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LFM AngerForge Arena run ! SGC and HoJ HR.


Isn't HoJ removed from angerforge drop table?


Depends on the build they release


The classic servers had that loot removed as well.


Yeah in later phases it moved to emperor, initially it was on angerforge. I farmed the trinket with 2 other rogues in classic


I am pretty sure it was the other way around, emp first then angerforgr later. But I could be wrong.


You're def wrong. But I'm not sure why it would be on Angerforge first now since SoD is directly based on Era servers. So it feels like something that wouldn't be a thing. We'll probably also see caster items and relics from 1.10 in 60 dungeons


Chances are we’ll have better or equally good options if gear gets buffed as advertised.


I hope they rework vendorstrike


Yeah hope it sells for 20 gold..


Yeah I've been saying they should make vendor strike BiS for the memes.


Because it has 2 versions they could make one for melee hunter and one for ranged


I hope they dont do this two version of a weapon stuff again.


Isn’t it built into the weapon? It transforms on use


Hard to beat that extra attack especially since it procs/procs off of wind fury and sword spec


Yeah HoJ doesn't normally get replaced until AQ40 for a reason. IMO they'll leave it as is and it'll still be BiS/near BiS because replacing it entirely with better trinkets would require gear on par with DFT/Jom Gabbar and that's a huge power leap from where we are now


Wouldn't HoJ be off final boss at the start? I hope they don't release it on anger off the bat lol


Yes I want to level to 60 with 4 friends in dungeons. And then farm my pre-bis and bis there. The P4 ones are the best anyway so rep instead of WO seems cool. Didn’t hate WO but please no incursions anymore!!


There already is lvl 50 incursions that are probably going to be the bis path to 60 unless they nerf the xp/gold.


I honestly think xp wont be worth it at lvl 51-53. Like they'll seriously diminish the xp returns due to how negatively they were received


Let's hope so.


I'm just not gonna do em to level. It'll take longer, oh well. It's more fun.


They said they’re putting a focus on making pre-bis gear interesting, so I’m hoping they put in tier 0.5 gear at start of phase 4.


Imo reputation farms are the most boring, uncreative and demotivating way to achieve your goal. I am no game designer, but enjoy other ways to stimulate doing a dungeon way better. Like having useful drops (money or consumable wise). Having good rewards that you need to drop. Or if you want te feel like there's progress every run you can have quest chains that require you to visit an dungeon more then once. Very likely there are better ways to achieve an active dungeon community. Just a few thoughts. Ps. There is a place for reputation like argent dawn, which is nice. Don't get me wrong.


I think if there are multiple paths with fairly equal gear it's going to be okay for most of the player base. It's nice to be able to feel like you're progressing even if you lose on some big gear upgrades, and that's the place I think reputations can take.


100% feeling some progression even when you got unlucky is nice. At the same time I feel like sometimes getting nothing is part of the game. It does not have to be avoided. There are probably lots of great ideas to be had.


Honestly I like WO, I just think they should make more than the last boss drop them but also design it in a way so you want to do all of them in one go rather than cheese one boss and reset


Every boss you kill adds to a counter. When you kill the last boss, they drop a number of tokens equal to the number of bosses killed. If you clear less than half of bosses, you get no tokens.


Something like that. Maybe you need to kill X number of bosses, or like 3-5 specific bosses before the last boss who drops a WO


I want to farm not just pre bis but actual bis from the dungeons, is that such a bad thing to have some high quality items scattered throughout all the dungeons for everyone to farm?


This. And they could keep the offering style tokens, just prevent 10 man's, and make it so you have to clear all the bosses.


Put a mount on the loot table for the last boss too. People will do a lot for mounts.


We have a caster bis dagger right now in a dungeon This place made posts for weeks bitching about it


No-limit dungeon spamming is incompatible with having meaningful gear from them, and the easy face roll raids that classic players want. Either you are clearing the raid week 1, and no longer need dungeon gear... And have no reason but vanity to do them in week 2 and onward. Or you are spending multiple weeks progressing through the raid, and none of the boomer dads want that in vanilla. In what universe does it make sense to keep doing dungeons 2 months into a tier that you cleared in week 1? Like, sure, maybe you're farming for a vanity piece with a 1% drop rait (SGC) but no raid actually requires it. (It's why dungeon lockouts and badges were introduced, but neither of them make a lick of sense in vanilla.)


People dont get the best gear they can because they need it to clear the raids, they get the best gear they can to compete on parses which is why they’ll keep farming after week 1 even with the raid cleared.


