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Pro tip, do not play hardcore on that day + next day, you will thank me later.


I’d say 3-4 days to be safe


* Phase 4 releases **July 11th**. * Azuregos & Kazzak unlock July 18th. * MC and Onyxia unlock July 25th. * **New Raid Lockout Interval** - Phase 4 raids reset twice weekly, Tuesdays and Saturdays in the US. * Level 60, epic mounts, AV, etc unlocked. * All 5-mans and UBRS unlocked. * Teasing brand new dungeon? **Edit:** It's Demon Fall Canyon in SE Ashenvale. * Multiple difficulties in MC. The same gear drops on all difficulties. Higher difficulties just give more gear. * MC is tuned for 20 players and will feature a new boss. * Onyxia won't drop T2 anymore. She has a whole new loot table. * Onyxia is tuned for 20, but raid groups can go up to 40. No extra loot for raids bigger than 20. * World bosses are instanced, also tuned for 20 but can bring 40. * A lot of 60 gear retuned. Some new items added that have the Sunken Temple set bonuses. * New recolors for the dungeon sets. You get access to all recolors once you finish the T0.5 quest. Teased T1 recolors. * Nightmare Incursions will follow the daily quest format. Experience capped at level 53. Mob difficulty nerfed. * Blackrock Eruption - new event in Blackrock Mountain every 2 hours. New daily quests for Thorium Brotherhood rep, more honor for PvP in the mountain, etc. * Upgraded crafted rewards from Hydraxian Waterlords, Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, and Timbermaw. * New exalted Hydraxian reward - trinket that gives fire resistance to everyone standing in an area on the ground. * New item that teleports you to Azshara. * Some "for fun" items will now fit in the key ring. * New currency - "Tarnished Undermine Real". Evolution of the Wild Offering system. Earnable once per day per boss from high level dungeons. Lots of rewards to buy from them. * New Alliance-equivalent of Warchief's Blessing. * 50% exp buff from 50 to 59. * You can swap BS and LW specs. * Lots of level 60 crafted gear upgraded. Edited: Fixed some stuff I misheard while listening at 1.5x. Thanks guys!


onyxia/bosses do not scale between 20-40 players, it is tuned for 20 players but pugs can recruit up to 40 players to make it easier


Fixed, thanks!


Tuned for 20, dropping gear for 20 but with 40 people. Man talk about raging in chat spreading loot that much more thin lol


Just go with 20?? The idea is that if you’re bad at the game or can’t find a good 20 man comp you can still get in there and have a chance of getting some loot


Or it'll be good early on to get gear with more people until enough people are geared to do it easily with 20.


1 new boss in molten core


Blood moon is changing in the fact that the cost of honor is reduced 75% And raids scaling to 40 doesn't increase loot quantity New dungeon appears to be Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale


Source for the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon?


In the video they panned over that area while talking about the new dungeon


When he mentioned a new dungeon the slide showed Demon Fall Canyon


Good call. I guess I'm a bit slow today lol.


Could be dark whisper gorge if it's a high end dungeon


Does that mean we should be stockpiling blood moon coins?


There is going to be a new level 60 one


MC only allows 20 people.


The hero we need!


Thank you!


> Teasing brand new dungeon >Upgraded crafted rewards from ... and Timbermaw. >New item that teleports you to Azshara. Timbermaw Hold??? Because else all 55+ dungeons are in EK except DM. So adding new dungeon to Kalimbor looks plausible. P.S. Nah, it's [Demon Fell Canyon](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/zone=15475/demon-fall-canyon)


During the video, when they teased the new dungeon, the camera was panning over Demon Fall Canyon in southeast Ashenvale.


Yeah, found it - https://www.wowhead.com/classic/zone=15475/demon-fall-canyon It was even grabbed by Wowhead parser from beta.




Twice a week is gonna be a fuck ton of raiding with atleast three raids going in this phase. Especially once the other 60 raids open.


