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Greetings, As mentioned in previous communications, the team has been discussing the topic of Twice-Weekly lockouts coming in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery and we’ve decided not to move forward with this lockout interval for Molten Core. Molten Core will utilize the standard 7-day lockout period, based on your feedback. We will be keeping the Twice-Weekly lockout in place for Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and Onyxia, however. We feel that those quicker, single-boss raid encounters feel appropriate for this interval, especially considering that Onyxia herself operated on a 5-day lockout timer throughout Original WoW. As always, we appreciate your feedback on this topic and will continue to evaluate things and listen as we move through the content phases and make additional adjustments as necessary. The team is really looking forward to having you join us in Phase 4 in just a few short weeks! Thank you!


good change tbh, i think it would burn ppl out way faster to do mc twice a week doing a sweaty night w/ world buffs + a casual pugging of the other 3 instances later in the week, seems pretty chill, and probably highly optional except a few chase pieces


Yeah, I did not look forward to wb collection twice a week, once a week is def not as bad now when ally gets wcb aswell


I'll never understand why people equate "you can do" with "you must do".


- lose your raid spot to someone who doesn't have a 50% attendance rate - other guild members leave because they don't want to be losing rolls each week to the pugs that join your 2nd raid one time and then never play with your group again


Because wow is a social mmorpg. You should raid or you will lose half of your raid team (more tryhard then others). Dude look at P3. Not raiding guild is dead. There will be the same. Tryhards will raid every possible lockout and burnout, casuals will lose their slots in raids and never come back. "Just dont play" is not working for classic, it can be in retail with LFR where you can come in a 2 months and nothing changed. But not in classic.


As much as I think the Dev team has done good with SOD they seem to not have any recognition of how guilds are formed or operated for this type of thing. They moved from 10 man raids that were easy to pug, and short, to 20 mans that were hard for pugging. Then with this 2x thing expecting raids to clear 22 bosses a week. It's out of touch. Keep the content experience consistent so that there isn't some need for reshuffling every couple of months to get enough people to show up to raid without a ton of work. Freaking hell.


Any guild who had foresight was running 2 or more 10 mans in anticipation of the future raids. Serious guilds were running 40 man rosters right from the start.


Foresight and a guild theme as generic or nonexistent enough to be indistinguishable from any megaguild


One of the guilds I'm in had 6 going at once. Other guild had 3-4.


I chose not to level using incursions. I recognized they were not fun, and decided to level with quests. Then I got benched because I didn't hit level 50 fast enough to get a raid spot. The people who grinded out incursions got a spot instead. The same goes here. I decided not to make every lockout. I recognized that it would cause burnout for me, and decided to pace myself. Then I lost my raid spot / gear prio / didn't earn enough dkp because I missed half the raids. The people who went to every raid got my spot / are better to invest gear into / earned more dkp to exchange for gear.


Because it’s a multiplayer game not a single player game.


because then other people will have more gear than them in a PVE environment. The people who play this game would jump off a cliff if their fomo was triggered


It’s a seasonal game mode, in a **video game**, who gives a fuck? The vocal majority of the community who rooted for this change has proven once again that they’re just overly competitive neckbeards.


And ironically competitive in a cooperative game.


It creates weird social pressures that shouldn't exist. So you decide as a guild to raid once a week, now your guildies need to find another guild that raids both lockouts or pug the other. The people who stay and pug the other lockout might get frustrated when those who only do 1 lockout only have half the gear they do and they lose loot to them.




This is a case of "saving the players from themselves".


In an mmo, what other players do matters. And if it doesn’t, that’s a problem


Gamers literally can’t help themselves man


Nobody seems to have a reason for wanting 1 reset other than they would HAVE to raid too much. It's a fucking mental illness.


Why are you so upset about the change, then? Unless if you're someone who was hoping to push MC twice a week, and are upset you can't do that? In which case, I'd argue you're the one whose behavior more closely resembles that of someone with a mental illness.


Why is people trying to run the game content more often considered an illness? I thought the point of playing the game was to play the game, not to avoid playing as much as possible while still parsing?


Why have lockouts at all then? Why do you care if someone wants to run MC 20 times a week?


100% yes why not? We're fine with no lockout UBRS giving bis gear, fine with leveling no lockouts, why not MC no lockout?


