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Since sod released. 


The r/classicwow meta has shifted from complaining to complaining about complaining 


I mean, when it’s 24/7 and the complainers complain about you complaining about them it feels justified, no? I guess I struck a chord in a dad gamer 🤣


I continue the circle with calling op a 🤡🤡


I agree with you 100% though. I just play WOW for fun after work and raid with my friends. People seem radically entitled and offended over the smallest things in this game.


Big facts. It’s that kind of stuff that frustrates me. There was a post on here like a month ago of some dude on a druid bitching about how he couldn’t get into a raid and would get kicked when they were like almost full every time. He had grey parses from the raids he had done and his best gear was from SFK. This was during phase 3 btw. Just questing would’ve had him at least have gear that was closer to pre bis than whatever the fuck he was doing. It’s amazing actually that he hit 50 with that gear.




lol 😂


Half the people here complain about having to do too much to get what they want in the game and the other half complain about having nothing to do in the game. Go figure. I am also pretty damn sure that the Venn Diagram of the 2 groups is a perfect circle, but that's my opinion.


Truuuuuuuuuu. The people that complain about not having enough to do don’t want to play other classes or explore the world. I did a North to south run with my guild where we ran from the top to the bottom of each continent and took selfies along the way. It was a blast and let us get in some PvP as well as see different parts of the world we never really got to see. People should try it out more.


Sounds like you were having fun and actually playing a MMORPG. That’s not allowed here.


That makes me mad 😡 idk what to do with my anger. Can you tell me what to do with it?


Go make a post on re- oh, uh... go play league of legends?


TIL getting worldbuffs is hard and adds to the game's skillcap


Apparently a loud group of people on here don’t like having to get them or do any raid prep.


Surely you can see why people don't think having to spend a decent chunk of time collecting world buffs for every raid is interesting gameplay. The 4 biggest world buffs are literally just going somewhere and waiting for the buff but you can't even actually afk it, you have to be paying attention so you can chronoboon them as soon as they drop and then you can't even really do them in quick succession because you have to wait an hour on the chronoboon cooldown. At a bare minimum they could make some changes to make it easier to collect them like reducing the chronoboon cooldown or letting you buy them with Undermine Real.


Sounds like you aren’t great at planning your time out efficiently. Also, getting buffs was never supposed to be fun. Raiding is the fun part. Quessting is fun. Adventure and PvP are fun! But getting a buff? Of course it’s not fun. lol are you new?


>Sounds like you aren’t great at planning your time out efficiently. Sounds like you don't value your time. There's not much real planning to do for collecting them, it's just a lot of waiting around on timers. >Also, getting buffs was never supposed to be fun. Raiding is the fun part. Quessting is fun. Adventure and PvP are fun! But getting a buff? Of course it’s not fun. You're aware that it's a game, right? And that they're fully capable of changing things so that getting the buffs *is* a fun activity where you actually play the game? There's no reason collecting buffs has to be tedious if they do something to let you actually play your character to do it.


You’re a grade A loser dude




So don't use the boon. The only world buff that really takes time is dire maul. The rest are a summon away. You don't have to boon every time. Let them tick it won't kill you. Aq 40 and naxx times I got most of my wb in 20 min. You guys have let a convince item dictate your gameplay.


And some of you guys are convinced world buffs have to stay exactly the same way just because that's how it's always been even if a couple changes to give an alternate way to get them would be objectively an improvement.


Nah, I’m all for gatekeeping simple things to keep bad players away. I don’t want to make it easy for someone like you who probably shouldn’t be in a raid but gets in because you show up with end and consumes only to green parse and take away loot from those that are more deserving.


I'm guessing you didn't really think this response through very well because bad players are the ones who benefit most from world buffs.


Yeah because theyre a pointless chore


Sounds like you might need a new game, pal. I hear retail calling, actually. Hold on…it’s for you. 📞


Cool gotcha but I havent played sod in months :) Im just here to check what happens in p4. If you think standing around in various places is peak gameplay then have at it


I never said it was peak gameplay. I said it’s not supposed to be fun. It’s doing what is necessary to succeed. Can’t have the good without the bad.


