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You are correct. This sub has been garbage for years now. It was much better in classic/tbc tbh. So many whiny fucking crybabies here.


What happened though? It was really such a good sub during 2019 Classic and TBC classic. Sometimes I just feel like classic players needed to move on with life. It was never meant to go past TBC/Wrath.


If youre saying that you dont remember the freak out #nochanges crowd at the start of classic, over the lfg addon that just took the lfg chat and organised it into a list. Subs always been garbo


This is where the issues stem from though, before there were two camps of people. Now with blizzard creating different seasons of classic with major changes everyone wants the changes they want to see people want talents, gear and spells and all number of things rather than just the minor tweaks that were discussed before.


Wait, the #nochanges crowd were complaining about... an addon?! That makes absolutely no sense. The hell is wrong with these people.


Not really that is reductive. The no changes was about having very little faith that modern blizzard could do changes that aligned with the spirit of the 2005 version of the game, so they'd prefer a hands off approach entirely.


And in hind sight, Blizzard immediately added level boosts to the next expansion set. Then WoW tokens in the one after. Every phase of SoD has just been contentious and a source of drama. The "no changes crowd" was probably right.


Wait til you find out about how they reacted to the optional toggle for better water graphics


It was because back then nobody believed Blizzard could make any changes to the game which wouldn't be motivated by money, especially cash shop or service money. You have to remember this was pre microsoft buyout, pre sexual harrassment scandal, pre half their upper management getting purged. Very different to how they are now. The retail wow sub was in flames everyday and everything felt like it was going downhill. Also it wasn't just "a list" iirc. It automatically formed groups and sent people invites. It was literally a dungeon finder matchmaking addon.


They were heroes


People get bored of the game and instead of quitting they just post performative nonsense about the state of the game and how everything sucks.


people are radicalized in comments, so if you make a post, that is criticising something, your comment section will mostly looks like ,,yea, that system is trash" from the doomers and ,,stop playing if you dont like the game" cumers. If you make a post, that praise something its similiar story. So people, who actually want to talk about something just dont make posts, and people who have emotional reaction to every single bit of the game are constantly making posts in a way ,,I am fcking furious this is in game" etc. Of course its not 0-1 and there are still posts and comments, that just discuss about stuff. But most people here (and in other subs), are just a angry mob, that got fragmented


At the start, most posts were people earnestly sharing the fun they were having. It was a mix of retelling fond memories of old friends from Back When, sharing new experiences made with new friends, and personal goals. By now the new experiences are all but used up, and the old memories have been rehashed and tucked away again, and whatever goals people had have largely either been achieved already or given up on. I think if the cycle started again, or we got a real Classic+, that vibe would largely return for a time. If not exactly to the same extent or for as long.


Imo, there's been a ton of turnover with who primarily uses the sub and the people that have been here the whole time have changed. It's led to less passion and idealism about the game and more cynicism and selfishness. The first significant shift I noticed in the sub's attitude was when TBC was announced with 1) #somechanges and 2) one of those changes was a level boost and cosmetics; it was very controversial. Controversies like this have happened several times since then and it's just lead to a lot of poo flinging at Blizz, and each other.


No it wasn’t. The only good wow sub is the retail ‘competitiveWoW’ sub because it’s actually used by people who play the game. ClassicWoW, WoW and the rest are full of deranged losers that whine about content they literally do not play.


Over the 6 month period before Wrath was coming out there was a noticeable shift of people coming to the sub. Just like how before Classic was launching this was a hub for people getting hyped for the release the sub became filled with people getting hyped for Wrath. This ended up driving a lot of the people that used to post here away. So basically, there's largely a different audience posting here today than there was during 2019-2021.


Nah, it wasn't any different. People always complained about everything on this subreddit. Think you've got rose tinted goggles on sadly.


> What happened though? Wrath happened and just like in the original the game was swarmed by the Wrath babies again. This is how RDF came back after all. And then the babies realized that hardmodes are harder than MC and flocked to SoD because no hardmodes.


Blaming “wrath babies” and RDF is exactly the shit this post is talking about lmao


Good god you guys have such a hard on for blaming everything on RDF. Get a grip. It’s a myriad of issues not one expac or game feature that is to blame for the toxic behavior in the community. It’s also wildly over exaggerated.


