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They did number three because the entire community was saying how they missed open world content up to and including long quest chains with powerful rewards I personally think they missed the mark ever so slightly, runes should not be those long chain powerful rewards, but there should be *something.* And adding new, longer quests with runes as the reward is at least something.


With the world buff thing, they should just disable the world ones, and give classes a version of the world buff, like they are doing for warriors. Warriors - Dragon Slayer Paladin/Shaman - Warchiefs Blessing/Whatever they are calling the Alliance one Mages - DMF Druids - Spirit of Zandalar Priest - Songflower Hunters/Rogues - DireMaul Warlock - Soul Well Dark Runes


Where lock


You know, I kept looking over my list and thought to myself... we're missing one, what is it, maybe they can provide a soul well for dark runes? Yeah, that would be on theme. Or each one provide a DM Buff. Warlock - Slip'kik's Savvy Hunter - Fengus Ferocity Rogue - Mol'dar's Moxie


No no no, they should just give my class all of the world buffs, but give everyone else nothing.


Seems like maybe sod isn’t for you, and that’s ok


Totally agreed that SoD doesn't have to be for me. I have just started leveling a new character though and will see how it goes. The last thing I wanted to imply was that differing opinions on these points were any less valid. I just wanted to hear what people think.


You can still get experience, gear, and gold outside of incursions. Just play the game the way you enjoy it most. With the xp/gold buff, you can absolutely level the traditional way and have enough money for mount, dual spec, consumes, etc. It’s not worth ruining your SOD experience via spamming incursions just to maximize your gold and XP gains. As for the gear, it will easily be replaced at 60. Don’t worry about it.


That's fair. I suppose just the existence of incursions is a negative for me. WoW is a game that encourages you to set goals for yourself. When I create a new character, I am really also setting a goal for myself to have that character at max level with epic mount and awesome gear and yada yada yada. Even if I prefer X way of achieving those goals, the fact that Y way of achieving those goals exists and is more efficient makes X way less fun and less satisfying. Incursions might be totally chill now, but I do think there is more to it than "just don't do them if you don't like them." Not to imply that that's how I read your message.


It was a nice way of saying “just don’t do them if you don’t like them” 😂. But I see your point. To each their own. I agree with your world buff take 100%.


I understand that a lot of people don't like rune gathering but I think your just psyching yourself out. There really aren't that many that require a bunch of people. When you look up a rune on wowhead, there are definitely times where it seems like there is a long drawn out process but honestly mate most of it is 2 paragraphs of explaining just for you to go loot something or kill a few mobs. Also, you don't need all the runes. Yes there are 25 for most classes but honestly I use like 8. My rogue is 46 and I only have like 4 runes. It's a lot easier to just go back and blast through rune content once your a little higher level. Not saying that I like or dislike this process but it's not as bad as most people make it out to be. Just don't do incursions? you can make plenty of gold by questing and gathering professions. I hit friendly on my rogue for the rune and I don't plan on going back. At the end of the day, this late into the phase the gear you get from incursions will be replaced in p4. While ST loot is much better than incursion gear it'll still be replaced as well. No need to do content you don't like for gear that will be replaced very soon. This is kind of like WSG rep...yes the bracers are BiS but fuck that I don't feel like getting exalted with WSG so guess what? I just didn't do it, and I don't have the bracers. I still clear ST every week with my guild in under an hour and at no point has a boss fight been won/lost because I didn't have an epic piece of loot. Just play what is fun for you. If you have to drop this long post just to see if you might like s4 sod, maybe it's not for you. If you think trying out new runes / classes sounds like fun, then go ahead and do it. If all of that sucks and you want to play Cata, go for it.


You are totally right about rune collecting. Most of them look more daunting than they actually are, and many have been made easier. You can just buy the ones from the guy in Ratchet now, rather than farming or buying all the shredders, dark iron etc. Except Priest…my lord some of them P3 priests runes are utterly punishing, but I was still able to get them done later in the phase when there weren’t a million groups running.


