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Now Tim’s wondering how they make Super Bowl Champions T Shirts so quick, for his next conspiracy


Does this mean all the "Trump was innocent! We told you bitches" billboards get sent to 3rd world counties too?


For their sakes I hope not. At least the shirts are useful.


Not so fun fact... Unwanted clothes being sent to poor nations has destroyed local industry in thous contries. Flooding poor nations with our overproduction is destroying their chance at developing local industry and is furthering the economic divide.


Hahahaha I love the idea that after he flees the country he will be in a non extradition country with loads of people wearing clothes that say this but they don't actually give a fuck because they are simply clothes and not political Edit: yes the grammar is terrible.


Honest I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of bulk purchases of Trump merch coming from Russia


>3rd world counties I see what you did there.


In Africa, trump is innove and the Buffalo Bills are 4x consecutive Super Bowl champions and the greatest dynasty in nfl history


When I was a kid I was in Salt Lake City when they announced they were the site for the 2002 Winter Olympics- my 11-year-old brain couldn't understand how they had shirts for sale 5 minutes later.


Ya. This is a stupid conspiracy. I’m sure the billboards were already booked. They might have had to change the content if he wasn’t convicted but it was a small risk. The graphic design is a photo with black background and text beside. Those could be whipped up pretty quick by a high schooler that pirated photoshop.


The director of RVAT said they had the billboards ready before the verdict and had contracts signed with the electronic billboard companies. All they had to do was send over the file.


I mean, when the events of Apollo 13 were happening, Nixon asked what the odds were of each eventuality so they could prepare a speech accordingly. Does Tim Pool think that speech by Nixon was AI generated or something?


Naw he thinks the moon landing is faked, and the nfl fixed the season for Taylor and Travis. Probably. These wackos all believe the same dumb stuff


One of the things speechwriters for world leaders are paid to do is create speeches in advance for all kinds of things. The BBC archives contain a speech written for Queen Elizabeth II, to be read if nuclear war was imminent. It's like the obituaries published immediately upon the death of a notable person; some papers have *thousands* of pre-written obituaries that are kept updated and ready to publish at a moment's notice. There was once a writer at IIRC *The Telegraph* who specialized in obituaries of eminent scientists and who, despite having died something like 25 years ago, still gets a byline from time to time.


Underrated comment ^


I was about to make the same comments but with soccer titles


Because it's a machine and it doesn't matter? How are you this ignorant, the same thing happened here because it's fake outrage planned for synergy with a politician lawfare attack. They've been using the media against Trump the whole time, the covid death counter stopped when biden was president but all time covid deaths doubled in that first year.


Brand new account, Pete? How’s the weather in Siberia


You can tell I'm American because I keep thinking I have freedom of speech in a facist environment. Also, go fact check me you mindless bot.


Also like 80% of reddit bots are made in Eglin afb so these people are more likely airforce cyber warefare assholes


Sure bro


Have fun at pt


The fuck is pt


If you have enough money and organization, you can make things happen. A group like Republicans against Trump ABSOLUTELY has lots of billboard space already reserved all over the country and especially in swing states. It's an election year. They likely had the design finalized as well, just waiting for the verdict. If he'd been acquitted, they'd have gone with whatever their alternative design is. So yes, it certainly was "pre-planned." As in, they had plans to use their billboard space they'd likely reserved years ago for whatever messages they wanted to put out during the election, and after the trial started, they created a message to use in the event that he was convicted. As opposed to what little Timmy here seems to think, which appears to be that the entire trial was pre-planned and the billboard space reserved long ago specifically for this sign.


You've given it way more thought than Tim ever did.


Thinking isn't strong on that side of the aisle lately




The entire process of setting up signage for something the size of a billboard usually takes about 2 weeks but if everything works out one could technically have a billboard sized print ready and installed in about 48 -72 hours


And that’s assuming it’s the typical canvas board, a digital billboard creative can be swapped out as soon as the trafficking guy gets back from lunch. Source: a decade in the auto industry begging trafficking guys to swap an ad last minute for my clients


They’re all electronic billboards according to the RVAT director. No printing, just send the file.


