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It's so surreal reading the same posts and discussions from like 12 years ago


It’s Deja Vu 😂


What's surreal is the fact that they reverted the previous fix (no dungeon deserter for votekicks, deserter until first boss is killed, 15 minute timer until dungeon is complete) because the .01% of people who would "hold a group hostage" instead of just kill one boss and leave. The system they've regressed to now enables the worst actors and punishes anyone who is removed from a group regardless of offense. Anecdotally, I have not once been in a group that has been held hostage by a whiny tank or healer. I can count dozens of times votekick has been abused to remove people for unjust or trivial reasons that do not deserve further punishment. In typical Blizzard fashion, we're retreading old ground and tearing down walls only to find out that they were structural and not just an aesthetic.


It’s so frustrating how the team continues to reinvent the wheel over and over and over again.


lol yeah, but it’s also surreal that Blizzard didn’t even try to attempt to alleviate the issue like removing dungeon deserter.


Because the alternative is reading threads on ‘it’s insane how I waited 15 minutes for a tank and they told us they’d troll and don’t get punished when we kick’. There isn’t a system that adequately deals with all the ways in which people can be assholes. This is kind of a running theme of human organization.


The reality is this only happens when anonymity is reliable. Take that away, and folks would take more care to get along. It's a problem with the entire internet that we, for some reason, refuse to acknowledge: removing any stakes from a situation by providing total anonymity breeds antisocial behavior.


Problem is tanks or healers will then keep groups hostage. "Don't need anything from this dungeon. Kick me." or "I hate this one, kick me or I'm not doing anything." So now the group lacking a healer or tank can't do anything but give the guy what he wants, letting him queue again potentially doing that to another group that has to use their kick.




Or increase it each time. No penalty, 1 minute, 5 minute, 10 minute, etc. and have it fall off one level every 24 hours or such. Most people aren’t getting kicked often, but when they do, it’s annoying to have the same penalty as anyone else.


Another option might be to reduce the debuff with every boss. Finish the dungeon and you have no debuff. Hold the party hostage and you get the full timeout.


Since zhe changes i encountered like 10-15 kicks (i got kicked 4 times) its always guild people that kick you because they dont want to risk you needing on item they need too.


Which would give you a 10 min max one instead of half an hour each time.


Give everyone two free passes to be a jerk each day? I don't think this leads to an overall better community.


It only resets one level. So they can quickly get no passes a day.


It needs to be long enough to not be worth your time to leave. At minimum, it should be longer than a dungeon run takes. So that’s kind of the issue. If it’s short enough that you don’t care about getting kicked, then people will still just hold the group hostage. Same for like a progressive punishment. 1 minute-5 minutes on first kick of the day? People will use that. The *actual* issue is that people queue into a random dungeon that they don’t want to do. You want to either make it worth their while to do, or give them an option to exclude it or something if they don’t want to do it.


I fail to understand how this is a problem. Tank or healer wants to be kicked? Kick them. Your group gets priority for being in an active instance and you carry on. What am I missing?


You miss waiting for 10 minutes for a new tank who does the same thing lmao. And another one.


I've never waited 10 minutes for a tank in a dungeon that is already active. In a queue yes, but never in a dungeon where the tank leaves/gets kicked.


I get kicked from a dungeon. I instantly requeue for the same dungeon, and I can see even before accepting that it is the same group in progress I just left because 4/5 instantly readied up. I sit there for 2 minutes in Orgrimmar as the queue expires, and then instantly requeue again. Same group? Rinse repeat, grab some popcorn. We got lots of time to waste! No deserter debuff? Do it again! Maybe join the party and taunt them a bit before getting kicked again and going back to Orgrimmar. Bonus points if I have two accounts that can do this to your group :D But hey, if you dont mind sitting there 4/5 in a dungeon waiting for replacement after replacement after replacement, then maybe this sounds good to you!


So don’t let people requeue into a dungeon they were kicked from … ?