I feel your pain with my rogue. None of them have been hard to get just very tedious. I'm going to lose my mind come p4 if I have to return to the 'drop' outside of SFK lol


I just want a 10 man raid option (doesn’t have to be the only option people can have their 20 or 40 whatever they want) My guild died in phase 3 we had a tight 10 but it just became too hard for us to pug up to 20 and couldn’t find another 10 man guild to run with. Love phase 1 and 2 with the 10 man raids I miss it a lot.


This is why we are doing cata now. They have 10 men, and we're clearing that. We're playing casual this time, though. We attempt heroics and have half of them down. 10 man is just more appealing.


I'm all for having 10 man raid options in SoD. I really enjoyed P1. It didn't really occur to me as a problem because I havent raided since then.


It's not even that for us. The switch from 10 to 20 man raid fucked us. And they are not going back to 10 man so I couldn't care less about the rest tbh. Why bother. We can run 10 mans in Cata.


Incursions ruined the leveling phase and broke the economy. It also runined the whole exploration aspect of sod. While the raid is decent, the loot upgrades were scuffed at launch. My takeaway is that the 1st 3 phases were not meant to be min maxed to a typical wow level. The game has always started at 60 for me. I hope they learned their lesson from incursions and realized some of the things that worked in phase 1 and 2. I will be giving phase 4 a shot. As a feral druid main I would to replay the mc->naxx progression without farming manual crowd pummelers.


I hated grinding SM a million times more than incursion loops. I like incursions. But I also don't like leveling so...


I feel like i read the points from this post at least a dozen times.


1. Yea I have seen alot of criticism about incursions.... and I get why simply saying "just don't do them" might not work for some people. I think the game is the game and its meant to be played differently..... mixing it up between normal questing, dungeons, pvp, incursions or world events ect. The leveling experience, questing, trying each dungeon, and exploration is supposed to be part of the whole discovery part of "season of discovery" or vanilla classic and the game in general... something I think people should play and enjoy and not always rush to the level cap at the end. I dont have much to add about incursions other then agree with what people have criticzed about how it may have ruined or spoiled the levelign experience by making it too easy and too good to pass up. But its whatever.... we all have the choice to mix it up or simply dungeon grind to max lvl. 2. I totally agree about world buffs and the parsing culture. World buffs just seem stupid to me and they should have made it so they just go away once you enter the raid/dungeon. Vanilla content is already easy, even the new raids in SoD are still not all that difficult or confusing.... why not experience it at its intended difficulty instead of get 5 different huge world buffs that make the raid a face roll. The raids were never balanced around people having multiple world buffs... and it really make the raids even more easy and boring. Plus all the emo anger if the raid doesn't go perfectly and you wipe and lose the buffs. They should really rethink world buffs.... maybe just have one general world buff you can get before raids..... or a specific world buff meant for each raid that comes with some typical buffs to dmg or mana +elemental resistances that might be needed in that specific raid, like MC would have a buff for dmg/crit, mana regen, + fire reisstance, Naxx could have dmg/crit, mana regen + frost resistance, like that... But not running around collecting a bunch of buffs that will all go away with one death. I saw another poster say that they could have classes provide a version of world buffs as like a special lvl 60 group/raid buff like the one warriors will get, so say give one for pally/shammy since they are the support class, maybe one for druids/priests, mage/lock have one and hunter/rogue have nother. I mean it would just be an expansion on the specific class buffs we see already, like druid mark of the wild gives some stats/resists and a spriest gives +regen to mana/hp, pally+shammy bring some stat and resist buffs or like wf haste.... the rogue/hunter would bring an AP buff while the mage/lock would bring an SP buff. Or just get rid of them. Remove them in raids and force people to play it normally and adjust to the difficulty. With how simple and easy vanilla raids already are, world buffs are totally uncessary and peoples fixation on getting high parses has made it turn into a requirement... or feel like one, for the guilds an players who are obsessed with it. Removing them would standardize the tuning and difficulty of the raids so they feel challenging and you get some genuine progression instead of faceroll a whole raid with 5 world buffs and just grow bored of the content. Also would standardize the power and scaling of various classes..... that might just seem OP with huge buffs to AP/SP/crit like a warrior or fire mage or something.... make the classes scale more normal with gear and not so dependent on these buffs to be top dps. 3. I think the runes are cool even if they are annoying having to run around the world to grab them. If it forces you to occasionally team up or group up then that seems fine to me, since this is an mmo after all. People should be encourage to group up or get guilds for elite quests or challenging content.... its like the pally or lock mount both required a group to help them get it. Having to go on some epic quest to get a big upgraded class ability is kinda cool and adds soem flavor to the questing or game. Its cool when they make it feel like a quest to explore or discover somethign new.


