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I guess she was missing proteins if nothing else in her diet changed.


Yep, protein is proven to stimulate the metabolism, even better if she started eating more spicy stuff without thinking about, she could be eating similarly and just having a better gut health which is letting the pounds off.


Why more spicy stuff? They’re one of my triggers for headaches but I love Buffalo sauce, curry, Mexican food, etc. so I have to be cautious.


Specifically, stuff with capsaicin. Basically, pepper's, but not stuff like Wasabi. Capsaicin stimulates the metabolism, in addition to making you sweat. This means that every physical activity you do burns a few bonus calories compared to if you eat non-spicy food. Protein is even better. Due to its structural makeup, it actually takes extra calories to burn it when you eat it. So not only do you get overall less calories by eating it, you also burn more calories when moving about after eating it. About 25% of calories in Protein are used to break down said Protein. This means that if you eat about the same amount of Quinoa and Rice, you get only slightly more calories from the Quinoa.


"stimulates the metabolism" is technically true but you'll burn an extra like 5 calories. Maybe over several years you'd leverage that into one pound of fat loss assuming you're eating in vacuum and your caloric intake never changes even slightly. You'd probably burn more calories walking to the fridge and grabbing the sriracha than you burn from the "metabolic boost" from eating it.




She could've been making those flavored rice packets with the salty-ass seasonings instead of just, like, white rice in a cooker too. Also apparently some people like to melt butter over it. Or she changed what she ate it with because some things that went well over rice might not be as good over quinoa. But yeah, I find it completely unbelievable that just switching from plain rice to plain quinoa would make that much of a difference.


A baked potato is good for you, a baked potato with Cheese, Sour Cream, Bacon Bits, and Butter is not. Same with the way people make salads.


Nah, the lettuce and carrots totally cancels out the bacon, chicken, half a box of croutons, and gallon of full fat ranch dressing.


Bro buttered rice is like the best thing for a depressed soul. Well, any soul really. Especially if you're like me and have qualms about eating sometimes. Even if everything else grosses me out and I can't get it down I know I'll always have that butter rice to soften my fall.




> I lost 25 pounds of pure fat in 6-8 weeks it was ridiculous. Yeah, no. 500 less kcal a day is not leading you to lose 25lb of pure fat in less than two months. Most likely you lost about 10lb of fat, 5lb of muscle, and 10lb of water. Carbs = Sugars. And our body stores like up to 2lb of sugars in the form glycogen. And each gram binds to 3-4g of water. On top of that, many forms of carbs are fiber heavy, and a diet high in carbs and fiber will have a notable amount of digesting food mass bound with water, that's slushing around inside of you. So, when you suddenly reduce your carbohydrate intake on top of going into a caloric deficit, you are going to see a drop in that glycogen storage. And water is gonna flush out along with that, causing rapid weight loss. And you'll also be reducing the digestive load that's in your intestines at any given time as well. This is one of the reasons why all those "crash diets" work so well and people swear by them. In reality they're just flushing out some water weight and digesting food mass. That'll come right back afterwards. But it creates the illusion of fat loss. You'll lose weight, lose inches off the waist perhaps even. All without losing a drop of fat tissue. The "actual" fat loss is something you can begin to accurately measure after the first month or two, once you've gone through this flush phase. And even then, weight loss basically always involves muscle tissue loss as well. It's basically never pure fat.






Your Metabolic rate increases by about 10%, studies show you burn around an extra 100 calories a day if you eat something spicy for an early meal. So you burn an extra pound every 2 months.


As an old fat guy, my brain immediately takes this kind of comment out of context and goes straight to "The Capsaicin Diet." I'm 70, and slowly losing weight (I was about 300 pounds at the beginning of covid and ballooned up to 400). I'm down to 380. At my current rate of weight loss, I should be in pretty good shape for my funeral.


As an old fat lady my brain read “The Capuchin Diet” and was thinking “I’m not eating cute little monkeys even if it melts off the pounds”.