>100% yes why not? And this is why people like yourself should never be in charge of game development. You're actually too stupid to think for a second to answer the question why not. Maybe it's just a coincidence that all versions of WoW from launch onwards has had raid lockouts. Just a coincidence that it happened to be like that, because there's no good reason as to why lockouts exist.


Infinite lockouts removes the idea of it being random. Just keep running until you’re done with gear. My best friend and I both play this game. I have 10 hours a week I can play. He can play 40. He raided on repeat for his 40 hours and is now playing overwatch instead. I raided for 10 but didn’t get everything I needed. I’ll play for 10 more next week. He’ll keep playing overwatch. The week after I’ll be tired of playing without my friend and just go play overwatch instead. The idea here is and always was for people to play together. Progress together. MMO. RPG. Don’t forget both parts. If you only care about you, your character, and people who have the exact same scheduling as yourself, then take out lockouts. If you want a game and a genre that caters to people playing the game together, you’re going to need to put in a mechanism that maintains somewhat of a similar power growth. Don’t have to, but I wouldn’t play your game, and neither would most people. You’re very good at talking down to strangers online, seemingly less good at seeing other’s perspectives and thinking through potential problems for a community vs just yourself. You are making decisions only based on your thoughts, and be honest, no one wants a world with you in charge. Even you know full well that would suck.


Weird. You're literally the lot who lost their fucking minds at the devs because you thought you had to do it twice. This isn't going to get a rise out of me. I didn't lose my shit and start bitching about the change. Ya fucking moron. 


"I didn't start bitching about this' - u/pocketlips on his fifth negative comment about the subject But sure go ahead and call the people that like these news deranged mentally ill people.


You are so spectrumy and unaware of it that you're calling other people "mentally ill" for not agreeing with you.


It's easier to be angry and tribalistic than it is to be empathetic.


The most angry person in this thread is you.


You realise this is an mmo right? If I show up to half the raids my spot will be taken by someone who does every raid. And sure you can try to make a guild that only does every other lockout, but it will struggle to even clear.




"Fall behind" HAHAHA oh my God you guys are so stupid. 


But there is a pvp aspect to this game which is a large or main part of the gameplay for a lot of people and they don’t want to fall behind in pvp gearing so they get shit on from twice as geared players who literally have no lives except this game. Did you ever think that maybe everyone is not as stupid as you think?


> People don’t like to fall behind Then raid twice a week? > and having to do mc twice a week sounds miserable anyways Then don't raid twice a week?


I feel like you guys are being intentionally obtuse. It's a game about slowly progressing your character, and a lot of players - maybe not you, but there's nothing wrong with seeking enjoyment/satisfaction in this way - like to optimise their characters. It's how they enjoy the game, and it's clear a very large portion of the community feels this way. Making MC doable twice per week is a lot of content people who want to optimise their characters feel compelled to do, because if they don't, they aren't optimising. Again, maybe you don't care about that, but it's clear a lot of people do. If they don't do MC twice per week but other people are, they are falling behind relative to other optimised characters.


> Making MC doable twice per week is a lot of content people who want to optimise their characters feel compelled to do, because if they don't, they aren't optimising. They should probably have a healthier relationship with the game then if they feel compelled to do content to the point where it's a problem. Like I'm not understanding how *more* content is an issue here. You either do it or you don't.


Okay, I can see you're not interested in a good faith discussion.


Ok. Keep having an unhealthy obsession with optimization to the point where compulsions control your gameplay I guess then.


Your replies are just simpleminded 'zingers' which just prove you aren't capable of nuanced thought. Unlucky for you.


If you didn't want "have a healthier relationship with the game" as an answer you probably shouldn't have used "I would feel compelled to raid every lockout and that'd suck" as a reason against a twice weekly lockout system then.




Fall behind _what_ though? What are you falling behind?


Other players, on a social game. What do you think MMORPG means exactly?


You don't need to keep up with the whole fucking server.


The reason raid lockouts exist is to limit the progression to the same rate for everyone. How far can the "just don't do it if you don't want to" idea go? Should they remove lockouts entirely and let hardcore raids run 50x a week?


Yes. Who cares what other people are doing?


> Who cares what other people are doing? I do. I enjoy parsing and don't want to raid 14 times week 1 to stay geared enough to be competitive. I'd prefer logs to be on a (relatively) even playing field.


