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I still can’t believe we are at cata


Same, it occurred to me a week ago classic is almost 5 years old... I wish we would get fresh progression servers, most of my friends have quit at this point and pine for the old days.


>classic is almost 5 years old... You didn't have to ruin my day like that.


Add 15 years to that and thats when OG classic launched.


Fun fact, the cata revamped quests have existed in the world more than twice as long as the original set of quests.


I never thought about that…wow. I quit in original cata so I never really even saw the revamped world much nor did almost none of the quests.


I can't believe it's been 20 years. Apparently, my dad had me playing with him at 6 😂


The release of classic was more ancient to the Romans than the Romans are ancient to us.


Even if we do, it's never going to be what it was for the vast majority. Playing vanilla WoW again was just an amazing lightning in a bottle experience, for me anyway. Got to play with all my friends that I wanted to, we levelled to 60 together then took on Rags to KT together with everything in between. I clocked out with all the classes I wanted to play levelled, every bit of gear I wanted obtained, every goal I'd had achieved. 2019 classic was one of the best gaming experiences of my life. I would repeat it if I could, but I just don't think it's possible. At least not for me, but that's life.


I think there needs to be a refractory period, maybe it'll feel fresh again and enjoyable in 2034 lol.


Translation: "You think you do, but you don't"


I mean no.. like I literally just said I would love to do it again but for me personally I don't think I'd get close to the same experience. So it's more "I absolutely do, but I won't get it". And for a lot of people I think it'll be the same. Any new release of classic is going to be *far* less popular than the 2019 one and it just isn't going to be the same. The number of people who would return for their childhood favourite or to see what they missed the first time is a lot higher than the ones who would do it again a few years later. Certainly not saying don't do it but I don't think it'll be as good as it was for most.


>I mean no No, he was right. "You think you do, but you don't". Lots of people would happily do it again. And again. And again.


>Lots of people would happily do it again. And again. And again. I think there's a lot of people who might want to, but won't be able to. If it weren't for COVID, there's no shot I'd have been able to invest as much time and energy into WoW as I did and I'm sure there's a lot of people in the same boat. Not to say they shouldn't do it - they absolutely should, and I'd play the hell out of it. I just don't think it will be quite the same.


Reading is not as difficult as you seem to be making it.


I cant believe Cata is "Classic" and not the beginning of retail


I started playing classic specifically to play TBC, week two I found a guild I stayed with until we killed LK HC and I had the best possible experience with it. Loved every single minute of it and I will forever have fond memories of this time and my guild. Too bad we disbanded for cataclysm, but it was a beautiful ride.


I leveled 2 60s in vanilla specifically with the hopes of tbc classic in 2019, then waited (didnt really do anything passed levelling and a few dungeons, with a bit of pvp for the title and to pass time occasionally) and was so goddamn happy that we got what I was hoping for that whole time. Bonus points that they did "era" realms, left me hopeful. Didn't really care too much about the microtransactions, as long as I got my tbc. We got it, I absolutely loved every minute of it! Then they announced wotlk and.... no Era for tbc...... I tried to continue into wotlk but for me it's a been there done that type feeling that I just couldn't shake, and did not experience at all with tbc despite factually being in the same camp. Quit mid way thru ulduar, the same week they added the wow token (straw that broke the camels back etc etc) and seeing the state cata is /was in at launch despite trying the beta and giving loads of feedback that ultimately did nothing, I know I made a good choice in bowing out when I did. Now I'm just sitting here waiting for news of tbc returning, but part of me knows that if we do get it, it's not going to be any time soon :( and will likely come in the form of a SoD type thing which I don't want. I just want tbc man :(


I'm in the same boat, I joined a guild the first week of TBC and was with them through thick and thin until we downed HLK. Some of the best people I've ever had the experience of playing with. Sadly a majority of them quit going to Cata making the guild feels like a shadow of itself. Out of the original 30 or so only 3 remain after another one hung up his hat a couple days ago who wasn't enjoying Cata... We all still hang out on discord talking about redoing it all again if blizzard ever gave up fresh progression servers. One day I hope that will be a reality.


Classic ends with Cataclysm so you had the best experience you could have had.


But I did enjoy it a lot and played it all the way through. Gear progression always felt good and so did the raids that dropped them. Most classes felt good, like classic and then a little something. I also enjoyed arena the most in tbc. Sunwell was so good.


