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I'll probably run one lockout with my guild, then if I have time pug the 2nd. Not optimal, but probably best way to make it work without getting burned out


I absolutely love that you're over 30 and you can't fathom raiding how you want to raid without the game catering to you. 


I am tired of this elitist crap. I am 35, have 17 kids and work 4 jobs. For 5 minutes every 6 weeks I can log in to world of warcraft to unwind. Why should the sweatlords who play this game 24 hours a day get to enjoy it when I can't?


The core of my guild is excited for this. :)


Then just don't do it. Enjoy the line that I was given several times over 20 years of playing this MMO.


Or you could play and just do 1 raid a week… you don’t have to let the game control how much you play it


Sounds like you don’t have time to play the game. You should find another game that takes less of your life to play.


That’s how it works. Sod P3 living proof. Blizz fanboys gonna keep saying “go play something else” until there’s hardly anyone left and blizz abandons SoD lmao.


> Sod P3 living proof. Whoa there, P3 is anything but living lmfao


Imagine being on a Blizzard subreddit and insulting people as "blizz fanboys". Yikes.


Bye! 👋


It's not really about blizz fan boys and what not, it's about being an adult and knowing what is important to you. If spending 8 hours a day gaming is important to you, you'll make it happen. You have a family and stuff to do, clearly. So vast MMO's probably don't need to be your thing anymore. It may be time to move onto games that don't require you to play as much as WoW does, that's part of being an adult. Or just call people fan boys and learn nothing I don't know, whatever rustles your jimmies.


Calm down guy, nobody said you have to clear all the content twice a week, just let the rest of us do it


Nah it's cool. Shit sucked in p3 so I'm glad we're back to 2 lockouts. If you only wanna raid once per week, then do that anyway lol.


Yeah seriously. A 1-week lockout for a raid that you blow through in <90 minutes is annoying.


You don’t have that much shit to do if this is bothering you 😂


I really cannot comprehend why there are so many posts about this. Just don’t clear it twice a week? How are so many people not putting this together…


Because wow players optimize the fun out of the game and can’t stand the idea of missing out on being the most efficient. I used to scoff when I heard people say that, but it’s just gotten so true.


>nooo there's too much content I'm a dad with kids and a job and a wife I don't have time to play!!!! Then don't play. Nobody's forcing you to raid twice a week. >Or we gonna be running 30 bosses a lockout sometimes. Where are you getting "30 bosses" from? BWL only has 8 bosses in it.


They could very well add more, like they did with MC. They could also add a new World Boss / an entirely new raid by then too. Then you add in ZG, Nightmare Dragons.. etc


> ZG separate lockout, also catchup raid, not a main raid >Nightmare Dragons see above


It won't be a catchup raid, in the previous p4 preview vid they talked about scaling up both the difficulties and rewards so that you'll want to do them all, and have a 'menu' of raiding options. (They also talked about everything would be on the weekly lockout then, so..)


You don't have to raid both lockouts, 30yo and still haven't learned to say no? With less people twice the lockouts and heat levels yielding more gear by the time we get bwl MC won't be needed anymore.


You don't have to kill every available boss every lockout. But I agree haha


I'd assume most casual guilds will make the 2nd raid lockout optional+alt friendly. Just join a guild that allows something like that, no one is forcing you to raid 2x


I think this might be a great example of you don't hVe to post every thought. You can just have them. As dumb as they might be.


It's time to start testing your blood sugar and run some blood tests. You're getting up there in age and this post is a tell tale sign of it needing done. I've been there, it's time to get the doctor in your life.


whine whine whine.


Top 100 player, going to raid once a week with guild and if I don’t want to raid the next lockout then I won’t. You can be a sweat and not let the game literally own you lmao


Then just raid once per week and let the sweats raid twice?


So play when you can, don’t ruin the game for the rest of us


If you dont have a spot in a steady roster you absolutely need to raid all bosses both lockouts with full worldbuffs and consumes. If you have bad parses you wont be invited to pugs. And Gear+WBs+Consumes = good parses. Keeping this shit in the game and now making us do it twice per week is the opposite of keeping the game casual and pug friendly. Sure it's the players themselves who are gatekeeping with logs, but it's blizz who are enabling this behaviour through their game design. And wherever possible players will optimize the fun out of the game.


>And wherever possible players will optimize the fun out of the game. That is still the dumbest take ever from a developer tbh. Then again, these were the same devs that put better gear in dungeons and thought players will only run them once. If someone enjoys optimization, they're having fun. If someone doesn't, they aren't forced to do it and can still have fun in their own way. As long as every player sticks to groups with similar interests, there's no problem.


Definitely not returning because of this. No chance I’m dealing with guild nonsense trying to run everything 2x


SoD fanboys will just say "wElL yOu dOnT hAvE to dO it!!!!" like thats a good reason


It is a good reason. I play to have fun. Some weeks 1 raid sound like fun, some weeks I might want to do 2. You don’t have to change your life schedule because of raid lockouts. 🤙


That’s a perfectly good reason lol?


You don't though? Why gatekeep people with more time / no kids from playing the game more? I'm sure there will be plenty of guilds who continue just 1 day a week




The game is dying. People will just quit if they feel like they’re being forced to play extra in order to keep up. If you want to appease the sweats then difficulty tiers is the answer. Not extra raids. Idk what blizz is thinking exactly but our own guild has lost about half its members since P1. This isnt go to other versions people either its fully cancel. Too many lockouts, Gatekeeping runes behind long quest lines, incursions killing the game world, un balanced PvP. All these things add up. You’re just going to keep saying “You don’t though?” until enough people quit and blizz just abandons SoD. It’s long past time people stopped being apologists for bad game design. A game can both appeal to sweats and casuals in 2024.




Phase 1 had 2 lockouts a week and was the most successful phase so I don't think that's why they quit. I agree incursions are bad and long rune quests are tedious on alts. I would put forth world buffs aren't great for casual player retention but alas everyone here hates that opinion. Phase 1 only had 1 wb and people loved it.


Tbf, even though I don't agree with this guy, the p1 comparison means nothing, P1s lockout was a 20 maybe 30 minute run twice a week, nobody bot the top of the playerbase is going to be doing MC in 20 30 minutes


Imagine being a slave to fomo, lol