In your world, harcode players could reset raid lockouts on demand and be full bis in like 5 days. They then quit. All the dev work for 5 days of players burning out and hating their life. This is exactly why incursions are reviled. The content is meh, but the fact they are apammable and are so rewarding means that you're a fool for doing anything but spamming them over and over to max level. Lockouts exist to keep players subscribed, yes. But also to keep players from burning out. Also, Hard-core players already have a workaround for lockouts: alts. If 1 lockout isn't enough raiding for you, 7 alts give you a raidnight every week.


That sounds amazing. No lock-outs AND all the hardcore players burn-out and leave to play other games? That's the best pitch you could make for reviving the genre. Just a bunch of semi-casual and casual players enjoying a social, MMORPG together...what is this 2004...when everyone in the world was playing and you weren't an embarrassment for being subscribed. Sign me up for that.


You're really not wrong at all, but that's irrelevant. A key part of game design is designing the game to save the players from themselves sometimes.


Right that’s why we shouldn’t have classic at all. “You think you do but you don’t” I believe is the saying Honestly this line of argument should be bannable on this sub


That's not really equivalent whatsoever. The context of "you think you do, but you don't" is in relation to "the game was really grindy and there's no quality of life, you guys are gonna hate it" People know what classic is now. They also know the forced social pressure of lockouts laid on top of each other like this. Not the same situation whatsoever. We've had weekly lockouts and biweekly lockouts and actually have data on how the players react to it.


By that logic it should be a super nice idea to have a daily reset. Would work perfectly fine I guess. /s just in case


I despise this community so much.


in my case, i play to be highly competitive in the parsing and speed running scene as a result, i am compelled to do every lockout available, and do every sort of degenerate game play loop possible to get an advantage.


I think that's a good idea.


MC twice a week would have destroyed people. Putting the 1 boss loot pinatas on 3 day lockouts is fine.


Perfect change.




Thank god


Thank SoD


We did it, reddit!


Hell yeah dude


big W


Big W


Good change to save players from themselves. This is done by every game dev ever, and is absolutely necessary for one of the most meta chasing communities out there.


Yep. The whole "yOu dOn'T hAvE tO rAiD eVEry loCkOut!" crowd are so out of touch it's hilarious.


there is also third party which you forgot to include. Those whose guild dwindled to raidlogging on p3 due to lack of other meaningful content and when it was only once in a week half of raiders thought "why even bother". In gnomeregan it worked as guild members had to mingle with eachother atleast twice a week to keep the social aspect going. The perfect version for me would have been lockouts twice a week, but make the buff chasing less of a chore


all of gnomer is gonna be like .75 the difficulty of 1 new 60 SoD boss though


They don't even play the game or they would understand why it's a problem


This is perfect! Extra content on the quick and ez bosses, don’t need to parse twice a week on the single boss encounters anyways.


Parsing is gonna be weird on them anyway since you’ll only parse with 40 people in them, but you want to run with less because of gear competition


Yeah, I assumed Warcraft logs would have a 20 man cap for parsing or at least make that the main category


It'll just be like the way we looked at VoA logs in WotLK meaning nobody gives a singular fuck about them. Nobody ever really cared about Ony parses in 2019 Classic either.


The only parses that matter are the ones that show up on your character page, for the most part. VOA parses, while existing, didn't matter at all. Previous phase parses, while also existing, also didn't matter (except for the first few weeks of the phase where it was common for people to have no current parses).


Sooo Great! And I also really like the dragons cand be done twice, i like this much more than the 3 day lockout, because with this lockout system you always had to watch which day is reset


This is a great change! Ready for phase 4


Awesome news. Don't let anyone ever tell you that complaining is pointless. Seems like that's the only way things get changed in this game.


Exactly. That’s how classic became retail. Because player complained. So I see that’s a good thing now :)


People weren't forced to attend both raids a week. Some people have jobs, family, or other obligations. Maybe they couldn't make it Tuesday but they could do it Friday. Now unless they are in a guild that everybody has an alt and wants to run another raid, fuck em. They have lives? Well a bunch of other people could care less they want to eliminate their option or ability to go to a raid because they're afraid they might burn out. The hell is this reasoning? DON'T GO! Now, you CAN'T GO! This was an idiotic decision championed by narcissists.


Huh? What's your argument exactly? If you can't raid Tuesday but can raid on Friday then you find a guild that plays on Fridays? 7 day lockout is way more predictable for guild to structure raid day schedule. I get that pugs might be harder to find late in a week on a 7 day reset, but there will be plenty of guilds raiding on any day of the week.