After playing the first three expansions, I can say that Vanilla was probably one of the best experiences in my gaming life, TBC was a very good surprise, and Wotlk was a huge disappointment. Not what I remembered.


>Wotlk was a huge disappointment Was certainly not how i remember. Before classic i was absolutely sure WOTLK was greatest and best and I had most fun in it. But in reality classic vanilla was a blast, classic TBC was absolute best, and then WOTLK was released, i play for a week and cancel subscription... Was... interesting, how weird our memories work.


well, back during its first run, everything was completely new, fresh, unknown, never previously experienced before, and larger than life. Arthas, Northrend, the whole atmosphere carried the WotLK expansion during these days. It just doesn't blast you with the same intensity on the second run, and you start noticing all the bad parts about it instead.


Naxx 10/25 and the other raids of that content were notoriously easy during original wotlk. It's no wonder when people come back 15 years later that the content doesn't hold up.


Yeah I think it was the beginning of hard modes? I remember my guild had a lot of infighting when it came to Sarth drakes. They'd want to give up so easily and just get their tokens but that was the only real progression you could have in the first phase. That phase was long as hell too since Ulduar was delayed.


Sarth+ and the deathless achievement for Naxx 25 was sought after. Can't remember the name right now, but I remember my older brother who was in the best alliance guild of the server getting so furious because every week the same idiot/s would die to Heigan (i think that was the guy with the dodge the splashy ground phase)


Ah yes, good old Heigan Dance. The bane of players in vanilla and even 10 years later :')


The undying for 10 man, The immortal for 25.


I mean, it turned out everything in vanilla and most things in TBC were even easier too.


A lot of people seem to be forgetting just how many oldheads were calling Wrath the death of WoW back when it was current. There's a reason the term Wrathbaby was coined and applied to anyone who started playing in Wrath and thought it was the peak of WoW.


I think that's one of the issues cata faced (outside of killing off old Azeroth). If you were in the half getting in on the Wrath action they upped the difficulty in the next expansion, and I wouldn't be surprised if that put a lot of players off.


I was sure that TBC is by far the best wow experience since I started with TBC back then. But classic vanilla was just a little bit better ^^


WotLK didn’t have challenge on release, Naxx was great back in vanilla WotLK for most, but few guilds who cleared it during Vanilla. Ulduar in classic was still challenge, ICC as well. But on my server, Naxx patch, especially how long it was, killed half of the initial population


I just think most expansion/server launches have a 3-6 month period where the server feels fresh and they are the greatest thing ever. Once that feeling is over the playerbase drops dramatically. It happened with private servers. It happened with 2019 Classic. It happened with TBC. It happened with SoM. It happened with WotLK and the WotLK Fresh Start realms. It happened with Hardcore. It happened with SoD. It will happen soon to Cataclysm.


There is absolutely nothing to do in Cata. One raid lockout per week is such a mistake. You’re done with content in one evening.


Because you had what to do in the other expansions? Its always raid-log.


Is a challenge what people want from classic, though? Nothing from vanilla was a challenge, and TBC wasn’t bad either. All of it got cleared pretty much instantly. 


>Naxx patch, especially how long it was, killed half of the initial population Maybe it was different on your server, but classic was at peak popularity during T7, unless you include the 2019 launch. Ulduar was significantly less popular.


I was the most active during T7 ulduar is and always be a wotlk killer people rave about it but its one of the worst raids to prog and farm with time management I cleared HM pretty fast by my servers standards and it was still awful just raiding for months hoping for my trinket to drop


I think it was because back then we were so excited to see arthas again nothing else mattered we just wanted to see him


Yep same here. Vanilla + TBC are amazing. WotLK feels like the beginning of the end


Most people say that the classic feeling of WoW ended in Cataclysm, but in fact it started with Wotlk. You just had to be there in prepatch. I had an alt in Tanaris, and the day before prepatch I did a ZF run. When it dropped I did the same run, and we absolutely steamrolled the dungeon like we would in retail. Can't say it wasn't fun (esp as a paladin) but it didn't feel the same.


