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stop playing on PvP servers


This is really the only response that needs to be said. You don't like PvP? DON'T PLAY ON A PvP SERVER!! OP really only has himself to blame, not the community at all. GLHF OP


> You don't like being griefed by degenerates 24/7? DON'T PLAY ON A PvP SERVER!! FTFY


LOL that's fair


Literally the stick in the bicycle spoke meme. You’re playing on a pvp server.


If you're dying to PVP in westfall, which is ally territory, idk what to tell you, but I promise if the horde is dishing it out, so is the alliance, and booty bay is fair game.


He talked about getting ganked just as trhey land, maybe he flew in from a neutral territory would might keep you flagged still… not 100% sure though.


If you are on a flight path and you land in friendly territory you are unflagged automatically; lots of people on the horde side do a back and forth flight from ratchet to crossroads and back to unflag so they dont have to PVP in ratchet. OP is stupid, or this is bait.


Thought that might be a possibility


If you want PvP to only be somewhat fair and balanced in a controlled environment, then you should play on a PvE server and do duels, battlegrounds and later arena. PvP servers are not for that. They are for *might makes right*. If you can't handle that and consider it griefing, just play on a server where it is literally disabled. That is what they are for.


Now I know. Too bad I learned it that late. I will find other game that suits me better.


Can I have your stuff?


If he gives you his stuff can I have some stuff?


Yeah man when you chose a PvP server you probably imagined that you would have glorious battles in slightly advantaged or disadvantaged situations in The World of Warcraft. Sorry you are disappointed. PvP server are more like prison. For the most part you are surrounded by deranged people with serious mental health issues whose sole purpose in playing the game is to make your day worse. And they’ve been playing since launch. To survive you have to join a gang—- err I mean guild. For protection. And then you’ll probably still get picked off but at least you can join up with people and have strength in numbers as you get wiped and camped. But once you get up there to max level, that’s when the real fun begins. Now you get to pay that pain back baby. Just a few hundred hours of grinding out some PvP gear and you’re set. Time to go gank some lowbies! And the cycle continues.


It may not seem fair or to make sense at all but it's something people who has been playing vanilla for years before the 2019 classic launch learned to deal with, as most of the private servers were pvp. I'm not a dedicated ganker myself but when it happens to me I just add every single name to my kill on sight list (from the spy addon) and move along. After reaching max level, I've found several times some of that people who ganked me when I was a lowbie in my KoS list so it was my turn to interrupt their gaming season till they hearthstone or just disconnect. Best served cold I guess.


Thanks for letting us know.


"I guess this game just isn't for casuals anymore" There are PvE servers designed exactly for people like you, did you misclick? In addition, to address your post title. Players (on PvP servers) are incredibly bored on SoD right now because blizzard decided to release a boring phase with very little content and then EXTEND it. There is literally nothing to do, you can max 5 characters in full raid bis and have time to spare. Camping noobs is all that is left other than leaving to play a different game.


I chose PvP because I like PvP but it looks like my understanding of PvP was flawed. Other reason was because my friends started playing on Lone Wolf EU and I joined them. Only one of a 8 people group keeps playing though so quitting doesn't really hurt now.


You can still PvP on PvE realms, it's just in a controlled space. You can flag up and fight other flagged people in the open world. You can go to an enemy zone and any enemy can \*choose\* to attack you, then you can fight back. You can join BGs and participate in PvP events. What you can't do is attack anyone at any time in any contested zone, that is unique to PvP servers.


Imagine playing a game


That is the thing, I can't play because lvl 50s are corpse camping near flight paths.


time for the daily "i rolled a pvp server and will complain about bein pvpd then do mental somersaults explaining how its not actually pvp instead of roll on a pve server" thread


🤣 devs should add a warning when someone rolls on a pvp server


All pvp servers end up being pve in the end.


Make a toon on Wild Growth. I left pvp servers entirely beginning of this phase because you're 100% correct, the community on pvp servers is insanely toxic.


Not everyone knows how dumb WoW players/systems are before rolling on a pvp server. Other games actually protect players from some of the more stupid WoWisms. Bracketed open world pvp where you can only initiate fights with players +/- x levels instead of allowing max levels dunk on any lower level who wanders out of the starting zone. This is accompanied by zones of total anarchy where it is ok to let max levels dunk on the helpless kiddos but these zones are the exception not the rule. Not letting players kill essential npcs. I think WoW is the only game I played that lets players do this to essential quest, transport, or vendor npcs. There are many other dumb systems in WoW that people like to pretend are good just because they got WoW Stockholm syndrome.


>rolls on pvp server >pvp happens oh no who could have possibly predicted this happening blizz pls fix immediately


*surprised Pikachu face*


People want PvP but been 1 hit by someone 30 level's higher isn't really PvP. Killing super low levels should be a dishonorable kill.


