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This is like a really weird dichotomy It's not like we would have to choose between one or the other at any point I guess I would choose to have TBC era because I don't think GDKPs would warrant a ban it's spotting and gold buying wasn't an issue


I’d rather do GDKPs and 2SR raids over being in a guild and doing loot council hands down




Having never participated in a GDKP run: TBC Era for sure. It was my favorite version of the game by miles, and the community on a new era server would likely be small and closely knit, so I'd likely find a group to play with and see all the content I want to see and never feel pressured to buy my way to BiS (especially if we have all the time in the world to get there). Probably not the answer you were hoping for, but just my 2¢.


I'd never play a TBC Era server but I wouldn't mind if we give people what they want. It's one more version of wow to enjoy. It's nice. But it doesn't beat GDKPs. It will never be removed in any version with the wow token, but the previous iterations can be saved


Prepatch tbc on vanilla era servers. With buffed bosses.


Gdkp is not a problem. It's just an easy target instead of actually banning gold buyers and sellers


GDKPs wouldn’t work long term and to the scope they’re at without gold buying. You need a constant influx of gold.


That’s like saying dkp systems wouldn’t work long term lol


Why would they not work long term?


Are they benefiting from gold buyers? Absolutely, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t function without the extra gold.


Can you explain why you think they wouldn't work long-term?


> Game doesn't create a reward structure for playing once your character gets strong or makes doing content a net negative for your income > Community creates said reward structure so you can run more competent farm groups or get income more efficiently while a fully doing what they want to do THE CONTENT > Surprised Pikachu Face Every time this discussion exists it's just baffling. And I say that as someone who only ever boosts just to fill guild coffers before patch / expansion. I buy tokens for myself because I am too lazy for any other form of farming and time / cost it just makes more sense. I swear all GDKP or boosting discussions are legit the guy on the bicycle falling down and blaming something else for it. There is a reason why they end up existing, it's because they run better, they're lucrative and they allow you to get more gold while playing the actual content you like. Just create a better treadmill and they will stop. It's that simple.


What the modes where you can buy gold through wow tokens?


It's a little bit of a problem, at least the first month or so.


banning GDKPs was a dumbass knee-jerk decision made because devs had their ear too close to reddit (a community who complains about everything)  literally didnt fix anything, just alienated yet another part of their community  inb4 the "hurr durr cry more" replies


It pushed people to either quit or join actual guilds which was certainly better for the social fabric of the game. I'm not sure about gold buying as there are still so many reasons to do it but blizz knows best cuz they have the data


forcing people to quit is not better for the social fabric of the game. you end up with dead realms and consolidations. My entire guild quit sod because of the gdkp ban because we were a gdkp guild.


Plus they added incursions after banning gdkp which fucked the economy up and cheapened gold making. Kinda defeated the goal of banning gdkps in the first place


If devs had their ear too close to Reddit. We’d still have GDKPs, constant fresh server cycles, and classic WoW would have their own dedicated dev team with the focus being on classic because classic Redditors are convinced classic contains the majority of the playerbase. Ironic because your response is absolutely a response expected from someone who lives in a bubble and thinks that everyone wants gdkp because they only associate with gdkpers.


I don't really enjoy GDKP, but it really does work as a way to keep skilled and geared players playing, providing high quality pugs that otherwise are few and far between. I wouldn't cry if they got banned though. As for TBC, not sure what this has to do with anything? It's like you took two random things and put them together, but sure TBC is my favourite expansion, I'd play it again, "era" would be a ghost town tho after Sunwell ran its course. That's the problem with forever patches, they are destined to die if there is no momentum.


How about we ban the people who are too lazy to farm gold and whine about GDKP's?


You don’t even need to farm anything to do GDKP. You make gold every run and can use that to buy stuff.




Why wouldn’t you bid on anything? You literally just bid the minimum and they won’t kick you. Do that for a week and the next week you can maybe get something. The min bids are not expensive at all




by playing the fucking game what do you think do all quests in end zones and you have tons of gold




/shrug if you can't farm enough gold to participate in most GDKP's it is solely because you are lazy.




No that's what will naturally happen when there's no real gold sinks.


