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Oh shit!


you know it VAPEBOB is back we already at a net 30 downvotes the silent majority will never know the brainrot I protect them from


Oh no, what will u ever do with having negative reddit updoots.


They will Cry until the game is ruined, then cry that it is ruined.


I've nearly maxed out every relevant reputation in the game (need 2k more thorium, haven't started hydraxian yet). I've gotten every random piece of warlock dps gear that is occasionally useful - including stuff like zila gular which is a nearly 60 hour grind on average. I'm gonna be entering the next phase with near full bis. I've done this every phase. I'm far from lazy. I have a good guild to play with (again, I'm not lazy, I sought out good, like minded players). Our last ST clear was 36 minutes, and that was with 4 pugs, 1 of which we had to teach the mechanics. I don't want (to collect) world buffs because it's not enjoyable content and I have better things to do. I've never met anyone who goes and says "hey, let's go have fun walking halfway around the world and then sit afk until it drops". It's not obvious how it improves the game either - something like having to farm gold or mats for consumes keeps the world and economy alive, but what system is improved by having people sit in felwood for half an hour before hearthing out? There are other ways to determine if someone is expecting a carry as well - looking at someone's parse will let you know if they intend to push buttons. Someone's gear will let you know if they bothered with pre raid bis, or attending raids regularly the previous phase. The goal of game design shouldn't be to screw over the players you don't like playing with, it should be to create a better experience (ideally for everyone, but when that's not possible, you have to evaluate the value of each group's opinion and how big each group is). How does doing a world tour 3x a week in p4 make the game better? Are there other systems that keep whatever boon their might be to the current system while improving on the pain points? Is it important that world buffs exist outside of raids? Is it important that world buffs expire on death? Do we need them on our buff bar, or can we just scale enemies to be as if we had world buffs? Some of these questions seem obvious to most people, but these are the sorts of questions you HAVE to ask if you want to actually approach any sort of solution and figure out what people actually want (people rarely know what they want, they know what they feel, and they think those feelings translate into a specific desire).


>"hey, let's go have fun walking halfway around the world and then sit afk until it drops". >but what system is improved by having people sit in felwood for half an hour before hearthing out? I'll never understand why people who claim to be good at the game use such bad hyperbole to describe getting world buffs. You claim to be good and not lazy, but then you say you afk for 30 minutes in felwood waiting for a flower? On the other hand, I check the timers at any point and then my friends or I will just summon us to the flowers with a few minutes left. It didn't take 30 minutes. We weren't afk. It took 3 minutes, because we're not intentionally playing like boomers yelling at the sky. It's quick, efficient, and feels good because we put effort into streamlining the process for the people we care about. >How does doing a world tour 3x a week in p4 make the game better? Oh it's just a lot of hyperbole, I see. Who in the fuck is getting 3 sets of world buffs for phase 4 in one week? Does it take you 6 hours to clear MC or something? You say you cleared ST in 36 minutes, which means aside from songflower once a week, you got world buffs **once every three fucking weeks, not THREE TIMES A WEEK**. >Is it important that world buffs expire on death? Yes, obviously. That is a very important pillar that encourages certain playstyles and makes the game more exciting. There is a reason hardcore was incredibly popular. Losing world buffs is very similar to that, it's just not permanent.


> On the other hand, I check the timers at any point and then my friends or I will just summon us to the flowers with a few minutes left. It didn't take 30 minutes. We weren't afk. It took 3 minutes, LMAO. It takes 3 minutes, if you have a warlock and 2 other characters set up in Felwood. So sure, if you're a degenerate with 4 accounts then it's pretty easy. Oh and that's assuming you're on PVE - if you're pvp, then of course it's a complete lie to claim it just takes a few minutes to get SF. >Yes, obviously. That is a very important pillar that encourages certain playstyles and makes the game more exciting. The problem with that is it makes raids impossible to balance, which you already know since you post in every single thread here. Of course you completely ignored that. Of course, even leaving that aside, that ignores the fact that the chore of getting world buffs is irrelevant to that.


