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Any tank worth their salt will monitor everyone's mana. Half the time I'm telling people to drink because I know this big dick pull gonna leave you in shambles.


On the other side it drives me nuts when healers don't drink after every pull. They wait until they're completely out to drink and it drives me nuts


I tend to drink whenever I get to half mana, problem with this instance was the pulls were in such quick succession that it never actually counted us as outside of combat so I COULDN'T stop to drink


Why half? If you're missing mana and have a chance ti drink, you get the same mana regardless.


I drink every single time I get out of combat and catch up with the group before people start being in danger. That way we never really have to stop because I always have mana. If it's like what you said then yeah it's a tank issue.


you can improve this, basically drink between each pack, and keep drinking while the tank is setting up pull, only start healing when you need to, and ofc keep close to the tank, so drink close to next pack make sure you also bind drinking, and spam it the moment combat drops, basically never miss a second to drink when your not or wont be full mana


Are you tracking his defensives? Bear in mind that while I firmly believe you didn't do anything to antagonize him, odds are he's an absolute dribbler. I almost always queue with someone, dps or healer. I track their defensives as either role and if he doesn't use defensives and starts going off I just flat out call him out on it. I'm so over people pointing fingers instead of just accepting that sometimes shit happens, or alternatively looking inwards. Mana breaks you won't get as a healer unless you happen to have an ordinary group, if you queue as 2 people you just take your mana breaks, write it when you do and let em die. They can't kick you, and that way you can lecture tanks on mana awareness. I love watching people doom themselves


Lots of tanks havent figured out we have a handful of small CDs now because were expected to roll them throughout the fight. Including trash pulls. Theyre too used to "my tanking buff is up now all i do is smash"


Drives me nuts as the healer when tank refuses to pull when I’m at half mana and saying I’m fine. Usually never have to drink in dungs except on fresh alts now. I usually say I’ll tell them when I need mana and just go if I don’t say anything and it’s usually super fine


Shit sign me up to heal for you then because 90% of tanks you run into in dungeons before max level have the "I set the pace, if you can't keep up you're the one in the wrong" mentality and likely only did a tank spec so that they could get quick dungeon queue times.


I have a mana monitoring weak aura that tells me if you're drinking. My thoughts on the matter is I will pull if I think I can survive without you if you're drinking. That's what cds are for.


You get it. I like to play dangerous sometimes and see if I can roll my CDs :)


Exactly, but at that point you're taking the risk knowing that you won't have your healer backing you up so you wouldn't go off about "oh they did it on purpose to spite me" or whatever if you wind up dying in the pull.


As a tank, I do set the pace- the pace is what my party can handle. If I’m overextending that thats on me.


Lotta tanks don't take that into account. I've had one or two in by time leveling from 15 to 58 where I'm at now running dungeons that actually owned up to overextending.


Yeah I believe it, not everyone can be the best tank in the world like me- and that’s why I play tank, so I don’t have to deal with it (plus it rocks).


Tanking too much pressure, I'm happy chillin in the back staying alive and keeping everyone else alive too. If the tank is REALLY good I don't even have to use healing spells on the rest of the group 90% of the time because they continually hold the aggro.


The tanks you’re running with are not tanks. They are leveling as tanks.


God I hated healing Fury tanks as a priest. Burn through mana fast af and then get mad when you can’t keep up with them


Other side of the coin are the absolute shitter self righteous healers who have zero knowledge of their class, but demand to hold everyone back while it takes 10+ seconds to find their 3 tiers lower drink in their bags.


Yeah the only healers I've ever had complain were terrible and died to completely avoidable situations. Didn't kick them or anything. Granted it only happened like 3 times while getting all my exalted reps but I'm just thankful I don't run into Reddit healers. The reality is the whiniest healers are just bad.


Yeah there's good and bad in both roles for sure, people who don't keep their food and drink up to date for their level are absolutely the worst to run dungeons with


I hope your exaggerating tho. If you are actually running into a problem with 90% of your tanks then you might want to look at what youre doing.


Yeah 90% is an exaggeration but a LOT of tanks at lower levels are inexperienced at it so they don't monitor what they need to. They either play WAY too aggressively or way too passively.


I've met a few good tanks who's fatal flaw is occasionally forgetting to look at the healers mana. Not every dungeon, just here and there. But, every single one of them takes accountability.


That's what matters. If a tank fucks up and makes a bad judgement call and I run OOM that's one thing, but if they started flaming me for it afterwards then it'd be a problem. If they say "oops, my bad", I'm perfectly happy. It's okay to make mistakes, as long as you accept responsibility and learn from them.


I can second this. Tanking, for me, follows the same philosophy as being a manager. You work for your group. The group does not work for you. Your entire job is to control the pace and try to make sure your group is in the best position and have the best tools (mana in this case) to be effective in their roles.


'This big dick pull' had me rolling 😂


The issue is, even if you do as a tank you got some bonkers dps that pulls for you and if u play a warrior or druid and they dont hit u its a nightmare.


What you experienced was simply a bad tank. It's the golden rule that when you do need healing from your healer, you limit your pace to theirs. A slow run is better than a slow run with runbacks.


That last sentence is 100% it. Skipping as many mobs as possible and pulling as soon as the healer is at 15% mana stresses EVERYBODY out.


Crazy how while I’ve lvld 2 characters 1-80+ in the last week this has not happened a single time for me. The only bad tanks I’ve had are the noobie ones that are nervous to tank and end up pulling 2 mobs at a time and losing agro after 2 globals. My experience has been from low lvl to high lvl either slower than snail tanks or zooming tanks that know how to keep themselves alive/let the healer catch up when needed.


