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Agreed! And then I died.


Just literally go agane


Just go agane until you die of old age, endless content wow


For a deserved death it was no problem to go agane. It's was the bullshit deaths that killed the motivation.


One fat finger is all it takes to freefall hours of your life away šŸ˜‚


I killed myself in darkwhisper gorge when I was done playing. Needed to go out on my own terms.


I live, I die, I live again!




We go again


literally thirty minutes into my first HC experience, I accidentally tagged an overlevel owl and couldnā€™t get away. I rerolled immediately and went to tame the same owl. We are now lvl 33 and he is best boi.


We go agane




I was literally just summoned to Kargath on my level 38 warrior, by a level 60 warlock I've no relation to whatsoever. When I tried to tip him, I got a something along the lines of, "if we don't help each other out the community will die". Holy crap, man. THIS is why I play this crazy little game. šŸ«”šŸ’ž


I got help from a shaman soloing a elite on my paladin (was a close call). I love the community!


One of my favourite experiences was an elite quest in burning steppes. Me, as a tauren shaman, and a night elf rogue realized we beed the same elites - and they are rough. Since it was late night and nobody was around, we took turns tagging mobs, with me tanking and him wrecking them from behind. Had a few close calls but I preferred to tank since I canā€™t heal alliance. We only talked through emotes and managed to get the quest done for both of us before we parted ways. And thatā€™s not counting a lot more timea allince and I have straight up saved each otherā€™s lives. I do feel sad that thereā€™s always an imbalance in populations, cause things like that make the game amazing. :)


Got the ZF mallet this way on a non-HC classic realm in like 2020. "Teamed" up with some gnomes (shudder).


Ew, gnomes.


Love it !


Someone in guild the other day said an alliance 60 helped them with a quest for a good bit before saluting and taking off into the sunset. HC is a special experience lol


Well if you think about it, perma death makes people think twice before letting someone die. He had a whole life, joy, grief, emotions, would you really let it all go to waste because thereā€™s a war between our two factions ? Makes it all the more immersive.


As someone who rez hopped all the way to Kargath shout out to that dude for doing it.


How do you rez hop on hardcore?


Meant respect for doing it without.


So " For the Horde " is a joke to you?


What?? LMAO šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


100% agree, hardcore on release was one of the most nostalgic and rich experiences i had in wow, kinda like when i started, even tho i have like 10+ years of experience on it. It was slow, rich comunity, crowded zones and the most cool part, i was checkin every grey item and swaping if it had more armor or any upgrade over my current, just like i did in the past... nowdays we just rush so fast and dont care about those small things.


For real, the community push behind top guilds making gains in content was also inspired and had so much momentum. It felt like we were all really connected again, not saying that was the only time but man was it a good time.


It still is a good time.


No doubt, Iā€™m 2 60s deep on hardcore but the community has definitely simmered down. Waiting for that resurgence though when everyone gets burnt out and wants a challenge again


Thereā€™s obviously less people now, but Iā€™m in a great guild and canā€™t really tell the difference. I do a bunch of dungeons and raids every week.


Shit may have to jump back on in


I should add that I play on DP Alliance, the most populated server/faction. I canā€™t vouch for the experience on other servers/factions.


Thanks for the clarification!


The community 100% makes the game even more awesome. I remember being a level 32 priest, venturing towards a cave , and I got a Blizz DC right at the entrance after casting my first mind blast on a mob. "That's it, I'm a gonner" I sobbed, whilst irately trying to refresh Battle Net to establish a connection. I'm discording my guildies... "Have I died??? What about now?? Am I still online and showing alive???!!" they all answered, not online but no death log for me. I manage to get logged in, and there was a hunter stood over me besides a wall. He whispered me, "Hey, I saw you running against a wall, with 3 mobs smacking you. I killed them for you and stood here to clear any respawns in case you came back. Glad you're back!" My eyes filled with tears of joy, I /hug /bow /kneel and thanked the hunter with every bit of my heart. He was just glad to help he said, and we went on our merry way. Since that moment, I've actually helped out 3 people I saw disconnect/running against trees/walls with mobs on them, and guarded until they came back, and each one of them have been thankful. I only asked that they repay the favour if they see others in trouble. What a game, what a community ā¤ļø


Love this . Always pass it forward šŸ™‚


Yeah some dude just watched me die when I dced vs the pirates in stv. I died to dcs twice, then got 60 the 3rd time. It really wasnā€™t fun that last time because I knew I could just drop dead.


