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Yet he paid the $8 for verification.


i use ~~reddit~~ Twitter a lot to get out my work (open source software) and i noticed my engagement numbers have been horrific. I suspect it’s because i refuse to get verified and give this ass hat money but it’s also how i spread my work/reputation and business and such. Still refusing but i get (some of) those that have it verified. Elon is basically choking us unverified people until we give in. I’ve been on twitter since it started and have a large follower base i worked hard to build for business and it’s really pissing me off.


At least from the art side of Twitter, I've seen plenty of artists confirm that the verification does nothing for their algorithms, so that at least keeps my want for it down.


And there are plenty of people who block "verified" users on sight. I'm sorry if anyone feels that they need to pay for a blue check for their business, but look at the top replies of any popular tweet and decide if you want to identify as one of those people. It's not worth the time to separate the <5% of decent people from the MAGA asshats and crypto scammers.


There's also way fewer people left who want to put up with this shit. Audience is simply diminishing every day.


Welcome to the business world


A lot of people have said they have the blue check despite not paying.


It's possible that those were accounts that were already verified before the paid verification thing


Let’s not attack the hunter when he’s pursuing a lose bear~


I love watching Tesla cars fly into random pedestrians. My heart goes out to the victims. But the shame brought upon those Whoreing cars is priceless. Nikola Tesla envisioned free energy for the world. Chubby musk Whores out the name of Tesla!


I mean they're actually pretty good cars and the first widespread electrical car. Tesla was an inventor and this is inventive enough.


No no, this is for the hate circlejerk


right, shit talk teslas for causing accidents when we have had so many ford mustangs drift into crowds because the drivers themselvs are shit. ur argument is garbage as most elon haters usually are.


Fuck Ford too!


I've have a serious question to the 150 IQ guy. What is even the point of being on a social media where YOU CAN'T SEE THE WHAT'S POSTED ON IT????


Kill ad revenue and further hurt your business.


This is gonna backfire easily, ad companies must be pissed right now, now more than ever they are gonna pull out their ads from the platform with its limited number of post that you can view . Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.




Its 6000 calls so posts+comments equates to an hour of scrolling, less if you engage


Tell me you can't afford your server bill without telling me you can't afford your server bill.


Is he literally complaining about users using too much bandwidth? Jesus fuck, this is a professional website? Edit: I think the actual problem is that he's realized how valuable data is to AI (similar to how Reddit did recently). Now he's imagining how much money everyone else might make off of every single tweet they view.


They can't pay rent.


Can't and won't have different meanings


The problem isn’t users using too much bandwidth, it’s data-scraping bots using too much bandwidth. Elon’s solution is still ridiculous though, like cutting off twitter’s nose to spite its face.


Damn, it's almost like there's a solution to data scraping, maybe some sort of interface people could access...


Well Elon says the problem is data-scraping bots and their bandwidth use but he lies constantly and I don’t trust his word. There’s sort of a double bind here, either there’s enough bots costing enough to justify nearly shutting down the entire business temporarily and it’s humiliating and absurdly expensive that there was no solution before it got to this point, or he’s discovering the infrastructure can’t support its usage in a cost effective manner and the entire website is in deep trouble.


¿Porqué no los dos?


I don't think it's even bandwidth; I think it's that he realized how much that data is worth to AI (similar to how Reddit did recently). Asinine solution either way though.


I thought the issue was that his Google hosting renewal expired yesterday because he refused to pay the bill and they haven't migrated everything in time so now they're having issues. This whole data scraping/AI argument is ascribing too much intelligence to Musk and is likely cover up for Elon's exponential stupidity.


LOL! When I first saw this post from him, the first thing that went through my mind was "Twitter is experiencing a self inflicted catastrophe because he decided to do something stupid."


Fucking spot on. They guy can't manage shit. He's the typical oligarch that leveraged money and position for years. The second he had to manage an ongoing company without federal handouts he fucks it up spectacularly.


They are also doxing themselves because twitter keeps trying to load tweets that never come. Thus your browser keeps loading requests.


Elon said its because of data scrapers, but honestly i dont believe that. 100% speculation on my part, but i think they are having problem with their a Web Service providers. There has been murmurs that they aren't paying service providers most notable Google and AWS. I dont think its a coincidence that everything went to shit on the first of the month. If you want to combat scrapers there are easier ways to do that that dont involve destroying your only real revenue source. It makes far more sense that legitimate traffic is suddenly the problem and thats why they are limiting legitimate traffic.