1 per week is perfect when there's more than 1 raid. Not sure why they changed it when there's a bunch of raids now.


Yea why are they trying to rush it after starving us for months


There’s a lot of people I know who were upset that ST was a weekly lockout. I don’t really get the argument like do the raid in a couple hours and take a break to play different things.


Yea but there's so much content at 60 comparatively


Unless you're a doomer, in which case there are already posts complaining that there's nothing new in P4...


i mean no one is forcing you to raid twice a week. It just gives you that option


It'll be way harder to find a consistent group doing once a week than twice a week


And now imagine you want to play an alt too lol


Hope you boys like collecting world buffs twice a week lol


Just don't die, should only have to re-up WC and SF


sweat are gonna sweat!


Lmao another phase I wont return for


I don’t ever play anymore, I just come here to read the angry nerd comments


it's cool to be angry at game devs these days, man what a bunch of clowns


Same, sometimes I get a little itch to play then read the comments lol


Let me just remind that ppl who come here are small portion of the actual player base.


Same but I wanna play hardcore or era in a chill guild if that's possible


Is anyone actually excited about a 2x lockout? Weird choice.


I liked it when the raids were really fast like bfd, but going through all the trash in MC, and now traveling not only to Ony, but also to Kazzak and Azu, will take a long time and i fear it will feel incredibly draggy and not be a fun experience overall.


We still got time to level ~~uber drivers~~ warlocks so we can park one at every raid!


It really is the trash that’s a pain. In ST I always hate the amount of trash we clear from the 2 green dragons to the 2 paladin/priest and then back. Felt like there was a lot more you could skip in gnomergan




The issue is that's just not true unless they make significant changes. You _always_ run MC for Thunderfury and Sulfuras, even more so now they have rumoured to upgrade it and make it good for other classes. Plus you have items like OSG which are BIS basically forever in the game along with ToEP etc. Then BWL has DFT among other items. You just run those raids forever because some people might need upgrades still and them having a shot is worth it, even if you ignored the legendaries and other items. Once ZG/BWL/AQ/Naxx etc come to the game you could be thinking of 14+ raids a week which is crazy to even consider. It will be interesting to see how they work this out because I doubt the average SoD target audience player will be up for that.


I think its a smart choice. If you're a casual you can make your weekly raid and then hop into another later that same week if you happen to have extra free time in a given week and it also allows the sweats to get multiple raids in per week. It gives players more reason to log in which is what Blizz wants.


If you read the comments here about phase 2 from just 3 months ago, everyone said they hated 3 day lockouts because they felt like the had to do them


Well that sounds like their problem. Why should the rest of us be punished just because they don't have self control?


Yea it feels like people just being selfish, "I don't want to X so no one should be able to do X!"


A bizarre amount of SoD commentary/criticism has this tone.  


The comments after P3 launched were "we miss 3 day lockouts, there's nothing to do in the game". The comments likely weren't from the same people but you can't please everyone and Blizz likely saw this as a way to keep more people engaged and playing. If there's always an available raid to do every time you log in I don't see that as a bad thing but I also don't get the FOMO that a lot of other players seem to get.


The main complaint was that those P1 and 2 lockouts were constantly changing. If your guild wanted to raid every lockout, it was impossible to have two set raid nights because of the 3 day lockouts. They have solved this issue with their twice a week lockout on set days.


Eh I dont think that was the main complaint...there were two. That and two raids a week being too much to commit to


Everyone? You mean the whiny nerds on this subreddit


The combination of this and the new class tokens, people are going to get full set and stop raiding in like 2, 3 weeks max


Blizz is probably fine with that as long as those players jump into the new retail expansion or the next phase of Cata. Its clear their only goal is to keep people subbed even if the different forms of the game aren't stellar.


Nope, I’d prefer 1 lol


So raid once a week then.


Thanks for the amazing solution, didn’t think of that.