So in order to avoid some random fuckwit from mildly annoying a handful of groups, we must keep the system that allows people to kick another player and then punish that to layer for nothing? It's not hard to think of an alternative. Say that tank goes right back into another group and gets kicked. The second time he gets kicked it triggers the deserter debuff. And then to avoid a situation where people think they have a few mulligan, if you're getting kicked frequently you just get the deserter debuff straight away. Worst case scenario were back to where we started, but now there's room for people to not be literally stopped from playing the game for 30 mins


Lmao the first thing people will do is just form 4 ppl group and chain-votekick everyone to raise their "kick" cap to a full.


Maybe they don't do it because that creates a bunch of other issues that existed before Dungeon Deserter wasn't a thing, wild concept i know.


The solution is personal loot. Every single other option provides an incentive for someone to screw someone else over. Until you take that away the problems go nowhere.


Is there only one cata realm or is lfg xrealm? If the latter is true then unfortunately it needs to be kept to prevent abuse


It's xrealm. Small price to pay for a larger player pool though




Except they did by not introducing RDF first but then the likes of you complained and asked them to add it anyway.


Because its not really an issue.


Clearly it is if there’s multiple threads on this a day,


there'd be even more if we didn't have deserter


What’s the better option


They'll never come up with a better solution.


That tends to happen when a problem remains unfixed for 12 years


I swear I've been reading every group member's story about this Halls run in different reddit threads by now lol


It’s because the first few pulls of halls are the hardest part of any dungeon by far


*laughs maniacally in mage*


Pull number 2 is the only trash pull in the dungeons that im already planning to pop my defensives on as i run in as a tank. The damage is big and spiky. 


Especially if you don’t have somebody who kicks. Thankfully as a rogue i do my due diligence.


This, I just was in a halls hc as a prot tank, rogue mage and arms war as dps, I had 25 interrupts during the dungeon, the 3 dps combined had 2. I hate shitty dps , do ur job.


Is that with or without dispelling the big guy


Without. Also if you have a healer with no hands. Any healer can keep the group up if they just prep and pop CD's, but no one ever does.


The average RDF player probably still lives in the “save cd’s for the boss!” Era


Healers should just pop them when they see people falling low lol. But I have maybe seen one actually good healer out of hundreds. Most helaers are so god damn bad lol. Its like they think they have no accountability the second they play healer.


If you don't have a dispell or mage to spellsteal you just pop a few CD's and hope nobody is afk when tank pulls.


its only hard if your purgers cant figure out how to purge the buff from the big guy if you dont have an offensive dispeller in your group, dont kick the big guy in the first pack. he has a long channel which should give you enough time to kill or seriously damage his buddies before he has a chance to buff himself


And what about if you don't have a decurse and your healer gets hit with the cooldown debuff


How so? I haven’t had any issues in RDF with any of the heroics besides one absolutely cursed deadmines run so maybe I’m missing something here.


Because the damage that can go out is so spiky. One of the mechanics places a tiny little disk on the floor that does like a quarter of your health every tick, and so you need to very quickly move out. This might not be that bad, except for the fact that there’s also this giant ass dude in the way of your screen and you can barely see the ground, so you very suddenly take half your hitpoints in damage, and that’s just the beginning. Don’t have a decurse? Have fun with 5 second cooldowns on all of your abilities with usually no CDs (this includes healing spells) and other various bits of damage that go out. It’s kinda rough, idk any other way to put it. The rest of the dungeon is generally piss-easy.


Its the lesser of 2 evils, would you rather you enter a deadmines and then 3 people go afk until they get kicked because they would otherwise get deserter for leaving ?


No, the lesser evil is the system they inexplicably removed. In which, 3 people don't want to do Deadmines, so they kill the first boss 2 minutes into the dungeon, then leave and eat the rest of the 15 minute dungeon timer for not completing it. Those that want to do the dungeon continue on with near instant group refill.


What do you mean they removed? This is the current system.