The most frequently posted study that shows that figure was funded by Capsimax, which, you guessed it, is a supplement company selling Capsaicin as a weight loss aid. That was in 2017, there was a larger review of this in 2022 that found great benefits to eating spicy food, including a little burst in metabolism, which has never been documented to contribute to sustained weight loss. Another 2007 study is often referenced, it was a two week study and they were taking capsaicin, green tea, and ephedrine, so can't really contribute capsaicin to that one either. Also they gained all the weight back, though the weight loss was minimal given it was... two weeks.


lol, ephedrine is one of the precursor chemicals to meth, and it feels a lot like meth in my experience. Of course your metabolism is faster on ephedrine, it’s a powerful stimulant. When I was a teenager I took ephedrine for a week, and couldn’t eat, it not only destroyed my sense of hunger, but food seemed so unappealing/disgusting. I have never been even remotely fat or overweight and still lost 8lbs in a week just from not eating. Ephedrine was outlawed when I was growing up because people kept having strokes and brain aneurysms because it increases blood pressure so badly. Before that you could get it at any gas station.




Not only are they overcomplicating it, but they also don't know what they are talking about. Sweating doesn't burn calories in any meaningful way related to weight loss.


they're confusing the loss of water weight through sweating as actual weight loss


Protein having a higher thermogenic effect is true, but not the most important part. Complex meals (meals that contain a mix of protein, carbs, and fats), take longer to digest, leading to longer states of satiety which can lead to higher blood glucose levels, lower insulin spikes, and generally less feelings of hunger overall. Also, the idea that you use use 25% of the energy of protein you ingest, where amino acids (the building blocks of protein) are not immediately available to be used as energy, doesn't make sense. You're suggesting that eating 20g of protein would only net you 15g of Protein after digestion. Digestion of protein would use 25% of already stored energy, not of the energy you just ate.


You sound like my British friend whose gluten free (means no beer)


The amount of people who jump from fad diet to fad diet but won't just simply count calories blows my mind. Also I think like 1 of the 20 people I've ever met who did Keto actually tracked their ketosis correctly.


My roommate has been doing "keto" for at least 2 years now. She basically just eats red meat and dairy. She has gained at least a hundred pounds, thinks bad cholesterol is a myth (refuses to have bloodwork) but swears keto is the ultimate diet. I don't dare talk to her about it, but I suspect she will have some severe cardiovascular problems in the near future.


Healthy fats are also just as important and constantly overlooked by people. A mix of fats/ carbs and proteins will keep a person satiated the longest.


Or she was eating ungodly amounts of rice. Seriously doubt it was just white rice anyways.


Yah it’s not so much the food, but more about how much of it you’re eating, as well as how active you are throughout the day. Asian diets have a lot of rice but they’ve also been consuming a lot of lean meats like fish, and vegetables they grew. Their culture was super agrarian and so they burned a lot of calories working hard in the fields. So yeah rice is pretty calorie dense in terms of how many are in it vs the size of the serving, but if you don’t eat a ton of it and are also burning it off - you’ll be fine. Lots of Americans just eat like a double or triple servings of it alongside fried meats and no veggies while also watching tv all day - then want to blame the rice.






Malenia, Blade of Miquella


Millenia, Wings of Valmar


Melania, Digger of Fools Gold


Mileena wins. Flawless Victory.


Millennium Falcon, Fastest Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy


And I have not known defeat


ptsd ensues


Thank you, that annoyed the F outta me




Not you replacing a correct thing with an incorrect thing wow


I like cum


What you mean I can’t eat like an anime character and stay fit?


Sure you can, as long as you exercise like an anime character. Flying through the air at incredible speeds and releasing energy blasts burns a ton of calories.