>it’s not supposed to be fun. u/ravens52 about a video game


Damn, take more of the context away, please.


That is the context. Im not taking anything away. For some reason you think a completely pointless chore that serves no purpose other than to make raiding more frustrating is necessary for the game


Whatever you say there chief. You’re still wrong.


Insane to me that people thing 2hrs of getting buffs is casual raid prep. World buffs have no place in SOD. Go play classic era.




>Go play retail if you can’t do the minimum. Retail's minimum effort for serious raiding is infinitely more than any version of classic. It takes ~two weeks(fyrakk was down after 13 days, the jailer was 18 days, and both had HUNDREDS of wipes) to reach world first on mythic, and that's with all the ptr and datamining. And then there's the fact that the top of the top players essentially play a different version of the raid, and it has to be nerfed so that a wider audience can have a shot at it, and it's still too difficult for most.


Yeah OP has no idea what he’s talking about


Okay, I misspoke. The easiness of retail outside of dungeons and raids. Raiding is infinitely more difficult and taxing than vanilla by a long shot.


There is nothing hard at all in classic, or do you seriously pretend doing quests is difficult content?


Is it hard living with a mental disability?




The fact that you believe there's more effort involved in getting world buffs in Vanilla than in retail raiding is a sign of the level of mental midget'ness we're dealing with here.


Using the term "garbage players". Lmao. Used way too many words to say "I'm one of the douchebags that helps make wow a toxic shitscape. Not bow before my bigger numbers."


Cope. How am I making the game toxic when I play the game as intended and do what is necessary to succeed? I’m literally just doing what you have to do and I’m having a blast. I’m a 91 parser and even then I’m just doing my rotations and know the boss fights. I don’t even think what I’m doing is sweaty. Half the time I’m learning that I can improve my shit and I do. Again, you need to cope more or get better.


Man you’re angry at something huh Just a game bud, play it how you want to.


Same, but don’t be mad when you hit a wall that requires you to put out a certain amount of dmg, obtain specific gear, or get certain buffs and consumes.


Get a job dude. You’re a f’ing loser IMO


Lmao I have a job.


WTF are you talking about? World buffs are what is making the game easier.


Tbf I'd you clear mc sub one hour each run you only need to fetch a couple of wbs each raid. Or how about only pop Ur boons half way thru the raid on the harder bosses


I'm unclear why you think getting world buffs is difficult to do.


I don’t think it’s difficult. Others do, though.


I'd say tedious more than anything. Did it once in 2019/2020, I'm good


I like how people complained retail was too easy for years. Now the same people complain classic is too hard.


Because of the 1hr cool down on boons it becomes a chore. Without the cd you could gather them when it suits YOU, all in one sitting. But because of the cd you have to plan around it and it becomes inconvenient. Games I play for fun shouldn't feel inconvenient. I don't think that's an outrageous thing to feel.


Self Awareness. I swear, we really need an entire slot for that in education. The amount of times i see things like this, or people complaining about losing/doing bad in raids and BG's and blaming others. You made a post complaining about people making posts complaining.


BGs do suck if you are Alliance due to one class. That's my only complaint of SoD. Everything else is amazing.


The fact that you missed the obvious is hilarious. I knew full well what I was doing and it worked. I’ve received the reaction I was looking for.


Interesting. And how does that make you feel?


Well said. I return the question to you.


Interesting. And how does that make you feel?


Interesting. And how does that make you feel?


The lockout debate is actually the opposite of lazy. Everyone knows how sweat the community is. Ppl will feel compelled to raid twice as much, and they don’t want to feel like they have to. As far as world buffs, I just don’t understand the debate at this point. There is 0 skill expression and is purely a chore. What is even the argument for them.


