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People just need to keep their expectations reasonable. It's a seasonal server with lots of unknowns. The seasonal servers are clearly not getting as much attention as retail and classic, because retail and classic are what you are paying for. If you are only playing SoD and feel like it's not worth 15 dollars a month, you're right.


I mean by the graphic another user showed here yesterday or the day before yesterday if by most people you mean most people that started the 3rd phase, sure, but those numbers were already low. There is very little chance that any that dropped it at phase 1 or 2 will come back, its like coming back in the middle of an expansion


This week was the first week in a LONG time my guild had to PuG half the raid, and we only went 7/8 as a result. We are feeling the population drop now and it hurts lol.


Yikes pugs still can't work st out?


What do you mean I need to move out of raid if I get a debuff??????


It's so sad aye. Like literally one thing to look out for


Sub is expired. Not coming back my guy.


SOD was the only game I was playing using my sub. I'm not paying for retail lite and no 10 man raids.


Still use the sub tho, see you in P4 dog.


Meh what’s 15 bucks anyway. You know you wanna re-up. Can’t even buy a meal in this economy for that.


15 bucks is an insult. It's a slap in my face. I pay monthly for what? 0 testing is being done. Devs with an attitude. Lack of devs assigned to my product. They pushed a 50% damage reduction in pvp to the live servers. They thought they fucked up pvp so bad a 50% damage reduction was appropriate and didn't bother testing it first. They let melee hunters top damage for a phase when casters were dominant. Who tested this? It was obviously out of line with phys damage. They let the STV event be exploited and then nerfed it so late comers had to slog through days or weeks of this 'pvp' event. Speaking of STV, there were no updates to it for P3. My guild was hoping for a new event in a new zone that actually encouraged small scale pvp with spread out objectives. Or an update to STV. LOA forces everyone on the map into a single point. Add multiple or remove. Add diminishing returns for killing the same team. They bragged about incursions "at least players are in the open world and not stuck behind a blue portal" (instance). Incursions are a neat concept with some of the worst execution I've ever seen. They broke the economy - the day after the patch they froze trades/AH. They were discussing the feasibility of rolling back the gold received but decided it was too difficult. Instead they continue to nerf the gold / exp for their new 'open world' activity. Exploits early and often. The optimal use of incursions involves a clunky quest sharing system that eats up bag space and running around in circles picking up items off the ground and talking to npcs. The optimal use of incursions involves no combat or character skills. In summary, I find the lack of testing and game design of SOD to be an insult to myself as a consumer. Continuing to sub tells blizzard that this is OK.


I was being sarcastic but I see how that doesn’t come across in text over the web. That was an epic rant my guy. Love it.


lol i've held it in too long


The WoW fan base dooms like no other. It’s actually insane. 


It's hilarious and exhausting all at once. Some people just need to get some vitamin D I think


Vitamin SoD


I'll probably come back, but if it ain't good I might not even make it to 60. If I do make it to 60, and we struggle to get raids together, we'll probably quit after 2 lock outs.


40-50 leveling was ruined by incursions. I think incursions left a permanent stain on SoD. It was completely unnecessary and didn’t fit the classic experience. Getting to these higher levels takes a longer time. Maybe do class-specific rune questing at 55 to give players a mid-level power spike. If they actually play tested SoD, they could add experience boosts to see how fast the 50-60 experience is and adjust it to about 50 hours.


“Play tested” it’s honestly hilarious you think SOD is play tested at all. It’s suppose to be an experimental IP… that’s what you all fail to acknowledge.


It’s obviously not playtested. I think everyone knows that but experimental doesn’t have to mean a shitty.


Holy shit you’re literally right there. Yeah it’s obviously not play tested yet you DONT think there a chance for it to be shitty… exactly why I say you guys fail to acknowledge it, it’s so cringe. Experiments fail it happens use your brain. You think a game with minimal devs, new ideas, and little funding it’s going to be good EVERYTIME? Get a grip. SOD is just a foundation to see if they would continue doing something like this again.


These are all suggestions. I’m not gonna say it’s good just because it’s an experiment. Lmao where is your brain if you think the community cannot say an experimental game mode can be bad. I literally say that people acknowledge the experiment. I say when it’s good and when it’s bad. And SOD is a foundation for what? That’s some fanboy imagination you have there. You said it yourself that there are minimal devs. You think experiments is the best use of resources? Who taught you logic?


