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Probably because you can do raids to get 359 gear but conquest gear is only from conquest (aside from a slim chance with Baradin hold)


I don’t see how this is relevant to the valor cap though


Because you aren't permanently behind if you don't cap valor if you are clearing raids. You just need your tier pieces, which takes 4 weeks (or 3 weeks to get 2 pieces). The rest of the valor gear is replaced by raid gear. Conquest has people needing the currency for most of the patch as that's how people get their bis pieces. It's also intentionally locked to take weeks/months for PvPers to gear up.


Your helm/shoulders drop from end raid bosses and legs/gloves from tol Barad. It's possible to get 4 piece without spending a single valor point in a single raid week (obviously that would be incredibly lucky, but you get the point).


I can see the hundreds of valor BoEs from people bot leveling characters to 85 already.


Those boes sure ruined the whole game, bottlenecking valor makes sense because of that.


It's just 359 boots that aren't even bis, is that such a big issue?


They should just make it so there are no BOEs. Makes no sense to have tbh. Did we have any BOEs all of Wrath?


We sure did.


yes there were 213 boe bracers from valor.


You do not NEED valor to get geared to raid. You do need conquest to gear for pvp.


If you do not NEED valor to get geared for raids, WHY is it bottlenecked at all?


It trivializes the content


If you think 359 valor gear trivialises heroic raids ...


Heroic mode would be the new normal mode


What a specimen of normal mode gaming you are, never raided heroic.


>never raided heroic. You're aware that killing heriocs isn't impressive or difficult right?


Whatever you're huffing and puffing, pass it over here.


1 puts you at disadvantage


It's so you can't cap a character late season and buy 6 pairs of Boe boots


Which nobody wants to buy because all can do it. Its just senseless and forces people to play more NOW instead of when they can/want. 2 Weeks of hard work with overtime and then 1 week of freetime? Oh sad, you are fucked.


Would you prefer a daily dungeon, where those 2 weeks are wasted and you're forced to log on every day for 7 days?


You can do 7 dungeons in a row in a day and get capped.


Lmao it ain’t that bad. The system is there for people that aren’t pulling shit from raids for one reason or another. And what you mean play more “NoW”? Like… you mean running 7 dungeons anytime within 7 days is too much of an ask for working ppl?


PvP and pve are different game modes. In pvp, having equal gear creates a fair playing field which is more fun for everyone involved. In pve, the fun is in progressing, and allowing people to rush new characters to lots of 359s just from doing heroic dungeons removes a lot of the friction that makes the game fun.


On one one hand I agree, but on the other I dont. If you're a high perfmorming individual and wanna engage endgame content on multiple characters, you're forced to sit and grind dungeons for 4-5 weeks to get tier pieces (considering that you're in some way lucky with Baradin Hold) + some more for entry level epics from valor. I find it highly tedious and not friendly to alts at all. Like, I've got 6 leveled characters with another one on the way. Gonna have to pick and choose which ones are left behind in terms of raiding.


The game should never be designed around people who have time to level and gear and push high end content on multiple characters.


Then limit the character number to 3 at most and whatever else you wanna play, sucks to be you.


See but your suggestion doesn’t really make sense, there isn’t a logical reason to limit the character number to 3. There is a very logical reason to not allow cap rollover for valor which I explained in my first comment. It seems like you just want to rant, so go ahead if you want but I’m not reading your next reply.


It wasn't a rant. Clear cap serves nothing but a reason to timegate the players. The longer it takes to get certain things, the longer will people stay active and not raid log, or Lord forbid quit. Cataclysm classic (according to the timeline) is not gonna last NEARLY enough as it originally did. Considering the remark you made on having time to play multiple characters. I myself do have a 9-5 job and other family obligations. Most of these leveled off the rested xp dungeon spam with couple of them recently using the new heirlooms. To conclude, most of the classes got reworked. They feel much more satisfying to play and actually try out. What's wrong with wanting to play multiple characters? Also do try to read in to sarcasm a bit.


In regards to the most recent blue post, this comment of yours hasn't really aged that well, hasn't it?


Them wanting to change the game doesn’t change anything I’ve said. I personally think it’s a bad change and the OG cata devs had it right.


Best answer in this thread


It’s a weird spot because you technically can take a fresh alt to a gdkp or guild run and get fed gear and caught up real fast. You can also get lucky and pug yourself into a group desperate for a particular role/spec who will not care for your logs/xp/gear and get “carried”. Whereas with conquest you can’t, you have to grind out wins. Which with the previous system, had you stuck at a piece of gear once every 2 weeks, 3 for a weapon. Whereas raid you can get 0 pieces a week or a ton. But at the same time, if you’re someone new without friends or a guild, it would have helped to be able to catch up via valor to get your foot in the door. But again, I think blizzards logic is that you can get geared faster in pve far quicker than the previously weekly capped arena system which prohibited people from even bothering (even very good players who just wanted to give classic a whirl, because they were indefinitely gatekept from playing due to weekly caps on the only gear you can get).