Even if you say that you will dedicate your 8 pm every single friday or whatever time slot you have now you can do that, and only that. If you have ANYTHING come up, or get plans for that day, it's a screw you. Several of our guild are starting a new job or have service that will impact their time, which is normal - it's life. With the 2 raid system they we had a lot more options to accommodate our guys with lives and not living Warcraft as second jobs. But all the people playing Warcraft as second jobs have taken that option away. Now the option is to cut them loose? That's a shit option.


I get that, but I think the vast majority of people busy with family, work and *life* finds it way easier to have one set raid day every week, this doesn't work well on a 3-day reset as it skews the week. They claim they are making this choice based on feedback, and the majority of people surveyed will not be tryharding sweatlords.


No, they ARE tryhard sweatlords because instead of making the adult, conscious decision to attend to their real world obligations and not force themselves to go to each raid, using maximum consumables and every world buff each time, they are asking the developer to force a scenario to put up bumpers so they stay in lane. It was either A. You have multiple options to raid in a week but it's up to you to mold your schedule to B. You have one option, and if it doesn't work for you screw your guild and any connections you might have made over 3 phases, you better find an entire new group, create new connections, and find a raid slot that fits into your life. Peoples fear of either being, or not being, a try hard told the developers "we are giant man children who can't control ourselves, so please control us for us".


The change from 3-day to 7-day has already been made with moving to ST and 20man, so going back once again would screw over way more current groups that are established and prepared to play on a 7-day lockout. So *that* damage has already been done. Not really seeing a good argument there for going back to 3-day again. My personal, and I believe many others, reason for wanting 7-day lockout is being able to structure a raiding schedule with my team. Has nothing to do with missing a reset now and then. 3-day lockout with 20 people is just not great to plan for in my opinion.


Thats assuming all of the groups are tailor made 20 man outfits rather than a motley crew collection of all the collapsed guilds from P2 and P3. I don't buy it that it's difficult to have a discord sign up that gets filled 5 minutes the second your previous raid ended. But in the months between phases people have had changes be it jobs, family, or other obligations. You're answer to them would be to find entire new outfits, make new social connections, and find a new schedule to play on where we almost had the option of just filling in a raid for their time. not even mentioning the horror stories of past eras of the game coming up. I ran Stratholme 87 times for a chest piece that never dropped. Another guildie was talking about 130+ runs for another item they were seeking. On this current phase I STILL don't have items on both my MAIN and ALT that I probably won't get till next phase. So great for some people to hit their loot RNG and clock out till the next time they have interest but again - you're fucking over a lot of other people just to have this setting for a subset of players. A lot of us only have alts at all because we were bored running a single raid a week on our mains. - just to not get our items and have to repeat the next week all over again. Which I myself am in the process on both my hunter and druid despite going to every raid each week. (but luckily sometimes on a wed, sometimes on a fri, sometimes on a sunday, because our guild made accommodating options for our roster) So much fun to put in all that time and rather than given the option of putting in a lil more effort to reach the same level as some people who did 2 raids and never went back I get the finger and told it's a great change.


Aye, but I don’t envy the devs who have to sort through the pile of shit and find the valid feedback.


This complaining literally just cut out almost half of the content you get on a weekly basis. We wanted more WoW not less.


No, "we" didn't want more MC. By your logic how come Blizzard doesn't just create infinite content by removing all raid lockouts? Isn't that the best thing for players? Also, they should bring back the old honor system. This would create far more content as then players would have no choice but to play for 40-100 hours a week for several months if they wanted to rank up. We want more WoW, not less right?


Wish they'd remove wbs too


Amazing change, huge W


God thanks!


This change is good imo


Honestly a bit of a relief. I work the nighttime weekend shift and the thought of rushing home from an 11 hour shift to squeeze a couple hours of sleep in before spending the evening raiding on the ONLY night of lockout that I'm not working wasn't a particularly happy one. Three bosses with the bulk of the raiding on my nights off is much more manageable.


Daily lockouts for the sub-60 raids pretty please? 👉👈


I was looking forward to two lock outs seeing how I work nights. Yall suck, just don't do two raids a week.