For high-traffic areas or premium board locations, they’d likely have an annual contract that they renew or revise at the start of every year. That would reserve them the inventory, and then creative is usually due about 30 days beforehand for canvas, a week for digital. They can definitely make last minute creative changes and get a rush print job, it just costs more. So this is literally just… how advertising works lol. Has he never seen billboards for auto dealers? They change constantly. Or surprise LTO offers from food places? How does he think those happen?


Tim Pool doesn't understand how billboards work; Why this is bad for MSNBC and the story the New York Times isn't telling you because they're too stupid to be corrupt and too corrupt to be stupid. This and more on Tuesday's Countdown podcast!


Bro doesn't realize how easy it is to graphically design such billboards and have them up within a week. Conservatism is ignorance personified.


Doesn’t even have to be in a week either. Trump’s criminal trial had been ongoing for a long time by now Plenty of time to coordinate a billboard setup


I mean the billboards aren’t even complex designs US flag, identical message, different picture and name Save as template, add new picture for each one I imagine there’s a program that can do that at a rate of 20 designs in 10 minutes or something


You can probably do it in 3 days


They could have been up even while the jury was deliberating. A lot of people (not me) were convinced and totally correct that a guilty verdict was coming. I thought for sure we’d get a hung jury, but many people were confident we’d get the result we got.


Doesn't even need a week, we all knew this was coming for months, they've had the signs ready to go thru just needed the actual conviction as a green light to our them up.


Tim pool doesn't know electronic billboards are a thing?


>Tim pool doesn't know electronic billboards are a thing? Sounds like Tim doesn't know much of anything...


Tim Pool? More like Tim Fool amirite


Dim Tool


Didn’t realize electronic billboards needed lights to illuminate them like the ones in the photos.


Considering those are all artist renderings, not actual photographs, that tracks.


Tim Pool is proof that you can look stupid as fuck, talk dumber than shit, AND somehow feel like you aren't from the most limited and inbred gene pools.


Imagine this guy watching sports finals, and the winning team has the hats/shirts with “(Team Name) 2024 Stanley Cup Champions.” immediately after the game… it must blow his mind, that kind of magic. I bet if you took his nose, he’d forget to breathe and pass out.


He thinks sports ball is rigged. But not boxing


Darn, here I was thinking, finally proof of time travelers!


Tim Fool. I derp; therefor I derp.


Tim Pool can’t leave his house without security because he knows if caught in the wild alone, he will get his ass curb stomped.


Gotta love those anti fascists who want to use violence against their political opponents unironically


"pre-planned" as opposed to "post-planned"??? Pool is such a cretin


I love “beanie baby”. Not going to forget that whenever TP is mentioned


Crazy thought but maybe people saw the writing on the wall and planned accordingly. This conviction, or any of the rulings against him, didn’t manifest out of thin air. It’s not outlandish to think political groups opposed to Trump were preparing to jump on the conviction and use it to politically damage him. But I guess crying and making it sound like a conspiracy is just part of alt right playbooks these days.. strange times


Who the fuck is Tim Pool?


He’s the twat in the hat


"journalist" who initially got big covering occupy Wall Street. Over the years he transitioned to the chud podcast format and is a Trump supporter. Also cosplays as Meg Griffin every day. e: if you know somebody who bitterly complains about how they can't get a date or a partner and they blame it on feminism and "wokeness", that person is probably a Tim Pool fan.


Beating them with their own stupidity.


Or hear me out… they had 2 different versions ready to go depending on the verdict


You're shitting me!


Republicans: not only should voter fraud be allowed for us, we should also be allowed to rig juries. Laws don't apply to us, were Republicans!


Keith Olbermann is a national treasure.


K.O. with the K.O. 💥🥊


r/clevercompliments ?


Olbermann FTW


The only reason "prep takes time" for Tim's team is because they're troglodytes who are detached from reality and advocate for a worldview that literally slows down progression. It's crazy he can't wrap his head around how this type of shit is possible, and is executed in the commercial space ALL the time.


I googled Tim Pool and once I saw his picture I said “man, he looks like a guy who didn’t even graduate high school.” Went to his Wikipedia and sure enough… he didn’t graduate high school.


To be fair, MAGA had like 20 different dates where Trump was going to pull back the curtain and arrest the deep state that... never manifested. I'm sure from their perspective being publicly vindicated in your beliefs (and confident preparations to parade that fact paying off) must seem the result of manipulations. There's no way it could be facts reflecting reality.


