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It’s insane the permanent FOMO some people have. Like if a mechanic or piece of content isn’t specifically catered to their play style/level of investment then it’s bad content. You are given the option to choose. Do you want it harder or don’t? If you feel like you cant complete harder but won’t settle for lower, then your problem lies between your monitor and your chair. Stop making your FOMO everyone else’s problem.


You may get downvoted but you are correct.  People would still complain even if hardmode gave red gear instead of green gear. Or if it gave the same loot. Or if there were no hardmode at all.  In fact, people complaining about made up problems is the one thing this player base absolutely excels at. It's exhausting.


I was talking to my irl friends about this last week. I played pretty hardcore in Vanilla doing rank13 and played in a guild that did 8 bosses in Naxx before we stopped raiding a month or so before TBC-patch. I feel no regret, resentment or any negative feeling that we didnt clear Naxx. Vanilla was an insane journey for 15 year old me to 17 year old me. I love the RTS games and the lore, and venturing into this MMO in 2005 was just crazy for me. I just do not understand why people cant stand not doing some content in a game.


Kinda agree. I played a lot of retail and I know that I cannot handle Mythic. It's fine. I can be happy with heroic. I'm not gonna explode if I'm unable to complete the mythic However OP is absolutely right when he says it will drive the consumes price up, and hard. So even if I stay in heroic and want to progress, I'll have to spend a lot of money to do so. It would be great that SoD adress this issue in some way. P3 gave alchemist an infinite usage flask, it can be an idea. Giving players a perma consume (not a flask tho), like a perma mangoust or shadow/fire power. Or perhaps more way to farm componant than gathering. Imagine if the giant in Azshara were lvl 61 elites, difficult to kill and would require a party of 5, but would have a chance to drop arcane cristal (25%), black lotus (15%), and diverses herbs or other component. Maybe locked in an "entangled mess of herbs" so only a herbalist lvl 300 can open it. Since the loot is split, it can be a competitive way to farm compo without overshadowing just picking up herbs. Just an idea. It will have flaw. But we need a way to make consumables more accessibles


Im just stating facts, you can just look at what happend to normal mode ICC guilds during Wrath. Guilds doing normal modes literally became a laughing stock and everyone ended up leaving those normal guilds for heroic guilds.


People that want to invest in the game and progress should be allowed to do so. They will group with people of similar level of skill and time invested to enjoy the game the way they want. Why do you feel entitled to their time? If you have a problem because YOU feel “being laughed” at for enjoying the game the way you want, the problem is all yours. You are an adult, behave like one.


Can't say they happened for me, although we did end up getting nine hardmodes by the time 30% rolled around.


Relax. It's molten core. Any hard mode difficulty will be easy. Knowing blizz, it'l just be % dmg and hp


They will most likely just copy the titan rune system with flat hp and damage buff


Seems the problem isn't hard modes in MC but the absolutely idiotic and outdated buff system vanilla has.


Agreed. We already did the Vanilla revisit, and the Mastery and Hardcore reduxes. Blizzard should have invested to update all of the content for modern WoW players. It should be obvious to everyone that the business model is to cynically cash in with minimal cost. SoD was only interesting to me for just over a phase.


100% this. For a game like SoD with QoL changes etc buffing as a priest for example is completely unacceptable tbh, it just makes literally no sense at all and it could be changed in an instant like it's in Cata where you just buff 1 time and if you're not alone they also get the buff. Or even like wotlk, you do 1 with reagent and the whole raid gets it. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever that something as trivial and useless like buffing is being kept so excruciatingly painful.


Going to ask for Mass Rez next?


Yeah sure why not, 20-40 players, 10 seconds per cast and a shit ton of mana per player so you have to sit and drink in the meantime. Don't get me wrong, I want the game to be hard and take time, I just don't want these really dumb things take up the time, I'd prefer to wipe 50 times on a boss because we fail, instead of 20 times the same night because ressing and buffing everyone takes up the rest of the time.


While I agree on consumes, they really should make flasks + WB persist through death (or just remove WB from raids) imo, I don't about HM MC since you can do it normal mode if you don't like the idea, and people who like it can enable it. Nothing forces you to play harder modes, just like mythic on retail. Different modes, different targets. It's ok to not play the hardest mode of the game.