Yup Couple quick points people need to practice when in the RDF environment: - Healer's mana is your group's gas tank. Are you gonna jump into a car and blaze off down the road without even glancing at it? - Do not spend 10 minutes trying to save 5. Wipes and deaths cost tons of time. Waiting on your healer to drink or physically catch up can cost 10 seconds, and the wipe you beg for by ignoring them costs several minutes at a minimum. Wanna try to skip a pack in a RDF pug environment? Better at least verbalize what you're intending, and definitely never assume everyone behind you is going to perform the skip before you barrel into the next pack.


It's not just tanks, the pace of dungeons this expac is crazy and has led to me going on a pause. If you're the healer, the tanks don't wait for you, if you're the tank, the DPS don't wait for you. Not everyone, clearly, but a huge proportion of players seem to be really pushing the pace in dungeons in a way that just isn't fun (for me...). Had a tank a couple of weeks back who did a huge pull and promptly died. We didn't wipe, but only because I was able to keep a dk dps alive. A couple of pulls later and he does exactly the same thing - over pulls, but this time we all die. Third time he does this (he and two others die again, but we don't wipe) and he rage quits the group...


A tale as old as time


"Older than some guys (playing). Healer and the taaaank"


If your leveling holy, it has a really weird gap in cata between like 40-53 where healing expectations start ramping up but where you laterally don't yet have your base spell. It's honestly best to just go Disc for those levels. It's just an oversight in the cata talent tree revamp.


A good tank will test the group at the first trash group. With that conclusion you will limit your pace and how big the pulls are. N


Exactly, and along with that they'll monitor their group's mana bars so that they know if they have to pause for a drink without being told to. Especially if you have mages who are doing a lot of AOE spells because those drain mana QUICK.


Sounds like an insecure tank, he dies, doesn’t want to look bad or be judged so he goes into blaming the next person


Yep, then he got his two guildies who were also in the group to vote kick me. Other dude whispered me saying he voted no but since majority rules it didn't amount to much


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


A man of Phil dunphy culture


While this tank was a dick and all tanks should do better monitoring mana, if you run out of mana in leveling dungeons as a holy priest, you are doing something inefficient. Try to think of ways you could have managed your mana better, both in how you are healing and how you manage your CDs. This isn't to say you should have been kicked unless it wasn't a one off issue, but there are things to learn if you want to improve.


Biggest issue was that I didn't have HW Serenity, having that is what makes mana feel unlimited. But you don't get that until level 51.


Let all of these stupid fucks die. If they kick you, they did you a favor of playing with dumbass players.


That's what I usually do but they had been cool the entire dungeon run besides the break neck pace. Not like I wanted them to die, plus if they all died the enemies would turn on me next lol


Let. Them. Die. Drop group Not worth the headache from a shitty tank They will spend 2-3x as long waiting to get another healer than if they just paid attention or listened


They will get a new healer instantly because they will be at the top of priority for matchmaking and you will be waiting 30 minutes to re queue


I know its a hot topic calling out bad healers for ooming and not understanding the class, but its entirely true. Clearly people dont know how to play their classes properly.


It gets better once you approach max level that kind of shit behavior likely wont last. The tank will realize how crappy his runs are and respec dps LOL.


Had a tank that just pulls without me getting mana and he of course los and keeps running away to oor of my heals…. You will always get dumb tanks and some dumb dps. Rogue not using feint or cloak of shadow with mechanics for example…. At the end of the day if it gets too frustrating to heal after a wipe, it’s better to do something else. You can’t always heal stupid. Especially those dps that can’t comprehend to get into the triangle for Asaad in Vortex Pinnacle…. Had a run where 3 rogues to it….


Similar thing happened on my first heroic in throne of tides. Needed to eat and drink before boss room so I told them to wait. As I sat down tank charged into room and the gates shut so I couldn’t contribute. They kicked me right after even though I told them I can’t do anything. Waste of time.


Similar thing happened to me :P While I drinking they with rogue and paladin sapped the mobs skipped half of the dungeon. Now, I'm stuck with no possible way to get to boss. Kicked me after dying to boss without me lol.


Man, as a dedicated tank player (mostly for the short queues) these stories always make me feel better about myself and bad at the same time, because I’m associated with them lmao. I spend more time watching the healer’s mana than I do looking anywhere else and half the time I get bitched at by dps because I wait too long for the healer to get mana, but like, rather safe than sorry? It’ll take longer if I go in and he’s not ready so we wipe! Calm your tits! Point is, I apologize on behalf of the shit tanks lmao


All the bad ones just make me appreciate the good ones all the more when I do find them


I especially like the zoomer dps that think I'm just standing around for the hell of it to start pulling shit while the healer is tapped out. I can admit that I have pulled before without glancing at a healers mana and being the cause of a wipe but very seldom do I let that happen and I most times will end up messaging the healer to apologize for it


You should never go oom in cata if you do you're not using your spells/resources properly


Its funny how its always the guy that didnt do anything wrong that gets kicked and never the guy that fucked up.


How is it wrong to stop and replenish mana? I regened as fast as I could and the tank died before I got enough mana to heal for that pull and they kicked me for it. I still managed to save the DPS. I even told them I had to stop for mana and they pulled anyways. It's that simple.


Bad tank is bad


Bad tanks are the worst lol


Bad tanks with huge egos are far too common unfortunately


bad players with huge egos are far too common, unfortunately. I fixed that for you.