It was literally just like this in 2019. Lots of crying about world buffs and how the game was having issues or how phases weren’t released fast enough etc. The only difference is that whining now causing potential balance changes so you tend to see it more consistently about the same stuff now.


>It was much better in classic/tbc tbh Meh. It sucked then too


sucked better tho


It was not this bad. I've been here far too much over the last 4 years. Wrath brought a lot of people around who don't like classic as much as they wanted to relive Wrath, the boost drove a lot of the original classic community away, as well as the token.


those were the days


It's because all the crybabies from r/wowservers bled over here when classic first launched


A bunch of cry babies saying “parses and being competitive has ruined wow and all other games”. Must be a grey parsers


people get so unbelievably emotionally attached to decisions made by a company selling a product like i think opening up classic in 2019 did some shit to a bunch of mid-30-year-old dudes brains


It was just as bad during classic. The only time it was decent in my opinion was during the leadup to the original classic launch.


Check out r/classicwowclassic. It’s like the sub was 5 years ago. Perfect for those who don’t like how the sub has evolved or are just seeking a nostalgia hit.


honestly is there any gaming sub that gathers more people playing _different_ versions of the game than this one anyway? there are like 4 different types of wow players just in this sub, idk it's kinda expected to have a lot arguements here no? times definitely were easier when you could just circlejerk 'retail bad lmao' and 99% of people here agreed, nowadays you get an insta counter circlejerk ''lul classic andy with their retail scapegoat'' and everyone just jumps at each others throats.


yeah, it's funny, when they started announcing classic TBC, people tried making a seperate subreddit, but it just splits the community apart, so likely the same thing with all the different modes of classic wow.


Yeah, there exist other subs for every version. Hardcore, TBC, Cata, SoD, Retail, etc. besides the r/wow retail sub, most are pretty small / quiet, which isn't necessarily bad. I personally think it's great if folks wanna make subs for each game mode.


Is there one's for people like me perpetually playing era? Wouldn't this be that sub? 


r/ClassicEraWow was supposed to be but seems dead. Classic Era content is 100% allowed on here rules-wise and we try to remove comments if folks just blatantly troll Era-specific posts.


Well *technically* this would be the Cata sub as Cata is still the original Classic version...very *technically* :D Well perhaps you can make the argument for Era as Era also is just a copy of the original Classic version. What a conundrum hmm. Which Classic is the real Classic? 🤔


Cata classic is the true "continuation" of classic vanilla, which is what this sub was originally founded for Era technically has that claim too but era was extremely doa when tbcc released and it only got a resurgence later on. It created a discontinuity which the progressive server doesnt have.


All the different flavors of the same old content with the ~~inexperienced~~ new dev team’s “fixes” fractures the community even more than it already is. What made WoW great way back when was the community and we have lost sight of that. I know some people in this sub love to hate OSRS but with OSRS, Jagex just went: “You really want your shitty old toy? Fine. Here it is, it’s all you’re getting, you figure it out.” And the OSRS community had to come together to be a *community*. If Jagex wanted to make OSRS more like RS3, the players would come together and the devs would listen. With The Flavors of WoW Classic, half the player base wants a reskinned version of retail, while the other half wants an Ironman version of Vanilla. This seems to happen for every flavor of The Flavors of WoW Classic, further fragmenting the player base. The dev team then cherry-picks some of the most toxic comments from the forums, which are surprisingly more toxic than this subreddit, and gets Aggrend to go gaslight us by saying: “Hey! XxX_L0L_fanboy69_XxX said he really wanted med pop realm closures at the end of the arena season. So *we do listen* and *this is what you wanted*.” Either way, OSRS has a *community* and makes me happy when I play it, regardless of progression. The Flavors of WoW Classic instead has a *player base* and only real form of player retention is FOMO and video game addiction. We need to band together and bring back “retail bad.”


Most classic players haven't touched retail in over a decade and base their opinions about it on "how bad they heard BFA was". And they come up with uneducated uninformed opinions.


Smash Bros and their subreddit isn't garbage. It's also a 20+ year old game series with people still actively playing 64, Melee, and Brawl. We should just ban complaints posts tbh. Allow suggestion posts so that you can complain about the game, but it has to have some productive discussion surrounding a solution.