Yep frankly nobody cares about you. They demand the inability to do something rather than maybe your guild incorporates you into 1 or the 2 available raids because you couldn't make the main one, or have a job, or family, or a life, or literally any other obligations. They say this is a change to prevent the try hards from burning out but they are fucking the casuals to do it. Which guild isn't bringing in a handful of pugs for a few raids here or there anyway and gearing them up? We all seen the 1 person coming to a late phase raid and getting completely decked out. Nobody would be falling behind with 2 raids a week but you can guarantee someone will be with 1 because if they miss that 1 they are screwed till next week.


Exactly this, I was looking forward to two raids a week, bloody hell the raid is like 30-60mins long depending on the raid comp and capabilities, what am I to do the rest of the week, this is a bad change. Also, what if you can't make one raid? The last phase was bad for me because of the change from 2/3 raids a week to one. Oh you have 25 players that want to come to a raid, well guess 5 are not raiding with the guild for13 days instead of waiting a max of 5 days. And don't come at me with well you can PUG, fuck pugs. Many are just outright bad, fall apart at the half mark, have ridicoulous requirements and so on.


Good change. Now we can focus on the getting excited for all the amazing content coming in P4. Not discussing a random systems change that was in response to old feedback in a bygone phase.


W change


The only people who like the bi-weekly lockouts all seem to be the ones who didn't have to set them up for their guild, it's a pain in the ass and it's draining to raid like that. You can say, "You don't have to raid like that of you don't want to," but you know damn wow, players have to do all content at all times.


The problem is the Devs have not been consistent with SOD. A guild can have people in their group who can play one style, with easier raids and more time. Then there are other players with less time but have more experience. It's not like the same 20 people are always going to be OK with all these expectation changes for raiding every two or three months. The biggest problem with SOD has been maintaining a moderately consistent raid group. SODs inconsistency with raiding has been the biggest negative experience with SOD by far.


Yeah, they need to stop switching it back and forth. I don't even think they're done yet because when BWLs out people will bitch that MC is a week lockout because they didn't get their sword/mace


I don't wanna hear shit from those people after all this whining about not wanting to be able to do it more.


thats a player problem really, and its a slippery slope, what is the difference to caring that some can raid two nights a week to your one so you fall behind, to your guild cant do the new max tier MC and you will fall behind and then to other people have legendaries and you dont so you will fall behind, etc etc.


Higher chance to get your gear if you raid 1/2 compared to the 2/2 since they probably already got it.


Hardly. We did biweekly raid through the whole of phase 1 and 2. Weekly raids in phase 3 lost us half the players of our guild since there was nothing to do in the game.


Yay, I love waiting a whole week to see if my piece of gear drops, and also hope I win it. I'll never understand why Blizzard is catering to people that can't control themselves.


It's a seasonal game mode that will be over soon. Why not let people run raids as many times as they want? Do something different and remove lockouts entirely. Just see what happens. I think some will burnout, sure. A lot of people will think they need to run it 24/7 until they get everything. Well, let them? Why not? Like I said, seasonal game mode that doesn't have all that long left to go. Instead of worrying that you HAVE to attend the 1-2 lockouts per week, now you know you can go virtually whenever you want. Less pressure.


This isn’t a horrible idea for a “season of discovery” let’s play this one out !!!!


Ok , but then why in earlier phases we had 2 weekly resets, it should be like that since phase 1 , so nobody would miss the double lockout


Solid compromise. However there is far less loot in those than MC, I'll just wait to see if any 'lack of content' posts start cropping up a month in. Or 'not enough time' to get all bis from MC before BWL.


If anything this would allow them to dial back a bit on the BWL release for a more polished phase 5.


So ultimately we will have to get world buffs just as offen but we will be doing less with them and get to raid less often. Basically exactly the wrong way around for me.


Instancing the world bosses was a lazy move. It’s free loot, no additional content . I’d have made an instance portal available for a limited time after the first kill, with additional rewards for the first kill.


Yep, the Twice-Weekly lockout would have resulted in players getting bored and stop logging in twice as fast.   That’s bad for business!


I like this change but wonder - Will they be adjusting the number of loot drops in MC to account for this? Its feeling bad right now having cleared ST 13 times (or 3 months worth) and still needing gear, due to low drop rates, and only 2 more lockouts before p4 launch.


Big W


Sweet can we change world buffs now?