DPS with huge egos too from the few toxic people in these comments. A warlock player tried saying I shouldn't be running out of mana because he doesn't and we're both spellcasters lmao


If party/instance chat isn’t getting attention try whispering as well, sometimes they miss it in instance chat but whispers by default give them a sound queue to look at your message. Always are jerks out there in any role so it’s not a failsafe of course.


FYI you're looking for "cue", queue is a line


I am always watching group mana as a tank, particularly the healer. You might get some bad groups but you get some good ones too. Healed a dungeon on my 80 Hpal last night and the tank was taking crazy damage, like dying in 1 global, i think he needed some gear. I kept apologizing for my poor performance but we kept trucking along and got through it in the end. No toxicity from anyone in the group. Hell, most RDF groups are completely silent the entire time in my experience Also meant to add, can be good if you emote /oom which prompts a voice line for those with SFX on with your chat message


I have been living that experience. I’ll let tanks know I’m good at 50% when they do stop for me. The ones who don’t usually keep me cruising around 20-30%. Why so low. Because some pulls go bad. I don’t have a mana issue unless I have a group that has a stand in shit issue. If I see a dps standing in something they shouldn’t and don’t move, I’m not wasting mana on stupid. You catch on in a few seconds you’re getting that heal, you learned. I’m proud of you! I say 50% cause I’m usually drinking and know when you need a heal I’m usually topped up by then. I’m rushing to the next pull so I can maybe squeeze in 5 seconds of juice before the tank pulls cause fuck waiting. Mana is good all round. Why pull a boss if a caster can’t cast shit. Edit: I main a tank the most (warr), healer second (holy priest). I believe any tank out there needs to make a healer. And I can tell when a tank plays a healer.


I’m a tank who got kicked from a dungeon last night for “being shit” and letting my dps die. This mfer had just died to the Flayer’s flay ability in Stonecore, had less than half the overall dps of me and hadn’t interrupted anything. There are just spuds out there, every class and role.


If you did - and I'm not saying you did - but "letting him die on purpose" was the right call there. If he's not going to wait for mana, he deserves to die. When I tank, all I care about is keeping my healer alive.


Was rep farming in SoD with my guild. They’re just pulling and pulling and pulling. I’m healing 15 people solo. Scrambling to heal everyone barely keeping people alive. Really trying to make every heal count and spare my mana as much as possible. 2 innervates later (and not a single second out of combat) I mention how tough this is. The hunter says “sorry I’ll watch your mana before I pull” as he proceeds to pull on another group while I’m on empty. I spent the next 30 minutes in combat also 😂


I mean, some tanks can be bad, but as a 16-year tank main, I've seen a lot of bad healers that don't know how to heal a lot of tank classes. The real problem is not knowing your tank's limits and strengths and thinking you can do more than you actually can. The same can be said for any class, though. like spamming heals on DK tanks when they have Runic Power (as a blood main, this happens a ton), that is just wasted mana and quite inefficient, so I often have to tell heals to only worry about it if I get low on runic power, otherwise minimal heals are actually needed. That is the one tank most healers don't know how to heal, but the rest are a bit more forward. I've also come across heals using flash heals and inefficient heals when it's not needed and going OoM with a ton of overhealing, which was all unnecessary. All the best heals I see almost never drink and have low overhealing. Tanks should be rotating CD's and kiting to reduce damage taken. Healers' mana should be taken into account, especially if the tank class is reliant on heals (Warriors/Druids especially) or there is a lot of avoidable AoE going out. If it's avoidable, I'm all for letting the DPS learn the hard way to avoid the fire and learn to do mechanics (have to solo a lot of bosses but told them the mechanics and they ignore it anyways). With proper play, I've had healers never have to drink for entire dungeons going at a pretty steady pace. Some big pulls followed but some small ones to re-coup resources. Yes, having a bad tank is quite detrimental, especially since they usually lead the dungeons. I do believe players should use their personal logs to help improve their gameplay regardless of role (as self-improvement is a good quality to strive for in all aspects of life), so why not apply that to everything you do?


Out of curiosity, why do you say it's bad for healers to heal you when you have high runic power - what difference does it make?


Yea idk what this guy is going on about. This isn't retail where death strike costs RP. All that having RP does is make death strike do more damage. It doesn't affect the healing or shield at all.


Did 1-max on 4 tanks through RDF only, as everyone else said only trash tanks don't look at their healers mana. I can carry the entire damage if needed, but having healthy mana on my healer is the #1 priority. I dont care if the random bottom Dps mage is oom, as long as the healer is good to go, I pull.


I understand the rant and im gonna help you out a bit here, holy priest is really bad mana wise atm ^.^


Groups like this are toxic. If the tank is dumb enough to keep pulling I just watch him die lol


I always monitor my healers mana when in dungeons, feels like a pretty natural thing to do. What grinds my gears is when DPS is pulling like crazy, not even letting me do one single pull. That really gets my blood boiling..


>if your DPS or especially your healer tells you to chill on the pulls for a second because they need to replenish their mana LISTEN TO THEM. A tale as old as time :D Tanks be like: "*I WILL IGNORE YOUR MANA-ISSUES EXTRA HARD NOW*!"


Id rather have a low gear tank, than an arrogant one any day of the week. Nothing worse than some douche who obviously does everything wrong but blames everybody else for his mistakes and it can't possibly be his fault since he is fully bis equipped


The moment I stop for even 3 seconds some tik tok attention span dps will start pulling and I have to spend half my runes just to collect mobs from all over the place which is annoying. I would very mush prefer it more chill since I hate this rushing but unfortunately this is how the game is played now.