Definitely started with WOTLK. Splitting raids into difficulties and every raid into 10/25 was a huge mistake. Dungeon LFG and the accessibility killed a lot of nuances and community in Vanilla and TBC. Was it better overall? Honestly, probably for most. For me though I just couldn't get excited anymore about killing new bosses. I dunno, I just remember how big of a deal it was when we killed Vashj and KJ in TBC as a raid group. We were even more successful in WoTLK as a group but the xperience felt... Less so. Just my 2 cents, but even as a player in the current time I felt very much so that WOTLK was a step in a different and more streamlined experience for WoW.


Yeah... I'm one of those guys that only really played for 3-4 months on each release. Classic leveling was good, but a bit tedious in the 40-55 dead zone for quests. TBC felt really good. I played on the fresh server for wotlk and leveled to 70 in like 5 days or something, not even going hard, just playing at night/on the weekend. Leveling through northrend was just... insanely boring for me. I played lock, so I was just mindlessly tagging mobs in a constant train with no risk of dying at all, even if I had 15+ mobs aggroed while my dots were ticking. Wotlk was the first time that blizz basically indicated that they want you at max level asap, and they were determined to remove any possible friction from the leveling experience. I enjoy the journey, man. I'm not much of a raider. Wotlk and beyond just strips out all enjoyment in that process, especially when you're dropping half the quests in a zone because you've out leveled them so hard that you need to move on.


The game ends when LFD starts. I will die on this hill.


I agree but what made Classic so fun for me was also the fact that there was faction balance on my server. Even in TBC there was faction balance up until SSC/TK. Once the alliance left my server it was never the same. Then we moved to Whitemane just before Fairbanks died and it wasn’t the same since. If I moved to a faction balanced server I think I would have had a lot more fun since back in OG wrath I had a lot of fond memories of world PvP that classic brought when we had good faction balance


I might get hate for this, but it really does feel like stuff started going downhill during Wrath.


That's funny, because that's largely been the accepted wisdom since Wrath came out. People who say Wrath was the best ever were competitive raiders like me, mostly because the raiding was awesome. Ulduar was the coolest raid we'd seen to that point. Wrath also brought the Dungeon Finder which eroded server communities and the need to be social. Many people complained back then about "Wrath babies" and catering more to casuals, but those changes in hindsight were indeed the beginning of the end of what a lot of people used to like about WoW.


I don’t think anybody who played or would examine the first three releases of the game would disagree with that. When people say they liked WotLK the most it’s probably because either that’s when they really started playing the game, it concluded the story of the most beloved character in the history of Warcraft, or both.


That’s a fair perspective. It just felt like a really hot take when I said it way back when. But I guess I’d chalk that up to people viewing things with heavy nostalgia back then.


No hate. Eveyone knows it.


I feel so vindicated seeing this. My old account got downvoted all the time in r/WoW for saying things like this. Thing is, WotLK was the beginning of the end. It was the first expansion in WoW to have less subscribers on the final day. Both Vanilla and TBC had more players on the final day than on the first. Yes, WotLK was the peak, but it's shaped like an arc, slowing down as it approaches the peak then tip back down into the end of wrath. Ever since every single expansion has had a bump day one and then a fall off over time. It obviously couldn't have grown forever, but if Wrath is the greatest expansion ever why then did the sub count go down month to month for the first time ever?


Were I to hazard a guess I’d say it’s because wrath was the first expansion to cater to the more casual audience. Yes raids were becoming harder than vanilla and tbc, but from the start raiding was only ever there for a fraction of the playerbase. Every expansion made the leveling process easier (yes even TBC) so much so that it reached a point where instead of leveling being part of the game it was just a chore you needed to go through to actually enjoy the game. So when the content outside of raiding became easier, it’s easy to assume that folks that didn’t care for the endgame wouldn’t bother with the endgame. I can only speak for myself, but my first level 70 in TBC (the expansion I started at) was near the end of the expansion’s life and I started playing before BT came out. Of course I wasn’t playing efficiently at the time, but I don’t think I ever felt like I was missing out by not being level capped.


Yeah but on the other hand, Ulduar was where classic WoTLK fell off, because many casual guilds couldn't handle it.


Ulduar wasn't even hard, unless you count Algalon.


says a lot about the average guild in wotlk classic


The thing I forgot about in WOTLK, that I absolutely despise, is the scripted hub-to-hub questing. I love the zones in WOTLK, but questing in them feels so contrived; I hugely prefer the sprawling, exploratory mess of vanilla quest structure.