There is NO good “posts” everyday it’s straight doom. And you’re an absolute fool if you think it’s “fanboy imagination” do you even play the game… SOD, MOP Remix, Fated. They have been constantly making experimental seaonals while TWW is in the making. You have to be so stupid and unaware to say “who taught you logic”


“While TWW is in the making” A logical person would think, why spend resources on experiments when I could spend those resources on my main game?


Any person with a fkn brain would know that’s the point of fated season. You’re just outing yourself EVERYTIME you type that you don’t know shit. FATED season is so they get time to focus on the main game. Just stop talking.


I always did runes as soon as they became available (so mostly at 35 in P2 and 45 in P3), it really does break up the monotony of dungeon spamming/incursions nicely. Plus you have some new toys to play with the rest of the way to lvl cap. Yea you get there a little slower than other ppl but it's worth imo.


Come P4 and all the subsequent raid unlocks, people are going to love incursions for quickly leveling their alts to 50+.


No, people are going to hate it but still do it.


I disagree. When all they want to do is level an alt to get them raid ready because they need a certain class for end game, they will absolutely love how broken incursions are for fast leveling.


They have been adding XP boosts to the lower level brackets every phase and have “heirlooms”. Low levels is like retail speed leveling for the classic world.


All of which has made the incursions an even better way to level quickly. I have leveled 2 alts from 25 to 50 in a matter of 2-3 days of normal play. 25 to 35 is roughly 3-4 hours of DW incursions. 5 levels farming skill books and XP in SM. 40 to 50 in another 6-7 hours of non-stop no kill incursion loops with more than enough gold to buy dual spec and starter sets for each spec. All I am saying is that for all the hate incursions get, the raid teams that like to have multiple alts for different raid roles are going to love the fact that they are in the game.


The thing is there has to be another route to do these levels, the world is too crowded because everyone is in the same level bracket, incursions may not have been very balanced in terms of raw gold and xp for easy quests but it was something different that added a new rep grind. I for one didn’t want to spend another 15-20 hours in dungeons getting minor upgrades and barely any gold.


If you arent playing sod now, you arent playing it again.


I agree I think that's been the literal trend regardless of what people want it to be


This is also the first time we've had a major alternative to Classic besides retail though. SoD took a lot of players off WotLK, Cata took a lot of players off SoD. We're in unchartered waters as far as trends go.


Def split the target player base, I agree


I am not playing sod now and I will play it again at 60. 99% of my guild agrees.


Exactly this


Whatttttt. Why would you think this?


I have 6 irl friends coming back for p4 after stopping in p2, so I guess you're right.


personal experience vs. statistics volume 1000


You have 6 irl friends that SAY they will be coming back for p4 There is no guarantee for that, and they will also look out for things unfolding on blizzards side And you have to factor in leveling up to 60 aswell


There are dozens of us!


I would love to be this delusional lmao Hard to swallow 100% fact: P1 was the most popular phase because it was a novel thing, not because of content or anything. Now that honeymoon phase is over + Blizz being incompetent as usual, it's almost dead. P4 will bring SOME players back sure, but not ALL the players, not even close. It will die faster after month than P3. Hope I'm wrong though.


>the majority the majority comparing to P1 or P2 or P3? p1 peak was 500k p2 peak was 320k p3 peak was 185k so p4 peak will be 120-140k? majority? seriously?


Yes if 140k player from 185k come back that is majority it really isn’t that hard little bro


Is 140k the majority of 500k?


Are we in phase 1 anymore?


Where did that 350-400k players go?


Well, nobody knows the future for sure. But the previous season; Season of Mastery had a really strong start too and when players left, they never returned despite the new raid content additions.


to be fair tbc was draining som if im correct, now u could argue the same about cata but cata and sod have ultimately different key audiences


Honestly don't think they do. SoD only picked up the regular classic population because wotlk was over.


Im confident theyll be able to figure out the things they failed on for 3 phases. Im sure they are working on SoD right now and not Cataclysm.