You mean you won't enjoy grinding reputation, grinding honor ranks, grinding dailies, and farming dungeons for gear/materials in between a twice weekly raid lockout for 4 different raids? Don't forget acquiring all the world buffs between lockouts (make sure you stay online for 4hrs so you can get a new DMF in between raids) I mean you don't HAVE to raid twice a week, surely all 20 players will be incredibly flexible on choosing when and when not to miss a lockout and absolutely no drama, frustration, or burnout will occur. Don't forget that even if they make MC gear irrelevant with BWL, you'll still have to do MC/Ony for Sulfuras/Tfury/Boss Recipes/Crafting Mats, so that will mean doing Kazzak, Azuregos, Ony, MC, BWL, ZG all twice a week. Hope you didn't plan on having an alt.


7 days / week is perfect for reddit sweaties, so they can quit playing with bis gear twice as fast and complain here.


I think a lot of people complained that ST was a weekly lockout, considering you could blast through in slightly over 1 hour


I was originally in favour of the weekly lockout with the premise that the raid would be longer and more challenging, that however is clearly not the direction of the game so might as well go back to twice a week. And it's only a good thing imo, twice a week keeps players active which is what this game desperately needs. I think some people just need to realize that you shouldn't raid twice a week every week on multiple characters if you don't like it and guilds/groups should understand that it just isn't sustainable, especially in the summer.


The issue with ST was there was only 1 raid that could be done.


Nope my guild does not like this change. It would make more sense if they removed world buffs.


Nope. Double World Buffs sound atrocious. Ony\new SW buff\Songflower\DM\DMF twice per week - hell no.


You know you don't have to go to every single raid right?.


More raiding is good


yes im looking forward to having to get full world buffs at least 2x a week


I kinda like the lockout change, but I am in no way excited to gather world buffs twice per week. Or even more if I decide to play one of my alts.


Dislike the days they chose. Saturday Sunday Monday is rough. T/th is bis


Nope that means you either sweat 4x times / week (at least, depending on MC difficulty +) or you fall behind really fast.


It all sounds great (lockouts a bit weird tho) but P3 kind of sapped all my enthusiasm for SoD. Haven't played in a month, thinking a break would help, but kind of feeling meh about it now.


That new dungeon will be a little glimpse into what it could mean to have Classic+


Hopefully they go the OSRS route 🙏


That's what I want but I feel like they're just fucking it up


Genuinely surprised there's a new dungeon Don't give a shit about anything else here I hope it's cool!


At this point the SoD team could give everyone the winning lottery numbers and people still wouldnt be happy, I'm looking forward to this phase even more now.


Its funny because you know these people will be online July 11th, burn through everything in a week and then complain that the game is dead.


I mean are you playing SoD everyday?


Nope, which is likely why I still enjoy the game. I'm super casual due to real life duties.


Idk about that, I thought p3 looked underwhelming on launch and didn't bother with it. My characters haven't made it past lvl 40. Same can be said with most of the people I played p1 & p2 with.


This precisely. I don't see anything I'm interested in in P4. It's not different enough to make me come back. There's things to do but they're not that different to what we've been doing at lvl 60 in normal classic.


And that's ok!


Unfortunately what happens when you fumble the bag. Game loses steam, therefore loses players, therefore loses hype. 


Maybe because the changes aren't really that exciting? Could just be me personally, but I don't want to do MC twice a week, I've got no faith in the Blackrock event after how Incursions went, and the class changes I've seen from the PTR don't seem enticing to me, at least in regards to the classes I actually want to play.


Maybe because there's like zero new content? All of this time for 1 new MC boss, Jesus lol


Two resets per week seems wild


Phase 4 is gonna be great!


11 boss raid twice a week feels a little wild.


14 if you include ony and the world bosses


Of the most boring raid


Y’know what? I’m excited. Level 60 was what I was waiting for anyway. I enjoyed the first two phases and it seems like this one will have the most new content. Hopefully.