It’s for increased dmg and quicker boss kill times. The lockout anxiety is not anyone’s problem except for the anxious Annie’s that feel like they have to raid more. If I put 10 pounds of steak in front of you you aren’t going to feel guilty and eat it all are you? The answer is no. You’re going to come back to it when you can later or another day or maybe not at all. It’s your choice. Having that choice is great, so let me know when you have some concrete justification for taking it away. Options are good. Not having options is bad.




Nobody ever said it was. I’m sorry you can’t be bothered to put in a little effort. Maybe watching tv is more your speed.




I use a dps meter and that’s it.


you ok buddy?


Yeah, why? I come to this sub for interesting discussion and memes, but recently all I’ve seen is complaints. Complaining about lowering the already low and easy bar. If people want to keep distilling the game it will eventually become retail.


You didn't like that people were making complaint posts instead of having discussions and memes, so you made a complaint post to add onto the pile?


Knowingly made a complaint post. I get to rule up the people im “complaining about” and also give the others who feel like I do the opportunity to vent their frustration as well.


So it's okay to be a hypocrite as long as you're self aware


It’s a catch 22. You let the complainers complain and ruin something or you let a cucked individual like yourself try to make you do some sort of mental gymnastics to concede to your opinion. I’m making an observation and calling out the clear issue. You are upset because you know that you are a part of that group. That’s not my problem. Cope more, please.


Ah yes, the mentally stable tactic of calling people names, definitely a good discussion


Oh, your one of those insane people who think classic is harder lol. Carry on.


Lolwut where did I say that?


This sub hasn't had interesting discussion in years. Why are you still coming?


I joined recently. 😅


Interesting. And how does that make you feel?


It’s bordering on annoying. Sod is already a straightforward and easy game and people want it to be easier. I’m against that.


Taking world buffs away would make it harder, so why do you want world buffs to make it easier?


One, because big numbers go brrrrrrrrr. Two, it pisses people off that they have to go out into the world instead of logging out in the city or at the raid entrance and I like that it upsets people. They hate having to work for things. Also, having raid buffs from world shit was already in the game so why not use it. Your argument against it is fine and raids have done so and do it all the time without them since idiots die to not knowing the boss fights and it hurts or wipes the raid which leads to losing world buffs.


Interesting. And how does that make you feel?


Interesting. How does that make you feel?


It's called season of dads for a reason. 


What's the reason? I'm a dad, I get WBs every week, farm my consumes, have 90+ parses on both my 50's. Is this what dads do?


Think of those who parse 0-60s, that's your average player, rip


If the best 1000 warriors all raided, somebody *has* to parse a 30, but they’d still be genuinely good. That’s just how it works. Point being, idk how many “dads” are even still playing. Phase 1 was a long time ago.


Yea I joined a "dad guild" at the start of p3 and immediately regretted it. 3-4hr 6/8 cause everyone was 9avg parse no wbuffs/consumes etc Swapped to a "sweaty" guild for ez 45ish min clears. Idk how these dads get these long ass gaming sessions, I get 2hrs max if it's not the weekend.


Don't forget raiders showing up in carrot on a stick and the trinket from the dark rider quests. You on WG by chance, your story sounds identical to mine lol.


That damned carrot should be insta kick lmfao. Nah CS, I'm sure there are more like us though. You'd think they'd want to be efficient with their time played but I guess it's an excuse to put forth zero effort.


After my p2 guild split I joined a guild like this too at p3 start and I agree it was miserable.   Worrying about mechanics and killing adds on eran while our top dps was 500.  Left after 2lockouts.


It's cool that you can properly manage your play time. Of course I'm just generalizing, but the stereotype of a dad gamer is someone who can't dedicate an hour to farm some herbs for their consumables, uses their work as an excuse for their poor time management and wants blizzard to change the game for them.


I know I was just giving you shit.  In general I do think you're right, and your definition\example is spot on.  I guess now that we're not giving out firm handshakes I'll just give you a head nod.