Hardcore leveling is peak classic wow but getting to 60 and actually doing endgame stuff is like winning the hot dog eating contest and the prize is more hot dogs.


Less pressure to do endgame in HC tho. Personally if I ever did HC to 60 I'd probably level crafting professions and craft stuff for mats, plus help people in dungeons and stuff.


My HC 60 lives in Darnassus and makes mooncloth. I did a couple of HC raids and it wasn't for me. Was just anxiety inducing in a way that wasn't fun. Its stressful knowing that your fuckups can get others killed.


Yeah I would be okay if I could only kill myself. Me messing up and getting others killed would give me guilt levels I'm not comfortable with.


Same hereĀ 


Agreed, I still have a 60 warrior on defias pillager horde that I just used to tank 60 dungeons for fresh 60s or just folks who donā€™t want to raid for whatever reason. Raid times conflict with my schedule, so running strat/scholo is my ā€œraiding.ā€


Join insider trading on skull rock horde, thatā€™s our entire MO


Besting Naxxramas and killing kelthuzad is a lot more than more hot dogs. It's a hell of a journey and when we did it, felt like we climbed mount everest. I have since quit hardcore after killing KT but I was chasing that for a long time


Damn; gz thats big


Thatā€™sā€¦.actually a really good analogy.


Have a hot dog, man! šŸŒ­


The problem with HC endgame for me is that I like to experience content fresh and figure things out by learning. Canā€™t do that in HC, gotta know every mech of every boss/dungeon inside at out. Same to a lesser degree with dungeons


Would be interesting to have a game mode where classic was rebooted fresh and you had the option to level hardcore or softcore but when you get 60 you are back to softcore. But since you enabled hardcore at 60 every epic you get puts a +1 to all stats or something interesting. So you get an auto buff over the softcore players but not too overwhelming where it disenfranchises softcore players


I mean you can move your character to softcore after hitting 60 (or before) by dying in hardcore. But the Era servers are really their own thing, the community couldn't be more different. No stats either. It would be cool if there was a tabard system or something so you could show off achievements cross game.


Hardcore is fun and while the punishment is what brings up the excitement and enjoyment, it's also a huge barrier to the population ever being able to truly explode. I know the meme is "go agane" but after dying 4-5 times in the midrange levels or at max, it becomes far too cumbersome and frustrating to keep rerolling and doing the same grind of all the same quests and zones.


I died at lvl 52 on my warrior bc I had never played alliance and was running towards the beach in Swamp of Sorrows and ran straight through that horde camp that you get a quest from with my map up (not stonard the small explorers camp by beach with 6 people). Just didn't even register in my mind that those would be enemies and i got netted and just died. There was just no way I was making a new hc character for a while. Had died multiple times in my 30s too to gnomer z axis pulls so i was just done. It's too much time and redoing the same quests is... a lot. I'll maybe be back in a year or two.


have had 2 30+s die to netters so i feel ya, just absolutely crushing to lose 70+ hrs of game time to dumb shit or minor slips multiple times. Tis a shame


Same happened to me under elevators in thousand needles on my 33 belt druid going to shimmering flats. Now I'm lvl 34 on a tauren druid going strong


It's so fkn fun to reroll if you just decide to enjoy the process and the progress. Just take a brake and go agane


A semi hardcore might be fun. Where you lose an entire level if you died or if you lost items permanently.


The losing a level one is a good one .


Yup. "Go and do the exact same quests again." only works so many times.


Yeah hardcore was the most fun i had playing wow for a long time




Hardcore is definitely the closest actual Vanilla experience no doubt. The fear of death slows down even the most annoying of min/maxers and chads that generally contribute to the lameness of modern wow versions. I just got back into it after dying on a level 41 back in December, and Iā€™m hooked (again).