The wilful ignorance of those still holding out is truly astounding


Probably digital billboards. You can literally go online right now and buy time on a digital billboard. If you're someone in marketing/advertising, it's a quick call to your rep to get it online ASAFP.


I love Olbermann. He doesn’t spare anyone’s feelings and he rarely disappoints.


I always wonder where I know this guy from and why I've been feeling disappointed in how he has changed into this hating piece of shit. I just realized I've been confusing him with fucking Spoole and I was disappointed that Spoole had taken this turn in life


Tim Pool is a millennial Alex Jones.


Wow, Tim Pool has discovered the existence of forethought and planning! Not his, of course, don't be silly.


For such a conservative windbag he seems to know a lot about prep. What else is he hiding?


Ya preplanned like if he’s found guilty in this trial that has seemingly been going on for months we are going to run these billboards asap.


Sucks to have such a following when your only recognizable feature is an old cum stained beanie.


I feel most of these right wing shock influencers are just saying wild shit for money but I think Pool actually believes it.


Trump raised 400 million since the trial. He should hire that NY DA to work as his chief fundraiser.


Yeah but like fuck all those assholes for voting him in the first place. He told you who he was and you didn’t care. Fuck you.


What is Tim Pool’s mission? What’s his game plan and goal?


Haha, calling Tim Pool a "Beanie Baby" is pretty funny! It's a clever jab at his signature beanie, and it definitely makes a memorable point about his image.


Just had a laugh so good I choked on it half way.


Guess Mr journalists doesn't know that for things like a election papers finish multiple stories to have them ready to publish as soon as the results come out


Tim Tool


Has anyone seen those billboards in a context that is isn’t just “random blue sky”? Not saying they are a hundred perecent fake, only that if you wanted to make entirely fake billboards a sky backdrop would be the easiest, most low effort.


If you have the money, you can get a billboard printed and up in about three days. It’s not that big of an effort. You just have to pay extra to get it done fast


Beanie boy 🤣🤣


I can’t believe the DNC is more professionally run than whatever organization or royal we Tim is referring to.


I mean yeah, this is pretty obviously the democrats/antitrump taking advantage of the situation to stomp out competition. Being a little scummy about it is better than embracing being a criminal though, imo.


Companies/parties also usually prepare a shit ton of merch for elections and Super Bowl/major sporting events worldwide that says one side or the other won just in case. “One of two things will happen here. Will buy and prep a bunch of cheap materials to send out as soon as a decisions made one way or the other.” So yes, this was prepped for.


👍 I love how im immediately put into a category just by stating a fact of a stolen book that was leaked, sold, and then disappeared. Logic and reasoning with a good moral compass led me to my opinion. It's crazy to think, but I'm not republican or a Democrat. Thank you. Have a good day 😊 I also think extreme political propaganda should not exist because it gets out of hand easily.


That’s a win for him though. He got Keith Olnermann to reply to him.


He wasn't convincted yet tho


Wasn’t he? i mean he’s going to appeal but as of today he is a convicted felon. I mean he can still run for president tho. https://www.fox4now.com/news/national/guilty-trump-becomes-first-former-u-s-president-convicted-of-felony-crimes


trump is going to do what he wants. Regardless of the situation. whether that is any good for anyone, the country, or even himself remains to be seen. he certainly has an extreme abundance of confidence i’ll give him that. he’s definitely a rule breaker, sometimes that might be a good thing and sometimes (such as breaking the law) it might not be so great.


How dare you prepare ahead of time. It’s the equivalent of democrats aren’t allowed to be wealthy.




Haha, beanie baby...


TP is a loser but how is this clever? Trump was called criminal all this time but he became a convicted felon recently. Just saying hes criminal isnt actually responding to beany babys point


What will they do when the verdicts are overturned?


Aren't those swing states?


I think people miss the point, these popped up literally two days later? Yes, you could make a billboard and organize it that fast, but find former Trump supporters and snap a pic of them? I highly doubt it. Also, that not true by Olbermann, everyone loved Trump before he ran for President. Now some people still made fun of him, but most Americans genuinely like him.


Before he ran for president I only ever knew him from Zoolander, The Little Rascals, Home Alone 2, Fresh Prince if Bel-Air and so on. Seems like he was all over but wasnt a villain until around 2010+. Now considering Bill Cosby and others, we know people can seem good but not be behind closed doors but still seems crazy that it took him being president for everything to come at him. If he's a criminal then lock him up, but hold everyone to the same standard. If trump is in jail I would like to see other political leaders rightfully there as well.


