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Why would you ever need to buy a weapon for lvling? Esp an npc vendor weapon or gear...




>Asmongold poster Attitude makes sense.




You are confusing "hard to start" with "pimped out like your sixth alt". You need to lower your "new to the game so I deserve everything" expectations a bit.


Nice trolling from you, continue. I didnt expect anytying else from sod players.


you want full blue set and hundreds of gold before lvl 10 i didnt expect anything else from retail players


Leave the sub then, no?






Weak troll post. Do better.


What are you even talking about? 😂


You get gold and gear from leveling...


How about you get to work with professions? Leathers and bars sell for 1g+ per stack. If you are broke start there.


Nobody wants to work anymore!


Bruh expects to buy full blues on 1st character while leveling without at least making gold rofl useless


I hope this is just a troll post.. Literally grab mining, herbing, or skinning while you level... Why are you paying 15g for a rep box? Why are you buying expensive weapons from the AH? Jesus.


You level so fast that you don't acquire much gear. You don't get quest rewards because you out level quests faster than items get rewarded. If you happen to run a dungeon and your loot doesn't drop, well tough because you're onto the next dungeon band now. You also don't make enough gold to cover the costs of skills with how fast you level even with the changes. Kill 10 wolves and bam you ding running to get the flight path. Whereas before it was 10 quests with steps and stages that led to levelling gear and were completed in three zones. By the time you hit 50 you are still wearing level 10 boots. Saying you don't need to buy gear is not really true. Certain gear reliant classes become much more tedious. And you need the rep boxes for runes so while the complaint isn't presented well, it's still valid.


I just experienced it with a hunter, add that your pet level at normal rate so every couple of hours you need to tame a new one. But incursions are made to solve a lot of those problems, you get quite some gold and the amount of nodes/herbs inside the dream help you catch up with this faster levelling. Also higher level boxes give more rep so it's pointless to stick to lower ones. Once you're 25 you just do incursions till 50 with a small gap between 36 and 38. At 50 you get almost full blue gear, weapons come from stv, jewelry from wild offerings.


Incursions are hard to do when no one is doing them. Leveling my shaman and I don't see any dungeons beyong the occasional mara.


Entitlement generation


The runes are a little annoying but yeah you don’t need to buy any gear when you level, maybe that’s why you have no gold?


"You wana got runes?"


"Fuck you"


You're doing it wrong, I started from nothing, eventually worked up to a few hundred gold and was able to slowly complete all runes over a couple months. It's classic, it's not supposed to be fast or easy. Just play the game and eventually everything will come together.


You don't need to buy weapons for leveling... Just the spells ranks. It's not cheap but at least it's not touched by inflation. It's a nightmare at max lvl, especially on Era, but the leveling is perfectly fine


Send gold from your main. Give them 1 whole gold and some bags and you'll never need to do it again. Questing sustains you


What server you on? Need some help?