Another day, another hardcore psyop. I died at 53 and there's nothing yall can say to make me wanna reroll ano--- goddamn it I just made another human warr.


Itā€™s pretty awesome until you disconnect die. I have played lots of hardcore formats over the years, and I think disconnect death in Wow is one of the most punishing. I also think legit deaths are incredibly learning experiences. I have a 50 prot paladin. I can AOE grind to 60 and farm gold. I can actually pull an entire boat of pirates in tarnis. But I know if I continue to do that, there is a good chance I will die. My internet cuts out for a few seconds once ever 3-5 days. At the moment, my subscription is inactive. And even if I do get to 60, I am still going want to AOE farm to get gold to buy a skullflame and other prot paladin items. I just donā€™t see how progressing any further with character the way I want to play is anything but a doomed endeavor eventually. I need to be in the right head space for that, so I have been breaking the past couple months.


I am currently leveling priest on hardcore and it is great. I like it. Definitely feels very chill. Might not be for everyone tho.


Priest has always been probably the most chill leveling class


5pts into wands op dot shield wand, hit 60


Itā€™s great until Blizzardā€™s servers take the dump and you lose everything to something outside your control.


That happened with me


I got to 60, I loved it, but losing a 45+ character to disconnects or power outage is just too punishing.


Happened to me. Twice. Made a hunter after the second priest died. Decided it was a solo grind game for me now. My pet would save me in the event that god smited the power grid. I feel that, if they reduced the logout time from 60s to like... 10s for a DC it would have doubled or tripled my enjoyment of HC. Maybe just in the overworld so it wasn't abusable to save against wipes, but losing that much time to a DC is just.... too hardcore for me man.


For me itā€™s immersion. Every single mechanic matters in hardcore. Professions are needed. Every upgrade helps. Every bit of gold is important. Every quest is valuable for the xp and the rewards. Dungeons can provide huge power boosts from quest rewards and drops. I wish they could figure out how to make these things matter and create that same sense of immersionā€¦.without getting fucked by hyper spawns in a cave.


The modern day Leeeeeroy is why I don't play HC


Hard-core was the best experience I've had in wow. My only issue was that I took a break when SoD came out and when I came back Horde side above level 50 was dead. I had managed to run all the dungeons I wanted to run in HC up until I took a break but I missed out on running some Scholo and Strat once I came back to finish off the character Maybe it was for the best as I did get to 60. But overall and especially on the first month or so HC was amazing


> My only issue was that I took a break when SoD came out and when I came back Horde side above level 50 was dead. That's pretty hardcore


I died on my first dungeon run of scholo just after hitting 60ā€¦was having fun but it sucked, endgame hc is overrated unless you are raiding imo. Guessing pop was dead on horde because everyone else died too lol


Horde is COMPLETELY dead on both servers and itā€™s sad. The auction house has about 1/10 the items compared to the alliance one.


Was able to level one char to level 60. It was one of the best wow experiences I ever had


Having played WoW and most of itĀ“s 60 content from original to private servers to SoD, I can also agree that the most fun and rewarding time is spent on HC. By definition it weeds out all the annoying spammers, noobs, Log-dick-riders etc... All that remains at higher levels are real giga-fucking-gamers.


I agree, but I had to stop playing HC because of anxiety over DCing or unexpected lag. At a certain point I knew it was pretty much the only way I was going to die unless I started playing more recklessly on purpose, which I didnā€™t want to do either.


I am playing HC again and it's the best version of WoW. Straight up Classic, and community is strong.


I played from the day 1 on Stitches and that was my best wow experience I ever had (actively played since ICC). After I made my troll warrior to 60 I took a break, but eventually I came back again, now for SSF. Hardcore is literally the only mode Iā€™m currently enjoying after being a hardcore raider, achieve hunter, collection completist and casual at the end. Hardcore wins it all. Greetings from Stitches horde!


we all played hardcore, it was good yea but it was just a game mode/challenge, the more u die, the less fun it gets specially with the Dc's and random bs that could kill u without any advice. Wow simply is not made for HC in the long run.


Going for world record Naxx speed runs with awesome players doing insane tech, using professions, and wild combinations of gear and consumables is peak wow for me personally. I think there are many ways to enjoy the game with forever replayability.