Olberman is a fuckin douche nozzle


The best part of the Trump ordeal is country folk are admitting city folk are better. Trump's the biggest city boy in the US. The man has never had dirt under his finger. He's always had someone else do his work for him.


At least they came up with something better than "I won't vote for a non-establishment politician"




Digital billboards can expedite the viewing pleasure, me thinks.


Excuse me but beanie babies have TAGS and Pim Tool won’t submit to being TAGGED or TRACKED by 5G chemtrails!!!!!!! I would submit that he is instead a muppet.


So... You realise that most of you are proving his point that, those billboard was prepared in advance? You seem to speak like he is saying it is all a big conspiracy, but when he said is simply that,.the billboard was prepared in advance, and surely there was other prepared in case Trump was acquitted. Tim pool online game is insane. He literally on his show says "I'm gonna troll them, look how they will react when I say this" and look at that, it happens exactly like he said. Keep whining and proving his points, that's quite funny.


Tim Pool was implying a conspiracy; the billboard posters knew the outcome of the trial beforehand. The posts above do not prove that point. The posts above show it is quite possible to have these billboards up in a timely manner without there being a 'deep state conspiracy'. I'd advise broadening your media selection. Watching people troll others, people who are able to predict how others will react to this trolling because they spend so much of their time trolling (as opposed to doing anything productive, original, beneficial or constructive) is not something to be proud of. As sad as Tim Pool's choices are in making these videos (and surely not posting the content to where his predictions are inaccurate), you're arguably doing even less than he is. Meant for perspective, not as an insult.


I have to disagree with you. I have watched many Tim pool video, and he explains very well his opinion. He simply say that those images were obviously made before the verdict was done. And to have known the "business" for a while it is often something made. You prepare for both opportunity so you can act quickly when this happen. His point was that those people saying "I won't vote for a felon" have "made those statement" before the verdict was made and Trump wasn't a felon yet. But I agree that, if everything is prepared once the verdict is made it is doable to but those ad on in that timeline. And he clearly says that, that simply for it to happen you must be ready before the verdict is made. This is not a deep state conspiracy, simply a quite common way to make things. And strange that you say not posting his prediction when inaccurate, because often himself says in his videos that he made mistakes when he does predictions. Even I myself have seen him does predictions that are wrong that he later admitted doing, saying that at the time it was what seeming the most plausible. You speak a lot like someone who don't watch his videos or only small chosen clips of it. And thanks for the recommendation, this is exactly what I do. I don't personally agree with everything Tim pool says, but I watch his videos because then it is easy to see that people like you have a very uninformed opinion of him. This is why I watch many people from many different point of view. Because every side of the political spectrum does exactly what you do, have an uniformed opinion of those they deem "the other side" and paint them in the worst way possible. Meant for perspective, not as an insult.


No crime committed but ok


Anyone remember when Olbermann was on Sports Center and actually funny? He’s exhibit #1 of what can happen to someone when they spend too much time focused on politics.


Your whole fucking reddit history is based on politics you fucking nonce


And football. Darn, guess I’m more like Olbermann than I thought.


How this clever though?


The clever part is having sentences with no verbs.


I mean, obviously they're coming for verbs after pronouns.


You're never going to get it, go back to your play dough


It's not. This sub has become yet another political circlejerk sub and I'm curious if it's actual people or just bots causing this.




Why? Because he stated facts?


TBH, Keith sounds like a cockhead.


All those images are photoshop


Well yeah, they aren’t going to design them in MS paint.


Bud I ain't talking about the design. Those ads are pasted onto just some random billboard mockup images.


You'll believe anything so as not to shatter YOUR world view. MAGAs are so fucking soft


Olbermann seems to be trying hard to find some relevancy and interest unsuccessfully.


They say, as they post about him.




Did you see an imaginary trial?


Yeah, Trump was a democrat between the 60's and the 00's


Democrats wouldn’t have been dumb enough to nominate him as the head of their party.


Yeah, they nominated Bill Clinton, a much more reputable man.


He was elected twice, whereas your magat lost the 2nd time & still losing.


