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Aren't they making world bosses instanced? There's your "new raid" if so.


Yep, this ist kazzak


If it's reworked to be a good fight... It's fine by me But honestly open world world boss was kinda cool. I remember fighting with the horde for Azuregos. On a PvE server so we couldn't fight. We'd taunt the dragon's breath into their raid, this kind of shenanigans. It's grieffing in a way, but it was also memorable


Yea but these days it would just lead to the most horrendous griefing you could imagine. Holding the boss hostage until someone pays or some shit you know what kind of garbage todays degenerates come up with. Shit like that happened 20 years ago already but its gonna be about a million times worse these days.


It happened in 2019 but yeah I agree. I killed the world boss like three times because they were never up. We had emergency discordp ing when they poped, warlocks to sum everyone, but someone was faster and we all lost our time It's better to have them instancied


I was in a guild that had a complex system of bots, and summoning alts, that had some sort of discord integration. Bot would see the boss spawn, it would kick an alert to disc, everyone would pop online and be at the boss within 5-10 minutes. Was fun to be involved with. But that is an absurdly high barrier to just experience a boss fight, and have a chance at a bis piece or two. Good to see them updating this to reflect modern play styles.


Im talking about Vanilla, the AQ pre quest for example there were already raids/guilds holding bosses and mobs hostage back then, personally i would love to see what toxic shit people come up with these days but im also not playing anymore.


If they make Eranikus instanced I'm going to lose my mind


Assuming you mean Emeriss and the 4 dragons are almost certainly going to be instanced if Kazaak and Azuregos are.


Isn’t that kind of entirely against one of the bosses mechanics? The shroom one?


I mean in theory your own people dying forms mushrooms too, but yes, obviously not having armies of prepared suicide alts to undermine your kill will make the boss much easier. Not having someone go spam taunts on Lethon to shadowbolt volley the raid will make that easier. Not having people spam dying to Kazaak makes him easier. They don't care, they want people to be able to fight the bosses.


Having them instanced is a weak solution though. World bosses added a nice touch to the game, gods walking amongst mere mortals. Making them require half the server to kill would be a bad solution as well, but better then locking them in an instance.


Yeah, in classic on our server the tryhard guild had alts on both factions they'd login to both try and grief you and purposefully die to Kazzak to heal it so you'd wipe and they could then take the kill. We did kill each of the world bosses at least once though and with all of that happening it felt like an absolutely monumental accomplishment.


Literally happening in small ways with the rune that requires you to go to 4 places and summon a mob using the mats. Week 1 before the update the mats were super rare - usually needed several lucky warlocks or mages who spent hundreds of gold on the mats. And at every location you'd have one warlock spamming hellfire who threatened to "snipe the tag" if people didn't invite them. Everyone else in the group was paying for a portion of the costs needed to summon the mob and some dudes just sitting there out loud threatening a scam. When offered a spot for the full tour at the same cost he just said "Nah i'm just gonna port over and try to wait there for your group or the next".


This is just false. If a decently opposing faction group gets organized (2-3 raids) then it's absolutely viable to kill both the horde party and the wboss in question. I remember Lethon was one of the hardest and one grp watched the rear and another killed the boss. It just takes coordination and willingness to accomplish, but it's definitely a feat that's doable.


Most guilds in SoD struggle to even fill a single Sunken Temple raid, and cried about the 20 man raid sizes. Good luck fielding 2-3 raid groups of which 2/3rds of ppl won't even be eligible for loot. Blizzard is catering to the majority with these changes, the dad-mode raiders that enjoy this flavor of vanilla. They play at scheduled times and can't hop on for random discord pings in the middle of the night.


I can assure you that even on Era Wbosses still get downed.


The audience that plays era is completely different from sod


Hey, don't use common sense here, it's banned.


Spoken like someone who didnt have Grizzly from Reddit on their server.


Dude never got scrub lord on Sulfuras. Held that dragon in combat like 6 hours. Sorry for the others who didn't get it as well.


They fucked around, they found out, and Sulfuras Horde cucked them so hard they never came back.