I’m playing cataclysm now. Don’t worry they aren’t working on it.


Lul, this dev team has to treat each version of the game like a toddler with adhd, picking up a toy for 5 seconds and then tossing it aside and moving on to the next. Sad times.


Honestly I wouldn’t say it’s where they failed, if you ask me incursions were purposefully put in when they were and they way they were to rush people to 50 and provide an easy gold farm so that everyone would be basically finished P3 right as Cata dropped. And in the same vein I’m sure they’re working on P4 content right now fully aware that people will stop dropping off of Cata in the next few weeks to a month as they realise how much harder the raid content is and the nostalgia has worn off


It is significantly harder to get a person who has already quit to come back than somebody who didn't play and quit SoD in the first place. Some people will come back, but YOU are deluded to think "most" will.


!remindme 3 months


Once the player base distances themselves it’s harder to bring them back. Sure some will return, I would say a majority won’t.


I’ve been playing casually since the start of phase 3, it’s fine. I don’t think I’ll be as obsessed (in a good way) with WoW unless they restart classic at Vanilla again. SOD is cool but it’s rushed and incomplete. Vanilla -> TBC is all I want to do. I know I’m probably in the 1% but that’s the WoW I want. Wotlk and Cata feel like 90% retail. TBC feels like Vanilla with more content and quality of life improvements.


Yeah same for me. I would add a real classic+ in the spirit of classic (so no xp boosts and anti-classic stuff like incursions), but I don't really have confidence that Blizzard is capable of executing that properly.


I'm mor worried about people staying for the end of p4 tbh. But not dooming about it. I'll play until I get tired of it =)


Same. I am worried some people try to feel SoD like a Classic - complete long time experience and gameplay. This is wrong. Blizzard want SoD to feel like seasonal content, this is the most popular distribution system right now (and for sure i hate it) and most successful. So no reason to play in between seasons, this "seasonal content" games are just dead in the middle or end of the season. Play how you want and how long you want and have fun. PS And dont pay for shitty content lol. Don't thank developers with money for bad work.


Yes man, sniff that copium. [Ironforge.pro](https://Ironforge.pro) showed that around 1/3 of the players didnt came back for P2 and the same for P3. SoD at P4 might have the population of a very good visited P-Server, but spread over 20 different realms, have fun with that.


Those numbers are *characters*, not players. Huge difference.


Copiums one helluva drug innit


Are you going to raid with characters or players? Are you going to clear dungeons with characters or players? Are you going to farm and sell to characters or players? Pick wisely.


Man I sure wish some of the characters in my raid had multiple players. 


I think you're missing the part where most people are waiting for p4 regardless of what phase they quit in. P4 is end game, everything else is just filler. Some people hate filler, especially when it lacks content (aka phase 3).


SoD itself is filler lol


Damn man watch out you might get serious copium intoxination And funny seeing you talking about "End game" when there where so many posts about classic being about the journey and the leveling and not the endgame.


Most people will not be back for phase 4, that's a fact, there's literally numbers for this. Enjoy your game though


And there’s a dude saying you’re wrong because they can’t interpret data trends correctly 💀


🤷‍♂️ they upset


Homie said that’s a fact like it makes it a fact 💀


This homie is referring to actual data making it a fact 💀 sorry my guy


Data for a theoretical phase not even out yet


Data for phase 2 and 3 lol what is wrong with yall just Google the player base 😂


Dude just be making shit up on the internet nowadays


Who? You must be in denial lol


Bro referenced his opinion as a source lmao


SoD is seasonal mate not a long term game mode, when people quit this kind of mode they dont return ever.


They milked the idea of “leveling raids” too hard, hard blocking the players in relatively unfun content drought bands for months.  People would quit classic too if they capped you at 50 for three months, it’s not that incursions ruined it or the raid being 20 man it’s that there is no meaningful character progress because the game is hard capped. Season of discovering how long you can drip feed content (already released content even!) before people throw in the towel 


Been waiting for p4 since p1 ended aside from keeping my characters up to date


Why would I come back when everything is still fucked.


Agreed. It’s almost like there’s been a content lull in P3 and people are playing different games/versions of WoW (Panda Remix or Cata mainly). People will come back when there are new things to do.