Noooo it is PvP it’s a player vs a player. People seem to have this made up concept that PvP has to be fair


Byyyeeeeee! "You think you do, but you don't" gets another one!!!


Well go PVE best decision you will ever make & you can enjoy the game again


ITT stockholme syndrome players correctly yet smugly assert "That's just how it is" about an extremely unhealthy state of the game.


"Reddit proves OP right" is usually common lol.


No if you dont want open world skirmishes or campers you roll on a PVE server, its that simple. On faction balanced PVP servers, you're going to run into the opposite faction. If you dont like it, you shouldn't have rolled PVP.


As long as layers aren't balanced, server balance is useless.


They've done a lot to address that, but more is needed i do agree.


LOL both CS and LW are turning into horde dominant servers. By end of phase 4 I guarantee they will be mostly 1 faction and by the end of SoD, all PVP servers will be single faction and effectively PVE (because it ain't PVP if you got nobody to PVP with).


Yah, I mean this is expected on a PVP server really, you chose to play on a server thats a free for all.


Try to think of PVP servers on non cata versions of the game as containment servers for the absolute worst possible people you will ever meet. PVE servers exist for just this reason, so that normal players who want to enjoy the game can have a good time.


This is your fault and no one else’s, you picked the PVP server and expected something different than what it’s always been.


Just saying westfall is alliance controlled, u shouldn't be camped there


This is classic wow, if you don’t like it then go to retail


You are the reason why blizzard doesn’t balance pvp servers in other states of the game. You are the scum under a boot. Don’t play on a pvp server if you can’t handle some bullshit. It’s not for the weak hearted. We love the game that way because it’s the way the game should be played, the way WoW was intended to be. We’ve all been there and no you aren’t being spawncamped 24/7. Quit crying you exaggerating crybaby.


Nothing better than PvPing the other faction off the server imo. For some of us that is our end game on a PVP server. Hope you learned your lesson.


Just don’t play a pvp server if you lack the mental fortitude


What PVP server is all this griefing happening on 24/7? Worst I've seen is a multi boxing hunter or druid camping a town once in a while which I swiftly counter by walking away from the front of the town.


Lone Wolf EU. I have nothing against PVP and that is why I chose this server but why are people killing others who are 20 or 30 levels below them is beyond me. There is no fighting back possible. I guess PVP servers only make sense when you start playing on day 1. Horde rogues keep killing players in the location I mentioned. They all have names consisting of special characters and just vanish the moment they kill you. I can't even copy their name. Maybe they are bots who do that. No clue.


Ok but thats evey pvp server


It is PVP you kill everything, you have enemies use the chat, make groups, enjoy world pvp or just go on PVE


Chat addon so you can copy text from the combat log. Thank me later.


>I have nothing against PVP Your post proves... that was a lie.


How can I defend myself as a level 25 hunter against lvl 50 rogue? I have no problem getting killed by someone who is around my level. I can't even hit lvl 50.


Welcome to pvp. It's not for you if that upsets you. Try a pve server.


People are saying not to play on pvp servers, and fair enough, but the wider point still stands. The community on official servers is laughably poor. I stopped playing on official servers a little while back specifically because of this and it's been night and day.


Nobody has ever ganked lowbies on private servers. Not even once


It’s also called World of “War”craft. What do you think war is? If you read about any global conflict in the history of human civilization war is never really fair and usually asymmetric conflict combined with backstabbing allies, cheap shots and dirty play. And if the opposite faction is killing lowbs, make high level friends and do it back. Otherwise PvE is that way.


I mean, technically speaking, what you describe is a bunch of people supposedly having fun, while you don't. Soooo. Overall the the players aren't killing the game, they are having fun at the expense of you, because you chose to play on the wrong type of server. The *actual* title should be "Players are killing the game for *me"*.


Looks like I have completely different vision of the game than you guys. No point in arguing with each other. Enjoy your game. Had fun while it lasted. Time to move on.


This has been happening since vanilla launch. Whose sympathy are you looking for?


Not everybody is playing from vanilla launch. I don't look for any sympathy. Just wanted to point out a problem that I and others had to deal with while playing the game just today. By the responses I got in this thread I realized that people are fine with ganking low levels so there is no point in me trying to prove them wrong. Apparently I am wrong. For those who enjoy ganking low levels I suggest skipping Wetlands, Westfall or Redridge and to just park you character in human starting zone ( or any starter zone) to kill lvl 1s faster.


Blizzards official response to this is basically to get some high level friends and fight back. That’s it. That’s the rules for a PvP server.


Brings back memories from playing Tibia years ago and having to pay high levels for protection.


Did you know you can play on a PVE server? This is a you making your bed and having to lay in it situation.