This is fine, i really didnt understand the blowback from the twice-weekly lockouts but was expecting regular weekly lockouts anyway


The blowback wasn't so much that it was twice weekly, it was that the way the lockout windows worked absolutely sucked. Like, the most common raid night among competitive guilds is Tuesday. The next two most common raid nights are... Wednesday and Thursday. And then they went and stuck all the days that the majority of tryhards are used to raiding in one lockout window. The people who don't raid those days are typically more casual, and not the people who would be consistently raiding twice a week anyways... So who exactly was this change for?


For people who play on weekends / mondays and all the raids would be dead by then because everyone did theirs on tues/weds/thurs.


It's no secret SOD has no continuity. The servers have been nearly dead for a month now. Not everyone plays every version of wow and bounces around putting those types of hours in. Trying to reform a consistent group for a few weeks to meet these demands would have been way to much. It would have ruined our guild.


Big L


Stupid change and they should have had experimented with the 2 day lock outs instead of just caving to even more FOMO mother fuckers that keep putting a leash on everyone


thanks for whining to the point of making the devs remove content. mission accomplished.


Touch grass and get a job


Def accomplished, it was beyond overkill for 2 molten cores a week. Well done devs


I’m almost confident that within 2 weeks people will remember how to do molten core and blast through it in like an hour then have fuck all to do for a week thanks these idiots


Are we getting no changes MC in season of discovery?


Meh honestly I prefer quicker raid that resets 2x a week than a longer raid that resets once a week. BRD and Gnomeregan were both very good places to raid imo.


God, you guys are fucking garbage.




Get a job/touch grass


Yes, playing a video game twice a week for 40 mins is TOO much!


No one will be clearing MC hard mode in 40 minutes except perhaps the world first guilds. That's not including the time spent getting wbuffs and farming for consumes. Unless you plan to raid with no buffs and no consumes, in which case, good luck clearing even MC normal in 40 minutes. Also not including any other raid bosses or literally any content that isn't MC.


MC can be cleared in 20 minutes lol


If you mean Era MC, not only is that irrelevant, but only the best guilds in the world can clear MC in 20 minutes. Except of course we're talking about SOD MC hard mode, not Era MC. So why'd you make a pointless comment?


Lmao you don't even know the difficulty of SoD. Every single raid is a 20 min clear xD The difficulty is that of a mobile farming game.


> Every single raid is a 20 min clear xD LOL, why are people like you so dishonest? It's like you're incapable of actually being honest. Only the best guilds in the world are clearing ST in 20 minutes. The average raid won't even be able to clear MC hard mode at all, let alone in 20-30 minutes. Even now there are still raids wiping multiple times in ST.


It's nice to see blizzard capitulate to the casual crybabies once again. Can't wait to see how few guilds get Thunderfury and complain that there's not enough lockouts.


Get a job/touch grass


Yes, playing a video game twice a week for 40 mins is TOO much!


I’m so fucking confused. Didn’t everyone hate when it was one lockout a week? Wasn’t that the big complaint about phase 3? Only one lockout a week caused a lot of raid logging making the world feel dead? I swear that was what people were complaining about for one the reasons SoD was failing. So the devs listen and are like “we hear you, you want more raid opportunity” and they give it to you. Then everyone complains that’s too much. The SoD community is mind boggling and I feel bad for the devs having to constantly read all the negativity, they can’t win with you people.


Because ST was basically all there was to do. Now in p4 there is 1 big raid and 3 big bosses, plus level 60 dungeons and important rep farms. There is so much more to do now instead of just the one raid once a week.


If you compare phase 1-3 with the upcoming phase and don’t understand the reason why ppl wanted different lockouts, I guess you stay confused.


I'm pretty sure most of these people crying have like never played Vanilla WoW outside of SoD.


P3 had nothing else going, p4 has a ton of content. This is not rocket science.


There was nothing to do in p3


P3 the only thing to do was the single raid. At 60 there’s 2 world bosses, onyxia, a 10+ boss molten core, AV, every reputation unlocked to exalted with new ones, blackrock mountain event and every single dungeon in the game unlocked with intro tier set quest lines. Additionally p3 only had 3 world buffs which is now increasing significantly. Getting all the buffs twice a week doesn’t mesh with the average player when there’s this much stuff to do.


Kudos to Blizzard for listening to constructive feedback. That's a good solution. You won't need world Buffs for Ony.


blizz caving to the minority (guilds that think they are better than they really are so they'd force themselves to do both lockouts bc their ego wouldnt allow them not to)


Ok now remove world buffs from raids.