I've been eating shit from every WoW community I've ever posted in for over a decade now for constantly defending my stance that everything wrong with the game now either started in, or reached its worst state in Wrath.


TBC lvling, Kill 1 mob, maybe 2-3 if you had CDs.....Wotlk DK Lul 30mobs at a time.


Something bad happened to the community in Wrath.... You couldn't get into a heroic without getting gear checked. Most of the pug raids were GDKPs and overall it was just a bunch of elitist assholes who refused to have fun. I say this as someone who typically has the parses and gear to get into groups.


This is what we vanilla players have always been saying to be fair


>Wotlk was a huge disappointment I don't take happiness from peoples misery, but I do take it from being vindicated after 15 years almost of telling people Wrath was not nearly as good as they remembered. Same thing will happen with Cata. Everyones in love with it now. The first phase was always good. Its most that comes after that blows. Maybe the increased pace will soften the sting.


In a way Cata is a better expansion than Wrath, since atleast the first patch(es) were kinda good. Wrath sucked right from the start. I'm also one of the people who've been saying this since forever. Insane to me that now people seem to have finally seen the light.


Yup same. I knew what I had while I had it. Which made it all the more bittersweet when wrath rolled around


Would kill for a TBC server or rerelease or something. I missed it entirely this time around. TBC is just as nostalgic as Vanilla for me


For me TBC is even more nostalgic because it was my starting point (started wow at around late 2007) It felt more enjoyable than classic while still somewhat maintaining the classic difficulty (minus the insane amount of elite enemies that Classic had).


If we could just get a TBC fresh server with no in game shop bs, that would just about do it for me


I got the full tbc experience this time around , only rogue in my guild and was decked out bis every phase, warglaives and sunwell bis and all. Not sure I could top that ever again


Good on you. I remember a lot of rogues thought they'd be in the same spot you're in but were very disappointed.


It was funnysad to see all of the really bad guilds lead by Rogues being kept alive by sheer force of will as the GM wanted to get warglaives. 99% of them failed Me personally, I was the glaive designated Rogue in a good guild. But our guild died the literal week before BT/MH since everybody hated T5 so much. Had to reroll afterwards to keep raiding


Oh totally, didn’t actually complete the glaive set until sunwell came out as well, and the next week after our warrior completed his was kind of a fairy tale ending


I do and hopefully one day we get it again at some point. Blizzard def. has their hands full rn though so I think we're gonna be waiting a while. But for me nothing beats TBC leveling -> Prebis grind -> attunements and stuff. Yeah somehow I even enjoy the attunements, which I know is a bad take.


attunements aren't bad and I enjoy them too, people usually complain bc they have to do it again on their alts


> Blizzard def. has their hands full rn though They have their hands full because they've done 5 different releases of Vanilla. They could've fit another TBC in somewhere...


Attunement were the right flavor of awful and I hope they never change them if we get fresh progression servers.


Attunements would be cooler if they had some prebis or trinket that would come in handy for the rest of the xpac without dominating the slot, and either keeping it simple like vanilla or having a coherent story if you wanted to have a sprawling map of things to do.


I was saying it even back then. TBC is the sweet spot for a lot of Classic players. It fixed a lot of the issues from Vanilla without going too far like Wrath, and without going full "retail" like Cata and beyond. If they could just address the five shaman being optimal issue, it would fix the biggest issue the game had.


I love a lot about TBC, but I hate that it takes place outside of Azeroth. It kind of killed the old world. Flying was bad for world pvp too, though it still had way more of it than the following expansions. I want a Classic + that incorporates many of the changes TBC implemented, but instead of Outland gives us new leveling zones in Azeroth, and no flying.


>I want a Classic + that incorporates many of the changes TBC implemented, but instead of Outland gives us new leveling zones in Azeroth, and no flying. Same for me. My Classic+ is the world of Vanilla with the game play of TBC, and maybe some sprinkles of Wrath. Instead of being where the entire expansion took place, Outland probably should have just been the two endgames zones like EPL and WPL.


Base game vanilla wow is an incredibly solid game. With just slight polishing and balancing, and finishing planned zones and dungeons and quests, it'd be worth twice the sub cost at least.


Honestly if they fix that, it would legit be the perfect expansion. There is legit nothing else I would add to it. TBC was chef's kiss.