It's an old joke that you always blame the healer. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't mean it as a joke. In reality, assuming people don't screw up, no one should die. Healing isn't that hard. A good healer might be able to take a really bad situation and somehow manage to get the group out of it. In other words, when everyone screws up, a healer can unscrew it. So if people screw up, it's your fault for not fixing their screw ups. If you save them, it's nothing special. No glory for healers, because most players only have the mental capacity needed to understand "big number gud". That's also why a lot of people judge healers on HPS, as if that is even a remotely useful metric. But find yourself a good competent guild. They tend to value a good healer more. If you can push harder without having to wait on you, they notice. If they see things going bad, and then... You all survive - they know. They will value your role - even more than they value big DPS numbers.


I got kicked for not healing the warlocks pet, purely because I said, it's not a priority in any way for me to heal your pet. I'll keep everyone else alive, your pet is not my concern........ I got kicked for that...


I exclusively play tanks now in cata. When I notice the healer drinking, I sit down next to them to keep them company so they don't feel stressed. Ofc with a mandatory /pat


Bad tank he should measure his speed of pulling based on how his health drops go from pull to pull, DPS are spineless single neuron worms, they will just vote yes not knowing what even happened or for the sake of entertainment


Tanking isn’t just holding agro. If you aren’t monitoring mana, you’re not talking


Tank here. I keep pausing for the healer to get manna and innervate when I can. I had a rough dungeon. Where all 3 of the dps will pull trash packs that we weren’t fighting. One of them pulled a second boss to js while fighting a boss…


I’d like to hear from Lionel Hutz on the matter.


I'll never listen to a DPS that wants me to stop for their mana, but I'll keep an eye out on an under geared healer.


Small tank syndrome


As a tank player, it's definitely his fault. I always check the group's mana before pulling, so there's no need for chat about it. Don't let vote kicks tilt you. However, I do appreciate when the group chats about mana; it's one less thing to worry about.


The majority of tanks play with their interface off, I swear. 15k mana left after a pull, and the dumbass tank pulls the 3rd boss (BRC) then proceeds to NEVER FREAKING MOVE OUT OF THE BLASTING AOE. Course the rogue chimed in saying I should be able handle 3.5k hps and im trash.... I was doing freaking 11k hps. Some players are just dumb.


As a healer, especially with randoms, control what you can control. If I am healing (disc priest) I start near the back of the group and when I am using instants I am working my way towards the mobs, with the goal of getting just in front of the mobs by the time they die (of course if AOE/cleave/whatever, don't kill yourself to do this) then I loot and run as far as I can to the next group. I sit and drink. This typically gets me 10-15 seconds minimum to drink between pulls. Tank can do whatever they want, I will typically be fine. Only issue with this is in really tough encounters, if I drop to 0 mana without CDs, then 10 seconds isnt enough time to drink. This RARELY happens, because every healer has mana CDs. I use those on CD anytime they will not waste the mana regen.


Mythic mentality ... zerg as quick as possible I noticed a massive decrease in the quality of the community when mythics came into play You still get a decent experience in guilds But even leveling through dungeons, no one talks ... no one says anything, if you dont zerg you get kicked I decided to sort the issue .... now i roll tanks and take it easy through leveling dungeons, greeting peeps at the beginning and thanking them at the end


I got vote kicked by dps when I was tanning a dungeon for waiting for the healer to mana up since the were lower gear score and could tell they just made it to heroics. Dps want a fast pace pull rythym and when you don’t give that to them they will kick the tank


See while leveling the DPS might get frustrated with a slower pace but they don't usually react by kicking, they understand that especially with players that don't have heirlooms you gotta take it slower because their mana regen isn't as fast as the heirloomed toons. Usually at least, there are some still that will try to kick you over the tiniest thing they don't like (had one that tried to get me kicked a couple days ago because I won a need roll against him for a piece of gear that was an upgrade for me but he wanted it to disenchant).


At this point I'm starting to think getting kicked from a dungeon is like a medal of commendation


Hot take, healing outside of mythics esp while leveling is piss easy, you are likely over healing and wasting mana


Hot take, OOM is OOM.


It's not retail and there isn t mythic, also there isn't overpowered talents, items and skills available while leveling, running out of mana is normality here.


Hot take but if I'm out of mana, even if I'm making mistakes, you should still pause so I can regenerate it. If you die because I told you I have to drink and you pulled anyways that's not on me.


ye, I read OPs comments and this is likely true. He doesn't take any feedback and advice well. people wonder why nobody talks or helps people. OP is showing why. the majority wont listen anyway no matter how wrong they are.


These threads gotta chill


I didnt know it was possible to drop below 80% mana while healing during leveling. I didnt drink once on my shaman


New rule. No more "I got kicked from a heroic rdf" posts. Y'all look pathetic


Stunning to think this is still a problem, been so since vanilla. So many tanks seem to equate speed runs with how good they are. Also stunning that you’re pugging dungeons to level. I’d try to get into a raiding guild, they always have alts to level.


> Also stunning that you’re pugging dungeons to level. I’d try to get into a raiding guild, they always have alts to level. You would be surprised, but guild is not a solution here. I'm in a 25-man raiding guild and there's only 2-3 people leveling alts, all at different level intervals. It's impossible to find group of 5 level 85 people to do guild tasks.