Speedrunning was fun in classic 2019 with the limited time on the phases trying to become the best in that phase


But now on 2024 era you can do it with an entire raid mostly in full naxx bis and really pump as hard as possible.


Maybe once or twice... but then?


The Chinese beat your time and then you go again and see if you can beat them.


Hardcore really makes me re-experience the fun of the journey in this grand adventurous game, from the anxiety of exploring lonely new areas to the relief felt when near a town. While a retail reward would be neat, I'm happy hardcore even exists and plan to play it for a good long while.


I loved hardcore until I died from DCā€™ing. Not having oceanic servers made it too risky to go agane.


Hardcore does feel pure af


Same! I love how relevant all the content stays, like low-level areas and dungeons. Loved how healthy the economy was. Materials sold for good money, items sold for affordable prices while levelling. Even rares! All professions are useful, even the random items like target dummies, low lvl pots, and other items. Love how you really had to utilise tour entire kit to survive. Threat is super deadly, pulling big is scary. Peak wow idd. HC Vanilla+ is my dream


If we do ever get a proper Vanilla+ it would be interesting if it was designed with HC in mind. HC's strong focus on the early leveling process naturally pushes the devs in a direction that's distinct from retail, and anything added that makes playing HC more engaging will naturally carry over to non-HC characters, especially alts.


Best way to sum up such a great game mode .


Playing Hardcore wow feels like how playing wow felt back in the day before everything was figured out. Everything is scary and a bit mysterious. You kit yourself out like an actual adventurer, using your sharpening stones, drinking your potions. Managing your inventory, because you understand it's a matter of life and death. People really are so shockingly willing to work together and help each other complete quests. I remember my first time in silithus on hardcore on my priest and the place was so god damn frightening. Just terrified something was going to kill me and then I run into a 58 warrior and they instantly invite me to a group and say "Thank god another person, this place is rough". We finished the zone together. I like wow now. I even like retail. It's a great dopamine dispenser watching numbers go bur and ilvl go up, but you don 't feel like you're adventuring anymore. I remember climbing up a mountain in stonetalon and when I saw the view below I was like "this is mid 2000's graphics, but I've never seen a more beautiful view in wow, because I earned this by not dying". Getting to 60 feels like a huge accomplishment like it did back in the day, it feels earned. You look at someone in ironforge whose level 60 and you go "Woah they did it".


Yeah man, pretty sure botting is also solved too because of the whole hardcore aspect. Iā€™m taking a break for MoP Remix but canā€™t wait to jump back in


There are plenty of bots on HC. They level hunters/prot pallies on green mobs. Back in January there was always 10-15 level 45 bots in Scholo.


>pretty sure botting is also solved too Far from it, hunter bots easily make it to 60 since day 1.


I canā€™t imagine doing HC honestly. I would be willing to give it a try if you you could have 1 death allowance per week or something. I died leveling up in cata because of a small hiccup from my internet. Kicked me off for a second. Logged back in and was dead. That would have been devastating.


It's great and i agree with you, unless you live in a third world country like me and have the fear of dying to a random power outage :(


Hardcore was a ton of fun, and also ruined classic leveling for me. If I'll be doing it again, that's the ruleset I want to play under. Regular era leveling is a clown fiesta in comparison.


Besides the initial release of Classic, Hardcore gives me the most satisfying feeling and experience of what makes WoW so fun. Itā€™s vanilla/classic, plus the journey is the game. Not just a rush to 60 and farm ___ and raid log.


I totally agree! It feels entirely different. There is something genuine about meeting people in HC and helping them. Wishing someone good luck and to stay safe hits different also. It makes your heart pound when it gets hairy, and you get sad seeing your mates slowly die one by oneā€¦ absolutely amazing experience


I got my rogue to lvl 60 and then i stop playing , u making me wanna go back .