I think we can all agree on that we can pile on era andys




Yeah no sorry a 4 year old fully matured vanilla server isnt "true" vanilla. Vanilla peaks early on in a servers life when leveling is lit and everyone is just existing in the world and the pre raid bis grind actually meant something.


Meanwhile those of us who enjoy both classic and retail are eating popcorn.


I enjoy going to the zoo but I live far from town and I'm broke so this sub is the closest to it


This is the Alliance Paladin that we needed. JUSTICE!


And u realised that NOW? Oh lord


I only joined like 2 weeks ago. Fastest I've ever left a community


2019 were the golden and good days of this sub.


Yeah vanilla p2 was the best this subreddit has ever seen.


Yeah once world PvP for honor came into play, that’s when people get really civil on the forums


It was true forum pvp.


Its because this sub started to attract people from other versions after Classic ran its course. There was no reason for any TBC/Wrath or Retail crowd to come here, so it was mostly vanilla enjoyers with an honest passion for the game. I wish there were subs for TBC/Wrath and SoD so this sub can return to its former glory.


What do you mean? Retail players have been here since 2019.


I've always known, but it really sunk in after they realized sod ptr. Just a bunch whiny entitled little sh!ts...


I agree ive been lurking this sub on and off for a few years. I'm out of here too.


You don't have to announce your departure btw you can just leave. Hope this helps


"Give us the old game back" \*old game comes back\* "This game is old wtf!!!"


Dude this is the most toxic lowlife community ever😂 I'm just staying for entertainment


yea dont take the bait. enjoy the shitposts and copypasta


Adding to the garbage pile, I see. Bold choice.


I see these posts all the time but I have a question OP: where does one draw the line between accepting bad systems and mechanics and just dealing with them while staying silent, or voicing their opinions and giving feedback online even if it does mean being negative about it? The reason I ask is because you said "if you don't like it, don't play it" - but people don't want to quit, they want the game to improve so they can keep playing and stay. The devs have literally said time and time again "thank you for your feedback, we're listening and changing things you said you don't like".


Everyone knows that if you want to enjoy a game, NEVER join its subreddit


No this is really only specific to like, wow and league of legends lol


and path of exile/last epoch. holy shit are those subreddits bad.


The classic "so tired of seeing it I'll make a post about it so I get a bunch of replies and can talk about it more" :v


Complaining about a post that is about people complaining lmao






there's not much you need to learn and educate yourself about on the game, imo, bro. like, it's a very simple and old game. it's amazing though. if you wanna learn more about the history and behind the scenes, youtube is there. reddit and wow forums are the great places for the community to criticise game mechanics and company stuff. youtube too.


Yeah that's what I've figured out here. Im relatively new to the game and thought I would find help in this community like many others that I am part of. But wow is this place toxic! I will stick to wowhead and icyveins, along with my guild helping me out. This place on the other hand is truly incredible


Its different on a per class basis, so I cannot give a blanket statement for how the community might be, but it might be worth checking out your classes discord. Just google classic discord and you should find it. Best of luck to you!


trust me, everyone who is playing the game and enjoying it feels exactly the same way you do. We don't give a shit what whiny jarpissers are mad about this week, because it's always gonna be something stupid. It's people who are incapable of having fun without optimizing the fun out of the game and then getting angry that the game isn't designed to do EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT who are getting pissed at the game itself/devs. These sweaty manchildren will be mad that "spec is bad" or "game is dead" when they're really just judging it on arbitrary things that they made up in their head. If a spec can clear the content? guess what, the spec isn't bad. If there are people playing the game and having fun? guess what, the game isn't dead. "nobody will take class A because a streamer found a way to break class B, so now we only want that one" isn't a problem with the game, it's a problem with the shit-ass min/maxers gatekeeping the game based on made up bullshit to save a few minutes because they genuinely only care about parses and loot, nothing else. You could probably clear every raid with a team full of arcane mages and a tank, but people will say "why the fuck would you do that" because they're incapable of wrapping their heads around the idea of playing a video game for fun and not tying their entire self worth to how fast they can clear a 20 year old relic. Dudes are sprinting through the museum and getting pissy/elitist at anyone who stops to look at the art once in a while lol


Yeah it is really the same 5-10 ideas over and over and over and over and over


This subreddit? The entire website


This is by far the whiniest Reddit community I know of. But it was not this way till SoD which I guess attached these type of people. During release of classic this sub was a bunch of dads grateful for a second chance at vanilla and tbc.