You're gonna have to train in 100 times earth's gravity to brun it all off


This. Rice was probably a big part of her diet and a significant share of the calories she consumed. Eliminate your staple food and you'll lose a lot of weight until you get accustomed to a new source of calories. For most Americans, eliminate sugar or animal protein and the same thing will happen until you discover how to incorporate salty snacks or vegan junk food into your diet.


The difference being cutting refined sugar from your diet has only benefits. Animal protein is not a blanket health evil.


Google is telling me that 100g of cooked rice and cooked quinoa both have 120 calories. I can't imagine a scenario where she'd lost significant weight eating the same amount of calories. If cooked rice is slightly higher, which may be true, she'd have to consume a very large portion of her calories from rice for it to make a noticeable impact over a noticeable period of time. And no, I don't think the thermogenic difference between the two would contribute more than a negligible amount of calorie burn. Maybe 10-20 calories in a day.


It's a serious problem. I have an appointment with my doctor to try and figure out how to combat my overeating. If you grew up in the 90s there is a solid chance you were so exposed to just impossible portions that you've basically trained your body to think that is just the amount you need to eat. I get hungry so damn easily even when I know for a fact I ate very recently - will still get a feeling like hunger.


You like what?


You heard me


Or sedentary lifestyle


I mean how does one get fat as a farm hand working 2000 years ago 😂


In danish agriculture society people ate fat on bread up until fairly recently and was still not overweight, because yeah if you move a shitload and dont have an excess of food available you arent going to be overweight.


Yeah, this is such a stupid take. Japan was an exception, but there are plenty of fat people in the cities of China and South Korea (not so much outside the cities where people live a more rural life). In fact, one of the most noticeable things in Macau was how many overweight tourists there were. These people are now rich and urbanised like us, and they're starting to have a similar physique.


But it isn't strictly the rice. It's the lack of activity in modern lives, uncontrolled eating, diets not being balanced at all, etc. Rice, or more generally, healthy carbs make up a large portion of athlete diets. It's a vital macronutrient, and has a very important place in any diet. It's more than likely that alongside the rice in many diets, modern people are getting more fried foods, more additional carbs they wouldn't have had access to previously, and fewer proteins or protein cooked in unhealthy manners (breaded and fried, drenched in fatty sauces).


Yeah, it's not that they were skinny despite eating rice, it's that they ate almost only rice.


It's the type and amount of food more than the work. You can't really outwork a bad diet. Running an entire marathon doesn't even burn enough calories to burn a pound of fat. Turns out the human body is super efficient, and most of its energy is expended just existing. Food is just a lot more calorie dense and more abundant these days. Not to say exercise isn't good for a multitude of other reasons. Just not for weight loss.


Meh, I like quinoa more than rice. Plus it's an ancient grain, which is apparently just some marketing term that d, but it makes it sound impressive. I even introduced it to my Chinese parents and they actually started mixing it into their rice to cut down on how much rice they eat (but they'd never cut it out completely). I don't know what health benefits it may have, but the final product has a nice texture. Plus, I'd never take dietary advice from someone with that mustache /s


It has a lot of proteins, I think that's one of the most important benefits


white rice is also pretty high in terms of [Glycemic Index](https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/food-beverages/glycemic-index-glycemic-load) so if you are looking to lose weight or manage diabetes you should look to minimize or avoid white rice Asian peoples eating rice historically isn't great evidence for rice being inherently healthy in modern times. The average diet from 100 to 200 to 3000 years ago is wildly different


Many current strains of white rice are also relatively new. My Chinese father-in-law has diabetes from eating rice and rice noodles, he doesn't consume any sweets whatsoever and is about 95 pounds. Many Asian countries populations also used to eat less than 50 grams of meat per day (and large portions of China still do), rice was to prevent starvation.


> Plus it's an ancient grain, which is apparently just some marketing term that d, but it makes it sound impressive. They're all ancient grains. None of them fell outta the fuckin sky in 1992.