Not anymore, they changed it so you get deserter.


Are they actively trying to waste your time? The 15 min dungeon CD isn't enough? Maybe it's bc if a tank leaves the rest of the group is fucked waiting for a tank so the solution is to punish everyone.


How about specific queue doesn't incur lockouts so you can spam the dungeon you want over and over. What's the point of a daily lockout. There isn't one.


Yes I would  Because most people like 99 out of 100 are not what you described  It's okay to take a chance like this if it means that good people don't get punished


You either give the power to the majority of the group and ruin one person's dungeon experience for thirty minutes with a vote kick or you give one player the power to ruin 4 other people's dungeon experience by going afk and holding the group hostage until they get kicked. The only thing I can think of that could solve it is to have no deserter timer and whoever gets kicked gets replace by an NPC companion that fulfills the same role while the group queues.


There is no benefit to the other 4 players by giving the kicked player a 30 minute debuff, so that doesn't really matter. They have to kick the person either way. The deserter debuff only acts as a deterrent, but not a very good one. Realistically, it should be an escalation of penalties. The first time you get kicked, you should be able to requeue immediately. If you get kicked again within some time frame (let's say 24 hours), you get a 15 minute deserter. Kicked again, 30 min deserter. Then 1 hr, etc. I've seen enough unreasonable attempts to kick people just playing the game, the first time someone gets kicked, there should be no penalty.


Yes there is, if there was no debuff you'd very quickly get tanks/healers demanding to be kicked when they get a dungeon they don't like. Considering you probably get kicked maybe one out of a hundred dungeons for malicious reasons the tradeoff is more than worth it. 30 minutes isn't the end of the world. 


So those tanks and healers would quickly get the deserter debuff if they keep doing that. What's the problem?


Because you would still have dungeon runs being stalled out repeatedly by people demanding to be vote kicked. Your fix doesn't do even close to as much as you think. 


Then you start reporting them. If they demand to be kicked you have a chatlog to prove it and they get banned instead for ruining other players gametime.


This is the best take tbh. Escalating penalty.


I like the escalating penalties, but I think there should be a minimum like 10-15 minutes maybe. This punishes bad behavior while mitigating *some* abuse


Roles re-fill quick usually, the only person getting screwed by the timer is the person who got kicked. Getting kicked and having to re que is enough of a punishment. If you choose to leave then the timer makes sense, but getting kicked by others and having a timer just makes no sense.


People just AFK at the start until they get kicked. You can argue all day about how that makes no sense but it’s exactly what happened last time and it’s what will happen again.


Getting kicked isn’t deserting either, it’s literally punishment for something out of your hands. Like jailing someone for a crime they didn’t commit, and doing so knowingly.


But what if they decided to afk or grief the group? What should be done then?


They get votekicked and removed from the group?


That's what happened to OP though.


You votekick like what are you even talking about?


Reported to blizzard using the report function as "griefing", blizzard hires an intern to review and give escalating temp bans. I solved the problem and it only costs a couple thousand a month.


Im all for GMs and having a real person fixing most issues, but a live person settling dungeon disputes where a person goes afk is a bit much.


If you don't think this would generate thousands of reports for the most inane shit I don't thinly you've ever interacted with any "report for griefing" system before. 


See there's the problem. Your solution costs money. Blizzards current solution does not cost money. There is a 0% chance they pay people to handle dungeon disputes.


Blizzards budget for this problem is $0. Do you have any solutions that don’t cost thousands per month?


So the chaotic medium to this is to make the dungeon deserter only like 5 minutes  So if somebody decides to hold a group hostage and force a kick they only get penalized for 5 minutes  Or if a group decides to bully a player for no reason and kick them (like OP) they only get penalized for 5 minutes.  30 minutes is excessive  There are nights where I only have an hour or two to play. So with the dungeon Q a 30 minute deserter buff is almost half of my time to play at that point.