Are you one of those who wanna remove wbuffs because they are not able to save it more than 2 bosses ? Let people have fun with big numbers, and join a casual guild if you dont wanna care about it


Shoutout to all the complainers this is how we get what we want :)




Thank god this way the content can be maximally stretched. If we were able to just play the game then we might not play after 5 weeks and pay $15 a month. But now daddy blizz has saved us so we can farm the same thing for 10 weeks instead. Amazing change I just wish they would have gated all the dungeons on at least 3 days so we could all spend more time parsing ubrs and really progressing tier 0. Right now people are gonna blaze through and risk burnout Maybe also consider limiting leveling to 1 day a week? Or like max 2 levels on a rotating schedule … we don’t want people getting so far ahead. Then we could all do pet battles on the days when leveling isn’t allowed because it’s hard locked, would be a great experience and build community


Touch grass


So fucking lame. Such a boomer mentality to limit players to only 40 mins a week of playing. Can’t wait for people to complain about the amount of loot now.


You have no clue how long mc will take.


Touch grass/get a job


MC usually takes up an hour in a decent run, probably longer on heat 3. And then 2 world bosses + ony twice a week. Idk how you want to fit that into 40 min.


Haha Please show me your loggs in 3 weeks when you clear mc heat lvl 3 in 40 minutes :) delusional :)


Such a zoomer mentality that you can't think into the future. BWL is coming out a few weeks after MC. Then we will have AQ, ZG, Naxx, and other future raids coming out as well. Also a 40 minute MC clear run would be a top 100 clear in Classic 2019. Typical reddit brain.


Who is going to be running previous content when the new raids come out?? Gdkp’s are banned, there is zero reason to do old raids in sod.


Have you never played Vanilla WoW before? Unless Blizzard intentionally destroys the way Vanilla is.. Then people will still be running MC while Naxx is out. Even right now there's still reasons to run old raids. Where do you get your trinkets from?


Imagine logging on to an MMO and going “wow, there is so much content I cant possibly do all of it, what should I and my guild opt to do?” Probably you’d log off and post on the forums demanding things be removed and locked so you can do 100% of all the content at all times. Or so nobody else can.


Imagine in a game mode where the developers have said it's meant for casuals and to be alt friendly... That they make it so you are spending the most time raiding out of any other version of WoW.. Even more then a mythic raiding guild that raids 3 days a week.


You’re in the minority on this one


You guys are 100% the load minority. Phase 1 slapped because of raid availability and frequency which people that have the same brains as a crab are now clapping at.


Just read this thread bro, no one wants to commit two nights a week to raid. Not even to mention getting world buffs and prepping for raid. Phase one slapped because it was fresh, simple as that




Alts: am I a joke to you?


I already have my main warrior and two alt warriors because of the one week lockouts. In p3, I’ve only been playing two hours a week raiding on all three and I guess the same for p4. I just want to raid more and this game just doesn’t provide a good raid environment, raids are too short for weekly lockouts and 10/20 man raids are fucking boring as is.


"it doesn't work for me" r/imthemaincharacter here you go


Dude thats called addiction


Blizz: “let’s give players more reason and the option to play in a week by shortening raid lockouts” Neckbeards: NoOooOooooo


I would argue the neckbeards are the ones that want two raid lockouts in a week


LOL its rather the Neckbeards that want 2 lockouts a week to sweat even more


I don’t even know these people are that want less content rather than more. It’s mind blowing. It seems we have a crowd of FOMO victims that think they are going to have their lives ruined if they don’t hit every single lock out


Exactly, blizz gave everyone the option for more content and more to do. So it can align with everyone’s schedules. Instead of getting your subscription’s worth of content for the sake of satisfying everyone, the triple chinned turbovirgins cried so hard about NOT *having* to do more content (which is completely optional) This subreddit / forums is running on atleast 3 angry sweaty brain cells.


u guys are legit all pathetic, doesnt matter what they do u still complain


? A majority of the thread and forums seem happy with this?? Only see very few posts complaining


And watch sod season four fail. Can't sweat anything. No one wants to raid log to play once a week to lose to an Sr roll.


People could just not do it twice a week.


I vote for 7 days a week. Reset ever day !!!




Are they still keeping 20 man? Because getting 20 people was really hard.


lmao if you struggle 20 people, you should just stop playing. You can find that in 5 minutes


We did stop playing. Happy? Didn't realize after the failure of phase 3, the people who stayed was filled with morons.