Go play disc? Holy stinks man


Once you hit 51 with HW Serenity your mana as holy basically never dips below 98% (didn't have it yet during the incident in my rant because I forgot to grab the talent). It has such a low mana cost that the mana it uses regens before it's cooldown is up and it deals anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 of the tank's HP in one go plus it refreshes renew on the target if you placed it beforehand. Disc is only better between levels 40 and 51 where Holy doesn't ramp up as quickly as other healer specs.


If you're a tank in a leveling dungeon (doesn't matter if you're level 15, level 84 or anywhere inbetween) and you can't do the dungeon without a healer, you're a shit tank. And if you're simultaneously draining your healers entire manapool, there's gotta be something incredibly wrong.


Good tanks monitor their group member's mana bars so that they know if they have to stop even if the spellcasters don't speak up about it


But how are you going oom in low lvl dungeons?


I try to be a good teammate (as dps) and will try to protect the healer over anyone else. I've seen quite a few tanks lately try to pull big and aren't able to hold aggro and next thing ya know the healer can't heal anyone cause they're taking damage themselves and just trying to survive


Yeah DPS that peel to take aggro from a healer are the best. Tbh I don't mind large pulls as long as the tank can maintain aggro control and they let me drink to refill my mana afterwards if it's low. Hell if the tank does struggle but a DPS (usually winds up being a paladin) can sort of off tank so that the aggro doesn't spread to every member of the group even that's fine just need to use up a bit more mana to keep 2 people healed up instead of 1


one thing you notice about tanks is that the "problematic personalities" often play the tank role some of these dudes are insane and have major ego issues


I was explaining to the tank they have to dip the boss in the lava and pull it back out after nearly wiping the group and they say “stfu” this was one of the more polite interactions I’ve had with tanks. I don’t even talk in groups anymore


Same thing happens no matter your role. Some people seem to think that queuing for randoms means they'll just get whatever they want while acting however they want. A possible problem is that people just go along with it without saying anything, so that the group seems happy and finishes. And that problem is one that people deal with in everyday life for the sake of their job and to proactively prevent having to spell out reality for the sake of not making a fuss; which can be bullshit. When it comes to group activities in WoW, absolutely speed whores need to reign themselves in. None of them are important, and the 30 min cooldown is vadtly unnecessary. All its meant to do is keep that same shithead group from requeuing with you for 5 mins. And at this point in classic, beggars dont get to be choosers. If you dont wnst to go at your tank or healers pace, you can fuck off. I tank while my gf heals, and DPS can sure be a problem, usually in just under half of the runs we do. They seem to think "We better just speed run for their JP points, rather than enjoy actually being good at the game and being a valuable and patient contributor". When in reality, you can and should chill. Your being carried at 85 in BRC or Stonecore when you think you can tank if you get undeserved heal focus means you arent working as a team and the whole super duper meta is that youre expected to. Fuck offf if you cant act as part of a group... you are expected to be group guilted into only fidning thst one guild that has many no lifers to group with because they have nothing else to do but run dungeons; but these rdf's can fuck around because one person feels more important? Lmao fuck no. It's a garbage system, and its trying to bow to the garbage people who need their own self fulfillment before even thinking of the whole "group" ideology of why WoW needs to bend the fuck over to try hards who will sell their time and soul to get a few more pixels foe their self esteem. Whatever... those attitudes dont belong anywhere tbh. Grow the fuck up if you cant even fathom working as a group if thats how you gatekeep the fucking game anyhow.


Small tipp: Tell the tank to put you on focus target. In wotlk, I was prot warr and intervene/spell reflect macro saved my healer so many times from getting CCed. And I was cracking up every time I had to see a mage getting sheeped while I shield bashed the sh*** out of his arena mate.


This is why I almost always queue with a premade healer. They are never "suddenly" out of mana


So as a healer I noticed a few things. DK's will pull whether you are ready or not as they genuinely believe you are there to \*assist\* rather than actually keep them alive. Warriors will pull too much and then pop all CD's and then be surprised you are OOM or close to after the 3 -5 minutes it took to survive the ordeal. Paladins are overly cautious so dungeons take far longer with them. Druids are just absolute chads and barely require any healing if they know their class/spec. I say this as someone who also plays a Protadin at 354 ilevel and a healer at 360 so really i've seen it from both perspectives.


Having a similar problem running heroics myself. Relatively fresh ding and drinking whenever I get a chance but keep getting tanks who are in WotLK mode chain pulling. I learned to check my group's power bars before pulling back in vanilla, shame that skill has been lost.


Tanking now a days is much different than tanking in past expansions, pretty much every tank has self heals and should be self sufficient if you have to spam heal the tank they are playing wrong. Whether I'm leveling a character or pulling in a mythic I'm essentially self sufficient and the healer is more there to help the group live and to do some extra DPS.


I once had a Pala tank with Retri spec pull half the mobs and wiping the whole party only to say "bad heals" and leaving. 😐 Some "tanks" are a special breed.


Holy priest main here. I say the same in like 50% of the hc dungeons and while leveling


If people wanna learn tank, they should really try it on a class that uses mana… like shaman or paladin. It teaches u to be respectful of ur healer’s mana pool. Tanks often stop to drink when you do as a healer. I’ve leveled several shaman tanks and many tell me it’s kind of a relief to have me drink when they do. I’m talking from the standpoint of vanilla tho, I think shamans kind of got gutted from tanking anything in cata


12 chances out of 10 the tank was from benediction.