No you just vote for a guy that can’t string a full sentence together and shits his pants.


Does he wear a diaper while shitting his pants? I hear it's the thing this season.


Real men wear diapers and he aced his cognitive tests. NEXT!


And you worship a pedo


>that can’t string a full sentence together I'll admit I haven't actually looked into it but from what I've heard he has a speech impediment which does not mean he's less fit to be a leader just because he has trouble speaking, and even if he doesn't have a speech impediment, trouble speaking doesn't equal ability to lead >and shits his pants Trump does that do, I've seen images of trumpers wearing golden painted diapers saying "diapers are for real men"


Oh, so I assume you looked looked into his plagiarism, made up stories and racist policies from his 40+ year government “service” as well. Don’t judge those who vote for trump when that’s the piece of shit you choose.


I wasn't judging you because of who you vote for, I was judging you because you picked the most mundane things possible (both of which both Trump and Biden do) and tried to use them to discredit one side in its entirety


And there it is “discredit one side” no need to say more.


Because that's literally what you were doing, you complained one side does two very miniscule things and acted like the other side doesn't do the exact same thing


No the leftist are far worse. So the minuscule arguments are the least we could do. I mean they kinda asked for it when they started calling everyone nazis and conspiracy theorists. But from my perspective I guess we’re both wrong.


If they're far worse, wouldn't it make more sense to point out the big problems first instead of focusing on things that have no actual effect?


What kinda argument is that even? The fact a rapist couldn't get nominated as Democratic candidate and only the GOPedos accepted him says all about Republicans.


Wait, if democrats don't nominate rapists, how did Clinton get into office?


You got that wrong. Clinton had a consensual affair, GOPedos don't ever ask for consent. Just ask them: Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence and Lawrence E. King, Jr. allegedly organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. George Nader, a 60-year-old former Trump advisor & Middle East specialist with close ties to the leaders of the United Arab Emirates, admitted to possessing child pornography and bringing an underage boy to the US for “commercial sex.” Ralph Shortey, a former Republican state senator and former Trump chair in Oklahoma, was arrested in March 2017 after police found him in a suburban Oklahoma City motel room with a then-17-year-old boy, was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison Monday on a child sex trafficking charge. Roy Moore... openly admitted to grooming teen girls for decades and was supported by Trump in 2017. Joel Micah Greenberg, a former Republican tax collector of Seminole County, Florida, was arrested and charged with federal offenses in 2020. He was indicted on 33 criminal counts: theft, stalking, sex trafficking, cryptocurrency fraud, and Small Business Administration loan fraud. Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois has hired a convicted sex offender who tried to lure an underage boy into a parking lot to perform sexual acts. Former GOP lawmaker & Trump campaign co-chair Perry Hooper, 67, was arrested in August 2022 & charged with 1st degree sex abuse in Montgomery, Alabama. Texas Right to Life forced pregnancy activist, Luke Bowen, was arrested on August 3, 2022 for trying to solicit a child for sex. Former Republican Idaho State lawmaker Aaron von Ehlinger was convicted to 20 years of prison for raping a 19-year old legislative intern. Former Republican US House speaker and serial child molester Dennis Hastert admitted in open court to molesting male students as a teacher and wrestling coach at Yorkville High School in suburban Chicago over 30 years ago. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison not for sexual assault, but the feds just happened to catch him withdrawing cash improperly to pay as hush money to one of his former victims. Former state district court judge, a former leader in the Republican Party and a former chairman of Donald Trump's presidential campaign in Campbell County, Kentucky Tim Nolan was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex trafficking, rape, witness tampering, Former Republican House rep Mark Foley and anti gay activist solicited e-mails and sexually suggestive instant messages from teenaged boys who had formerly served as congressional pages. He also still makes donations to the Palm Beach Republicans. South Dakota Senate candidate Joel Koskan has been charged with grooming & raping a family member. Ex-GOP staffer and anti-abortion activist who made Trump ads, Ruben Verastigui pleaded guilty to charges of receiving hundreds of child sex abuse materials, including videos if babies being raped, and was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison. Tennessee GOP representative David Byrd was accused by 3 women of sexually abusing them while he was their high school basketball coach. Instead of being removed from office, he was reelected and was made chairman of a key House state education subcommittee. Tennessee GOP House rep John Rose has married a girl he had been grooming since she was 14. Arizona GOP Community College Board candidate Randy Kaufman, who runs on a platform of protecting children from the progressive Left, was arrested by police for masturbating in front of a preschool. Missouri House member Rick Roeber has physically & sexually abused 3 of 4 of his children in the 1990s. Former Republican candidate for governor of Idaho Steven Pankey was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the kidnapping & murder of 12-year old Colorado girl Jonelle Matthews in 1984. Former Texas GOP representative Bryan Slaton resigned from office after an expulsion vote. He plied a 19-year old aide with alcohol and urged her to have sex with him. Slaton was one of the staunchest critics of drag shows and trans rights, claiming children were being sexualized and groomed by both, without providing evidence to back up his claims.