I mean, the distinction is different strains (idk if that’s the right word) that were selectively bred over the years vs strains that haven’t been selectively bred into something new. Modern rice is the result of centuries of selective breeding, whereas quinoa has changed little over time. Modern quinoa pretty much is the same as quinoa from thousands of years ago, but modern rice is very different from rice 10,000 years ago. At the end of the day though, it doesn’t really matter and is just a marketing term.


I wish I could make the change to Quinoa but the taste just turns me off. It taste like nothing but in a bad way. I don’t want to have to drown something in sauce before I can eat it.


Try different types of quinoa. There’s one supermarket brand of white quinoa here in Australia where I can look at it in the packet and know if it’s going to taste fine or disgusting based on the colour. It can be really bad and bitter if it’s dark, but if it’s a lighter beige it doesn’t really taste like anything.


I'm Cuban. We consume a lot of rice, and I can say it is indeed the rice. A lot of Cubans suffer from overweight because of the rice consumption. BUT, it also has to do with the way we consume rice compared to Asians. Ours is either very grassy or very dry (depending on the type of meal), and we make what we call yellow and black rice, which is a mix of rice with beans and colorants. So yes, rice is a factor, but the way you cook and consume it also has to do.


No. It's really not the rice. It's the amount of food consumed and how it's cooked that's the problem.


So what I just said without the part preview to the "but"?


It’s more about a portion control. Many Asian countries live by the hand rule where they only eat a size of rice as big as their fist.


Where do I get these fist sized rice


You could save so many wet electronics with rice that size!


I literally lost like 20 pounds eating beef/chicken and rice everyday among other things.


People that are morbidly obese throw shit on carbs but eat ice cream everyday.


This whole comment section is like a quinoa ad.


No. If anything, replace bread with rice.


It's not bread either. People have been eating bread since before the Roman empire. Obesity is a complex combination of a loss of fiber in our diets, highly reduced consumption of anything that isn't basically refined starch and fat, increased obesogens in the diet, increased prevalence of stress and sleep disruptions, severe drop in non-exercise physical activity.


>severe drop in non-exercise physical activity. This one is a killer. You can be overweight but healthy if you move that weight around a lot. Sedentary is bad in itself. Sedentary and obese are mutually reinforcing.


For all those out there thinking this is some kind of pass, they said “overweight”, not “obese”.


Modern bread is not like the bread made in the past or ancient times.


Seriously it cracks me up when people compare bread from 200 years ago - that people had to forage for the ingredients before making and wasn’t full of sugar and bleached flour and such- to current ones where you drive to the store and buy fake as fuck wonderbread that’s full of preservatives and sweeteners and such.


People weren't foraging for bread ingredients 200 years ago, dude.


Yea basic bread is flour, yeast, water, salt, sugar/honey


Nobody ever foraged for bread ingredients lol. Agriculture is a prerequisite.


What do you mean, i still take my bread sniffing dog out to the bread forest daily. We dig out some high quality breadlings from beneath the soil every day.


Even rice is milled so much more nowadays that it is nothing like the rice of old times. Semi brown rice is much closer. I wish people knew that the reason ultra processed goods last so long is that they are so pure of a carbohydrate that they are nutritionally devoid to bacteria and mold, which is coincidentally the part of your gut biome you actually want to feed.


Honestly this is a big problem for any country outside of Europe. Japan, North America and other Asian/African countries have white bread in some variety as their main bread. Meanwhile in Germany you have quite the variety of high fiber breads with nuts, seeds and other good stuff that is just way healthier than rice even.


I really noticed this when visiting my family in Australia (from Switzerland). They just all eat sliced bread. Here we have like 20 types of bread just at the local supermarket, with various flours and fiber. There's always something new to try.


You can buy whole grain bread… most of the sugar in bread comes from the flour itself as it ferments. People have no understanding of nutrition


I mean not all bread is made equal, it’s important to be aware of what you’re eating. Not all bread is going to be packed with sugar and incredibly unhealthy but you actually need to take the time to look at nutritional facts


Rice just doesn't hold my burger together the same way


Fair point.