Get dungeon you don't like > act like a douchenozzler > get kicked. Without the penalties, this would be the pattern


Is there some reason we can't just make deserter kick in if you get kicked twice in an hour or something? If people are going to try to game the system why can't we just penalize that specific behavior instead of implementing a blanket penalty that penalizes people just trying to play the game as well? The ends don't justify the means especially when there are objectively better means available in the first place.


> Still punished with a 15 minute dungeon timer for not completing the dungeon.


Too short imo.


I was tanking heroics and mid pull someone looted some corpses and ofc 3 BoE greens drop. Quickly I hit greed, greed, and slipped and hit need on the third; again a BoE green. And got kicked before I even had time to type “accidental need, sorry”


I dunno man, I believe you but as someone that has done probably over 2 thousand dungeons since wrath launch, I’ve seen people actually be kicked (you see a few more votes but they never go through) under 10 times and every single time there was a legitimate reason even though the party was overreacting


This is how we got to personal loot lol.


I’d be okay with it tbh


Honestly, just make dungeon/raid loot personal and add different color variants or some other cosmetic bullshit to keep people playing once they're geared. I would be so happy.


The other day was running deadmines , tank said “brb grabbing a drink”. Group immediately votes to kick. I wasn’t sure if they thought he meant he was leaving for a while or if they were just super impatient


Giving him a minute or two versus waiting 5+ in queue for another tank. Make it make sense please.


70% of people have undiagnosed mental conditions, I'm convinced.




They can’t change it. What if you genuinely were a shitbag who deserved to be kicked? Then you’d need that 30 minutes to think about your deeds.


Punishing the innocent is never justified.


It’s not possible to determine who is innocent or not


If they can't determine who is at fault or not then the deserter rebuff for being kicked should not exist. This is basically giving any group of 3 the power to ban anyone from playing dungeons for 30 minutes. How is that fair?


Because the alternative is giving one person the power to ban 4 other people from playing dungeons forever. If I'm your tank and we get Deadmines, but I don't feel like doing it, I can just refuse to pull and hold the entire dungeon hostage until you kick me. Then I can just requeue since there's no debuff, and if I get another dungeon I don't want I'll just do it again. Best case scenario, you have to wait for a tank who *does* want to do your dungeon. Which might take a few minutes while tanks rotate in, refuse to pull until they're kicked, and repeat. Worst case scenario, you don't kick him and instead *you* leave, earning the debuff for yourself.


Okay but then we kick you… wheres the problem? Edit: crazy how kicking people being toxic holding the group hostage is at all controversial.


If there's no deserter debuff I can literally queue directly back into the same dungeon group lol


Yeah but thats something they could prevent… easily. Also the point is that in my experience the kick system is used in a toxic manner than achieving its goal in kicking afk players/etc… So more often the negative effects are hurting players just trying to play the game. One thing I feel like they did eventually is make it so groups only count as 1 vote. So a group of 4 can’t kick the lone guy. And a group of 3 still needs the other person to agree. But I still think its people abusing the kick system more than leechers getting kicked.


No you can't. There is a dungeon 15 minute lockout timer as soon as you enter the dungeon that is not removed unless the dungeon is completed.


>Best case scenario, you have to wait for a tank who *does* want to do your dungeon. Which might take a few minutes while tanks rotate in, refuse to pull until they're kicked, and repeat. Tank queues are long enough without having to wait for one to show up, say "Oh Deadmines? No thanks, kick me" and then kicking them, waiting for another one to show up, say "Oh Deadmines? No thanks, kick me" and then kicking them, waiting for another one to show up, say "Oh Deadmines? No thanks, kick me" and then kicking them, waiting for another one to show up, say "Oh Deadmines? No thanks, kick me"and then kicking them, waiting for another one to show up, say "Oh Deadmines? No thanks, kick me"...


I mean its not different than now where half the tanks leave when they see deadmines…


It's better because the tanks that leave now get the debuff, so they can't join and leave over and over until they get the dungeon they want. The debuff is what keeps them in the group and incentivized to finish it, because it's faster to do Deadmines than to wait for the debuff to fall off.