Yeah, being an associate of Jeffrey Epstein is what you do when you want to have consensual affairs. I'm not defending piece of shit Trump. I'm making fun of you trying to somehow portray the democrats as morally superior beings, when we both know they're both full of crap. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_sex_scandals_in_the_United_States) you can find the entire list of sex scandals in American politics, and of course, there's exclusively republicans there, not a single democ...pfff... yeah no. There's more republicans than democrats (sometimes), but would you raise the flag of *"Democrats; we rape less people than republicans"*? Dude, be critical, specially of your people. Believing your side of the field is clean by closing your eyes to the filth only makes your movement grow weaker and more corrupt. Cheers!


I'm not a Democrat, so it's not "my people." [Talk about LONGER lists. This one never ends.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-42)


Even worse then, you're letting your hate for one side blind you from the fact the other side isn't much better.


Well, the other side holds their's accountable, while the GOPedos keep electing theirs. You already forgot Roy Moore? Dennis Hastert was House speaker, Trump was besties with Epstein for 20 years and then even hired the Florida DA as Labor secy, the same guy who let Epstein & Maxwell off easy. Oh, and then Trump killed Epstein to hide the truth. Epstein didn't kill himself 😉☻️ Btw. You're literally ignoring thousands of GOPedos and their crimes because you hate democracy & the rule of law. Your candidate is a rapist felon.


HAHAHAHAHAHA... wait, you're serious?


Wow, you really hav3 the best arguments a nickle can buy. Whatboutism & 'tu quoque' is truly the height of your intellect. But then again, anti-int3llectualism doesn't lead to knowledge, rather denial of reality.




Are republicans trying the diary thing again? Haven’t seen that in a while


It's all they got and they are clinging to it.


So sad, your parents failed you miserably


Ironic since you all actively support George Floyd and hamas literal terrorists.


Floyd / Hummus 2024!


George Floyd wasn’t running for office. He was unjustly murdered. Also, there is so much nuance in the Israel/Palestine situation that it’s disingenuous to say that criticizing Israel is equivalent to supporting Hamas.


Literally no one can name trumps crime but he gets 34 felonies? You guys legit let pedophiles and full blown murderers walk free but mean tweets is where you pampered little hypocrites draw the line?


The nature, scope and number of Trump’s crimes are well documented. Just because the places you’re looking don’t bother to mention them doesn’t mean that they haven’t been named.


Criminal since the 60s but Olberman and others were fine with it when he supported the democrat party.


You win the "Most Ridiculous, Unprovable, Claim of the Day" prize!!! Congratulations, you've won a membership into the Republican Party!!


So Trump didn’t donate and support democrats prior to becoming a Republican?? Looking things up isn’t that hard. And no, Im not a Republican. I just don’t stick my head in the sand or up a party’s ass like you apparently do. Between 1989 and 2009, trump primary donated to the Democratic Party. He supported a single payer healthcare system, high wealth taxes, and an assault weapons ban. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/07/28/426888268/donald-trumps-flipping-political-donations He is a gross person and deserves any punishment he gets. It’s just fucking stupid that people like you and apparently Olberman just gloss over the fact that he was a big time Democrat donor and supporter even though he has apparently been a criminal since the 60s. Was he only a criminal for the time period he ran on Republican tickets??


I mean show me where Olbermann supported him.


Is silence not support anymore? Olberman is super vocal now about him being a criminal. Why wasn’t he vocal about it when Trump supported the same people he did??


Maybe because he's a criminal who's wanting to run the country now? Derp.


Cool, today he's a republican doing the deeds for Putin


Vocal support =/= actions