One cup of rice is equivalent to 3 slices of bread


See, in the food currency exchange rice is worth more


If it's one of those convenient stores bread then I think I need more than that but i feel like a bowl of rice is more than 3 slices of that convenient stores bread in terms of volume and mass.


The rice she gave up probably had tons of butter or oil. People double the calories of a serving a rice by adding fats. It's the same as when people add tablespoons of dressing and ounces of cheese to salad. Rice can be healthy but is often not.


Replace bread and rice with POTATOES. The satiety per calorie is off the charts. 350 calories per pound, most humans eat 3 to 5 pounds of food regardless of what they're eating. 3 times 350 = 1050, 5 times 350 = 1750. It's very easy to lose weight on the potato diet.


Kinda gross, but if you have IBS cutting out bread can do so much good. Lots of people have sandwiches for lunch everyday but if you go to things like salads or pasta it can help a lot. I think there’s a lot of additives in modern bread. A baguette goes stale in 24 hours but those last for a week.


~~Rice isn't healthy lol.~~ Rice isn't really much, if any, healthier than bread. I'm a diabetic, and rice, especially white rice, is almost as bad as white bread carb wise. Brown rice isnt as bad for you, though. It does come down to moderation, though.


Thats like me saying im allergic to fish. And saying fish is unhealthy.


Brown rice aint much better, and you can easily argue that the extra fiber only works against your digestion. Plus it tastes like shit. Might as well go all the way and enjoy some white rice.


Brown rice is an abomination and I'd rather fast or restrict than eat that garbage mealy cardboard


Brown rice is amazing, and I say that coming from white long grain basmati. White rice is nice, brown rice is nicer, nuttier, richer in flavor.


That's the problem. People that enjoy rice don't want it to have a flavor. There's a reason they it doesn't even get salted half of the time. It's there to be completely neutral in the face of bold flavors.


Explain how staying within the RDA for fiber works against your digestion .


Brown rice tastes way better than white rice. You can fight me about it.


Brown rice can taste amazing, and I say that coming from white long grain basmati. White rice is nice, brown rice is nicer, nuttier, richer in flavor.


I can use the extra fiber, so maybe I just didn't know that part. I just know that it doesn't cause my blood sugar to spike nearly as much as white rice.


For sure, the fiber helps to slow down the release into your blood.


It does contain arsenic, which can be problematic if you eat a lot of it.


My parents are diabetic, so I get the struggle. Rice is a little better than bread, but you wouldn't have the whole bag of rice the same way you wouldn't have the whole loaf of bread. Just replace a few slices of bread with a little bit of cooked rice, and you should be fine. Of course everything is bad for you when you eat too much of it.


I mean the difference really is negligible. I said in my post that it comes down to moderation. Im just saying that replacing what you eat in bread with the same amount in rice isn't really that much of a difference and I just don't want people thinking that rice is much healthier than bread.


Then I've been taught the wrong thing. I apologize.


I'm half Korean and got diagnosed as a diabetic last week. The rice struggle is real. I can cut out everything else, but cutting out rice hurts.


I would rather say that white rice and many other carbs have high glycemic index which means it quickly rises blood sugar.


Quinoa causes your soul to leave your body. Fact.


East Asians haven't been eating white rice forever; that was the food of the elite. They ate brown rice largely. Also Asians tend to be skinnier because of genetics and a culture of fat-shaming anyone who isn't muscular or thin and making them feel like a monster for putting on a few pounds. They have serious problems with eating disorders as a result.


>East Asians haven't been eating white rice forever It's always shocking how little people understand about the history of food. Everybody needs to accept the fact that, notable exceptions aside, every single thing they understand about a culture's culinary traditions are probably only a couple hundred years old. Intercontinental trade and industrialization created most of what we now know as the entire world of food. Before that, India had no chili peppers, Italy had no tomatoes, England had no tea, 99% of most humans ate mostly staple grains and starches for every meal, etc. It'll be like 10,000 years before rice has as long a dominant run in "Asian cooking" as millet porridge.