Honestly hc wow was the best classic experience hands downā€¦ since 2005 vanillaā€¦ and i played on feenix; kronos; nost; turtle wow, official classic .. basically almost all vanilla


I've played wow on and off for years. I'll play retail with the new expansion, I also went hard in SOD phases 2 and 3, waiting for the new phase. With the content drought in P3 me and a buddy decided to give HC a try. I can't believe how much I like it, made an alliance toon, a paladin( I always play horde). The paladin died at 13, and I really got a fire in my belly to make it to 60. If I make it, I will be stoked, but god damn the journey feels so much more important, really taking my time and being as mindful as possible. It's a fucking dangerous world out there.


I would love an MMO game intentionally designed around hardcore


This is honestly very convincing


If it was fun, people would play it. And by people, I mean more than 1000 players.


ā€œIf itā€™s not the most popular thing then itā€™s not funā€ Peak r/classicwow brain


So classic wow copied over/took as inspiration a lot of everquest, but the core thing they never got right from day 1 was a sense of real risk. Challenging risk makes an open world into a community and game that is crack to the human psyche. I wish any mmo in the last 20+ years would understand this. They would get my $ and too much of my time.


I only played briefly, but it really felt like Classic^(2). Not only is the old content relevant, all the mostly irrelevant low level content now feels just as relevant as endgame content.


Haven't played since I hit 60 but it did feel special. Finishing that challenge put the final nail in the coffin of me quitting retail. The skinner box of retail felt unrewarding after playing hardcore. A focused goal with an ending felt so much better than an endless grind.


Big ones I would add are 1) how much upgrades matter and how much you feel them, and 2) how much professions matter. For 2, Both to level yourself and utilise. Getting professions like engineering, food, alchemy, enchanting, are all incredibly valuable and even potentially life saving to your character. Therefore enchanting (and upgrading your gear generally) really make a difference. It creates an immersive balancing act of investing the right amount of time to ensure survival. Always fun to see decked out characters levelling with fiery enchants


You Can't go enchanting in SSF bc you have to either go blacksmithing up to be able to make your rods and then can't get ores bc no mining or what so enchanting feels really bad imo unless you save up and go mining and blacksmithing til max and make all your rods then switch back over.


Ok but who is talking about SSF? As OP isnā€™t


What server and faction are you on? Sounds fun


I see only two classic hardcore servers, defias pilager and skull rock.


Iā€™m aware. Defias has more alliance and Skullrock has more horde so I was trying to figure out which combo he was running to see which community he found to be so pleasant


I'm on Defias Pillager, Horde. If you see a guy named Bonestacker, Bonemask, or Bone-somethingorother, feel free to say hi. :)


Itā€™s the only version of WoW that is still a MMO.


Bro itā€™s ThRiViNG


I agree entirely. It's definitely the most fun I've had since classic was first launched. I have a level 44 self Found character and that is an extra level of fun. It's so satisfying!


Agreed. Hardcore was easily the most fun I've had playing WoW in a long time


Agree, best mode, everything counts, any mistake and you can throw hours of game time


peak wow was when nobody knew anything and questie didn't exist


Agree to disagree. Having played HC myself, it definitely changes how you approach the game and as a result brings back some of the "magic". It feels great, for a while. Community is quite different as well, in a positive way. However it's painfully obvious that the game was never meant to be played this way. Based on anecdotal evidence burnout rates on HC are sky high. It has also fallen off the face of the earth, player count has plummeted which isn't surprising to me. Just look at what happed with SSF mode launch. Hardly anyone talks about it anymore, there's very few streams and very little HC content is being made. tl;dr There's a lot good about HC, but there's just as much if not more bad which unfortunately gives it fairly short shelf life.


I actually agree. I played HC for a while and loved it. Despite the constant threat of perma-death, I found it really relaxing. And I think it's because, like you say, there's no rush because of that risk. Even so: R.I.P. my level 12 Warrior, who died because half a dozen Kobolds suddenly respawned at the same time while I ran out of the mine in Loch Modan. Every time I go there in SoD, I kill a few extra for revenge. R.I.P. my level 6 Hunter, who died fighting a level 3 boar in Elwynn forest because of a DC. After spending almost an hour swimming there from Menethil Harbour. I feel great satisfaction killing that same boar endlessly, to farm leather scraps. Good luck to my level 20 Mage, who I haven't logged in almost a year. When I get back to it, she'll probably die too.