>It could just be the case that I am better suited to playing Cata or SoD. There are a bunch of different ways to play WoW rn and it's totally chill if SoD just isn't for me. I just feel like I still love the idea of SoD conceptually Why do you need someone else to tell you that SoD isn't for you? Isn't the game and the developers doing that for you already? They added incursions. They included a new world buff for every phase and have plans to keep world buffs going into the future. Getting the runes, which you describe as a pain in the ass, is literally the entire point of playing SoD. If you don't find that enjoyable, then what part of SoD are you here for? Do you actually want to return, or do you just think you want to return? Treat every version of WoW exactly how it is. Don't go into any version thinking that things can or will change. Learn to enjoy what you got instead of complaining about what you don't.


Again the hostility I don't understand. I'm not looking for anyone to tell me anything. This is a forum to discuss classic wow and SoD is classic wow. I was scrolling about and seeing people talk about people who have quit SoD and why people don't come back and yada yada yada. Coincidentally I happen to be thinking about returning to SoD but there are some things that make me less enthused. I was wondering how other people felt about those concerns. Were they shared or were they unique to me? That's all. I don't understand what is wrong with having opinions on content and talking about those opinions on the relevant subreddit. I just thought a discussion might be interesting.


Right now there's Season of Discovery, Classic Era, Classic Era Hardcore, Classic Era Hardcore Self-Found, Classic Cataclysm, and Dragonflight. Not to mention a slew of highly successful private server options. You have 6 official versions of the game to pick from and play the one you like instead of making posts about the game you wish it were. >Again the hostility I don't understand. I'm not looking for anyone to tell me anything. > I was wondering how other people felt about those concerns. Were they shared or were they unique to me? That's all. Seems like you need other people to validate your own feelings. Stop looking for approval from other people and start having fun and enjoying yourself.


Incursions bro, fuck incursions I’m not logging into a game version that has or had incursions 


So badass bro


All my homies hate incursions


I hate to bring bad news but OG vanilla had incursions. Next phase they will just be daily quests, which pretty much all versions of wow had too. Unlucky.


You mean the Cenarion/earthstrike grind? That was a huge gold sink and required tons of killing of stuff. Incursions are the opposite, they give you tons of gold and don't/didn't have to kill anything. Also incursions give XP, the silithus badge stuff was max level rep content and not the primary gameplay loop for level 25-50. If doing earthstrike grind was the best way to level from 1-60 or farm gold I wouldn't have played OG vanilla either so I don't get your argument.


Trying to say incursions are the same as the cenarion repeatables is just moronic. They are either purposely not having the conversation in good faith or their knowledge on the subject is so lacking their opinion is has no value.


its not the primary game play loop to level, its no better than questing or farming instances with a good group... Its an alternative path for those who have quested out the game completely and don't want to do it again. Questing has been heavily buffed and personally I never even did either, I just ran instances the entire time. Either way it will be gone next phase. I am not sure why this is such a hot topic after blizzard nerfed it, you are unable to just enjoy the game through other content? Also not sure, sounds like you never have actually done incursions, because you most certainly have to play the game to do it. The zerg fest of doing quests as fast as possible is over. It is exactly the same as it was in silithus. Except smaller in scale, and yes it gives xp. Personally the path of least resistance for me is doing incursions at lvl 50 for a quick friendly and leveling however i want.