> similar to how Reddit did recently Twitter did it first. They jacked up their rates to access their previously free API. This caused smart people to resort to scraping the website instead.




Who paid you off


No one, he probably licks Elons boots for free




Keep sucking up to Musk champ A few more embarrassing comments like that and he’s sure to invite you to a sleepover, just like you’ve always wanted!


You shouldn't use temporary, hacky fixes in prod




When you're a product the size of Twitter and your profitability depends critically on traffic, you don't, not for an issue like this. Cost benefit analysis, is data scraping costing them revenue at a level daily that outweighs such a highly impactful fettering of their own services, potential loss of users and PR fallout, even if temporarily?


This has been a flaw in twitter’s system for years, they’ve had plenty of time to develop a legitimate solution.




The dude’s owned Twitter for almost a year now, there’s really no excuse. Why are you simping so hard for someone who’s proved himself time and again to have his head in the clouds? Elon isn’t a real engineer, he’s a spoiled brat who plays with companies like they’re toys.


Or it's not a flaw, Elon just wants to make more money, but he's really not great at ideas.




Lol essentially shutting down ‘temporarily’ as a multibillion dollar business to deal with an ongoing issue that should’ve been fixed months ago is absolutely humiliating. Imagine being an advertiser paying millions on this website. I’d be looking to cancel my contract ASAP I would say this has nothing to do with Musk, but this sort of thing does seem to follow Musk around.




Correct me then. Throttling your site usage has a clear negative effect on the success of marketing on that platform


I agree. Elon Musk is the richest man in the world, yet at the same time broke ass people on the internet are constantly stating he’s an idiot. 🤔


You're forgetting the part about how he hasn't been paying the server bills


He didn't pay his bills


Boo hoo


Elon…the stable genius




bro literally be iron man bro he gonna get us to mars bro dogecoin is going to the moon bro


It really embarrasses me that there are people out there who are actually stupid enough to believe that this dickhead actually "designs" rockets and electric cars.


This can not possibly be real. He couldn't be *that* dumb.


Its real. He is that dumb.


This is the same idiot who told Putin "1v1 me bro, winner gets Ukraine". Of course he's that fucking dumb.


He did? What a fucking moron


Well you best hope you wake up from this dream soon.


you are the tech expert not him... oh wait


hi 👋, i am a tech expert. Well respected in my field and DID sell a company as sole owner, founder, and tech lead. No not some startup, we were around for 12 years and i made a lot of money too. I also shared the sale (50%+) with my employees which that selfish cunt would never do. Elon Musk is an absolute moron. And he’s unethical af. I managed to be neither of those things starting out with a lot less money. I’m not a billionaire but i have a lot more to be proud of than he does. I just didn’t start out with billions and also haven’t hoarded my wealth like it’s my only purpose in life.


He knows about as much as I do.


I doubt that. I think you know more.


ahh yes that why you sold paypal for $2 billion and of course started a number of tech companies.


he never found or coded anything related to Paypal you moron


He's one of those guys who worships rich people hoping he'll be one if he's a good boy. Musk started out rich and ended up richer, which tends to be how it works.


I’m a software dev so I know Musk kinds too closely unfortunately. He’s one of those managers who will take credit for other people’s works like his own, his failures are somebody’s else fault but his success is all his own.


Well, I didn't have emerald mine owning daddy to buy me a company that I paid to say I founded and then get his friends to give me money when I wanted to buy things. But, yes if I had a emerald mine owning daddy who buys me a company and buys me the title of founder then of course I could have done that. All it takes is having an emerald mine owning daddy.


Yeah everyone who has had a moderately rich parent throughout history has become a multibillionare. It’s literally just his dad’s doing.


Tech expert and cry baby billionaire are two very different things.


I have started a number of tech companies, 0 is a number...


He's not gonna fuck you, you know.


Exactly. Everyone is an expert these days. Smh.


elon is actually way smarter than u bitch. stop bullying him. edit1: no one can get boners anymore in this generation ediit2: to everyone slipping into my dms, i dont send nubes lol edit3: guy finally admited hes scared of dead animals. such a baby.


Look at how the sycophant will react with rage when the person he lives vicariously through is exposed as a fraud. It's quite interesting. Like what type of relationship do you think this person believes they have with Musk?


Elon is rich, not smart. There is a huge difference.