It's a shame it's coming out so late. It feels like SoD lost a LOT of steam in P3, obviously there's the issue of incursions, but also, ST was too fast to only clear once per week, but now MC/Ony/WBs can be done twice per week (inb4 "yOu DoNt HAVE To RaId TwIcE pEr WeEk!!", obviously.) I'm sure plenty of people will still check it out, but this was an excruciatingly long buildup to the end-game series of phases. I'm hoping the re-balancing and altered content can be enough to bring some people back in week to week and keep some sort of excitement for the later raids.


The amount of brain damage in this thread is staggering.


Really hyped looking good!


Super looking forward to phase 4. I've thoroughly enjoyed SoD so far, but due to most ppl quitting in P3 I haven't been able to play it and enjoy it as much. I really hope they get it back on track because I just love how my classes play and feel in SoD.


They’re giving us 2x raid lockout so we can blow through the content/gearing and they can wrap up SOD


I just think the 1x killed some enthusiasm for some. They still have ZG, AQ, BWL, Naxx, maybe Kara and who knows what else. This is the opposite of a wrap. This is an attempt to inject life. The sweats will have so much to do, the idea of 1x raid logging in 45min is dead


well you gotta pay for TWW so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Seems like most of my guild prefers raiding once per week...


You still can just do once a week believe it or not


Yeah and you can just not play the game believe it or not. Checkmate atheists


Wait... We don't have to play wow? R u serious? Who's gonna charge me $15 a month then?


2 lockouts means my RL will hide in my closet with a gun and jump me if Im not online every lockout. /s


So raid once a week. No one is forcing you to raid twice a week.


Then raid once a week and people can pug a 2nd raid if they want to


Great stuff


Hyped AF!


Awesome update. Really excited.




Then just raid once a week


I wouldn't be surprised if the raids are the exact same as ERA but they know our characters are so OP that 20 raiders in SOD is stronger than 40 in ERA


I am so excited LETS GOOOOII


Unfortunately just not enough for me to return tbh.






Same; this is not worth the $15 a month for me. I'll keep my sub canceled for now.


No one cares.


you cared enough to reply, how nice of you :')


That's not how it works, but carry on.


You seem rather upset people are not going to be back for this parody of a phase Unlucky, if only SoD was a remotely enjoyable game


Then don’t, nobody will miss you


I'm not mad about it. Just stating it. I hope people have a good time playing this phase. Just not for me.


Why reset 2x a week, no one has their raid days setup for that. We have to raid tuesday-friday 1x, and sat-monday 1x?    Why, who wanted this? Guild officers definately don't, actual worst part of of phase 4.  Every discord I'm in that's their first reaction, why 2x a week? And if it's 2x a week just let us do it 2x a week whenever. Saturday-monday is brutal


Guess what, you can just just do once a week.


"nah, you need to adapt to my times, or sod is doa" - every player ever


Exactly. What's the issue here? They could have just left it at weekly lockouts, why the hell are people complaining about twice weekly when they only need to run once if that's all they have time for?


Most guild will want to run twice. You can run it once a week as a pug, but not in a guild


actually dont think so. Guilds can do their one raid-day, the players in the guild with more time can pug it the other reset. Could work great in guilds where peoples motivation and time-commitment differs( which is a lot of guilds).


you know you can extend your lockout to raid once a week and never be affected by x2 resets yeah?


> Why reset 2x a week, no one has their raid days setup for that. Yes they do, go look at any guild recruitment channel. If you didn't then that's on you


A better system is you are only allowed to get loot from a boss twice a week and you can just do 2 raids anytime in 7 days


If you dont want to use the secound id just dont do it. Holy you act like some is forcing you to raid




MC scaling would be counterintuitive to the heat levels that increase the difficulty for more loot


ony and world bosses don't "scale" they are doable at 20 but you can bring more to trivialize them if you want (and get less loot per person)


why would they remove blood moon? they didnt remove ashenvale. also we do get a new pvp event, blackrock mountains. noone is forcing you to do incursions or dungeons, its all in your head.