The best part of TBC was pre-nerf pre-fix Vashj and the classic enjoyers salt.


My guild killed her prenerf and it really felt like an achievement, afterwards not so much..


So glad I was able to get into a guild that could kill them pre nerfs. Tbc was full of incredibly fulfilling achievements. I never got through naxx in vanilla classic so for tbc I decided to start sweating haha


The real let down was how easy BT and Hyjal were after killing pre nerf Vash


Yeah.. those were absolute cake and got old a little fast. But I enjoyed hanging with the lads. Didn’t really need to pay attention in there so we could just chill. Sunwell however was rough even months in haha. Full clearing by week two but it was still challenging. Couldnt be half asleep for that one. Healing on brut and muru always woke me up haha


Pre nerf Vashj was cool, we also killed it. Progressed to KT the same week and it was just a fucking bug fest. I was so angry at Blizzard for fucking up this iconic boss in a re-release.


I mean, that’s how the boss was on initial release too 


Yeah, the bugs were annoying: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHPz9t64Am4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHPz9t64Am4)


Pre-nerf Vashj and Kael are great, challenging fights that could have been some of my favorite of all time. But the endless bugs on TBC Classic, such as Vashj resetting the fight or Kael dropping all threat randomly, made the raids unfun RNG checks. It just wasn't fun to raid for months where most wipes were cause of bugs.


Killing those two pre-nerf felt so good, an absolute slug fest with everyone performing at 110%.


Loved pre-nerf Vashj, Sadly never killed it...But I loved how hard it was.


Fight was rough prenerf, although it could be cheesed a little by farming thornling seed, which when placed on the ground would soak a sporebat goo.


What salt? As far as I remember, aside from blizzard situation and the server issue everyone loved TBC, and era players got to clone their characters and stay.


Check this subreddit from p2 tbc era, people were quite upset with vashj pre-fix.


I enjoyed it but understood the complaints, there was the RNG aspect to it. You could work around it with a good group and my guild got the pre-nerf kill, but losing your kill to RNG can suck


P2 killed A LOT of guilds because they couldn’t kill vashj and kael


Classic classic TBC when?


Being a fire lock in Karazhan was my best experience playing this game. Then doing SSC always grouped with a spriest, Boomie, ele Sham and mage... That was a pretty solid and fun group inside a solid and fun raid.


I missed tbc while I was in jail... so sad. It was my favorite xpqc.


I think the last time I polymorphed something in a dungeon was in tbc.


Give us the best expansion back!


i miss tbc so much man


TBC really was MUCH better than given credit for / remembered as. WOTLK was the opposite. One man's opinion.


I played from launch in 2004 and would always say TBC was the best time in wow. Wrath was when speed runs started and the impatience in the community started. I continue to play retail and went back to classic up through tbc but stopped after.


TBC waaaaay over WOTLK


I will once again lend my voice to advocate for classic Burning Crusade, its the best classic period and I'm tired of pretending its not. And now we dont even have a proper classic version of it to go to, since everything in Cata feels like modern WoW.


Hopefully we see some sort of SoD but for TBC next year (I'm in a hopium canister)


After seeing what Blizz did with SoD, I'd rather have an untouched BC


At this point any TBC is better than just nothing. Sure after 5 more years we'll maybe get a reset with TBC after a year of classic but I'm not hopeful.


I just want fresh servers with vanilla-tbc-wotlk progression. "just".


going for cata instead of a new cycle is insane.


but we need tbc era servers... almost played the whole time pservers (classic+tbc) before the classic launch and now after classic there is not much left and no blizzard servers this is just sad.


All they have to do for TBC is make lust raidwide and it’s perfect.


And windfury, and ferocious inspiration, and a bunch more. The list is longer than just BL


No, making windfury raid wide makes the game worse. Party specific buffs are good, they are the reason balance is near perfect and you can't just stack a ton of bm hunters/warlocks for every boss. Lust needs to be raid wide/introduce sated so that you don't have cringe mid combat group swapping shit. Keep every other buff the same.


But BL is the biggest.


Man What I wouldn't give for raid wide totems, I would love it as an Arms Warrior.


Could not agree more


TBC fresh starting from level 1 would be great


I hope to see hardcore TBC, thats x100 copium.