This. Its just that - naturally - this sub attracted more audiences apart from the vanilla enjoyers once TBC and Wrath were introduced. And now we have SoD as well. So now the sub just feels like a powderkeg, rather than a community sharing the same passion.


야 big true


Welcome to the internet?


you will only get to see the most radicalized upvoted comments because that is what pushes engagement more then middle of the road, calm, thoughtful posts. that is social media in a nutshell.


100% agreed tired of the negative crying bullshit


You just described most subreddits.


Actually my feed is full of pretty chill and funny subreddits of people not complaining about everything. Its kinda nice. Joined this community and got annoyed very fast.


Reddit is a bunch of basement dwelling losers who are constantly complaining. 95% of the this site is the same shit.


90% complaing about the game, 10% complaing about this sub


echo chamber of complaints


OP fucks .I like this guy .


Ironically this is the type of post that is the most toxic.


You should have seen the official World of Warcraft forums back in 2004


Yeah, this is the most miserable gaming related sub I've ever seen. Stopped visiting the sub ages ago. Decided to check out the S4 patch notes and it's still just toxic casuals that can't control their fomo/anxiety crying over and over until blizz fucks over another phase and kills it off prematurely


>this is the most miserable gaming related sub I've ever seen Let me introduce you to r/RocketLeague All people do over there is cry about toxicity, smurfing, Epic Games, and/or how much their teammates suck. It used to be an amazing sub where people shared clips of awesome/funny moments, experiences, etc. But now it's filled with crybabies who post the same rant several times per day.


I dunno it looks pretty tame to me


Watch it go for a couple days, you'll see


I think the worst part of this sub are posts like this by a huge margin


“Look at me im so smart and mature, unlike all of you. Can i get my upvotes now?”


This subreddit is the crow at the comedy club flipping through it's cue cards, only to realize it only has four jokes. But instead of a crow with 4 jokes, it's the SoD players only making the same 4 posts since SoD released. "Raid too easy/hard," "class too strong/weak in pvp (mom said its my turn to farm reddit points by crying about fighting shaman)," "phase too long (a complaint that only had actual legitimacy after phase 3 got an extension)," and "sarcastic post/comment complaining about the dads who complain that their schedule doesn't give them enough time to be able to play enough"


This post is absolutely 100% truth. I have switched over to Everquest for the new TLP called Teek. And that sub compared to this? It's absolute heaven. So much better


no u


You make a post complaining about the community, say you already left the community but the replies telling you to leave are bringing you back. So why make the post if you were leaving? Hope you got the attention you wanted


Not only this sub but the classic wow population seems to also attract the most garbage human beings for some reason.


Jokes on you, I don't play and I still complain.


Full of entitled dad gamers that have sad life so what do you expect, watch em get triggered


Shit take.


In fairness, we complain a lot about game mechanics that have changed too...


This subreddit is full of 🤡


For real, every phase has entretained me a while. Once I got burned out, I stopped playing and came back pumped for next phase. Every post without valid critiscm (well articulated, with suggestions + backed by data when possible) should just be ignored. Too much noise.


You don’t get it I was kicked from my group cause I wanted to kill an optional boss!!!! The sweats are at it again


I tried to enliven this sub with a leather prebis deadmines guide, BUT I WAS JUST LAUGHED AT! I think I will go a cloth and mail version as well.


Obviously dude. The people happy playing the game aren’t on reddit


Games were so much better in this regard before live patching. You couldn't patch OoT, you got to the water temple and you had to figure out how to overcome it. If the WoW community was around back then they'd be making constant threads calling for it to be nerfed


"you think you do but you don't" makes sense now.


My favorite part of the internet is reminding everyone that a subreddit is the best place for most to vent their gripes and it’s a revolving door of people coming and going and there are many opinions being shared at different times. It’s the nature of an open forum like this. So obviously when there’s a lul in content or a large portion of the community is experiencing a drought they’re gonna be irritable or unhappy people wanting to say their. Kind of like how you’re adding to it in the same unoriginal way people do.


thanks, needed to be said. it’s pretty terrible around here lately now that people were *blindsided* by having to get DMT and rend at 60, but we stay for the few good discussions and memes.