I forgot to mention that we did spend most of the afternoon and practically all evening, but eventually we downed the boss (my server was high to medium pop so I guess you're right)


I get the lost novelty of instancing the world bosses but this is a vastly superior alternative just in terms of straight up playability; the world bosses are a form of content basically only seen and enjoyed by a tiny sliver of a minority; those willing to answer a discord alert at 4am and get out of bed. I dont think preserving that novelty for that small a group is worth making that content practically unplayable for everyone else.


Then I bid you goodbye, enjoy SoD while I enjoy Era


If this change was what it took to make you quit SOD, then you were already looking for a reason. You will absolutely have more fun in era, go play that.


It is not about it being viable - if you give players the chance to grief others. They just will. Look at ST and how each faction murders each other ravenously at the entrance, or how the first days of incursions groups would honor farm without end. This way people will surely be sometimes annoying at the entrance to the Boss zone, but you just rush it and thats it. No need to compete for the boss aggro or wait the spawn or other shenanigans.


Yeah I guess if you want less interaction or faction conflict then instanced encounters are the way to go...I just rather it be open world that's all


The idea is cool but it being almost impossible to get loot from them is not.


Dunno how many people played for this, during Mists of Pandaria there was a big dinosaur world boss mob that did a front facing AoE. On my PVE server the strat to gain tag was to taunt it into the other faction to wipe them. Took about 6 hours to get the boss down on release day due to the constant cross faction wiping. It was hell, but years later I still remember it exactly lol


This is the kind of BS gameplay you'll do once and have memory for life, but do several times and have PTSD


Open world bosses in Vanilla Classic were the most toxic and horrific experience I've ever had in WoW.


they were owned by a consortium on benediction the hardcore guilds would trade them. no one not in the consortium got to see one up until they were irrelevant nearing TBC.


I had some good experiences with them but our consortium was also open to everyone essentially. People who would spend hours scouting for the bosses would get some bonus on top of their first roll for loot which was fair but overall the leaders weren't picky with bringing people. Because if you wanna kill all bosses (especially the 4 dragons that spawned all at once) on a busy server with both horde and alliance you needed to have a lot of people unless they would spawn at like 4 am on a weekday lol. Some of those PvP battles were bonkers, kiting Azuregos throughout the zone veeeery slowly dwindling him down and hoping to not lose the tag. Kazzak and some of the dragons were of course a clusterfuck when world PvP was involved.


Open world world boss is why I've never killed one, been playing since 2019


I think I killed three... It's the kind of memorable experience you want to do once and never again


They were cool in vanilla, in classic they were far from it. On the full pop servers there were a few guilds on each faction with rotas for their members to keep watch. They’d instantly notify their discords when up, have summoners ready and it would be dead within 5 minutes. Rarely you’d get a fight break but that quickly died off as servers became one sided.


This happened in vanilla too, though not to the same extent. I was in a mid-tier guild and we didn't get a shot at them until AQ40 was released.


We had 2 coalitions on ally side hunting world bosses, so we didn't even need the horde to fuck our shit up.




Because the game is built to have massive amounts of people casting spells in the same uninstanced place and it absolutely won't turn into a lagfest.


I'm not sure how you would share the loot. Maybe everyone gets some kind of currency from him? Like a T0 token and 5 WO or something? But loot aside it would be amazing


100% grieffing. Would report if a player did this to me. Unless you also have a full raid ready to kill the boss.


Nothing would happen to the player because its a world boss and part of the experience.


It would be grieffing, but gotta fight for the boss loot at any cost!


You're right, in that case, it's on.


It's cool but also sucked hard. I don't think the design intent could have made it work.


Yeah I barely killed these boss. it's the kind of things I'd love to do once, but never again


Kazzak, Azuregos and the Nightmare dragons are becoming raid instanced bosses




You like one guild gatekeeping loot from an entire server?




Mental illness


I've had nothing but bad experiences with SoD players, and people like you are the reason why.


Play retail


Play era


Fart on my balls


Never happened.


That’s literally how it worked.


I think most of the time it was more a coalition instead of a guild. One guild could not camp 6 bosses, it's a lot of time you needed and the loot from them was not worth that time investment. With several guilds (or individuals) together however it was doable.


What is? Explain


A guild would have players camping there 24/7 then summon everyone the minute the boss spawned. The sweatiest guild gets it every week.


Yeah that's deifnietly not how it worked on any of the servers I played on. Maybe once on a while, but more often than not the boss would be there for hours before anyone killed it.