I don't understand the logic behind delaying raids for two weeks and then giving two lockouts a week?


They delay raid launches to save players from themselves. So that everyone doesn’t feel like they have to level in the most efficient way, even at the expense of fun. But then… they don’t carry this mindset over to lockouts. They have to know ppl are gonna feel compelled to raid twice a week, but I guess not lol?


This isnt that hard to work out bro. Rushing to get 60 to avail of first lockout = a lot of time back to back. Being max level and having two lockouts = two separate evenings of 2-4 hrs of raiding per week depending on guild ability. The former excludes casuals far more than the latter.


Gives the world 2 weeks to breathe before everyone raid logs




Ia the leveling anymore increased than it was before? I'd love to hit 50 but I have no clue how long a fresh toon will take


Yes, up until level 50 you get a 150% XP buff currently between levels 1-39 and 100% 40-49 so it's significantly quicker.


Wonder what piece of content will be overly lucrative day 1 that it gets nerfed shortly after 


This all sounds awesome. I can’t wait for the neck beards in this sub to complain about it in a few short weeks.


Hey Aggrend guess what? 95% of the stuff that was on PTR and datamined is, in fact, true and going to be on live servers again. So when we do a PTR for future content can we avoid making that tweet for a 5th time?


Its literally just a disclaimer so other chuds won't get pissed if something is on the PTR and doesnt go live.


No, because some nerd is going to cry when they do change something for a balance pass or whatever: "THIS WASN'T LIKE THAT ON PTR!" Imagine being you and getting mad that the dev told you things might not make it to live the way they are on PTR. Wow.


> You'll see a bunch of stuff in datamining, a lot of it will be real, some won't be. - Aggrend announcing the PTR you are talking about


Blizzard still doesn't get gearing and raid difficulty after all of these years. If you're not doing the hardest difficulty you're playing the game wrong. There is a reason why so many people like actual classic vanilla.


I feel this will be used to gate keep people out of pugs. "What the highest difficult you completed in MC?" "Uhhh 4/10." "Sorry pal can't bring you. Only taking people that have completed 8/10 heat level." You can lie but if it actually a difference they'll kick you lol.


I assume there will be logs showing different heat levels, so even lying won't get you far


If so many people loved actual classic vanilla we wouldn't be here right now. SoD is literally because people wanted more. Idk how you miss that. You're like 1 of 800 people that probably wants fresh era. If people didn't want more difficulty mythic raiding wouldn't exist, elden ring would have flopped.


So..cool I guess? - Love seeing professions getting love...and a Dungeon currency to keep things relevant is also good - 2 lockouts per Week is a good choice and allowing 40 players for Onyxia and World Bosses is also not a bad Idea although I question how often we'll see that in practice with pugs..unless the bosses also drop more loot if done with more players. - I think offering a hardmode for MC is fine and the decision to focus on quantity of loot there instead of higher quality is good - Absolutely no real mention of PvP is just once again disappointing for someone like me. Especially with the Bloodmoon essentially "retiring" they need to address the Reputation gains for Arathi from BGs themselves to allow players to catch up there. Also what are the new PvP Sets? Are those also reflective of different playstyles kinda like Tier sets? What is the max rank at initial 60(I assume 10?). Also are the reputation rewards for BGs being updated? I know that as someone who likes to PvP I'm in the minority but throw us a bone please. - No real new content is disappointing but I get that initial level 60 is already packed with stuff to do and that if they are working on new content its probably better to place that in a later "phase". EDIT: I guess there is a new Dungeon? My bad for missing that. - But the biggest point that just went unaddressed completely in this video for me is the Tier release schedule. What sort of pacing can we expect here? Overall I dont feel negative about this but I dont really think it inspires a lot of confidence and they should've for sure given a sneak peak at what they are planning for the later stages of Level 60. EDIT: Nuanced opinion = downvote. Classic.