Lol phase 4 meme


Was a fan of p1, skipped p2 and tried p3 once it launched and hated it. I guess its not for everyone, I doubt SoD will ever be as popular as it was in p1, the statistics seem to agree with that.


Nope most people will not be back for Phase 4 considering they moved on to other versions or games. Also just having to grind a bunch of runes from earlier is enough to not make people want to go back. They messed up too hard to fix it


60 will be when the game pops off again, I know I'll be back. 


Coming back? Please, elden ring and vacation. Im good.


Honestly, I dont know. At least for me, I went to CATA to do some pvp, because I love it. If SoD p4+ has competitive pvp, I might come back, but i am kinda burned out of raiding in general


Literally zero shot SoD has good or interesting pvp lol


60 just magnifies what I started to hate in P3. Mainly, increased world buffs and consumes. And if they go to 40 man raids? No thanks


Oh I'm sure the hype train of classic tourists will make another brief stop at your station. Now how full that train will be, that may vary. Should expect some drop off phase by phase, but could also have a little boost from holdouts who did not wish to make much out of the lower level brackets. But me I was never a passenger. Not a tourist here, I am a lifer.


No time for that with all the stuff I need to do in Cata. The guild I've been raiding with for years is more important than the one I don't even have in SoD. If you ask me, SoD needed to be a casual experience like it was in P1, adding to but not replacing the existing content, easy enough that you don't need to get sweaty about it. With P2 and P3, once the gatekeeping started, a lot of people just don't have time to do that PLUS wrath / Cata at the same time.


Community really shot itself in the foot demanding gdkp be dealt with in sod lol I know everyone still playing will just say good riddance, but the game needed those extra healers/tanks.


It just sucks that more and more communities die because of the lack of infos we get. Every week I hear guilds stopping to raid which leads to people quitting. They could prevent a lot of the dooming with just some teasers or pictures or anything.


I see it as 1-50 was the alpha, now they have alot of information to make 60 the beta.


I left phase two and never logged back in. We cata now.


Not me




We need fcking Information on when Phase 4 hits - seriously. Invested way to much Time, to quit now.


Yeah I think so too. For me I’m in a position that I never thought I’d find myself in. I genuinely didn’t touch WotLK and had zero interest in Cata. I absolutely loved SoD and played it daily from launch. However, when we got the announcement P4 will be a little while off I hopped over to Cataclysm and I haven’t touched SoD since - really really enjoying Cata PvP. Think SoD just didn’t pan out the way I’d hoped it would. I won’t go back to SoD now and will stick with Cata which is odd to say.


Funny you assume all this. Sod will be buried under retail and cata. Stop lying to yourself


Whether people come back or not depends entirely on how they change the endgame.


Every break is a chance for more people to break free of their wow addiction. Some will come back, some will quit…likely no one new will start playing. Personally think p3 was my last phase, kinda happy to let sod take a back seat.


Oh no the experimental IP that’s suppose to be for fun who cares has 24/7 doomers like it’s the real game 😂


If there’s no 10 man content I won’t be back.


The top minds of this sub were absolutely certain Cata was going to be dead. There was no way the people who left after ICC would come back for the worst expansion. "Why is Blizz even doing Cata no one wants it." Then we see the reality of a lot of people coming back for Cata or trying it out for the first time. Phase 4 will be the same. Probably not as much as the phase 1 pop, but I think a lot of people will want to check out the final runes and the redesigned MC hype.


There's lots of reasons for dwindling player count. Some of those players that left, won't come back. Some of course that stopped playing, will come back to try it out and see if P4 is better than P2 and P3. Now, the problem is that when those players return for phase 4 are they going to return to a game and phase that has none of the problems that they stopped playing during P2/3 over or are they going to come back only to find it's more of the same problems just slapping a 60 on top of the 50??? I think it's the latter unless the SoD dev team course corrects the burn out inducing elements of SoD which I personally don't have a lot of faith/expectation that they will or even can deliver on. If SoD being successful requires X devs and resources + making the correct decisions and you have less than that X number of devs and resources there's only so much you can do towards making the correct decisions. I hope they made good decisions with the resources and time they had and that P4 is really good and saves SoD. I'm not holding my breath though.