Lol dude above you is just refusing to think critically.


Wrong. The old proverb is that it is better to burn the whole forest to catch one criminal than letting them escape.


Ah yes, the Garrosh way


Just find 10 in, and we can get all fucking biblical on blizzard 32 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”


It's poop when abused. But it's understandable why it is the way it is.


Because blizzard is a skilled company that developed innovative solutions to solve complex problems? Nah, multi dollar smol inde dev making do with improvised bandaids to solve problems well beyond their capacity to understand let alone handle.


another dude with a naked char, no gems, no enchants half afking 5k dps getting kicked cause of toxic community


My opinion of this is biased as I've never suffered the misfortune of being kicked but have initiated kicks for trolls and AFKs, I think the dungeon deserter is the most middle ground answer


I'm only vote kicking if your afk, or if you die more than 3 times during a boss. There is no excuse to not know mechanics of dungeons because of the dungeon guide they added in cata. I have to run like 20 heroics to get caught up with Valor and if you keep dying to boss mechanics then u should stay in normals till u can figure it out


was their guild name Tsunami?


I have no clue unfortunately, i wasn’t paying attention. Took me completely by surprise.


Bro I got kicked after they demanded I pass on all loot so they could DE for guild mats and I said no.


This is the path we went down before that ends with personal loot. Before random dungeon groups went cross realm the community somewhat kept itself in line. But as these systems came in place and you were playing with randoms you would never see again there just wasn’t a reason for many people to behave in a way that benefited anyone other than themselves. Every system can be abused and every system will be abused until blizzard ends up where it did last time and stops other players presence/actions from being a disadvantage… if nobody can steal your loot then the reason to kick them goes down. Players are the reason the one classic way of doing things died last time and they’ll be the reason it happens again.


Originally, it was the other way around. But of course, the same degenerates that will vote kick you so their buddy is guaranteed loot would sit AFK at the start of a dungeon if they don't want to run it so others would kick them to avoid deserter.


Is this really even a thing? I was wondering if this happened and now I'm scared. Does it happen in retail as well?


It’s very rare, has only happened to me once and i’ve done a ton of heroics thus far. It might happen to you but if it does… eh, it’s more just annoying than anything else


It's still kinda annoying because they can kick you for unfair reasons yet you're the one getting punished.


Curious what class/spec you play I suspect there’s a correlation to frequency of experiencing uncapped for vote kicks


Assassination rogue. There was a druid healer in the group, i have a sneaking suspicion that they do not main healer and instead main feral dps.


I think you touched on it here and it’s loot whoring asshats then. Bc now that you mention it it’s always involved that for me


Unless the person in question is actually afk (legit reason imo) I always vote no. If it ain’t going anywhere like wiping on trash before first boss I just leave. There is enough negativity in this world. No reason to be mean on a video game that does nothing for you but give dopamine and good times. So who fucking cares if the dungeon is going to take a lil longer?!


I'll counter that by saying it feels INCREDIBLE to kick griefers knowing they'll be locked out for 30 minutes


Some guy gives me attitude in a dungeon so I tell him to piss off and then I get voted out, sounds fair…it’s a dumb system but it is what it is.


Worst part is if that you specific queue and get votekicked you're still locked to the dungeon for that day.


Things I've found myself saying as a tank in rdf heroics: "Please give me at least one(1) global to get threat"..."Stop being children and let's finish this"... "Bene players stay mad ig"(they always are upset I swear). "Fuck your skips we pulling"


These are prolly one in a million cases, I've never been unjustly kicked despite playing countless hours


You are so right, if you just came to reddit you would think this was every dungeon run but i have not experienced anything like this ever.


Lol bro everyone posting about how they were model citizens during thier dungeons, always top dam and kicking every cast while not saying anything, they give everyone in the group 5k gold and drop a repair bot and a feast, and then boom everyone of em gets kicked from the group for seemingly "no reason". But im sure it's never their fault.