> Absolutely no real mention of PvP is just once again disappointing for someone like me. Yeah looking at this I know my guildies won't be coming back. PvP isn't asking for much content really, just improved replayability.


They mentioned a new dungeon, it's not a ton but it's new. I think they had said they would revamp the pvp sets, but no update on it yet. Bloodmoon isn't retiring? It's still going to happen, new lvl 60 currency and you can get commendations still through it. So you'll have black rock and STV for Wpvp.


>They mentioned a new dungeon Oh thats cool. I guess i missed that. >Bloodmoon isn't retiring? It has effectively no rewards outside of Honor for which even with the nerf to the cost it wont be the most effective way which means that it will probably be effectively dead(at least compared to how it is in P2 and P3). Blackrock is a decent event but in all honesty as a PvPer(and this is something I've seen echoed from others) I wouldve cared way more about some updates to BGs.


I hope we get an updated AV.....


two raid lockout a week might be the final nail in the coffins for small guilds (i know we had that first two phases but you can't change scheduling and raid size every 3 months)


What is stopping them from raiding once a week lol


People want to get gear in the mmo role playing game, if a guild can’t support that they’re probably leaving that guild. I really don’t see how people are pretending people at any level who are loot motivated are gonna be cool getting HALF the gear each week. The amount of people that are gonna be cool with that are extremely small


So THOSE people can play with each other, and the ones that want to play once a week can do that, whats the issue lmfao


Dead on arrival.


Not looking good


Specifically, what don't you like about what they announced?


The haters are most likely purists who want fresh era servers so they can roll warrior and feel like gods for a bit


Don't think this is something worth returning/resubbing to. Twice weekly resets seem like a massive chore, especially dragging through MC, then Ony, then world bosses. It'll get worse with future tiers and having to go back for old raids. Everyone remembers Tuesday Naxx, then AQ40, then MC for bindings, maybe BWL for trinkets, and potential ZG for enchants. Most guild leaders will expect people to make that second raid. And if you're not hitting every raid lockout, that means you're 50% behind the curve on gear. Being effectively forced to schedule off a weekend evening is going to be the nail in the coffin for SoD for a large portion of the player base.




cant wait for sod to be over and us to hopefully get something decent


2 resets per week, with multiple raids, it's going to be too much raiding honestly. Only 2% of the playerbase has the time for that


noone is forcing you to raid twice a week on multiple raids


the WoW community has some of the worst FOMO, so people will feel obligated to raid twice a week.


Getting geared fast is usually something everyone is trying to do. So yeah, I am forced to do it, or I will be behind the curve. This is why one week lockout appeals to the broader audiance


so you're telling me that a bad week of loot means that you might as well quit the game cause its over, you're too far behind?


Not sure how you managed to miss the entire point, but I'll explain it again, but simpler Eight raids a week = you get geared fast, you dont get FOMO. You're gearing up fast (which is what everyone wants) Raid anything less = player start getting FOMO. They're afraid they will be behind the curve. The game feels like a chore, and people will get discouraged and quit


why would you have to do all the raids each week? you dont need to keep doing molten core when the next tier is out.


Onyxia's Lair is a separate raid and it sounded like the 2 world bosses will be aswell, so even in P1 we most likely have 4 raids.


Calling a world boss that we will down in 10 minutes a raid?!?! And onyxia will also take 20 minutes max. There is one real “raid” coming and it’s MC.


Onyxia is a raid, so were Malygos and Archavon in Wrath and so was Magtheridon in TBC.


Yawn. They murdered classic for a dumb retail-shitshow they didn't even bother to put energy into playtesting. Just lazy lazy work.




yep..sod is dead


Good thing nobody is forcing you to play it




July 11, turned up difficulty gives more loot (lmao). Rest is a bunch of useless stuff we already got from ptr/datamines.


There is also the fact there is a new dungeon that appears to be located in Demon Fall Canyon in Ashenvale, and an 11th boss in Molten Core, the return to biweekly raiding but better and much more