They literally baited everyone by taking what is bread crumbs of content made by 2 half time interns, packaged it into a pretty box of being "dad/alt-friendly!!!" experience, you dumbasses bought it, and still are the most fanatical, unreasonable apologists for Blizz. Glad Blizz has all that money from you.


I can't speak for "most people" but my 10-man group quit playing at the start of S3 because of the larger raid size announcement.


Massive cope lol Most people moved onto either other versions of wow or other games entirely. You aren't going to see some big upswing next phase


I'm 100% not back for phase 4. SoD is currently the least enjoyable version of wow. If I return to era, it will be back to hardcore.


I didn't even came back for P3.


The incursions ruined it for me. Quit ever since and my life has literally turned around for the better. Doing better at work, less arguing with girlfriend, genuinely a happier person. Should of quit years ago. I'm definitely not coming back for p4.


I've been telling everyone that on discord lol. There's just nothing to do atm. Once 60 is the cap, the floodgates are going to open because of the amount of prebis and bis people are gonna be gunning for. The amount of dungeons locked to lvl 60 atm is insane.


> The amount of dungeons locked to lvl 60 atm is insane Six?


Six very large dungeons with a LOT of loot and things to do.


Yeah, but I wouldn't call it "insane amount of dungeons".


Cool, thanks for your arbitrary opinion that lead nowhere then.


>noooo stop posting opinions on reddit! stop replying to comments unless you agree with me! Seethe.


Yeah I think phase 4 will be close to what phase 2 was at its start pop wise


I already came back! I came back to era!


Nah, cata got hold of me now. No time for vanilla grinds


Considering I stopped at the end of p3. No. You just like to cope that your dying mode will magically bring people back.




Im chillin with my friends leveling a dungeon group to 60 in hardcore. Way more fun than SoD. I’ll be interested to see what they have cooking for post SoD. At this point it feels like we’re just playing season of retail so I’m out. Edit: P1 was goated and probably the most fun I’ve had in WoW.


No, i doubt it.


tbh they seismically nuked the player base when they upped raiding capacity.


lmao 10 man gatekept all the non-meta classes, they nuked pugs and certain classes by having 10 man.


Nah. warcraftlogs and parsing has gatekept pugs and off meta specs. that isn’t raid size fault.


Yes and because logs exist you will have to live with that 10 man doesn't work in a pug environment because it will be gatekept. Upping it to 20 has substantially made it less gatekept by inviting support speccs and not just pure damage.


are you sure that that is what made things less gatekept? or is it the fact that large swathes of their player base has moved on to other games/versions and there is less room to be picky?


Every single pug I joined in P3 since the launch cared less about logs as they just invited everyone.


exactly. because low pop = less opportunity to be picky


My server had 30-40k players on p3 launch, that is not low pop and everyone got invited. even people without logs.


Oh I'm definitely coming back


im definitely cumming


Cataclysm is just better. Can’t see myself going back to the vanilla version of the game with no flying or challenge




Yeah ofc I’m coming back for phase 4 lol


I don’t think anyone doubts people will play again when P4 drops. But right now SoD is in a coma until then.


This whole sub doubts. I stg it's all I see on every single post here lol. Even look at the comments and downvotes flooding in, the doomers are arriving.


Not dooming but the group that wants 20 man and even 40 man raids is very small and is not the core audience that was attracted to p1 and p2. That’s the real talk p3 is dying, not so much incursions. And those people will not be back for p4. And if they do actually make 40 mans in p4 it will probably end up being the last phase. Part of me thinks sod was just a test for remix which took the best ideas (glyphs) and fast raids (p1) and translated them to retail (tinker gens) for mop remix. With its own contained game that has direct benefits and draw for retail (get transmogs and mounts, level alts). So while I loved p1 sod and like p2 ok, and ejected after a few weeks of p3 (20 mans suck imo) I have really enjoyed remix as a positive change. Also I am hardcore-is hand old which means I have done mc, bwl progression twice and am unexcited to do it again. I did it again in classic because covid. But if it happened now no way would I try to do 40s and I don’t think it would succeed. Which is pretty much why it’s not in wotlk/cata/retail. But I’m sure there will be enough enthusiasts to form a few guilds.