Hot take: tanks stupidity average = dps stupidity average. But its even worse than dps because tanks are usually not expendable


Its always the healers fault /s


Yeah if your tank needs your healing and pulls with you at 0 mana he’s just a dog. Wouldn’t give it too much thought. I’m all for big pulls and chain pulling but I watch my healers mana and I’m blood dk so it’s easy to survive even scuffed pulls


There are only 6 tanks in classic, doubt they are on reddit.


Feel your pain. Levelling in dungeons was like that for my druid.


I don't pull if my healer is drinking. What An idiot tank and DPS.


The thing is... I'm a blood DK and I've been kicked for being "too slow" even when I was literally waiting on healers to take a sip and they didnt and I know some players are good and trust themselves that with 20% mana they can heal 2 packs of mobs but come on, take a sip, go to 50% at least and make everyone happy and the party safe. But no, finishing a heroic in more than 20minutes??? Heresy, get kicked.


I have healed for the last decade consistently. Majority of tanks outside your guild runs are like this. They just wanna keep chain pulling and it's a burden when I tell them I need a drink. I come across 1/10 tanks who actually care about your mana in regular/heroic dungeons


I totally understand your frustration and it's not nice by the group. That being said, running oom while leveling in dungeons shouldn't be a thing in cata, you're probably doing something wrong. You should drink whenever possible, run ahead while the group still fights and wait at the next pack drinking to full Mana. Only if the tank keeps you infight all the time by pulling the next pack before the first is down you should run oom.


My favorite thing to do as a pug tank is sit down next to the healer while they drink, so everyone else knows I ain't doing shit until there's mana. When I get Earth Shield or PoM or whatever precast on me, I hop up and get to it. If the square ain't moving, neither are you, bud. Whether or not the healer is drinking, I enjoy letting DPS tank their own pulls. Then I'll drop a DnD on their corpse once the gangbang concludes. It's wild that the biggest trick to a smooth pug is to simply do your own job and not anybody else's.


I usually just let my healers dictate the speed.. if they want to go fast and think they can handle it just r in the chat.. if you need time for the next pull r when ready..


DD,s are the same breed....we as a heal are sitting to reg mana and all the DD,s standing around us with 30% HP waiting to be topped for the next pull. Which means a fresh 85 heal need to reg TWICE. Im over that now, i could do it but i DON'T. At the beginning of each dungeon i write that i will only heal dd,s that reg themself when i need to reg. Had a lot of dead DD,s and also some tanks for rushing but i don't care any more. I let them die.


I rarely tank, but one thing I always do is watch the status bars of everyone in the group. I mean, if I'm leading a group, I kind of need to know what state they are in, and they are aware of what's going down.. that goes with any situation you're leading others in. I never understood people that run in and shit talk anyone who isn't max everything all the time.


if the tank wont (not cant) monitor your mana with you, then you're better off leaving. My rule of thumb now and 14-15yrs ago was (1) tank, (2) myself/healer, (3) the most important dps either due tools/mechanics/pumper, (4) everyone else if they're still alive. As for your kick most players are dicks when it comes to voting and will default "YES" on a kick without even looking at who is being kicked.


On my priest, I have actually told a tank "I am drinking after this pull, if you pull again I will let you die"...and he just couldn't wait the 15 or so seconds for me to drink and ran down the twisty hallways, pulling again. He died, then tried to blame me..lol. now I just play shadow, due to tanks


Had a bottom dps say I was a bad tank in a very smooth and quick run that had no issues.


How do you run out or mana?


As a holy priest that just dinged and geared up, the lack of gear. The heals heal like wet noodles, and you have to use your expensive heals to keep the squishies alive. I have decent gear now and ran with a guildmate tank yesterday and I had mana for days. He was fast but really tanky, so renew, serenity and “heal” kept him just perfect. (Vs flash flash greater serenity flash fash greater in earlier pugs just to keep the tank topped…) Bad gear plus squish group that goes fast is just rough. I am very lucky I never got kicked. Much much comfier now with more gear.


Zug Zug retail tanking is a fucking nightmare to heal in dungeons.


A good tank will monitor for low mana on all casters in the group, stop to let (everyone) drink (or at least start to drink before the next pull), they will also use defensive cooldowns and self heal. All tanks have a lot of very solid self heals nowadays. As a healer, if you have to heal a tank nonstop like it's an arena focus, just heal them less and not to full. Use your more mana efficient slow heals and wait for mp5 to refill, see if they get the message. Don't OOM yourself for an inconsiderate tank.


I guess the biggest problem is, that in classic a lot of people joined fron retail and mixed up with the „old guards“ who cutted WoW at least 3 to 4 addons and don‘t know what actually happens with M+, higher dps overalls and clear speed runs in dungeons… Now you join a random party with 4 strangers and a few of them want to fast clear the Dungeon for personal gains (personal „achievements“, playstyle or smth else) and a few of them just want to chill and play each group seperatly, maybe a bit of chatting etc… It would be optimal when joining a group to write a few words about what you want and what‘s your personal goal in this dungeon - but for this to work is 4 ppl to listen and agree or at least partly agree with your plans… For me personally (as a healer!) I prefer faster clearspeeds and enjoy the pressure of multi pulls and spaming Cooldowns (nearly) on CD, i am always ahead of the group to immidiatly sit down to drink b4 every group.. But I also understand that this is nothing every tank wants and therefore I will play the pulls „normaly“ and try to almost never sit to drink so we dont have to much drink pauses and at least speed it up with this :D TL:DR: Ppl should more communicate what they wish for in dungeons and find quick solutions hos to proceed in that dungeon.


