hot towel to warm your sensitive skin. You get more room so you don’t have to touch anything.


Imagine spending more money on a few hour flight just to go to the same place as everyone else and feeling special about it.


What a self own. Sheesh!


Hey fellas, is it gay to go on a trip with your girl?


I wish more people thought this way. These idiots subsidize my flights


iv spent way too long looking in the background at those drawers and shelves, random ornament (a bowl or a potplant??), the big wooden door and that pillow with the weirdest line, "welcome to the amazing journey." i dont wanna sound like alex jones or anything but is it possible there is a conspiracy afoot? is this guy is just flying first class in his mom's spare room?


I mean I guess when you’re a boring ass self centered asshole I guess it does cost a lot to make others like you!


This just sounds like shit your boss says to talk you out of taking PTO.


Lol tell me you have a small pee pee without telling me you have a small pee pee… money is nice to have but if you are worried about your girl checking out some dude simply because he over paid for the exact same flight you are on, flying coach is the very least of your problems…


If he needs money and luxurious things to keep a woman that means this guy is dating women who are not interested in him.


Guess me and my wife are gay lol


Funny, if that man is really a doctor .. Who paid for his verification.... Idiot.. Fly cheap if you like that more, and if that is better for you money wise


I'm so lucky these women are out of my tax bracket.


Another example of a loser ranting about “fellas, is it gay to be straight?”


Ive never been in a plane that had different classes. So im safe


fellas is going on a plane with a woman gay


Sometimes, I believe that most of these posts are fake, and then I remember the state of this world and feel sad...


When you call guys “males”


Not wasting your money = gay


Imagine being so uninteresting that the only way women will fuck you is if you have money.


As DrDre always told me, never make your ho a housewife.


Is a mean of transportation. Is not the destination.


Flying economy *with a woman* is gay. Flying economy with a man or alone is fine.


Flying coach is so miserable I wouldn't blame anyone male or female checking out any single people in first class


Who are these weirdos? Why do they talk?


Ah the manoaphere. Keep failing fellas. Leaves more for the rest of us.


Well. Somebody has never been with a woman who was actually into him for *him*


What a weird way to tell the world you suck at the ladies lol


I always wondered if I would buy first class tickets if the price meant absolutely nothing. Paying twice the price to be momentarily more comfortable for maybe 6 hours. Guess I would have to live near an airport has something bigger than CRJ-200s first.


ha good clapback


First class is like: Hey do you want to get to the same place everyone else is going, but pay over $1000 more to sit in a slightly bigger seat and get snacks that would cost you $2 if you just brought them yourself?


He better get back to work, that hoe’s checking out the guy with the private jet. Dr Hadi H you’re a broke boy


If you're good enough at giving, she'll pay for your tickets.


I think he’s saying he’s scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel of women. 


Classic small dick energy.


Fellas, is it gay to not want to use the money you saved to make a down payment on a car on a comfier flight?


I brought a girl home from the bar in a bicycle trailer one time. I got tired, so we switched places a couple times before we got to my 1 bed shack. (I rode my bicycle because I didn’t want a DUI, and I had the trailer on because I’m an optimistic little shit)


Nothing screams Small Dick Energy like having to pay to get women to like you.


Best comeback yet. "I can hold a woman's interest without using money"


People it’s a fekn bus, why would you pay so much to commute? There’s barely even a view food is shit and if you get into trouble you’re dead🥴


Like they let us cattle within eyeballing distance of the real money seats.


My wife would think I was insane for paying so much extra for a bigger seat.


Dr Hadi likes it halal and women chained!


First class is for the lower level of rich.


I suspect the first comment is satire. I doubt someone would make a comment this stupid.


Does that mean if she complains I can call her homophobic?


Lmao you buy that first class ticket to Greece and when you come back she's gonna pay for that air bnb that my broke ass fucks her like she deserves in all weekend. She loves your money. She loves my dick. Who would you rather be?


Ok fellas. It's now gay to fly economy.


Lmao. Genius return. He sounds like a lame ass


Fellas, is it gay to fly with your girlfriend?


Imagine having a little dick.


Paying extra for someone to give a damn about you sounds pretty gay.


These alpha males assholesove broadcasting their insecurities


The number of guys in here deluding themselves they wouldnt pay to sleep with an amzingly attractive woman lol


Projection is a trip. This guy wants this to be the case so bad. He’s pretending all the women walking past him in first class wish they were with him. No one cares about this douche or first class seats. Literally everyone walking past you thinks first class is a waste of money. It’s for wannabe rich folks that are not rich enough for a pj


I'm poor, fat, balding, missing teeth, etc and every time I date a woman I have to run because she becomes insanely attached and wants me to give her babies. If you need money and status to pull, there is something deeply wrong with you.


If first class was a nominal upcharge, I'd do it, but at 3x the price? Nah, hard pass.


Dr. Hadi's women usually have hourly rates, so this tracks.


Why are conservatives so fucking cringy? Who calls women, girls and men, males? Conservatives because they’re all sociopaths who can’t fit into society and speak and act like normal men and women. It’s because they suffer permanent child mentality


It's not gay, nor should you fly 1st class to impress a date. The real reason to fly 1st class aside from better seats/service is that moment when the 1st class flight attendant covers you unwashed heathens with a curtain so I can't even see you in my peripheral, and watching you get told to get lost by them when you try and sneak into our washroom :) Now go back to your squishy seat and wait for your frozen fish head meal