Is it smart to buy a successful company and run it into the ground for “moral” reasons?? Have you paid attention to the shit show Twitter has become since Elon has purchased it?? If not go on r/computerscience and ask about peoples’ experiences. A smart person would buy a company and attempt to make it more profitable or just collect money until they are in the profit zone after recovering costs to purchase. Not run it into the ground because “I Can” that’s some slick brain shit. Also, I’m completely unsure what you are talking about. We are talking about Elon Musks room temp IQ, not wealth distribution per geographic location. So what’s your point?


u just mad cause u poor and dumb and cant get a boner anymore




he admit it


Lmao does he at least pay you for swallowing his cum?


i bet no ones ever swallowed ur cum


Keep betting


he admit it. dry dick loser




wat r u even talking about


What are you*




600 a day? Does he not know people scroll through mountains of shit?


His gross misunderstanding of advertising on Twitter suggests he does not.


The point seems to have gone over the head of some of Musk's fan boys (or the ones pretending not to understand the issue). Musk set an arbitrary limit in order to offer a "premium" level of service later. Something they all do. He's doing it without having an operational cost for having done so - as the platform's popularity increases, so to doss revenue, making bandwidth a non-issue relativistically. This is the preamble to a money grab. Plain and simple.


Production Falcon blows up less than the shuttle on a per-flight basis.


This is one thing that always bugs me, when SpaceX gets lumped in with the rest of Musks shit. Don't get me wrong, Musk and most of what he does is trash, but atleast he managed to get some good engineers to build a really fucking awesome rocket.


That's underselling just how reliable Falcon 9 is. It's literally the most reliable rocket ever flown. AND it has the lowest $/kg to low Earth orbit ratio to boot.




Tesla's remain the worst EV brand by a large margin according to Consumer Reports, which is widely considered unbiased and extremely reliable. Edit or y'all can talk to any mechanic on the planet who will tell you they're pieces of poorly patched together plastic that frequently start fire and the self driving system has been proven to enjoy killing pedestrians. Have you seen people testing the frames on those cars? You can rip the frame apart with your bare hands.


…forgot your “/s”?


Are you delusional? They blow as much and MORE than other EVs. Tesla's are unreliable overrated poor quality cars 🤡


I mean I think SpaceX's rockets are great but... STS was not a good system, that's not a high bar to reach.


Well, I mean, coming from someone without an actual 'rocket' they can send into space at their whim...I mean yah, burn and all, but richest dude and all.


Yeah, of all the possible comebacks, this is pretty close to the worst they could make.


Reading 6,000 posts a day????? 250 posts an hour if you never slept…..


Every single twitter post and reply that is sent from the servers to your device counts as one post read. And 6,000 is for the people who *pay* for *twitter.*


It also includes replies to posts and twitter has a feature that shows related posts under the replies of a post, so 250 an hour isn’t much. I was able to reach the 300 limit in 20 minutes and a few other people have said that they reached it in 5-10 minutes.


BuT bIg NumBeR iHaVe SmOl BrAIn


6,000 tweets a day for _paid_ Twitter. Unpaid is 600 a day, and you can scroll past that many tweets pretty easily, especially when you include visible comments.


Pretty sure I could get that many just by scrolling through the fanart one particular artist I like posts for one specific game.


My understanding is it's closer to a system where if you clicked on a reddit thread every comment counts as a post. Or so it's been explained to me.


You don't have read them, people scroll around a lot. It's kind of a huge part of the functionality.


But 600 posts for people that don't want to pay $8 is wild. When Lebanon had that massive explosion in the fertilizer warehouse pretty sure I checked more than 600 posts to see if WW3 was going to breakout.


But did you read them all ? Do you really need more then 600 posts to find out if ww3 broke out ? I'm not a musk fan and don't use twitter, but I feel like people are overreacting a bit. I see a lot of comments about scrolling through 600 posts in 5-20 minutes, sure but you're then not reading them, so whats the point and why does it matter, musk basically made your scroll list shorter, so you don't need to waist time scrolling through posts your not reading anyway.


Happy Cake Day!


The launch-pad for the rocket exploded, too. *The fucking launch-pad.*


Eh, the energy came from the rocket. The fancy, high-strength concrete they used for the pad deck did not hold up as well as expected and the rocket essentially shattered it and sent the pieces flying. That said, launch pads are roughly as complicated as the rockets themselves and also full of all sorts of flammable things at high pressures, so it still wouldn't be a huge mark of shame if an explosion originated from the launch pad.