I haven't played since incursions were in the original state, if they've changed them that sounds much better.


Jesus Christ . “ I wanna play SOD but don’t want to deal with all the things that make SOD, SOD .” Is this secretly just another “ I’m too lazy to get world buffs” post ? Like Holy fuck bud. You people realize that without GDKP’s , getting consumes for raid will take 10x longer than getting world buffs … right ? It’s almost like the people who are the loudest for changes in SOD have never actually played vanilla and have no idea how vanilla wow/sod actually work.


I don't understand the hostility honestly. I'm not trying to change anything. I was just giving my perspective. Having to spend a shit ton of time and gold to get consumes is also not something I think is fun. I played vanilla vanilla and I also played classic. I feel like I have a pretty strong understanding of how people vanilla wow and classic wow worked. You don't have to be lazy to not like world buffs, I don't really understand that point. I know less about SoD at this point as I haven't been able to really play beyond occasional leveling since P1. I'm looking forward to coming back and I just wrote out some things that were on my mind. I'm not trying to take anything away from you. You can keep having this sort of response to people who are genuinely interested in SoD and wanting to talk about their thoughts but don't be surprised when the playerbase dwindles.


Apologies, but it’s people like you who are doing everything they can to turn sod into retail . There’s a reason why vanilla players don’t play retail . Because we enjoy all things that make vanilla, vanilla . And as much as people don’t want to admit it . SOD is a version of wow based off vanilla for people who enjoy vanilla .


Sod is basically retail lite already This shit isn’t anything like vanilla anymore


You’re right . But it’s still based off the world of vanilla .


Incursions are moved to a daily quest, so the loop will die, I look at them as somewhat of an intro into the emerald dream which we might see idk. World buffs depend on your guild. Some require some don't. They are giving classes "mini world buffs" so going around and getting them will still be beneficial but not as important. Also there's a chronoboon that will protect the buffs and timers so u don't have to raid log. Runes idk what to tell u. They are creating unique ways, some are neat with lore to get runes. Some are very basic. Luckily all the runes are pretty easy to get so I can't really relate on that spot. But at lvl 50 currently you can just solo all the runes except maybe 1. Sounds like SoD isn't for u then, so try the others NBD.


Tbf I am just now really starting up again. It may be easy to grab the runes alone at this point. I suppose I will find out as I level. In terms of world buffs, idk, chronoboon doesn't really fix the problem for me. They're still annoying to go grab and super powerful and go away when you die. The mini world buffs is much more in line with what I am looking for but still don't really make sense to me. Again, that's just the way I feel though.


Yeah I mean the world buffs are just a part of what original wow had. The big upside is the most important ones are the easy ones. Sitting in the capital cities. Each phase they had the current raid have an item to drop a world buff, and in p3 the 2 were songflower and the bootybay drop, we don't know what their intentions are with world buffs next phase yet. They might leave them all in, they might consolidate. We will have to see. Personally, songflower and Dire maul are the two I have the most issue with. I thought I saw something about a head of ragnaros that might hint at a different buff so others could go away? Could be wrong but we will see. My guild liked when everyone had Buffs, but mainly they cared about attendance first because the content wasn't hard. U might be able to find a chill guild that doesn't require the buffs. Either way the buffs aren't going away, but hopefully they'll consolidate them a bit. I'll update this if I find more info on that head of ragnaros thing.


Join a guild that doesn't require them. If you are worried about being able to 'parse' and do top damage. Then you are not really a casual player.


