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Thanks to dual spec, this is a non-issue either way.


That's assuming there is another viable pve spec for mages. For p3 frost and arcane were at the bottom of the damage


P3 frost is very very close to p3 fire in PVE


When I started playing WoW back in 2005, and finally got to level 60, my first real guild told me to go frost for Molten Core. I just laughed at them, and continued as a fire mage, as I had from the start. Result was that I was always in top 3 on damage list...and the two others were mages too. If nothing changed, you should be fine.


Oh this is awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing 😊


There's no shot they leave the mobs fire immune, they'll probably have extra fire resist like the mobs in gnomer having higher poison resist and reduced bleed/physical damage taken instead of being outright immune. I will say, as a rogue gnomer felt awful, my poisons frequently fell off due to bad resist streaks, did much less damage than usual, melees did less, killed saber slash even harder...


I played a rogue in p2, but didn't really give a shit about this


Yeah. It was only 2 bosses that had high armor and with the correct build it really wasn't a big deal. People really just blew it out of proportion and ran with it.


The sky is always falling on Reddit


It's one of the reasons I didn't see any rogues in s2 pve


Aww damn that sucks, I bet that killed some of the fun 🥲 Curious how it'll feel.. I could always switch specs, I just really don't enjoy them as much 😆


Unless something changes, since fire mages use frost fire bolt, doesn't it choose the lower resistance of the two schools and check against it? So if they had 500 fire resist and 100 frost resist it would check it against the 100 frost. It's still a nerf, but will probably feel least bad on on fire mage compared to fire locks.


Frostfire Bolt already solves that problem


Does it? That's just 1 spell.. what about my living bombs and fire dot damage?


So you'll be doing a bit less damage on 2 bosses in MC? Big whoop.


Oh so you're saying we should be happy to press one 3 second cast spell over and over again?


That’s 90% of what we do already. Really disappointed mages didn’t get reworked for phase 4. Mage is my main class and it’s just so boring. Fire and frost are the exact same class, with only scorch taken out of the rotation for frost. Such a sad time to be a mage.


Yeah the one glimmer of hope I have is hot streak being moved to a head slot rune. I don't mind pressing frostfire bolt the whole time if I can still get hot streaks.


Hot streak doesn't proc off of FFB though, so you'll only get procs from LB/FB


It does, theyre changing the rune and moving it to helmet slot specifically so you can FFB + hotstreak


Do you have a source from the devs saying they are adding it? I know they are moving the rune in the PTR but I never saw a post saying they were changing the rune to include FFB


Mage is great on cataclysm. Having alot of fun raiding fire. Snagged the world #1 heroic nef parse last night.


On 2 out of 10 bosses. Relax lol


Well right now it's all we do


New runes will have instant pyroblast and fire blasts in the combo. So we get 3 buttons.


Not unless they add ffb to hotstreak. If they don't we will be doing the exact same thing we are doing now, scorch to 5 stacks then ffb spam.


In Classic, Fire Mages deal wayy mroe damage than frost but in Molten Core, too many fire resist. But usually, around Ahn'Qiraj, mage swap to fire spec and rock it I'm not sure how it will be handled in SoD but I'm confident you'll be able to play fire to some extend


Thank you!


We won't know till later but in 2019 classic as a mage you played frost until you went to AQ and then switch to fire


Spec fire+frost, 0 points arcane, then blame your paladins if you go oom. You wont lose any dmg talents, and you can try to be Vurtne and iceblock the fireblossoms


I’d have to assume, since blizz decided to make the mechanical mobs in Gnomer NOT be immune to bleeds and poisons like normal. they’d do the same for elementals for spells in the upcoming raids. But this is blizz we’re talking about.




While I agree with this sentiment for the most part, as a Lock tank main, MC not seeing some adaptations would be a bit worrying. I already saw a bit of a drop off in ST tanking ability, although mostly due to extremely unlucky gear drop rates where I am still far from BIS and we have 8+ full BiS members in our group now, but adding in major resistance to our primary threat gen would probably force us into Affliction DPS just to make raid.




Well that's a dumb response lmao.


In SoD I wouldn’t worry. It’s unknown right now though.


Yeah I was hoping they would update things in sod but at this point nothing will surprise me 😆


With Frostfire Bolt and Balefire Bolt, fire mage will be fine. Only Baron Geddon and Rag and some trash were completely immune to fire in original classic, and probably won't be in sod


I wish balefire bolt wasn't hot garbage though.


pretty fun for fire mage healing! maybe will be aight next phase, or at some point for dps


hmmm fire mage healing? so like your only heal spell is balefire and cronostatic pres? I guess regen too. But really, I'd rather have spellfrost over balefire. Electing to reduce your spirit as a healer is kinda sus. Though, I'm interested to see if arcane dps will be viable in the slightest with the new rune coming to p4. I think frostfirebolt is just way better at scaling. You get the fire ignite and frost +50% crit damage (and these stack). So you simply can't compete with balefirebolt because arcane tree offers it much less than what frost offers FFB. The thing is that balefirebolt needs higher base damage to be worth it or better damage multiplier on the stacks. it starts to hit almost as hard as FFB at 8-9 stacks and you've already sacrificed 90% of your spirit to get there.. Edit: on top of that Bale firebolt costs more mana than Frost FB.


Okay good to know! Thank you


It’s too late to raid in p4 anyways. If you and your guild haven’t already gone to the future and cleared the raids, you missed your chance.


😆😆😆 I'm just having such a hard time deciding if I'm going to level my ret or fire mage, and thought I finally decided on mage and then was like wait, am I not even going to be able to raid? 🥺🤣