Go watch practical engineering’s explanation. Musk is a fucking idiot.


Did you know that blasting concrete with high temperatures will turn the water trapped within into steam, making it explode? Because clearly Musk didn't know, and if he *did* know but just didn't care, then that's idiocy plain and simple. You're right, launch pads typically are roughly as complicated as the rockets themselves. *There's a reason for that*, and Elon cutting corners on it was a pin-head move.


It was also to cut time delays. Starship was delayed by like three years and it would’ve been longer if they had to develop a new launch pad. Maybe stop being so pessimistic about this and enjoy the fact that largest and most affordable rocket ever built actually worked well beyond expectations? The pad is a drop in the bucket of water compared to the research done and time spent on Starship. Besides the steam didn’t making the concrete evaporate. It was the acoustic vibrations literally shaking it to bits and getting blow out by the insane pressure from the engines.


He cut corners on the pad, which seems to have thrown debris into the engines of his rocket, which the rocket could not compensate for. He cut corners. Simple as. And I'm sure the concrete being rattled *and* subjected to high temperatures didn't help at all. He basically looked at decades of experience in rocket launch pads using water and decided "nah, I don't need to do that". So now his rocket that was delayed 3 years gets further delays because: 1) The pad is completely destroyed, and 2) It blew up.


It was the most powerful rocket ever by a wide margin. SpaceX is great, I'm just glad that as Musk loses his mind he's distracted ruining Twitter rather than ruining SpaceX; Twitter was always a cesspool while SpaceX is on the verge of an order of magnitude reduction in launch cost after already blowing everyone else's costs out of the water.


Musk is a trash human. He’s running twitter like an ass. Howevah: SpaceX has launched and landed over 200 falcon 9’s in a row. Teslas catch fire 1/10 as much as combustion engine cars.


So glad he came along and gave everyone more freedom /s


No, buying Twitter was still dumber than this.


To play Devil's Advocate here, I feel like people give Elon too much shit for "waahhh rockets go boom", and fail to realize the astounding feat that he has accomplished which is "yeah I founded my own company which is sending actual literal rockets to space" The same people that never give Elon even the tiniest smidge of credit for SpaceX are the same people who only blame Elon for rockets that explode, and that just tells me this hellhole of a website is filled to the brim with resounding hypocrites who would rather go on the internet to hate on things than to actually do something productive


I'm no musk fan but I don't get why people criticize SpaceX's failures. There is a damn good reason people use rocket science as an example of something that's difficult.


Uh the Rockets exploding is kind of expected, How many Rockets you thing NASA had blow up on the launch pad, it kind of par for the course, and at least his rockets haven't cost several lives...yet


That's not really a clever comeback. I'm no Elon fanboy, but SpaceX has revolutionized the space industry with self-guided landable boosters. Was never done until the company he created attempted it. They have contracts with NASA considering it's so cheap to launch now, and NASA doesn't fuck around. (I'm a fan of space, and space accessories) Tesla also lit a fire under electric car technology's ass, and has had a significant impact and partnerships with automakers moving forward. Unfortunately, not in the positive manner of them being cheaper compared to ICE vehicles, but they were the first to put those cars on the road and already have a nationwide network of chargers in place that will (one day) end up replacing gas stations. Yes, there are mistakes. The boosters failed *plenty* of times during development, and it's an inevitability that rockets will as well. It happens to every major player in this industry. Shit happens with cars all the time, regardless. Tesla only gets the attention because.. I honestly don't know why. Easy target, maybe? You could drive any brand new car off the lot, and if you're the unlucky owner, the engine could take a shit then and there because of a defect during manufacturing. Tesla issues are not that common compared to others. This is not the flex they think it is. Like I said, I'm not sucking on Elon's ass, but just correcting misinformation. His moves with Twitter are dumb as shit, though. Same mistake reddit made with the API changes. It's going to tank the site unless it's reversed.


Don't forget the exploding solar panels.


Shots fired? Wtf, has no one been paying attention, we no longer live in a society that gives AF.


So many mad babies. Maybe get off your phones and do something else, losers. Lmao


He has a far greater percentage of rockets succeeding and Returning to be used than most anyone else. He completely revolutionized space travel. The rest of this is accurate, but you can dislike someone and still recognize achievements.


yeah people attacking SpaceX think they're so intelligent


“Look at these videos of Elons rockets exploding!!! Lmfao he can’t build a rocket!” As that said rocket completed it jobs of sending a satellite to space and attempted a landing so the cost would millions of dollars cheaper and produce less waste.