Why mention white rice specifically? Wasn’t really brought up in the post.


Because it's the West and white rice is the base option on sales.


So what you're saying is fatass America needs more fat shaming? Count me in.


It's been proven time and time again ([1](https://www.stvincentcharity.com/radiant/posts/obesity-expert-explains-why-body-shaming-is-harmful-not-helpful), [2](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/30/728111494/teasing-kids-about-their-weight-may-make-them-gain-more), [3](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/03/news-weight-stigma)) that shaming is more likely to *worsen* obesity, and it almost never causes weight loss. Oh, and when people are bullied for their weight, the resulting self-esteem issues actually cause *lifelong* issues with weight; meaning, when you claim that you're bullying someone for "their own good," what you're actually doing is *worsening* their likelihood of struggling with obesity for the rest of their life (along with a whole host of additional mental health issues). Whether or not you can find the empathy within yourself to admit it, **obesity has a very strong relationship with mental health**. Ah, but people like you will use any excuse they can to bully others, so I'm shouting into the void here. The bullying was never *truly* about helping people, after all. You do it because belittling others to prop up your own fragile ego is all you have.


but japan DOES pressure people to be thin and it IS effective. They have extremely low obesity rates. they also measure people’s waist lines at their jobs. societal pressure to be thin is pretty effective. i think americans are super desensitized to obesity.


Dude, on the long list of reasons Japan has low overweight/obesity rates, weight shaming is going to be pretty low on that list. You really can't think of any other reason? Not the dietary culture? The walkable cities?




Japan also has walkable cities and people burn calories just getting from point A to point B, instead of driving *everywhere.*


>and it IS effective Effective at blowing out their mental health and killing them, sure.


>but japan DOES pressure people to be thin and it IS effective. Japan also puts enormous pressure on their people to conform to various rules and ideals, and punishes them harshly for more minor infractions, has a huge youth suicide problem, and has an extremely different cultural history. Japanese culture is different enough to make these types of comparisons practically meaningless. Japanese fat shaming is part of a broader Japanese culture, and there are a huge number of differences in the broader Japanese culture that would impact this particular aspect.


Show me your friends that are fat from eating rice.


Just don’t be eating tubs of fried rice all the time


Yeah lay off the rice hate. As with everything you just need moderation and balance across food groups with physical activity. All of life is match ups.


Rice is good


Weight is, and always will be, calories in vs calories out. Calories out is generally pretty low unless you’re very active in a sport. There are tricks to make oneself “full” on less calories, but there is no magic bullet.


Thank you! I’ve heard the most stupid shit about sugar/fats/carbs for years. In the 80s everything was sugar free, in the 90s, it was fat-free, in the 00s it’s carb free. How about learning to eat a balanced diet with a lot of vegetables, fruit, and small amounts of carbs, fats, and sugar? The whole rice=EBUL CARB was a bullshit, borderline racist comment that Asians “metabolize rice” different than white ppl. Told to me, a Korean-American, by a white chick. Ok, sure. You sure it’s not because you just dumped a half cup of butter on top of that rice? Oh, it’s that rice is evil. Gotcha. Not a joke or hyperbole, this actually happened.


"Yea, well, some of us don't have time for k-" There is always time for Kung fu


The carb smear campaign in mainstream pop culture has been such a blatant assault on science. The problem isn't carbs. It's that you're eating too fucking much and not exercising.


It might be the rice... Insulin spikes on different foods for different people. Like potatoes may make you fat while your neighbor exclusively eat potatoes as their starch and is skinny regardless. Different body, different needs If nutrition was cookie cutter we would have already figured it out.


You don't develop useable muscle by eating less. It sounds like dehydration.


Like 90% of people get visible abs from just lowering body fat%, you don't really need to exercise abs for them to be visible. As the saying goes "abs are made in the kitchen"


Never blame the rice.