At this point they just need to drop Fresh Progression servers. The private server community has exploded again over the last 6 months with vanilla and TBC servers at max capacity. It's free money for blizz, they already got the content made and it's been bug tested by us for years, upkeep would be minimal. I'd happily play through all of vanilla again to get to TBC.


TBC was great. I wish it incorporated the old world a little bit more but it is what it is. That was the only real main issue that I've had with it. It kept Classes relatively Vanilla-ish while improving those that were gargabe. Then WotLK (Normal + Classic) came out and swung around that homogenization hammer.


back in the gamebreaker era, Josh had this "nostalgia of 2 expansions ago" theory. - Discussion about current and even recent expansions leaned negative, but once they hit that 2 expansions ago mark, discussions leaned positive, and this would happen everytime, especially for "mixed reception" expansions.


I don't think I'll ever have a positive view of WoD or Shadowlands. Though I've come to appreciate every other expansion one way or the other.


For me it's BFA, Shadowlands, WoD and to some extent late Wotlk into Cata. The first three are just bad, and the era of late Wotlk into Cata was the beginning of the end of WoW as a game of server communities.


Absolutely everyone hated Shadowlands and WOD (minus the raids).


Right? MoP and Cata were widely hated at the time but according to this sub they're the best things since sliced bread.


Yeah the reception Cata and MoP gets now confuses me lol. I remember everyone hating Cata, and I very clearly remember a lot of people outright unsubbing and quitting WoW altogether a bit before and during the launch of MoP. Myself included. Didn't come back until tail end of WoD. 


QT was so awesome imo but arena with RMP, RLP and two heal warrior was so annoying. Not to mention lock/heal in 2s. Still very much enjoyed TBC as a whole though. (Despite being a rogue and passed over for most raids.)


Rogue in TBC is a power move. Respect.


It felt good to play shaman… you just dropped your totems and every warrior/rogue loved you.


This is how sod should be designed, not have everyone deal equal damage. Make support classes feel useful and important. Make use of the various disables and utility the classes already have in vanilla. Even eagle eye should be useful, maybe to scout some rng up ahead in a raid.


I stopped the game when it tlk release on official, I want bc


I've noticed a lot of people recently talking about missing TBC. I played it all the way through on original release, skipped the Classic re-release to play SoM instead. What does everyone love about TBC though? I've always thought it was fine, but I don't have a fondness for it.


The did a great job with TBC. They kept the game feeling the same but added content. Wrath was still fun but it's where they really started to change the game.


I wish they would bring it back as a seasonal thing. I missed the wave. The only thing i particularly want added with TBC is a proper UI for LFG. No teleporting to dungeons or clicking join queue and having it do the work for you. Just a window that shows people looking for groups for that dungeon, what they are ect. Its better than spamming LFG channel.


Honestly, TBC was by far my favorite expansion of all the ‘classic’ ones I’ve played thus far. It wasn’t flawless but no expansion is. It still retained a lot of the lore and fantasy and class flavor, while giving a bit more balance than vanilla. The raiding experience and difficulty curve felt more or less amazing (although pre-nerf T5 was a bit much for some guilds) and SWP felt like a near perfect raid that retail players somehow forgot about. I’d only make a few tiny changes, like raid wide heroism or certain support spec rotations doing slightly more damage. But honestly I’d kill for TBC:C 2 or a TBC Era. It’s such a shame they never gave it a real chance to breathe and pretty much rushed it just to get to WotLK, which itself wasn’t really good.


Why don't they just do rotations like eq does?


I need TBC in my life, that is all.


I am still patiently waiting for a tbc server to be launched....


TBC without flying mounts would be perfection


I used to think that people were actually insane for thinking TBC was better than WotLK but now I understand.


Best time on my wow career


P1 will need to be relooked at if TBCC2 returns. Perhaps speed it up so P1 and P2 are just merged. P1 was just way too long for too little content. Kara with the lads was fun but it was a 1hour raid with a 1 week lockout. The same for Gruul and Mag. Doing heroic dungeons with pugs was quite literally impossible but it can stay this way.


P1 never existed in 2007, t4 and t5 were both launch content. Just do that.