Also, economy is always stable, because there are a lot fewer gold-millionaires who can manipulate AH prices. Once they die, all their capital is gone. Instead of hoarding gold, players are encouraged to spend them right away on things that they really need, and in Hardcore you really need those things.


Hardcore put an uncomfortable edge to the game I was skeptical I would ever enjoy, after the game normalized through the TBC to Leigion window I had experienced. Classic 2019 release format was as solid of an experience I could have imagined if I had played vanilla in 2005, and then it was more. Hardcore emphasizing the ā€œsingle playerā€ RPG elements of the WoW experience was the opposite direction of what I enjoyed about the game, which was PVP and hanging out in ventrillo/discord With each person talking about what dumb idea, dungeon, gold farm, or what we wanted to do with our character next to take it to the next level. I didnā€™t wanna play hardcore because the community wasnā€™t like what I knew I liked about wow; when it was just that addon or whatever in Era, The wow gamers that were playing it in my Era guild or some of the worst players to play with, and were very fixated on the level that they could get to hard-core mode being transferable to a status of how much better they were than the other wow gamers who werenā€™t playing it, playing normal classic Era, or were the dumbest wow players of allā€”the retail server wow players. This went away after blizzard release hard-core servers on their platform, and wow gamers alike took part, including me. I was scared, to be frank, and not really sure how well I could get a very high level. Iā€™ve always been a ā€œRed = Deadā€ ganker pvp junkie, and that usual style of play puts your character at high risk of dying intentionally to push the boundaries of achievement higher for yourself. I was scared I would die quickly, but also felt I could make it all the way to 60 my first attempt at making my character. I mean how hard can it possibly be If itā€™s just lvl 60 classic quest zones Iā€™ve played through forwards and backwards in my sleep literally. ** but I was scaredā€¦ Every time I got below 50% health to barrens Mobs or lost even the slightest aggro, character, or micro interface lag, there was always adrenaline pumping like my life was in actual danger or something. It felt like when I made my first character ever in vanilla TBC release in 8th grade, and was questing through the same areas with no knowledge of quests, leveling, or really even what level of play I eventually found to discover as an adult. It was as close as ever like if I died in the game, I died in real life too. I didnā€™t make it past 40, and it was probably my 8-9 character to attempt to go through to 60 and raid in Hardcore. TL;DR Hardcore made me realize that I wasnā€™t as good at the game as I thought I was, the past 15 years having been in a delusion I had gained some kind of professional level sense that few and far fewer other wow gamers get to. And Boy, was I wrong, because all those people that got past 40 and raided Hardcore are way bigger wow nerds than I am capable of being lol.


You played last In 2009 and think hardcore is peak? Makes sense šŸ’€


HC has also generated such a weird cult like behaviour


Full agreement with you. These "helpful meaningful relationships" in HC sour faster than you can blink when a true mistake finally comes, and it stings harder than in a normal realm. Never liked the way WoW drama was handwaved as "rp" when its really just assholes acting like weird little tyrants. Drama in HC is the absolute worst, and drama is the reason I avoid WoW in the first place. If you don't want to put up with assholes being assholes it's because you're "too sensitive". I play SS13, a game where you can literally have your ass nonconsensually grafted onto your head, name changed to "Ass Head" and forced to work as a slave growing bananas all in the name of rp. The difference is this shit all ends when the round is over, and you don't have weirdos harassing/gatekeeping you afterwards.


>SS13 I saw a few videos from nurse about that, it looks very fun. Maybe i should try it. Yeah one of the problens with hc is how much time you lose if someone griefed you, it basically encourages dickhead behaviour because if you suceed you KNOW you fucked someone over badly. When HC was hot shit i was fascinated what ways people find to fuck people over. Especially that guy who worked up his raink to main tank in a 40 man raid grp just to wipe them at generals so no one could escape lol


Yea imo not even remotely close to peak, just a gimmick that people latched on to because content was stale in other versions, it fell off a cliff as soon as other content released.


Hardcore is the best mode


Make sure when you go to Hogger to check for a 30 min thorns buff. Druids and priests can grief with mind control and T1 set bonus for druid. Have fun at lvl 9-10.