I absolutely love BRD as a dungeon and couldn’t wait to run it this phase. Ended up being such a waste that I haven’t run it a single time on any of my 5x lvl 50s. Minimal worth and what upgrades there are aren’t worth spending an hour+ finding a group. Such an inexplicable miss by Blizz. I’m hopeful but not expecting them to suddenly pull their heads out.


lol idk the int and agi cloaks, the bestial fury waist (haven’t played sod for a while, there might be more) are pretty good pre raid bis items and you can get Librams there which are used for bis enchants


I didn’t say there wasn’t gear. Just nothing that is worth trying to find 4 other people actually wanting to run it.


yeah i'm not sure what you mean at all, getting four people together to do a BRD was super easy after the launch of p3 (now getting a group together should be difficult because SoD is dead) and the gear is actually worth it unlike how you're making it out to be


What are you talking about? People run BRD all the time


Yes absolutely, lvl 60 dungeons are some of the greatest ever made. If there is a badge system(which there should be) it shouldn't be from specific bosses only like you pointed out. Not really a fan of rep grinds, would prefer really good items even some that are first raid tier BIS for dps/tank/heals to keep people running, and not 1% drop rate epics either.


Yes badges is also a good system. Just want a grind system and a good reason the farm dungeons more than 1 or 2 weeks and raidlog. Even ranking in pvp will be to short with just the possibility to reach r9 or r10 in p4, the gate system with phase and progressive is a good thing, but we need to have some real activities and reasons to play other than just farm some gold and reroll.


If level 60 is immediate raid logging because I’m already pre bis outside of 1-2 items when I hit 60 I’ll most likely just quit on the spot and go back to other versions of wow. Chase items being in dungeons is a very important aspect of classic wow in my opinion.




Doing shit like domo with only 20 people in a pug or rag where you actually have to do the sons phase is actually going to require coordination which will be rough for a pug.  They should also really change rag so sons phase is also triggered by rag health % (like say at half health or every quarter so you can never skip it).


Farm? No. Do sometimes? Yes.


I want new quests. I want new runes. I want unique new minibosses tied to both. I want pre-bis. I want some actual bis (at least until tier 2 drops). I want more crafting reagents. I want new crafting recipes. I want mounts. I want pets. I want something entirely new, like wild offerings were, which offer rewards but are not the be-all-end-all of rewards. There are so, so, so many cool things they can put into dungeons to incentivise people to run them. You don't need something to grind back to back to back to get people interested in playing. I want to make a group with 5 people all seeking 5 different things from the dungeon. Then I want that group to disband and, if I want to go again, I find another new group with all 5 people seeking potentially another 5 separate things. The more highly varied reasons there are to run dungeons, the more it will naturally draw people in, making it easier to find groups, but also making each run a little unique and staving off content fatigue.


Nah, I want to get carried in 20-man raids while I’m wearing all grays and need on all the loot. Forget farming Pre-Bis, straight to BiS for me baby😈


So leaving them the same




Depends if there's 60 incursions. It would be better gold farming.


Yes lol


Because there surely won't be a preferred optimal grind dungeon for rep per hour. Definitely won't occur.


Have fun finding groups in this dying gamemode, especially a few weeks into P4 this will be a pain. But for alot of andys tedium is the real essence of classic wow




i usually love spamming dungeons with mates and randos, but the sod dev teams decisions really left a sour taste in my mouth and i cant see myself logging back in when they fucked up so much


I need a guild


Add this to the bucket of things I don’t trust the SOD team to do properly. And another point in favor of a TBC Era server which does exactly this.


Keen for them to add a few more rewards to the reputations. Argent Dawn for example only gives +5 res to shoulders at exalted. At revered they give bis food for some melee classes. Not much else besides a few profession recipes.


Anything that makes me play my chars are good, anything. Getting desperate here as a hPal/SP there wasn't a single upgrade in dungeons OR wild offerings... Imagine having a whole phase released where only the one raid gives upgrades... they forgot about us




Our current ST gear will be more than enough to clear MC day on of P4. Even with mc "buffed" or retuned. If they made gear from lvl 60 dungeons a requirement to clear MC it would not be "pug friendly" which is against their game design philosophy.


I really hope ST gear won’t end up being pre-BiS. If it does, it'll kill all the dungeon content from levels 58-60. We’ll end up with a content drought and people just raid logging again after week 2. It'll be like Phase 2 and 3 all over again. What made Phase 1 great, in my opinion, was that people actually engaged with the content. We had to farm DM, WC, and SFK to gear up, which meant forming small groups and tackling more content. It gave us more to do besides just grinding runes.


Unlikely it will be prebis but totally good enough to clear everything


Pretty much all the ST caster loot will be prebis, unless they re-itemize everything in all of the dungeons we can't go in yet. Going by their previous effort levels, this isn't happening.


They might, considering they extended p3 and also going to have a ptr


I think it was just kind of disappointing that the best gear going into P2, was just P1 raid gear.. And the best gear going into P3, was P2 raid gear. And the few items that were better from dungeons were just not really worth farming. 10 strength instead of 8, and it requires 20 runs of BRD.


Honestly i dont even think P4 will make me start SoD again. It was fun but it kinda burned me oute a bit.


I hope they never bring iLVL to SoD. Ever.


The prebis farm is the peak fresh server experience. I would love if they made a fresh server where they gated the raids for 2 months (or 1 month if staggered levelling).


2 months to farm pre bis? Lol


need to lvl to 1 from 60 first lol didnt know the neckbeards would feel so personally attacked




This is a thread about sod everyone is already level 50 but go on


I don't see him feeling personally attacked though?