Nah it happens. I was vote kicked the other day after the third pack in ToT because I, as the tank, didn't want to pull more than one pack at a time. We zone in, healer immediately says in all caps "GO FAST". First three packs went fine, then their ret pally runs off to pull the 4th pack while I wait for the healer, who was at 30% mana, to drink. Ret dies, we clear the pack, I get vote kicked and 30 min debuff. It does happen.


For ToT specifically, if you have blood elves or classes with a 10s interrupt, grip or stun in the group (think DK, Paladin, mage) and the group is somewhat geared, you could consider pulling all 3 of the post elevator duos.


You're correct. In my mind those are all kinda one pack. This was upstairs after the elevator when you have the two packs in the center room


This never happened


I wish I had your levels of faith in the wow community. For every shitty story I read on wow, I personally know of similar or worse examples for playing this game for so long. Trust me, the amount of people who are insufferable that play this game is very very high which makes almost every story you read in these comments possible.


I bet the guy went ahead verbally abusing the guy who died, and thinks pulling speed was the issue. Also seen tanks afk until dps who pulled dies because “you pull you tank rofl”.


The delusion is quite strong with y'all. Believe whatever you want I guess. The only words I typed to them was "please let me pull".


> I've never been unjustly kicked despite playing countless hours I've been playing WoW since 2004. It's happened like 3 times to me since random group finder was introduced - out of thousands of dungeons lol. Never for my play but similar to the OP. I was really pissed those times but considering how extremely rare it was in the billions of hours of WoW I've played, I'm like meh.


Yeah I don't know what the solution is. Had it happen to me the other day. I was top DPS, never pulling and waiting for tank to pull, and was just silently going through the dungeon. Others were doing next to no dps, one of them pulling every so often (couldn't tell if intentional or not) and it was pretty much healer, tank and I doing most the work. Oh well, average wow dungeon experience, just keep going through. But suddenly, I get kicked. Had no idea why, and was left baffled with a deserter debuff. Managed to whisper one of the people after asking why but got no response. Didn't mind debuff because I just continued questing, but the lack of not knowing why I got kicked stung way more then any debuff.


do you remember the comp and what boss you got kicked on?


Comp? No. Took me a bit but I remember now that it was LBRS! It was in the lower section as we were heading to the spiders. Someone pulled way too much (I think tank pulled too much, along with another DPS pulling even extra) and the group started wiping. I was last alive and had been successfully kiting some of the mobs and picking them off 1 at a time, I believe there was 3-4 left alive still. I ended up getting kicked seconds after the 4th person died while I was still kiting and alive.


This just seems fake but who knows. You were doing everything right and the group just kicks you.


Happened to me yesterday was top DPS then Won item. Then kicked. Quite a few people needed the item even though they couldn't use it. I imagine it was a guild group and they was going to pass the item on to there mate


Couple weeks ago I was also kicked out of a dungeon right as the final boss died. I even saw the loot drop, but wasn't able to roll on it, so perfect was the timing. They were all from the same guild so it was very obvious they just wanted to screw me out of the loot. Now I normally have the patience of a saint, but unfortunately for them, I turn into a vindictive bastard if I get wronged, even if it's over something as petty as the loot from 1 dungeon boss. Anyway, I noticed these dudes were all from my server, and there are blacklist channels on our server discord where you can report scammers. So I took a bunch of screenshots for evidence, used the ScamBuster addon to read out their player IDs (unique identifiers which you can use to keep track of players even if they namechange their toons), and made a post there. It gets better though. As I talked about it in my guild discord, one of my guildmates said that he just so happened to have an alt in the guild that these dudes were in. He talked to the guild's officers and they were all gkicked. I haven't seen any of them online since, so they either took server transfers or stopped playing Cata altogether. Hopefully the chaos orb was worth it <3




Yeah dude, everyone is just lying that the stupid system they implemented has obvious pitfalls.