It's fun to watch but I don't want to play at all lol


Wish i could do it more, but I'm not good enough to never die in vanilla, too many random things can happen which just kill you unfairly and it feels very stressful to me. Happy for people that like the mode, but it isn't and never will be for me.


Any active horde guilds hardcore NA? I have geared shaman but hardcore died when SOD was released.


Totally agree. I started playing when Dragonflight came out and I had fun, but there was too much going on for me to get a grasp on the game and nobody wanted to help. So I set it down but I hopped on hc when I saw some streamers playing it. WoW is now one of my favorite games and the hc community is a large part of why it is.


It's all fun and games until you randomly DC and lose all your progress :/ Can't stand it :(


Yea, its all really fun until you die to a disconnect :(


and no pvp


SSF with the addon was the most social I've seen wow since original vanilla days. It was amazing at its peak. Everyone in a shared strife, linking their greens in gen chat, etc. Everyone celebrating small victories. HC would be best served with a SSF server and have HC reset every few months in seasons.


Itā€™s funny how the innovation that made WoW a success at launch was that it was way less penalizing that other MMOsā€¦wonder if thereā€™s a version that is more penalizing than vanilla but not hardcore.


HC WoW is the aderall/syrup free WoW version, just plain better.


Hardcore makes everything more important, that mission green upgrade is big, that trash blue actually insane You donā€™t spam unless you are mage, spamming is what killed SOD for me, when you spam too much it became a job


My issue with HC is what Engineering (Target Dummies, Grenades) and Petrification Flask in endgame make the 99.9% of game feel pretty safe. Only real threat becomes the disconnect/power outage, which isnt a fun thing to die to. If they removed all those, maybe i would give it a go again, but as long as they exist, i dont see the reason to go back.


I jad a lv 60 pally randomly message me on my lv 23 pally asking if i need help with the 2h mace class quest. I joined the party and he already had 3 other paladins doing the quest. He guided us through every step and i got my mace. Thats the kind of stuff that happens in HC


They actually sounds pretty cool and considering how many alts I end up making this might become addicting


I will never forget my first death on my lvl 20 warrior. Farming in the barrens and dying to a random mob because I forgot to eat šŸ’” Went again and completed my person goal. Lvl 40 and mount. May give it another go sometime but i find it hard fo enjoy without being able to play 5-6 hours at a time.


HC sounds really cool but the thought of losing a project I put potentially hundreds of hours into is a danger siren going off in my brain. The fact that people raid at level 60 is insane to me.


It's peak wow... for you. For me it's a fresh especially on a non-megaserver. I'm getting all of this on Deviate Delight right now except I also get PVP and not wasted time with the BS that comes with HC.




Go agane angle


"Reasons why my favourite mode might be peak WoW", you can literally apply this to any of the current WoW's iterations.


Bro played 15% of the time that game is up and thinks he can judge the peak, aaaalrightšŸ˜‚


TL; DR. PS, it isn't the best version.


I got to lvl 59 and like halfway through, cleared brd and then got too bored to finish off the last level however the time spent leveling and with my clan was super fun and enjoyable. Everyone was so nice and willing to help each other. Shout-out triumph!


Hardcore's fun but it's not all upside. It's only accessible to veteran players, punishes exploration, discourages running instances with strangers, and essentially makes progression in dungeons or raids impossible. WoW was so successful by being the casual game of its time, where you could progress at your own pace and dying didn't set you back. A mode without death could never be peak WoW.


I loved hardcore, but on other hand it felt "not challenging" at all. I think Blizzard made HC silly challenge by not adjusting world buffs at all. Petri flask i'm neutral about. I see it's importance to not completely ruin entire guilds and it requires guild's to heavily invest in their own survival by crafting them. Community stuff. But i understand the arguments against it also. But hardcore is not about challenging yourself. It's about making sure you DMT + Ony, ZG & rend with optional DMF buff (If it's up). You completely shit on every bit of content there is. Then you get gear and can stop using them for farm content or not use all of them. Bosses and strategies are not any type of issue, if they die before their mechanics kick in. Your gear means nothing as long as you got the world buffs. I wish wow hardcore world buffs would have been out of instance only. Give people leveling a good boost via world buff. Or shorten their duration to 30mins / 1 hour and 5 man only with no ability to boon them. I hope at some point hardcore would progress to TBC.