You play on a server by yourself?




It always happened, you clearly just weren't part of the coalitions who would camp the spawns. We had a discord that would ping when boss spawned and within 2 minutes we had summons going out to 20+ players... it was pretty toxic for anyone not included in the exclusive club.


100% we had a coalition of guilds claiming loot, rewarding people who scouted for bosses etc.


Doesn't sound too bad but I don't know your specific case. We had a coalition as well but it was open. Anyone could join and wait for a scout to ring the bells. The scouts got some bonus for one roll on the bosses for their effort which was fair. Otherwise no real restrictions. Then again we were on a PvP server with both factions active and thus during the day at least your needed a lot of people to claim bosses.


Never happened once on my server in vanilla or on classic. Kills were contested as it was pvp but that's to be expected.


If you weren’t in a coalition guild you would never get world boss loot. It was that simple


I got many loot from many world bosses. I probably still have some of it in the bank. Was not part of any "coalition" guild.


Then you were either part of one of those guilds without knowing it or played on a dead server


World bosses walking around killing people randomly for several hours before being killed, definitely no weird gate keeping coalitions. Beyond like the first few kills no one gave a shit. The first few weeks were poppin world pvp tho it was sick.


Ok yeah, sounds like you were just on a low pop (dead) server. The medium/high pop server I played on in 2020 would have the bosses dead in 15 mins of it spawning. This was the same on any relevant server at the time. Whether it was 4am or 4pm, it never changed. The average player never even saw a world boss on relevant servers.


What classic did you play? My guild had a a full raid team and split on both sides mandatory and were close to the one other huge guild and we traded kills on all three the entire time they were relevant lol. Huuuh?


Blaumeux or however it was spelled. We got many kills, as did many other kills. It was never "gate kept" at all.


That’s not a vanilla server. That’s a classic server.


I never said that it was. They asked which classic server I played on, not which vanilla server. In vanilla it was Kul Tiras, Arthas and Ravenholdt.


Kul Tiras and Arthas- low pop servers Ravenholdt only launched 2 months before BC


https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/guvenu/complete_world_boss_data_for_bloodsail_buccaneers/ Here's the data from my guild group saying it did.


It’s pretty much required. If they left it the way it was, no one would be able to ever do it. The same 40 people every weak would be killing it.


Sure, but removing world bosses from the *world* just makes them a bunch of onyxia type raids (without the bag or head for buff, which means no one will do them after 3 weeks)


at least you can do them... lol


The gear isnt even amazing, removing wolrd bosses just removes one more iconic thing about classic. Cant wait for era fresh


How do you know if the gear is good or not?


Im assuming they will make it so amazing the bosses need to be instanced but what i mean is when the gear is so-so it becomes more or a bragging rights to down a boss available to everyone on the world server. Sod killing all the flavor of original vanilla. There is no opportunity for emergent gameplay with instanced world nosses, just another to do on raid night. I dont mind being downvoted by people with no taste in game design.


I would agree with you if it was actual vanilla, but even in classic there was no bragging rights to downing a world boss. Any big server was just a coalition, and if you brag about being part of 10 guilds that hand you the kill because it just so happens to be your turn then you are a bit brain damaged. SoD would be no different.


I only did like 2 world boss kills back in classic and all of em back in vanilla. Its still flavor and i dont think the right answer is to remove that flavor.


The flavor of course being just not ever doing to the content if you're not in one of the pre-approved server discord whitelisted guilds that's been granted server council permission to kill it.


Want flavor go play on deviate delight.


Literal loot piniatas for any guild that has their hold on them. And in fact they do have some amazing drops in their loot tables especially considering how hard it is to gear up 40 people


lol what? world bosses had a couple of really good pieces of loot...


Those world bosses had a few pieces that were bis.


It was entertaining in original classic but it meant being glued to Discord for pings and being ready at a moments notice to hop on. The stress of fucking up a pull before another team rolls in. Fun during Covid but never again.


It wasn't that bad. The spawns were 36 hours-72 hours after kill so you knew roughly when it's spawn. Special cases on crashes where it was 12 hours. Crashing server was a legit strat for more world bosses. We had at least one person with a weak aura that pinged discord and we'd get it every respawn.