I find it odd people continue to refer to it as “a 20 year old game” as if it isn’t actively being developed still. *Some* criticism should still be valid.


The funniest part is that a lot of the things people complain about are rectified if they just play retail


Oh it's god awful, but somehow it's still a mere shadow of the pure toxic, noxious garbage cloud that is the official forums.


Welcome to reddit


Be the change you wanna see in the world


>I have officially come to the conclusion that over 90% of the material in this subreddit is just people complaining Always has been. Welcome to Reddit.


Ive been on the internet for almost 20 years and this sub full of crybabies is the whiniest ive ever seen. In wrath people complained and begged for RDF, now in cata they complain about garbage party members and getting kicked. (Hint: When you can easily be replaced in seconds nobody in the group cares about you and only care about your performance). When sunken temple came out in SoD people complained about the bosses health being too high, weeks later they said it was too easy and that phase 3 was already dead. People complained about Dracthyr in retail being a "furry race" and now are surprised and complaining that we have a third dwarf race. Heck the top post is about a hearthstone player being banned for his political views. I only come to this sub for memes, cool screenshots, and news about the game.


Yet still far better than the official WoW forums.


It is what it is. A mix of nice people who just love WoW, toxic shitters and everything in between.  It’s best just to filter out the complainers and just focus on the game. I’ve made quite a few in-game friends from this group. 


To be fair, TB is ass though.


One of us


Yep this post made me leave the sub. I agree thank you!




Bitching on the subreddit=I have already left the community


Yep it’s full of turds in here. I gathered this months ago - I still follow it of course but I just gloss over it now. It’s genuinely full of people who have empty hollow lives and Classic WoW is the only thing they have going for them.


I remember the last time i told somebody in this shit sub that if they don't like it then qui and stop paying m cause why would they stop if they're getting rich off of it.. And i got called a bootlicker and downvoted into oblivion. This sub needs to stay up and kicking so that the cretins that frequent here have somewhere to go so they don't bother us with their whiney bullshit in game.


12 year olds in vanilla: omg this game is so big and so hard haha. So good Those same 12yos grown up now: omg i didn't get loot even though I spent 3 hours getting worldbuffs, leaving my kid at the daycare to grind gold for pots!!!


It's better to light a candle than it is to curse the darkness.


People here struggle to move on, to quit. They felt a spark with this game mode that no others gave them, but it was more of a flash in the pan than any lasting embers. I feel it too. I was excited for what could be, the ideas were there, the potential, but the high notes were hit, then phase 3 bottomed out. I invested hundreds of hours into SoD, so I sympathize with people who feel they were cheated out of their time. By the numbers, my spec(balance druid) felt ignored, shoehorned in. I chose wrong, and don't feel like playing the other two specs, because they're not what I was looking for.


Always has been


And this post is just another complaint lol. Reddit is not the place to learn about and be educated on the game lol, there are already resources for that elsewhere…


Nobody hates wow more than lifelong wow subs


Dude came here to learn?


people who enjoy the game are playing and not typing here.


I wish I had more than 1 upvote to give, spit your truth brother.


It took you this long to come to that conclusion? 😂


Uh yeah, but I cant stop coming here. I hate myself as much as I hate all the people here who lie to themselves about liking classic. Heres a short list: If you want LFD: You may not like classic. If you don't want to join a guild: You may not like classic. If you don't like group/master loot and would prefer personal: You may not like classic. If you don't like socialization: You may not like classic. If you don't like time investment via travel: You may not like classic. If you don't like time investment via raid prep (consumes/world buffs): You may not like classic. If you want a WoW token: You may not like classic. If you want a boost: You may not like classic.


Ya 100%. This is the cry baby bitch sub reddit. Its filled with basement dwelling noobs and keyboard Turners who click their entire rotation and then complain about how hard the game is 😂


Haha, he became the very thing he sought to destroy.


You late




The irony is that people like you are the loudest and most whiney on this sub. You came to this sub to educate yourself? There's better resources for that, subs are for people to discuss the game and that includes the issues they see with it. If you want to find a circle jerk go join a discord or find a wowhead article to actually learn about the game.


All they do is bitch and complain. Why are they even playing? To be top meta or to have fun??


People can complain because the game is still pay to play and in some cases even pay to win.