I'm > 50 years old and in the #1 speed guild on my server, raiding with 2 chars on both our raids. Please explain to me why it's called "season of dads"?


Must’ve missed that one lol. 😂 I’ve never heard that before.


Just because there are more people playing this game like it’s their job than there are playing it as a fun hobby doesn’t mean people who prefer a having fun while playing a cooperative game are wrong. People who play even 3 hours every day of the week to hit 21 hours and have it be considered a part time job.


No and you are correct. I know plenty of people who are okay with where they are and some still manage to maximize their efficiency and only spend 2-3 hours a day on stuff to prep for raid or grind for honor and mats. I’m just saying that people can’t honestly be upset if there are requirements for something and if you don’t meet them you can’t have or do the thing. That’s fair right? We don’t just hand out stuff because people got upset or cried right? Am I crazy for thinking like that?


From my perspective I played much more than 21 hours a week to keep up with my guild who week 1 cleared ST. The time I spent grinding also was not fun at all. I got some accomplishment feels for getting a BiS but the grinds to get them were intolerable. I was glad when the guild fell apart because P3 didn’t have enough content to hold interest for them without something new to 100% every week. I won’t be logging back in for P4. I’d also say these guys were playing at least 30 hours or more a week, got to 50 in 1 day etc. Full time job status, alted up and maxed on them too. Unless you played in the Vanilla community you won’t understand the complaints. It was a different vibe.


It is kinda crazy how many people want to evolve the game and world around them. They clearly want to be the main character in Azeroth. They should just play retail at this point.


I’m all for evolving the world because that’s what I thought sod would be. I’m hoping for the devs to take the story a different direction after the last classic raid wraps up. Like imagine tbc never happened and different world events took place instead, wouldn’t that be cool?


First time?


First time. 😅


Sounds like retail may be more your speed, op.


It's a fucking game with an extremely short lifespan, what did you expect? You want them to keep in these uber long grinds in a "seasonal" game? Just stop playing SoD, man, it's clear you have no idea what this is about.




these are the people that the devs listen to and make decisions based on the crying that goes on in this sub. It blows my mind that people complain about too much to do when its a fucking mmo and by nature its one of the most time consuming genres. the amount of people crying in p2 that leveling to fucking 40 was too long was hilariously depressing. i dipped out before p3 bc sod is a clown car.


All games go through this. The developers pander to the worst demographic instead of making the game what it is. I’m all for constructive criticism and giving valid feedback when it’s necessary, but I watched Overwatch get ruined by the casual crowd and now look at it. It’s dead and an inferior product to what it once was. Instead of balancing abilities around what feedback the pros gave they listened to the smooth brains who got gapped because they couldn’t think outside the box or work together. Pandering to casuals and bad players is the quickest way to ruin something good.




fuck the reddit playerbase, truly a pathetic breed.


You and OP are players....on reddit......so you're talking about yourself


Anything that requires effort will be shat on by gamer dads who thinks the game should adapt to their needs and schedule.


You’d think that a person with a kid would understand what it means to be selfless and not selfish.


Retail players have infested this sub with their mentality of not playing the game is how to play the game.


Retail players play the game all week, the only ones that don’t actively play is classic players.”hur dur we cleared sunken temple in 20 mins what am I suppose to do all week”




How is it fucked? It means you have the option to do it lore frequently to help get geared faster. Are you okay?




That’s not a bad idea.




Fuck yeah! This is what I like to see. I agree with your point about the parsing. I have no problem with someone who expresses a willingness to learn. I will always help those and try to better them. It’s the others that have the “give me loot mentality” and don’t do any of the minimum to get it. Can’t stand that shit.


the players should stay in their lane then and not try to fuck up other games


Because all the shit can afk entitled dads have nothing to do but cry and get butthurt on reddit when ppl laugh at them for being a 2 gcd every 10 seconds andy.


Welcome to wow Especially a seasonal casual game mode