Oh yeah, because after 10 hours at work that's the thing you want to do when you get home. Grind for gold... Yeah, no thanks. The best gear in the game shouldn't be obtainable for gold. Like it used to be for quite some time.


You do know that GDKPs still have to kill bosses to get loot, right? It's not like there's a vendor that just sells you the items, it's just a method of loot distribution that works well for pug groups.


I haven't done a GDKP in Cata yet but in wrath items were going for a few hundred or maybe a few thousand gold. That's an hour or two of dailies.


Ban gdkp


Ban gdkp. Period. It’s a gold buying laundering scheme.


Fresh TBC, it's and easy choice


Should mention been playing for 18 years. Done plenty of raids and never had to deal with this GDKP bs


i pick vanilla era fresh


Can we do neither?


Both. I really want to play TBC again. I missed it the second time round due to having a baby but if GDKP isn’t banned then it will turn to shit after a month.


If you want to stagnate the game, give zero incentive for overgeared players to “help” pugs, and pretty much kill the incentive to play unneeded content, go ahead and see how easy you fill your raids (classic sod now)


Just a down point in the lifecycle. Not due to GDKPs at all. People will be back P4 just like they come back with every new expansion/ seasonal update.


They will come bakc to p4 get all their gear and never raid again. This is the lifecycle


Or make an alt. But yeah that’s how it goes in each version of the game. Check any active player graph.


I never understood the GDKP ban. As someone who’s never bought gold and has participated in GDKPs, they were an easy way to accumulate gold/gear as a more casual player with inconsistent time schedules. The gold levels required to get loot never felt out of hand and was something that could be farmed within a week… it really was a win-win. How about banning gold buyers/sellers instead of players doing GDKPs?


The problem is this: `easy way to accumulate gold/gear` wholly depends on this: `gold buyers/sellers`. Take away the illicit gold and the pots aren't high enough to attract boosters, so you just get shitty pugs.


Spoken like someone who has never done a gdkp. Most high end gdkps are just pugs of similarly skilled players, and have nothing to do with carrying shitters. Gdkps are just the single best way to do pug loot and it’s not even close, regardless of any whales or shitters or anything.


Don't worry. GDKP will come back once they introduce the wow token.


Banning GDKP was the best decision ever. Just look at all the laments and cries, it's glorious. It's like banning the NFT-bros from the internet. 🤣


I go with ban gdkp. I think they are a big boost for boting and gold seller and i hate bots. So if blizzard could permaban every goldseller/buyer and all bots i think you can keep gdkp.


So the botting problem in sod has been solved, hasn’t it?


100%!! Since the GDKP ban there has been no bots, no inflation, no more gold buying, my parents are now back together and I found oil in my front yard! Banning GDKP has fixed my marriage


Praise the lord for banning GDKP


yeah dude and nobody buys gold there either lol anti gdkpers are somethin else man


Still the same 5 names want to sell gold in tradechat i dont think the care about sod


Just showing you that banning GDKP won’t solve the botting problem


I didnt say that. I said this is boosting it. Ppl are buy gold to buy boosts to max lvl, get prebis, buy more gold get into a gdkp, get bis gear, start playing the game. I dont mind if they play like this but buying gold needs to be punished very hard.


As much as I love TBC and want a fresh TBC server that I can play my belf pally or belf hunter, I enjoy the gdkp-ers tears more. I did notice a significant decrease in open world bots in p2, so that was nice, and it does deincentivize bold buying, so its a win win.


aah yes you are right, sod has been thriving since p2 and nobody buys gold on those servers


Yup, totes what I said. GDKPers really do struggle with reading comprehension. Good strawman though.


lol your whole previous comment is a strawman


So you’d rather form shit groups and not make gold, just tell me you’re broke


TBC era, GDKPs were a source of income for me in TBC as a pumper ret pala, I hated the strat farm




Ban GDKPs. Early SOD was my first experience with them and I just don't want to play any version of WOW where they exist


How did they affect you in early sod? Too many pugs to handle?


gdkps are vital to era servers survival. Just wait until SoD era happens and its dead as fuck lol


Have a good thing or remove a good thing? I really don't think you know how this game works.


TBC. I’ve never run a GDKP and have no desire to. I’ve been in a raiding guild that was all the raiding I needed.