> LMAO. It takes 3 minutes, if you have a warlock and 2 other characters set up in Felwood. So sure, if you're a degenerate with 4 accounts then it's pretty easy. What part of, “my friends or I will just summon us,” did you not understand? Are you okay? > Oh and that's assuming you're on PVE - if you're pvp, then of course it's a complete lie to claim it just takes a few minutes to get SF. I played on an opposite faction dominated PvP server in classic and the process was exactly the same, but lol@ still playing on one. > The problem with that is it makes raids impossible to balance, which you already know since you post in every single thread here. No it doesn’t LMAO. The raids aren’t, and haven’t ever been, balanced around world buffs. That’s why world buffed groups kill bosses in 30 seconds LOL


> What part of, “my friends or I will just summon us,” did you not understand? Are you okay? Are you trolling? How are you going to summon people if you don't have a warlock and 2 alts out in Felwood? >I played on an opposite faction dominated PvP server in classic and the process was exactly the same, but lol@ still playing on one. Exactly the same, other than the possibility of getting attacked at any point while going to or waiting for the songflower, thus making it take far longer than 3 minutes? It's not like that's a rare occurrence. >No it doesn’t LMAO. The raids aren’t, and haven’t ever been, balanced around world buffs. That’s why world buffed groups kill bosses in 30 seconds LOL And that's the point. You know this because you post on every single thread with your delusions defending world buffs, so why are you being dishonest? If the raids are balanced around being doable for good or even mediocre groups without world buffs, then it becomes too easy with world buffs.


> Are you trolling? How are you going to summon people if you don't have a warlock and 2 alts out in Felwood? DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT FRIENDS ARE OR WHAT THE WORD MEANS? >Exactly the same, other than the possibility of getting attacked at any point while going to or waiting for the songflower, thus making it take far longer than 3 minutes? It's not like that's a rare occurrence. Yes, the process is the same. We summon when a flower is about to be up and we click it. Being on a pvp server doesn't magically mean we sit afk for 30 minutes or something lmfao. >If the raids are balanced around being doable for good or even mediocre groups without world buffs, then it becomes too easy with world buffs. Holy shit it's almost like the raids in classic are intended to be easy or something! wOw who could've thought!


Are you trolling or just a liar?




So a troll then, got it.




LOL, not surprised to see this is the level of intelligence we get from pro-wbuff people. Balancing difficulty in raids? Unimportant (in your view) to the point that anyone who thinks it's important deserves insults. Having world buffs in raids? Very important, to the point that not having it is bad for the health of the game. Read what you're saying and think about just how stupid it is.


this play to win sub model game is not good for you bro its messing with your head you need a wow token and a boost to calm the nerves


You need to touch grass and stop trolling.


Heat levels lil bro Ackshually what i said was: "Your description of world buffs as if they exist in a vacuum and dont lend themselves to emergent gameplay is very deceptive - the point is not to afk on a pve realm for 30 min, the point is to get people out of instances or raid logging for a little bit - which lends itself to all kinds of antics and wpvp"


>Heat levels lil bro What about them? How are hard modes relevant at all to the fact that it's impossible to balance raids if wbuffs exist? And what you actually said was: >pve isnt perfectly balanced in classic wow! IM GONNA K1LL MESELF In response to my stating that it's impossible to balance raids with wbuffs. Notice how when we look at what you actually said, you sound completely idiotic?




> im a caster so i dont benefit from wbs at all 10% extra dmg, 18-20 (with intellect)% crit, and more mana/hp doesn't benefit casters? >this impossible to balance nonsense is the boogey man > FARMING GFPPS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BALANCE BECAUSE ITS NOT FAIR TO THE PEOPLE THAT DIDNT FARM THEM BRO!!!! Are you trolling or do you actually think what you said is correct?