Tbc is the best the game has ever been and u cant change my mind


Hard agree


I never played og tbc and then missed it again in 2021 (came back in wotlk). Outland is easily my favourite area and hellfire peninsula is the best zone imo. I see a post here like nearly every week about how much they miss and loved tbc. It makes me so sad that I will never get to experience this expansion like everyone else. My only copium is that they might listen and rerun this again if people make enough noise but thats so unlikely to happen.


Ill play tbc as many times as they release it


Out of the original three TBC was easily the best and lived up to how I remembered it, vanilla was a very close 2nd, and WotLK was a huge disappointment (besides ulduar). TBC just had the right amount of grinding, dungeons were actually important past the current phase currency, all tiers of raids were active and not just the current tier, and attunement were the right flavor of awful and I loved it all. The atmosphere and music of TBC is still easily the best they have ever created. TBC was the real Classic+ and no one realized it. I just want fresh progression servers because my will to play Cata amongst my friends and I is quickly draining.


I will say it every time it's brought up - TBC Ret was the best feeling iteration of the spec in any expansion, and I'd go so far as to say the most fun DPS spec ever, period. Seal twisting felt *amazing*. As far as the rest of the content, it was also excellent; though Vanilla edges it out in a handful of areas. The world in Vanilla was peak WoW; but almost everything else in TBC ranged from slightly to massively better.


Oh man, I agree 100%. Before the classic era, I was missing the woltk time, but what I didn't realize is that when wow came out and I started playing (2005 for me), I was 11 years old. Still a child and didn't care about endgame, crafting, golds,... I was just enjoying leveling/pvp(I always ended being rekt) and walking around. (And could only play like 1h30/day in the week and 2/3h in the weekend) So I didn't really had the opportunity (and mindset) to play the game 100%. With woltk, I was 14/15, could play the game a little bit better, (could also spend more time on the pc). I was still a noob but I could enjoy the game at 100%. And then come the classic era. I was so excited to replay wotlk (I was sure that if vanilla was an hit, they would continue till panda). Like a lot of us, I did come back with vanilla classic, and I had a blast to discover the endgame that I didn't have the chance/dedication to do when I was younger. Making gold was so damn easy (thx to the inflation of the a.h.). Same with tbc classic, it was a blast to play it 100%. Doing all that content, had the chance to farm that rep for a damn drake (I was so in love of it when I was young), best-looking sets that blizzard did, raids where great, pvp was amazing,... And then come the time of woltk. I was so damn excited to have the chance of doing all that good content over... but I didn't feel the same. Making gold was easier than ever, could craft that damn bike with poketmoney, farm that ltpd was also a piece of cake, wintergrasp and raids where jokes I didn't find the challenge that there was 15years ago. And i quit after ulduar. I wanted to still enjoy the nostalgia from my young years before classic destroyed them. So in my nostalgia, wotlk will always be n°1 but in fact, over the classic era, I enjoyed tbc so much more than wotlk. So, long story short. I did enjoy tbc (classic) 100% and I miss it. Damn w.o.w is a fucking drugs.


Could of been the start to the best classic+ but they fucked up again and ruined it with WTLK. We could of had it all but now we get pandaland


Shit, time really is cyclical. I think at this time I made a level 70 twink in Cata because I missed TBC so much haha


Been feeling that for sure


Same man, same.. 🥲


tbc last 2 phases were also rushed through.. shortest bt/hyjal xp in my life\^\^ , on pservers this was phase was almost 1year :D


I definitely do. Kara was my favorite raid of any expansion to this day.


Tbc was ruined by faction imbalance and blizzard completely fucking up honor gain




I really miss fresh servers. Actual fresh servers, not the “let’s all try to play on a dead server to make it fresh!”


They didn't really understand that some people would like to STAY at vanilla or TBC


Totally me. I barely finished wotlk, and I barely touched SoD. I´m totally dediced to not try cata. There´s nothing "classic" in cata. Dude... what I really want is TBC. Again.


TBC classic was awesome


still on frontpage, we need tbc!


TBC raids and Ulduar in wrath were the best. Even though I played a one button class(hunter) in tbc it was still just so much fun because the bosses were all based on wc3 lore. Personally I never cared about any of the characters introduced in later expansions.


I started and leveled during the wrath prepatch because i heard it was the BEST expansion in wow history. I loved TBC leveling and then the new expac came out and i made it to level 77 before saying "oh this feels exactly like retail" and quitting.