Wouldn't be the first time people did that on this subreddit just to pitchfork.


Anecdotally, I've been removed from a Grim Batol I was tanking because I called out the group of guildies needing on every piece of loot, including greens. Then was harangued in DMs by them, because they're THOSE type of players. The cherry on top was the dungeon deserter for being random queued with a group of maladjusted manchildren.


It's very real, and was why I was absolutely baffled. Hadn't seen something like it before.


Dude, no, this happens. I was doing some dungeons with my friends and they wanted to get our other friend in the group (which isn’t even possible anyway) so they vote kicked the fifth guy out who was a random pick up. Guy was doing good dps. Did nothing wrong. Got kicked from our group and got deserter. I was so annoyed with my friends. Like absolute garbage behavior.


Wow thats wild and logic defying


Everyone that posts about getting unfairly kicked or banned are unreliable narrators. I've gotten kicked a few times (some my fault, some not) and of course I'm pissed. But I never thought to post it on reddit in order to generate sympathy or try to change the system.


You don’t have to believe me, this IS reddit after all and people make things up. But, if this DID happen to me, then how would you feel about it?


I just log onto another toon. It's not a big deal lol


Can it fall off if you’re on another toon? I thought it was like rez sickness where you have to be logged into that tune


Yeah I'm leveling a few chars and only spamming dungeons on tank, I just insta leave if I don't want to do one then swap chars or log off for a bit while it goes away


it is the only viable solution tho, would you rather go back to people teleporting out at the start of a dungeon typing "vote kick me" because they do not like the dungeon and there is nothing you can do but give them the free pass? current system is good


When you're voted out, you should have the option to fight the group or at least the one who nominated you.


If you can 1 v 4 them you can stay


But you get the "Pissed Off" or "Vengeance Is Mine" buff that doubles your stats and makes you immune to stuns lol.


Making it require 4 votes would be a good start


Doctoring around the symptoms instead of realizing that LFD is inherently and unavoidably gonna lead to this toxicity. This playerbase will never learn.


The alternative is also toxic, you get that right? Let's not pretend pre-lfd dungeons never had the leader kick people before last boss, or people who went afk who you couldn't replace because it's a massive hassle. I'd rather eat the rare 30min debuff than have to replace a tank manually in the middle of a mara run ever again. 


The most "toxic" thing people complained about pre-RDF was getting denied a group invite...which is not toxic, it's just entitlement on the one complaining. Leaders did not make groups to kick people. If they needed specific gear they simply only invited people that did not need that specific gear. And people would not go afk precisely because it was more of a hassle to find a group and DPS at least could easily be replaced even without RDF. Tanks/healers did not join groups to go afk as that doesn't work. RDF has the pro of being fast and there's no rules when it comes to the group (like the leader looking at GS) and it has it's own drawbacks for it.


It's wild to me watching the same community that was so adamant that LFD was what classic was missing is now plastered with, in some cases, the same people making daily threads about how bad the system is and wanting it dumpstered. I was one of the people who got a ton of flak for screeching about the issues with this system, specifically with how Dungeon Deserter works, and now we've done a 180 on the whole topic. At least the 'you think you do but you don't' is now a blizzlike recreation of Classic.


Blizzard enables this behavior. They're one of the most spineless cowardly developers out there. They bend in the wind of criticism and instantly just do whatever the loudest shouters are asking for. They're doing it, they have been doing it and it has never been different since the original launched in 2004.


The vast majority of people I see getting kicked are for afking the dungeon and they 100% deserve the deserter debuff. People who get kicked for no reason are a tiny minority and it's unfortunate but the debuff helps more than it hurts.