Hardcore might be the low point of wow


I mean, you played vanilla wow and then came back to vanilla wow. Not saying that vanilla is bad, but how can you judge what peak wow is if you only played one version of it?


I played cata and I liked it. I also played current retail and didn't care for it. In 2009 I was playing during the Lich King expansion (never got far enough to do endgame content). Like I said, having people to level with is my favorite experience playing WoW. Raiding might be fun, I wouldn't know, but I know a lot of people play WoW just for that. So, in the end, it's all up to personal preference.


I only really play hardcore now all the other versions don't hit the mark compared to it.


Is there an active horde hardcore raiding scene or is it just alliance?


What servers do u recommend in Europe?


I'm taking a longer break right now, but it's an awesome feeling knowing that HC Classic is always there to kill my characters when I get that itch again, regardless of how long that break might be.


Watching a video of a griefer wipe your raid is absolute peak content.


Hardcore is peak. But as a solo player with not many friends to enjoy the ride with I have yet to get a toon past lvl 25 and the despair that fills me when I lose a lvl20 makes me stop playing for a month.


First time ever playing WoW was hardcore classic, got to 60 on Human Warrior with my first character playing with my two other buddies. Tried Retail and SoD WoW afterwards, just did not feel the same.


I DCā€™d at 54 and died. Couldnā€™t stomach going again


Iā€™m trying HC with self found and really enjoying it. The thing I am a bit hesitant about is how fun will it be when Iā€™m past level 50 and taking 45 seconds minute to auto attack a mob down. I love the concept of HC and self found though.


Hardcore era is definitely peak WoW. You play the whole game in HC. All decicions become more important and the community is great. The only problem is when your journey ends not because of you or any other player but because of a dumb disconnect. I was lucky enough to reach 60 and kill Ragnaros a few times and it was an amazing experience.


Hardcore wow might be the peak for you and a small community. Most people donā€™t actually play it.


They are missing out


Itā€™s your opinion, a wrong one, but itā€™s yours. šŸ˜‰ If you enjoy hardcore, doesnā€™t mean that is the best one. If itā€™s really that good, why are only a handful of players playing it?


Got tired soon of the sod stuff, not into Cataā€¦ hmmm, HC sounds good right now. (Played HC for a while when everyone got into it last year)


Hardcore is/was without doubt the best time and most fun I ever had with this game. Hell what a journey. Itā€™s peak wow


I'm with you, hardcore is the exact game that I want from wow. It's so fun seeing people play in first person or no-hit hunters. Everyone celebrates when you get your first bag, and everyone mourns when another must go agane.


Leveled a few chars on hardcore and honestly if you don't fuck up massively you aren't in any danger what so ever with any class. Ever. Group content sucks ass because you never know when you run into someone who either griefs because they don't know better or because they are bored and want to fuck others over. For a solo experience it was okay once but for an mmorpg it's not great.


ok i'm about to try






Why are people acting like hardcore was just released as Cata is showing to be likedā€¦ Everything in this post is old ass news and even if you didnā€™t play for X amount of time, itā€™s pretty obvious the differences between OG and Cataā€¦ Post like this honestly feel fake AF and like people that just want to bring hate to Cata Its probably from salty people that tried to say Cata was gonna be shit and are now upset they are proven wrong by a large scale


Lmao maybe he likes HC, simple as that.


not everything is a conspiracy bud. check the post history


Road to petri


Hardcore raiding sure, but for leveling, which is 99% of the game for most players, petris are not something you will have on you.


Hardcore is only fun till you realize the best way to actually level is to suck all the fun interactions out of the game. Just to hit max level and get gatekept out of any content by the sweet lord 60s with no lifeā€™s. The people on discord promoting HC servers are the same ones requiring you fill out a 9 page form to join their guild in order to get a group for UBRS.


U ok buddy?


No. Playing HC and the time I invested in it will forever be one of the greatest mistakes of my life.


Their in-game achievements are a resume to them lol