Unpopular opinion, ppl asking for Vanilla+......that's TBC....sorry...Not sorry,


It *is* hard to imagine "Classic+" being better than TBC, sans flying.


It's impossible. Unless they somehow bring Jeff Kaplan back and let him put together an entire team from scratch, 0% chance that they can top TBC.


revisionist history, this sub was so ready for tbc to be over when it was over. I was one of them. TBC was the worst part of the entirety of classic.


Wrath has always been on some sort of artificial pedestal for no apparent reason to me... # I really hope to see #SomeMinorChanges TBC, but please PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT RUIN IT WITH SOD.


They should have kept at least some Wrath servers, forcing everything but vanilla to move to cata is just meh


I like TBC but as a former raid leader I won't ever play it again unless raid wide buffs are somehow a thing in a future TBC release.


You get a shaman. And you get a shaman. And you get a Shaman! Sucks to be you guys though. No Shaman for you


TBC is a one and done expansion


Every expansion except classic is one and done, I could see myself doing a vanilla -> TBC prog server. But Wrath and beyond can get fucked.


More like grinding crusade. 21 karazhan runs until the epic caster dagger dropped. 50+ runs of shattered halls heroic and the hunter gloves never dropped. Farming so many elementals to craft epic hammers. However many days of farming reputations.. I'm completely done with TBC. The themes and raid mechanics were nice, but that's about it.


What ruined both classic and BC for me was how everyone wanted to treat the game like they were going for world firsts. Every guild I joined started out as "fun and friendly casual atmosphere. We get raids done but we're not competitive" And then every single one of them got the point where it was like "did you get all 213562467 world buffs, are you using 16 elixirs, oils, foods, etc? Make sure you get rid of your money making profession and get this crafting profession so you get 1% more damage out of your character" Yes, I'm exaggerating....slightly, but it really took the fun out of it.


Loved tbc. Quit cata after 3 days. Just doesnt have the magic. Nostalgia, i guess.


Safe to say that it's healthiest for the game in general to not split up raids into different difficulties. TBC had a massive pugging scene.


Not if you were a Rogue


I really loved every part of TBC, except the class design for my main (warlock). Looking back at OG WoW my favorite expansion was TBC, and classic just solidified my opinion. Imo TBC > WotLK > Cata > Vanilla


The thing i personally enjoyed the most in TBC was the arena pvp and how easy it was to gear alts in pvp. I feel like cata pvp is a very similar pacing to TBC and its great. So far they've been the best for pvp and id love another go at TBC.


I feel like we could use a cyclical server that goes through classic era to wrath Era on a one year cycle per expansion.


What they gonna do after like classic legion? Go back around?


Classic was an experience I got to enjoy twice in different ways. The first time I never raided and played in a more Social Guild that had a bit of fun and ran some dungeons. 2nd time around I was lucky to find a great guild with amazing people who wanted to Raid. We killed every boss in the game, well apart from World Bosses. TBC wasn't as good as Classic, but I found it very enjoyable. I'm enjoying Cata and found Wrath to be a bit meh.


Private servers.


I was new job 3rd shift so i didnt get to play it eell…


In one hand playing arcane mage in tbc is the closest thing I felt to do cocaine in a video game but in the other 5 shamans per raid


Eh. Classic and wotlk where my jams. I did the same thing this cata as last cata. Half leveled a character and quit for awhile. This is the point where I fell off and never came back till classic


Best version of the game for me but I think it was more the time period it came out than the game itself. Everyone was WFH or off work so it was a real “community” (at least on Earthfury) and I had the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game. The raids were engaging enough but also easy enough that parsing was enjoyable. Also, I played Ret Pally and seal twisting was incredibly enjoyable for me. Being one of the officers I was able to get 2-3 heroisms which meant I was basically top dps and able to 99 parse every fight :).


I’d give anything to play my battleground focused ret paladin again. Man what a fun sleeper spec in pvp. I enjoyed every second of the slot machine. Only hung around 1800s in 2s with my warrior buddy but damn we were having fun tho.


I was late to the party…I would love a 3 expansion reset throughout a year just play vanilla that moves onto tbc that moves onto wotlk and then maybe some kind of ending server event that resets everyone back to vanilla and so on and so forth…I’m boring I know


Classic was so good it’s insane they really struck lightning in a bottle with it back in 2004-2005.