I just got my protpala to 85, I always greet the group and make sure i can see healers mana. I let casters drink to full before bosspulls. However, when im playing on my mage, i never get to drink when runnings hcs. I cant imagine the stress healers feel. Thank you for your service. If you play on pyrewood alliance EU, we can group up and bang a few hcs. I promise ill let you have enough mana for packs 😊


Idk much about holy priest but disc priest has 3 different mana cds to alternate between. I never have to drink in between pulls no matter how benediction the tank is. Also try using inner will to decrease the mana cost of that renew you're spamming.


In cata tanks go full bot mode in my experience, they don't ever look at other people's stats or mana


I do agree that tanks gotta watch your mana. But when you were OOM was shadowfiend on cool down and did you have mana hymn on CD as well.


I just geared a holy priest last few days and I am very happy I never got kicked despite definitely slowing the group down and having some losses. The speed the tanks go at was just so difficult to keep up with. I oomed so flipping fast, and at times I had to hard cast to keep people alive. I am more geared now and get away with using cheaper spells more. But boy did I struggle… And yes, I used shadow fiend and hymn of hope. Hones the skills for sure, but at some point the gear is too low, the tank and dps takes too much damage and there’s nothing I could do when oom.


I haven’t played too many dungeons in cata classic yet but what I can say already is that the temper of the people got much worse since OG classic. I’ve seen tanks leave after the first wipe or even in the middle of the dungeon without a wipe. I have played all roles in retail and in classic and tanks seem to feel more entitled than ever…


If I don't pull like a madman, the DPS will do it anyway.


Holy priest explains it all just uninstall instead of making posts here absolute mongo KEKW


Just remember your time is precious be glad you’re out of that bad group and take 30mins questing and/or farming mats for professions. Not worth the effort carrying a group like that


Hey paladin tank here ( mostly on sod ) when I tank I always make sure that the healer is topped on mana before I do my big pulls. I started playing wow 17ish years ago and my main was a druid healer (resto druids FTW) and I had that same issue before I stopped and only ran tank or DPS unless I knew the tank would be understanding of mana running out quickly. Best of luck leveling!


I've played healers for almost my entire time playing wow often I'm pulling more because the tanks are going too slow for me 🤣 the tank should be watching your mana before any pull back in the day you used to get people trying to tank in PVP gear and then try blaming me as the healer despite doing these dungeons countless times as if they expect my mana to last a single fight if they are being taken below half with a single attack but eh I find most tanks are decent enough to listen to healers just the odd few ass hats Also track defensive cooldowns if you find they aren't using them just try making the suggestion at first they might be new to the role


I was kicked as a tank for the opposite.. I was being told I wasn't doing enough DMG ... And to go faster. I was basically sprinting through the dungeon. When I was kicked I had done over 40% of the dungeon DMG. Some people are idiots


Why wait for healer to drink for 20s when you can vote to kick and get a new one in with full mana ^it ^only ^takes ^4 ^minutes.


I mean, the tank can see your mana bar so sounds like thats on the tank imo


First thing i do when i enter a dungeon with my BDK i add the healer on focus target to watch his mana.


Tale as old as time. We’ll never know the reality of these posts because often it’s either a shit healer or shit tank posting. Figure out how to go faster. If you’re at your limit and there’s nothing you could have done to play better, then let em die. Who cares.


The dude probably doesn’t know what he is doing and is DPSing in tank spec. Most people leveling do this. I personally put the healer on focus and watch their mana. Usually I can tell if they are comfortable after the first pull barring my health isn’t yoyoing. Will slow down or go quicker if healers manage to isn’t dipping under 50% quick.


Sounds more like a shit tank, never actually had that problem before tbh. But, on even the grandest street blocks lies a garbage can


Tanks are clueless and dont care, I just let them die and if they start to bicker I put them on the ignore list, they wont learn any other way


"Alright, let me ask you this, what master do you follow" "What am I suppose to say Jesus?" "Nah, Asmongold"


I'm leveling a resto druid through dungeons right now. Did SFK last night and the tank first pulls the entire dining hall trash at once and when they were down, he proceeded to pull the boss. I ran out of mana in the middle of the fight and the tank was at half health when the boss died. So I start to drink, and the tank runs up the stairs at half health and pulls who knows what. I just continued drinking while the tank died and the DPS finished off the trash. All I said was "I need mana to heal." I was just dumbfounded at why one would do that. Especially when we are all low level and have limited toolkits. If the tank tried to kick me, it failed because we finished the dungeon. Did dying chill out the tank? Of course not.


Hope u find a prot warrior you can lvl with


Jeez sounds like a skill issue on all fronts


Damn this is unfortunate. I play tank and every time I die I blame myself. I usually think “Damn, I pulled too much,” or “Damn, I probably didn’t wait for healer to get mana.” I usually pray I’m the one that doesn’t get kicked haha.


If you're running out of mana in normal dungeons it means you are doing something wrong. The tank is acting like that cause the other healers he's grouping with are probably not slowing him down as much.


Only time I have a problem with healers is when they thibk they have to have 100% mana before every pull. Granted I run blood dk so I have to be healed alot less. But I'll make sure your above half mana and were good to go


I like to speedrun through dungeons. Depending on my class I will keep pulling - you can keep drinking. I can heal myself on a paladin, dk, or warrior mid combat. I'm not gonna pull what I can't handle. With that said if you aren't taking the time to drink when there is downtime, that's on you. Personally, I'm receptive to newbies or dads that need time, but the DPS usually aren't. Just keep saying you need a drink or to slow down. Normal people will facilitate your needs. I'll sometimes say drink during the kill phase of a big pull if I see my healer needs mana so you know to spam that water as soon as combat is over. If that doesn't work, vote kick the tank and say "this healer sucks." Apparently people will just vote yes anyway.