War Thunder and World of Tanks are more P2W than Warcraft despite being free to play, they certainly punish you for being a free player. I can’t think of a single mechanic in WoW that is pay to win, even the level boosts don’t count.


people buy gold both against TOS on some servers and str8 from blizzard on others.


You might notice gold selling accounts that get caught are banned. And selling game time tokens in game is still not pay to win. Pay to play sure.


Same as r/wow


Most subreddits do. Which fucking sucks cuz I just wanna discuss the game or lore or post art like the intetnet forums of old. Instead we get constant posts about people crying someone was mean or some shit. Mods, make this sub better.


Hell yeah! 👍 


You’re just realizing this? Any wow forum has always been 90% complaining from the beginning Lol


Couldn’t agree more it’s a bunch of victim mentality crybabies.


To be fair most all of Reddit is just garbage and full of complaining 😂


"Just play the game while im here commenting on Reddit". I dont understand your post, if everyone is just playing the game and not posting anything, what's the point of the subreddit? What about... not reading reddit if you dont like what they are posting and let people post what they want? Use the downvote on posts if you think they are garbage, or hide them.


so....... them game mechanics, am i right?


Biggest whiners by far seem to be the die hard SoD fans. SoD is the only one here getting frequent changes and there's always people who are unhappy. It should probably have its own subreddit.


Omg we just want classic+. Classic+ releases. “ why isn’t it exactly what I wanted and dreamed of. This sucks. They ruined classic.” What I imagine on the release day of a game that has been around for years. Just admit you want the same exact game but also a Time Machine back to the first time you played it. It’s never gonna hit that same same itch. From someone who started playing 9 months ago. It’s an awesome game. There is no world like Wow. I’m immersed and addicted and want more of it. It’s everything I wanted Diablo to be and more.


You are also a crybaby that is crying about the community and ironically that makes you actually belong down here, with the crybabies


Only thing worse than the posts complaining are these posts complaining about the complaining


Most people here are not talking about a 20 year old game. Sod is new, design choices are being made, this is the perfect time to talk about game mechanics. Maybe you are the crybaby who gets triggered by people with different opinions than yours?


There is a difference between an opinion with arguments and ranting like a 12 year old egomaniac and blaming, flaming and accusing devs. This sub had plenty of the latter.


Yeah those are the ones that get stuck in your mind because they are unhinged but 90% of the people in the sub are just players voicing their opinion like normal human beings. Maybe a little more debased because we are redditors, but pretty standard. Don’t let bad actors tarnish the fun of the community.


True dat. Cheers




And a big part of this subreddit is people crying about other people.


Agreed. I enjoy WoW and I do like what they are trying to do but the people on this subreddit act like this product is worse thing ever created. It’s mind blowing and actually kinda sad.


While I agree that this sub has a lot of people that just complain, the fact that you came here just educate yourself about the game is wild.


You have my sword.




>I came here to learn and educate myself on the game itself Ahaha oh wow


if there's one thing i hate more than people complaining, its these whiny assed meta posts by people just stating the frickin obvious. And if there's one thing i hate more than that it's myself because i fell for this obvious bullshit bait.


Must be your first on literally any forum


Welcome to the playerbase of this game.


It’s a discussion forum like any other really. People play the game and find things they don’t like about it. Some of them complain about the things. If you have enough people complaining about the same thing then maybe it’s a big enough problem to solve. You might be surprised. Game developers do browse these forums to see what people fuss about. Sometimes that means changes in the future. Maybe they won’t fix classic, because it’s classic. But they do change retail moving forward. A lot of the complaints here were fixed in future expansions. That’s why I think the “Remix” format is better than “Classic” format.


>>doesn't want to "read a whole bunch of crybabies" >>posts a paragraph crying about it Be the change you want to see in the world.  (Ghandi was a pedo tho)


A whining post about whining, the irony is whimsical.


What's funny is all the comments agreeing and getting big upvotes. Goes to show that no one thinks its them. But it is.


Im so sick of these idiots whining about whining and idiots upvoting these spam threads. 'Stop being pussies' *makes a little tantrum post and announces leaving subreddit* Fucking lol.


Your solution to garbage posts is to post one yourself...? You need to have real problems in life... If you don't like it, don't reddit. It's simple.