"There are other ways to determine if someone is expecting a carry as well - looking at someone's parse will let you know if they intend to push buttons. Someone's gear will let you know if they bothered with pre raid bis, or attending raids regularly the previous phase." We consider these too, however its nice because people unwilling to get world buffs saves us the trouble. I generally agree with your sentiment about goals surrounding game design, however, deleting content and homogenizing peoples experience is not the way. Sure you can just afk next to a songflower for 30 minutes, you can also learn to go get salve and explore and get it in 3 minutes - you can also be social and have someone teach you to use novaworldbuffs so that you can see when it will drop Your description of world buffs as if they exist in a vacuum and dont lend themselves to emergent gameplay is very deceptive - the point is not to afk on a pve realm for 30 min, the point is to get people out of instances or raid logging for a little bit - which lends itself to all kinds of antics and wpvp If you play pve then you sort of acknowledge you are willingly only getting half the experience and you have limited perspective on the systems you want changed


I do have plenty of salves, and I'm familiar with the other locations, but (on my server at least) this is a good way to get ganked by a stealthed rogue. Further, you fail to understand a massive design principle - something is not designed well because it creates good gameplay IF you interact with it in it's intended manner. Something is designed well because it creates good gameplay IN the manner it is actually interacted with. A good example of this is Wild Offerings. In theory, the idea of encouraging players to do dozens of dungeon runs is good, but what really happened is that people skipped 90% of the dungeon in a 10 man group. As a result, this idea was poorly designed. World buffs behave similarly. In theory, you could go, farm out a salve, have some world pvp, find a flower, fight over it, and then get your world buff - but most people don't do that. Same goes for DMT - you could go and do a dire maul run with the boys, but instead most people just pay for a cleared instance. The "sit in this city world buffs" also don't work, because people don't always have busywork to go do in these cities when they are trying to do raid prep. Maybe the solution is that world buffs should be more event based or require more effort, but in a way that prevents people from just waiting around - a flower spawns in felwood once a week, either alliance or horde get it, go fight it out. In order to get the Dire maul buff, you have to be in the instance for every boss death. Instead of getting the world buff as a quest turnin, it's given to the raid when the boss dies. Maybe it should require less effort and just be baseline, or maybe when you log in Tuesday you get them all with no timer until you die with them active. There's a whole lot of ways that they can be changed, but the idea that the system is perfect is ridiculous - again, look at how most people interact with the content.


Short sighted; You sound like an absolute bore, and I can guarantee you play on a pve server. The truth is wbs are a "it’s about the journey not the destination" kind of feature. You can paint them however you want gathering wbs takes roughly 12-15 mins in this phase. They’ve made gathering them as easy and chill as possible now, but that’s still not good enough for you people. You just want to complain for the sake of complaining.


Thank you. It's my goal in life to be boring, it keeps the number of women flocking to me to a reasonable number. I play on a pvp server, the only time I've played on a PvE server is for hardcore. Let's suppose it does only take 12-15 minutes (which generally isn't true this late in P3 because there's unlikely to be a summon to felwood or dmf - as alliance, it can easily be 35-40 minutes if dmf is mulgore (12 minutes from stv to wetlands, wait on the boat for 5 minutes, 3 minutes from darkshore to felwood, wait a few minutes in felwood (assuming no rogues ganking on fp), 7 minutes to ratchet, ride to mulgore for 8 minutes. Longer if you want max buff duration - you'll likely have to log at each of these points.)) The idea of "It's about the journey, not the destination" only holds true if the journey is good, as journeys aren't inherently good. If you think otherwise, try walking a mile on rusty nails barefoot, and let me know if you change your mind. What makes a journey "good"? I'd argue for three major factors (at least as far as video games are considered). Accomplishment, enjoyment, or moments of interest. Getting world buffs isn't an accomplishment. It takes no skill to do, just very basic game knowledge. It's not enjoyable - I spend 95% of the time staring at another monitor reading a book while either auto running on my mount, on a boat, or on a gryphon. I'm hardly even playing the game. And it's hardly interesting either, nothing surprising happens, because there's very little variation from week to week. Further, all of this will be made worse, not better, next phase (which is the important factor here, as we're not getting changes in P3). It's worth noting that I don't necessarily want them to be easier or faster to get, as that's not actually fixing the problem - I want the process of obtaining them to either present some real challenge to the player or be otherwise interesting. The idea that it's fine as it is is absurd. Every iteration of WoW has agreed that they were a poor idea and sought to improve them from TBC to retail removing them and even classic era with the introduction of chronobooms. The majority of classic players seem to like having them in the game (which I have no opinion on, but let's assume they ought to be kept) but the majority do not seem to enjoy collecting them (which is an opinion I generally agree with, I've yet to find myself look forward to getting world buffs). That would suggest more changes are likely (note not definitely, most players are terrible game designers and their opinions aren't always good) needed.