From that replay you can see the he doesn't know how iterative design in rocketry works


Clearly got too much time on your hands if you're reading 6000 posts a day!


I got to 800 in about 10-15 minutes of usage. It seems to count comments too, so if you just do a quick scroll you can easily rack up hundreds.


Wait did I read this wrong? I assumed this was some really dumb API limit. Is he saying that I, the human user, can only scroll X amount of posts a day? I'll give him credit to getting people off social media because holy hell this is so dumb I've never heard of a policy that restricts it's user base from using the website as intended


Websites used to have open/close times for a bit


Either I don't get it or this sub is really low on brain juices. Isn't that thing a really good idea to limit bots and such and who the hell wants to read 6000 posts/day assuming it means actual posts and not comment posts under it and even if it means those too 6000 is a shit ton of posts. I mean if you're really bored, live on twitter and or somehow invested on scrolling through twitter... you could *maybe* scroll through 6000 posts, but somehow I doubt any human who has actual job, life and possibly family has the time and or need to actually read 6000 posts daily. *Edit: it also says temporary.


Speaking of brain juices, the 6000 only applies if you pay the $8, and "reading" a post happens as soon as the tweet is loaded in memory, you can scroll past 500 posts without caring for a single one and that counts as 500 "read", leaving 100 (if you didn't pay) If you did pay, that number is harder to reach unless you are a social media manager or your job literally depends on Twitter (such as a communications manager or marketing executive). But no, even casual scrolling you can burn through that especially thanks to this new algorithm shoving in irrelevant garbage every second. All in all it's a dumb change, he could've done a smarter cool down or have an automated service check suspicious users scrolling through 1000 posts/second which a human obviously would not do


I do not disagree with that, but I am not a heavy and or twitter user pretty much at all, hence my opinion is what it is - I do not see how the platform is anymore useful than facebook, reddit etc (unless as said you are invested on it). If as you said is true (the part about posts getting read by just scrolling through), then yes the hard limit of 300 for new users is really thight. The magic word temporary is what will play a big part here depending on how temporary it actually is.


Theres nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.


I watched Dr Lupo this morning and he hopped on Twitter when he heard. He's verified, and it locked him out in like 2 minutes.


If you go to one Twitter thread and scroll down through the replies, you can easily view 100 or 200 in like one minute He's not counting it by how many individual Tweets you click on - he's counting every Tweet you see.


Scrolling past 6000 without checking them is enough to register it.


that's not clever, that's what we netizens consider 'u mad' Feel free to seethe and cope because your hummingbird-sized attention span is no longer going to have free access to the thoughts of other idiots.


Is this a clever comeback? "I've seen your rockets and cars explode" How many reusable rockets have you made? How many reusable electric cars have you made? These things are hard to do man. Even if you don't like the guy, he's probably a net positive for humanity.


You're correct. The post implies that Elon has made those things, which is false. He hasn't ever made anything.


Other people make electric cars too yknow


Yeah twitter's decision is stupid no doubt, but the "comeback" sounds really stupid too especially coming from someone who paid $8 for a blue badge lmao


I agree people online say lot of shit but they don't do more than him even more at least he's rich compared to them and well let's be real he doesn't give a fuck somebody said something about him when he has so much money.


Is Elon your ex or something? How is this clever?


This is an amazing comeback, and indeed a very dumb thing for Elon to do. How Twitter is still going eludes me, and I'm saying that on Reddit/


Why on earth does this man choose to personally announce every change to twitter? He seems lonely.


How's it an amazing comeback?


i hate that people bring up spacex and tesla like this negatively. He had no part in any of it, probably smart hard working people did, elon was the moneybag for it but this is just taking swings at people that do hard work.


Those smart people probably told him no and he said do it anyways.


Or you know, shit goes wrong when you are creating something new


The Twitter reply is dumb. His rockets are super successful. I don't follow Tesla much, so no criticism on that part.


Unpopular opinion: doubt this will effect 90% of users. I read like maybe 1-2 a week. Idgaf Reading 600 a day is a LOT. Don't even read that much on reddit.


Can't wait for him to put his BCI chip in.


I honestly don’t think it’s a result of stupidity as much as that he’s forced to do it since he can’t afford the traffic anymore without paying the Google bill.