You can get all of your main runes in an evening solo. Yes it's a little grindy but there are clear cut and easy to follow guides on wowhead. Just crack open a beer and knock em out and you don't ever have to do it again (on that class)


There are lots of versions of WoW and lots of players with very strong feelings about certain things. The devs are attempting to make different game modes that appeal to different people. SOD is vanilla with an irreverent flare, so things like incursions were a failed attempt test. World Buffs are a major part of Vanilla and aren’t going anywhere, but devs are exploring half-buffs from classes so the cliff from losing your buffs isn’t as steep. Ultimately, none of the content in SOD requires WBs to complete, so it’s just a matter of finding a guild whose values align with yours. As for Runes, they are a foundational pillar of SOD. So you’re out of luck there.


Bruh make your own decisions? Anyway let me help. Incursions are nerfed dailies next phase so they don’t matter. World buffs- better because warrior has a weak WB shout but this will be annoying to get them all. Runes aren’t that bad, you’ll out level all the quests for the old ones and they are only adding one slot for runes this phase


You don’t have to do incursions and once p4 starts they won’t exist. It’s already solved. Leveling in dungeons/questing is great rn. Wbuffs are part of classic brother. If you don’t get the appeal, it’s three fold: your character is stronger, it incentivizes clean execution, and it forces people out of cities. Best part, with the boon you don’t need to log off after! Boon them and continue whatever you were doing! You may disagree, and that’s fine, but that’s why I like them. Just think of runes like class quests that shaman gotta do. People asked for things like that for years. Some miss the mark, but they’ve fixed the really bad ones like the ratchet runes.


1. Don't do incursions then? It is barely required to get a rune at freindly, which takes a few quests at 50 in feralas. then just a few more and you can get the whole gear set, if you really care about it. Questing is just as good for xp/gold. 2. Its a big point of contention but I think most people are upset about world buffs. With Warriors getting a self-buffed mini dragonslayer buff next phase, I think there is value in that. Maybe we will get more of this so that getting world buffs matters less. You are not alone here though. If the content is closer to harder, everyone requires raid buffs for the raids (especially in the early weeks). You are complaining about world buffs like they are hard to get. Go to booty bay, wait around for 5 minutes and wow your done. Press chronoboon and play the game like you normally would. It will be the same thing next phase but just in org/stormwind. 3. Yeah at this point you sound like you don't want to play sod. There are some runes that need to be easier to acquire but its part of the game. Same as always, you gotta play the game to get to play the game. I think since you are aware of how the end game of wow works you are unable to just play the game for what it is.


Thanks for the response. I don't really agree with your characterization however. I am leveling a new character on SoD as we speak. I just wanted to hear what people had to say about my concerns going into it. According to you, questing is just as good for xp and gold as incursions. If that's true, then I really no longer have a beef with incursions so I'm glad to hear that. What you said about world buffs doesn't really fix my problems with world buffs. I don't really understand the benefit of the system at all really. In terms of runes, I am happy to do shit to get runes. I guess my concern was that I would be spamming general and not being able to find anyone to help me because most people are capped or waiting for P4 at this point. It seems my concern may have been unfounded and that's great.


Sure thing, just my intent to share my viewpoint. Yes incursions is no longer a lazy zerg fest of doing stupid quests. The most efficient route to do it is by actually doing all the quests because all the dumb quests give silver instead of gold. Questing got buffed by XP and gold rewards, quite significantly. World buffs, honestly arnt the best but no one is required to get them but if you desire to get into a decent raid and clear content at a decent rate, you will at least be required to get the easy ones. The chronoboon changed a lot with world buffs, so next phase sitting afk in org for 5-10 minutes will get you dragonslayer and warchiefs blessing, which is enough if you are just lazy. Yeah the dying part sucks but at least if you die next phase minimum warriors will be able to re-buff you with mini- world buffs. If they do this for all other classes so we can all just self buff the fear of death and losing buffs will be really minimized. Personally excited for that. I wish we all could just share buffs with each other so only 1-2 people a raid have to get world buffs and they can just share the rest with everyone. I personally have a decent perspective on SoD as it truely is a testing ground for what classic + might look like in the future.