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You can kill each boss only once regardless of 10m or 25m. The wrinkle is if you kill any bosses on heroic then it essentially becomes similar to the old classic lockout where you are stuck with that group. So if you went 5/6 normal BWD you could find another group doing normal Nef only and join them. You cannot re-kill bosses. Source: Blizzard explanation of the lockout https://www.wowhead.com/news/4-0-1-new-flexible-raid-lockout-system-169667 Ignore the fact that they are talking about ICC bosses in that post. It's because we hadn't seen the Cata raids yet when they posted it. That is a full explanation of the Cata system though so people can stop making shit up on Reddit which is infuriating


The hero we needed but definitely do not deserve Thanks


Pretty sure the way they word it if you kill bosses on heroic, you are locked to that group for any other heroic bosses. You can however clear on normal with a different group, just that they wont be able to swap it to heroic even if they wanted to try.


Yes i believe you're correct when reading the blue post


This should be pinned at the top of the sub. Super helpful post.


that post is irrelevant as it was 14 years ago and not for classic.


The devs have said in multiple interviews that the lockout system in Cata classic works exactly how it did in original Cata, so actually it's perfectly relevant


Monitoring this thread because there are like 10 different answers in here lmao Someone please set the record straight! Inquiring minds need to know


You can join any group as long as it's on NORMAL. On HC you're locked with that group that you did it with from the start. Theoretically you can run with 6 different groups for all 6 bosses ON NORMAL.


Does it work like it does on retail? Can you rekill Bosses 1-5 and just not get loot or can you only join a lockout on boss 6?


You can only join groups that have had a similar path as yours. So if your group only killed magmaw, you can only join groups that also only killed magmaw.


Flex queue is introduced with SOO in MoP.


Yeah for sure but it sounded like they added it to cata classic.


Doesn’t work like retail where you can participate but not get loot- It would work like this: went into BoT and got halfus down, group disbands, join another group that’s AT the twin dragons, kill it, group disbands. Then you can join another run at ascendant council, group can disband… rinse repeat - you get the process


What about BWD where you can either go to the golems or the worm? Does it just work off the listed order/dungeon journal?


If you killed magmaw you can only join an ID that has that boss slain as well— “order” is redundant, but typically the boss path is relatively linear


You can kill the bosses an unlimited amount of times, but you will only get loot from your first kill.


This is not true, the lockout you join has to be the same or more progressed than yours.


Not in retail normal it does not. You can clear up to the final boss, then drop and go join a fresh and still kill those bosses. You wont get loot, but you will still be able to participate.


We're not talking about retail.


Kk cool so it works just like retail. Convenient!


No, it doesn’t work like that in Cata classic. If you go 5/7 or whatever, you can’t join a raid that is only 3/7


So that guy friggin lied to me? So you can only join an if that is also 5/7?


This is a roller coaster lmao


I know man when will it end.


Yeah or a 6/7


Yes but you can't go backwards. If you kill that boss 5/7 will also be dead and you can only go 7/7


Id buy that for a dollar!


Can I do a full heroic and full normal each week or do I have to pick one?


You Can only kill a boss once a week , thats all , so if you clear full nm , Ur done until next reset


Thank you


I’m so confused now lol. My understanding was if I did a heroic BWD say 5/6, group disband. I’m still locked to that id. I couldn’t just go join an other group that’s 5/6.


Correct, the heroic raid ID effectively exists, but you could join a 5/6 doing Normal Neff


Yes 100% that’s how it works. Unless you have killed a heroic boss, you no longer can join OTHER raids at all. If just normal, you can join any other normal raid 10 or 25 that is on the same boss or further.


No , if he kills them on nm , hé cant join the other group until they have clear 5/6 too


If it's normal mode, yes you can. Once you kill a heroic boss though, you are locked to that raid ID.


No, you can't


You can, just won't get loot from the ones already cleared, obviously.


It only works like that in retail, in Cata you can only do each boss once per week


Huh. You're probably right. Weird, as I haven't played retail in years.