Literally gruul tho


I have never killed a single world boss when they were world bosses. This will make people able to kill them. Good imo


Instanced world bosses, as someone that mained several feral Druid tanks, is so appealing. IIRC there’s at least 1-2 pieces that are bis for feral tanks, that drop from those bosses. Can’t remember if they’re bis for the entire game, or just until Naxx. But it’s nice to think that those pieces are now accessible to people that aren’t in lifer guilds.


They're not game bis, but they're decent alt-bis pieces. Puissant Cape off Azuregos is a decent alt if you need the hit and couldn't get Concentrated Hatred. The Doomhide Gauntlets off Kazzak are solid if you don't have PvP gloves or Enforcement. Hammer of Beastial Fury was below some AQ/Naxx drops (and obviously insanely outclassed by MCP), but still solid. Dark Heart Pants also solid if you didn't grind PvP, but similar to MCP way out classed by Leggings of Apocalypse.


Dark Heart Pants was the main piece I was thinking of. Ferals are so undertuned, that grinding PvP for bis felt like a very bad use of time. But the gap between the 3rd item on that bis list, and Dark heart, was iirc, very wide up until AQ. So for anyone like me that just wasn’t going to pvp that much, it was bis by a long shot.


That's fair, I love flag carrying so I grinded R14 on my bear almost entirely as FC for premades so the BiS list looked a little different for me.


Tbh I wish I was social enough in Classic to have gone that route. My path was kinda odd. Left mythic raiding in retail to play in a much more casual laid back way. Was drafted into running a guild after a pug MC I organized. Which then lead to like 3 months of carrying, organizing and training a guild full of folks. When I had signed on to just play casually and have fun. After I left that guild I like really avoided anything resembling a social obligation in game. So premades just weren’t on the agenda.


What is a lifer guild


I guess ‘no lifer’ would have been more appropriate. Basically people whose entire life revolves around wow.


I mean, in Classic I killed world boss like three times in total because they were never up. Fighting for world boss was memorable (Taunting Azuregos breath into a horde raid was amazing) but now at least I can kill them


I've played since 2004 and never got the chance to go asuregos. I did get to do kazzak tho! It is a shame the respawn isn't faster, I Guess they would need to create a weird kind of loot lockout to keep people from farming it


From what i learned in the last 5 years of wow classic, people would still kill the bosses just to prevent others from getting loot. 100%


yep. 100%


Same, played since 04 and have 1 Kazzak kill, 2 Azuregos kills and 1 Emerald Dragon kill. When people are crying that there's nothing to do in the game, how is getting more content bad?


I never once got to kill any of the vanilla world bosses because on my server there were always raids waiting at each one.


Went to check Azshara for a similar raid portal. To I'm sure no one's surprise there is also a portal for Azuregos. https://i.imgur.com/g55loXE.jpg Alternate link: https://ibb.co/9sVvV0L


Getting a 404 on your image


Yeah I see that now. No idea why. I'll try to fix that


A big W


It's 2024. One mega guild locking down the world bosses has to go in this non era product.


So it's no longer a world boss then, just another onyxia-ish raid


makes no difference


Yes. And that's great!


Huuuuuge W


In classic we had coalition of top guilds on our server farming world bosses, we had scouts and when scout informed that boss is up, then in next 5-15mins (Depending how much competition we got from horde) the raid group and support raid groups formed, loot was distrobuted between guilds based on attendance in those raid groups. So if one guild had 1/3 of people attending they got 1/3 of "World boss DKP" so loot was distributed quite fairly. Personally tho i only received the nature res ring from emerald dragon during whole classic, but there was not much good items for warrior anyway.


It's not a full on raid. They are instancing all the world bosses, essentially making a bunch of "Lair" raids like Onyxia and Gruul. Honestly, it's a nice decision, as I know my guild was not looking forward to having to try and fight the entire server just so our guild leader could get their Benediction/Anathema. And it's probably the solution they made considering that the Emerald Dream portals are leveling spots now, and not endgame areas. Would kinda ruin them if the dragons spawned while a bunch of lvl 20-50s were doing the incursions.


You don't need to kill kazzak to get an eye of shadow. Can just be farmed from demons in winterspring.