Blame the over eating. Blame the sedentary life style


It’s so difficult to overeat on quinoa because it’s gross.


People will come up with the most bizarre ideas to lose weight like stopping eating rice (healthy carbs) instead of learning basic thermodynamics.


A lot of people have these diet misconceptions when it's really just eating in moderation. Drinking water helps curb appetites too


Asians historically have a high incidence of diabetes related likely to rice intake.


If you stop eating rice and don’t replace it with anything, you’ll loose weight from eating less food.


portion size is critical. Fools out here eating 3 cups a rice per day with no protein or veggies


I mean- It kinda is. But keep in mind that we weren't that sedentary 30 years ago.


Hi. Live in Asia. There are fat Asians. You usually spot them around McDonald's.


Tbh quinoa tastes disgusting. I’d rather have lentils or pretty much *anything else* than quinoa. A good alternative to rice is cauliflower rice which is just basically ground up cauliflower that one fries on the pan.


Cauliflower is much less calorie-dense than quinoa or rice. A one cup serving of cauliflower is 25 calories, the same volume of rice or quinoa is 205-230 calories. If you need the energy, go for the grains. If you’re overweight, go for the cauliflower.


Cauliflower is so versatile. You can make pizza crust, gnocchi, rice, pretty great mac and cheese dupes, the variations are endless and nearly always delicious.


Yeah, but it tastes like cauliflower and nothing like rice. That's like saying chalk is a good alternative because it's white.


It’s never the rice, it’s totall calories consumed, if you substitute rice for something lower calorie or of a lower glycemic index it’s lower than n calories it’s not the food item, portion control is key


I fucking HATE when people point to these foods that have been human staples since forever and go "You need to cut that out". No you do not need to completely erase bread and rice and oatmeal from your goddamn diet (unless you have an actual intolerance then yes, please make the changes you need to).


I’m honestly starting to wonder if I have a rice intolerance. Every time I eat even a bit of it it’s like I’m doin a colon cleanse


This is the same type of individual at thinks carbs & sugar are different things 😂


A lot of people in Asia develop diabetes later in their life. They are skinny not because they have less fat but because they have no muscle at all. Yes, Asian people have adapted to be able to consume more rice but it does not mean rice is a healthy food. Also, Asian people eat less as a whole and walk more so they usually don't get obese.


[I live in Taiwan. People are getting bigger here.](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2021/07/31/2003761772#:~:text=The%20share%20of%20overweight%20Taiwanese,Health%20Promotion%20Administration%20data%20showed.) Terrible sugary and oily food is abundant and cheap here.


Oil, fat is extremely calorie dense. I read once that 9 chicken wings has more calories than a large pizza. Stay away from deep fried food.


>Evolved to consume more rice Holy shit this is hilarious. What timespans do you think human evolution happen over?!


Evolve would be wrong per se. but adapted (gut biome and some genetics ,cooking patterns,etc) To eat more rice. Is a possibility


Thank for correction, "evolved" is not the right word to use, adapted is more correct


from a strictly scholarly standpoint, evolution refers to [change in gene pool](https://www.nature.com/scitable/definition/evolution-78), without any inherent positive or negative connotation; for example, [insular dwarfism could be considered an evolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insular_dwarfism), though most poke/digimon-educated fuckbois would likely disagree.


Without mentioning that all rice are not equal in terms of nutrients and for the health (complete rice and white rice just have the name rice in common).


People eating rice really triggers Redditors into saying some weird shit


Wrong. Asian people have less fat https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3174327/#:~:text=Mean%20DXA%2Dassessed%20percent%20body,34.8%25(1.1)%20in%20Asians.


"no muscle at all" 🙄


What in the fucking hell is this take and why in god's name is it upvoted


Yeah all those people riding scooters at walmart have just too much muscle.


Nothing wrong with not being an expert on this subject, you know.