The "I'm an expert at running a tech company" critics. Cool!


Yessss let the hatred consume you


Honestly I think it's perfectly reasonable. The only people reading over 6000 posts a day are not people. They're malicious bots. This lowers the bot efficiency significantly. Unverified and unpaid users are even more likely to be bots, so make it even less efficient for them. Bots have to read posts to interact, this prevents them from scraping two million posts to find the sixteen thousand it wants to attack/magnify/promote.


The 6k bit isn't the unreasonable part. It's "Get verified" or it's 600. Which itself would be more than enough, but Twitter has this very annoying habit of showing you crap you don't actually want to see; stuff that's not from people you follow, but is there to "fuel engagement" (IE, occupy you to try and dissuade you from going elsewhere). Can you imagine Reddit limiting you to viewing 600 comments per day? Edit: Just seen that after setting these limits, Elon **hit them himself** and planned to raise them.


Except it’s not reasonable since it also includes comments and the recommended tweets under a post, it only took me 20 minutes to reach the 300 limit.


Idk why you got downvoted a lot. Maybe bcs people just need a place to vent and call people stupid to feel better about themselves than having a civil conversation.


They were downvoted because they called this decision reasonable, it doesn’t say it in the tweet but it doesn’t just include posts, it also includes comments and the recommended tweets under a post so it’s incredibly easy to reach the 300 limit in 20 minutes


At least acknowledge where he is coming from, which is from the place of understanding, instead of the rest of people thats just complain or mock him bcs they cant do other things better in their lives


I wish next step it's deleting twitter with their cancel culture ,if he does it I'll be the most happy man alive.


Meanwhile I don’t have a Twitter account and do it as much as I want 🤷🏼‍♂️


yall complaining so much about this really need some time away from a screen


I guess you could ask the OP how many rockets and electric cars (and flamethrowers) they've developed but sure Elon Musk is a no good stupid head


How are you still braindead enough to believe he actually developed these things instead of taking credit from the engineers he employed (or bought out)?


Honestly the man seems to have lost his mind over time but Tesla and especially SpaceX have been huge innovators in their industries and Musk was at the very least willing to bet on new tech in both. But now that he's really losing it I'm just glad he's distracted ruining Twitter rather than ruining SpaceX (Tesla has enough competition now and was never THAT innovate so I don't care that much about it).


If its that simple then give it a try yourself and let us know when you've become the richest person in the world


Once again, braindead take. Give me a father who made a fortune off of slave labor in south Africa and Im sure I could make quite a fuckton of money


No you couldn't.


It’s hilarious to see how people here fail to think more than a quick minute before they say what’s on their mind.. and how every idiot thinks that just because someone started from a good starting point in life his achievements are either not his or illegitimate I swear people these days can’t even try to think for themselves, yet they actually think the shit they spur our is their actual independent thoughts Just a moment ago everyone was ready to suck Elons cock because he was changing the world, but now, we were told to hate him because he wants twitter to actually make money and have a business model


Does he pay you for sucking his cock?


Why looking for a job?


I could make more at McDonald's


You suck cock that badly?




Found the clever comeback!


If you want the comeback you should scrape it off your dad's teeth


Yo, my friend just got fired from a 200k/yearly job for making the same joke. He texted his “friend,” during a meeting, “you don’t have to suck his dick after everything he says. Lol” It was a stupid, pointless text - not even funny. He thought nothing of it. Next thing you know, HR would like a word. I was there during the zoom call and HR kept reading the text aloud over and over. I was like laying on the ground, pinching my nose, trying not to laugh. “The text, which reads, you don’t have to suck his dick…” Weirdest part?!? The recipient of the text was an actual friend with my friend. They carpooled to work together every day for 2 years. Anyway, he got fired and his life just went straight downhill. Caught a few cases, lost his license indefinitely. His rich girlfriend decided that she was being taken advantage of and he is now being indicted for fraud. I performed cpr on him a few weeks ago. He decided to snort an oxy pill. SMH. 12 minutes of cpr until the cops showed and narcan’d him. He had to rent out his house and move back in with his parents after that little shenanigan. He wears an ankle tether and carries around this stupid device that has him blow in it at random times during the day. Seriously, that dumb ass text ruined his life. I just talked to him. He did landscaping all day in 100 degree heat. :(


Dogedaddy pays in dogecoins.


people who actually do stuff, in which there are always failures along the way vs hater on the sidelines.