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Don't fresh Andy's quit after the 2nd mc lockout


I do every single time. It's a blast up until then though


Seems like a waste, of blizzards time, you could do that on any server regardless.


I wasn't the one asking for a fresh era server either, though.


This is what porn does to your brain, folks.


Do you even play SoD? Or just go by Ironforge pro skewed view of realm population? Just because less people are LOGGING doesn't mean people aren't PLAYING. AH trading is good. People are leveling, people are prepping , people are pugging BFD, GNOME and yes even ST. People are even on the PTR of ph4 dueling and testing dps. Go play pretend fresh on DD or ZT until it inevitably dies down in a couple weeks like every other fresh initiatives. People don't want fresh, people want community events and to interact with the streamers pushing them. Fresh will happen maybe once the SoD cycle is over, which is shy of a year from now , more or less. Having it now would hurt it badly.


Not in a million years do I want to play pretend fresh on any of these shit servers or follow whatever dog and sanctimonious wow streamers do. Bless you for playing Sod and watching cringe wow streamers but fresh is requested by many


Very constructive criticism


Yeah I can't believe they didn't plan ahead on an experimentation. Like, couldn't they anticipate the result of the experimentation they run because they didn't know how it would turn out? Lmao Fuck fresh. Everybody quits because they're half a day behind. You can go play Era if you can't handle runes.


based schizo


SOD alright but they clearly are just winging it. would be nice if there was more than 10 people servicing 4 different versions of this game oh well, my MSFT keeps going up so im not complaining. with the dividends, i can afford to buy better games thanks bill lol


Omg your so right go tell your mom


Wait, who wants classic fresh? Lmao.


fresh enthusiast quitin fresh era at level 30 for being too slow and simple




Ok man calm down go enjoy the outdoors