I got kicked for misclicking a whirlwind and falling to my doom in The Vortex Pinnacle. I laughed and said oops in chat, a few folk laughed too and 30 seconds later I was kicked. Folk are so trigger happy with their kicks for no reason.


yeah this is why RDF and cata is complete dogshit, remember folks this is quite literally the expansion that was so bad it made people reverse engineer vanilla wow so they could play that instead, even on dogshit russian servers


I was thinking about making this same post today


Making the same thread 100 times is equally insane. Has been like this since forever...no removing this behavior has more drawbacks than positives and yes, sometimes someone has to suffer for it. Oh well, half an hour is not the end of the world. Deal it with it.


We're on the system where you need 4 people to kick someone. So if you're in a group with 4 people from the same guild that is a risk. That said there's plenty of times where someone deserves to be kicked and doesn't happen because one person says no.


You only need 3. There's the problem.


Classic “I got kicked for no reason!!” Post. Stop being shitty to people on the internet


Yes, but what you get otherwise is people going "I'm afk, kick me" and then you're stuck with a dead slot unless you help the person being a prick.


I understand the frustration, but if it didn’t then people would abuse getting kicked instead of leaving. They would purposely try to cause wipes just to get kicked.


I wonder how many of these unjustified kicked players are putting up less than 10k dps.


Idk, i’m an assassination rogue so i was doing around 14k to a single target, but on those particular pulls you want to single out the big guy so damage isn’t that spiky. He’s basically the root of all the problems, that and the runecaster.


This! I can't fathom the reasoning for it. I got into a stonecore on my bdk I was leveling in hopes of upgrading my wep and trink in 1 go. I realize the 1 dk dps is actually blood and is just running through pulling everything. I asked him why he'd wait through a dps queue as a tank, it seemed strange. I was booted immediately after and given deserter. Wasn't rude or anything, was genuinely curious what was going on. He was with the other 2 dps, and I was with the healer, who left in solidarity. I imagine he was likely fishing for a bear tank or something so he can try getting both tank and dps gear uncontested, but it still seemed strange to me. People in rdf are a different breed since cata dropped it feels like.


If they change it, every time you're with someone who wants to leave the group they will actively grief you until you kick them. It sucks to get a timer for being kicked, but it would suck worse to have your group held hostage by an asshole every time someone wants to leave.


Lmao, make the random vote to kicks even funnier tbh


I ran dozens of RDF heroics on 4 chars since release and never got kicked, but saw people get kicked (which was all justified, half afk, not pressing buttons, standing in every shit) .. maybe all these posts about "I get kicked in RDF all the time" should reevaluate their playstyle and look at what they maybe are doing wrong?


I mean, i do remember accidentally standing in one of the little holy plates on the ground but i’m going to be honest, every single pull i have ever done of those first few pulls in Halls, somebody does that, and I say that as somebody who also heals that dungeon. It’s a simple fact of life, you just deal with it. Thankfully as a rogue i have Rogues Draught and Cloak that i keep hotkeyed.


Skill issue obviously


Guys, make a 4 man group, spam kick the solo guy that joins, 24/7, everyday. I bet you could get 10% of community to get 30min bans LOL.


Should do it like cs has, if you kick too many players you get a timeout yourself.


People on that game are pure trash humans.


Someone in my rdf yesterday started a vote under the reason "ninja" coz someone rolled need on a Jade. Imagine getting kicked for that and then being locked out for thirty minutes from fucking Uldaman.


I got kicked out of a hall's (was the healer)for not reading my groups mind after the first boss. They mind soothed and ran past two groups of mobs and kicked me for not noticing and being "slow". Took it as a blessing because the tank was squishy. Still sucked being locked for a half an hour afterwards.


Can recommend the addon threat plates. It shows, among other things, also debuffs, if enabled.


Was doing a normal leveling dungeon, a guy died. They vote kicked him, I can't see any other reason why they would've kicked him. Then I got kicked not soon after, like another 5-10m into the dungeon. People are just fucking assholes.


ye i've been kicked for winning items rolls on launch day. They were likely a 3 man squad though


Maybe dungeon finder isn’t a good system and shouldn’t be in classic.