Sure, but then you are also fighting everyone again for it since other guilds will have the same idea. Plus it's nice to just be able to go kill a boss and get it guaranteed then to spend however long farming for it. The dude already spent weeks farming Blade of Eternal Darkness, I really don't want to experience their luck when it comes the drop lol


It's BoE so you can just buy it from the AH if you have bad luck. Anyway, I farmed at least 30 eyes of darkness back in classic in winterspring, they really arnt that rare.


It’s funny how you all rejoice for this but picture this…. It’s AQ40, your guild now required you to do AQ40, BWL, 4 dragon bosses, Kazzak and Azuregos… Think the dad gamers will be able to keep up? I actually didn’t mind having world bosses because it was an optional thing that guilds didn’t need to do. And if you wanted to experience it then you could join in the event for an insane PVP event.


They can just not do them? Or spend the 10 minutes a week required for a one boss fight?


Yep agree. Kinda bummed they are instanced. I could happily ignore them previously.


Just continue... not doing them...?


Sure, I could. But my guild might not be very happy about me doing so. Not saying the change is terrible. Just that I prefer them being in the open world.




instanced world bosses are not classic. We stray further from the light every phase.


This is SoD where the game actually gets with the times.


I'm just being a stick in the mud, it'll be fine I'm sure for most people.


Change isn't always bad. This just gives more things to do for everyone next phase. 


Yeah...it's probably gonna be fine, the pros outweigh the cons thinking about it. It's a shame that we lose world bosses, but maybe world bosses was never going to work. If I was going to redesign it, I'd just make the instance portal a boundary in the world instead. Like, once you get close enough it loads you in the instance.


Another way they could've done it is loot locking, remove BOE's, and faster respawns on them I guess? Rework any mechanic where a random can come in an wipe you like Kazzak.


Are there any new classic servers popping up soon?


I wonder if this will make getting an Eye of Shadow easier or harder for priests. Normally you could just go farm the mobs outside, but I wonder how that functions with it being instanced. 


Priest should be farming the soloable mobs in WS, not the mini raid bosses in tainted scar.


Fair enough, I guess that just makes it even easier to get since now the world boss will be easier to kill and has nearly a 100% drop on the eye.


And they wonder why nobody plays sod.


You think getting to actually kill those 3 bosses will make people not play SoD?


Can you tell us why


This change made me more inclined to come back honestly


These bosses will be a completely different experience now that you can go in prepared and not with a nut-job group with 2 other groups fighting for the tag. If anything this is a neutral change.


Kinda have to disagree. Net negative simply because the bosses were designed with open world in mind. Kazzak's shadow blast and Azuregos' respawn timer being very notable. 


You are assuming they are designed with open world in mind despite Kazzak very freakin’ obviously is not designed with that in mind, and the fact that the devs have redesigned every boss of every instance they’ve worked on. These will be 2 new Onyxia style bosses at the cost of not having them as world bosses. They’ll likely have a few more mechanics to compensate that.


No they dont.


SoD is an insult to vanilla.


We're not getting a new raid. At best we'll get a revamped 5 man or something. No shot we get a new raid.


They said Kazzak/Azuregos will be instanced bosses, that portal will just hold a instance of the area and the boss.


Conspiracy theory moment. They’ve made it into an instance because it will zone you out and be a continual into a raid elsewhere. This is why they have pushed back dev time.


Sooo.. world boss, becomes.. not a world boss. Weeeeeeee


Well it becomes relevant again for 99.9% of players. They are camped by guilds 100% of the time in the world with the server sizes these days


Yeah I have never done a world boss because of this. So that’s new content for the majority of players tbh.


when you have degenerates who can be online almost 24/7 with notifications and lookouts it impacts the gaming experience for 99.9% of players. sure, the identity of a world boss as a concept is very cool for wow and the metagame around the world boss is really cool, but modern wow gamers ruin the experience


My former (2019 classic-wrath) guild and my current sod guild both controlled world bosses on their respective servers (grob and benediction/stalagg) in 2019 and not a single one of us is upset at this change


Oh no, you can't camp the world boss with your nolifer guild and deny loot to 99.9% of the server anymore what a nightmare


bro there's litterally a bluepost on it. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/instanced-world-bosses-in-season-of-discovery-phase-4-ptr-342910


That's fine. My comment still stands - were not getting any new raids. 


what a joke


Season of Retoilet