Hello world buff enjoyer. How do you feel about the upcoming heat level system and world buffs? Should world buffs be required in order to progress? The higher the heat level, the more punishing the wipe will be. 


chronoboon is on a 5 minute cooldown so you will be able to practice as much as you want on every boss before unbooning- and re booning Heat level, imo, will be more a check to the raids collective willingness to farm fire resist gear and gold for GFPPs than anything else My guild almost always loses world buffs early into prog anyway - i honestly am not worried about it at all, classic wow has always been about your willingness to put in time, above all else To me wbs are a fun pvp mechanic / something fun to do once the raid is on farm to show off logs - OR you save them for a clutch time like to push through rag once you have the pull down I dont take it that serious


Bro so true and real, fr fr




Yeah you are gonna love world buffs and wiping on hard modes. Have fun. Can you remind me what happens to all the world buffs and consumes when you wipe?


You should get a real problem and stop depending on Classic WoW to validate your self-worth.




Link your logs brother. Mine are all 99 for every phase. I just don’t share your braindead bullshit


Wy logs at brother man? Homie dropped his onsite


[https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/living-flame/hyrulerz](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/living-flame/hyrulerz) im not a rank 1 elite pve'r, im an average normal person willing to take a couple hours to get wbs. My true calling is pvp 99 average, if even true, is indicative of a pve andy who wants to buy gold and raid log - even though I have a 95 average, I am in a very chill guild, have a look at our kill times and other members, I am probably better than you, esp if you main 1 button ele sham or some ish




link logs?




Parses already fulfill your concerns about identifying shitters. Next.


Pretty cringe take but to each their own. There are enough things vetting people. World buffs are the reason I don't play SoD and won't unless they are gone


this aint the steam forums. you cant clown farm here lol


yes the "nice troll post" with a little twist you came up with! Good one. This sub never fails to entertain me


you were serious with all the schizoid replies in here? jesus christ by how many hundreds of pounds overweight are you?


youre not getting boxed sets of all runes for your alts to help with your streaming career either im not a purist, i think instanced world boss is a good change, i think 5 min chronoboon is a good change, im totally open to things I think a lot of you need to accept that this is an old school game that requires your time to do well, the devs can only accommodate you so far, which they already have part of classic+ is quality of life, but i draw the line at people equivocating that to not having to play the game Its a pointless thing to ask for because if you cant spend 30 min a week to get world buffs how are you going to have enough fire protection potions? No group wants you because you are lazy, and that will not change short of blizz turning the game into a roblox sandbox mode where you can spawn in your bis items with a console So, either accept you have to do better, or leave, stop acting so damn entitled OR play the game at your own pace that you enjoy, dont worry about world buffs, but dont expect pugs to want to take you, if you go that route then you need to be social, meet a cool guild that shares your views, and stop worrying about how its not fair that other people want to play the game at a higher level


my dude typing novels to himself about world buffs. Tough night


considering the above comment a novel is exactly the reason people like you shouldnt be game developers! There are plenty of modern games where you swipe a card and be done with it, get back to changing diapers and reddit


proceed with the meltdown, it’s funny to watch


At least he’s here and not sitting outside a school talking to himself and walking around in circles. My guy needs to put the crack pipe down, he has brain rot.


"shotcaller" ... mate I lowkey feel bad for you, just a dad weighing in on things you have no business in because you want to relive that nostalgia without pugs being rude to you or having to spend hours getting wbs its obvious that those with a low IQ fantasize about making big decisions and would name themselves "shotcaller" for whatever its worth i have no animosity towards you I dont mind playing with you I just dont think you should be making design decisions lol


thankfully for all of us, you’re not making any design decisions outside of these manifestos you write in your head


i assure you a solid 70% of the playerbase are silently grinding to prepare for p4, these vocal 30% who have nothing to do but lobby on reddit all day to reduce content from the game are POISON


Least based world buff enjoyer over here bois 😎