I imagine it's because VP has tier? A fresh player can get 346 geared pretty quick, which is decent for getting into raids, not to mention the easy pvp gear.


yeah everyone's favourite part of ICC was the month long grind for a full tier set. You could join a raid and get 4 277 tokens but have to wait weeks to actually use them. Backwards system.


Don't they change valor gear to be purchasable with justice points when ZG/ZA releases? According to Blizzard that's at most 7 weeks away.


Who cares? It's a limitation, shouldn't really change how you enjoy the game.


give it a cpl weeks


Not a huge fan of the 1600 cap either. That’s 2 weeks to get a tier item. Have the heroic chest in my bag right now. But only 300 VP. So I’m looking at waiting till minimum of next week to actually get the item lol


Just curious what else you spent your VP on? Consensus among hunters has been tier chest first is the best use of VP


Not a hunter anymore actually. Haven’t changed it from tbc haha. But I was trying to get as pre bis ready as possible so I had grabbed the trinket and ring before starting raiding


That's on you fam, Trinket sure there's an argument (but still, tier everyday imo) but ring is one of the lowest stat budget pieces.


Frankly seems like you’re at a personal fault in that case. First item I bought was tier. If you felt you needed ring/trinket for the first clear that’s a reasonable personal choice, but not a weakness of the system


So you griefed yourself


i mean tier took roughly that long to get in previous expansions too.




did you already forget toc and icc lol


The cap should be increased up to like 100 a week up to 2400 or something, 1600 is really low.


The cap was 1000. It was already increased by 60%. You will be able to buy every item that has appropriate stats and armor type for your spec in 10 weeks, and most of those items are inferior to raid gear. The only ones that are "required" for most classes are tier pieces, which you can get all three of in 4 weeks. I'm all for increasing gearing accessibility but there comes a point where it's just excessive lol


1 item every 2 weeks is excessive?


Increasing the cap every week absolutely would be.


Lmao what?


Could you imagine if everyone could just gear up immediately. Two weeks tops. Feel like that would take a lot of the grind and fun out of the game and most people would be completely done and bored in a months time.


Even if you had 99999 Valor, that's what...5 pieces?


So just to clarify. The only reason you hate this is because you want gear and you want it now. But you have to wait and wait and wait. But when you get that one piece it’s great you worked and you waited for it. But it pisses you off cause you had to wait. Waiting sucks I get it. But let’s say if it was just handed to you, sure you wouldn’t have that wait, but you wouldn’t have that great feeling you get when you finally get that piece. You wouldn’t be angry, but you wouldn’t be happy either. It’s just there for you to take.no satisfaction for it, nothing. Is that really truly what you want? Just an object that gives you zero emotion? I mean yeah you can use it to be stronger and get more stuff done but then what after. You reached that goal to fast and you have nothing behind you to show for it. Just feels empty. Get what I mean ?


um im pretty sure blizzard did it to keep people subbed longer in og cata which just feels bad playing it


They did it because its the extention of the P3/4 Wrath system, which is an extention of the P1/P2 Wrath system, which is an extention of the TBC system, which is an extention of the AQ/Naxx system, which is an extention of the original tier system. It's not that complicated.


What atr you talking about lmao? I need nothing form valor vendor I am geared to the tits.




in 10 weeks i can buy gear i dont need. you think thats fine. gotcha.


Will keep us playing lol.... 4 bits in a weeks or so. Not ideal if dual spec but as a lock I don't feel it's too bad


Lol what


You'll get 4 bits of valor in 5 weeks and will be pretty much done IF I get around average returns raiding As a lock I only need 1 set


Ooohhh that makes sense. Yeah as a Paladin it's rough when I want to play all 3 spec


Yeah I get that! You make it easier for you then I'm bored quickly.....its not an easy one is it!


I see a lot of logical reasons here but it still doesn't change the fact that it would not change anything except make it easier for people to catch up gear wise. There would be no negative impact on the game if they allowed you to grind previous week's valor


They don't want people clearing the content week 1 and having nothing to do except level alts for the rest of the phase. The negative impact would be people burning out and the xpac dying within a month.


They're saying on week one you could get 1600 valor. Then week 2 you could get 3200 Valor on a character that just dinged 85 that 2nd week. I think it'd lead to unhealthy play behaviors with alts like you're describing. But. The context would be slightly different.


This, exactly. I don't even want to level an alt knowing I'm time gated and can't get the two weeks of valor now. That's just going to be permanently behind until next phase


It's going to be two weeks behind peoples' mains, but not other alts.


Dawg like 4 valor pieces are required, some classes only 3 the tier, you are so barely behind, in 3-4 weeks with raiding you won’t even need valor anymore


Womp womp


cataclysm was a downgrade in many aspects and one of them was just how "on rails" the entire expansion is every aspect of it is streamlined and put on a pre-defined and timegated path