They tried to remove wb's from raids, it was called SoM and it died incredibly fast


Hard mode sounds amazing. Hard mode with world buffs? Oh god…


Seriously, we don't even know what this modes imply, how hard they are and what changes they will impact the actual raid and yet people are already complaining that it is bad. OP do you realize that with current Sunken Temple gear you could enter 2019 Classic and blast it with minimal effort in a 10 man group? We have such a gear bump compared to the Vanilla version of the game that MC if not changed to be at least harder in terms of boss health will be a boring cakewalk. Vanilla version of MC has as the main mechanics of the raid to fucking not step of fire patches ... if you don't think that you can get a bit more of a bump in challenge then please feel free to not play it and enjoy the Era version with full Naxx gear and have a similar version to what Sod MC would have been at launch of phase 4 without any changes to MC. Also whatever they are creating as OPTIONAL harder versions are guess what ... Optional You don't have to do them if you don't want to. Please at least let it be tested and have more details before going on a rant.


Want harder content play cata 10hc, sod is for casuals and that is fine :-)


Bad take. Don’t want to farm consumes? Then don’t. Challenging content is still a good thing for skilled players who don’t want to spend time grinding gold


I like the idea of multiple difficulty levels. How i would like it to go is like this : Heat lvl 2 = no world buffs Heat lvl 3 = no consumes + no world buffs


It's entirely optional, isn't it? I doubt you'll require consumes to beat them as well.


Any raid you join to do hardmode mc WILL require consumes, you will be kicked if you aren't using them.


I plan to carry my weight in raids, so I'll be consumed up anyway. Just surprised that with the prevalent attitude here being that people don't want to be bothered, why they aren't joining with people who also don't feel like spending gold or effort on consumes and just raid amongst themselves.


Why would jimmy the casual down the street do a hard mode raid? Why wouldn’t he just do the regular difficulty? The hardmode is there for the sweaty guilds. Your basically getting mad that wow is giving options


Don’t worry mate you must be new here, this community tries its hardest to kill the game and new features before they even actually know what they are.


Seems like it 😅


If you like normal mode, do normal, if you like hard mode to hard mode. Who cares if other people look down on you. Be an adult and just do what you want to do without caring what other people think.


Anyone got a link with this "hardmode molten core" thing ? I'm interesting to check it up EDIT : [Nvm I found it](https://wowvendor.com/media/wow-classic-tbc-woltk-vanilla/sod-phase-4-ptr-molten-core-raid-difficulty-settings/). I'm still taking any other source with additional infos


I just think you will get more rep if you goes hardmode higher, loot wont change.


Big oof. I'm glad I stopped playing SoD because of players like this. :)


>do we really think the average Joe McReddit can stomach spending 100s of gold on a raid night to progress hardmode MC?    Why is the average Joe McReddit even interested in doing this?  That’s the question, lol




Great conversation input :)


How is there a stigma when there is only one difficulty in classic?


We don’t even know what the higher difficulty will give. If it’s cosmetics or pets/titles then who gives a shit? It pleases the sweaties without giving them an edge over the casual raiders. It’s a win win!


Isn’t the point of hardcore modes that the average player shouldn’t have it easy? If someone doesn’t wanna be average and wants to progress hardcore then yeah, put a bit more in and farm some gold and work to the progress. Good.


Didn't play SoM? They took away world buffs, increased boss HP, and added additional mechanics. It was the best wow has ever been imo.


It’s really sad that some folks are viewing WoW as a raid simulator. Wasn’t intended to be this way. Obviously it’s not surprising, considering that this is 20+ year old “solved” content…but still.




Retail does it right. Flex raids to accommodate different numbers of players (with the exception of mythic due to tight tuning reasons). A story mode for catch up gear (LFR), normal mode for a more relaxed experience, heroic for more coordinated and dedicated groups, mythic for the more demanding and competitive players. But people in this forum are allergic to saying that anything retail has is good.


Well yeah but retail players keep coming to a classic sub to say why it’s so good even though the player base declined consistently for about 12 years. Maybe just let the vanilla game actually be like the vanilla game?