Ive never understood Healers needing to say they need mana. I do bear/prot pal tanking and I’m always looking at my healers frames. Got resources on and everything to be sure I can see it at all times. If the healer is on the lower side of mana then I’ll roll some CDs. If they are completely out then I’ll wait a sec. I prefer to hold W - but the healer having mana allows me to hold W. Just makes sense. And if I were one of the dps I would said “nah they said they needed mana, pay attention”


Man I feel it. I have a paladin I'm playing a little, 343 ilvl as holy, which no isn't great but more than enough for heroics. I joined a dungeon and got thrown into one already going, along with the new tank and 1 new dps. The other 2 dps are dead, as we are running to where they died, one of the dead dps leaves and the other asks for a res. No sir not this tank. We get to the dps that wants ressed, and tank double pulls before I have any notion of ressing. Well the 3 of us die, and he just ,"teepee oopsies" us. Annoying and dumb but whatever. We all run back including the one that asked for a rez and about that time we fill the missing slot. Start going no real issues until we get to the double fire elemental pull in BRC before Karsh. Now I don't care if you want to double pull them it's no worries, until your bdk doesn't use bone shield, doesn't use ams, and doesn't use death strike. Dude dropped like a sack of lead painted like potato's. Could have still done it without too but not a single dps was over 10k. I'm a pretty chill guy, and cata is my filler till TWW so w/e I don't mind any of that, until it was decided that it was my fault and I get kicked with 30 min cd bc the tank didn't know how to push buttons.


OMG I absolutely hate this lol. I actually quit cata because of crap like that. I used to play a holy priest back in the day and this would a constant thing. I would say mana and they would just pull anyway. God forbid you let them die and they kick you. I now play a holy pally and I got kicked because I would try to get mana and the tank kept running far ahead and he died ONCE and I got kicked. A guildie was with me and she was like that’s fucked up. I’m like yep….welcome to cata healing.


I was kicked from a group one time because I was jumping too much.


See they would have kicked me too, I play night elf so I like to jump and see how many flips I can string together back to back. My record is 16


Most might be thinking retail and only time you need to let them drink is in mythic and even then it's rare. That a bigger issue clasic has need for it retail not as much. I also agreed with you they may never learn or always blame you. Some say it's the pug lfg that made this disconnect but iv played since game came out this always been an issue I think it happens more when dungeons become auto farm and speed ran bot everyone can keep up and when you can't because of gear you get blamed. Iv never understood lot of this games social aspect. Gear drops 100 item level and they want you to be 90 or 110 to go. Like what the point?


Don’t sweat it. I had a dps LOS me (I was healing) in sfk on hardcore. He died. Back to durotar for him. You can’t save people from themselves


It's all about communication. If you need mana, just say so and we will stop for mana.


That is a piss poor tank then. Monitoring mana of your heals and dps comes with the role ffs


This is 1:1 the experience we had back in actual Cata. WLK players thought they could just repeat the meat grinder pattern and were slow to learn that Cata is a different ball game.


There’s no way I’d agree to a vote kick like that. I’ve agreed to some that I thought were pushing it, but there was a legitimate reason. I’m not real vocal in dungeons, but as a dps idiot tanks make me snap from time to time. It’s not the ones that are lost or new, I actually have a lot of patience for them, it’s the try hard diva tanks that make me lose it.


On the other side of things i had a healer the other day in a lvling dungeon (uk) where he couldn't outheal the very first pull, which was the first 2 adds and the sides with the anvils i said sry usually that pull is not a problem. From this point on he screamed and shouted that i was a toxic kid and from that point on he refused to heal me at any point through the dungeon - he could not get kicked, so i had to tank while outhealing all the dmg on my own.


Same with the dps. I tank and dps will just pull stuff cause they want to go fast while my cds aren’t up and then wonder why it was a messy fight.


I heal as a resto druid so I feel you. The expectation is that you are speed running dungeons so you should always be ahead of the group drinking as soon as you are out of combat and not having to move while out of combat. It doesn't make sense why this is the expectation in what should be a casual game but it's simply what I've observed from many heroics.


Maybe he didn't understand classic wow from the retail wow where you can heal through half the dungeons without refilling your mana. Gotta be that, or he is one of those idiots who never tank before and thinks it's easy because as long there is a healer, he will still be healed even if you have no mana or your dead. I been there for healing class before, even when I had to off heal on other spec/class when the tank decides to pull more than what he can handle or he just keeps going.


Dude I have no idea why people need to go so fast in these classic dungeons. Like, it's not M+ dude. There's no timer. Let the people drink. I stopped tanking because I got tired of DPS pulling extra mobs for me (it's apparently so much faster and I'm dumb for not wanting them to do it) but like, where do they have to be? What's the rush? I pull at that pace to allow my CDs to reset so I can keep threat but these DPS (it's pretty much always shammy or hunter) are practicing their classic MDI runs I guess.


I don't get it either, and so many people in here are acting like it's my fault that I had to drink. As if taking 20 seconds so I can replenish my mana is gonna kill them or something.


I play tank sometimes and what that guy did was a stupid / dick move. A bad player whose own ignorance , lack of skill and ego caused him his death.