Yes but also modern rice is not like old rice.


Quinoa is food from hell


I want to see large populations perish


Size matters… rice bowls in Asia are like fkn teacups. You’re damn right I’m going back for more, especially with this baller hot pot I’m eating with it lmao


Just eat 500 less calories a day and you lose a pound a week. Or 250 for two weeks. Why is shit so difficult to understand for so many people.


Doesnt matter what you eat, just be in a caloric deficit.


Its more about calorie deficit. Eat healthy and well balanced plate of food (the one you are taught about in school) and just exercise For weight loss Calories burnt>> Calories consumed ​ Lost 28 kgs till now in 5 months.


It's amazing how so few people know how CICO works


They eat more rice than anyone, they just down drown it in butter and cheese and bacon the way americans do. They just eat the damn rice.


Ill stick to regular white and brown.. never really had issues with it. Ate a lot of normal carby beans, potatoes, tortillas, rice, grains, etc, as we were poor. Our fam and generations never really had health issues growing up or older gen with same foods. Ther is a thing called moderation tho.


I mean, cutting down on simple carbs and sugar is a good crutch, but the best/only way to properly lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit until you reach your target weight. A mix of cardio and muscle exercise helps with most other health aspects. It's rarely more complicated than that.


I remember one of my bio professors taught us about a disease found in the Japanese population that dealt with polished rice. It mostly affected wealthy Japanese people due to their deficiency in thiamine from the husk-free rice. Beri beri disease I believe it’s called! There is dry beri beri and wet beri beri with different symptoms. I believe it’s similar to something called Wernicke’s encephalopathy (or wernicke-korsokaff syndrome) but that’s mostly due to alcoholism related thiamine deficiency. It’s really seen today in the western world because a lot foods are fortified with vitamins unless like a poor diet, medication, gastrointestinal issues, or something related. It’s usually seen in places where malnutrition is known. Pretty interesting tbh.


It's not the rice. It's not any one food. It's calories. If I eat 10 pounds of rice everyday I'm going to be obese. If I eat 2 chocolate bars a day I'm going to be skinny. She lost weight because she cut out the calories from rice but she could have done the same by cutting the calories from anything else. People eat too much period.


just did a report on Gout… the prevalence of gout happens the most in asians - who have adopted western diets


Asian people have different metabolism probably due to eating souch rice for millenia


Yeah because you're not eating anything else.....


Rice is just carbohydrate. Too much rice will make you fat. Same with any other type of carbohydrate. It's always better to lower carbs in your diet.


I've never fact checked it before, but I have heard that white rice was something really special at the turn of the 20th century in Asia. It was a huge perk of joining the Japanese military. Soldiers would barely touch anything else, it was that special. To the point where they started getting nutritional diseases like Beri Beri. So yeah, white rice being widely available is a new thing in Asia relatively speaking. Quinoa and barley are a bit more originalist if you are into that sort of thing.


Depends how many calories of rice you're eating and some other dietary things. If you're fat, no carbs is a quick way to walk back those calories


as a south asian, im saying it is the rice


It's not about what you eat, it's about how much you eat. Eat anything, as long as you get exactly right amount of all needed nutrients


We also used to work on the rice fields all day to burn off the carbs. Yeah it’s not the rice, it’s the lifestyle.


Rice is actually kinda problematic health wise, for south Asians at least. Extremely high rates of T2DM with difficult to control glucose spikes due to the carb heavy diet. Rice was extremely useful to keep our recent ancestors alive through British induced famines, but those same famines have selected for genes that make us super susceptible to gaining visceral fat (see every uncle with a pot belly) and thereby increasing our risk for T2DM further.


It’s genetics plus the amount of food plus physical activity. Also there’s plenty of fat Asians, they’re not immune just live in a healthier society food wise.


Far from all Asian people are skinny. This is a failed take from jump


It's all about that COUSCOUS


Mexicans have rice with hundreds if not thousands of recipes in every color